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This page contains all data pertaining to Kagero's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin m fe14.png
Corrin M
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Kagero access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Kagero's Ninja or Diviner class trees
This support grants Kagero access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Kagero's Ninja or Diviner class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Corrin: ...
Kagero: ...
Corrin: ...
Kagero: ...
Corrin: Um... Kagero?
Kagero: Yes, milord?
Corrin: You've been watching me from up there for a while. Is there something you need?
Kagero: Hrm. I suppose you could say that. What I need is for you to remain safe and sound.
Corrin: I agree with that sentiment, but I should be safe here, don't you think?
Kagero: What I mean is absolutely vital that we keep you safe. After careful observation of the army, I've realized that you are critical to morale. I will keep an eye on you at all times to make sure nothing happens to you. This also helps my liege, Lord Ryoma.
Corrin: How does this help my brother?
Kagero: It would undoubtedly break his heart if something happened to you.
Corrin: You clearly care deeply for him. How long have you been his retainer?
Kagero: I've served him for some time, though I was under Lady Mikoto's command before that. Combined, I have spent most of my life in service to the Hoshidan royal family.
Corrin: I didn't know that... Well, I am grateful for your assistance, but... You aren't planning on following me around everywhere I go, are you?
Kagero: You will be under my protection day and night, without fail.
Corrin: OK, well... I really need to go use the bathroom...
Kagero: You will be under my protection day and night, with exceptions. I will vanish whenever you need privacy.
(Kagero leaves)
Corrin: Whoa! She disappeared! Kagero really is a ninja...

B Support

Corrin: Kagero, I have a question...
Kagero: Yes, Lord Corrin?
Corrin: I know you're just doing your job, but... don't you think you should take a break?
Kagero: I would not be able to live with myself if something happened while I did so.
Corrin: It's just that...I feel a little on edge, being watched all the time. If it gets to me, I can only imagine how draining it must be for you to do it.
Kagero: I've trained for years to perform all the tasks of a ninja, so it doesn't bother me. But...I understand your point, milord. I will make an effort to be more inconspicuous in the future.
Corrin: I appreciate that, Kagero. I know your job can't be an easy one... That reminds me... Do you mind if I ask you something about Ryoma and my mother?
Kagero: Go ahead. I'll answer as best I can.
Corrin: How well did Ryoma and my mother get along with one another? Not being blood related, I imagine they had to figure a few things out.
Kagero: As far as I could tell, they had a very cordial relationship.
Corrin: I'm glad to hear that.
Kagero: I should clarify, though, that they didn't simply start off that way. The two of them worked very hard to forge their relationship into what it was.
Corrin: What do you mean?
Kagero: When Lord Sumeragi married Lady Mikoto, it wasn't just the royal children affected. There were a large number of Hoshidans who felt uneasy about her becoming queen. Lord Ryoma saw this and took it upon himself to build a relationship with her.
Corrin: Oh, I see. He wanted to set an example for everyone else to follow. Heh, that sounds like exactly something he would do.
Kagero: Lord Ryoma intended to make Lady Mikoto feel like she was welcome in Hoshido. From what I saw, he succeeded completely.
Corrin: That's reassuring. Thank you for sharing this with me, Kagero.
Kagero: Of course, milord.
Corrin: Ehem... Kagero?
Kagero: Yes, milord?
Corrin: I...I need to get changed...
Kagero: Oh! I apologize! I'll give you some privacy.
(Kagero leaves)
Corrin: And just like that, she's gone again...

A Support

Corrin: Hey, Kagero?
Kagero: You require some privacy? I shall disappe—
Corrin: Oh, no! Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something. I'm curious where your drive to carry out your missions comes from. It seems like all you do is follow the orders you've been given. I'm sure there are other things you'd like to do for yourself, aren't there?
Kagero: Of course, but it is the duty of a retainer to work hard for her liege.
Corrin: That's true, but...I feel like you're far more diligent than any of the other retainers.
Kagero: ...
Corrin: There must be something deep down that motivates you.
Kagero: *sigh* My clan has loyally served the Hoshidan royal family for many years. It is my duty as a ninja to continue that tradition. Also...I have an older brother.
Corrin: You do? I didn't know that...
Kagero: He's been frail since birth. It would be impossible for him to do even the most simple of martial arts. However, as he is the eldest child, it was his duty to carry on the tradition. His condition led some to criticize our clan's loyalty. This hurt my brother more than anything else.
Corrin: ...
Kagero: So I serve in his place, working hard to prove to everyone that our clan is loyal. I have to protect my clan's honor.
Corrin: I understand, Kagero. Thank you for telling me all this. I can really appreciate your motivations.
Kagero: Thank you for understanding, Lord Corrin. I'm sorry if my dedication is ever inconvenient for you.
Corrin: Don't worry about it at all! It's reassuring to know someone like you has my back.

S Support

Corrin: Kagero...
Kagero: Lord Corrin! Have I intruded again?
Corrin: Oh, no, not at all.
Kagero: Thank the gods. I was worried I was causing you undue stress again... It wouldn't do for me to drive you to ill health because of my protectiveness.
Corrin: Not at all! In fact, I've grown used to your presence. Comfortable with it, actually.
Kagero: Lord Corrin...
Corrin: You know, rather than serving others, I felt it'd be nice to do something for you.
Kagero: I'm only fulfilling my duty to my clan. There is no need for reward of any kind...
Corrin: I suspected you would feel that way. But I want to show you my gratitude for all you've done for the royal family. Not just in my capacity as a member of it. I...want to express my own feelings.
Kagero: Excuse me, milord?
Corrin: I want to protect you as faithfully as you've protected me. I want us to be together, Kagero!
Kagero: What?! I mean... I did not realize you had feelings for me, Lord Corrin... I'm not deserving of such... Lord Corrin, are you sure of yourself?
Corrin: I'm completely sure. Having you around all the time, protecting me, has allowed me to discover how I feel. I've realized how dear to me you are. I want to be able to offer you the same comfort.
Kagero: That you would open your heart to me... How can I say anything but yes?
Corrin: I'm so happy, Kagero! I promise to protect you as you have protected me!
Kagero: This looks to be the most important mission of my life!

(Confession Scene)
Kagero: To tell you the truth, I love you, too... I'll never be a traditional wife...but I'll keep you safe for the rest of our lives.

Corrin (F)

Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin f fe14.png
Corrin F
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Kagero access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Kagero's Ninja or Diviner class trees
This support grants Kagero access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Kagero's Ninja or Diviner class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Corrin: ...
Kagero: ...
Corrin: ...
Kagero: ...
Corrin: Um... Kagero?
Kagero: Yes, milady?
Corrin: You've been watching me from up there for a while. Is there something you need?
Kagero: Hrm. I suppose you could say that. What I need is for you to remain safe and sound.
Corrin: I agree with that sentiment, but I should be safe here, don't you think?
Kagero: What I mean is absolutely vital that we keep you safe. After careful observation of the army, I've realized that you are critical to morale. I will keep an eye on you at all times to make sure nothing happens to you. This also helps my liege, Lord Ryoma.
Corrin: How does this help my brother?
Kagero: It would undoubtedly break his heart if something happened to you.
Corrin: You clearly care deeply for him. How long have you been his retainer?
Kagero: I've served him for some time, though I was under Lady Mikoto's command before that. Combined, I have spent most of my life in service to the Hoshidan royal family.
Corrin: I didn't know that... Well, I am grateful for your assistance, but... You aren't planning on following me around everywhere I go, are you?
Kagero: You will be under my protection day and night, without fail.
Corrin: OK, well... I really need to go use the bathroom...
Kagero: You will be under my protection day and night, with exceptions. I will vanish whenever you need privacy.
(Kagero leaves)
Corrin: Whoa! She disappeared! Kagero really is a ninja...

B Support

Corrin: Kagero, I have a question...
Kagero: Yes, Lady Corrin?
Corrin: I know you're just doing your job, but... don't you think you should take a break?
Kagero: I would not be able to live with myself if something happened while I did so.
Corrin: It's just that...I feel a little on edge, being watched all the time. If it gets to me, I can only imagine how draining it must be for you to do it.
Kagero: I've trained for years to perform all the tasks of a ninja, so it doesn't bother me. But...I understand your point, milady. I will make an effort to be more inconspicuous in the future.
Corrin: I appreciate that, Kagero. I know your job can't be an easy one... That reminds me... Do you mind if I ask you something about Ryoma and my mother?
Kagero: Go ahead. I'll answer as best I can.
Corrin: How well did Ryoma and my mother get along with one another? Both royals, but not blood related... I imagine they had to figure a few things out.
Kagero: As far as I could tell, they had a very cordial relationship.
Corrin: I'm glad to hear that.
Kagero: I should clarify, though, that they didn't simply start off that way. The two of them worked very hard to forge their relationship into what it was.
Corrin: What do you mean?
Kagero: When Lord Sumeragi married Lady Mikoto, it wasn't just the royal children affected. There were a large number of Hoshidans who felt uneasy about her becoming queen. Lord Ryoma saw this and took it upon himself to build a relationship with her.
Corrin: Oh, I see. He wanted to set an example for everyone else to follow. Heh, that sounds like exactly something he would do.
Kagero: Lord Ryoma intended to make Lady Mikoto feel like she was welcome in Hoshido. From what I saw, he succeeded completely.
Corrin: That's reassuring. Thank you for sharing this with me, Kagero.
Kagero: Of course, milady.
Corrin: Ehem... Kagero?
Kagero: Yes, milady?
Corrin: I...I need to get changed...
Kagero: Oh! I apologize! I'll give you some privacy.
(Kagero leaves)
Corrin: And just like that, she's gone again...

A Support

Corrin: Hey, Kagero?
Kagero: You require some privacy? I shall disappe—
Corrin: Oh, no! Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something. I'm curious where your drive to carry out your missions comes from. It seems like all you do is follow the orders you've been given. I'm sure there are other things you'd like to do for yourself, aren't there?
Kagero: Of course, but it is the duty of a retainer to work hard for her liege.
Corrin: That's true, but...I feel like you're far more diligent than any of the other retainers.
Kagero: ...
Corrin: There must be something deep down that motivates you.
Kagero: *sigh* My clan has loyally served the Hoshidan royal family for many years. It is my duty as a ninja to continue that tradition. Also...I have an older brother.
Corrin: You do? I didn't know that...
Kagero: He's been frail since birth. It would be impossible for him to do even the most simple of martial arts. However, as he is the eldest child, it was his duty to carry on the tradition. His condition has led some to criticize our clan's loyalty. This hurt my brother more than anything else.
Corrin: ...
Kagero: So I serve in his place, working hard to prove to everyone that our clan is loyal. I have to protect my clan's honor.
Corrin: I understand, Kagero. Thank you for telling me all this. I can really appreciate your motivations.
Kagero: Thank you for understanding, Lady Corrin. I'm sorry if my dedication is ever inconvenient for you.
Corrin: Don't worry about it at all! It's reassuring to know someone like you has my back.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait jakob fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15

C Support

Jakob: Hey there, Kagero. I'm just on my way to— What in the world is that painting?
Kagero: Hello, Jakob... It's just a normal painting. Is there something the matter?
Jakob: What was your inspiration for this image? I'm having trouble picturing the subject as anything that exists in our reality...
Kagero: Doesn't it resemble a cat to you?
Jakob: A...a cat? You mean this was supposed to be a painting of a cat?
Kagero: Not supposed to be. It is a painting of a cat.
Jakob: I don't know about that. If I close one eye and tilt my head to the left...and squint a little... I think I see an older woman, smiling as she sits on a pincushion.
Kagero: That's not at all what I painted. It's odd that you see that.
Jakob: It is quite odd indeed.
Kagero: I promise you, what I've painted here is a cat.
Jakob: A cat with features decidedly unlike any cat I have ever seen.
Kagero: ...That's fine. Honestly, I wasn't planning on showing this painting to anyone, anyway.

B Support

Kagero: Hmmm... If I just add a touch more of this color, it should be about right...
Jakob: Hello, Kagero. What are the gods! I see you're creating another ominous painting today...
Kagero: Hello, Jakob.
Jakob: What is the subject of this painting?
Kagero: Can you not tell from looking at it?
Jakob: I apologize. I can't seem to place what I am looking at...
Kagero: *sigh* Here I thought I had done a better job of making it clear...
Jakob: It's all right! Let me see... Is it an ogre letting out a battle cry?
Kagero: It's a cat. Again.
Jakob: How could this possibly be considered a cat? I can't see it at all!
Kagero: I assure you it is. Look over there. That sleeping cat is what I was trying to paint.
Jakob: I don't understand how you can look at that cat... And end up painting this.
Kagero: I can see the cat quite clearly, though. I think something is off with how you view the world.
Jakob: It's your aesthetic sense that's off.
Kagero: I will admit you aren't the first person to say that to me.
Jakob: I suppose it isn't a bad thing... You can draw whatever you like. Your style has just grown you've practiced.
Kagero: Speaking of which... Would you like to help me with my next painting, Jakob? It may improve my paintings if I have someone else involved in the process. You could even create something of your own, too. I've already got all the supplies we would need. We could start right now.
Jakob: Really? I've never tried before... But sure, let's give it a shot.
Kagero: I can help you out with anything you don't understand; just ask. The basics of painting are second nature to me.
Jakob: A-ah, I appreciate any help you can offer...

A Support

Jakob: Kagero.
Kagero: Hello, Jakob.
Jakob: You really do enjoy painting, don't you?
Kagero: I do. I find it very relaxing. It helps me center myself, kind of like meditation.
Jakob: I see. Was I disrupting that by commenting on the scenes you were painting?
Kagero: Not in the least. If anything, it was very helpful to have your feedback on my paintings. I actually look forward to when you come by. It's somewhat rare to get a truly honest opinion out of someone.
Jakob: Heh. I really don't see how anyone couldn't have an opinion about your work. It is incredibly unique.
Kagero: Can you tell what I'm working on right now?
Jakob: Oh, of course. This is easy! It's a cat. It has to be a cat.
Kagero: Heh. Alas, this time I am not painting a cat.
Jakob: Aw, really? I thought for sure I knew what it was...
Kagero: have no idea at all what I've been working on? I can just tell you if you don't know.
Jakob: Wait, let me take a closer look. Hmmm. It looks like...a bald man, his eyes filled with tears, brandishing a whip!
Kagero: ... It's you, smiling.
Jakob: Th-that's how you'd paint my face?!
Kagero: I was so sure I'd gotten this one right. Apparently my confidence wasn't conveyed in my paintbrush.
Jakob: But...I don't shave my head! This person doesn't have a strand of hair left!
Kagero: I thought I'd observed enough of you when you were my painting companion. I was going to give you this as a gift, but considering how you reacted... it might be better just to get rid of it.
Jakob: Tsk... If you're only going to throw it away, I'll take it.
Kagero: Are you sure?
Jakob: You poured some feeling into this painting; it has special meaning as a result. Plus, it will probably work as a ward against demons. Go ahead and make any finishing touches to it, and then I'll happily take it.
Kagero: Heh... All right.

S Support

Jakob: Kagero, what do you think of this painting?
Kagero: Hmm...
Jakob: Just so you know, it isn't a painting of a cat.
Kagero: I can see that much. It looks like it's a man and a woman standing side by side.
Jakob: That's it exactly.
Kagero: I like it. Looking at it makes me feel all warm inside. I can tell the emotions of the artist are contained in the art.
Jakob: I'm glad. I was the artist who painted it, after all.
Kagero: Really? This is an original of yours?
Jakob: Indeed. It was kind of scary doing this when I am absolutely not used to it. But I really needed to express my feelings to you, and this was the perfect way.
Kagero: Your feelings? What do you mean?
Jakob: I feel like our relationship has really grown as we've worked on painting, don't you? I wanted to capture how you make me feel with this painting.
Kagero: ...
Jakob: Kagero, I want to be with you.
Kagero: Jakob...
Jakob: You make me feel so good when we're together. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather stand next to through life.
Kagero: You mean... The man and the woman in your painting... They're meant to be us, aren't they?
Jakob: Y-yes...
Kagero: Are you sure you want this, though? I'm a ninja, and I am sworn to Lord Ryoma. If it was needed, I would give my life for him in a heartbeat.
Jakob: I completely understand that, though. I wouldn't bat an eye if I needed to give my life to save <Lord/Lady> Corrin.
Kagero: Jakob...
Jakob: We were meant to be together, Kagero. What do you say?
Kagero: If you are fine with what I just said... Then yes. I will stand by your side.
Jakob: I couldn't ask for more.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kaze fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Kaze, can I have a moment?
Kaze: Sure—is something the matter, Kagero?
Kagero: Your brother, Saizo, is so quick to anger. Do you have any ideas about how we could get him to be less volatile?
Kaze: Have you two been fighting about things again?
Kagero: Our opinions regarding battle strategy are considerably different. We occasionally find middle ground, but in general we do not get along in command.
Kaze: Honestly, Kagero, you probably understand Saizo better than anyone else. If anyone is going to find a way to come to a compromise with him, it's you. I doubt Lord Ryoma would have made you both his retainers if he didn't think so.
Kagero: Hrmph. I was hoping you would have some brotherly insight.
Kaze: I wish that were the case. I don't think my brother and I are as close as other siblings seem to be. We don't really spend a lot of time talking about ourselves with each other...
Kagero: That is unsurprising. Secrecy is a core part of our very nature. Our training goes beyond the bonds of blood, even for twin brothers. To share more information than absolutely necessary just isn't natural.
Kaze: I suppose that's true... Now that you mention it, Saizo and I did not talk very often in our childhood, either. Naturally secretive, I suppose.
Kagero: Hah. You're probably right.
Kaze: Perhaps we could have these little chats more often? Of course, we'll avoid issues that our duty demands we not speak of.
Kagero: If that's what you wish, I'll consider it.
Kaze: Thank you very much.

B Support

Kagero: Hello, Kaze. You said you wanted to chat, but you never said what about.
Kaze: I wasn't certain. Perhaps our childhood? Do you remember when we first met?
Kagero: I started living at the castle at a very young age... I believe you and your brother visited regularly when you were older.
Kaze: That's true—we also made many trips to the castle before that, though.
Kagero: We must have met on one of those visits.
Kaze: It really does feel like we've known each other for a long time.
Kagero: Of the three of us, I've always thought you were the most levelheaded. I respect that about you.
Kaze: Whereas I've thought you're incredibly talented and someone I could learn from.
Kagero: Thank you. I'm honored to hear that.
Kaze: I have my speed and stealth, but I am less certain of myself in direct combat. You, on the other hand, excel in that area. In particular, you're quite good at using an enemy's momentum to your advantage.
Kagero: Kaze, are you sure you should be telling me all this? Even though we are allies, revealing your weaknesses to anyone is very dangerous. It is definitely something you shouldn't get in the habit of doing.
Kaze: I know, but I also feel that it helps my allies to know these things.
Kagero: Why?
Kaze: As we've traveled, I've had the chance to talk with many different people. I've learned that it's important to trust your allies and cooperate with them. If your friends know where you are strong and where you are weak... they can help you cover the weaknesses and enhance the strengths. I feel that's the most important thing I've learned from all this fighting.
Kagero: Ahhh. Now I understand what you are saying, Kaze. An army that truly believes and trusts in itself is stronger than any foe that doesn't. I think you've revealed something that I need to work on. Thank you.
Kaze: Of course, Kagero. It'd be nice if we could continue to talk like this from time to time.
Kagero: I'd like that too.
Kaze: I'm glad.

A Support

Kagero: Kaze, do you have time to talk?
Kaze: Certainly. It's nice to have you approach me for a change.
Kagero: I felt like I could afford to be a bit more proactive in our conversations.
Kaze: Regardless, I'm happy you would choose to spend your time with me. Which makes me curious... How do you normally spend your time?
Kagero: Well, usually I'm training or carrying out a mission. If I have free time, I enjoy making tea or painting. Or reading books in a quiet place.
Kaze: I didn't know that. I don't have any real hobbies, so I spend most of my time training with Saizo.
Kagero: I'm curious: How do you and Saizo train?
Kaze: It's really quite challenging, actually. Because we've trained together for so long, we know each other's moves. That means we have to constantly come up with new ways to surprise each other. The fighting is rather intense, and one of us usually walks away bloodied.
Kagero: Hmm... I can imagine that scene.
Kaze: You're always welcome to join us, Kagero.
Kagero: Despite my curiosity, I think that that is precious time between brothers. I don't want to interfere.
Kaze: I see...
Kagero: Regardless, I enjoy our chats, and I'll try and reach out to others as well. It's like you said before: sometimes you have to set aside planning for fighting... and just build relationships with your allies instead.

S Support

Kaze: Hey, you have a moment?
Kagero: Oh. Hello, Kaze.
Kaze: Do you mind if we talk some more?
Kagero: I don't mind, but why do you always ask questions about me? And it seems like you're doing it more and more often lately...
Kaze: Well...that's because...
Kagero: Hrm?
Kaze: It's because...I'm very curious about you.
Kagero: I see. I guess, despite my efforts, I still need to work on being more trusting and open.
Kaze: Oh, no, that's not what I meant... I don't want to shock you with this, but... I love you, Kagero.
Kagero: ...Oh my.
Kaze: I've always found your strength and grace admirable. But after we started to hang out, I realized that it wasn't just a professional attraction. Before I knew it, you were the center of my attention.
Kagero: Kaze...
Kaze: I want to know more about you, not just as an ally, but as the woman I love. Please tell me that I'm not alone in feeling this way, Kagero.
Kagero: ... You aren't. I feel the same as you.
Kaze: You do?
Kagero: Yes. I respect your skills on the battlefield but also how you keep an open mind. You've never changed that. Hearing your confession has made me incredibly happy. I promise to always adore and protect you.
Kaze: And I you!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait silas fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Silas: Hm? What's all this? I see stems and scissors... Kagero, are you working on a flower arrangement?
Kagero: Yes.
Silas: Where I'm from, flower arranging is an art mainly practiced by noble ladies...
Kagero: You're from a noble family, aren't you?
Silas: Yes, I am.
Kagero: As am I. I've been studying flower arrangement since I was a little girl.
Silas: Interesting. I suppose it is no surprise that Nohrian and Hoshidan nobles share many hobbies. So, what sort of arrangement are you creating? I'm curious how different— What...what is this?!
Kagero: Is something wrong?
Silas: Is this...really what a Hoshidan-style flower arrangement should look like?
Kagero: I'm Hoshidan, so...yes. Why do you ask?
Silas: I couldn't really see it from far away, but now that I'm closer... How should I put this? ...It looks sinister. It's like sorrow and pain interwoven in a flowery form. Needless to say, this is very different from a Nohrian flower arrangement.
Kagero: I...see.
Silas: This has been a...valuable experience. Hoshidan culture truly is foreign to me. Thank you for sharing, Kagero. I must confess I'm curious to see your next work. Though a little scared, too...

B Support

Silas: Hello, Kagero. What are you up to now? Oh, I see. Continuing with more traditional hobbies. Is this ceremonial tea?
Kagero: Yes. Like flower arranging, tea preparation was a part of my childhood upbringing.
Silas: I've heard that traditional tea preparation in Hoshido is very intricate. Can I watch for a bit? And perhaps try some when you're... ... What have you created?!
Kagero: Is something wrong?
Silas: ...Um...what...what is in that cup? At first I thought it was tea, but now that I'm up close...
Kagero: It is tea.
Silas: You can't be serious!
Kagero: Does tea look different in Nohr?
Silas: Yes—no one would even consider calling this tea where I'm from. That aroma is like nothing I've ever smelled before... It fills me with such an intense feeling of dread.
Kagero: So you think so too...
Silas: Hm? What? You've heard this before?
Kagero: My teacher once said something similar to me... I must admit her tea didn't look anything like mine.
Silas: It seems like the process you follow to prepare tea may be a bit...flawed.
Kagero: Most likely. I've been told that I have a unique artistic sense...
Silas: That would explain your flower arrangement the other day...
Kagero: Anyway, as long as you're here, would you like to try a cup?
Silas: ...You can't be serious.
Kagero: Of course I am. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
Silas: ... Sorry. I...uh...just remembered that I drank a ton of water a little bit ago. I couldn't possibly drink anything else.
Kagero: That's too bad. Perhaps next time then.

A Support

Silas: Kagero, is that a brush in your hand? Are you painting something?
Kagero: Yes.
Silas: What kind of painting is it? Let me see. ...I can't tell what this is. It looks like there's something ominous writhing in the middle of this black circle...
Kagero: That's you.
Silas: What?
Kagero: I'm painting a scene featuring you.
Silas:, no, no. That's not funny at all. There's no way that could be me. I don't look anything like that! For starters, my face looks nothing like that monster you've painted there!
Kagero: Are you going to insult each of my hobbies? First my flowers, then my tea... It seems like you're working hard to be rude...
Silas: I swear I'm not! If anything, I actually feel your pain.
Kagero: What do you mean?
Silas: As a member of Nohr nobility, I also studied painting from a young age. Despite my best efforts, I'm horrible at it. Depressingly so. At least your work reflects artistic intent. There's nothing at all redeemable in mine.
Kagero: I don't know if that's true...
Silas: I swear! Here, I'll prove it to you with a demonstration. Let me borrow your brush.
Kagero: All right.
Silas: ...*sigh* That's the best I can do. My goal was to paint your likeness. What do you think of the result?
Kagero: This is the first time I've ever seen such a horrible crime committed on canvas. That's not me. That's not even human. Maybe a demon, but even then...
Silas: See? My artistic ability is virtually nonexistent.
Kagero: It really is. However, it's reassuring to find that we are more alike than I originally thought. This is the first time I've looked at art that wasn't mine and felt this way.
Silas: I'm not sure how I feel about that... You're welcome?

S Support

Silas: Kagero, thanks for coming.
Kagero: What do you want? Don't tell me you've asked me here to offer more criticism of my art...
Silas: No, not today. I called you here because I want you to have something.
Kagero: Wait, this is...
Silas: An engagement ring that's been in my family for a very long time.
Kagero: I don't understand...
Silas: Kagero, I'm crazy about you. I want you to marry me.
Kagero: ......
Silas: I hope that your silence isn't a no...or is it?
Kagero: No, I'm happy...
Silas: Then...
Kagero: It's not that simple. While we're both of noble birth, our kingdoms are often at odds. How can we overcome that conflict?
Silas: I had a feeling you'd bring that up. However, I think my family will have no objections.
Kagero: Why do you say that?
Silas: I've been writing to them about you. I wrote of your flower arrangement, the tea you made, and your painting the other day. Recently I got a response from them. They are very interested in you and the art you create.
Kagero: That is actually kind of troubling... What kind of artistic sense do your parents have?
Silas: I thought it was strange at first, too. But my parents would like to meet you and experience Hoshidan culture...
Kagero: What do you mean?
Silas: They...may have decided that your art is representative of Hoshidan culture. From what they've written, they're very excited to meet you. Excited enough, in fact, that they sent me this ring to show their support.
Kagero: I didn't think anyone would appreciate my art, much less someone from Nohr...
Silas: That seems to be the case, though!
Kagero: I will accept your ring.
Silas: Really?!
Kagero: Yes. My initial fear was that the differences in our cultures would be too much. But if your family is as open to me as they are to my art... I feel I'd be able to call them my in-laws without a conflicted heart...
Silas: I'm glad to hear that.
Kagero: It would be rude for me to visit them empty handed. I know. I'll bring a painting most representative of my work. Lady Mikoto said it was truly astonishing and brought tears of pain to her eyes.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rinkah fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Oni Savage (Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal resistance.png Seal Resistance Oni Savage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 shove.png Shove Oni Savage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 death blow.png Death Blow Oni Chieftain, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 counter.png Counter Oni Chieftain, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 salvage blow.png Salvage Blow Blacksmith, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Blacksmith, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Hello there, Rinkah. Have you heard the rumors about the latest camp interest?
Rinkah: What rumors, Kagero?
Kagero: Apparently, the entire camp is trying to determine who the strongest fighters are. There are no clear winners among the men, the women, or both combined.
Rinkah: Hmph. I don't distract myself with idle gossip.
Kagero: Oh? Even though word is you and I are top candidates?
Rinkah: We are? Very well. Tell me more.
Kagero: They say that you and I both possess incredible strength. That you are powerful while I am tactical. There is some intense disagreement as to which of us is the stronger fighter.
Rinkah: Hrm. Normally I dislike people talking about me behind my back, but... I must admit, it's nice to have my strength praised after working so hard in training.
Kagero: I feel the same way. I dislike the gossip, but having my skills acknowledged is a pleasant feeling.
Rinkah: Hmmm. What do you think of going a few rounds, Kagero?
Kagero: You determine who the superior fighter actually is?
Rinkah: Exactly.
Kagero: I cannot say that I personally oppose the idea... However, I serve Lord Ryoma. I cannot risk getting seriously injured. To do so and be unable to serve would be a grievous betrayal.
Rinkah: Then...perhaps we could do so with a friendly sumo match instead?
Kagero: I've heard of it, but remind me how sumo works...
Rinkah: There is no armor and no weapons. It's a test of pure skill and strength. A fighter tries to push her opponent either out of a ring or to the ground.
Kagero: Interesting... Very well—I accept your challenge. Since you selected the sport, I'll select the place and time. I'll let you know.
Rinkah: Excellent. I look forward to showing you what I'm made of!

B Support

Kagero: Rinkah, I wanted to talk about our sumo match the other day...
Rinkah: Ugh, why did you have to mention it. Just remembering it gets my teeth grinding. How was it that we could be so perfectly matched that neither of us could win? And the chaos that resulted from it being declared a tie...
Kagero: How did all of those people even hear about our match?
Rinkah: Someone must have followed one or both of us. That's the only way they could know. And they were so loud. You'd think it was an exhibition match with how people acted. I'm pretty sure I even saw someone selling snacks to the people watching.
Kagero: I suspect all of those distractions made it impossible for you to concentrate... I know I was unable to. Of course, considering how highly they'd evaluated us, their excitement makes sense.
Rinkah: That's true... It was a good match until about halfway through, in any case. It's been a long time since I've had such a good sumo match, to be honest.
Kagero: Is it a sport the Fire Tribe plays often?
Rinkah: It is, though usually it is restricted to just the men of the tribe. Occasionally I was able to compete in a match or two, though.
Kagero: Really? You seem like you're quite capable. Why would they limit your time in the ring?
Rinkah: Because I was so capable; I kept absolutely destroying my opponents. I only got to fight when someone thought they could defeat me. As soon as I proved them wrong, they refused any future matches. Bunch of wimps.
Kagero: Hah. So what you were missing was a true challenge.
Rinkah: Exactly. That's why I'm happy that we're able to compete against each other.
Kagero: I'm honored. Let's continue to challenge each other and push our limits.

A Support

Rinkah: *phew* That was a workout. Let's take a break.
Kagero: I agree. As always, your ferocity in the match was impressive.
Rinkah: I'm constantly surprised by the new moves you improvise in our matches. I feel like I'm learning from you each time we go into the ring.
Kagero: You know, we've been having sumo matches for some time now. I can tell that I've grown physically stronger as a result.
Rinkah: I've had allies mention that my skills on the battlefield appear to have improved, too.
Kagero: It seems our matches have greatly benefited both of us...
Rinkah: It's funny that our matches began as a way to see who was stronger... yet they resulted in both of us growing even more powerful!
Kagero: I can't complain about the results. Although it means that the crowds that gather remain unsatisfied.
Rinkah: I don't care about them! Plus, I think their desire to see a deciding battle just drives both of us to improve. I know I don't want to be on the losing side of things!
Kagero: Nor I. Another match, then?

A+ support


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait subaki fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Subaki, could I speak with you for a moment?
Subaki: Hm? Hello, Kagero. I have some time. What's wrong?
Kagero: Nothing is wrong, it's just... I was wondering how much you know about art.
Subaki: Art? Hmmm... I have decent understanding of it, at any rate. While I was in training to become a soldier, people often praised the maps I produced.
Kagero: I...see. In any case, I would like to ask a favor of you. I need help developing my artistic sense. I was hoping you could teach me about art.
Subaki: I'm not quite understanding. Do you need me to teach you how to draw?
Kagero: That would be part of it, I suppose, but I was thinking of starting more basic. The best place to start would be regarding what constitutes appropriate taste.
Subaki: You want to learn what is considered good or bad art? Seems like a roundabout way to learn, but I suppose it could work. Why do you keep looking around? You appear fairly suspicious doing that.
Kagero: I would prefer that my request remain absolutely secret.
Subaki: I don't think what you want is particularly unusual or something to be ashamed of. Most artists look to others' work for inspiration.
Kagero: It's not that my art is lacking in inspiration so much as it's, well...
Subaki: Go on.
Kagero: This would be quicker if I showed you some of my work. I'll bring some later, and you'll see what I am trying to say. Until then, please don't make it known that I asked for your help.
Subaki: You needn't worry about me—I'm a natural secret keeper!

B Support

Kagero: So... What do you think? You've been staring at my drawings for some time...
Subaki: I...definitely have a better understanding of why you sought my help. Remember how I mentioned that artists look to each other for inspiration? That's not what you need.
Kagero: It's that bad? Oh, gods...
Subaki: It's not that it's bad. You just have a very unique point of view in your art. For example, you labeled this piece Scenic Mountain... But it really looks more like a bloodshot eyeball with its lid half-closed. And this one, Infant Resting... The infant has pitch-black wings and a fiendish tail. I can see now why you want to learn what is considered appropriate in art.
Kagero: I know that what I create isn't...right. But I can't seem to produce anything else.
Subaki: I don't think it's wrong, actually. Maybe it's an aspect of your personality using your art to speak through. To change, you'd probably have to destroy that part of you and nurture a new part.
Kagero: How would I destroy a part of me?
Subaki: I guess you'd smother the creative part of you with whatever is conventionally good. You'd have to change your basic understanding of what is beautiful.
Kagero: But...I don't even know what that means.
Subaki: Hrm. Have you ever looked at a view or seen a particular person and thought, "I like this"?
Kagero: Of course! But when I've tried to illustrate what I saw, it becomes something else. I have no idea why this happens...
Subaki: Maybe that part of you I mentioned is trapped—only able to emerge in your art. You aren't just copying what you see— you're adapting it with your feelings. It's a very abstract way of creating your art, but it isn't wrong at all.
Kagero: Hmph... This isn't very easy to understand at all.
Subaki: Heehee... That's because our own hearts are very difficult to understand. Looking at your art, I can tell you have a lot of chaos in your soul.
Kagero: Hmm...

A Support

Kagero: Subaki, do you have time for an art lesson today?
Subaki: I do, but I have to tell you, I don't think you need to change your style.
Kagero: What do you mean?
Subaki: After we last spoke, I dug up several books about art technique. Many of those who are considered great artists weren't appreciated in their lives. The art they created was very different, and they were treated as outcasts.
Kagero: This is not making me feel much better.
Subaki: What I mean is...maybe you have that same spark of genius, like other great artists.
Kagero: You truly think I have that potential? Even after looking at the art I make?
Subaki: It's exactly because of the art you make that I believe I am right! It's chaotic, and dark, and moody, and difficult to grasp, but it demands attention. The longer you look at it, the more sense it seems to make. It's like a new art style being born.
Kagero: It feels good to be praised by a man of your caliber, Subaki. I still feel unsettled, though...
Subaki: Don't be. You created this art without even trying to do it. I'm actually a little envious. You truly have natural talent!
Kagero: Now you're just being flattering. We both know you are the perfect example of skill and talent.
Subaki: I wasn't born with talent, though...
Kagero: Excuse me? What do you mean?
Subaki: Ah, sorry. Just thinking out loud. Anyway, what I have been meaning to say is this: treasure your style and viewpoint. What you create is incredibly unique. In fact, I think our lessons are at an end, and now I would like to learn from you!
Kagero: You truly mean that?
Subaki: Very much so. Believe in yourself, and have faith in your instincts.
Kagero: Thank you for the kind words, Subaki. It's settled, then! I'll do my best.
Subaki: Excellent. And please—when you complete them—I'd love to see your new works.

S Support

Subaki: Kagero, I have a favor to ask of you...
Kagero: Now this is a new experience. I can't recall you ever asking for favors before... I'm more than glad to do whatever I can. I'm happy you feel you can ask me.
Subaki: Do you really mean that? That you'll do whatever you can?
Kagero: Of course! I've taken up so much of your time with my art questions, it's the least I can do. Just let me know what you need.
Subaki: Then... Well... Here goes nothing... Kagero, I really adore you. As we've talked and grown closer, I've realized that I want you in my life. I want to be able to call you my sweetheart.
Kagero: Your s-s-sweetheart?!
Subaki: Did I ask too big a favor of you?
Kagero: Oh. I... Well, ignoring the need to talk about how you and I define favors... Why me? And what do you mean when you say that you adore me?
Subaki: When you showed me your art, I realized you had this natural talent. I truly admire it in you, as natural talent is not something that I have. I've worked incredibly hard to make myself as good as I can be. I've worked equally hard to hide how hard I work from everyone.
Kagero: So then... You are attracted to my natural talent?
Subaki: I am! But also so much more than that. You're so humble about your talent, too. Most people would strive for the limelight. Not you, though. And when you realized your skill, you were quick to offer me help. How could I not love these things about you?
Kagero: Subaki...
Subaki: It's not your talent that I love you for, though. I admire and respect it, but it's your presence that touches me. Even if your talent mysteriously vanished, I'd still love you just for being around. So...what do you say, Kagero?
Kagero: Yes, of course. Even if you hadn't said those flattering things, and even if you weren't so perfect... I'd still love you. And I'll admit, I'm a tiny bit happy to hear that you've had to work hard to improve. Yes, I would be honored to be your sweetheart. I look forward to our future together.
Subaki: Me too! I love you, Kagero!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait saizo fe14.png
2 pts.
5 pts.
9 pts.
14 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Saizo, may we speak about the guard assignments?
Saizo: Of course. I also wanted to discuss them.
Kagero: We need to consider who is protecting the royal family.
Saizo: I will assume that honor. The quality of our security has been lacking in recent days. The new recruits are likely to blame.
Kagero: In that case, I should take over. A subordinate's failure reflects both on the soldier and his or her superior.
Saizo: You are referring to me.
Kagero: Saizo... You are far too direct and merciless in your training approach. "Be prepared to sacrifice your life for your liege" is the first thing you say? That would scare any fresh recruit. I doubt any of them slept well. By the time they were assigned to guard duty, they were too sleep deprived to work. Remember—when one waters the plants, one must be careful not to drown the roots.
Saizo: Hmph. Those unable to handle the stress of their duty have only themselves to blame. Besides, I believe their failings are a result of their inexperience. A battle-hardened warrior is prepared to give everything...
Kagero: Never mind. This discussion is going nowhere. I will command the royal family's guard detail. Agreed?
Saizo: ...Very well.

B Support

Kagero: Saizo. Can we talk?
Saizo: What do you need, Kagero?
Kagero: In the battle the other day, you gave orders to the troops that put them at risk. Our goal was important, but there were less dangerous ways to accomplish it.
Saizo: This is an old conversation between us. Some objectives are important enough that they demand a certain level of sacrifice. I understand why you want to avoid that, but our path in life sometimes demands it. In these dark times, we often have no say in the matter.
Kagero: ......
Saizo: Why do we always discuss this? Neither of us will change our stance. That we couldn't adapt to one another is why we broke up.
Kagero: It was definitely a factor. You think only of protecting Lord Ryoma, whereas I weigh the cost of doing so. We're walking to the same destination, just taking a different road to get there.
Saizo: True. At least we only differ slightly and thus can still work together as retainers. Our vow to not let the end of our romance distract us from our duty was important. I'm glad we've held to it.
Kagero: We made that vow so long ago, and yet it still feels like yesterday.
Saizo: Indeed. Seeing each other daily makes it easy to forget that time passed.
Kagero: There is truth in that...

A Support

Saizo: Kagero, can we discuss our recent battle?
Kagero: Yes, of course. I wanted to talk about it as well.
Saizo: When I turned over command of our forces to you, I thought I knew the outcome. I had to lead the sneak attack, and I was sure you wouldn't lose any ground. I didn't expect both of us to reach the main objective at nearly the same moment.
Kagero: My larger force was able to hold the attention of the enemy. Which helped your dangerous mission to succeed as well. It was an excellent demonstration of synergy between the two of us.
Saizo: Indeed. We won't budge on our tactics, and I know that neither of us is wrong, but...
Kagero: In the end, our goal is the same—to serve those it is our duty to defend.
Saizo: Yes... I know I can count on you, Kagero—despite our difference of opinion in battle. I couldn't ask for a better comrade.
Kagero: Agreed.

S Support

Saizo: Kagero...
Kagero: What is it, Saizo? You seem very solemn.
Saizo: Our conversation the other day stirred up old memories. It pains me to bring it up again, but...
Kagero: But what?
Saizo: I pondered your perspective more, and I realized something. It seems like our relationship ended because we could not reconcile our tactics. But I think what really divided us was not being able to see past that difference.
Kagero: ...What do you mean?
Saizo: We were too busy trying to convince each other to change... And missed that the reason we were trying so hard was out of love for each other.
Kagero: It's... It's a bit embarrassing to hear you say that, really. Because it's true. It seems so obvious. what? Are we past that hurdle now that we see the other's perspective? Did you bring this up as a way to suggest we get back together and try again?
Saizo: I...would rather not say it.
Kagero: Ha. For someone who prefers the risky route, you can be too cautious sometimes... But I understand your meaning, and I feel the same as you.
Saizo: I believe we can make it work this time. Even people who have different opinions... can still walk through this life together.
Kagero: I agree. Let's walk together again, Saizo.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait orochi fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
This support does not give Kagero access to another class tree via Friendship Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Diviner, is already available to Kagero as her own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Kagero access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Kagero access to additional skills.

C Support

Orochi: No, no, no... It's got to be here. Somewhere. Anywhere.
Kagero: Why in such a panic, old friend? You've turned this room upside down. Have you lost something?
Orochi: Ugh. You're the last person I wanted to bump into right now, Kagero.
Kagero: Tell me what's wrong, Orochi.
Orochi: I lost one of my cards. You know, my fortune-telling cards.
Kagero: I see.
Orochi: No, you don't. Or else you'd be upset too. They're from the deck you made for me. That deck is my most prized possession. I sleep with it under my pillow!
Kagero: You value my silly drawings too highly. I'll just make you another card.
Orochi: Another one? It's irreplaceable!
Kagero: Don't be ridiculous. Easily done. I just need a little time, that's all. Unless... Did you sell your soul to make my napkin scribbles magical?
Orochi: Now you're being ridiculous. They're not magical. But they ARE special.
Kagero: Then leave it to me. I'll try to copy it from memory. Which card did you lose?
Orochi: The one with the brook and the fish.
Kagero: Oh, that one! That one will be tricky to re-create. But I'll do my best.
Orochi: Thank you, dear friend. And again, I'm sorry for losing it.
Kagero: Stop apologizing. I'm just surprised you hung on to those drawings for so long. You can count on me, as I've counted on you since we were children.
Orochi: Like two peas in a pod. But I'm the luckier of the peas!
Kagero: Well, this pea has got to get rolling if she's going to get this card done. The brook card... You couldn't have lost an easier one to remake, hmm?
(Kagero leaves)
Orochi: That girl. Does she really NOT remember why that card is so special to me? I'll just be glad to have it back in my deck, no matter how I get it. I'm fortunate to have such a good friend as Kagero.

B Support

Kagero: So, about that fortune-telling card that you lost, Orochi. You wanted me to draw you another one with a brook. So, here are a few drafts.
Orochi: No, no, no... It has to be identical! You missed the fish! And what's all this other stuff? This draft has a waterfall. That draft, mountains!
Kagero: Ah, you meant you wanted a scene that was absolutely identical?
Orochi: That was the idea. But if you've forgotten, then fine, whatever. Do something new.
Kagero: Why are you being so peevish?
Orochi: Peevish? How can you say that when you're the one who's—
Kagero: Orochi. Just stop. What have I done?
Orochi: It's what you haven't done!
Kagero: Are you going to keep riddling in circles? I can't read your mind.
Orochi: That card, Kagero... That card was the most important one in my deck. I had a special attachment to it. I mean, to the SCENE you drew on it. The brook was where we first met.
Kagero: Oh! The brook near—
Orochi: Yes, THAT brook. Remember now? You were training by the water. And I tripped over a stone, then a second stone, and fell onto you.
Kagero: Onto me. Then we, into the water. You dropped the herbs you were gathering.
Orochi: You do remember.
Kagero: It made a big impression on me. I was so young—so intent on practicing. While you were so clumsy. You recruited me into collecting the herbs before they—
Orochi: Floated away, right! And then you couldn't get rid of me after that. We played all the time! I thought you'd forgotten.
Kagero: Sorry, Orochi. But you know, the only thing I forgot was the card itself. If I came across as insensitive...?
Orochi: Nope. I'm the one who lost the card—and thought you were being a jerk. I should have fessed up completely at the start. But I felt bad enough already.
Kagero: You take things far too far, instead of just getting to the point. What a delicate petal you are. One wonders why you befriended me.
Orochi: I liked the shadow you cast.
Kagero: Hmm. Well, how about we take a stroll? There's a brook near here. I've been thinking lately how much it's like where we met.
Orochi: What—it is? And you have?
Kagero: Yes. And yes.
Orochi: Lead the way!
Kagero: It'll be the perfect setting for drawing that card exactly as you remember it.

A Support

Kagero: I finished drawing that replacement fortune-telling card, Orochi.
Orochi: Finally! Let's see it.
Kagero: I'm not sure it's as good as the old one.
Orochi: Hmm. You drew that babbling brook like a roiling, boiling cauldron. And its sweetly swimming fish, like they're drowning in water. The colors aren't pretty either. Just look at those harsh lines and dark shadows. Perfection!
Kagero: It's just the way I see things. You're the only one who's ever liked my drawings. Everyone else thinks they're creepy. You've always understood me.
Orochi: Your bleak drawings are just what I need for my fortune cards. This one's even better than the one I lost. I'll never misplace this one. It's my proof that our friendship will outlast the end of the world!
Kagero: You're a strange one, Orochi.
Orochi: You're stranger than I am, so get over here and get a big hug, you weirdo!
Kagero: Maybe when I'm off duty. I still have my grim image to uphold. I wish I could smile like you, Orochi. But I just don't have it in me. I suppose I'll just have to carry your smile with me in life. I'll take it to my grave.
Orochi: Oh, stop. You're going to make me blush with all your gushy talk.
Kagero: Heh. I will. To my grave. I swear it.
Orochi: Enough already, Kagero!
Kagero: It's like we used to talk when we were little. What merry fun.
Orochi: Your doom and gloom got me through my childhood with a smile on my face. Never change, Kagero. Promise—it'll always be you and I, right to the bitter end. Pinky swear!
Kagero: Pinky swear. To the end of time.

A+ support


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait azama fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Shrine Maiden (Onmyoji or Priestess)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Shrine Maiden, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Shrine Maiden, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Priestess, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Priestess, starting from level 15

C Support

Azama: Hello, Kagero. Say, there was something I've been meaning to ask you.
Kagero: Oh? What is it?
Azama: You're a ninja, right? Why do you all dress that way?
Kagero: My attire is excellent for stealth missions and combat. Why do you ask, Azama?
Azama: Oh, no reason. What about the scarf?
Kagero: It's a part of the traditional ensemble. Ninja around the world wear the exact same thing.
Azama: So does your scarf hide weapons? Or is it made from damage-resistant material? C'mon, tell me!
Kagero: This outfit is crafted to be lightweight, durable, and above all, functional. I don't know what your game is, Azama, but I'm through playing it!
(Kagero leaves)
Azama: Hahaha, annoying serious people is so much fun!

B Support

Azama: Miss Kagero. How are you doing today?
Kagero: Azama.
(Kagero leaves)
Azama: Were you heading somewhere? It's a little rude to run away the second I say hello.
Kagero: I'm not feeling terribly talkative today.
Azama: How unusual. Normally, you appear right at home in the army's camp. Why are you acting so strange? Is something troubling you? I wanna know!
Kagero: Azama, I know that you're just trying to wind me up again. Why do you get such a thrill from irritating incessantly?
Azama: Ahaha! Are you referring to our recent conversation?
Kagero: Of course I am. I don't know why you need to comment on everything you think. It's rude. And what I wear is of no consequence to you. Keep your questions to yourself. Otherwise, you won't enjoy the consequences.
Azama: Ahahaha... Um, Kagero? That dagger doesn't feel very good against my throat.
Kagero: It seems as though you'd like to keep your life, yes? Then I have one simple request.
Azama: Y-yes? What is it?
Kagero: Don't get on my nerves. I don't appreciate your weak attempts at humor, Azama.
Azama: I understand...
Kagero: The next time we speak, be more cautious.
Azama: Of course! I promise. Would you mind taking that knife off my neck now? It's kind of hard to breathe.
Kagero: Swear that you'll cooperate.
Azama: I swear, I swear! I don't feel like getting murdered today!

A Support

Kagero: Azama, do you recall what we talked about the other day?
Azama: How could I forget. You nearly turned me into sushi!
Kagero: Don't be ridiculous. Anyway, you made me think about something. You asked why ninja all dress alike, remember?
Azama: Yeah, but I was just joking around!
Kagero: That may be, but I'd still like to know why you asked.
Azama: I just get curious about things, and my mouth gets ahead of my mind. I swear, I didn't mean anything by it.
Kagero: Calm down. Your comment did make me reflect on something.
Azama: Oh? What is it?
Kagero: This ensemble is a time-honored tradition. And yet, I know little of said tradition's actual origin. Isn't that strange?
Azama: Yeah, I guess so.
Kagero: Perhaps I should learn more about the history of our wardrobe. It might give me a deeper appreciation of the ninja culture.
Azama: Hmm, yeah it just might!
Kagero: I've always tried to honor my heritage. With new perspective, perhaps I can be a more thoughtful and well-rounded warrior.
Azama: Whatever you say. Just please don't pull your knife on me again.
Kagero: Heh. Relax. You can keep your hide another day, monk.
Azama: Thank you!

S Support

Azama: Hello, Kagero. Say, did you discover any new information on ninja fashion?
Kagero: A great deal. Namely that each garment is crafted to aid agility and stealth. The fabric is a unique blend that's resistant to water and tearing, yet is still breathable. That allows us to complete a wide array of missions while staying comfortable.
Azama: Wow, I had no idea. That's amazing!
Kagero: It's wonderful to feel even more connected to my heritage. In a way, I have you to thank for spurring my curiosity.
Azama: Really? I'm glad that I was helpful for once. People usually say I'm a nuisance!
Kagero: Heh. You're not so bad, Azama.
Azama: Listen, something occurred to me recently. I think I know why I was bugging you in the first place. I have feelings for you, Kagero.
Kagero: Why didn't you tell me that straightaway? Did you think I'd find your badgering endearing somehow?
Azama: Honestly, there wasn't a whole lot of thought involved.
Kagero: Why you— *sigh* You're a very peculiar man, Azama. I think I might like you too.
Azama: Huh? Really?
Kagero: Do you think I would lie?
Azama: No, I'll take your word for it!
Kagero: Excellent. Then why don't we continue our conversation over tea?


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait setsuna fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Setsuna, we need to talk.
Setsuna: Kagero? What do you need?
Kagero: In our last battle, you were selected to be the army's messenger. But you forgot almost half the messages you were supposed to relay.
Setsuna: Hm? Ah, now that you mention it, I think I remember what you're talking about.
Kagero: Serving as the messenger is a critical role in the battle. Lives are at risk. You absolutely must take your job more seriously.
Setsuna: Sorry...
Kagero: <Lord/Lady> Corrin was informed of your... difficulties with the job. <He/She> has ordered me to instruct you.
Setsuna: Instruct me in what?
Kagero: In how to become a shining example of what a battlefield messenger should be.
Setsuna: Ohhh...
Kagero: You must become more focused when you're entrusted with a mission. It won't do for you to cause Lord Ryoma and Lady Hinoka undue worry.
Setsuna: Um... Kagero?
Kagero: With my guidance, your training will be incredibly thorough.
Setsuna: This is the most fired up I have ever seen you, Kagero... I guess...thanks for helping?
Kagero: Leave everything to me.

B Support

Kagero: Setsuna, it is time we began your training as a battlefield messenger.
Setsuna: All right... How do we begin?
Kagero: The biggest complaint about you has been your inability to memorize a message. We'll start by having you hear and repeat back some simple messages.
Setsuna: OK.
Kagero: For example... "<Lord/Lady> Corrin has breached the enemy line. Send reinforcements immediately." ...Now repeat the message.
Setsuna: Um... "<Lord/Lady> Corrin has bleached the enemy sign. Send endorsements immediately." ...I think?
Kagero: Huh?! How...? That's not right at all! Why would <Lord/Lady> Corrin be bleaching enemy signs? And what is the purpose of endorsing anything in the midst of battle?
Setsuna: Oh. I guess if I think about it, it doesn't make a lot of sense...
Kagero: Maybe we should start with something easier. "<Lord/Lady> Corrin sent a pegasus to Lady Hinoka." ...Your turn.
Setsuna: Um... "<Lord/Lady> Corrin rents a narcissist to Lady Hinoka."
Kagero: ......
Setsuna: I wonder what <he/she> charges. Heehee...
Kagero: That doesn't even make sense!
Setsuna: What? Did I mess it up again? I'm sorry...
Kagero: *sigh* This is going to be more difficult than I thought.
Setsuna: It's really hard to remember that sort of stuff...
Kagero: It feels like you have no interest in memorizing messages.
Setsuna: That's not true...
Kagero: In any case, you definitely lack the basic memory skills needed to be a messenger. However, it's too early to give up.
Setsuna: Yeah... You can do it, Kagero...
Kagero: You're the one that needs motivating— not me.

A Support

Setsuna: Ah, Kagero... Are we going to practice memorizing more messages today?
Kagero: No.
Setsuna: Oh no. Have you given up on me?
Kagero: I overestimated your ability to memorize things. I didn't realize it would be this bad.
Setsuna: Are you saying I can't be a messenger anymore?
Kagero: No, but we're going to need to write the messages for you for a while. We'll also give you a map so you don't get lost.
Setsuna: That sounds doable... I'm pretty good at reading!
Kagero: It would be better if you could memorize the messages, though. You'll have to keep working hard to improve your memory.
Setsuna: ...All right.
Kagero: However, you are still not ready to be entrusted with this important task. I'll be traveling with you while you deliver messages for the time being.
Setsuna: You're going to be my battle chaperone?
Kagero: In this, I am your teacher. So yes, I'll watch over your progress until you're ready. My goal is to make your messenger skills match your impressive skills with a bow.
Setsuna: Heehee... You gave me a compliment...
Kagero: Don't get excited. You still have a very long way to go as a messenger.
Setsuna: I know... But having you with me is motivating... Thanks, Kagero.
Kagero: Hmph. It's too soon for praise, I think. We will be fighting by each other's side for a long while yet.
Setsuna: I know...

A+ support


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hayato fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support does not give Kagero access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Diviner, is already available to Kagero as her own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Kagero access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Kagero access to additional skills.

C Support

Kagero: Hayato, might I have a moment?
Hayato: Kagero? What do you need?
Kagero: I've been asked to work with you in a diplomatic capacity. It is my duty to maintain friendly relations between the Wind Tribe and Hoshido. I know you're very busy, but I hope you can spare some time for me.
Hayato: Ah, you are a retainer to the Hoshidan royal family, are you not? Gathering information for some mission?
Kagero: Not at all. I just wish to talk—hopefully we can establish a good relationship. I hope you will relax and chat with me freely.
Hayato: Very well. So long as our conversations benefit both my tribe and Hoshido.
Kagero: I'm grateful for your cooperation. Can I start by asking you something I've been curious about for a while now?
Hayato: OK, what is it?
Kagero: You speak in a fairly distinct way. Why is that?
Hayato: Are you... What are you saying? Do you mean to imply that the way I speak is unnatural?
Kagero: No, I'm merely curious if it is how everyone from your tribe speaks...or only you.
Hayato: I-I am the only one that talks this way.
Kagero: Oh.
Hayato: It's interesting that you mention speech patterns. You yourself speak oddly.
Kagero: Me? Hmm, I suppose that's true. There's no particular reason though. Is there a reason you talk the way you do?
Hayato: No, I am no longer comfortable continuing this discussion. I will take my leave!
(Hayato leaves)
Kagero: And...there he goes. Did I somehow offend him? Maybe there is a story here that I am not yet aware of...

B Support

Kagero: Hayato, may we talk?
Hayato: Hello, Kagero. If there is something we must discuss...
Kagero: I apologize if I gave offense the other day. Could you tell me what I said wrong so that I can avoid offending you in the future?
Hayato: Ah... You can forget it. I harbor no ill will about it. I do not, however, plan on continuing the conversation.
Kagero: I'm sorry, but I feel we should. When I asked about the way you talk, you obviously wished to avoid the topic. However, if there is an underlying issue, we can work together as allies to address it.
Hayato: What you say does make some sense...
Kagero: If you still feel uncomfortable about it, I can explain how I talk. You were curious, weren't you?
Hayato: Only because you mentioned how I talk. I do have to admit, though, I am interested to know more.
Kagero: My parents had a formal, traditional style of speaking; I learned from them. I really admired the respect that speaking in such a way conveyed. I tried to copy them when I was young, and eventually it started just coming naturally. That's the story.
Hayato: Hmm.
Kagero: Are you unhappy with the way you speak?
Hayato: It isn't that I dislike it—people just find it odd that I speak so, looking how I do. Considering my position within the Wind Tribe, it seems appropriate.
Kagero: Your position?
Hayato: My skills and proficiency caused me to rise quickly to a prominent rank in my tribe. However, my youthful appearance makes some people uncomfortable with my role. As a result, I adjusted how I speak to seem more in control...more adultlike.
Kagero: That explains a great many things.
Hayato: I suppose that I could speak normally when I'm involved in casual conversation, but... I don't really recall how to do so, to be honest. And since I don't remember... I've become a bit sensitive to criticism on how I speak now. That is why I lashed out at you the other day. My apologies.
Kagero: That makes sense. If I may say, I don't find anything wrong with how you speak.
Hayato: Really?
Kagero: I think it suits you. You are strong willed, and you wish to protect everyone using your skills. You speak like someone aware that he carries such a burden.
Hayato: You are the first person to say something like that to me.
Kagero: I'm glad to see you smile.
Hayato: L-let us move on from this subject! Did you still wish to inquire about the Wind Tribe?
Kagero: If you don't mind.
Hayato: I suppose we can continue conversing on that topic, then.

A Support

Hayato: Kagero, might we speak for a moment?
Kagero: Hello, Hayato. What do you need?
Hayato: I wish to thank you for the encouragement you gave me the other day.
Kagero: Oh, regarding how you speak? I merely gave you my honest opinion. There's no need to thank me for that.
Hayato: Regardless, I feel I should. So... Thank you, Kagero.
Kagero: I am happy to help.
Hayato: Really, our talk helped me feel more confident in how I speak. I don't think I will change anything.
Kagero: That's for the best. I'm sure the members of your tribe would feel the same.
Hayato: Why do you mention them?
Kagero: Wasn't your reason for speaking the way you do an attempt to reassure them? I think they would appreciate your effort. That is a bond that you share with them, and it will grow stronger if you continue.
Hayato: *sniff* Your words, Kagero!
Kagero: What's wrong, Hayato? You look upset.
Hayato: No, it is You just say the most embarrassing things... *sniff*
Kagero: Hayato... Are you crying?
Hayato: No! I am not! Do not treat me as you would a child! I am done here! Farewell!
(Hayato leaves)
Kagero: Hayato... You may be young, but you're a good man.

S Support

Hayato: Kagero. I wish to get your advice. Are you available?
Kagero: Ah—hello, Hayato. Are you sure you wish to discuss it with me?
Hayato: Yes. I have learned that you are someone I can place my trust in.
Kagero: Thank you. I am flattered to hear you say that.
Hayato: You are? Truly?
Kagero: Yes.
Hayato: Then perhaps I can ask more of you than merely advice. What if I asked for your heart as well?
Kagero: What do you mean?
Hayato: Through our time together, I have realized that you are irreplaceable. You are the only person worthy of standing at my side. I would have you as my partner, Kagero.
Kagero: You are asking for us to be together, then?
Hayato: Yes, I am. I am fond of you! Do you only see me as a child?
Kagero: No, of course not. I am glad to hear you speak of how you feel.
Hayato: You...are?
Kagero: Yes. I feel appreciated when you seek me out for advice. I've also felt a desire to support you more than I already have. Yes, Hayato, I would be happy to be with you.
Hayato: I can't express my joy at this!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hinata fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Hmmm... I really like this view.
(Kagero leaves)
Hinata: Is that Kagero over there? Hey, Kagero! Is something wrong?
Kagero: Hinata! What are you doing out here?
Hinata: I was just out wandering around... You're acting very unusual. A little suspicious, even.
Kagero: I am not.
Hinata: You definitely are! You aren't looking me in the eye, for one thing...
Kagero: ...
Hinata: And now you're going all silent on me! It's fine if you don't want to talk... But if something is wrong, you should know that you can talk to me about it.
Kagero: What's on my mind has nothing to do with you; don't worry. Why are you so persistent in asking?
Hinata: Well, it's only natural for friends to want to help each other out. Besides, how can a guy not want to help a lovely lady like yourself?!
Kagero: Are you mocking me?!
Hinata: No! No, it was a compliment! I was just trying to compliment you! Anyway, what're ya worrying about? Tell me! I promise to help however I can!
Kagero: I'm sorry, but I must decline. I will see you later, Hinata.
(Kagero leaves)
Hinata: Kagero, hang on! Wow, she's fast. No way I can keep up with a ninja of her skill. I wonder what happened...

B Support

Hinata: Oh, there she is! Kagero! Kageroooooooo!
Kagero: *sigh* Hello, Hinata.
Hinata: Awww, don't look at me like that! I just wanted to apologize for being so pushy. Although, I am still a little worried about you...
Kagero: I accept your apology, but there is still no reason for you to be concerned. My issues are mine alo—
Hinata: Hey, you're hiding something behind your back, aren't you! Is that a notebook?
Kagero: What? No, I'm not hiding anything. Go away.
Hinata: Now that I think about you, you were hiding something behind your back the other day.
Kagero: There is no chance you'll let this go, is there?
Hinata: None at all!
Kagero: Well...I suppose I may as well tell you. I was drawing.
Hinata: You draw? I had no idea!
Kagero: It's one of a few hobbies I have. When you showed up the other day, I was considering drawing the view from that hill. Is it surprising that I would spend my time drawing?
Hinata: Not at all, actually. It sounds like something you'd be interested in. I don't see why you felt the need to hide it, though. Hey, is this one of yours? It looks like it fell out of— Holy...
Kagero: This is a picture of a river I saw a few days ago.
Hinata: This is supposed to be a river? I suppose I can see it, but... Why is it so red? And these whirlpools look incredibly ominous. The whole image feels like it's...pulsing. How strange.
Kagero: My art tends to invoke peculiar reactions from people. It appears very tough to understand. That's why I tend to keep it to myself whenever possible.
Hinata: It really is...something else. Ya know, looking at it more, I can see an odd appeal to it. If you have more pictures... I'd be interested in seeing them.
Kagero: I...don't think so. I really do not like sharing my art with other people. All of my art is like this. Isn't seeing just this picture enough?
Hinata: Not in the least! I'd really like to see more! Your drawings
Kagero: I appreciate your intent, but I have no need for false flattery.
Hinata: What? It wasn't false—
Kagero: No matter—I have no intention of showing you any more of my art.
(Kagero leaves)
Hinata: Hey! Kagero, wait!

A Support

Hinata: Excuse me, Kagero. Have you got a minute?
Kagero: How can I help? Unless it's about my art. That conversation is over.
Hinata: But you misunderstood me the other day! I genuinely think your art is nice!
Kagero: You're committed to your flattery...
Hinata: Those creepy whirlpools were awesome. I've never seen someone draw like you! It's very... What's the word... Abstract! It's abstract art!
Kagero: I did not intend for it to be abstract. It is supposed to be a scenic view of a peaceful river.
Hinata: Oh. Um. Of course. Sorry. Still, I'm telling the truth when I tell you that I like it. I'm not trying to trick you or anything. I really would like to see more!
Kagero: I suppose you've insisted enough that I can believe you. I apologize for how rude I was to you before. I'm not used to compliments. Growing up, only Orochi was accepting of my art, so I tend to doubt others. Even after a few people have said they like what they see, I still don't believe it.
Hinata: It's just my opinion, but I bet more people would enjoy your work than you think. You should have more confidence!
Kagero: That's very kind of you to say. I suspect I have misjudged you, Hinata. I had thought that you lacked refinement... I can see now that I was incorrect.
Hinata: It took you this long to figure it out? And here I was pulling out all the stops to praise you!
Kagero: Heh... My apologies, Hinata. I appreciate the nice things you've said about my art.
Hinata: See, now there's a cute smile! You should break out that smile more often!
Kagero: And I withdraw my apology.
Hinata: Wait, what? Why?! Am I only allowed to praise your art? I can't tell what I should be doing...
Kagero: I'd appreciate you limiting your opinions to my art, if you could. Although, I do feel like we have bonded over this little ordeal.
Hinata: Me too! Does this mean that you'll finally show me some of your other work?
Kagero: Yes, I suppose I could show you one or two other pieces.

S Support

Kagero: Hello, Hinata. I've finished another picture that I'd like to share with you.
Hinata: Oh really? Awesome! This one is really intense. It looks like a battle is being fought... But everyone on the ground is unharmed, while the dead and wounded are fighting. So cool. Your work really stirs the imagination.
Kagero: Thank you. I'm not sure if it's because of all the things you've been saying, but... I've really been motivated lately to do a lot more drawing. Though, I must say, I keep thinking about something you said a while back.
Hinata: Oh? What was it I said?
Kagero: You said repeatedly that you liked my art because you wanted to help. But I don't understand why you would sometimes compliment my appearance.
Hinata: Oh! I'm sorry if I offended you. In the end we were able to become good friends, so it didn't make you too angry?
Kagero: Actually, Hinata, I kind of enjoyed it. I didn't realize it then, but I appreciated it.
Hinata: Really? That's good to hear! After all, I've found that I love who you are as much as what you do.
Kagero: Hold on—did you just say love?
Hinata: I did! When I first saw you, I thought right away that you were very pretty. But we got to talking, and I learned so much more about you... And I just knew that you were the kind of person I'd like in my life. I guess what I'm saying is... Would you like to be with me, Kagero?
Kagero: ...
Hinata: not sure how to take your silence. Are you way out of my league?
Kagero: No, no. You've made me very happy. I'm just having trouble finding words... I've learned how kind you are over time, as we talked about art and other things. I'd very much like to be with you. I think we'd make a good team.
Hinata: Whoa, you said yes? You said yes! Am I dreaming?
Kagero: Is it really that surprising?
Hinata: It is! Of course it is! I thought I was going way out on a limb, telling you how I felt. I actually didn't prepare myself for you feeling the same as I do. All right, Kagero! I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world!
Kagero: We'll work together to make each other happy. There's no way we'll fail.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait takumi fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

C Support

Takumi: Curses! Another failed attempt... I was so close, too. Why is hunting so challenging for me?
Kagero: Is something troubling you, Lord Takumi?
Takumi: Gah! Kagero?! You're going to scare me to death, sneaking around like that...
Kagero: My apologies. ...Something is the matter though, correct?
Takumi: Oh, yes. I was out hunting with my bow and arrow, but as I prepared to strike... the deer realized I was there and quickly fled into the brush.
Kagero: I'm sorry to hear that. You seem to have no issues on the battlefield.
Takumi: I'm confident when we are engaging the enemy, but I can't get the hang of hunting. The more I think about it, the worse I seem to get. I just can't figure out my problem.
Kagero: Could it be that the animals are sensing your presence?
Takumi: What do you mean?
Kagero: Animals are extremely sensitive to human movement and scents. It's possible that you are simply not doing enough to hide yourself from them.
Takumi: Then...could you teach me, Kagero?
Kagero: I'm not sure...
Takumi: It seems like stealth comes naturally to you. After all, just a moment ago you popped up and scared me so bad I peed a little.
Kagero: ...Understood. I will assist you to the best of my ability.
Takumi: Thanks.

B Support

Kagero: Lord Takumi, when it comes to hiding your presence...
Takumi: Mmhmm?
Kagero: There isn't a single school of thought for how to learn to do it.
Takumi: What do you mean? How do I learn, then?
Kagero: It really depends on your demeanor. If I had to pick a single, critical trait, I'd say patience is very important.
Takumi: What's wrong with my patience?
Kagero: This may be presumptuous of me, but it could be a factor while you are in hiding. Perhaps you grow a little impatient waiting for your target to offer an opening?
Takumi: Hrm...
Kagero: The slightest sound or scent may be alerting them to your presence. Hiding requires patience and endurance. We must build your mental stamina in order for you to develop patience.
Takumi: It had to be patience, didn't it...
Kagero: Lord Takumi, are you a skilled fisherman?
Takumi: Not in the least—I can't bear standing around, waiting for something to happen.
Kagero: I am not surprised. I believe that we must start with the very basic of basics then.
Takumi: What would you have me do?
Kagero: First, you'll sit cross-legged under a waterfall. Once you can handle that, we'll move on to the next step.
Takumi: Ugh, I hate water-related training. It's always about staying in the water and doing as little as possible.
Kagero: ...
Takumi: Isn't there something else we could try that lets me move around? Something where I can build muscle and perfect skill at the same time?
Kagero: Lord Takumi, if I may be so bold...
Takumi: Y-yes?
Kagero: Lord Ryoma once asked me to help him as you have asked me to help you. He carried out the training regimen I designed without question or complaint. In the end, he gained mental strength.
Takumi: ...
Kagero: Lord Ryoma is a calm and virtuous leader. I believe this is because he examined himself and confronted his faults.
Takumi: But—!
Kagero: If you are no longer interested in improving yourself, I will not force you to do so. However, if you do not continue, I do not believe you will ever surpass Lord Ryoma. I know it is not my place to say such things, but I wish you would persist. Think on what I've said. For now, I will take my leave.
(Kagero leaves)
Takumi: Wait, Kagero! ... I have to take a good look at myself, huh...

A Support

Takumi: Kagero!
Kagero: Lord Takumi...
Takumi: Kagero, I did as you suggested! I sat under the waterfall for a long time!
Kagero: Indeed. I was watching from the shadows.
Takumi: Oh, you were? You should have spoken up!
Kagero: It was important not to disrupt your concentration. You did well. I didn't think you would be so tenacious.
Takumi: To be honest, it got under my skin when you compared me to my brother. Of course, I respect him greatly, but... it just gets to me when people blow me off and say I'm not capable of as much.
Kagero: I apologize for offending you.
Takumi: Don't worry—I know you only brought him up to try and motivate me. In the end it worked, so I think it was all for the best. I feel like I've become a more patient individual.
Kagero: I believe you are correct, Lord Takumi. I can sense the change in you.
Takumi: Really?!
Kagero: However, you cannot afford to slack off. Just as continuous training builds a body, the same can be said for the mind.
Takumi: I understand. I'm going to keep this up and show everyone I'm my brother's equal! Thanks for everything, Kagero.

S Support

Takumi: Kagero! Look!
Kagero: I see you've had a lot more success hunting this time, Lord Takumi.
Takumi: Indeed. I had no trouble waiting patiently for just the right moment to strike... My hunting trip went perfectly!
Kagero: That's wonderful. I'm glad that your training has so clearly paid off.
Takumi: You deserve all the credit, Kagero.
Kagero: I appreciate the thought, but I was only doing my duty. Even then, I do not think it was right for me to invoke your brother. In a way, by knowingly antagonizing you, I was forcing you to train. As a servant of the royal family, it is not my place to do that. I apologize.
Takumi: No apology needed. Like you said, those were the words I needed to hear to work. Sure, they seriously got my ire up... But I wouldn't have been able to find my motivation without hearing them.
Kagero: Lord Takumi...
Takumi: Actually, Kagero, I came here for reasons other than just to show you my success.
Kagero: Really? What more can I help you with?
Takumi: I want us... to be a couple.
Kagero: I... Pardon me?!
Takumi: I feel like part of my upbringing has left me a bit spoiled... But I believe that having you by my side will help me overcome this fault. You won't sugarcoat your words—you'll tell it like it is.
Kagero: Lord Takumi...
Takumi: I want you by my side watching out for me. Now and forever.
Kagero: I must admit...I never expected a confession like this one.
Takumi: Does that mean that my words are unwelcome ones?
Kagero: No, not at all... Of course, I accept. I want to see you grow, too. I want to watch over you and help guide you as you become stronger.
Takumi: Oh, you better believe I'll get stronger. I'll be even stronger than my brother!
Kagero: That's quite the goal, Lord— I suppose it's just Takumi now! Believe that I will be by your side as you pursue that goal.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kaden fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support does not give Kagero access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Diviner, is already available to Kagero as her own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Kagero access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Kagero access to additional skills.

C Support

Kagero: Do you need something? Hello? Don't play coy; I know you're hiding in the shadows. Show yourself.
Kaden: Wow, Kagero, that was amazing! How did you know I was there?
Kagero: Your presence was easy enough to detect. So, what do you want? You've been following me all day...
Kaden: I was just curious if there was anything you needed help with.
Kagero: You're asking just out of the blue? Why?
Kaden: I want to repay you for your help in that battle the other day. I thought I was a goner, but you saved my tail from the enemy!
Kagero: I see. Considering we are allies, I don't think you need to repay me for my help. In any case, I do not need assistance, nor do I desire anything right now. Now, if that is all you wanted to discuss, I'll be on my way.
(Kagero leaves)
Kaden: Hey! Wait! Wow, she's a quick one. I'm not gonna give up that easily, though!

B Support

Kagero: Hmm.
Kaden: What is she...
(Kagero leaves)
Kaden: What the... Where did she go?
(Kaden leaves)
Kaden: Not here, either... How could she just disappear like that?
Kagero: Hello, Kaden.
Kaden: Yikes! How long have you been lurking behind me?!
Kagero: Long enough. Why are you following me? I told you that I did not need your help.
Kaden: I know, but... Well, you never know when something might come up! I figured if I followed you, I'd be ready at a moment's notice to help!
Kagero: So you're just waiting for something bad to happen to me?
Kaden: What?! No! Not something bad! Just, you know, in case something at all happens.
Kagero: Are you really this persistent just because I aided you on the battlefield? That is what allies should do. You do not need to repay that debt.
Kaden: But it is only natural and right to repay a kindness. Even if you were only doing what was expected, it's good to show my gratitude.
Kagero: Do you really believe that?
Kaden: Of course! So say what you want, but I will pay you back. Count on it!
Kagero: *sigh* Will you at least stop following me everywhere? It interferes with my duties.
Kaden: No problem!

A Support

Kagero: Hrm, it's been a while since I've seen Kaden. I wonder where he's gotten to...
Kaden: Kagero! There you are. Hello!
Kagero: Almost as if summoned...
Kaden: Hm? What was that? Wait, did you not know I was there? That's odd. Normally you're able to tell when I'm even remotely nearby.
Kagero: I suppose I'd gotten used to you not being around, so I wasn't really looking for you. Did you need something today?
Kaden: I wanted to tell you that I've been thinking a lot since our last conversation. I realized that I was actually causing you trouble by hanging around so much. Since I wanted to help you, it was kind of counterproductive. So I decided that I'd pay you back in a different way. Here you go!
Kagero: What is— This is a hairpin! And a comb! I haven't seen anything like this in this part of the world. You're giving both of these to me?
Kaden: I sure am! You have really pretty hair, and I thought these would complement it well.
Kagero: You really did put a lot of thought into your gifts. Thank you.
Kaden: Don't mention it! I'm really sorry I caused you so much trouble before. I wasn't thinking...
Kagero: Oh, don't worry about it. Truth be told, I didn't really mind after a bit.
Kaden: Really? What do you mean?
Kagero: I got used to your presence over time. It's actually been a little lonely without you. And I have to admit, it'd be helpful to have you around if something did happen.
Kaden: So...I can start following you around again?
Kagero: Certainly. Well, not all the time, but in stretches you can. Don't overdo it.
Kaden: Awesome! I won't be any trouble!

S Support

Kagero: Kaden, you can come out of the shadows.
Kaden: Oh, OK! It's really amazing how you always know I'm here.
Kagero: I suppose. Anyway, I want to discuss something with you. I believe I told you before that you should only follow me some of the time, correct?
Kaden: Yup, that's what you said!
Kagero: Lately, though, I've been able to sense your presence morning, noon, and night. I told you before; such behavior interferes with my duties.
Kaden: I'm truly sorry. I just can't help myself. Whatever it is I am doing during the day, I can't help but think about you. I'll be doing something unrelated, and then suddenly I'm following you around. Kagero, I think... I think I'm in love with you.
Kagero: What?! I don't know what to say, Kaden...
Kaden: I realized how much I liked being around you—it makes me feel really good. But, if it annoys you or keeps you from doing things, I could stop altogether...
Kagero: That's not what I mean. I...started to feel lonely when you stopped following me around before. And I was really quite happy when you gave me the hairpin and the comb.
Kaden: Then, you mean...
Kagero: I love you too, Kaden. I really do.
Kaden: Yay! I plan on following you forever!
Kagero: Forever is a long time, you know.
Kaden: Yep, I know! But I promise forever! Morning, noon, night—forever!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ryoma fe14.png
2 pts.
5 pts.
9 pts.
14 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C Support

Ryoma: Kagero, may I have a moment of your time?
Kagero: Of course, Lord Ryoma. Do you have a mission for me?
Ryoma: The opposite, in fact. I wanted to express to you my gratitude for all of your hard work. Is there anything you'd like as a sign of my appreciation?
Kagero: Milord... You're much too kind! I couldn't possibly ask anything of you.
Ryoma: It's no trouble at all, Kagero. Really—is there anything you need?
Kagero: I'm grateful, milord. More than I can say. I never imagined myself in this situation. It really is a difficult question... Hmmm...
Ryoma: I didn't think it would be this challenging. Perhaps a special meal? Or some new armor or weapons?
Kagero: I apologize, milord. I've lived so much of my life without luxuries... The idea of having them, and especially of getting them without's foreign. Also, I do not feel I have done anything to require such generosity from you. Knowing that you appreciate my efforts is enough.
Ryoma: Hmmm... Yet, I do not feel like I have done enough to thank you. Very well; Kagero, I order you to come up with something you would like to receive.
Kagero: Excuse me, milord?!
Ryoma: And you'd best think of something soon. I'll be asking you about this every time I see you until you have decided.
Kagero: I... The stress of this is giving me a headache.
Ryoma: I have every confidence that you'll think of something. Good luck!
(Ryoma leaves)
Kagero: Wait, Lord Ryoma... He's gone. What...what am I going to do?

B Support

Kagero: Lord Ryoma, I have a report on the mission you assigned to me the other day.
Ryoma: Your mission to find something you'd like to have? What did you think of?
Kagero: After much thought, I've been unable to think of any item I would like. However, I did think of something you could do for me.
Ryoma: Oh? And what is that?
Kagero: It would be an honor to...train with you. Normally, it would be unacceptable to cross blades with you, even in training. But I feel that if you'd make the exception, I could learn a lot from sparring with you.
Ryoma: Hah, this certainly sounds like the kind of request you would make. I'm glad you've found a way to express what you wanted. And to me, you asking to spar with me means you have confidence in my abilities.
Kagero: and I may practice together?
Ryoma: Indeed. If that is what you wish, I will face you as many times as you like.
Kagero: I'm incredibly grateful, milord.
Ryoma: Hah, don't thank me quite yet. You may end up defeating me easily; if that happens, I doubt you'll learn very much.
Kagero: Milord, I seriously doubt that I will be defeating you anytime soon. Knowing that, I'll be coming at you with everything I've got.
Ryoma: I would expect no less from you. Come, Kagero, to the practice field!
Kagero: Yes, milord!

A Support

Ryoma: So, Kagero, tell me what you thought of our sparring match the other day.
Kagero: It was just as I expected; I learned much from being opposite you in battle. Things I couldn't possibly notice when fighting alongside you.
Ryoma: I'm glad to hear it, although I still don't believe it is enough to thank you properly.
Kagero: It well exceeds anything I could possibly deserve from you, milord.
Ryoma: Well, allow me to propose another idea; join me for some green tea.
Kagero: Pardon me, milord? Tea?
Ryoma: I understand that you enjoy the tranquility of making tea, correct? This would be a relaxing alternative to our sparring sessions.
Kagero: Thank you for the offer, milord. If that is what you'd like, I can't refuse.
Ryoma: You have a strong tendency to put others before yourself and of working extra hard. You must not forget to take some time for yourself every once in a while.
Kagero: You are not the first person to tell me so, but it's just not in my nature. I promise that your advice does not fall on deaf ears, though, milord.
Ryoma: That is all I can ask. Remember that I am entrusting my well-being to you, Kagero. It's important to me that you are in the best shape.
Kagero: Of course. I will do everything in my power to meet your expectations, milord!

S Support

Ryoma: Kagero, it seems like you've been working nonstop lately. Is something wrong?
Kagero: Ah, hello, Lord Ryoma. Don't worry, it's nothing you should concern yourself with.
Ryoma: You remember that I told you the other day not to overwork yourself. Are you planning to ignore my advice?
Kagero: N-no, milord! I would never do that.
Ryoma: Then how come the other troops tell me that you're working yourself to death? I appreciate how much you do for us, but I'm worried about you...
Kagero: It's just... Well, I'm not certain I can tell you.
Ryoma: If it is so serious that you can't even tell your liege... Well, that just makes me worry more.
Kagero: It is specifically because you are my liege that I hesitate... *sigh* I have feelings that are inappropriate.
Ryoma: What do you mean?
Kagero: In all the time I've served under you, all I have felt for you is respect. we've worked together more, I've grown to appreciate your kindness. Lately, whenever I see you, I've felt this strange pull toward you. It's felt like more than a sense of duty. I spoke with a close friend of mine. I felt her opinion could guide me...
Ryoma: What did she have to say?
Kagero: She said it was incredibly obvious. She said I was in love.
Ryoma: You fell in love with me, your liege?
Kagero: I know it's not right—that loving you is above my station. I know that there is no way a romance between us could last. I was working so hard to try and suppress the pain I feel when I'm around you... That's why I've been constantly going out on missions.
Ryoma: I see. That makes everything much more clear, Kagero.
Kagero: I know this complicates our relationship. If you want, I will leave on my own.
Ryoma: Why would I ever order you to leave?
Kagero: Because this changes our dynamic... Milord? Why are you making that face?
Ryoma: I'm sorry that I didn't realize how extensive your feelings were, Kagero. However, I promise that you'll never feel that pain again. I know I can stop it. You see, Kagero, I love you as well.
Kagero: Lord Ryoma! You mean that we've been hiding how we feel from each other?
Ryoma: Indeed. I never would have thought that you'd get the jump on me, though... Kagero, I feel so calm when I'm around you. I've never felt this way with anyone. I was afraid to tell you how I felt, out of fear of how you'd react. If I'd realized how you were suffering...
Kagero: Lord Ryoma... You had no way to know. I gave all my strength to hiding how I felt. But, if what you say is true, does that mean you want to live our lives...together?
Ryoma: It is, and that's exactly what I would like. I think that we'd be unstoppable together.
Kagero: I'm so happy, Lord Ryoma. Let's go forward, side by side!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait odin fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Hmm. Just a touch there...and a brush stroke there…
Odin: What are you doing there, Kagero?
Kagero: Who?! Oh, it's nothing, Odin. Nothing at all.
Odin: Aha! That is the sort of nothing that's something. I sense that you're attempting to seal up a thing of power. Lemme see! Lemme see! Huh. Or not. It's a little picture.
Kagero: *sigh* Yes, Odin. A picture. That I'm painting. Happy now? If you must know, I'm painting a monster. Half dragon, half caterpillar. Just something I imagined. I'm thinking of calling it...a silkwyrm.
Odin: This monster sprang from the depths of your imagination?
Kagero: Yes, Odin. Go ahead. Take a closer look. You'll hate my paintings like everyone else. How dreary, they say. How dreadful. How apocalyptic. Please, go on. The sooner you do, the sooner I'll be rid of you.
Odin: Hmm... Huh... I see... Ah... OH!
Kagero: Er, Odin? What's wrong?
Odin: By all the darkness there is— All the grimness ever conceived— By every speck of doom that has ever lodged in the white of Odin's eye— I declare this a work of genius!
Kagero: What?
Odin: Your silkwyrm painting is brilliant. And you too, BRILLIANT. I need to borrow this.
(Odin leaves)
Kagero: Hey, give that back!

B Support

Odin: All right now. Deep breath, Odin. You can do it this time. I summon thee... No, Odin. More forceful. More zingy. I...I... I SUMMON THEE, SILKWYRM! ...... Er, silkwyrm?
Kagero: Hello, Odin.
Odin: Ah, the brilliant artist of Hoshido!
Kagero: I've come to get my painting there back. You ran off with it.
Odin: Rude, I know. But I was so moved by your art, I couldn't help myself.
Kagero: My art?
Odin: Too lowly a word for what you do. I hope I don't offend. It is pure, undiluted inspiration. When I laid eyes on your painting... I came up with a new spell on the spot. I had to run off to test it.
Kagero: Really? I just can't believe it.
Odin: Why not, genius of Hoshido?
Kagero: I've heard that you're among the very best spellcasters of Nohr. I expected you to spit on my work, not appreciate it. Tell me more about this spell that I inspired in you.
Odin: I was just trying to make my incantation work when you walked up. I am trying to summon your silkwyrm into our world.
Kagero: REALLY?
Odin: You question reality at every turn, it seems. Odin can appreciate that. But I have to confess that my spell has failed utterly. Please, have your painting back. I'm sorry for taking it.
Kagero: You must keep trying, Odin!
Odin: Failing myself is one thing. But I mustn't fail you too.
Kagero: But I've always dreamed of seeing my paintings become real. I'll do anything to help. You must succeed in summoning the silkwyrm!
Odin: Er, yes. I'll keep trying, if you insist, Kagero.

A Support

Kagero: I've brought you some things that might help with that summoning, Odin.
Odin: Oh, what?
Kagero: Faceless sweat. Dragon tears. Blood of this and that. After all, I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into my art. So I thought this would help you with your spell.
Odin: You think so? What insight into spellcasting you have.
Kagero: So you'll try it? I hope these feeble ingredients can help you, Nohr's greatest mage!
Odin: ......
Kagero: Um, what's wrong? Having second thoughts?
Odin: Me? Second thoughts?! Why, Odin Dark doesn't even have first thoughts! A great mage operates on instinct alone—I, more than most!
(Odin leaves)
(Kagero leaves)
Kagero: All right, Odin. I've sprinkled the blood, sweat, and tears on my painting. Now, I add my faith in you. Please, Odin, summon the silkwyrm.
Odin: ...... (Do it, Odin.) (What are you waiting for?) (You are a great mage!) (You are Odin Dark!) ......
Kagero: What are you whispering, Odin? Is that the spell?
Odin: No. Just a fly. Flew in my mouth. Gone now. Now, prepare to witness the first-ever summoning of a silkwyrm! Errwghh... Errrwwgghhh... SILKWYRM! REVEAL YOURSELF! MANIFEST AT ONCE! ......
Kagero: Er, are you done?
Odin: No, Kagero. I have only just begun.
Kagero: Oh, good. Sorry.
Odin: ERRRWWGGHHH! I call upon the fell spirits of the everdark! The unfallen hosts from on high! The divine multitudes of night and day—fill me with your power! I reveal you, silkwyrm, with the sun! I make you manifest with the moon! I SUMMON THEE, SILKWYRM! ......
Kagero: Er, Odin? Are you—
Odin: Done? Never!
Kagero: Then I will wait as long as it takes. I will never again interrupt.

S Support

Odin: Oh, hi.
Kagero: What sort of welcome is that from Nohr's most splendid mage?
Odin: I'm deflated. I failed to summon your silkwyrm.
Kagero: But you succeeded.
Odin: Huh?
Kagero: I mean, just look at my painting here. My silkwyrm is gone!
Odin: You're right! Where before stood, or squirmed, your monster... Oh. I see. The rain washed away your paint. I stood day and night, rain or shine, incanting until I was hoarse... Great. I failed AND ruined your painting.
Kagero: Rain had occurred to me. But I had unshakable faith in you, Odin. I'm sure it escaped my painting. I've been searching for it everywhere.
Odin: Such Odin Dark? Then that settles a question that has flit through the chambers of my heart.
Kagero: What question?
Odin: The question of our matrimony. To which I answer—YES.
Kagero: Matrimony? But, Odin...
Odin: But Odin Dark knows that marriage requires yes on both sides. Else it's merely a wish, a figment, a thing of pure imagination. Perhaps if you don't yet see it, you could paint this dream. And then I will hold it to my heart, day and night, rain or shine...
Kagero: But, Odin...
Odin: And if you painting us doesn't work its magic, then perhaps this will. A ring—ancient token of heart's fondest affection.
Kagero: ......
Odin: I get it. I'll stop now.
Kagero: Oh, Odin. The answer is yes. Of course, of course.
Odin: Then why does your face flicker betwixt joy and doom?
Kagero: I can't marry you. I am from a family that's served Hoshido's royalty for ages. My family would never release me to do as I will—marry who I wish.
Odin: Then paint a painting of the reverse outcome! I will cast my spell upon it until that happy ending is reality!
Kagero: Well, who could say no to the most enchanting mage of Nohr?
Odin: And how could I—to you?
Kagero: I have one request.
Odin: Anything! Name it!
Kagero: I wish to paint your family as well. I'd like to present it to those closest to you, in the hopes they will accept me.
Odin: Oh.
Kagero: Is that too great a request?
Odin: Not at all. It's only that I'm alone in this world. No family to speak of. My parents died...long ago.
Kagero: I didn't mean to cause you grief. Still, my request stands. I insist on painting your family if we're to be married.
Odin: Why?
Kagero: Marriage, to me, is more than two souls uniting. It's two families too. I need you to describe them to me. I want to see them.
Odin: Ah, yes. How wonderful of you. Then we will make this painting together, Kagero.
Kagero: And so, I will accept that ancient token of heart's fondest affection.
Odin: The ring? Oh, Kagero. You leave me speechless...


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait arthur fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15

C Support

Arthur: Miss Kagero, I had heard that you were in dire need of aid.
Kagero: Hm? Oh, hello there, Arthur. I wouldn't say I'm in dire need... But I could use someone's help cleaning the mess in my room.
Arthur: That sounds like something I can handle with ease! No matter how bad, I'm always ready to face trouble head on and prevail! Even if it's just lending a helping hand with a small issue. It's in my nature.
Kagero: Well then, we can go ahead and get started right away, since you're so driven.
Arthur: Of course; I wouldn't have it any other way. You weren't kidding, though. This is quite a mess you've got. Do you do a lot of art here?
Kagero: I do. This is actually what passes for my studio, most of the time.
Arthur: There are a lot of different art supplies in here, I see.
Kagero: Indeed. I like a lot of things. Today, for example, I'm focusing on painting. Unfortunately, I get so wrapped up in what I'm doing that I forget to clean...
Arthur: Oh, painting? How wonderful! May I take a look at what you're working on? Interesting... Truly interesting. I've never seen anything like this in Nohr.
Kagero: I'm attempting to express the chaos and sadness of the world with this. I think it'll be done after another hour or two of work.
Arthur: I see... What the—! What did I kick?
Kagero: Ah!!
Arthur: Oh no! I'm so sorry, Miss Kagero! I didn't see that bucket! Was it for cleaning brushes? That would explain all that dirty water...
Kagero: What have you done... That water is all over my painting!
Arthur: I-I'm sorry! Apparently my terrible luck extends even to your studio!
Kagero: E-everyone makes mistakes, I suppose...

B Support

Arthur: Miss Kagero, I want to apologize again for my mistake the other day. I've had trouble sleeping, knowing that I destroyed your painting with my mistake.
Kagero: You really shouldn't worry about it, Arthur. I'm actually glad you came back today. We can try again at getting this place all cleaned up.
Arthur: No problem, leave it to me. I'll pay special attention to my feet—last thing I want to do is spill something again. What're you working on today, by the way?
Kagero: I decided to work at carving a sculpture. Trimming the wood is really relaxing.
Arthur: Intriguing. This shape you've carved... It looks like a heart, but it looks somehow different...
Kagero: You're right, it is a heart. I wanted it to represent a person's love.
Arthur: Well done! I can't imagine the years of practice and natural talent you have... There is no way someone like me could hope to do such a subject justice. Anyway, where should I start cleaning?
Kagero: I think it'd be a good idea to begin with gathering the things on the floor.
Arthur: Very well, that shall be my first step! Everything related to painting can go over here in this pile... Ah, here are some spare weapons; I'll stack these here. Hrm. This area could use a good sweep. Miss Kagero, could you hand me— Oh, my apologies! I didn't mean to bump when I reached out!
Kagero: I... Arthur, why...
Arthur: What is it, Miss Kagero?
Kagero: Why did you have to bump me at exactly that moment?
Arthur: What do you... Oh no! How did your carving knife get stabbed so deeply into your carving? Oh. I see. I'm so sorry for bumping into you! I didn't mean...
Kagero: It... *sigh* It's fine, Arthur. Just leave. I can handle everything today, I think.
Arthur: As you wish...

A Support

Kagero: Thank you for coming again today, Arthur.
Arthur: I was honestly surprised to hear from you, Miss Kagero. I was certain you'd want to avoid my help in any future events, considering...
Kagero: I know what you're going to say, and I wanted to tell you something. The other day I tried to dispose of the art that was damaged while cleaning. On the way to throwing it out, a Hoshidan art merchant stopped me in the street. He wanted to get a better look at my work. After staring for some time, he cried, "This is the next generation of great art!"
Arthur: H-he did?!
Kagero: He praised my use of splashed water to reflect the chaos of life in my painting. He then said that the knife buried in the heart was symbolic of love's dangers. He was so excited, he demanded to be allowed to display the works in his shop. ...Before then, no merchant had even looked at my artwork.
Arthur: Wow... Those small accidents ended up changing things for the better?
Kagero: Arthur, I'm sorry for getting cross with you when you were helping before. At the time, it felt like things just kept getting ruined for me. I see things differently now. I have a small request of you, if I may...
Arthur: Anything, Miss Kagero! Though it all worked out, I still feel I owe you!
Kagero: The art merchant was so excited, he asked me to create more artwork for him. So... I need you to come over and help me clean my room some more. It seems like good things happen when you're doing that. I'm sure that you'll lend some special quirk to whatever I am working on.
Arthur: If you think that is a good decision, then there is no way I can say no! I'm happy to do anything to right my wrongs...even if they turned out well.
Kagero: I appreciate it, Arthur. Let's get to work.

S Support

Arthur: Hello, Miss Kagero...
Kagero: Arthur? I didn't expect to see you today...
Arthur: I know; I came by today because I had something I felt compelled to tell you... I...would like to stop coming to your workshop.
Kagero: What?! Where did this... ... If that is what you wish... I have made you work hard and in keeping with my own schedule. It is only natural that you would need a break from it. I apologize for not being as aware of how it was affecting you as I should have been.
Arthur: Oh no, Miss Kagero, you misunderstand my intention. I don't mean I want to stop interacting. I mean that, once the fighting is over, I want for us to have a workshop together.
Kagero: Excuse me? What do you mean?
Arthur: Why don't we work together and create new art...under a roof that we share? I'm saying that I am in love with you.
Kagero: You're in love with me?! I didn't think this could be possible...
Arthur: Do you share these feelings? I suspected that you might, but with my luck...
Kagero: Oh I do, I promise you. I didn't expect you to say anything, though... And we are from different lands... I worry that our relationship would face resistance.
Arthur: I'd considered that as well, but then I remembered something.
Kagero: What was it that you remembered?
Arthur: Despite how bad luck seems to follow me around, when I'm with you... It seems like even my biggest mistakes turn into something positive. With that in mind, there is no way a Nohrian-Hoshidan romance won't work. You turn my bad luck good, is what I mean.
Kagero: Arthur... Your words are so moving... And exactly what I wanted to hear.
Arthur: I'm happy you think so! Together we can seize my bad luck and defeat it like so many enemies before. We must first inform <Lord/Lady> Corrin. I'm sure the royalty will want to know. I will let you do the talking, though. No reason to tempt fate, after all...
Kagero: Heehee, I suppose that's a good point. Come then, Arthur. Let's go and inform <him/her> right now. The sooner we do, the sooner we can begin planning our new, shared workshop.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait peri fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Kagero's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Kagero: Ahhh... Nothing is so relaxing as enjoying tea in peace and quiet…
Peri: Kagero! There you are! I've found you!
Kagero: Oh, hello, Peri. What can I do for you?
Peri: You can help me learn, Kagero! Specifically, how I can become more like you!
Kagero: Become me? I don't understand what you mean by that...
Peri: You're pretty! And cool! I could tell from the moment I saw you that you were great. It feels like my heart skips a beat when I see you fight in battle. I look up to you!
Kagero: You look up to me?
Peri: Yup! So I've decided to learn from you so that I can become a better everything! I'll just copy what you do, and that'll make me better. Great idea, huh?
Kagero: I'm sorry, I don't think I entirely understand what you mean...
Peri: What are you drinking, there?
Kagero: This? It's a certain kind of tea I enjoy. It's called matcha. It's a green tea.
Peri: Oooh, I bet I would love green tea! Especially a green tea that you drink! Do you think I'd become more like you if I drank this? Lemme have a sip!
Kagero: Sure, I can pour you... Hey, that's my cup! Don't drink it all at once...
Peri: Ooooohhhh. It's biiiiitttteeerrrrrr. Bleh-bleh-bleh!
Kagero: I told you not to drink it all...
Peri: This isn't delicious at all! Are you trying to prepare yourself for some kind of torture?!
Kagero: Oh dear, is your makeup starting to run? Here, have a glass of water.
Peri: *gulp* *gulp* Ugh... That was really, really bitter...
Kagero: I know. You have to get used to the flavor. You can't just dive right in. Especially since I make it pretty strong...
Peri: I won't give up! I'll try that tea again and become a better fighter, just like you! But not today. My mouth actually hurts from drinking that. I'll come by another time. Better have some tea ready when I do!
(Peri leaves)
Kagero: She's got a bit of energy...

B Support

Peri: Hey there, Kagero! Are you drinking that bitter tea again?
Kagero: You mean matcha? Yes, Peri. I just made some, in fact...
Peri: I'll have some with you, then! I'll master the drinking of this tea, and then I'll grow more powerful, like you!
Kagero: I don't think it was drinking matcha that made me grow into a powerful fighter... But if you think it will help you, go ahead. Here, this cup is for you.
Peri: Thanks! All right then, here we go! *gulp* Oh gods, I think this is more bitter than last time!
Kagero: I told you before; don't drink it all at once! You knew it was going to be bitter, too...
Peri: Maybe that was just an odd glass. Let me try another cup of it... *gulp* *cough* So...bitter...
Kagero: Peri, are you just messing with me?
Peri: What? Never! I'm trying to learn! I'm really serious about improving myself! I just...can't handle how bitter this is...
Kagero: If you'd stop drinking it in one gulp... I could give you this little sweet. You're supposed to eat this, then drink the tea.
Peri: What? Why didn't you say so?!
Kagero: Because you insisted on setting tea-drinking speed records. Matcha is meant to be enjoyed with a sweet. You eat one... And then drink from your cup. It removes some of the bitterness.
Peri: Oooh, I see...
Kagero: Since you're still getting used to it, I'll give you a few extra sweets.
Peri: What cute little sweets! But let's see how they taste... Yummy! I like these a lot. So now that I've got one of those, I just take a drink from the cup...
Kagero: Not a gulp.
Peri: Not a gulp! You're right! The tea doesn't taste that bitter at all!
Kagero: Excellent.
Peri: Thank you, Kagero! Wow, those sweets really are good. Can I have a few more?
Kagero: Certainly.
Peri: Yaaaay! I'm so happy! Thanks!
Kagero: Hm? Hang on, Peri. Don't just eat all the sweets! Drink the tea, too.
Peri: *munch munch*
Kagero: Well, at least you liked the little bit of tea you tried this time...

A Support

Peri: Hey! Hey, Kagero! Would you like to share some matcha today?
Kagero: Certainly. You are always welcome.
Peri: Heehee, yay! I'm getting more used to the flavor now. We've gotten closer too, don't you think?
Kagero: About that... Why is it that you are so interested in becoming exactly like me?
Peri: Oh, that's obvious! The first time I saw you in combat was all I needed to motivate me! You were covered, head to foot, in bright red, and you looked so strong. It was cool!
Kagero: What are you talking about?
Peri: It was in the dead of night. You were sneaking up on an enemy sentry line... They had no idea you were there. You got right up behind the bad guy, and as he flicked your blade out! It was too fast to even see, and the enemy seemed paralyzed by the blow! When you drew your sword back, a fountain of blood erupted from the man! It was amazing!
Kagero: So then, you saw...
Peri: I did! ...Was I not supposed to?
Kagero: Well, that was a covert mission. I don't often like for my allies to see how I sometimes must fight. It is...less than honorable. If I can't simply sneak by, it results in pointless death.
Peri: was so cool! Anyway, most fighting is pointless! In the end, it's either you or them. And I always side with myself in that situation!
Kagero: Peri...
Peri: More importantly—I want to hear more stories of your battles, Kagero! Maybe if I listen well, I can learn how to sneak around and defeat enemies quickly! The way you moved that was like watching art being made. Art of death!
Kagero: ...I see. I suppose if that is how you think, there is no point debating this.
Peri: Now do you understand why I admire you so much? I want to become stronger! I know that you're the right person to learn from! You're so graceful and beautiful...
Kagero: You know... It may be good for us, as fighters from two different countries, to teach each other. If you're dedicated to this idea, then I will gladly continue to share tea with you. And if it is what you wish... In time, I will teach you some of how I fight.
Peri: Really? You mean it? That makes me so very, very happy!
Kagero: Of course. I'm counting on you to teach me about Nohr, as well.

A+ support

Kana (F)

Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana f fe14.png
Kana (F)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Kana (F)'s mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Mama! Hey, Mama!
Kagero: Oh, hello there, Kana. What is it?
Kana: Look! I picked some pretty flowers for you! They're yellow like the sun!
Kagero: Oh, these are quite beautiful. Thank you very much for the gift.
Kana: Do you really like them?
Kagero: Of course. But you've been bringing me flowers quite often lately. What's gotten into you?
Kana: I just remembered that when I was real little, we'd go looking at flowers together. You always smiled so much. And I love your smile, Mama! So I decided to start bringing you lots and lots of flowers!
Kagero: Heh. I wasn't aware you were keeping such a close eye on me... But I do have one request—a small favor to ask of you, Kana.
Kana: Anything, Mama. What do you need?
Kagero: I know you know this already, but flowers are living things, just like you and me. Which means that when you pick them, you're hurting them a little bit.
Kana: Oh no! I've been hurting the flowers?! It was an accident! I'm sorry for being a big meanie...
Kagero: I'm sure they will forgive you, now that you understand. But promise me that you won't pick any more flowers, OK?
Kana: OK! But...if I don't pick them, how can I show you the neat flowers I find?
Kagero: That's simple. Just come tell me you've found some, and we'll go together to look. We'll get to see them together, and they'll get to keep growing big and tall.
Kana: Really? You won't be too busy to come along with me?
Kagero: Of course not. I'll always have time for you.
Kana: OK, then it's a deal! We'll go look at all the neat flowers together!

B Support

Kana: La la lalala-la-la ♪ And now it's Mama time!
Kagero: Kana, I'm glad to see you so happy, but be careful bouncing around like that. You could trip over something and hurt yourself.
Kana: But I'm so happy, Mama! I found the best flowers for us to go look at! You're going to love them, I'm sure! Look! There they are, Mama. Right over there.
Kagero: Oh, these flowers look so...dignified. So elegant.
Kana: I know—I love them! They kind of reminded me of you, Mama.
Kagero: M-me? Like a flower? I don't think I've ever been compared to a flower before... Thank you, Kana.
Kana: Heehee. Flowers might be pretty, Mama, but I think you're even prettier!
Kagero: Oh? Well I think you're even more beautiful than that! Heehee.
Kana: Really? Yay!
Kagero: Oh, that reminds me. I have something to show you. I think you will like it.
Kana: Oooh, is it something good? Can I see it right now? What is it?
Kagero: It is—
Kana: Ah! Wait! Don't tell me! I don't want to spoil the surprise!
Kagero: Heh. All right. I'll keep it safe until we can sit down and look at it together.
Kana: Yay! I can't wait!

A Support

Kana: Mama, I'm here! Where's that thing you wanted to show me?
Kagero: Hello, Kana. I've got it right here.
Kana: This is such a big book! Oh wow! And look at all these flowers! Where did you get them?
Kagero: These are all the flowers you've been bringing me. I pressed them between the pages and allowed them to dry to preserve them. I thought it would be the perfect way for me to keep all your little gifts safe.
Kana: This is amazing! Like, really, really amazing! I hadn't realized how many flowers I'd brought you.
Kagero: I'm glad you like them.
Kana: Mama... Thank you for taking such good care of the flowers I gave you.
Kagero: I should be thanking you, really. Your flowers have given me so much peace in such trying times.
Kana: You're welcome!
Kagero: You know, we didn't pick those flowers we saw the other day... But we did make some wonderful memories together. I hope we have many more like them.
Kana: Me too, Mama! I love you so much!
Kagero: And I love you too, Kana.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Dwyer's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Kagero: How thoughtful. Thank you, Dwyer. Wow, it's delicious. You have a real knack for brewing.
Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you like it.
Kagero: Seriously, it's amazing. You might be even better than your father at making coffee.
Dwyer: Wow, better than Father? That's very high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Kagero: You think so? I doubt he would be angry. Maybe jealous, though. Ridiculously jealous.
Dwyer: Ahhh. That actually sounds much worse.
Kagero: Heheh. You're right. If he heard us, he'd probably make me drink cup after cup of coffee. Until I relented and told him his was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, I can imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Kagero: Sure. Thanks, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Kagero: Dwyer, is something troubling you?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Kagero: Don't lie, dear. A mother can always tell when their son isn't telling the truth.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Kagero: Come on then—tell me what the problem is. I'll give you some advice if I can.
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Kagero: What? Why do you say that?
Dwyer: Mother, you know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Kagero: That's not true, dear.
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler.
Kagero: You're wrong.
Dwyer: Huh?
Kagero: Dwyer, you belong here.
Dwyer: Why?
Kagero: Because you are kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not...
Kagero: Yes, you are. Always have been. Just now, you tried to cover up your sadness to keep me from worrying, right?
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Kagero: Wrong again, Dwyer. We need kindness more than ever during wartime. Even in the middle of danger, you're only concerned with protecting allies. It's so simple, yet most people would never understand. That's something you get. Isn't it, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Thank you, Mother. I'll do my best to help my friends.
Kagero: Good. Have faith in yourself, Dwyer. Know that I will always be watching over you.

A Support

Kagero: What was I thinking.
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Kagero: Dwyer... No, nothing is wrong. I'm just a bit tired. Don't worry about me.
Dwyer: You know, a son can always see through their mother's lies, right?
Kagero: Heh. Is that right?
Dwyer: I might not be able to do all that much, but I can at least listen.
Kagero: Thank you, that's very sweet.
Dwyer: So? Talk to me.
Kagero: Have I failed you as a mother?
Dwyer: No, of course not. That's not even a little bit true.
Kagero: But, I told you to go out onto the battlefield. I told you to fight.
Dwyer: Ah, you're talking about when I was worried the other day.
Kagero: Yes, exactly. As a mother, my first and foremost concern should be your safety. And yet, I drove you to fight, to risk your life. I'm an awful mother.
Dwyer: That's not true at all.
Kagero: What?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay.
Kagero: ...
Dwyer: More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and received your advice... Well, your words moved me. I would have put my friends in real danger if we hadn't spoken before.
Kagero: Oh. I had no idea.
Dwyer: So, you're not a failure. In fact, you're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Kagero: Thank you, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Now why don't I make you a hot cup of coffee to help you relax.
Kagero: You're such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait sophie fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Sophie's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Kagero: Yes, Sophie?
Sophie: Look! I found some of those flowers you love! Ones just like what you have!
Kagero: Yes...they are beautiful.
Sophie: Heehee. I'm glad you like them!
Kagero: I didn't realize these grew naturally in the area.
Sophie: That's what's so amazing! They were really close by! I can go back and get you more, if you want. There's a bunch more!
Kagero: As I suspected... I recently planted flowers of this kind in a plot not far from here.
Sophie: Then that means... Oh no! That explains why I hadn't seen these flowers there before! I'm so sorry, Mother!
Kagero: No need for that. I'm touched by the attempt regardless.
Sophie: Can...can I go back and plant these again? They'll grow back their roots, right? Awwwww! Why am I always screwing up things like this?!

B Support

Sophie: *sigh* Why am I such a klutz?
Kagero: Sophie, was that you sighing?
Sophie: Hey, Mother... Do you think I'll always be a klutz? Earlier today, I went to the market and got a bunch of apples for myself and Avel. When I got back, I decided to see if he could catch one in his mouth, but... I let go in the windup, and the apple hit an old lady behind me instead! Also, Avel fell over. I don't know why that happened.
Kagero: Heh heh... Sorry, I was just picturing the look on her face.
Sophie: Mother! Don't laugh at me.
Kagero: Sorry. This is the kind of thing I find funny.
Sophie: I'm seriously worrying about my future here, Mother!
Kagero: I'll take it more seriously, then. But isn't that the problem? Might you be taking your clumsiness too seriously?
Sophie: I'm not a little clumsy! My life is one long series of mistakes and blunders!
Kagero: Mistakes are common enough. But try to focus on finding the strength to persevere through them.
Sophie: But... But...
Kagero: Besides, some clumsiness is useful in certain walks of life. I note that our army has no court jester.
Sophie: Now you're just making things up, Mother.
Kagero: Heh heh... Or am I?
Sophie: *sigh* Thanks for cheering me up, though.

A Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Kagero: Hello, Sophie. You seem well.
Sophie: I sure am! What you said the other day really cheered me up.
Kagero: I'm not so certain it's what I said... I suspect you might have simply forgotten the matter as you slept, like usual.
Sophie: Why do you always have to tease me?
Kagero: Heh heh.
Sophie: Oh, that does remind me, though... I made a small mistake at breakfast today. I...accidentally gave the horses the soldiers' meals.
Kagero: Hmm. That's a problem.
Sophie: But once I realized my error, I rushed to make fresh meals for everyone. Suddenly, they all joined in to help! It made me really happy.
Kagero: Your friends seem very loyal.
Sophie: Yeah, I think so too!
Kagero: Do you know why that is?
Sophie: Maybe they were worried that I would burn everything?
Kagero: It probably has more to do with your indomitable spirit. Your excitement is infectious, and the soldiers were responding to that.
Sophie: They were? I don't know...
Kagero: You should trust in yourself more. Don't get hung up on mistakes. If you can manage that, it will be smooth sailing for you.
Sophie: OK, Mother! I think I can do that. Oh! Also, I think I found some flowers nearby that I'm sure you'll like. We can go check them out together!
Kagero: Very well.'re sure that...?
Sophie: Don't worry! They aren't the ones you replanted. I didn't pick any in advance, either—just in case!
Kagero: Good to hear.
Sophie: All right! Let's go!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait midori fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Midori's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Midori: Mother?
Kagero: Midori. What is it?
Midori: Remember how your knee was bothering you the other day? Well, I made a special ointment. It should help out with the pain. It took me a couple of days to track down the right herbs, but I did it!
Kagero: Why, thank you.
Midori: Heehee. Why don't you take a seat and get comfortable. I will apply it for you, OK? Shoo, pain—stop bothering Mother!
Kagero: Ah, the pain has dissipated. Your special medicines are always so effective.
Midori: Really? Yaaaay! Err, I mean, I'm glad that it helped.
Kagero: Did your father help you create this concoction?
Midori: He sure did! I mentioned that you'd been in pain, and he gave me a few ideas. I still had to do a ton of research though.
Kagero: You have such a keen mind, Midori. Your father must be pleased. He's very fond of teaching you.
Midori: Heehee, I hope so! He is always pleased when I come to him with a new herb.
Kagero: You've matured into a wonderful girl. Your father and I are both so proud of you.
Midori: Heeheehee! Thank you. I love you, Mother!
Kagero: I love you, too, Midori.

B Support

Midori: *sniffle*
Kagero: Dry your tears, Midori. What's wrong?
Midori: Nothing... Nothing, I'm fine. *sniff*
Kagero: Did something bad occur?
Midori: Well... I was in the forest collecting a few herbs, and some kids came up to me. They asked where my parents were and laughed when I said I was an adult. Then they said they were going deeper into the forest. I tried to stop them... But they turned to me and said, "Kids can't tell us what to do!" and ran off.
Kagero: So that's what happened... Did the children return home safely?
Midori: Yes, they did. I watched them carefully to make sure they made it back OK.
Kagero: I'm relieved to hear that. You're very thoughtful, dear.
Midori: I guess...
Kagero: Please don't cry, Midori. The truth is, good deeds are not always seen as a friendly offering. Even so, that's no excuse to stop doing what you know is right.
Midori: I promise I won't stop helping people.
Kagero: That's my girl. Even if your kindness falls on deaf ears... I will always know. Don't worry. Just follow your intuition. I believe in you.
Midori: *sniffle* Thanks, Mother.

A Support

Midori: Mother!
Kagero: Midori, hello. You're in a pleasant mood today.
Midori: I am! You remember those kids who I met while I was in the forest the other day?
Kagero: Certainly. You mean the ones who ignored your warning, yes?
Midori: Exactly. Well, I ran into them in town earlier, and they were so nice. They apologized for being so rude to me.
Kagero: Oh, really? Did they understand that you were just trying to help?
Midori: Yeah! Well, that and I think their parents yelled at them for being mean. But it still made me feel better.
Kagero: I see. Perhaps those children weren't so bad after all.
Midori: I think we're friends now. But, um... They invited me to go back into the deep forest with them... They said we'd be safe if I came along, but I'm not so sure... We probably shouldn't go without a grown-up, right?
Kagero: No, you should not. You must stay away from the deep forest. It's terribly dangerous for children and adults alike. Please, don't go near that wicked place.
Midori: Of course, Mother. I promise. Anyway, I suggested that the kids come with me to collect some rare herbs. I told them it'd be a lot more fun than wandering around some dark forest.
Kagero: Thank you. Now go. Enjoy the afternoon with your friends.
Midori: OK! Thanks, Mother!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shiro fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Shiro's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Shiro: Hey, Mom. Do you feel like doing something today?
Kagero: What's with you all of a sudden? Why do you ask?
Shiro: Well, we didn't get to spend much time together when I was growing up, right? Maybe now we can make up for that with some mom-son bonding time!
Kagero: Ohh, so that's what this is about. Thank you, Shiro. I just can't think of anything at the moment.
Shiro: Nothing at all? How can we bond if you don't want to do anything? I mean, I can't spend time with Dad. He's always preoccupied with the war. I guess you don't see him much either. Has he ever even given you a gift or anything? How does he show that he cares?
Kagero: That's not your father's way.
Shiro: Well, unlike him, I want you to know how special you are, Mom. Come on. Please! Can't you think of something you'd like to do?
Kagero: Heheh.
Shiro: Wh-why are you laughing at me?!
Kagero: Sorry, sorry. You just can't help but compare yourself to your father... Ryoma would be so hurt to hear you speaking this way. Shiro, I know your father treasures me. Being his wife is a great pleasure.
Shiro: Mom, are you sure? He's never even here to show that he cares.
Kagero: You don't understand the depths of your father's affection, Shiro. I can even prove it, if you don't believe me.
Shiro: I admit, I'm curious to see this so-called proof. I'll hold you to your word!
Kagero: You won't be disappointed.

B Support

Kagero: Shiro, may I borrow you for a moment?
Shiro: Sure! Mom, are those envelopes in your hand?
Kagero: Yes, they are. These are the proof you were asking for.
Shiro: Ohh... Are those love letters?
Kagero: Yes, they are. These are the proof of your father's affection for me. This is the first he ever wrote me... And this, the most recent.
Shiro: Wow, I had no idea that Dad was such a prolific writer.
Kagero: He certainly is. I admit, I was rather shocked to receive dozens of letters. Each one longer than the last. Of course he discusses his feelings in person too. But I think writing allows him to be totally free with his emotions. It's an aspect of his character that no one else can see. He's a very tender man. Well? Did I catch you off guard?
Shiro: I've always thought Dad was stuffy and formal. Maybe I've been wrong all along. Tell me, what does he write about?
Kagero: Heheh... I can't tell you. Those letters are meant only for me.
Shiro: Now I'm even more curious! I suppose knowing how much you two care about each other will have to do.
Kagero: Glad to put your mind at ease. Relax, Shiro. I love you. I hope you know that.
Shiro: I-I know! But thanks for saying so, Mom.
Kagero: Heheheh, of course.

A Support

Shiro: Hey, Mom! Do you have a minute to spare?
Kagero: Sure, Shiro, what is it?
Shiro: Well, after you showed me Dad's letters, I started thinking... I thought maybe I'd try writing out my thoughts and feelings too. You know, what it's like to be your son... that kind of thing.
Kagero: Oh, really? That's wonderful. I'd love to read anything you wrote.
Shiro: I don't know... Now it just doesn't seem good enough.
Kagero: Why do you say that?
Shiro: It's not very special if I'm just doing the same thing that Dad does, right? That's why I've decided to treat you to a special meal too!
Kagero: A nice meal...? Really?
Shiro: Yeah. Anything you want! Well, anything I can find in the forest at least. I can't get started until you tell me what you'd like to eat. Anything sound good?
Kagero: Hmm... Anything I want, huh? Can you give me some time to think it over?
Shiro: I guess it would be hard to think of something off the top of your head. Just let me know. The most important thing is that I've got a leg up on Dad!
Kagero: Don't be so competitive. This isn't a game you can win or lose.
Shiro: But I'd be a failure as your son if I couldn't make you happy.
Kagero: Hmm... Your father actually said something similar to me once.
Shiro: What? He did?!
Kagero: Yes. Let me think... He said that if he didn't make me eternally happy, he'd be a failure as my husband... Heheh. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. Like father, like son, as they say.
Shiro: Damn! He always has the upper hand!
Kagero: Ha ha ha. Don't be silly. In any case, I am very happy. It's wonderful to know you care so much... I feel blessed to be your mother.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kiragi fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Kiragi's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Kagero: Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Kagero: Don't make that face at me.
Kiragi: I can't help it. You look like you're about to attack!
Kagero: That's because you're out here, and you absolutely shouldn't be. This is very disappointing...
Kiragi: I'm really sorry... I promise I'll do it as soon as I get home tonight, OK?
Kagero: I'm not falling for that. You always go straight to bed every time when you get home from hunting.
Kiragi: B-but... I'm just awful at math and history.
Kagero: I'm well aware. Which is exactly why you need to start taking your studies seriously. I already promised to help you.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Kagero: You're already very far behind with your academics. Your father and I wish we had been around to raise you properly... Which is why I'd like to make amends and help you catch up.
Kiragi: *grumble*
Kagero: Let's head back home. You must quit hunting for now and devote yourself to studying.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me! You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Wait, Kiragi!! Come back...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting... "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good hunter.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Hmm... No, that's unrelated.
(Kagero leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down...
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Instead of using numbers, I'll change these into rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help Kiragi understand.
(Kagero leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing there?
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Damn! Where did I put that history book? I still have to prepare his lesson plan.
(Kagero leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: I need to help him with memorization. If we cover things nice and slow, I know he'll catch up eventually.
Kiragi: Hey, Mom.
Kagero: Oh, welcome home, Kiragi. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom... You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry.
Kagero: Don't be upset, Kiragi. It's fine. The important thing is that we understand each other. How about you make it up to me by balancing your hunting with academics?
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now... Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Kagero: I am pleased to hear it, Kiragi. Shall we begin now?
Kiragi: OK! But wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Thank you, Kiragi...

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Kagero: Show me. Hmm... Your answer is correct. But how...
Kiragi: Oh, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Kagero: Hmm... An advanced method. Excellent work, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Kagero: The history work you completed was perfect too. All the years, places, and important events are in the correct spots. You didn't miss a thing.
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Kagero: You are a very impressive student. All your hard work is paying off. I'm proud of you, Son.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Kagero: We've already covered everything on the curriculum today. Why don't you go and enjoy some hunting.
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... No, that's all right.
Kagero: What?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Kagero: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Kagero: Of course, Kiragi. I'm enjoying all this time with you.
Kiragi: Me too!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait asugi fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Asugi's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Asugi: Ah, mission accomplished. I got a ton of useful information tonight. Today's undercover work was riskier than usual. I almost got caught this time. "Almost" doesn't count though, heh heh. Time to share what I learned and go relax.
Kagero: You're back.
Asugi: M-Mom?! Shouldn't you be asleep? It's really late.
Kagero: I was up waiting for you.
Asugi: I'm fine, Mom. It's an early morning tomorrow. You should be asleep!
Kagero: Impossible. Not with you gone.
Asugi: Look, I get sent out on these recon trips because I'm good at them. We all risk our lives when we're out on our missions, and I'm no different.
Kagero: You are different. You go alone. When I think of all that might happen... The least I can do is stay awake to confirm your return.
Asugi: I told you, I'm fine. I do what I have to, and that's the end of it. If you stay up all night, you'll just be a liability to all of us tomorrow.
Kagero: Mm.
Asugi: Look, it's late. I'm exhausted. We should both get some rest.
Kagero: Yes...we should. Sleep well.

B Support

Asugi: I've successfully infiltrated the enemy base. Piece of cake! (Mmm...cake.) Now to scope out what the leaders here are up to. They've been acting suspicious. If I can just find some evidence that they're planning something…
Kagero: That looks like an officer's quarters. We'll start there.
Asugi: WHAA—?! What...? MOM?! What in the name of all that is sweet and holy are you doing here?
Kagero: I followed the trail you left. You really should be more careful.
Asugi: Wh-why would you follow me? This place is dangerous!
Kagero: Was I not clear? I get nervous about you when you're on solo missions.
Asugi: You shouldn't be here, Mom. This is MY mission, not yours!
Kagero: It's still your mission. I'm helping you carry it out, that's all.
Asugi: SHH! Be quiet!
Kagero: Don't you shush me!
Asugi: Not another word! The enemy patrol is heading this way...
Kagero: ...
Asugi: *sigh* OK, they're gone. Gods, my heart is racing. I was certain they'd spotted us.
Kagero: They wouldn't. I'd already checked the sight lines.
Asugi: Geez, Mom. I know parents like to bond with their kids, but this is overkill!
Kagero: Maybe a little bit. But it's a mother's duty to protect her young.
Asugi: Ugh, enough is enough. I can't think straight when you're here. This whole mission is a bust. Let's go.
Kagero: You're not serious.
Asugi: Come on, Mom. I know a shortcut back. It's time to go home.
Kagero: But the mission hasn't been completed. It's barely been started!
Asugi: It's over. Come on, let's hurry back.
Kagero: If we must.

A Support

Kagero: What's our mission tonight?
Asugi: ... WE are not going anywhere. You're not coming along.
Kagero: I beg to differ. These recon missions are too dangerous for a lone agent.
Asugi: Mom, you're being unreasonable. Don't you trust me?
Kagero: It is nothing to do with trust! It is simply good practice to work in pairs. In fact, as I am the more experienced ninja, maybe it's you who should be my second.
Asugi: We each have our own part to play in this war, Mom. I fulfill the roles that my training has prepared me for. When you follow me, it puts us both in very real danger. Instead of focusing on the mission, I can only think of protecting you.
Kagero: That is a problem. I'm just not sure how to reconcile it with my fears.
Asugi: ...
Kagero: What if a mission went awry and I was nowhere near to pull you out? These are exactly the thoughts that keep me up at night!
Asugi: Mom... Look, this is embarrassing, so I'm only going to say it once.
Kagero: Say what?
Asugi: When I got back from my mission that one night and I saw you waiting up for me... I was really happy.
Kagero: You were?
Asugi: I was. It made me realize that I had a real home to come back to. Knowing you're out there, waiting for me, makes me desperate to make it back home. No matter how much danger I'm in or what I have to do to make it back safely... I always will. I will always, always come back home to you.
Kagero: Asugi, I—
Asugi: That's why I need you to stay here. My home is wherever YOU are. I can't do what I do without knowing that I have a loving home waiting for me. As long as you're here, safe and happy, I'll never lose heart.
Kagero: ... I hadn't realized you felt that way. If that's the case, I won't interfere further. The least I can do as your mother is to grant you space to work.
Asugi: Mom... Thank you. You don't know what that means to me.
Kagero: From now on, instead of staying awake worrying, I'll stay awake cooking. That way, you'll have food waiting for you when you return. You like sweets, yes?
Asugi: That...would be AMAZING!
Kagero: Whatever I can do to ease your mind, dear. I only want what's best for you.
Asugi: Thanks, Mom. I love you too.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait selkie fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Selkie's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Selkie: Hey, Mom! What are you doing? Wanna go outside and play?
Kagero: What on earth happened to you, Selkie? You're slathered in mud.
Selkie: Yep! I was exploring in the forest, and I think I fell off a cliff or two. Heehee!
Kagero: A cliff?! Is everything all right? Are you in pain?
Selkie: Aww, I'm fine. I just scraped my knees a little bit. Everything still works the way it's supposed to. See?
Kagero: Selkie, you're not fine. I can see blood mixed in with the grime. You can play outside, but I don't want you straying too far, is that clear?
Selkie: Grr, that's no fun! What am I supposed to do?
Kagero: You might consider staying indoors. There's no end of ways to amuse yourself. If you like, we could play the quiet game.
Selkie: I dunno...sounds boring. Oh! I have an idea! Let's play dress-up! We can put on makeup and everything.
Kagero: Makeup is not a toy. But if you're interested in using it, I'd be thrilled to teach you.
Selkie: Yay! Let's do it! Gimme that lipstick!
Kagero: Not so fast. If we're going to do this, we'll do it right. I'll let you know when I'm ready.
Selkie: All right...this is gonna be great!

B Support

Kagero: The makeup is ready for you. Are you ready for it?
Selkie: Oh yeah! Bring it on!
Kagero: I'm eager to pass this knowledge on as it was passed to me. Now, where shall we—
Selkie: War paint! Right under the eyes with lipstick! I want green—do you have green?
Kagero: Excellent choice. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The aptly named foundation is the first step in the process.
Selkie: You mean this powdery stuff? I think it's gonna make me sneeze. AH-CHOO! Oh's everywhere!
Kagero: Selkie, be careful with that! We don't have enough to be wasting.
Selkie: *sniff* I'm sorry, Mom. I'm screwing everything up, aren't I?
Kagero: There, there... I knew nothing of makeup for many years either. I learned all I know about it from Orochi. You'll get it in time. Pay close attention as I do it for you, just this once.
Selkie: Really? OK...that sounds good.
Kagero: There...see how easy it is? The foundation is applied. And where shall we go from here, hmm?
Selkie: I wanna look fierce! Like I could rip your head off with my teeth. Rawr! I mean, not YOUR head, Mom. Anyway, make me look fierce!
Kagero: Heh. That can be arranged.

A Support

Selkie: Hey, Mom! Guess what?
Kagero: Hm? You seem pleased...
Selkie: Yeah! Well, I got so many compliments on the makeup you did for me. People said that I looked terrifying!
Kagero: Excellent. I'm happy to be of service.
Selkie: Uh-huh! There's just one problem...
Kagero: Oh? But you said...
Selkie: Well, I loved the makeup, but it took so long to put on. I'd kind of rather spend that time outside playing and running.
Kagero: You would, hm?
Selkie: Oh! But that doesn't mean I didn't like being with you. It was really fun to see how you put it all together. I guess what I'm saying is... Sometimes I want to do makeup with you, but other times... I want to run and play outside with you!
Kagero: I would be delighted to.
Selkie: You would? Yay!
Kagero: There's only one problem, though.
Selkie: Aww, I knew it...
Kagero: This camp seems so confining. If we're to play outside, let's go explore.
Selkie: Aww, you're the best! I'm so glad you're my mom!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hisame fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Hisame's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kagero: Hisame, a word?
Hisame: Oh, hello, Mother. What do you—? Is that—? Why do you have that?!
Kagero: Ah. I thought it was yours. I found it in my things. It is a diary, correct?
Hisame: Y-yes. It is. Why? Did you read any of it?
Kagero: Relax. I didn't pry. Or perhaps I should say I couldn't pry. There is a lock.
Hisame: Oh, thank the gods. I'd forgotten about the lock. May I have it, then?
Kagero: Of course.
Hisame: Mother? You, can let go now. Is something wrong?
Kagero: I'm curious to see what, precisely, you've got in this book.
Hisame: I-I would very much prefer that you not read it! You may be my mother, but there are some things that should remain private.
Kagero: I see. I suppose you're right. Boys your age have all kinds of thoughts that their mothers need not know about.
Hisame: Just what are you trying to imply?! In any case, the diary is from when I was much, much younger. To be honest, I don't even remember what I wrote. I just know that it was private.
Kagero: Oh? How disappointing.
Hisame: Yes, very. Now may I please have it back?
Kagero: Very well. Here, take it.
Hisame: Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, I'll be on my way.
(Hisame leaves)
Kagero: Hmph. I know I should let it go... But still...I wonder...

B Support

Kagero: Hello, Hisame. I had some questions for you concerning that diary of yours.
Hisame: Y-you didn't read it, did you?
Kagero: No. It's... When you were young, we were not able to spend much time together. So...I was wondering if you'd like to share some of what you wrote back then. I...wish to know more about you. Is this all right?
Hisame: Of course. I'm glad to hear it. Perhaps we could read it together?
Kagero: Are you sure?
Hisame: Yes. I think it could be fun to look back on that time with you, Mother. But I truly don't remember what I wrote in here. So I reserve the right to skip over anything we might find that I don't wish to share.
Kagero: Very well. Do you have time to read it now?
Hisame: Sure. I actually have it right here, believe it or not. And the key goes...there. All right. "Today was a good day. Mom came to see me!" "I wonder when I'll get to see her next. Maybe it'll be real soon this time." "We got to play a lot today, though! So I don't think I'll be lonely for a while." Hm. It appears as though I wrote about your visits on nearly every page.
Kagero: Hisame... You must have spent a great deal of time alone, missing us.
Hisame: Well, it wasn't all so dreary as that. I did other things as well. I'm actually very surprised that there's nothing about my daily life in here. You'd think I'd have written about something else. At least a few times... But I suppose those were always the things I looked forward to most. It was a rare treat, after all.
Kagero: You must have waited so long for each visit. Even if it was only a few days here... I feel this diary has helped me to truly appreciate the time we now have together.
Hisame: And I as well, Mother. Let us make the most of it.

A Support

Kagero: Hm...
Hisame: Mother? You don't seem well. Is everything all right?
Kagero: Oh, hello, Hisame. Yes, everything is fine.
Hisame: Then why do you look so distressed? it something you'd prefer not to discuss with your son?
Kagero: N-no. That is not the problem. I have just been thinking about that childhood diary of yours we read.
Hisame: Oh?
Kagero: Yes. I was very happy you were willing to share it with me, but... It was difficult to hear how patiently and cheerfully you waited for us. And for what must have been so long... There is no excuse for what you were forced to endure.
Hisame: Mother...
Kagero: I know that it is all in the past now. There is nothing anyone can do about it. But it is still not right. I am so sorry, Hisame. Can you ever forgive me?
Hisame: Of course. And I understand why it was so. Please, do not trouble yourself over it. Here, with the army, I feel like I live every day to the fullest. As a child, all I'd think about was when I might see you and Father next. But here, I fight alongside you. I can contribute. I have a purpose. I've never been happier than I am now. So please, don't feel sad, Mother.
Kagero: Thank you, Hisame. It helps very much to hear you say that.
Hisame: I did nothing. But I am very glad you feel better.
Kagero: I do. And I vow: I will do everything in my power to ensure we are not parted like that again.
Hisame: And I pray the day will never come when anything threatens to part us. Thank you, Mother.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mitama fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Mitama's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kagero: Mitama. Mitama!
(Kagero leaves)
Mitama: Nnnnnnnnngggggh...
(Mitama leaves)
Kagero: MITAMA! I know you're in there! How long do you think you can keep this up? We have both been committed to attending the war council meeting today. You have to get up. Now!
(Kagero leaves)
Mitama: Shoo now, little fly / Leave Mitama to her sleep / Do not buzz so loud.
(Mitama leaves)
Kagero: (By my blades, I swear I'll—) Mitama! GET UP! You have to learn how the camp is run.
Mitama: Please, honored Mother / My bed is warm; you are cold / Do not part us so. Besides, I am too tired to attend. I would just fall asleep at the table.
Kagero: You're only tired because you were up all night reading poetry again! Sometimes I'm of half a mind to just lock all your books away for a while. Gods above, what curse marked you out for this useless obsession, anyway?
Mitama: The answer is clear / A gift from Father did it / A brush and paper. I remember it like it was yesterday...
Kagero: That can't be all. You can do a million things with a brush and some paper. You could have written stories or kept a journal or learned to draw. But you chose poetry.
Mitama: I must ponder this / Other paths I left untrod / Why did I begin?
Kagero: It is a mystery. None of your caretakers were poets.
Mitama: Oh! Mother, I just had the most wonderful idea. Perhaps we should now / Try to solve this together / Mother and daughter.
Kagero: That does sound nice. We could— Oh, I see. You are trying to fool me. Well, you shall not get out of this so easily. You and I are going directly to the council meeting. Now.
Mitama: My ruse discovered / I have no choice but to go / It was worth a shot.

B Support

Kagero: Mitama? What are you doing? Why are all these poems scattered across the room?
Mitama: Ah, hello, Mother. Sly old Memory / She leaves only threads behind / For us to follow.
Kagero: Hm?
Mitama: Threads of memory. To reclaim the past, we must seize upon a single thread and follow where it leads. This being the case, I am looking for my first poem. It is here somewhere.
Kagero: Ah. Your first poem being one of these threads, I suppose. And where are you hoping it will lead you?
Mitama: Before there was verse / Mitama existed not / Wherefore Mitama? I wish to understand who I am. I was not myself until I learned poetry. If I find my earliest self, I find my current self. In the beginning, the end. Therefore the search.
Kagero: Oh, I see. You've been thinking about our last conversation. And you think that finding your first poem will tell us what drew you to poetry. <br? Mitama: Yes. How long 'til it's found? / In a blizzard of poems / A single snowflake. It has been many days. But I am determined.
Kagero: Is there any way I can help?
Mitama: Perhaps if you cou— Ah! Wait! I may have found it / The Alpha of Mitama / Omega, my search.
Kagero: Oh, what does it say?
Mitama: Mother does not come / I count the days passing by / Days without number.
Kagero: M-Mitama! Is this truly your first poem?!
Mitama: Yes...I remember now. You'd become very busy, and my caretakers told me you couldn't come to visit. I began writing poems to comfort myself while you were gone. Left waiting for you / My world turned inward to verse / Structure to sorrow.
Kagero: Forgive me, Mitama. You must have felt so helpless and alone. Every day, I regret leaving you there.
Mitama: Don't apologize / You had a duty, a cause / The world needed you. I am sorry. I didn't want to upset you. And I want you to know I understand. You fought to protect me. I know that now.
Kagero: Maybe. But maybe I could have done better, somehow. I don't know. Anyways...We still don't know why you turned to poetry in particular for comfort. How about we write a letter to your caretakers?
Mitama: More clues to my past / Hidden in old memories / The search continues. Yes. They are bound to know something. I will draft a letter immediately.
Kagero: Er. Perhaps I should help. They will appreciate fewer poetic tangents.

A Support

Kagero: What? This can't be right.
Mitama: Mother? Is that the letter from my caretakers? Please, let me see it / Perhaps the source is revealed / The search now bears fruit.
Kagero: Well...I'm not sure how to say this.
Mitama: What is it?
Kagero: It says here that I'm the one who started you on poetry.
Mitama: I don't understand / You have no great love for it / What else do they say?
Kagero: I don't understand either. But give me a moment.
Mitama: Yes?
Kagero: Your caretakers say that I used to teach you the lyrics of the lullabies I sang you. You had trouble singing, so I taught you by reciting them. Eventually, you forgot they were songs, but you never forgot the lyrics themselves. And when you wanted to find more things like them, you naturally asked for poetry. Luckily, they had many books of traditional verses—tanka and haiku especially. Dozens, from the sound of it. And after that...well, the rest is history.
Mitama: Mystery dispelled / I know now the catalyst / My life's prime mover. But to think that so much of my life has hinged on a simple misunderstanding... For good or for ill? / Stand I in praise of folly? / And love blind fortune? I suppose it doesn't matter much; the passion is the point, not its source. But this means—
Kagero: Yes. You can blame me for your love of poetry. Or, more to the point, I can blame me.
Mitama: Heehee. So it wouldn't really be right for you to tell me to stop, would it? Yourself the wellspring / Can the source of the river / Choose to flow uphill?
Kagero: Heh heh. All right. I admit defeat. I am happy that we managed to solve the mystery, though.
Mitama: Poetry and song / Daughter and mother allied / Invincible bond!
Kagero: Heh...I think that might be my favorite poem yet.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait caeldori fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Caeldori's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Caeldori: Hm. The advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee it personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
(Hoshidan leaves)
Kagero: Well, you've certainly been busy.
Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
Kagero: I had some spare time and thought I should come by to help out. I'd heard that the supply division required assistance. But it looks like you've got everything under control. It seems whoever appointed you chose wisely.
Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
Kagero: Don't be so modest. Now, what can I help you with?
Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you. All I've left is the inventory.
Kagero: Then I will help with that. With an army of this size, it must take a long time to count everything.
Caeldori: Well, see, about that—
Kagero: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
Caeldori: I— Would you please give that back? It's important.
Kagero: Hm? This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of diagram?
Caeldori: Yes. I drew it up for the armory a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted with ease. It takes a fraction of the time and...only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
Kagero: I see. And there is nothing else I could do?
Caeldori: Well, um...I have prepared some tea over there for just such an occasion. Please, help yourself!
Kagero: Oh. (...I've never felt this useless before.) (And she's being so nice... It's as though she's...coddling me.)
Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something, Mother?
Kagero: N-no. It's nothing.

B Support

Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
Hoshidan: At once, milady.
(Hoshidan leaves)
Kagero: ... *cough*
Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you DOING in there? It's dangerous to hide like that. We put weapons in those barrels.
Kagero: Apologies. I was watching you work and did not want to interrupt.
Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
Kagero: No, no, of course not. I just came by again to offer my help, but it looks like you still do not require it. I am impressed, though. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Very good. In fact, you were so impressive, I had nothing to offer whatsoever. So I suppose I will just sit over here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
Caeldori: Mother...
Kagero: It is fine. You just have much of your father in you. Charisma, intelligence, beauty... Yes, you are truly Subaki's child.
Caeldori: I— Mother...
Kagero: Do not worry. It is a good thing. Truly. Now, I do not wish to be a nuisance. I will away. Continue the admirable work.
(Kagero leaves)
Caeldori: M-Mother! Oh, fetid scallions! She's gone.

A Support

Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother.
Kagero: Caeldori?
Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
Kagero: Of course. Speak freely.
Caeldori: The last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's the case. He does everything so effortlessly. Fighting, riding, speaking—it all comes as naturally to him as breathing. I'm not like that.
Kagero: How do you mean? You are a very talented soldier, and I've never seen a more gifted administrator.
Caeldori: I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. And it is this work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. It made me understand that I did not need to be naturally gifted to succeed in life. What I have accomplished, I have done by hard work, not natural genius. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
Kagero: Caeldori... I-I don't know what to say.
Caeldori: There is no need to say anything. Just...please, never think you are not as important a part of me as Father. OK?
Kagero: Of course. I apologize. I will not say such things again. You make me so proud to be your mother. Thank you.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rhajat fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Rhajat's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kagero: Rhajat, I need to speak with you.
Rhajat: Ah, hello, Mother. Why are you making that scary face? Did I do something?
Kagero: I feel awkward bringing this up all of a sudden. But I must ask you a question. Please, be honest with me.
Rhajat: O-OK... What is it?
Kagero: I heard that you gathered some villagers and cast a spell on them recently. Is that true?
Rhajat: They wanted me to perform a good-luck ritual for their upcoming harvest. I didn't really want to, but they were so insistent that I gave in eventually.
Kagero: Some of them have come to me to complain about you.
Rhajat: Why would they do that? I just complied with their request...
Kagero: Supposedly, there has been a bizarre outbreak of some illness... They've never seen anything like it before.
Rhajat: I don't know why that would be. But sometimes even benign magic can have unintended side effects...
Kagero: These villagers, they suspect you. They claim that your spell has brought evil to their home. I obviously don't believe them. I know you would never hurt anybody. But I need to know what kind of enchantment you used. We have to find a way to make them better. Otherwise, they will just grow more and more suspicious of you.
Rhajat: Those villagers will be wary of me regardless of what I do. Maybe it doesn't really matter...
Kagero: Rhajat... What do you mean by that?
Rhajat: It's just complicated, Mother. You shouldn't involve yourself in this. No good will come of it.
(Rhajat leaves)
Kagero: Now wait a moment. Don't leave!

B Support

Kagero: This is exhausting. But I have to push myself a bit further. I'd better head out.
Rhajat: Greetings, Mother...
Kagero: Rhajat! You snuck up on me.
Rhajat: That bag is awfully large. What have you been getting up to?
Kagero: I was just heading out
Rhajat: I know things have been crazy lately, but you look really tired. Why don't you rest? I'd be more than happy to go shopping for you.
Kagero: No, really, I'm fine. Please, don't worry.
Rhajat: Is this supposed shopping trip just a ruse? You're only leaving the house now, and yet that bag is filled to the brim already. You were planning to assist those sick villagers, weren't you?
Kagero: Wh-what do you mean?
Rhajat: I am keenly aware of the events unfolding around me. Do you feel obliged to come to their aid because they blame me?
Kagero: Of course not.
Rhajat: Then what is driving you to help them?
Kagero: I'm aiding the villagers because I wish to alleviate their suffering in any way I can. This has nothing to do with you. Please, don't be upset.
Rhajat: You didn't have to sneak around behind my back though...
Kagero: I'm sorry. Listen, I really need to head into town. The villagers are waiting on me. I hope you understand.
Rhajat: Wait... I know that I'm not responsible for this illness. I'll be able to explain everything soon. But I need a little more time.
Kagero: Very well. Please, come and speak to me when you're ready to talk.
Rhajat: Thank you, Mother.

A Support

Rhajat: Here, Mother. I wanted to show you what I've been working on.
Kagero: What is this herb, Rhajat? I don't believe I've seen it before. Are you going to use it to cure the villagers?
Rhajat: Yes. It took longer than I would have liked to mature. I even had to use a bit of light magic to encourage the herb's growth. If I could have brought it to you sooner, I would have. I just needed to make sure it worked first. I'm sorry...
Kagero: How did you come up with this cure?
Rhajat: It took some time. When the villagers asked me to cast a spell for them, I noticed something strange... There were several people who were coughing profusely. A few of them also looked quite pale...
Kagero: So the villagers were already sick before you even cast that spell!
Rhajat: Yes, exactly. I had heard that there was a rare herb that naturally fights illness. I managed to track down some seeds and got to sprouting them right away.
Kagero: Why didn't you try to explain this situation to the villagers? I bet there never would have been any suspicion if you had spoken up.
Rhajat: My sole concern wasn't their perception of me. It was their health. The most important thing was to find a cure before the sickness got out of control. All I really cared about was you trusting me.
Kagero: You are a strange child, Rhajat.
Rhajat: Ow, Mother! Let me go already. It hurts when you squeeze me so tightly. Listen, you should help me turn this herb into a tea. That way, we can distribute it quickly.
Kagero: Of course, you're right. Let's go, Rhajat. There's no time to waste.


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait percy fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Kagero is Percy's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Percy: Mom, I'm back! Is dinner ready yet?
Kagero: Ahh, you've returned, Percy. I've just finished preparing dinner.
Percy: No time to wait! I'm gonna dig in.
Kagero: Hold on one second. Have you washed your hands yet?
Percy: Oops, I forgot. I'll run and wash them.
Kagero: Calm yourself, dear. There is plenty of food. Why are you in such a hurry?
Percy: I have to eat fast... Every moment I'm not training is a missed opportunity. Eat fast, train fast! I need to get big and strong quickly. How else will I be able to keep you safe?
Kagero: You're going to protect me, eh? That's a sweet thought, Percy.
Percy: I promise, I'll never let anything bad happen to you. You can count on me!
Kagero: I know that, dear. But please, slow down and chew your food properly. You won't be able to train if you have a terrible tummyache.
Percy: Good point, Mom. For the time being, I'll train myself to eat quickly but efficiently.
Kagero: Heheh, very good.

B Support

Percy: Mom, I'm back!
Kagero: Percy, your knee is bleeding. How did you injure yourself?
Percy: Fear not, Mom! This scratch is merely a symbol of my dedication to training.
Kagero: This has to be disinfected immediately.
Percy: No, no, it's OK. I'm sure it will be fine if we leave it alone.
Kagero: That's not true. You must carefully clean and dress cuts to prevent infection.
Percy: I'm fine, seriously. But if it will make you feel better...
Kagero: Mothers can't help but worry about their children from time to time. I'm going to put the ointment on your scrape. Hold still...
Percy: Youch! You didn't say that would sting! Can you try to be a little more gentle?
Kagero: Percy, toughen up. How will you protect me if you can't stand a tiny amount of pain?
Percy: What? No, I was just...pretending! Yeah, I was totally just pretending it hurt. I can't believe you actually fell for that. Go ahead, put on more medicine. I can take it.
Kagero: Luckily for you, I only needed a small dab. So how did you get this battle injury?
Percy: I was running down a mountain as fast as I could. But I lost my footing and tripped.
Kagero: And you only sustained this small wound? You could have been gravely injured. Please, cease this reckless training.
Percy: But... How can I get strong enough to protect you if I do?
Kagero: In order to help others, you must first exercise sound judgment. Doing something dangerous for the thrill will not make you a good protector. Just the opposite, in fact. I know you care for me, Percy. And I care for you. I just want you to stay safe.
Percy: You're right... I'm sorry, Mom.
Kagero: So long as you understand, it's fine. Now, how about we eat dinner.
Percy: Yay! All that tumbling made me hungry!

A Support

Percy: Hey, Mom...
Kagero: What's wrong, Percy? You seem troubled.
Percy: I'm just not sure if I can actually get strong enough to protect you.
Kagero: What makes you say that?
Percy: There are so many strong people all around the camp. Much stronger than me... What do I do if I come across a foe who is more powerful than I am? Thinking about that makes me lose confidence...
Kagero: Please, don't worry. If you work hard, one day you can be the strongest of all.
Percy: You're just trying to make me feel better...
Kagero: No, I'm not. I've seen the effort you've put into training. You are on a path to greatness. Continue to work hard, and someday you will be the strongest person in the world.
Percy: Someday isn't good enough. What if evil rears its head before I'm ready to defeat it?
Kagero: There's no need to concern yourself with that thought. Until your training is complete, I will watch over you. And one day, when you're ready... then I will rely on you to protect me.
Percy: That sounds like a great plan. I'm gonna bust my tail and work even harder. Then no enemy will dare challenge me.
Kagero: If you wish, I will assist with your training as well. My battlefield experience and ninja skills may prove invaluable to you.
Percy: That would be amazing. Thanks, Mom!


Small portrait kagero fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ophelia fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Kagero is Ophelia's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Ophelia: Mother, my situation is terribly dire.
Kagero: Tell me what happened, Ophelia. Did someone hurt you?
Ophelia: A voracious beast stirs within me. It demands a hearty offering.
Kagero: Oh, I understand. You're just hungry.
Ophelia: You know me so well, Mother.
Kagero: Well of course I do. I am a chosen one, after all.
Ophelia: Y-you are?! Somehow I always suspected. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. If only I were a chosen one too! Then we could battle side by side!
Kagero: Hehe. Wouldn't that be glorious.
Ophelia: First, we'd better quiet this grumbling in my belly.
Kagero: Fine, fine, I'll make you something to eat.
Ophelia: Let me help! What should I do first?
Kagero: Can you get the bowls, please?
Ophelia: No problem! I've got it under contr— AHH!
Ophelia: Mother! Oh no! My shattered-bowl fortune-telling has revealed a dire event in our future.
Kagero: Ophelia, the polite thing to do is apologize after breaking something.
Ophelia: You're right. I'm sorry.

B Support

Ophelia: *sigh*
Kagero: Ophelia, what's troubling you? It's obvious that you're unhappy today.
Ophelia: Heh. Chosen ones really do see everything, don't they?
Kagero: Why not tell me what happened? Perhaps I can give you some advice.
Ophelia: I've been wondering something. Do you think I'll become a chosen one?
Kagero: Why would you doubt yourself?
Ophelia: Well, it's just that I'm not strong like you and Father.
Kagero: That's it? Ophelia, relax. In due time, you'll be a chosen one, too.
Ophelia: You don't understand how I feel. You're already so strong!
Kagero: Don't you understand that I haven't always been this way?
Ophelia: Huh? What do you mean?
Kagero: My strength didn't come from being a chosen one.
Ophelia: R-really? How is that possible?
Kagero: Do you know who chose me?
Ophelia: Hmm. Fate? Or the gods perhaps?
Kagero: Heheh. Not even close. It was you, Ophelia. You chose me.
Ophelia: I-I did?
Kagero: When you entered this world, I became much stronger. I knew that I had to protect you, no matter what happened.
Ophelia: Oh, I had no idea.
Kagero: There is nothing to worry about. Someday, you'll be just like me.
Ophelia: Thank you for saying so, Mother.

A Support

Ophelia: Hello, Mother!
Kagero: Good morning, Ophelia. You're looking happy today.
Ophelia: Thanks to you, I am! You pulled me free when I had sunk into a whirlpool of despair.
Kagero: I'm glad to have helped.
Ophelia: Now that I have moved past that darkness, I need you to teach me everything. Battlefield strategy, culinary techniques... Whatever wisdom you can spare.
Kagero: What's gotten you so motivated?
Ophelia: Generations to come should benefit from your experience. I need your help, Mother. I must become much stronger. With your guidance, I can develop the tenacity and skill to back up my words. Maybe then I could inspire and help people.
Kagero: I understand.
Ophelia: Please, I just want to be an incredible chosen one, like you! Teach me everything! I'll soak up your knowledge like a sponge.
Kagero: Very well. I'll impart what wisdom I can.
Ophelia: Oh, thank you, Mother! Why don't we start with some chores?
Kagero: First off, how about I teach you how to wash the dishes?
Ophelia: Sounds great! What about this pile here? AHHH!
Ophelia: Umm, I broke the dishes. Again. I'm very sorry, Mother.
Kagero: Well, at least you apologized quickly this time. That's a step in the right direction.
Ophelia: A true chosen one doesn't try to hide their mistakes, right?
Kagero: Heheh. You're a good girl, Ophelia.

Growth rates for class trees available via support

Hoshido classes

Samurai Swordmaster Master of Arms Oni Savage Oni Chieftain Blacksmith Spear Fighter/Spear Master Shrine Maiden Priestess

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Samurai 40% 75% 0% 35% 70% 45% 25% 50%

Sky Knight Falcon Knight Kinshi Knight Archer Sniper Apothecary Merchant

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Sky Knight 30% 75% 0% 30% 65% 50% 25% 60%

Nohrian classes

Cavalier Paladin Great Knight Knight General Fighter Berserker Mercenary Hero Bow Knight

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Cavalier 40% 80% 0% 30% 60% 45% 35% 45%

Outlaw Adventurer Wyvern Rider Wyvern Lord Malig Knight Dark Mage Sorcerer Dark Knight Troubadour Strategist Maid

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Outlaw 30% 75% 5% 30% 70% 30% 25% 60%