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Lysithea/Supports: Difference between revisions

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===B Support===
===B Support===
'''Claude:''' As you can see, if we were to face an enemy on this terrain, I would go here...and you would go here.<br>
'''Lysithea:''' Hang on... If we're trying to repel the enemy, I should be positioned there, correct?<br>
'''Claude:''' Huh? I'm not sure that's the best idea. Take a closer look at this map. See, there's a graveyard over here. Might run into some of those ghosts you hate so much.<br>
'''Lysithea:''' Claude! Will you knock it off already? So help me, if you continue treating me like a child, I'll—<br>
'''Claude:''' Easy there! I'm sorry, OK? Just don't start blasting off any spells in here.<br>
'''Lysithea:''' Hmph! I've more pride than to turn an unarmed soldier to cinders. It wouldn't kill you to speak to me as an equal when we're discussing matters as serious as this!<br>
'''Claude:''' Actually, I see you as more than an equal. There's no questioning the power you wield. And I was being serious about the formation just now. The bit about the ghosts was just me having fun with you. Or...trying to? You're so smart, I figured you'd catch on to that right away. But back to the formation... Can you see why I arranged it like I did?<br>
'''Lysithea:''' Hmm...<br>
'''Claude:''' The area I want you to guard requires the ability to adapt to an ever-changing situation. Who else could I trust with such a difficult task? You're my best bet for something like that.<br>
'''Lysithea:''' Perhaps that's true...<br>
'''Claude:''' Think back to the times we've fought together. When have I ever treated you like a child on the battlefield? I depend on you, Lysithea. I value your power almost as much as I do Teach's.<br>
'''Lysithea:''' Truly?<br>
'''Claude:''' I swear to you on all of Fódlan. I like to have my fun, but I wouldn't joke about something like that. I consider you a valued ally. I'll stop now, before I inevitably drift back into teasing you again. Just know that I meant every word, OK?<br>
'''Lysithea:''' Fair enough, then. From here forward, see to it that you treat me with the respect of an equal. And... I admit that you are not short on talent yourself, but don't go getting a big head over it.

===A Support===
===A Support===

Revision as of 17:32, 15 April 2020

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This page contains all data pertaining to Lysithea's supports in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Byleth (M)

Small portrait lysithea fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait byleth m fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Lysithea: Honestly, what do they all take me for? I'm fine. Perfectly and completely fine. It's hardly different from daytime. I'm not scared. Ahhhhh! Guh-guh-GHOST! Uh... Hang on... Professor? Is that you? Oh, well... Good evening! Hahaha!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Where are you headed? What are you doing?

Lysithea: Oh, I left something in the dining hall, so I'm on my way to fetch it. But you don't need to come with me or anything like that. I'm fine on my own—really!

I wasn't planning on it...

Lysithea: You weren't? Oh. Apologies for making an assumption. The truth is, everyone I come across asks if I'd like some company. They all seem to think I'll be scared wandering alone at night. So rude and presumptuous, you know? I'm perfectly capable of being on my own!

Of course. Good evening, then.

Lysithea: Hey! Professor, wait!, well... I thought it might be nice to walk and talk together, to the dining hall. Shall we? To be abundantly clear, this has nothing to do with my nonexistent fear of ghosts.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'd be happy to. Actually, I'm a bit busy...
Lysithea: Oh, you must be bored! Fantastic, then! Lysithea: Oh, are you on patrol? You should probably patrol on over to the dining hall, then!
(Byleth nods)
Lysithea: Wonderful! After all, there's lots of very important... food stored there.

Lysithea: Do you mind, um, filling the void with some chatter? Some find silence to be a bit unsettling, after all.

What would you have me say?

Lysithea: OK, I confess. I AM scared of ghosts! The monastery is unnerving to me at night. So can we talk about something, please? Anything! I've noticed for quite some time now—you treat all your students equally, don't you? You've never treated me differently simply because I'm younger than the others. And I've always appreciated that.

You're younger?

Lysithea: Isn't it rather obvious? I'm roughly two to three years younger than the rest of the class. Have you just not been paying close enough attention to those you teach? That's poor form for a professor... Oh! There, I've found what I was looking for! Well, I'd better be on my way now. Good night!

B Support

Lysithea: Professor, thank you for helping me with my training.


Lysithea: I'd love to do this again, if possible. Your advice is always so useful. Everyone thinks you're a wonderful teacher. You account for people's weaknesses while capitalizing on their strengths. Initially I wasn't sure you paid too much attention to your students. Clearly, I was wrong. After all, were that the case, you wouldn't be capable of providing such useful feedback. I'll continue to learn and grow from your instruction, Professor. I just know it!

You're quite determined.

Lysithea: You think I'm determined?

Yes. You're always pushing yourself.

Lysithea: Professor, I... Thank you! You're the only one who's ever praised me like that. I mean, people are always telling me I've got a knack for magic. If you can call the power of my Crests a "knack," they aren't wrong, per se. Though bearing two Crests isn't a gift I ever asked for... Anyhow, I've made a point to work harder than most and not rely too heavily on the power they bestow. So I find it frustrating that the only praise I seem to receive is directly related to that power. If you've noticed how hard I work, then, well... It just... It makes me very happy.

Why do you work yourself so hard?

Lysithea: Well, you see... I... It is because I am the only child of House Ordelia. I must do all I can for my family name. I'm determined to someday be of real value to them, and that day must come soon. I can't waste any time. I don't have much of it left... Anyway, I should be going. Thank you again for your help!

A Support

Lysithea: Thank you for helping me with my training again today, Professor. I'm gonna keep at it for a while longer, so you go on ahead.

You should get some rest.

Lysithea: I can't. Not when I'm right on the cusp of using my power to greater potential. Surely you yourself are tired. Just...don't worry about me, OK?
(Lysithea collapses)
Byleth: ...

Lysithea: I'm sorry, Professor. It was careless of me to continue, despite how fatigued I clearly was. I probably should have listened to you. Now I've made a mess of things. I can't help but feel the need to rush, in all things, constantly. You get that way when you realize... you haven't got much time.

What do you mean?
In Verdant Wind

Lysithea: I believe I've mentioned that House Ordelia was, at one time, being controlled by people from the Empire. During that time, strange people—mages, perhaps—came and performed rituals on all the youth within my family.

In any route but Verdant Wind

Lysithea: Eighteen years ago, House Ordelia was involved in a civil conflict within the Empire. All we did was respond to a call for aid. We weren't involved politically. But once the rebellion was crushed, my family was held responsible for the aid we gave, and the Empire gained some sway over us as a result. At the time, the noble houses of the Alliance took a passive stance. No one lent aid to my family. As a result, some key officials within the family were killed, and people from the Empire were sent to replace them. Among those people were some mysterious mages. They were...unsettling, in a word. Skin pale as death. One after another, they captured and imprisoned the children of our household. They began performing terrible rituals on the children... Though it's probably more accurate to call them experiments.

Lysitheaw: With the Empire monitoring our every move, my parents could do nothing but watch in horror as all of this unfolded. One after another, the children died, until the only one left...was me. You know, my hair wasn't always this color. During their experiments, they'd been doing things with my blood. One morning, I awoke like this—a shock of white hair, all trace of pigment, gone. Upon seeing me, the mages were delighted. They realized that their experiments had finally succeeded. Sure enough, they ran a test and saw that two Crests coexisted within me. Losing pigment from my hair wasn't the only loss. The mages informed me that my lifespan was now greatly shortened. Five more years at most. Perhaps less.

How awful...

Lysithea: Shortly thereafter, the mages lost interest in me, and we never saw them in the Ordelia household again. Since all that, our family has been in decline—it's challenging now even to govern our territory. After all my mother and father have suffered, I at least want them to have peace as they grow older. That is all I wish for...but I haven't much time to ensure it comes to pass.

It's too soon to give up.

Lysithea: It's not like what's been done to me can be undone.

Let's try to find a way to undo it.

Lysithea: Professor... The only way I can conceive of would be to remove my Crests somehow. But I don't know if that's even remotely possible. Even if it were... I wouldn't be of much use to you and the others without my Crests.

We will find a way.

Lysithea: You sound resolved. I'll allow your resolve to bolster my own! Thank you, Professor.

S Support

Byleth (F)

Small portrait lysithea fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Lysithea: Honestly, what do they all take me for? I'm fine. Perfectly and completely fine. It's hardly different from daytime. I'm not scared. Ahhhhh! Guh-guh-GHOST! Uh... Hang on... Professor? Is that you? Oh, well... Good evening! Hahaha!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Where are you headed? What are you doing?

Lysithea: Oh, I left something in the dining hall, so I'm on my way to fetch it. But you don't need to come with me or anything like that. I'm fine on my own—really!

I wasn't planning on it...

Lysithea: You weren't? Oh. Apologies for making an assumption. The truth is, everyone I come across asks if I'd like some company. They all seem to think I'll be scared wandering alone at night. So rude and presumptuous, you know? I'm perfectly capable of being on my own!

Of course. Good evening, then.

Lysithea: Hey! Professor, wait!, well... I thought it might be nice to walk and talk together, to the dining hall. Shall we? To be abundantly clear, this has nothing to do with my nonexistent fear of ghosts.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'd be happy to. Actually, I'm a bit busy...
Lysithea: Oh, you must be bored! Fantastic, then! Lysithea: Oh, are you on patrol? You should probably patrol on over to the dining hall, then!
(Byleth nods)
Lysithea: Wonderful! After all, there's lots of very important... food stored there.

Lysithea: Do you mind, um, filling the void with some chatter? Some find silence to be a bit unsettling, after all.

What would you have me say?

Lysithea: OK, I confess. I AM scared of ghosts! The monastery is unnerving to me at night. So can we talk about something, please? Anything! I've noticed for quite some time now—you treat all your students equally, don't you? You've never treated me differently simply because I'm younger than the others. And I've always appreciated that.

You're younger?

Lysithea: Isn't it rather obvious? I'm roughly two to three years younger than the rest of the class. Have you just not been paying close enough attention to those you teach? That's poor form for a professor... Oh! There, I've found what I was looking for! Well, I'd better be on my way now. Good night!

B Support

Lysithea: Professor, thank you for helping me with my training.


Lysithea: I'd love to do this again, if possible. Your advice is always so useful. Everyone thinks you're a wonderful teacher. You account for people's weaknesses while capitalizing on their strengths. Initially I wasn't sure you paid too much attention to your students. Clearly, I was wrong. After all, were that the case, you wouldn't be capable of providing such useful feedback. I'll continue to learn and grow from your instruction, Professor. I just know it!

You're quite determined.

Lysithea: You think I'm determined?

Yes. You're always pushing yourself.

Lysithea: Professor, I... Thank you! You're the only one who's ever praised me like that. I mean, people are always telling me I've got a knack for magic. If you can call the power of my Crests a "knack," they aren't wrong, per se. Though bearing two Crests isn't a gift I ever asked for... Anyhow, I've made a point to work harder than most and not rely too heavily on the power they bestow. So I find it frustrating that the only praise I seem to receive is directly related to that power. If you've noticed how hard I work, then, well... It just... It makes me very happy.

Why do you work yourself so hard?

Lysithea: Well, you see... I... It is because I am the only child of House Ordelia. I must do all I can for my family name. I'm determined to someday be of real value to them, and that day must come soon. I can't waste any time. I don't have much of it left... Anyway, I should be going. Thank you again for your help!

A Support

Lysithea: Thank you for helping me with my training again today, Professor. I'm gonna keep at it for a while longer, so you go on ahead.

You should get some rest.

Lysithea: I can't. Not when I'm right on the cusp of using my power to greater potential. Surely you yourself are tired. Just...don't worry about me, OK?
(Lysithea collapses)
Byleth: ...

Lysithea: I'm sorry, Professor. It was careless of me to continue, despite how fatigued I clearly was. I probably should have listened to you. Now I've made a mess of things. I can't help but feel the need to rush, in all things, constantly. You get that way when you realize... you haven't got much time.

What do you mean?
In Verdant Wind

Lysithea: I believe I've mentioned that House Ordelia was, at one time, being controlled by people from the Empire. During that time, strange people—mages, perhaps—came and performed rituals on all the youth within my family.

In any route but Verdant Wind

Lysithea: Eighteen years ago, House Ordelia was involved in a civil conflict within the Empire. All we did was respond to a call for aid. We weren't involved politically. But once the rebellion was crushed, my family was held responsible for the aid we gave, and the Empire gained some sway over us as a result. At the time, the noble houses of the Alliance took a passive stance. No one lent aid to my family. As a result, some key officials within the family were killed, and people from the Empire were sent to replace them. Among those people were some mysterious mages. They were...unsettling, in a word. Skin pale as death. One after another, they captured and imprisoned the children of our household. They began performing terrible rituals on the children... Though it's probably more accurate to call them experiments.

Lysitheaw: With the Empire monitoring our every move, my parents could do nothing but watch in horror as all of this unfolded. One after another, the children died, until the only one left...was me. You know, my hair wasn't always this color. During their experiments, they'd been doing things with my blood. One morning, I awoke like this—a shock of white hair, all trace of pigment, gone. Upon seeing me, the mages were delighted. They realized that their experiments had finally succeeded. Sure enough, they ran a test and saw that two Crests coexisted within me. Losing pigment from my hair wasn't the only loss. The mages informed me that my lifespan was now greatly shortened. Five more years at most. Perhaps less.

How awful...

Lysithea: Shortly thereafter, the mages lost interest in me, and we never saw them in the Ordelia household again. Since all that, our family has been in decline—it's challenging now even to govern our territory. After all my mother and father have suffered, I at least want them to have peace as they grow older. That is all I wish for...but I haven't much time to ensure it comes to pass.

It's too soon to give up.

Lysithea: It's not like what's been done to me can be undone.

Let's try to find a way to undo it.

Lysithea: Professor... The only way I can conceive of would be to remove my Crests somehow. But I don't know if that's even remotely possible. Even if it were... I wouldn't be of much use to you and the others without my Crests.

We will find a way.

Lysithea: You sound resolved. I'll allow your resolve to bolster my own! Thank you, Professor.


Small portrait lysithea fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait edelgard fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only grow supports on the Black Eagles and Crimson Flower routes

C Support

Lysithea: ...
Edelgard: Lysithea? Are you all right? You don't look well...
Lysithea: Huh? Oh! No, no-I'm fine! Really. Just not accustomed to so much manual labor.
Edelgard: You were cleaning the library... all by yourself?
Lysithea: Yes. The other sutdent who was assigned to tidy up with me wasn't feeling well, so it's just me.
Lysithea: I figured I could at least dust the bookshelves or something, but I... uh... I got a little carried away.
Edelgard: So many books... You probably tired yourself pit just moving them from the shelves.
Lysithea: As much as I love books, I can't say I love carrying stacks of them to and fro. They're so heavy.
Edelgard: Well... Maybe you should think things through a little more next time.
Edelgard: Surely you can tell how much physical strength a job is going to require before you begin.
Lysithea: I can do without the condescension, thanks.
Lysithea: After all, I'm the only one who has to deal with the fact that I've worn myself out.
Edelgard: I only said that you should take care of yourself. Especially considering-
Lysithea: Considering what?
Edelgard: Nothing. Never mind.
Edelgard: How about you return to your quarters? I'll finish cleaning in here.
Lysithea: But I want to finish what I've started!
Edelgard: I don't mind, really. Please, don't make me repeat myself.
Lysithea: Ugh. Fine. As long as you'll finish all this up.
Edelgard: I will. Get some rest, OK?
Lysithea: Yes, yes. Thank You.
Edelgard: If what I heard about Lysithea is true... Hmm... I just don't know how much of it I should believe.

B Support

A Support


Small portrait lysithea fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait claude fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only grow supports on the Golden Deer and Verdant Wind routes

C Support

Lysithea: Ah, so I see... If one were to combine this incantation method with the power of a Crest, then in theory, it should—
Claude: Hey, there. Still studying, are we? Isn't it past your bedtime?
Lysithea: Claude, I really don't appreciate you interrupting me right now.
Claude: Ah, but if you don't get your sleep, you're never going to grow big and strong!
Lysithea: Uh-huh. The last thing I need is you fretting over me as though I'm some child. I'm only a few years younger than you, you know. Hardly worth noting. Furthermore, my grades in magic—and basically every other subject—are far higher than yours.
Claude: Whoa, there! I'm not trying to treat you like a child, I promise. This is me treating you like... like a princess! Now, come along, princess. Brush your teeth and get yourself ready for bed. I could read you a story, if that helps?
Lysithea: Ugh, the audacity! Whatever it is you think you're treating me like, it's unendingly annoying.
Claude: If a child and a princess are out, what's left? Should I treat you as a noble hero? Draw your sword, Lysithea! If you wish to continue studying, you must first defeat me in battle!
Lysithea: ...
Claude: Come now! Face me like the hero of legend that you are!
Lysithea: I find myself speechless in the wake of your staggering ignorance. Now, please, leave me be.
Claude: OK, OK. I can take a hint. But in all seriousness, you shouldn't neglect your sleep. You'll fall ill if you push yourself too hard. Oh, and just so you know... I heard a rumor that this library is haunted.
Lysithea: ...
Claude: It's probably not true. Right? Right. Anyhow, I'm off to bed. Good night!
Lysithea: You know...I am suddenly rather sleepy! Excuse me while I see myself out!
Claude: Heh, no matter how she tries to hide it, she's still a young girl at heart.

B Support

Claude: As you can see, if we were to face an enemy on this terrain, I would go here...and you would go here.
Lysithea: Hang on... If we're trying to repel the enemy, I should be positioned there, correct?
Claude: Huh? I'm not sure that's the best idea. Take a closer look at this map. See, there's a graveyard over here. Might run into some of those ghosts you hate so much.
Lysithea: Claude! Will you knock it off already? So help me, if you continue treating me like a child, I'll—
Claude: Easy there! I'm sorry, OK? Just don't start blasting off any spells in here.
Lysithea: Hmph! I've more pride than to turn an unarmed soldier to cinders. It wouldn't kill you to speak to me as an equal when we're discussing matters as serious as this!
Claude: Actually, I see you as more than an equal. There's no questioning the power you wield. And I was being serious about the formation just now. The bit about the ghosts was just me having fun with you. Or...trying to? You're so smart, I figured you'd catch on to that right away. But back to the formation... Can you see why I arranged it like I did?
Lysithea: Hmm...
Claude: The area I want you to guard requires the ability to adapt to an ever-changing situation. Who else could I trust with such a difficult task? You're my best bet for something like that.
Lysithea: Perhaps that's true...
Claude: Think back to the times we've fought together. When have I ever treated you like a child on the battlefield? I depend on you, Lysithea. I value your power almost as much as I do Teach's.
Lysithea: Truly?
Claude: I swear to you on all of Fódlan. I like to have my fun, but I wouldn't joke about something like that. I consider you a valued ally. I'll stop now, before I inevitably drift back into teasing you again. Just know that I meant every word, OK?
Lysithea: Fair enough, then. From here forward, see to it that you treat me with the respect of an equal. And... I admit that you are not short on talent yourself, but don't go getting a big head over it.

A Support


Small portrait lysithea fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait linhardt fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Linhardt: Aha, Lysithea. It's wrong to tease, yet I can hardly help myself... I know a secret. Your secret in fact.
Lysithea: I think you mean a baseless rumor. Why are you wasting your time? And mine, for that matter.
Linhardt: Well... It's a secret that could completely overturn what is considered common knowledge in Crest research...
Lysithea: Shut your mouth! Just...ugh. Let's go talk somewhere other than here.

Lysithea: OK. Where did you hear about it?

If Hanneman is alive

Linhardt: There was a sort of accident in Professor Hanneman's room...

In Part II, if Hanneman is dead or was not recruited

Linhardt: Well, I found something while searching through Professor Hanneman's old room.

Lysithea: I should've figured. You haven't told anyone, have you?
Linhardt: Of course not. If someone else were to learn you have two Crests, I might lose you as a test subject.
Lysithea: Ah! Please stop talking so loudly! So what if I have two Crests? If you insist on speaking of it, please do so quietly.
Linhardt: My intuition was correct! You do have two Crests.
Lysithea: Wait— What?! Did you just trick me?
Linhardt: "Trick" is such a strong word. I think of it as testing a hypothesis. The truth is I simply made an educated guess.
Lysithea: Ugh. Well, now that I've confirmed it for you, there's not much I can do.
Linhardt: I disagree. For example, you could tell me if you were born with them. Or is the source magical? What does it feel like to use both Crests at the same time? Is it pleasant? Painful? Euphoric?
Lysithea: Enough is enough! I am done talking about this! As though I'd speak of this to the likes of you.
Linhardt: I understand her desire for privacy, but to refuse my request for knowledge? It's... Well... It's rude.

B Support

Linhardt: There you are, Lysithea. I've been looking for you. So I have a hypothesis about your Crests...
Lysithea: I know you're the one who sent me that "anonymous" letter. "There are things we must discuss..." Ugh, it sounded like some bizarre love letter.
Linhardt: What? No. Of course not. However, I wonder what you would have done if it was...
Lysithea: Now I'm just confused...and grossed out.
Linhardt: I'm sorry, but that is not the overall topic of discussion. Do pay attention.
Lysithea: Pay attention to you? As though anything you say is worth listening to. It's not like you can tell me anything I don't already know.
Linhardt: You don't have a very positive opinion of your Crests, do you? That's why you should listen to me.
Lysithea: Um...
Linhardt: I've dug through all my books, and there's no record of anyone being born with two Crests. You are, to be blunt, an impossible occurrence. For you to have a second Crest, it must have been forcibly implanted after birth.
Lysithea: Is that your theory, then?
Linhardt: Yes. It is. To further the theory, if the power exists to implant a Crest, then it must be possible to remove one too. And that is the real issue at hand.
Lysithea: I... I could have one removed?

If Hanneman is alive

Linhardt: That's what Hanneman is working on understanding. I'm helping him with it.

In Part II, if Hanneman is dead or was not recuited

Linhardt: That's what Hanneman was working on understanding. I'm continuing his work.

Lysithea: Professor Hanneman...
Linhardt: Based on your reaction, it seems you want one of your Crests removed... I don't think I'd give up having two Crests if I were you.
Lysithea: Is that so? Even if you'd gone through horrifying experiments, endless trauma, and if you knew that all this pain meant you'd die very, very young... That's what you'd think? You're completely lacking in empathy, so of course you would make such a crass and foolish assumption.

A Support

Lysithea: seem to have lined up your desserts very meticulously.
Linhardt: What you see before you, Lysithea, is a life choice.
Lysithea: Oh really?
Linhardt: The most skilled pastry chef in the army has been asked to do the impossible in the heart of wartime... Source high-quality ingredients, employ advanced baking methods, and create...these two pastries.
Lysithea: Wow, you've put a lot of thought into this. May I?
Linhardt: Of course. You can have but one though, and it should be noted that they taste completely different. I thought I'd split them between us, seeing as they were made so carefully and are so very, very special.
Lysithea: Ah. Thanks. So, what exactly is the life choice you mentioned? Also, if you are not partaking, I'll just go ahead and eat them both.
Linhardt: Oh no. For you see, if you eat one, you simply cannot—must not—eat the other. Should you eat both, a pair of ingredients—one in each pastry—will combine to poison you.
Lysithea: That seems unnecessarily intense. Just one won't kill me, then?
Linhardt: Of course not. But making this choice means you will not be able to taste the second dessert...ever. No matter what I tell you, you'll never know which one tasted best. And if you are underwhelmed by your choice, you'll regret your decision forever.
Lysithea: So...I should just pick one and be done with it.
Linhardt: But you've already chosen, haven't you? Not between the pastries but your life paths. You would gamble on the chance of living a long life, even if it meant losing your two Crests. Correct? Hence my current choice.
Lysithea: Wait—whose choice are we talking about now?
Linhardt: A shortened lifespan doesn't necessarily mean a short life. Even with two Crests, you might live a long time. And with you around, the study of Crests will undoubtedly reach previously unimagined levels. On the other hand... Getting rid of them could help someone that I care about. Maybe. Or maybe it won't help at all. Unfortunately, one never knows until they eat the pastry. Even then, you can never taste them both...
Lysithea: Hang on, Linhardt. Do you mean to tell me you care about me? Since when?
Linhardt: When indeed. You are someone I care about though. So much so, I wish we could be family, you and I.
Lysithea: Family?! That escalated rather quickly. Although...having more family does sound nice.
Linhardt: Anyway, I need to be going. Oh, and feel free to eat the pastries. I made up the poison bit because I didn't know how else to say what I wished to say. And because...well, because I believe there are choices we can make where you can have both. I'll show you somehow...before the war is over.
Lysithea: Are you sure these aren't poisoned? Linhardt, wait! Wait!


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C Support

Lysithea: Mmmm...yum. Mmmm... Ahh, so delicious! I'm so content in this moment.
Felix: ...
Lysithea: Felix!
Felix: Lysithea. You look mortified.
Lysithea: How long have you been there? Were you watching me? You were, weren't you?
Felix: I was, yes.
Lysithea: Ugh, for once I thought I had some privacy.
Felix: Did you say something?
Lysithea: Huh? Nope. Didn't say anything at all. Here.
Felix: What's this for?
Lysithea: I'm buying your silence...with cake. Take it.
Felix: I'm not sure what to be silent about.
Lysithea: If people knew I was shoveling cake into my face by the fistful, they'd think me nothing more than a child!
Felix: Adults eat cake.
Lysithea: You'll never understand. Just take this, will you?!
Felix: No. I don't like sweets.
Lysithea: Does your refusal mean you'll be telling everyone about my cake-shoveling ways?
Felix: I just don't like sweets, that's all.
Lysithea: Nonsense! Nobody can resist something so delicious. Look, I'm giving you this cake whether you like it or not. Eat it, toss it, throw it at an unsuspecting victim—the choice is yours. Just please don't mention this to anyone.
Felix: What was her problem? And what am I supposed to do with this cake?

B Support

Lysithea: Mmmm! Ahh yes! These are the moments I live for!
Felix: I don't understand you.
Lysithea: You again?! Can't you see I'm busy?
Felix: Trust me, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Lysithea: So, how did you like the cake? I bet you ate it, didn't you? I knew it was irresistible. What was the experience like? I'm curious, from a research perspective.
Felix: I don't know. I didn't eat it. I gave it to some kid.
Lysithea: You...gave it to some...undeserving child?!
Felix: We've been over this. I don't like sweets.
Lysithea: Cake is not a "sweet." Cake is the divine essence of the heavens!
Felix: Everyone has their own tastes.
Lysithea: That's true, but life without cake is no life at all. Your dismissiveness regarding cake is inexcusable.
Felix: I'm not sure why you're so fixated on this.
Lysithea: I simply can't resist the spongy magnificence of cakes. I don't understand how you can be so dispassionate about it.
Felix: I don't know. I just don't like it.
Lysithea: Just try a bite. Come on. Open up!
Felix: No. I already told you, I don't want it.
Lysithea: But I made this one. With care and attention—love even. Ah, and I went light on the sugar, just for you!
Felix: Not light enough, I'd bet. If I eat this, will you stop bothering me?
Lysithea: More or less. Just don't give it to some silly child this time.
Felix: Let's get this over with.

A Support

Lysithea: Felix! I've awaited this fated day!
Felix: You don't change. Still prattling on about it.
Lysithea: Aw, come on. I just want to hear what you thought of the cake I gave you.
Felix: Uh... It was edible.
Lysithea: If by edible you mean incredible, then yes! I agree.
Felix: It was satisfying and lightweight. I imagine it would be quite useful as a battlefield provision.
Lysithea: Please refrain from lumping delectable cake into the same category as provisions.
Felix: You're upset and I don't understand why. I'm complimenting the cake. You cured my dislike of sweets. For that I thank you.
Lysithea: You have an interesting way of giving compliments, but I'm glad you liked it.
Felix: Yes. Got any cakes on you?
Lysithea: You say that as though I just carry cake on me at all times! Did you want some?
Felix: That's not what I meant. If you've baked a cake, however, I wouldn't object to eating a slice.
Lysithea: If cake is what you want, you can just ask me directly. It just so happens I have a brand-new recipe I tried out, special for you. It's delicious and not overly sweet. Perfect for you.
Felix: OK.
Lysithea: Go on—take a bite!
Felix: Mmm.
Lysithea: You love it! I can tell. Here, try this one out too!
Felix: Mmm.
Lysithea: See! So amazing, huh? Just keep working on that sweet tooth of yours. Then we can share cake notes and eat cake together all the time. That is... It just sounds nice is all.
Felix: Mmm? OK. That does sound nice.


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Sylvain: Lysithea, I have to say you're really impressive. I respect you a lot, and I thought I should tell you.
Lysithea: Uhh, OK.
Sylvain: It's just, you know, you're four years younger than me, but you work really hard at everything. I mean, when I was your age, I wasted all my time just goofing off and doing whatever I wanted.
Lysithea: Doesn't look like much has changed for you since then. And unlike you, I don't have time to waste, so leave me be.
Sylvain: Are you going to do some extra magic training? I'd be happy to join you, if you don't mind. What do you want to start with?
Lysithea: I am absolutely disinterested in spending any time with you. What is it you want, anyway? Clearly you haven't been listening to a word I've been saying. Perhaps it's because I'm younger, you see fit to ignore me when I speak. Is that it?
Sylvain: What? No! Age has nothing to do with it. You're amazing! You're true to yourself. You know what you want and who you are. Not a lot of girls I know can say that.
Lysithea: Ah, so it isn't my age that's to blame for you breezing over my wishes. It's my gender.
Sylvain: I— What? Where did you get that idea? I'm just trying to praise your smarts and hard work and everything. It's impressive how someone so young—
Lysithea: Your lack of self-awareness is deeply troubling.
Sylvain: What I'm aware of is you trying to pick a fight. Calm down, kiddo.
Lysithea: Look. I'm really busy. Super, extremely, inordinately busy. I've got one last thing to say to you.
Sylvain: And what would that be?
Lysithea: I'm skilled with magic, and my abilities are finely honed. It's not like I need someone for target practice.
Sylvain: No, but I do.

B Support

Lysithea: Sylvain, I've been looking for you. Do you have a moment?
Sylvain: Hey, Lysithea. I was about to grab some food. Would you like to come along?
Lysithea: Actually, yes. That sounds fine.
Sylvain: Great. Let's go.

Sylvain: Hmm... The dining hall isn't exactly relaxing, is it? If there's a next time, I'll take you somewhere with a much better atmosphere.
Lysithea: I don't really care about the atmosphere. I just wanted to apologize.
Sylvain: Nah, I get why you told me off. There's nothing you need to apologize for.
Lysithea: Ugh, can you just shut your mouth and listen for once? Here's something you may have already picked up on... I very much dislike being treated like a child. I've worked very hard to be where I am now, and such treatment makes it feel like all of that work is being ignored.
Sylvain: But I think you're a genius! And you work harder than I ever did. When I was your age...
Lysithea: Yes, you already told me all of this. Back then you were just as devoted to goofing off as you are now.
Sylvain: Ah, so I already told you that... What a perfect memory you have.
Lysithea: And there it is. You're always so quick to flatter every woman you come across. I knew that, and yet I never thought you would direct your antics at me.
Sylvain: Heh... Look, I'm sorry, OK? I know how hard you work, and I really wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted to chat.
Lysithea: I do not mind that you wished to chat with me. In might even say I was happy about it. Just a bit.
Sylvain: Seriously? It sure didn't seem that way...
Lysithea: Well, it's true. Your behavior is maddening, but in retrospect, I realize that was you treating me as you do all women, rather than like a child. I wasn't thinking about it like that at the time, and so I snapped at you. I could have perhaps approached the matter with a tad more maturity. Therefore, I would like to apologize.
Sylvain: An apology? That is not how these conversations usually turn out. There's no need for that though. Really, you'll make me blush if you keep this up. Listen, Lysithea, I want you to know that I meant every word. Even if sincerity is...difficult for me. You're as lovely as you are clever, and you have this strange charm about you. That's what I really, honestly think.
Lysithea: There you go again with your false flattery...
Sylvain: I swear to you, it isn't false at all! And it's not flattery if it's the truth.
Lysithea: Say what you will—you're still going to have to earn my trust. Just this once, I'll cut you some slack. Don't get used to it. It's not like I can change who you are as a person.
Sylvain: Sweet and tolerant! You never cease to amaze.
Lysithea: I'll leave you with this—don't say things you don't mean. It makes it impossible to tell the lies from the truth. Don't come crying to me if you carry on as you have and end up with no friends.
Sylvain: Heh heh... I have to say, Lysithea, your harshness is one of those things I find so charming about you!
Lysithea: Ugh, you are exhausting. I guess the positivity is OK though.


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Annette: Hi hi, Lysithea! When are you going to teach me magic? Is now good?
Lysithea: Why do I have to?
Annette: Why? Because you're way better at it than me, silly!
Lysithea: Is that so. I thought you were something of an honors student at the school of sorcery?
Annette: Well, sure... But I wouldn't say I've got any kind of natural talent for it. I'm going to have to try very hard to become as good of a mage as you are!
Lysithea: What is that supposed to mean? Are you implying that I don't work hard too? If you think my skills are inherent, you are sorely mistaken.
Annette: No! I wasn't saying that at all! Everyone knows how hard you work. I just meant that if I want to be as good as you, I'll have to work really, incredibly hard!
Lysithea: Hm. And what is it you want to learn about?
Annette: Oh! So you'll teach me?! Thank you so much! Um, actually...

Annette: Oh, I get it now! I never thought about it that way before!
Lysithea: Look at how quickly you're picking this up. You're clearly very skilled already.
Annette: Don't be silly. You're just that good of a teacher! Your way of looking at the world is so fundamentally different from mine.
Lysithea: Do you insist on taking the conversation in that direction?
Annette: Oh no, I'm sorry! I wasn't doing that! There I go, saying the wrong thing again.
Lysithea: It's fine. Let's just drop it. A bit more self-confidence would go a long way for you, Annette.
Annette: Huh?
Lysithea: That's all I've got for you today. I need to get going now. Lots to do.
Annette: Oh, I'm so sorry to take up your time! Thanks again for teaching me!

B Support

Lysithea: Oh, you're still here?
Annette: Lysithea! Hi! Did you forget something?
Lysithea: I did. What are you reading?
Annette: Just something I found. Though there are things in here I don't quite get.
Lysithea: Is that The Compendium of Light and Dark?
Annette: It is! Amazing how you could tell that just from a glance at the cover.
Lysithea: I've read it so many times I have nearly the entire thing memorized. That said, it does seem to take liberties with some topics, so be aware of that while you're reading it.
Annette: Wait, really? Yikes! Thanks for the warning.
Lysithea: You've got quite the stack of books here for only wanting to brush up on one thing. I knew you were a hard worker, Annette.
Annette: No, not as much as some people. I'm... Oh! Sorry. There I go again.
Lysithea: It's all right. In getting to know you, I've taken some time to self-reflect. I used to think that I worked harder than anyone. But I'm not so sure anymore. I have to work even harder to keep pace with you!
Annette: Oh no! But then I'll have to work extra, extra hard to keep up with you!
Lysithea: Well, if you work extra, extra hard, I'll need to work super duper extra hard!
Annette: Aw, come on! Fine. Super duper quadruple extra hard it is!
Lysithea: OK, OK. That's enough. We could do this forever, but we've got better things to do.
Annette: Heh, sorry. It's fun to see you get carried away like that though.
Lysithea: I'm glad we had this chat. I feel excited to continue working super duper extra hard now. I'm lucky to have someone like you around to inspire me.
Annette: I feel the same. I'll do my best to keep pace with you!
Lysithea: Why are you smiling?
Annette: Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about how nice it is that we can motivate each other like this.
Lysithea: It is nice, isn't it? But I still intend to surpass you.
Annette: Nuh-uh! I'm gonna surpass you! But before that... Uh, could you explain this part of the book to me?
Lysithea: I'm not quite sure how someone of your caliber is struggling with this one, but let me break it down for you...


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Lorenz: Lysithea, do you have a moment? There is a matter of significance I'd like to discuss with you.
Lysithea: I know you're always seeking the attention of ladies, but why are you wasting your breath on me.

In the Golden Deer route

Lorenz: Don't be silly. I want to discuss the future of the Alliance. To have a constructive and candid exchange of opinion.

In the Black Eagles or Blue Lions route or in Part II

Lorenz: Don't be silly. I am here to discuss Fódlan's future.

Lysithea: I'm not so sure I'm the one being silly. Actually—I'm busy. Stuff to do.
Lorenz: Now, hold on just a moment! House Ordelia will never benefit from such a narrow-minded mentality!
Lysithea: I was under the impression you were interested in me as a person. What do house matters have to do with anything?

In Part I

Lorenz: As it stands, the bonds between Alliance lords are quite weak. If this state of affairs persists, I am afraid those bonds may dissolve entirely.

In Part II

Lorenz: The world is in ruins! Have you given no thought to how the Leicester Alliance might address this crisis?

Lysithea: I couldn't care less.
Lorenz: House Ordelia may be small, but a small house is fettered by fewer obligations than a larger one. Apply yourselves actively in diplomacy, negotiate wisely, and you could do much to help maintain peace among the neighboring lords. The recognition of those lords would benefit your house immensely. To that end, why not start with me, the heir to House Gloucester? It couldn't hurt for us to become friends, could it?
Lysithea: Yes, yes, of course. When the time comes. But right now, I'm quite busy. Maybe later.

In the Golden Deer route

Lysithea: As it is, I'm studying magic for the benefit of the Alliance, and I would appreciate it if you left me to it.

In the Black Eagles or Blue Lions route or in Part II

Lysithea: As it is, I'm studying magic for the benefit of Fódlan's future, and I would appreciate it if you left me to it.

Lorenz: Ah. I see. Then forgive the intrusion. I will take my leave of you, for now. But if there is any way I can be of help, to you or your house, I hope that you won't hesitate to ask.

In the Golden Deer route

Lorenz: After all, as I'm sure you know, the future of the Alliance is my responsibility!

In the Black Eagles or Blue Lions route or in Part II

Lorenz: After all, as I'm sure you know, the future of all Fódlan is my responsibility!

Lysithea: The future, he says. Hmph. As though I have a future...

B Support

Lysithea: Hm... It didn't work. Odd. My logic was sound, or so I thought...
Lorenz: Ah, Lysithea. I've just happened upon some lovely tea leaves. Would you care to join me for a cup?
Lysithea: Nope. Busy.
Lorenz: While I admire your dedication to research, you simply must take breaks now and again. For the sake of your health.
Lysithea: I am perfectly capable of knowing when to stop! I'm no child, I'll have you know.
Lorenz: Come now. Take just a brief respite. Look, I've even brought snacks to go with the tea.
Lysithea: Ooh, that actually looks pretty tasty... All right. All right, fine.

Lorenz: Well, what do you think? These are made especially for my house. I've loved them since I was a boy.
Lysithea: Oh, jeez. Wow. Actually...this is delicious. You have excellent taste, Lorenz.
Lorenz: Have as much as you'd like. For the sake of our friendship, I consider it well worth the investment. I'd like to know more about you, Lysithea. Where did you learn such a command of magic? When you were a child, what kind of...
Lysithea: Ugh, come on. Can't we just enjoy the snacks? I loathe talking about myself.
Lorenz: Openness is a prerequisite to successful diplomacy. You'll learn that, when you take your first real steps into high society.
Lysithea: Can you stop with the kid treatment? I mean, really—is age the only thing you consider when engaging with others?
Lorenz: But there's nothing the matter with being young. There is a role to be played at every stage in life. That is how we learn and grow.
Lysithea: Are you even listening?! Ugh, it's like you can't even help yourself but to continue treating me like a child!
Lorenz: I absolutely recognize your raw ability. You possess quite a rare gift for magic. I hope we can find a way for you to use that gift to help as many people as we can. Surely you can agree to that, at least?
Lysithea: You really are relentless! I'll spell this out for you once more—I. Don't. Care!
Lorenz: You're headstrong! Just like me! That very quality will ensure a better future for Fódlan!
Lysithea: I, sir, am nothing like you—you're bullheaded and boorish. And utterly fixated on the future. All you care about is what's to come. Sure, it's all well and good to be thinking about such lofty things. However... For me, the future's a very long ways off. Better to focus on the present—on the here and now. Thanks for the tea.
Lorenz: Lysithea?

B+ Support

Lysithea: Picking wildflowers? Seems such a common activity for someone like you.
Lorenz: To me, the most beautiful flower is the one that blossoms by its own strength. Lysithea, please accept this as...
Lysisthea: Knock it off! Uh, sorry... It's just that the thorns are a bit sharp, and I'm not a fan of killing nature.
Lorenz: True sympathy, even for the smallest wildflower. I admire your kindness. When you inherit your house, that kindness will be a balm to your subjects. They, and the neighboring lords, will trust you instinctively.
Lysithea: Politics. Again.
Lorenz: The Alliance has been harmed in the past by lords who thought only of themselves. Who saw others as a means to an end. But you! You understand others' pain. With you around, I am quite hopeful that the Alliance will flourish again.
Lysithea: That's not something you should get your hopes up about. House Ordelia will end with my father.
Lorenz: I'm...sorry? I understand you have a distaste for politics, but could you really allow a noble house three centuries old to fall to ruin? This goes beyond you, and even your house. What would become of Fódlan if all its noble houses withered away in such a manner? The people would be in disarray. The balance of power would crumble. Chaos would rule.
Lysithea: No, it's just... My body, unfortunately, is not built to last... And I have no siblings. When I die, that's the end.
Lorenz: What?
Lysithea: Noble birth has been nothing but a source of pain for me. For me, and for my parents. We got sucked into the rebellion in the Empire, and it led to...many responsibilities for us. The things we went through... I can hardly bear to speak of it. All I want now is to give my mother and father the chance to live out their years in peace. I intend to do whatever I can to ease the hardships of our people, while I still have life left in me... Naturally, I worry about what will come to pass after I'm gone. But I'm sure things will work out, so long as there are people like you around working so hard for a better future.
Lorenz: So, you have been thinking of the future. Even despite all of that. I-I am so sorry. I had no idea. Lysithea. I have offended you most persistently. Please find it in your heart to forgive my impudence.
Lysithea: Don't worry about it. If you're so insistent upon being my friend, I'm sure more tasty snacks and tea will help persuade me. But if speaking of the future holds such importance, better to find someone who actually has one.
Lorenz: I understand. Yes, let's take tea together again soon.

A Support

Lorenz: Lysithea! It's no good for you to expose yourself to such strong sunlight. And a chill could steal upon you at any moment! You really ought to have worn a mantle.
Lysithea: Hmph.
Lorenz: You have been running yourself absolutely ragged. Would you please consider taking some rest?
Lysithea: Enough is enough! I am fully aware! Now, stop following me.
Lorenz: I'm only concerned for your health.
Lysithea: That's great and all, but I feel fine today. And I'm perfectly capable of caring for myself. I don't have time to "take a rest." I'm overloaded with work, and I have less time than everyone else. I just want to do my own thing, bring order to the Alliance, and put my parents' minds at ease.
Lorenz: No need to rush! How can you be so certain your lifespan is shortened, anyway? I do not know who decided that, but consider me skeptical. If you are healthy now, and if you take proper care of yourself, you ought to live just as long as anyone else.
Lysithea: That's all well and good, but those vitamin-packed "sweets" you brought tasted weird.
Lorenz: If you want a healthy body, then you need to start with what you eat.
Lysithea: You have a point, but those health sweets are gross.
Lorenz: I sent for the finest in wholesome, healthy treats for you. I asked only for the very sweetest.
Lysithea: That was pretty nice of you. I'm sorry, Lorenz. Thank you for being so thoughtful. Still, I don't need bushels and bushels of them. Gaining a ton of weight won't exactly lengthen my lifespan either. I mean, I'd like to be able to hang out with you as much as possible and...for as long as possible.
Lorenz: Truly? Ah, I'm so glad! I feel the same. Even in an otherwise perfect future, I still cannot see a happy life for myself without you in it. In fact, the more time we spend together, the more essential to me you become. So let us walk, side by side, toward a future together!
Lysithea: Yikes, keep it down, will you?
Lorenz: Why are you flustered? What is there to be embarrassed about? You know I will always care for you!
Lysithea: OK, OK, noted! Will you just calm down already?
Lorenz: You need not worry about a thing. I will look after you, no matter what may come! After all, the future of Fódlan rests upon my shoulders, does it not?
Lysithea: I won't give up on myself either. Thanks for caring, Lorenz.


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Lysithea: Ugh, this theory just isn't coming together. The thought behind it is sound enough, but... Hm.
Raphael: Hey, Lysithea. Your forehead's all wrinkled. You look tense. Is something wrong? You know you can tell your Big Bro Raph—I mean, you know you can tell me anything, right?
Lysithea: Raphael, while I appreciate your offer, I'm not so sure you'll be much help here.
Raphael: What does that mean? Oh, are you researching something complicated? In that case, yeah, you're probably right. Is there something else I can help you with? I'm really good at other things. Like training!
Lysithea: I have absolutely zero interest in such things.
Raphael: I have an idea! Do you wanna get real good at playing tag? I could teach you!
Lysithea: ...
Raphael: There's a trick to it that most people don't know. Like, to not get tagged and stuff. Let me show you!
Lysithea: ...
Raphael: It's too sunny out to spend all day inside studying! C'mon, Big Bro's gonna take you outsi—
Lysithea: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Can't you see I'm busy?! Go bother someone else! What nerve you have, too, calling yourself "Big Bro!" Like I'm your little sister or some nonsense. Just cut the act.
Raphael: Uhhh. Did I really say that out loud?

In Part I

Lysithea: Anyway, my grades are miles better than yours.

In Part II

Lysithea: Anyway, my grades were always miles better than yours.

Lysithea: If you want to play the part of "big brother," you'd probably benefit from studying way, way more.
Raphael: Like I said, I'm really good at other things, just not classroom learning...
Lysithea: I can't stand all the excuses. Clearly you're the little kid here. You got all that? Now, don't bother me again. Understood? Bye.
Raphael: Phew! She must be going through a rebellious phase!

B Support

Lysithea: So heavy... Ugh. I think I might've borrowed one too many books this time. And I have to return them at some point—ahhh!
Raphael: What's going on? Everything OK?!
Lysithea: Argh, just my luck...
Raphael: Lysithea? Oh, wow. Look at the mess you made.

Lysithea: Thank you for the assistance. I can take it from here.
Raphael: Were you planning on carrying this much weight on your own?! Don't be ridiculous! You should've at least asked for help!
Lysithea: They're all books I need for my studies, and it's my own responsibility. No need to involve others.
Raphael: I'm happy to help you carry some of them. How about half? That's fair, right?
Lysithea: No, really. I have this. I am not incapable—and I'm not a child.
Raphael: Hahaha! As smart as you are, you sure are a silly person. I'm so tough! I'm gonna stand my ground! I don't need help from anyone! And when things don't go my way, I'm gonna act all sad and moody!
Lysithea: You...are remarkably talented at channeling me...
Raphael: Huh? Oh, no! Sorry! I was imitating my little sister. Her name's Maya. She's way smart, but she can be pretty stubborn. You remind me of her. What I mean to say is that I want to help, so swallow your pride and ask.
Lysithea: Ugh.
Raphael: I'll be carrying this stack of books now. Got a problem with that?
Lysithea: Yeah, yeah. You seem obstinately determined to go against my wishes.

Raphael: All right! Is this a good spot to drop 'em?
Lysithea: Hey, what're you doing?! They need to be stacked neatly, otherwise they'll topple! This one needs to be rearranged, otherwise the rest won't fit properly!
Raphael: Wow, talk about picky.
Lysithea: You're the one who was so insistent on helping. If you're gonna help, do it right or don't bother.
Raphael: Fine, fine!

A Support

Lysithea: Where is that darn ladder?
Raphael: Need help with something, Lysithea?
Lysithea: I can't find the ladder anywhere, and I need it to check out the books up on that top shelf.
Raphael: Want me to just grab one for you?
Lysithea: No. I need to be able to dig around myself.
Raphael: No problem! You can sit on my shoulders instead! Up you go!
Lysithea: Hang on a sec— That's not! Agh!

Lysithea: I hope nobody saw that. Anyway, thank you. That was helpful. I can't believe how many fantastic books were hidden just out of reach up there. Thanks for being so patient while I rummaged.
Raphael: No problem at all! It was my pleasure!
Lysithea: Hey, Raphael. You're always extra nice to me. Is it because I remind you of your sister, Maya?
Raphael: Yeah. I can't help but think about her whenever I see you around. We lost our parents when she was still real little, so she never had adults around to do stuff for her. That's probably why she grew up to be the kinda kid who wants to do everything on her own.
Lysithea: That's certainly something I can relate to.
Raphael: I keep telling her that it's OK to rely on her big bro a little bit. Like when there's stuff she can't do 'cause she's too small. She just needs to ask someone bigger to do it! I told her that she could help me when I'm having trouble with stuff too. Then we would be even.
Lysithea: Young or old, we can all help one another out. We each have our strengths and weaknesses. Receiving help and providing help in return. It sounds so simple, really...
Raphael: It is simple! I knew you'd get it!
Lysithea: I do. And I hope you understand that you can come to me for help, too, Raphael. I can't be the only one receiving aid. It makes me feel incompetent and like a kid. I hate that.
Raphael: Hmm... All right then. You could help me clean up my room!
Lysithea: I bet it's a disaster, knowing you. I'll help you on that front, but I've got some rules on how to keep things tidy. You'll need to listen up!
Raphael: If you could help with the actual tidying, that would probably be better. No need to bother with "rules." I don't really do so good with remembering the complicated stuff. Oh! I got an idea! It would be even better if you could just came by to tidy up from now on!
Lysithea: Uh...
Raphael: If you keep helping me, then I can help you whenever you need it! No guilt!
Lysithea: Whenever I need it, huh? How long does that offer hold?
Raphael: From now on! Like, for always! I don't know what's so difficult to understand...
Lysithea: For always sounds nice. I'm fine with that.


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Ignatz: Good morning, Lysithea! Out for a stroll, are we? It's lovely weather for it. I might go wander outside myself. I'm sure I can see some beautiful sights.
Lysithea: Ignatz—hold still, will you?
Ignatz: Uh, sure?
Lysithea: Your shoes are untied. It looks sloppy. Let me just fix it for you.
Ignatz: Oh! Thank you for letting me know, but really, I'm perfectly capable of tying them myself.
Lysithea: Pfft, clearly that's not the case, otherwise this wouldn't be an issue. Now, hush.
Ignatz: Um.

Lysithea: There we go.
Ignatz: Thanks...
Lysithea: You've also got awful bedhead.
Ignatz: What?! But I examined myself in the mirror before leaving my quarters!
Lysithea: It's the back of your head. Quite unkempt. You really should get it together. I mean, really. You're born to a noble-adjacent merchant family, aren't you? You really should be more presentable.
Ignatz: Sorry, Lysithea... You're always so perfectly put together. In fact I'd say you're perfect in all respects... I don't think I've seen you fail at anything.
Lysithea: Well, consider that if I make even the slightest misstep, everyone will treat me like a child. There's nothing I hate more than that...
Ignatz: I see! Well, I think you're very mature. If anything, you may be overdoing it somewhat. I mean, people treat me like a child sometimes. But I like it, because it reminds me that other people care about me. You know? No matter how much we stretch, some things are always beyond us. I think it's fine to be vulnerable and ask for help sometimes.
Lysithea: Ignatz, are you really lecturing me about how I conduct myself right now? You're a sheepish, unreliable scatterbrain who can only ever think about what others think of him! Perhaps you should worry about your own maturity before you start questioning mine. Although you certainly look the part of a baby, so maybe that's asking too much. Anyway, I've got things to do, so I'm going to go now.
Ignatz: Uh, Lysithea, wait! Hey!
Lysithea: Outta my way. You're such a child, I swear...
Ignatz: That was uncalled for. After all, I am older than she is.

B Support

Lysithea: Oh, hey. It's you. Going for a walk again today?
Ignatz: No, I'm on cooking duty today, and I have to head into town for some groceries.
Lysithea: All on your own? Hm, I'd better go with you. I'd be worried if you went by yourself.
Ignatz: No, please! I can manage on my own.
Lysithea: But won't you have a hard time carrying everything back?
Ignatz: Not at all. I'll be fine. I'm just replacing a few ingredients. Also, I may not look it, but I'm actually quite strong. I've been exercising every day!
Lysitha: You're right—you don't look it. Your biceps are a fraction of the size of Raphael's. If you start fumbling around under the weight of all the groceries, and then you trip and spill everything everywhere... Look, I'm just saying, that could be your future. It could happen. It doesn't look pretty.
Ignatz: That's what you think of me, huh?
Lysithea: Yep. You're honestly a bit of a mess.
Ignatz: I see. If that's how you feel...
Lysithea: Oh, knock it off with the wounded puppy-dog eyes! As though I'm some sort of villain in your story...
Ignatz: I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention. I'm just a bit sensitive, that's all. You're talking like you don't respect me.
Lysithea: I see. So now it's my fault? No matter how grown you seem to think you are, there's so much you're incapable of. You can play at being a mature adult, but it only ever complicates things. And that's exactly what makes you look like a child.
Ignatz: Oh, enough already! Would you just leave me alone?!
Lysithea: Maybe I...went a bit far that time... But he's so stubborn despite his ineptitude. I can't just leave it be. He's so foolish—constantly making a mess of things. Wait... But then...
Ignatz (Remembering): No matter how much we stretch, some things are always beyond us. I think it's fine to be vulnerable and ask for help sometimes.
Lysithea: What he said to me before... To everyone else, do I seem just like Ignatz?

A Support

Lysithea: Um, hey...
Ignatz: Oh! Lysithea. Something I can do for you?
Lysithea: Can you help me out with my shopping?
Ignatz: Yes, of course. You need me to carry stuff?
Lysithea: Actually, can you pick up some tea for me? I'd do it, but I'm drowning in work.
Ignatz: You're so busy you can't go shopping? OK. Do you have a favorite kind of tea?
Lysithea: I'm not too picky. I just like having it around, really. Whatever's cheapest works for me. Here's some money.
Ignatz: One question. Why me? You don't really need my help for this.
Lysithea: I just thought I could lean on you a bit. You know, rather than trying to do everything on my own.
Ignatz: Right. I see. Well, good! I'm glad you decided to approach me. Ah, but, for this particular task, you might be better off doing it yourself.
Lysithea: Oh?
Ignatz: There are so many different kinds of tea, and I'm not very discerning. What if I get you one you don't like? When I do my own shopping, I pick a tea at random. Otherwise I'd be paralyzed by all the choices. It's the same with food. Sometimes I stare and stare at the options and never decide.
Lysithea: You looked like you were doing just fine when you went to get groceries the other day.
Ignatz: I really had to push myself to do that alone. I don't think I can do that again. Sorry...
Lysithea: Aha. So you've stopped trying to do things on your own, then?
Ignatz: Yeah. Still, though... For today, how about you have some of my tea? If that'll do...
Lysithea: Sounds nice, sure. Do you mind brewing mine while you're at it?

If Lorenz is alive

Ignatz: OK! Though I can't do it as skillfully as Lorenz, I'm afraid.

Ignatz: I'll get it ready right away. Feel free to start focusing on your work.
Lysithea: Heh.
Ignatz: What?
Lysithea: I mean, you seem plenty reliable to me.
Ignatz: I do? Really? How so?
Lysithea: You're fun, you're easy to be around, and you rarely complain when you help others.
Ignatz: Well, I'm just pouring you some tea. I'm not sure that qualifies as "help."
Lysithea: It's not easy for me to rely on people, but with you, it's different.
Ignatz: Well, there aren't many things I can do, frankly. What I can do, I will do! So if you need anything, ask me, and I'll try to help.
Lysithea: You really are unreliable, as it turns out! Guess I'll just have to take your word for it.


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Marianne: Um...
Lysithea: Oh! Marianne! There you are!
Marianne: L-Lysithea? What's all this commotion? What's happening?
Lysithea: There's been an accident at the training grounds—a spell gone amok! Come on—we need all the help we can get over there!
Marianne: Oh no! But, I don't know how I...
Lysithea: We could really use your help before things get out of hand! Come on! Hurry!
Marianne: I... I don't think I would be much help.
Lysithea: Oh, for the goddess's sake! You won't know unless you try, will you?! Don't decide you're of no use without even giving it a shot! Fine then—forget it. I'll go on my own! You can just stand here and stare at the wall.
Marianne: I...
Lysithea: Ugh.
Marianne: I'm sorry! I can't do anything right!
Lysithea: Oh... Perhaps I took it too far...

Lysithea: Hey, um...Marianne? Do you have a minute?
Marianne: ...
Lysithea: Listen, I'm sorry about all the stuff I said earlier. The situation was urgent, and I'll admit I wasn't thinking clearly. I shouldn't have been so callous. I hurt your feelings, didn't I?
Marianne: No, it's fine. I'm the one to blame.
Lysithea: Huh? But, hey, are you sure you're all—
Marianne: I'm the one who should apologize. All I did was get in your way. You would have made it to the training grounds much sooner if I hadn't slowed you down.
Lysithea: Huh? Wait a second—
Marianne: It's all my fault. It's always my fault. The accident was probably my fault too!
Lysithea: You're being so...negative. I don't know what to say...

B Support

Lysithea: Marianne! Do you mind if I ask you about something?
Marianne: Yes?
Lysithea: It's about animal behavior. Among us all, you surely know the most about animals.
Marianne: ...
Lysithea: I've read that in outdoor battles, wild animals can sometimes cause unexpected confusion. What do you think would be the best strategy to... Um... Are you listening, Marianne?
Marianne: I was listening, I just don't think I can really—
Lysithea: For crying out loud! Why do you always have to admit defeat before even giving yourself a chance?!
Marianne: My advice would probably just put everyone in danger. You'd be better off without me.
Lysithea: This is beyond ridiculous. You're impossible! You seem convinced you're some sort of cursed being, destined to bring doom and gloom to anyone you encounter!
Marianne: Well...
Lysithea: Why do you have such a terrible opinion of yourself? How could you possibly be so dense?!
Marianne: I just—
Lysithea: Just nothing! Now you listen to me for a moment. I can see that you have some deep-seated turmoil you struggle with. I'll have you know I have quite a few issues of my own. Perhaps more grave than yours, if you can imagine.
Marianne: R-really?
Lysithea: Yes. But I'm not the only one who has such troubles to contend with. Everyone does. That's why it's so important to maintain a positive outlook and do what we can. Each time we find the light in the dark, we grow, bit by bit. And without growth, what's the point in carrying on?
Marianne: Lysithea... I envy your confidence and strength.
Lysithea: Don't envy me. Instead, just choose to find the positive, won't you?
Marianne: Yes. Well, maybe someday...
Lysithea: The time is now! This is your moment!
Marianne: Oh! OK!
Lysithea: That's more like it. Now to start, why don't you help me out by answering my questions about wild animals?
Marianne: I'll certainly try my best.


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Hilda: Aw, are you sure? Thank you so much! You're always so kind to me. I'll have to repay you sometime.
Lysithea: Ahem...

Lysithea: Hm?
Hilda: Um, Lysithea? What are you doing there? Don't tell me you were listening just now? And judging me getting other people to do my work for me?!
Lysithea: I've got better things to do. Although I do wonder why everyone is always so eager to help you.
Hilad: I only ask for help if they offer! I don't ever pressure people.
Lysithea: So I've noticed. That's what strikes me as odd.
Hilda: I suppose they're just so taken with me, they want to help me out.
Lysithea: I see... That would explain it.
Hilda: Oh dear. I was expecting you to argue, not to agree with me right away.
Lysithea: There's no reason to deny what's clearly true. Everything about your outward appearance is immaculate and well thought out. Even your fingernails are always well kept and painted—no doubt your toenails are the same.
Hilda: I can't tell if you're complimenting me or accusing me of something.
Lysithea: And you smell delightful. Like...candy. Or wait—Am I catching a hint of floral?
Hilda: I'm so glad you noticed! It's oil extracted from a flower that only blooms at night.
Lysithea: Floral oils, huh? I didn't think they had much use outside of homeopathy and house cleaning...
Hilda: I have some right here, actually. Here, I can give you a splash! There we go! I put it on your wrists, so you'll want to rub them together. Body heat is what activates the scent. Your wrists and your neck are relatively warm, so they're good spots to apply the fragrance. For a very subtle fragrance, you can also try putting it under your clothing.
Lysithea: ...
Hilda: So, what do you think?
Lysithea: Mmm. It's lovely. Now I smell just like you, Hilda.
Hilda: ...
Lysithea: Somehow this makes me feel a little more...mature. Thank you.
Hilda: So, that's it! She just wants to feel more grown-up. She's hard to read, that one. That smile, though! Who knew she could be so cute?

B Support

Hilda: Ah, found you! Hello, Lysithea.
Lysithea: Uhh, Hilda? What's that box you're holding... It's...making me nervous for some reason.
Hilda: Your big sister Hilda's here, and she's going to make you look all grown-up!
Lysithea: I, uh, don't recall ever asking you to—
Hilda: That's right, I knew exactly what you needed! You didn't have to ask. Now, take a seat! With makeup, you can't just pick your favorite colors. You must choose colors that suit you and the occasion. If you'll be up close and personal—if you're going to a ball, for example—you want to keep it subtle. On the other hand, if you're going to be onstage, the colors should be overt.
Lysithea: Uh... I've never used makeup before. It sounds...complicated.
Hilda: Let's put up your hair to show off your neck. But we'll leave a few strands hanging, to make you look more vulnerable.
Lysithea: Why would I want to appear vulnerable? I don't want to be attacked!
Hilda: This is for wooing, not warring. When you're older, you might understand the importance of looking a little vulnerable.
Lysithea: Ugh. You're treating me like a child... But I guess it's mostly harmless.
Hilda: Now, when you're standing, put your non-dominant foot a step back. It looks more elegant. When sitting, don't lean back, but don't slouch either. And ensure at all times, you're gracefully extending your fingers.
Lysithea: Gracefully...extending... Argh. Suddenly standing and sitting are an exhausting activity! Hilda, that's enough. This is wearing me out.
Hilda: I knew you had potential! You'll go far, my darling. A couple of years to develop your charms, and no girl will outmatch you!
Lysithea: I'm not sure I'm cut out for this type of thing.
Hilda: Oh, believe me, you are. With a little help from me, you'll have men falling at your feet!
Lysithea: No, thanks. You're more suited to such things. I'll leave it to you. I haven't the time or the energy to fuss over how I'm perceived. Even with my best efforts, I'll never be as good at this as you are. Still, this was rather fun. Thank you, Hilda.
Hilda: She really is brimming with untapped potential. When she smiles like that, wow! Even my heart skips a beat.


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Lysithea: I... I think I'm gonna pass out... Aghh!
Leonie: Whoa! Lysithea? You're really pale!
Lysithea: Yeah, I've been feeling really queasy all morning... I'm just heading back to my quarters to rest...
Leonie: Can you even make it there in that state? Here, climb on my back. I'll carry you.
Lysithea: Wuh... What? I'm not some sort of...infant.
Leonie: Always worried about looking like a kid. No time for that now. Just get on!
Lysithea: ...

Lysithea: I'm feeling a bit better now. I should be OK from here. Thank you so much, Leonie. I hope I wasn't too heavy... Was I?
Leonie: No, not at all. Actually made for a fun bit of training.
Lysithea: Uh, training?
Leonie: Yeah. Carrying someone around is good for the legs. You're just the right weight for it too. I might ask you to help me train again sometime! Anything can be a kind of training with the right attitude, you know?
Lysithea: Are you always thinking about training?
Leonie: Well, I can't devote all my time purely to training. So it's more efficient if I can train while I get other stuff done at the same time.
Lysithea: Wouldn't that actually be...rather inefficient?
Leonie: Huh? What do you mean?
Lysithea: Well, for example, if you're training for endurance, it seems running would be a better approach. If you're only ever training by cramming it in with other tasks, you won't be getting the best results. I am no expert on the subject, but even I can logic that one out.
Leonie: Come to think of it, you do always seem to stick to a pretty rigid schedule, don't you? I've noticed that you focus completely on whatever it is you've set out to do. Then you switch to something else, and focus completely on that.
Lysithea: You've noticed, have you?
Leonie: Now that I think about it, you may be right. Maybe that is the more efficient way to do things. Hey, you're really bright, Lysithea! Thanks so much for the helpful advice!
Lysithea: That was sweet of Leonie to check on me and carry me all the way to my quarters. And in the end, I just lectured her! She did thank me for it, but... Ugh, I probably could've handled that better.

B Support

Leonie: Hey, I'm about to take out the trash. Got anything you want me to take?
Lysithea: Uh, how about these? Just some old study notes of mine.
Leonie: Wow, that's quite the pile there. You sure it's all fine to throw away?
Lysithea: Of course. It's all safely stored in my brain now. If I concentrate, I can access any of it with ease.
Leonie: Why am I not surprised? I wish I had even half your power of concentration. OK, here we go. Ugh...this is pretty heavy! Well, it'll be a good workout. Oh, but you were telling me not to take my training so lightly. Still, can't hurt to get a little exercise in. I'll just take it at a run. See you later!
Lysithea: Hm.

Leonie: Hm? What is it, Lysithea? Was there something in that pile of paper you wanted to hang on to, after all?
Lysithea: No, that's not it. There's just...something I want to say to you. I'm sorry for saying your way of doing things was inefficient. You've clearly grown plenty strong, doing things as you have. Not to mention multitasking and training in that way surely presents interesting challenges.
Leonie: Well, sure. But if everyone has their own methods, then your methods aren't wrong either. All you did was share them with me, so there's no need for apologies. Still, it's probably beyond me to imitate your levels of focus and concentration. How do you even manage to throw yourself into only one thing like that?
Lysithea: I haven't much choice—I can't waste even a single moment.
Leonie: I can understand that. I'm sort of the same way. I hate feeling like I'm not getting enough work done. Anyway, you should just do what works for you. You've got something you want to achieve, right? That's why you feel pressured to study so hard.
Lysithea: Yes...
Leonie: Then focus on what matters to you. Leave the rest to people who have the time for it. And hey, if you need any heavy lifting done, you know where to go! The way I see it, it's all training.
Lysithea: You know, Leonie. You're so kind, so strong...
Leonie: Whoa. What's with the compliments all of a sudden?
Lysithea: I was just thinking what an incredible partner you'd make. Really, you've got all of the perfect qualities!
Leonie: What?!
Lysithea: I'm not simply saying that. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.
Leonie: Ha, you're making me blush! What a strange way to compliment someone.


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Lysithea: Phew... That about wraps it up for today's training. No thanks to a certain distraction...
Hanneman: ...
Lysithea: Professor Hanneman, I know you're there. It's extremely unsettling the way you're always staring like that.
Hanneman: Oh! My apologies, child. I was trying to remain inconspicuous, not wanting to interrupt.
Lysithea: Your half-hearted attempt to hide your weird staring only makes it weirder.
Hanneman: Well, I must apologize. In the future, I shall do my staring out in the open.
Lysithea: That might ease the weirdness, but it will continue to be extremely unsettling.
Hanneman: I have no desire to disturb nor to disquiet you... But you are a most exquisite subject for my Crest research. And you understand that the foundation of all research is observation.
Lysithea: I understand well enough, and I'll do my best to ignore it, but in return...

In any part but Crimson Flower

Hanneman: In return, I will keep your secret. I have not spoken a word of your twin Crests, not even to the church. If they knew I was withholding such valuable information, I might be branded a traitor. But such matters are trivial compared to the future of Crestology!

In Crimson Flower

Hanneman: Do not worry! Your secret is safe with me. I have not spoken a word of your twin Crests to anyone!

Lysithea: Shhh! Don't talk so loudly about it out here in the open!
Hanneman: Pardon my excitement. I simply cannot let the opportunity to study such a miraculous subject go to waste.
Lysithea: These awful Crests may seem miraculous to you, but for me, they fall under the category of curse.
Hanneman: I hope one day you will share more about your tragic origins, whenever you have the time to recount it. Your tale may contain valuable information...
Lysithea: You are utterly lacking in empathy, you know that? Even if you spent your entire life "observing" me, you'd never understand my feelings and all I've been through. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Lysithea: Ah, I fear I may have made a misstep. I have no desire to trouble her, yet my research...

B Support

Lysithea: Professor Hanneman, is this a good spot for this book?
Hanneman: That will do nicely, Lysithea. I'm sorry to trouble you with these chores.
Lysithea: It's no trouble. After all, it's proper etiquette for the young to help the elderly.
Hanneman: The elderly? I'm only— Never mind. How have you been feeling of late? Anything worth mentioning?
Lysithea: I've been feeling well enough, all things considered.
Hanneman: You seem to be maturing remarkably. No doubt your well-being is due to the positive influence of your twin Crests working in tandem.
Lysithea: Here he goes with the "positive" again. Looks like your research is more useless than I thought.
Hanneman: I may ignore your assaults on my age, but I will not allow unfettered attacks upon my research. What makes you think it's lacking? Surely you do not deny that your Crest-related abilities exceed those of your peers. You are so far ahead of the others... Even the combined effects of the twin Crests you bear do not fully account for that discrepancy.
Lysithea: You just can't see beyond the Crests, can you? In all your research, haven't you considered that my abilities are a direct result of the effort I've put in?
Hanneman: Of course I am aware that you are a hardworking student, but...
Lysithea: My efforts far exceed those of any other student—I've placed top priority on growing as quickly as possible.
Hanneman: Is the ability to expend such incredible efforts, to be so focused, and driven... Is that not a form of talent?
Lysithea: It has nothing to do with talent! It's a question of sheer will. I'm determined to succeed, no matter the sacrifice.
Hanneman: I see... But what drives you to such lengths?
Lysithea: I have goals, just like anyone. And precious little time in which to achieve them.
Hanneman: Little time?
Lysithea: The people who made me as I am informed me that my life would be drastically shortened as a result.
Hanneman: ...
Lysithea: A person bearing two Crests, against the will of nature itself... Well, clearly it can't be sustainable. As such, I don't indulge in the luxury of fantasizing about the future. I haven't got one. Knowing all this now, will you still claim that my Crests are something "positive"?
Hanneman: I... I cannot... Please understand... I had no idea.
Lysithea: I'll be leaving now.
Hanneman: Lysithea. So that is why you are...

A Support

Lysithea: Did you want something, Professor Hanneman?
Hanneman: Ah, Lysithea. Thank you for coming. First, I ask that you allow me to apologize. I fear I hurt you with my insensitive words. I have failed you, not as a researcher, but as a human being.
Lysithea: I'm the one who should apologize. I'm sorry for being rude to you. Anyway, I'll keep going along with your research. I have to be on my way now.
Hanneman: Please, Lysithea, a moment more? I did not call you here simply to apologize. I told you once that you were an exquisite subject for my Crest research. Why? Because there are no records of any other person ever having borne two Crests.
Lysithea: Correct.
Hanneman: We cannot say anything for certain about the makeup of your body. Therefore, it seems hasty to conclude that overcoming your shortened lifespan is an impossible feat.
Lysithea: What is it you're implying?
Hanneman: Lysithea. What is my field of study?
Lysithea: Crestology, of course.
Hanneman: Indeed. And the goal of my field is to unravel every single mystery Crests might conceal. Someday, I even hope to devise a means to bestow a Crest upon any who desires one.
Lysithea: Why would you want to do such a thing?
Hanneman: Because I despise this world in which the presence or absence of a Crest can determine a person's worth.
Lysithea: Huh...
Hanneman: However, if artificially implanting a Crest causes too great a toll on the subject, it would be useless. As such, reducing the strain of Crests on the human body is one of my research goals. Understanding how to implant a Crest might also lead to the knowledge of how to remove them, yes?
Lysithea: Do you think...removing a Crest could mean that they won't suffer from its effects any longer?
Hanneman: What I am trying to tell you is... The question of whether your lifespan can be restored is entirely within the scope of my research.
Lysithea: Do you... Could you really do that?
Hanneman: It is difficult to say for sure. But as long as the possibility exists, I will continue to seek it. Lysithea, let me ask you once more. Will you assist me in my research?
Lysithea: Professor Hanneman, I think I'm the one who should be asking for your help, really. Anyway, I'm sick of a Crest determining a person's worth too.
Hanneman: Ah, is that right?! Perhaps you would even like to begin studying Crestology yourself? I think you would make a fantastic apprentice. A life devoted to research is a noble life, you know!
Lysithea: If you do manage to restore my lifespan, I'd certainly think about it.
Hanneman: I will hold you to those words! Ah, I see a fine future ahead of us!


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Catherine: It was so sunny this morning, but now it's absolutely pouring.
Lysithea: Did you hear the thunder just now? Good thing we got all the clothes indoors before the skies opened up. I apologize for troubling you with this task.
Catherine: Don't worry about it. I was just passing by and thought I could help. I know how frustrating it is to have your newly dried clothes soaked by rain.
Lysithea: ...
Catherine: What's wrong? We managed to keep all of the clothes dry, didn't we?
Lysithea: It's just...odd. Every time it's my turn to wash the clothing, there's a sudden downpour. Surely it must just be an inconvenient coincidence, but I can't help feeling as though I'm somehow to blame for it.
Catherine: Ah, I see. That probably is your fault.
Lysithea: Wow, you're even harsher than I am!
Catherine: You have a Crest of Charon, don't you?
Lysithea: I do, yes, but— Hold on a moment. How did you know that?
Catherine: I can just tell. I have a Crest of Charon too. And I've noticed that, whenever I need dry weather, there's rain. Don't you think it's our Crests making the rain fall upon us?
Lysithea: How had I never connected this? This is quite a revelation! A Crest affecting the weather!
Catherine: Well, I don't know how true it is. There are only the two of us, which is a pretty small sample of people.
Lysithea: I suppose that's true. So...we must test our hypothesis! Hmm... Maybe we can find someone who tends to bring the sunshine around—that would be especially handy for helping out with the wash.
Catherine: Now, there's an idea!

B Support

Catherine: Lysithea, do you have a moment?
Lysithea: I do. What do you need to speak with me about?
Catherine: I was thinking about the time we talked about our Crests bringing bad weather.
Lysithea: Hm, yes. We never did get to test that theory, since I haven't found any sun-bringing folks.
Catherine: Joking aside, each Crest is unique in how it impacts the bearer's life. I've seen more than my share of Crest-bearers, after all. Some of them bore Crests of Charon, like us... Some even bore Crests of Gloucester.
Lysithea: Certainly, but I don't see your point.
Catherine: I'm not a Crest scholar. I don't know all the details... But I have a knack for guessing a person's Crest just by looking at them.
Lysithea: ...
Catherine: Forgive me, but... Do you have two Crests?
Lysithea: Er, um, well...
Catherine: You don't have to tell me. I mean, it shouldn't even be possible to bear two Crests. So if you do have two, you must be sitting on some major secrets.
Lysithea: It's nice to know that someone understands...
Catherine: Of course. Everyone has things they would rather not talk about. For all you know, Catherine's not my real name. Maybe I'm an outlaw, on the run from my homeland!
Lysithea: That can't be true, can it?! Stop messing with me!
Catherine: I was kidding! Though who knows, maybe there is some truth in it. My point is, no matter what secrets we're keeping, I'm still me and you're still you. I do worry a little about you. You never seem to let your guard down around other people. That can't be easy. You know, it's important for you to relax once in a while.
Lysithea: I don't even know the meaning of the word.
Catherine: That's easy! Just gab with your friends about something pointless and the stress will fade away! I'm always happy to chat, if you're interested.
Lysithea: Well... Thank you. Why are you being so kind to me, anyway?
Catherine: I just feel a certain kinship with you. We both have Crests of Charon, and we both have secrets we can't share with anyone.
Lysithea: I see. I will say I'm happy to have someone around who actually seems to understand me.
Catherine: Good! You can feel comfortable with me. Since we have the same Crest, we're basically sisters.
Lysithea: Aww. I...I really like that. Someone as wonderful as you as my big sister?
Catherine: Well, don't you just say the cutest things. That's my little sister for you!


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Cyril: Hmm, this one oughta do.
Lysithea: Uh, what are you doing, Cyril?
Cyril: I'm picking out logs to carry back and chop into firewood.
Lysithea: You can't expect to carry all these by yourself. Let me help.
Cyril: Nah, I got it. I don't want ya getting hurt. Logs are heavy sometimes.
Lysithea: I'm well aware. You should accept the help being offered. I'm older and wiser—I know best.

Cyril: Um, Lysithea, ya seem a bit shaky. You OK?
Lysithea: Yep, totally fine. I'm just kinda losing my grip on this log. Agh! Well, that wasn't much help, as it turned out. I didn't realize they'd be that heavy. Couldn't even walk in a straight line...
Cyril: I told ya, logs are heavy sometimes. It's hard work if you're not used to it.
Lysithea: I feel foolish.
Cyril: Well, if you've learned your lesson, I'm gonna go carry the other logs.
Lysithea: Hang on—shouldn't you rest for a bit?
Cyril: Wood still needs chopping. I got a buncha other stuff needs doing before sundown too.
Lysithea: In that case, let me help you carry the chopped wood!
Cyril: You know how rough firewood is? You'll get splinters if ya carry it with your soft hands.
Lysithea: You can't be serious!
Cyril: You're just not cut out for this kinda work. Look at your hands, they're like a princess's. No point in you learning to chop wood, is there? You don't need to know how to do that stuff. You and me live in different worlds. There's no point lowering yourself down into mine.
Lysithea: Our worlds aren't so different. We're together right now, aren't we?
Cyril: Sure, we live in the same places now, but that's not gonna last forever. Don't see how it could, unless I actually turned into your little brother or something.

B Support

Cyril: ...
Lysithea: Hey, Cyril! Cyril? Hmm. What is he staring at? I see... Hey, what are you looking at there? Anything interesting? Let me have a look. "3 apples, 2 bags of ointment, 1 piece of graphite." Intriguing... Some sort of code, perhaps?
Cyril: Nah, I was just asked to go out and buy the stuff on this list.
Lysithea: Oh, that's all? Sorry for interrupting, in that case. This is kind of a one-person job, so I won't bother you by offering aid.
Cyril: You actually helped a lot just now, reading that list for me like you did. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anybody, 'cause I've been trying to keep it a secret, but... I don't know how to read, so I wasn't sure what to do with the list.
Lysithea: Is that so? But why do you keep it a secret?
Cyril: I'd hate it if people figured I wasn't up to a job just 'cause I couldn't read.
Lysithea: You're always welcome to call on me for help. I'd be happy to.
Cyril: Thanks, I will.
Lysithea: I really mean that. Anything you need.
Cyril: OK.
Lysithea: Good! Now, you'd better go get those supplies before it gets dark. Do you remember everything on the list? Need me to read it one more time for you?
Cyril: That would be pretty helpful, actually.
Lysithea: All right, listen up! I'm not gonna do this a third time!

Cyril: Lysithea's not a good liar, is she? She knew I was in trouble right away. Hang on. Did she just wanna act like a big sister again? But she looked real happy when she was helping me. And I think I'd like to see that smile again sometime.

A Support

Cyril: Hey, Lysithea. I'm glad I found ya.
Lysithea: What's up, Cyril?
Cyril: Could you read something for me again?
Lysithea: Looks like it's another shopping list. I'm happy to help you out. Did you try looking it over yourself yet?
Cyril: What's the use? I told ya I can't read.
Lysithea: Have a look here—any of these letters look familiar?
Cyril: Huh? This one? Was that...apples? So it says... three...apples?
Lysithea: Yes, you got it! See? You can do it!
Cyril: I wonder if there's anything else I can recognize! Let's see...
Lysithea: It's clear you've got a sharp memory. If you apply yourself, you'll be reading in no time. Reading is such an important skill. Once you learn, you won't forget! And I won't be around to read things for you forever.
Cyril: Lysithea?
Lysithea: Anyway, don't you enjoy learning? It seems like you haven't even thought of trying prior to this. Do you simply not have time for it?
Cyril: Until now, I never thought about how to learn, and since I was hiding it, I never asked anybody. But right now, I feel like I'd be happy to live like this for a little bit longer.
Lysithea: It seems like a hassle at this point not to learn, so you may as well start putting in the work!
Cyril: Well, I like having you read things to me.
Lysithea: You do?
Cyril: Yeah, you always seem happy when I ask you to read things, and when you're happy, you smile. I think you're pretty when you smile. I betcha everyone tells you that though, huh?
Lysithea: As a matter of fact, they haven't! Stop messing with me!
Cyril: Hang on a second. Am I the only one who's seen you make that face? Is that why nobody's told you?
Lysithea: Excuse you! I mean, honestly!
Cyril: OK, well, I'm gonna go take care of this errand for the professor. I'll see you later, Lysithea.
Lysithea: Don't expect me to read for you again! And, uh... just take care of yourself, will you?

A+ Support

Cyril: I did it! I did it! OK, so next up is...

Lysithea: What's this letter all about... Doesn't appear to have a sender written anywhere... This handwriting is so sloppy. Wow. "Dear Lysithea. I read the book you gave me." This must be from Cyril! He's learning so quickly! "It was hard. And it got more easy more I tried it. And it was fun. And I learned new stuff." That's the spirit! "Thanks you for helping me to read and to write." You are so welcome. "Somethings are hard to say and easy to write." I know just what you mean. "I want to read more and learn writing better." You're already doing so well with this. I can see how hard you're working! "I am glad you are my friend. It makes me bappy." ...
Cyril: Hey, Lysithea! Last night I finished reading the book you lent me. I wanted to tell you right away, but it was late, so I tried to write a letter... Um, Lysithea?
Lysithea: Cyril! You sweet, little—
Cyril: Did I do something wrong? I don't know what you're trying to say.
Lysithea: Some feelings can't be verbalized or put into writing. Just... Look, it's just that... I...
Cyril: I'm sorry. I really don't know what you're trying to say.
Lysithea: What I'm trying to say is, "I'm bappy too."
Cyril: B...bappy?
Lysithea: Let's keep studying and spending time together, OK? Cyril: Oh! I get ya now. That sounds great, Lysithea.


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