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Revision as of 07:46, 6 May 2018

This page contains all data pertaining to Marth's supports in Fire Emblem Warriors.


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Support information Portrait rowan fewa.png
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Marth: I remember you telling me you don't want to become a king. Why is that?
Rowan: It should be pretty obvious. Kings are weak—it's as simple as that. They need others to protect them, and they can't do anything on their own. I'm gonna be a knight instead, strong enough to protect everyone.
Marth: I'd agree that a king cannot act alone… But does that mean he is weak? After all, he has found people willing to lay down their lives for him. Now consider your enemies—they may be giving their lives to protect friends. Does it make you strong to kill someone who has their own honorable intentions? Can you cut down your foe knowing that their death will hurt their friends?
Rowan: I… I can! I will! There's no time for such hesitation in battle, anyway. As long as I need to protect my sister…or defend this kingdom… I won't let doubt stop me from doing what has to be done!
Marth: You're right. Your sword must be backed by unwavering confidence. That confidence comes from your bond with your sister and kingdom. Such connections are nurtured by a king, and they help to defend his realm.
Rowan: How does that work?
Marth: Simply put, people who love the king and the land will fight hard to protect them. Think about it… Your desire to defend your kingdom brought us all together. We fight hard to help you because of the love you clearly have for Aytolis.
Rowan: Oh… Well…
Marth: And when we all work together, there's nothing that can stop us. This is the kind of power a king can wield. He may not always fight on the front lines, but he can still protect his people.
Rowan: …I still think I'm better in the thick of a fight. My sister has the brains to rule.
Marth: Hah. I don't mean to be pushy. I'm not trying to talk you into becoming king. I just thought you could use another perspective. I myself hope to become a king who can nurture the bond with his people.
Rowan: I don't know if I'm cut out to be that kind of king, but you are for sure!
Marth: Thank you for saying so. There's still a long road ahead, but I'm focused on it. If by chance you decide you do what to become king… I hope my words can be a source of inspiration for you. Remember that everything I do is to nurture the bond between my friends.
Rowan: I'll keep it in mind for sure. I've seen it firsthand on the battlefield, after all. You're an invaluable ally. I'll never forget your courage.
Marth: I'll continue to watch over you, Rowan, and I'll always treasure our connection.


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Support information Portrait ryoma fewa.png
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Ryoma: You carry yourself with such grace for one so young, Prince Marth. Your swordsmanship is most impressive and your allies truly listen to you.
Marth: You're too kind, Prince Ryoma. But fighting alongside you has only revealed my own inexperience. I have a long way to go before I can stack up against you. I lost my father and my sister… My whole kingdom was seized by enemy forces. So many innocents died because I was not strong enough… If I only had the power to protect my own people, I could have saved them.
Ryoma: So you lost your family too, Prince Marth. We have this in common. When I was young, my father was killed and Corrin was taken. It was in that moment I vowed to protect my family from further harm. If I had been stronger at the time, I could have prevented such loss. So, you see, I understand your pain better than most. That vow is the foundation of my determination today.
Marth: I'm sorry to hear your family has suffered such hardships, Ryoma. I was so focused on my own past, I didn't consider yours may be similar.
Ryoma: Those experiences have made me the man I am today.
Marth: Thank you for talking to me about it. You are truly a model of strength. Not only in body, but in spirit as well. I've got a long way to go.
Ryoma: It is no small honor to be considered a benchmark by one as great as you. I guess that means I have become stronger. Thank you, Prince Marth. I'm positive you will become a fine king.
Marth: Hearing that from you gives me hope.
Ryoma: Your achievements up until now have been more impressive than mine. To raise and lead an army at your age, and to always put your friends first… It is I who should look to you as a role model.
Marth: Am I really that inspiring?
Ryoma: Of course. I'll never stop drawing encouragement from you. And I think our similar pasts are a fine foundation for a friendship.
Marth: I think you're right.
Ryoma: We both lost our fathers at a young age, so we have both made our own way. Let us continue to bring out the best in each other and grow as comrades.
Marth: Hah, I agree. To meet in this strange world… It must be fate that our paths have crossed. Let's walk it together!
Ryoma: And we'll prepare each other for the responsibilities of the crown.


Portrait marth fewa.png
Support information Portrait xander fewa.png
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Marth: What are you doing, Prince Xander? The fight's barely finished, and you're already neck-deep in paper.
Xander: Yes, well, I record and make notes on my performance after every battle. As Nohrian royalty, I must always be trying to improve myself.
Marth: I can say without a doubt your battle performance requires no improvement. In fact, everything you've done is intimidating. I admire the way you handle yourself, on and off the battlefield.
Xander: I appreciate that, but in my opinion, I'm still not good enough. When I think of how my father was in his prime… Well, I pale in comparison.
Marth: I can't imagine someone more imposing than you.
Xander: I didn't have to imagine it. He was a powerful king and an inspiring leader. He always stood on the front line in battle, ready to fight for his kingdom.
Marth: I'm envious that you have a father to look up to, especially one like that.
Xander: Yes, well…that was, um, a long time ago.
Marth: Did I say something wrong?
Xander: No, no. Why don't you tell me about your father, Prince Marth? If he's anything like you, he must be a splendid king.
Marth: Years ago he sought to aid an allied kingdom…and never returned.
Xander: So your father is… I had no idea. My apologies for my insensitivity.
Marth: Don't worry, there's no way you could have known.
Xander: Though it seems my assumptions were correct. He was a great hero? To give one's own life in the name of the people is the mark of a true king. No doubt his strength and honor live on in you. I see how you fight for your friends and for the people of Aytolis. Your father would be proud.
Marth: Thank you. I hope that's the case. I often wonder what my father would think of me now.
Xander: Leadership comes very naturally to you. I, on the other hand, have to work at it.
Marth: I think you're underestimating yourself, Prince Xander. The way you described King Garon is exactly how I'd describe you.
Xander: Hah… That's kind of you to say.
Marth: It's also the truth. You know, it's nice to have someone else to talk to about the life of a prince. I believe we could learn a lot from one another. Like how not to be so hard on ourselves.
Xander: I suppose spending some more time together wouldn't be a bad idea. Perhaps we'll both be better princes as a result!


Portrait marth fewa.png
Support information Portrait chrom fewa.png
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Chrom: Hm… Did I move too far ahead?
Marth: Chrom! You're alive!
Chrom: Marth. Thank you for coming. …Behind you!
(Outrealm fiend appears and is slain)
Marth: You have my thanks. I came here to save you, but instead you saved me.
Chrom: No thanks are necessary… This whole mess was my fault.
Marth: Don't be so hard on yourself. Anyway, let us be off.
Chrom: Right!
(Time passes)
Chrom: You really helped me out. I tend to get ahead of myself when it comes to battle. You, on the other hand, fight while also watching out for your comrades.
Marth: I cannot simply stand by and watch as those I fight alongside are hurt. But you are always more than brave on the battlefield, Chrom. You know this. You remind me of King Anri.
Chrom: The founder of the Kingdom of Altea? To be compared to him is a little overwhelming. I'm not that great.
Marth: But you hold within you the power to accomplish greatness, just like the king.
Chrom: Of the two of us, I think you're far more deserving of the name Hero-King.
Marth: Do you truly believe so?
Chrom: I do. When I return home, I'll tell stories of my battles alongside the great Marth.
Marth: But I get so focused on helping everyone that I lose sight of my own safety. It is sorry to think that one lauded as the Hero-King cannot care for himself.
Chrom: No! I won't accept that!
Marth: I apologize if I said something to upset you.
Chrom: …I'm the one who should apologize. It's impossible not to expect great things from a legendary hero. And when we look at you, we can't help but feel that you truly deserve the title. So please…don't be so hard on yourself.
Marth: …Thank you, Chrom. You are the first one to explain it that way. In any case, I must improve myself before I am worthy of the title of Hero-King.
Chrom: Marth…
Marth: But I will no longer make apologies for being less than perfect. And some day, I will be as worthy of the title as you say. This, I swear to you.
Chrom: And I swear to become as brave and kind a soul as you. As long as we share this bond that spans time itself, I'm sure I can do it. For the sake of both our futures… Let us join our power and take the next battle!
Marth: Our swords together shall carve a path for us both!


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Support information Portrait lucina fewa.png
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Lucina: Thank you for your reinforcements, Lord Marth. Just what I'd expect from the Hero-King. It is an honor to share your battlefield.
Marth: Please, Lucina. I did nothing to warrant such praise.
Lucina: You showed up when I needed you most. It was just as the legends say! Rescuing your allies and driving back you foes in one fell swoop! Beloved not only by his comrades, but known to charm his enemies as well.
Marth: I assure you, those stories are greatly exaggerated.
Lucina: That cannot be! I grew up believe in these tales. Hero-King Marth was the hope for all who lived in my world. That's why I… I took your name and fought to spread that hope.
Marth: But you must realize not everything is as the legends say.
Lucina: Well, I guess you are a bit different from what I imagined. It's said you slew a dragon, so I pictured you as a relentless warrior. But in reality you're calm and kind, and you care for your friends. And you just… I mean… You're amazing! That's what I'm trying to say!
Marth: When you put it that way…it makes me very uncomfortable.
Lucina: And so humble too!
Marth: If you say so. If I may change the subject, why did you use my name? You would make a fine leader in your own right. I'm sure people would have rallied behind you on your own merits.
Lucina: I needed a strong symbol of hope. The Fell Dragon seized control of my world and plunged it into despair. Your name was the only one capable of raising spirits and support. As I said, Lord Marth… your legend is hope itself.
Marth: I see… Lucina, you've been through some truly difficult battles.
Lucina: I have… And I think, above all others, the person who benefited from your name… Well, I think it was me. Calling myself Marth gave me the courage of the true Hero-King. …I'm sorry. I've felt the need to apologize since we first met. Even if it was to save my future, using your name was selfish.
Marth: No apology necessary. If it was that useful, I'm more than glad. Besides, I am certain your deeds were worthy of my name.
Lucina: Thank you, Marth. You have always been a great source of strength. Even now.
Marth: But looking at you here, it seems you never needed my name to begin with. Judging from your strength, you will one day give rise to your own legend.
Lucina: I… I don't…
Marth: I must do my best as well, so I too can become the Hero-King you aspire to be. There is no telling what awaits me after this. I must be ready for anything.
Lucina: Since I have been given the honor of fighting alongside you… I will give everything I have to bring my skill closer to yours. Even if just a little.
Marth: Let us fight with all we have. For both our futures!


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Support information Portrait frederick fewa.png
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Frederick: Pardon me, Prince Marth. Let me clean that up.
Marth: Oh! Very well. …Actually, I was going to get that eventually.
Frederick: Oh, I don't mind. This is the sort of work I handle, milord.
Marth: Are you sure? I don't want to get used to having others do work for me.
Frederick: I see. But did your former retainers not handle these sorts of things?
Marth: Why would you assume that?
Frederick: Pardon me if I have offended you, but is that not what retainers are for? Surely you were surrounded by capable and trustworthy ones?
Marth: Yes, yes, of course. But they were talented knights, not mere servants. Jagen, my guardian…Abel, with his steady hand…and Cain—what a temper on him. I own a great deal to all of them.
Frederick: Do you speak of the Bull and the Panther? Those names are legend in my time! To think I never connected them to you… As a retainer myself, I was raised on stories of their craft and service.
Marth: That is comforting to hear. They are all deserving of such honor. But you, Frederick, are just as talented and dependable as they. And your relationship with Lord Chrom is a model of harmony and respect.
Frederick: Milord…I'm honored. Truly, such praise coming from you… You kind heart knows no limit. The Bull and the Panther are lucky to have you.
Marth: I admit I'm a bit jealous that you and Chrom are united here…
Frederick: Yes, I suppose I am quite lucky… Milord, in the absence of your retainers, perhaps you would allow me to serve. My first duty is still to Chrom, of course, but maybe I could be of some help.
Marth: Thank you, Frederick. I would be foolish to turn down such an offer. Mind you, I don't require anyone to hold my hand. But I am pleased to know I can rely on your strength and courage.
Frederick: Of course, milord. My arm is yours!
Marth: There is one condition, however. You must allow me to do something in return. Perhaps I could help with your work, or fight by your side on the battlefield… Not as your master, but as a friend walking the same path.
Frederick: Thank you, milord! As you said earlier, I would be foolish to turn down such an offer. You can count on my support going forward. As a friend.
Marth: Very well! With our combined strength, we shall overcome anything in our path!
Frederick: Indeed. Onward, milord! I mean…Marth. …May I call you Marth?


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Support information Portrait caeda fewa.png
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Caeda: Marth… Are you all right?
Marth: Yes, I'm fine. I made it through that last battle without major injury. I'm more relieved to see you unharmed. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to face King Mostyn.
Caeda: You shouldn't think about things like that.
Marth: I only wish to see you safely back to our world. To be honest, I would bar you from the battlefield if I could.
Caeda: Marth…if we want to survive, we need every able fighter. Do you think I have no talent for battle?
Marth: Of course not. You are a remarkable fighter.
Caeda: If that's not it, then what?
Marth: It's your talent that worries me. The more talented you are, the more battle you see. The more lives you take. I worry the burden of taking so many lives may be too much for you to bear.
Caeda: Don't worry about me, Marth. I can shoulder any burden as long as you're by my side.
Marth: I'm glad to hear that. But with each battle comes the risk of—
Caeda: Would you have me simply watch the fight from the sidelines?
Marth: Of course not, but…I couldn't live with myself if you were hurt!
Caeda: Well, maybe the great Prince Marth will wait in his castle during the next fight!
Marth: You can't just expect me to sit idly by and watch! Not while everyone puts themselves in such danger.
Caeda: So you understand how I feel.
Marth: Caeda, please.
Caeda: If you fell in battle because I was not by your side… I don't think I could ever forgive myself.
Marth: I feel the same about you. I guess that's why we have such…heated discussions.
Caeda: We understand each other all too well. I'm sorry for getting so worked up.
Marth: It's fine. I think I deserved it, really. I simply want to keep you safe. That's my top priority.
Caeda: Our priorities are one and the same. I want little more than to protect you. And I want this fighting to be over as soon as possible.
Marth: Then let's take each battlefield by each other's side. This fighting will be ended through our combined strength.
Caeda: Yes, Marth. We'll see each other safely home.


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Support information Portrait tiki fewa.png
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Tiki: Oh, what a strange house! It looks so different from the houses in our world.
Marth: Yes, it is awfully unique. It really reminds me we're in a foreign land.
Tiki: Do you think Ban-Ban's seen this sort of thing before?
Marth: I don't imagine so. No matter how long, Bantu has lived, it seems unlikely he's traveled worlds.
Tiki: I wish he would have come with us. I want him to see all this new stuff.
Marth: You'll just have to take a good look and describe it all to him when we get back. I think it would make him happy to hear these stories from you.
Tiki: You're right! I'll look at everything I can and tell him all about it! But…when do you think we'll be able to go home? Do you think Bantu is sad that I'm not there?
Marth: I'm sure he's missing you quite a bit.
Tiki: Aww… I knew it…
Marth: But he has a lot of new companions now as well. Our friends are still with him, so I'm sure he's doing just fine. How about you, Tiki? Are you missing him?
Tiki: Yeah, not being able to see him is sad… But I'm the same as him! I'll be fine because I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And we'll be together forever. …Right?
Marth: Of course. Together forever. Bantu is waiting for us to return, along with everyone else.
Tiki: In that case, let's get back to our own world as soon as we can.
Marth: That's the right attitude to have. The enemy is gaining momentum. Battles will be tougher from here on. Let's work with our new allies and finish this fight as soon as we can.
Tiki: You got it! I'll just be like, "Roooaarrr!" and roast our enemies up good!
Marth: Ha! You'll be a fearsome opponent. Let's both give it all we've got. We can defeat enemies of any strength when we face them together.
Tiki: I won't be scared as long as I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And you're not scared as long as I'm here, right?
Marth: That's right. It's always a great relief to have you fighting by my side. When I heard that you had come to this world as well, I just knew we'd be fine.
Tiki: I'm glad you're here, too. Traveling with you is so much fun!
Marth: Let's help each other through this strange land.


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Support information Portrait celica fewa.png
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Celica: Prince Marth. Your kingdom is in Archanea, correct?
Marth: That's right. I didn't realize you'd heard of it.
Celica: It's probably coincidence, but there's a land by the same name in my world. It should be at peace right now, but… you country is at war, right?
Marth: Yes… The situation is beyond grave. Not only did I lose my own kingdom, but the entire continent is now fighting. So if I want to save my kingdom, I must save all the others as well.
Celica: That's pretty similar to the War of Shadows.
Marth: I beg your pardon?
Celica: Oh, never mind… It just reminds me of something else. The Archanea of my world had a major war, too. It lasted for years and there were many deaths. It was so tragic… It looks like you're resolved to fight, but I wonder if that's the best way. War takes such a toll on the people. Are there no peaceful solutions?
Marth: I often wish there were. But unfortunately, some foes simply cannot be reasoned with. My father fought for Archanea, and he gave his life. So now it's up to me to carry on that fight. I was born a prince of Altea, and it was my father's dying wish that I rule.
Celica: But just because you were born a prince doesn't mean you have to fight. War leads to more war, which leads to more tragedy. It's unending! And even if you survive this battle, you may not survive the next!
Marth: Even so, Celica… It is my choice to fight.
Celica: Is there no way to stop you?
Marth: I can't protect my loved ones by sitting on the sidelines. Nevertheless…you have opened my eyes to a new perspective.
Celica: I have?
Marth: Citizens dragged into war have more to lose than their lives. They can lose hope. I must have forgotten that after so much time on the battlefield. We must fight for now, but I will keep the importance of peace in mind.
Celica: It makes me happy to hear you say that, Marth… And to know that someone like you believes peace after war is possible. I may not have much to offer, but at the very least… allow me to pray for your safety, and that you achieve your goals.
Marth: Thank you, Celica. I'll do my best to see that your prayers are answered.


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Support information Portrait lyn fewa.png
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Lyn: You're a model prince, Marth. You'd look good on a white steed.
Marth: What makes you say that?
Lyn: You have a very noble air about you. It makes for a great leader. I'm a noblewoman, but I was raised on the plains—the opposite of in a castle. So I feel like the way I act can be… unrefined, I guess.
Marth: Acting noble all the time isn't all it's cracked up to be. Don't worry too much. You have your own qualities that make you a fine leader.
Lyn: Aw, you're just saying that to be nice.
Marth: I mean it. You have amazing strength and you care deeply for those you protect. Such traits are noble in their own rights and more important than manners.
Lyn: Thanks, Marth. That means a lot coming from you.
Marth: Your father was a respected chief, right? I'm sure you inherited some of his traits.
Lyn: I'd like to think so. Too bad I didn't get any of my mother's beauty and grace!
Marth: I think have your own type of beauty and grace. It's just less…traditional. Your bladework reminds me of a dance, or a wind sweeping across the plains.
Marth: I'm sorry if I said something to upset you.
Lyn: No, it's fine. What you said threw me a little, that's all. I have a friend who once told me that same thing.
Marth: So I'm not the only one who sees it. Is this friend from your world?
Lyn: Yes. His name is Eliwood. He's a noble with real compassion for his people. He's always been there for me, through thick and thin. I own him so much. I used to hate nobles, but that all changed when I met him.
Marth: He must have recognized your good qualities the moment he met you. Those feelings grow along with the bond between friends. Eliwood and I both immediately realized how important you would be.
Lyn: OK, you're making me blush. It's easy for me to see why so many people follow you too, you know. So, that said…would you mind being my mentor? I feel as though I must learn to act more nobly. And I want to wield my sword for others, not just myself. Like you.
Marth: Hmm, a fair request… But let's make a deal. I'll mentor you if you mentor me. Your swordplay is strong and flexible, and I admire your free, tenacious style.
Lyn: So we'll both be mentor and mentee… I like the sound of that.
Marth: We'll fight, learn, and grow together. I look forward to it, Lyn.


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Support information Portrait azura fewa.png
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Marth: Is someone out here? Oh, Princess Azura. What has you up this late? You're as white as a sheet. Did something happen?
Azura: No, I'm fine. Just lost in thought, is all. I'll return to my tent soon.
Marth: I'm actually having trouble sleeping myself. Would you mind if I sat with you? Perhaps you'd like to tell me what's keeping you up.
Azura: Well, I'm afraid you may find it a bit gloomy, but…all right. I was thinking about Nohr, the kingdom of my birth. The nighttime reminds me of it. You see, the whole kingdom is cloaked in perpetual darkness—just like this.
Marth: You're a princess of Nohr, but you were raised in Hoshido, is that correct?
Azura: It is. My father is the king of Nohr, yet his retainers tormented my mother and me… Thinking of that place brings up more bad memories than good, and I get so… Well, let's not talk of such dark things. I'd hate for you to see me upset.
Marth: I came out here because I was worried, but I fear I'm just making things worse… So how about instead I tell you of my homeland, Altea? It's an island nation in west Archanea, blessed with abundant greenery. But on a night much like this, I lost my country and my sister to our enemy… So when I return home, the fight to reclaim my homeland will continue.
Azura: You aren't very good at lightening the mood, Prince Marth…
Marth: I'm sorry. What I mean to say is that we're alike, you and I.
Azura: What makes you say that?
Marth: Nightfall brings a painful reminder of my home as well. But having you here with me makes it easier to carry that weight.
Azura: You've suffered through so much, yet it doesn't weigh you down… It's impressive.
Marth: Thank you, but I can't take sole credit. I couldn't continue fighting all on my own. It's the friends I've met and the memories we've made that allow me to carry on. For every painful memory, I've made a good one that gives me strength. So what about you, Princess Azura? Are painful memories all you have?
Azura: I do have some, but…I have some happy ones as well. I remember my mother teaching me to sing… And I remember meeting Corrin. And of course, meeting you here in this world…and spending time with you. Now that I think about it, maybe we are alike. My memories make me stronger. And I think it would be lovely to continue making memories just like these.
Marth: You took the words right out of my mouth. Even after I return home, I'll hold these memories dear and use them as strength.
Azura: Same here, Prince Marth… I'll never forget our time together.
Marth: I'm glad to hear that. We'll need all the help we can get in the coming battles.
Azura: I'll be sure to hold the memory of this conversation especially dear.


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Support information Portrait navarre fewa.png
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Marth: I'm surprised to see you training in a place like this. Even after coming to this world, you still prefer to spend your time alone.
Navarre: This is true.
Marth: I'm sorry I got you caught up in all of this. If you hadn't been with me, you would still be back in our home world.
Navarre: This is not your fault. Besides, there are plenty of strong foes to fight here. Keeps things interesting.
Marth: I'm glad to hear it. The allies we made here are strong. They're good people. They're reliable, not unlike our friends back home. Tell me, Navarre… When my war is over, will you leave?
Navarre: What makes you think I'd do that?
Marth: Just a sense I have.
Navarre: As observant as ever… I may leave.
Marth: As I thought. I'd prefer you stay with us, though. We'll still need your strength. Caeda, myself… Everyone in Altea. And if you're worried you'll run out of interesting fights, train as a knight. You could spend the rest of your life on the battlefield.
Navarre: The rest of my life is a tall order.
Marth: May I ask why you would leave?
Navarre: If I stay in one place, needless emotions will take root in my heart. They would dull my blade.
Marth: But emotions are just a part of being human.
Navarre: It's simply how I live. I'm a killer— nothing more.
Marth: If that's how you truly feel… However, I will say this. You are no mere killer. I've never known you to turn your blade on an innocent or an ally. You fight for the protection of others. You're an irreplaceable friend.
Navarre: … You say that to everyone. I've no intention of leaving before your war is over.
Marth: Thank you, Navarre. It would be an even harder fight without you.
Navarre: I'll continue to fight and win if only to see the next battle.
Marth: Your strength is crucial to ensuring we ALL see the next battle. And when this war is over, I'd like you to consider what I said.
Navarre: I will. Though it's doubtful my mind will change.


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Support information Portrait minerva fewa.png
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Minerva: Yyah! Huh! Haahh!
Marth: Excuse me, Princess Minerva, but the war council is about to convene!
Minerva: Ah! Is it that late already? My apologies, Prince Marth.
Marth: Not at all. But…my, what vigorous training that was! I must admit, I'm a bit jealous! Your martial prowess clearly exceeds my own.
Minerva: Oh no, Prince Marth, it is I who is jealous! You have the power to lead many people! That is truly worthy of jealousy. As for me, I wonder if I'll have what it takes to lead Macedon once it's freed…
Marth: I should think someone like you would have that strength in abundance.
Minerva: It's true that I have plenty of confidence when faced with battle, but beyond that…
Marth: I understand. Ruling a kingdom is no easy task. I know well your feelings of anxiety. I, too, fear I'm sorely lacking when it comes to leading my kingdom.
Minerva: …You?
Marth: It's true! However…along with my fear, I'm also filled with hope.
Minerva: Hmm… Hope can be powerful, but…
Marth: Even if I'm weak alone, I know I can do anything with my friends' help. If I'm joined by others who share my hopes, we can overcome any obstacle.
Minerva: I'm working towards freeing Macedon, and others have joined me, but… Can our ability to liberate it translate to maintaining a lasting peace?
Marth: I believe it can. Though, of course, I have no real proof on that front…
Minerva: Hmm… I think I may understand my way forward. I must share my vision for Macedon with those who would work with me. And…I must listen to all of their dreams and ideas as well… And if our opinions differ…we'll consider all sides and build from there!
Marth: Right. And by doing so, you'll all be sharing your goals in the fullest sense. …Seems I was correct: you already have the strength your kingdom needs. And if you have friends to support you, I believe you will use it well.
Minerva: Perhaps. Yet…I mustn't let myself be weakened by overconfidence. Faith in my friends has lost me battles before—and I was left feeling betrayed. I want to consider every angle so nothing like that ever happens again. And by doing so, I will push Macedon toward freedom and peace.
Marth: That sounds more like the Red Dragoon I know! Unwavering as ever. I would love to learn from your strength… Might I…train with you sometime? We can strengthen each other and push toward our shared goals—as friends!
Minerva: It would be my honor! Now…shall we make our way to the war council? We shouldn't miss our opportunity to help shape our future, right?
Marth: Right! That's the spirit!


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Marth: You're making a habit of saving me from dire situations, Linde. With magic as powerful as yours, I'm glad you're fighting on our side.
Linde: Of course! And I might have saved you that time… But the only reason the enemy can't get to me is because you're protecting me!
Marth: It's only natural to protect your allies. I think we work well together. To be honest, I wish I had the power to protect all our allies on my own… I'm not that strong, though, and I'm still inexperienced as the leader of an army.
Linde: You, inexperienced? There's no way that's true! You've been so helpful, even from the first day we met. I owe you! I know you asked Merric to look after me before. I was able to make friends with a fellow mage for the first time because of that!
Marth: I'm glad to hear it. Poor Merric… He's probably worried sick right now.
Linde: Oh, he's definitely worried about you, Prince Marth. Whenever we were together, all he did was talk about you. The whole time. "Prince Marth is so amazing." "Prince Marth can do anything."
Marth: Hah, oh did he?
Linde: Merric always enjoyed himself most when speaking of you and Princess Elice.
Marth: Even for a childhood friend, that is kind of embarrassing. But when Merric and I are together, he often speaks of you.
Linde: R-really?
Marth: Yes. He says your magic is amazing, and that it is heartening to fight beside you… And that it would have been fun to study magic with you in Khadein.
Linde: He really said all that?
Marth: I'm sure he is just as worried for your safety as he is for mine.
Linde: You're probably right…and that's all the more reason for us to get back safely.
Marth: Indeed. You, me, all of us—we will return home, safe and sound!
Linde: Yep! And I'm not trying to copy Merric here, but… I also believe that you can do anything, Prince Marth. Please allow me to keep fighting with you. I will do all I can to protect you!
Marth: Thank you, Linde. I rely on you just as much as Merric does, you know.
Linde: What a nice thing for you to say… I'm so deeply grateful!
Marth: You are an invaluable friend to me. I am happy to have you with us.
Linde: I'm happy to be here! You can count on me anytime, Prince Marth!


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