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This page contains all data pertaining to Benny's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin m fe14.png
Corrin M
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Benny access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Benny's Knight or Fighter class trees
This support grants Benny access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Benny's Knight or Fighter class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Corrin: (Gods...that's Benny. I've walked right into his path...) (Don't make eye contact...don't make eye contact...) (Blast! Too late...) *ahem* Hello, Benny.
Benny: Good day, Lord Corrin.
Corrin: I'm terribly sorry to disturb you like this. are you working on?
Benny: Oh, I'm crafting good-luck charms.
Corrin: that so? Well, again, I'm so sorry to have bothered you.
Benny: You're not bothering me. Did you need something?
Corrin: Well, now that you mention it... Have you ever defeated an army of 10,000 soldiers all by yourself? It seems unlikely, but...
Benny: What?! Who told you that?
Corrin: I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!
Benny: Why would I hurt you? Anyway, the answer is no.
Corrin: I also heard that you once tossed a man so far into the sky that he never came down.
Benny: That is true.
Corrin: What?! Really?!
Benny: No. Of course not.
Corrin: I'm sorry for asking. Please, don't destroy anything!
Benny: What would I destroy? Anyway, I'm not mad.
Corrin: Huh.
Benny: Are you surprised?
Corrin: A bit, yes. I've just heard so many crazy things about you...
Benny: What?!
Corrin: Oh, now I've done it! Aaaauuugh!
(Corrin leaves)
Benny: How odd.

B Support

Corrin: Hello, Benny. Do you have a moment? I feel I must apologize...
Benny: It's OK. Happens all the time.
Corrin: Is that so? Well, that makes me feel even worse.
Benny: Please, don't. I know that my appearance can be off-putting. And for some reason, the stories about me spread like wildfire.
Corrin: Well, to be fair, they are good stories.
Benny: Oh? What's the latest you've heard?
Corrin: That...that you blew on a volcano to stop it from erupting...
Benny: False.
Corrin: That you forged an axe with your bare hands...
Benny: False.
Corrin: That you punched a bear in the face...
Benny: I would never! Who's been spreading that slander about me?!
Corrin: Gods...
Benny: Anyway, I'm sorry that I don't really live up to my reputation.
Corrin: Benny, please don't apologize. I think I'd like to learn more about who you really are, if that's all right.
Benny: What?!
Corrin: Did I say something wrong?
Benny: No, I'm just surprised. You're the first person to express that kind of interest in me.
Corrin: Well, that's a shame. Because you seem like a nice guy.
Benny: Ha. I suppose I am. Thanks for not being scared of me, Corrin.

A Support

Corrin: Oh, hey, Benny! I didn't expect to see anyone out here. Er...what exactly are you doing?
Benny: Hello, Corrin. I'm just feeding some of the forest animals.
Corrin: Ah. That's kind of you. I can't believe that wild animals would let you get so close, though... You're practically petting that squirrel!
Benny: Who, Charles here? He's one of my friends. He'll let me pet him anytime. See? I've always been able to relate to these animals better than humans.
Corrin: That's kind of sad...
Benny: Is that sad? Me liking animals?
Corrin: Well, I guess if you're not sad about it...then it's not sad. Honestly, Benny, I just can't believe the reputation you've acquired. It doesn't fit your real personality at all.
Benny: I suppose the tales have taken on a life of their own. Anyway, I'm glad I ran into you. Here, take this.
Corrin: What is it?
Benny: Consider it a...good-luck charm.
Corrin: Did you make this yourself? Why give it to me?
Benny: I just... I don't want you to die. And maybe this can help you stay safe on the battlefield.
Corrin: Well...that's pretty morbid. But also quite thoughtful. Thank you, Benny.
Benny: It's nothing...
Corrin: No, it's not. You made this by hand...for me! I'll proudly wear it into battle.
Benny: I'm glad to hear that.
Corrin: I just want to see you come out of your shell a little bit, Benny. You might not be the smoothest talker around, but you're kind and generous. People shouldn't be afraid of you.
Benny: Well, I don't know about that... But I'm glad that you're not afraid of me anymore, Lord Corrin.
Corrin: Me too...

Corrin (F)

Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin f fe14.png
Corrin F
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Benny access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Benny's Knight or Fighter class trees
This support grants Benny access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Benny's Knight or Fighter class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Corrin: (Gods...that's Benny. I've walked right into his path...) (Don't make eye contact...don't make eye contact...) (Blast! Too late...) *ahem* Hello, Benny.
Benny: Good day, Lady Corrin.
Corrin: I'm terribly sorry to disturb you like this. are you working on?
Benny: Oh, I'm crafting good-luck charms.
Corrin: that so? Well, again, I'm so sorry to have bothered you.
Benny: You're not bothering me. Did you need something?
Corrin: Well, now that you mention it... Have you ever defeated an army of 10,000 soldiers all by yourself? It seems unlikely, but...
Benny: What?! Who told you that?
Corrin: I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!
Benny: Why would I hurt you? Anyway, the answer is no.
Corrin: I also heard that you once tossed a man so far into the sky that he never came down.
Benny: That is true.
Corrin: What?! Really?!
Benny: No. Of course not.
Corrin: I'm sorry for asking. Please, don't destroy anything!
Benny: What would I destroy? Anyway, I'm not mad.
Corrin: Huh.
Benny: Are you surprised?
Corrin: A bit, yes. I've just heard so many crazy things about you...
Benny: What?!
Corrin: Oh, now I've done it! Aaaauuugh!
Benny: How odd.

B Support

Corrin: Hello, Benny. Do you have a moment? I feel I must apologize...
Benny: It's OK. Happens all the time.
Corrin: Is that so? Well, that makes me feel even worse.
Benny: Please, don't. I know that my appearance can be off-putting. And for some reason, the stories about me spread like wildfire.
Corrin: Well, to be fair, they are good stories.
Benny: Oh? What's the latest you've heard?
Corrin: That...that you blew on a volcano to stop it from erupting...
Benny: False.
Corrin: That you forged an axe with your bare hands...
Benny: False.
Corrin: That you punched a bear in the face...
Benny: I would never! Who's been spreading that slander about me?!
Corrin: Gods...
Benny: Anyway, I'm sorry that I don't really live up to my reputation.
Corrin: Benny, please don't apologize. I think I'd like to learn more about who you really are, if that's all right.
Benny: What?!
Corrin: Did I say something wrong?
Benny: No, I'm just surprised. You're the first person to express that kind of interest in me.
Corrin: Well, that's a shame. Because you seem like a nice guy.
Benny: Ha. I suppose I am. Thanks for not being scared of me, Lady Corrin.

A Support

Corrin: Oh, hey, Benny! I didn't expect to see anyone out here. Er...what exactly are you doing?
Benny: Hello, Corrin. I'm just feeding some of the forest animals.
Corrin: Ah. That's so kind of you. I can't believe that wild animals would let you get so close, though... You're practically petting that squirrel!
Benny: Who, Charles here? He's one of my friends. He'll let me pet him anytime. See? I've always been able to relate to these animals better than humans.
Corrin: Aww. That's cute. But also kind of sad...
Benny: Is that sad? Me liking animals?
Corrin: Well, I guess if you're not sad about it...then it's not sad. Honestly, Benny, I just can't believe the reputation you've acquired. It doesn't fit your real personality at all.
Benny: I suppose the tales have taken on a life of their own. Anyway, I'm glad I ran into you. Here, take this.
Corrin: What is it?
Benny: Consider it a...good-luck charm.
Corrin: Did you make this yourself? Why give it to me?
Benny: I just... I don't want you to die. And maybe this can help you stay safe on the battlefield.
Corrin: Well...that's pretty morbid. But also quite thoughtful. Thank you, Benny.
Benny: It's nothing...
Corrin: No, it's not. You made this by hand...for me! I'll treasure it always.
Benny: I'm glad to hear that.
Corrin: I just want to see you come out of your shell a little bit, Benny. You might not be the smoothest talker around, but you're kind and generous. People shouldn't be afraid of you.
Benny: Well, I don't know about that... But I'm glad that you're not afraid of me anymore, Lady Corrin.
Corrin: Me too...

S Support

Benny: Hello, Lady Corrin...
Corrin: Hi, Benny! something the matter?
Benny: Can we just talk for a bit?
Corrin: Of course. What's going on?
Benny: I've just got something to say.
Corrin: I believe that's been established at this point... Would you care to elaborate?
Benny: ...
Corrin: I see. Fascinating.
Benny: I...I want to protect you, Lady Corrin.
Corrin: Oh. Is that it? I was hoping for something...more...
Benny: I don't think you understand. I really want to protect you.
Corrin: Er, yes.
Benny: Ugh... I'm having a hard time saying exactly what I want to say...
Corrin: Benny? Just come out and say it. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Benny: Oh. I almost forgot. This might make things easier. Here, take it.
Corrin: Oh my gosh...a wedding ring! Benny!
Benny: Do you understand now? What do you think?
Corrin: ... What do I think about what? I'm going to need to hear an actual question.
Benny: I see. So, that's your answer?
Corrin: No, please, don't misunderstand. I just need to hear the actual words, Benny. Please. It's important.
Benny: You're right. Ahem. Corrin... Will you, uh... Will you marry me?
Corrin: I will, Benny!
Benny: You mean it? You'll actually marry me?
Corrin: Benny...I've been hoping that things were heading in this direction since we met.
Benny: You weren't afraid?
Corrin: Oh, I was afraid. But after a minute or two, I could begin to see the real Benny. And after a few minutes more, I began to fall in love with him.
Benny: Well! I'm glad you gave me a chance. I love you too, Corrin.

(Confession Scene)
Benny: The only thing that scares me... is how much I love you.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait felicia fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15

C Support

Felicia: ARGH!! Oh, it's just you, Mr. Benny.
Benny: Hi, Felicia.
Felicia: Um... I need to go through there.
Benny: Oh, yes. I see.
Felicia: And I'm carrying tea... Do you think...I could get past you?
Benny: You don't need my permission. Do as you please.
Felicia: Oh! OK! Um, I guess I'll just duck around and be right out of your hair! Let's see...
Benny: ...
Felicia: Doo da-doo doo-dum. Just be eeeextra careful, Felicia. Slowly...sloooowly...
Benny: Ah...ah... ACHOO!
Benny: ...That burns. A lot.
Felicia: AHHHH! No! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to spill that on you! Oh no! Oh no no no!
Benny: ...
Felicia: I'm so so sorry!
Benny: ...
Felicia: I-I know you're angry! Just a second! I'll find something to dry you off with! Just please don't kill me! I'm too young to die!
(Felicia leaves)
Benny: Huh. She seemed upset.

B Support

Felicia: ARGHHH!! Oh! It's you again, Mr. Benny!
Benny: Hello, Felicia.
Felicia: Well, now that I've got you here, I've been meaning to apologize to you... I'm so sorry about spilling all that hot tea on you the other day. I didn't mean to, I swear! It was an accident.
Benny: It's OK. I'm fine.
Felicia: No, I mean it! I'm so sorry... I wish I wasn't so clumsy.
Benny: ...
Felicia:, anyway, was there anything else you wanted to say?
Benny: There's no need to be so afraid of me, you know. I don't bite.
Felicia: What?! I'm not af-f-fraid of you at all! I think y-you're very p-personable.
Benny: ...
Felicia: ...OK. I guess I might be a little-bitty, teensy-tiny bit afraid of you.
Benny: ...
Felicia: Fine! I'm mortally terrified of you!
Benny: Why?
Felicia: Well...because...I'm not sure. There's not really a good reason. You just always look so grim. And you're huge! You could squish me like a bug. just seem like you might gobble me up if I upset you! P-please don't eat me, Mr. Benny! I'm not tasty at all!
Benny: You think...I eat people?
Felicia: You...don't?! I mean...of course you don't! Thank goodness! But how can I trust you? What if you're just trying to lure me into your people oven?
Benny: I swear, I've never eaten anyone.
Felicia: Really? You promise?
Benny: Yes, I promise. Not even once.
Felicia: Um...OK, then. I guess I can trust you.
Benny: Well, there was that one time—
(Felicia leaves)
Benny: Wait! Come back! I was just joking...

A Support

Felicia: Oh! Hello, Mr. Benny!
Benny: Hi, Felicia.
Felicia: Um, you know, I just wanted to say again how sorry I am for my past behavior. It occurred to me after I ran off the other day that you were obviously joking. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings...
Benny: Nah. Don't think anything of it.
Felicia: I should have at least talked to you before assuming you were scary and dangerous. I...I saw something the other day that made me realize how wrong I was.
Benny: Oh?
Felicia: Yeah! I saw you feeding a bunch of little baby ducks.
Benny: You...saw that?
Felicia: And there's no way someone that kind to animals could be an evil monster! You must be a very kind person, Mr. Benny. Even if you're scary to look at.
Benny: Hmph.
Felicia: I'm sorry. Have I been talking too much?
Benny: No, it's OK. I'm not very good at talking, so I'm glad it comes so easily to you.
Felicia: Then I guess it all works out perfectly! Heehee.
Benny: ...
Felicia: ...
Benny: Felicia... Would to feed the duckies with me?
Felicia: Huh?
Benny: I was thinking about going to feed them again. Would you like to come with me?
Felicia: Yes, of course! That sounds wonderful!
Benny: Good. Let's go.

S Support

Felicia: Hmm hmm hmm! ♪
Benny: Hello, Felicia.
Felicia: Oh! Mr. Benny!
Benny: You seem to be in a good mood.
Felicia: I am! I was just thinking about how much fun we had feeding the ducklings together.
Benny: Just thinking about it made you that happy?
Felicia: Yes, it's been making me happy ever since! Could you really tell?
Benny: Yes. You were humming. Joyously.
Felicia: I was? Really?
Benny: Heh. You didn't notice?
Felicia: I guess not!
Benny: Well, either way, I'm glad doing that made you so happy.
Felicia: Me too. But...I don't think that's the only reason I'm in a good mood. I've been spending a lot of time with everyone in camp lately. And it's made me so happy. It's like we're all becoming one big family!
Benny: Oh? I see.
Felicia: Our family's grown a lot lately, huh? I like it. It's inspiring to see so many different people all working and living together.
Benny: Family is very important to you, isn't it?
Felicia: It is! I think it's the most important thing there is. And I think of everyone here as my family, even if we're not related by blood.
Benny: Hm...I've been wondering. Felicia, would you let me be a part of your real family?
Felicia: Huh?! You mean, like...adopt you?
Benny: N-no. Not exactly. I mean...will you marry me?
Felicia: Whaaat?! A-are you sure that's what you want? I don't know if I would make a very good wife. I'm so clumsy!
Benny: That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how you feel. Not how you think you should be. I want to be with you, Felicia. I...I love you. And I think you would make a perfect wife, exactly as you are.
Felicia: Benny... I...I love you too! But this is all happening so fast...
Benny: It's OK. I know this is sudden. I just couldn't hide my feelings any longer.
Felicia: OK, Benny! I accept!
Benny: You've made me so happy. I just know that we'll build a wonderful life together.
Felicia: I do too! This is a dream come true.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait azura fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Azura: Hmm-hmm-hmmm... ♪
Benny: Lady Azura? Your singing is so gentle and soothing, but it sounds a little sad.
Azura: Oh. I didn't realize anyone was listening.
Benny: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted you.
Azura: Wait, Benny. You don't have to go.
Benny: OK.
Azura: I've been trying to remember a song my mother sang to me when I was little.
Benny: Oh?
Azura: It was so beautiful, but I can't remember any of the words. Goodness! I don't know why I'm bothering you with all of this. Please, excuse me.
Benny: You don't have to apologize, milady. I hope you can remember your special song.
Azura: Thank you, Benny. I hope so too.

B Support

Azura: Hello, Benny. I see you over there. Did you want to ask me something?
Benny: Oh. Hi, Lady Azura. Did you remember the words to that song you were singing?
Azura: No. I'm afraid not. It's locked away in my memory somewhere. I can't remember a single verse. I just know that I used to love it.
Benny: Aww. That's really sad. It's hard to lose something you enjoyed so much.
Azura: Yes, truly.
Benny: Do you have any other memories from back then?
Azura: I can picture my mother's face smiling back at me. She always smiled when she sang. ...Oh, dear. It looks like my melancholy has rubbed off on you. Benny, you look so blue!
Benny: I'm sorry. Your story made me sad.
Azura: No, please don't apologize. I shouldn't have dumped my worries on you like this.
Benny: Someone once told me, "Problems are easier when they're shared."
Azura: Thanks. That's sweet of you to say, but I don't think we'll be able to solve this one.
Benny: Maybe not, but I'd be happy to help you try.
Azura: Thank you, Benny. You have such a kind heart.

A Support

Azura: Hello, Benny.
Benny: Was that you singing just now? I heard the sweetest, most heartwarming tune.
Azura: Yes. I'm so glad you're here. I remembered the song my mother used to sing to me!
Benny: Really?! You must be so happy. You really love that song, huh?
Azura: I do. It makes me feel close to her.
Benny: It sounded like the most beautiful lullaby. Did someone help you remember it?
Azura: Yes, actually someone did help me. ...It was you, Benny.
Benny: Huh? But how did I help? I never even heard it before.
Azura: The song is called "Bonds," and the lyrics are about how we're bonded together. It's our caring hearts that connect us. You helped me remember that. Once I thought about your kindness to me, the words came back to me as if by magic.
Benny: ...And I did that?
Azura: Yes, Benny. I have you to thank!
Benny: Oh, wow. Would you mind singing it again—just one more time?
Azura: Certainly, Benny. I'll sing it as often as you like. Now close your eyes...

S Support

Benny: Lady Azura, there's, uh, something I want to say.
Azura: Oh. Well, go on, Benny. What is it?
Benny: Uh...I'm not very good with words.
Azura: That's all right. Just take your time. I understand. I can be shy too.
Benny: Thanks. Uh...
Azura: It's OK, Benny. Whatever it is, you can tell me.
Benny: Uh... I don't know how else to put this, so I'm just gonna spit it out.
Azura: I am ready anytime.
Benny: Will you... Will you marry me?
Azura: Oh, my.
Benny: I love you. I might not make the smartest husband, but I'll always take care of you.
Azura: Well, Benny, you sure know how to put a fine point on things, don't you?
Benny: I'm sorry. You deserve prettier words.
Azura: Please. Don't apologize. Your honesty is one of your best qualities. It's right up there with your kind heart and your gentle spirit. Benny, you might be a man of few words, but I love all of them.
Benny: You do?
Azura: Yes! You've helped me to remember a part of myself I thought I'd lost. I'll never be able to repay you for that, but I'd like to spend my life trying.
Benny: Does that mean...?
Azura: Yes! My answer is yes!
Benny: Oh, wow. I never expected this. I love you, Azura!
Azura: I love you too, Benny!


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mozu fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

C Support

Benny: *yawn*
Mozu: Whoa! Look at the size of that bear! That thing's big enough to make a tasty meal for the whole crew!
Benny: Um...I'm not a bear. Sorry.
Mozu: It talks, too?! Wait, what? Oh, it's just you. Hi, Benny.
Benny: Hi, Mozu.
Mozu: You gotta be more careful, Benny! You can't sit quietly out in the forest, staring at nothing. Some fool's gonna mistake you for a bear, and it'll be lights out!
Benny: People hunt bears a lot?
Mozu: They surely do! I myself like a good plate of bear meat. Wild boar's good eating too, but bear stew is on a whole other level.
Benny: Huh.
Mozu: Mmm-mmm... Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I was getting hungry just looking at you. Well, see ya!
(Mozu leaves)
Benny: How close was I just now to being boiled into a stew?

B Support

Mozu: Afternoon, Benny!
Benny: Hi, Mozu.
Mozu: I was just heading up into the mountains to go bear hunting.
Benny: Are you making bear stew?
Mozu: Yup! Ever since we had that run-in the other day, I've been craving some. You wanna come with?
Benny: I'd rather not... I, um. Don't eat bear.
Mozu: Too stringy for you? You don't like the taste?
Benny: No, it's fine.
Mozu: So you DO like it? Then what's the problem?
Benny: Well...don't laugh, but...bears are my friends.
Mozu: Your— Your friends?
Benny: Yeah...
Mozu: Oh, Benny, no. Bears are wild animals. They're there for eating!
Benny: Well...when I was a child...the wild animals were my only playmates.
Mozu: No fooling?
Benny: Honest.
Mozu: You know what? I lost my appetite for bear stew. I don't have the heart to cook your bear buddies.
Benny: Sorry. Thanks. But also, sorry...

A Support

Mozu: Benny! Think you could do me a favor?
Benny: What favor?
Mozu: I want to take a trip up to the mountains with you.
Benny: do what?
Mozu: I want to meet a bear.
Benny: You're still hungry for stew?
Mozu: Gosh, no! Sure, before I would have been. Back when I just thought of wild critters as food. But I've been thinking about how you get along with the animals.
Benny: They're really good to me.
Mozu: Yeah! I never thought animals would take to human beings like that. So I got to wondering if I could make friends with them too.
Benny: Hmm...
Mozu: I wouldn't know where to start on my own. But if you showed me how... I bet those little critters and me would get along like a house on fire!
Benny: Sure...I'll do what I can.
Mozu: Really?! Thanks, Benny! I gotta admit, this probably doesn't mean I'll stop hunting. But I think that's another good reason to get to know the animals better. That way I'll appreciate them even more when I dig in.
Benny: That's a good idea. I'm not a vegetarian either. But I always give thanks when I eat meat. I know the animals gave their lives to feed me.
Mozu: Haha, I should've guessed you'd come up with it first.
Benny: Anyway...I'm ready to go if you are.
Mozu: Yeah! Thanks, Benny!

S Support

Mozu: *sigh* You know what, Benny? I miss the rice paddies...
Benny: What are those?
Mozu: They were these special fields back in my home village. We were rice farmers.
Benny: You were?
Mozu: Yep. So many memories of those paddies... The way the light sparkled on the water, the stalks stretching up toward the sky... The more care you put into it, the better the rice tasted after the harvest.
Benny: You liked it, huh?
Mozu: Yeah. It's hard work, taking care of the crops, but it was fun too. Nowadays, though... I don't take care of anything. I spend all day, every day, fighting our enemies. I wasn't cut out to destroy things. I miss the time when at the end of the day, I had something to show for my hard work.
Benny: Then we should try to bring the war to an end soon. Once we're at peace, you'll be free to farm all the rice you want.
Mozu: Yeah! When the war gets me down... thinking of setting up a farm afterward keeps me going.
Benny: But...farming's hard though, isn't it?
Mozu: Oh, believe it, buster. Even for a rice farmer. You gotta keep the fields wet, tend to rice, deal with pests... If you got any livestock or other types of crops, it's work from sunup to sundown.
Benny: Sounds like it would be hard for one woman to do by herself.
Mozu: That's the truth. Back home, everyone in the family would pitch in on the farm.
Benny: Could I help you?
Mozu: With farming? Sure! If you want to try your hand at it, you're more than welcome.
Benny: Er...
Mozu: Something wrong?
Benny: I think I'm being too subtle. I'm not very good at this...
Mozu: Good at what? What are you trying to say?
Benny: You said the whole family would help each other farm... That's what I want with you, Mozu. Not just to help farm, but to be your family.
Mozu: Benny...are you asking to be my husband?
Benny: Y-yeah. That's what I meant.
Mozu: B-but...why? I'm not cute or pretty like the other girls.
Benny: Not to me. I think you're the cutest girl in the world.
Mozu: G-golly! But can be my husband, Benny. You're strong as an ox and gentle as a lamb!
Benny: I'll be whatever you need me to be. I love you, Mozu.
Mozu: Now I really can't wait for the war to be over... I'll have a new farm to look forward to, and a new family to boot.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait elise fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15

C Support

Benny: ...
Elise: ...
Benny: ...Lady Elise. Can I help you?
Elise: N-no! That's OK!
Benny: ...OK.
Elise: ...
Benny: Is there some reason you're following me?
Elise: Um, well, I don't know how to say this, buuuuut... People have been saying that when you get hungry, you'll eat anything around you! Like, even horses and trees and boulders and stuff! Anything! In just one big gulp! *haaa-gulp*
Benny: And you're following me because you want to know if it's true?
Elise: Heehee. Well, y'know, just thought I'd check it out.
Benny: *grumble*
Elise: Oh! Your tummy just rumbled! The beast must be awakening! *poke* *poke*
Benny: *GRUMBLE*
Elise: Wow! B-but there's nothing around here. Except that mountain over there... *gasp* Are you gonna eat the mountain, Benny?! I'm so excited! This is gonna be great!
Benny: I hate to disappoint, Lady Elise...but I don't eat mountains. At least not since...the accident.
Elise: The ACCIDENT?! What accident?! You mean you DID eat mountains before? What happened? Benny! Benny, wait up! You gotta tell meeeeee!

B Support

Elise: Hey, Benny! Eat anything neat today?
Benny: I'm sorry, Lady Elise, but no. In fact, I rarely do.
Elise: Are you sure? That's not what I heard.
Benny: Yes. I'm sure.
Elise: You rocks? Trees? Surgical implements?
Benny: Not a one. I only eat people food.
Benny: N-no, Elise. I only eat food that other people eat.
Elise: Oh. That's weird. Nobody else seems to think you do.
Benny: What other rumors have you heard?
Elise: There were a lot. Let's see... They say you once defeated a hundred thousand men in a mud-wrestling contest! And that you were suckled by black bears, before your mama bear was tragically killed! OH! And that you once sneezed a hole into a Faceless's chest!
Benny: ...None of those are true.
Elise: Oh. Well that's a bummer.
Benny: I'm sorry.
Elise: No, no! It's not your fault! I wonder why everyone tells all these tall tales about you, though.
Benny: I'm not very sociable. And I'm pretty big. So I think everyone's scared of me.
Elise: Really? When I first saw you, I thought you were cute! Like a big ol' fuzzy bear!
Benny: Thank you. But not everyone thinks so. I wish I was able to meet everyone in camp...but it's so hard to talk to people.
Elise: Oh? Then leave it to me! I'll get everyone to stop being scared of you!
Benny: You can do that?
Elise: Teeheehee! You betcha!

A Support

Benny: ...Something's different. Everyone is talking to me today. Unsettling...
Elise: Ha-ha! Looks like my master plan's bearing fruit!
Benny: Lady Elise? You did this?
Elise: You said you wanted people to stop being scared of you, right? SOOOO, I started a new rumor about ya!
Benny: A rumor?
Elise: I told them that talking to you would give them good luck!
Benny: Oh. I see. That's not so bad.
Elise: I bet you're gonna be the most popular guy in camp now, huh?
Benny: Probably only for a little while. But it's nice to get a chance to talk with my comrades, either way.
Elise: Only for a little while? Why do you say that?
Benny: Because...eventually people will realize that they aren't really having better luck. And once that happens, they'll want nothing to do with me again.
Elise: What?! No way! Two words with you, and they'll realize you're not scary at all! And then they'll all wanna be your friends! I promise!
Benny: Heh. If you say so. I cannot thank you enough, Lady Elise.
Elise: Oh, stop. It was nothing! I just hope you make lots and lots of new friends!
Benny: Me too, Lady Elise.

S Support

Benny: Lady Elise.
Elise: Hey, Benny. What is it?
Benny: Would you accept this lucky charm? I made it for you, to thank you for all your help.
Elise: Oh, wow! Thank you, Benny! Of course I'll accept it!
Benny: I'm glad you like it.
Elise: Wait, this charm—it has something inside it!
Benny: Oh, d-does it? Maybe you should just leave it alone...
Elise: No way! I love mysteries! Now I just gotta pop this part open and—
Benny: No, stop!
Elise: Huh? Why? I thought you gave it to me...
Benny: Opening the charm will...uh...weaken its effects?
Elise: Hmm. I see.
Benny: Yes. Yes, indeed. It will be rendered, uh, inert and stuff.
Elise: Buuuut, I'm gonna open it anyways!
Benny: What?! Why?
Elise: Huh? A note?
Benny: ......
Elise: Why's there a note in here?
Benny: ...I wanted to tell you what's in it in person, but I couldn't work up the courage. So I wrote a note. But then I couldn't give it to I put it in a charm. But then I lost my nerve, so I didn't want you to open it once I gave it to you.
Elise: So...can I read it?
Benny: You don't have to. I'll tell you what it says. I...wish to court you, Lady Elise.
Elise: Y-you do?
Benny: I understand it's a foolish idea... I am not a prince. I am not handsome or rich. But all the same...would you do me the honor of sharing a cup of tea with me?
Elise: So...if I hadn't opened the charm, you'd never have told me this?
Benny: ...
Elise: Wow! I sure am glad I opened it then!
Benny: You mean—
Elise: Ya-huh! I feel the same way about you! So! How 'bout that tea?
Benny: Yes, of course. Shall we?


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait arthur fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
This support does not give Benny access to another class tree via Friendship Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Fighter, is already available to Benny as his own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Benny access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Benny access to additional skills.

C Support

Arthur: Greetings, Benny! What's troubling you, my friend? Surely it's not your intention to sulk over here away from the group, correct?
Benny: I'm fine...
Arthur: Nonsense! Come, let's go join our comrades-in-arms.
Benny: No, that's quite all right... I'll just frighten them if I go over there.
Arthur: Frighten our friends? However so?
Benny: It's this face of mine... It's no big deal. I'm used to it. It's been this way for a long time...
Arthur: To think you've been feeling isolated all this time... But that's all in the past now! I, Arthur, do hereby resolve to fix this little problem for you.
Benny: Do you...really think that's possible?
Arthur: Of course! There's nothing that can't be accomplished if one tries hard enough. Now, let's see here... Hmm, yes. I have devised a plan. Let us both put on our biggest smile and go join the group together. Then we shall say, "How is everybody doing on this fine day?" To which they will inquire about your newfound peppiness. That's when you'll tell them, "This is the real me." Understood?
Benny: It is a simple request in theory... However, I'm not sure...
Arthur: Fret not! I'm not saying this one gesture will solve everything all at once. However, it's important to take these things one step at a time. Are you ready?
Benny: I s-suppose... I have a bad feeling about this...

B Support

Benny: Ugh. That went horribly... Now they're even more frightened of me than they were before...
Arthur: I'm so sorry, my friend. I had no idea that would happen. Everything was going so well at first, with the walking in and the smiling... But then you got to the "This is the real me" part...
Benny: Ugh...
Arthur: It's no one's fault, really.
Benny: Indeed. I would have not spoken so casually had I known...
Arthur: Ehem, yes. I don't think either of us anticipated that horde of Faceless. I've never even heard of them following someone into a room... Damn my awful luck! But yes, not the best time to say, "This is the real me."
Benny: It's no use. Being feared is my destiny...
Arthur: Not on my watch! Pessimism is never the right answer. You must persevere! I'm certain our friends don't truly believe you to be King of the Faceless. They...just said that because they were startled. They DID apologize afterward! Still, we'd better steady our course as soon as possible. Hmmm, let's see... Ah, yes! I have another brilliant idea. This one's sure to work!
Benny: I don't know... I'm not sure I can handle another failure.
Arthur: Hahaha, worry not! Nothing could possibly go wrong this time. Now, here's what I have in mind...

A Support

Arthur: Color me sorry once more, Benny, for yet another unexpected turn of events. I truly thought my latest plan was foolproof...
Benny: No need to apologize.
Arthur: No, no, the fault is all mine. I was certain the lure of fine food was the answer. After all, cooking requires no words or social skills. And if it tastes good, everyone's happy with the chef!
Benny: It was a good idea, Arthur. I actually made some decent steaks for the occasion, too...
Arthur: Yes, no doubt that's what attracted the wild bears.
Benny: Bears do love my cooking.
Arthur: I tried to save the meal by charging at the largest bear... Next thing I knew, I was waking up with a massive headache. I failed you, my friend. I'm so very sorry.
Benny: You really don't need to apologize. It wasn't as bad as it seemed.
Arthur: Hm? How so?
Benny: After you were knocked out, everyone was rather terrified of the bears. A few people even screamed, though they denied this later. That's when I told them that those bears meant them no harm. I'm actually friends with those bears. They're quite gentle and friendly...
Arthur: You're...friends with them?
Benny: I grew up in a farming village. I've been befriending wild beasts since I was a child. That particular family of bears and I go way back...
Arthur: But...I engaged the big one in melee! He knocked me out...
Benny: Yes, he said he felt awful about it. He did point out that you attacked him first...
Arthur: He said that? The bear? The bear said that...?
Benny: Don't worry. I calmed everyone down and explained the situation to the bears. They were very understanding. They even joined us for our steak dinner. When it was all over, <Lord/Lady> Corrin said something I'll never forget... "Your ability to befriend such intimidating beasts is proof of a kind heart." Everyone nodded in agreement... I was nearly moved to tears. Never before have I felt so accepted. It's all thanks to you, my friend.
Arthur: Wow. To think, this all happened while I was knocked out cold!
Benny: Ah, before I forget, I have a thank-you present for you... The bears and I made this together.
Arthur: A charm?
Benny: Yes. Inside there's a honey-colored stone. It's supposed to ward off bad luck... You said recently that you have awful luck. Hopefully this helps.
Arthur: Thank you, Benny. I want you to know that you're an inspiring individual. If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Benny: You as well, Arthur. If you're ever attacked by bears again, give me a holler...

A+ support


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait effie fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support does not give Benny access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Knight, is already available to Benny as his own primary class tree).
As this support does not give Benny access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Benny access to additonal skills.

C Support

Effie: Grrrr! Huuaaaagh!
Benny: Uh...what are you doing?
Effie: Isn't it obvious? I'm lifting rocks.
Benny: Right. I guess I was just wondering why.
Effie: Um, it's called strength training. I'd think that you of all people would understand!
Benny: Well, you sure are dedicated.'re already pretty strong. This seems like a lot of work, and I can't imagine you getting any stronger...
Effie: Are you kidding me? I have SO much further to go! Hurrrrrrrrgh!
Benny: Er, look. You're struggling. Let me just help you a little bit...
Effie: No! I...well...OK. Whew.
Benny: Looks like you maxed out. It's good to push yourself, but we need you healthy. So just make sure you don't overdo it, OK?
Effie: How can you say that? Overdoing it is the secret to my success! Are you telling me that you never push yourself BEYOND your limits?
Benny: Well, technically, no.
Effie: Well, thanks anyway, I guess. I'll see you on the battlefield.
Benny: Sure.

B Support

Benny: Hmm…
Effie: Benny? What's the matter?
Benny: Effie...I've been thinking. You should sit out the next battle.
Effie: What? Are you mad? I live for battle! I thought you knew me better than this.
Benny: That's just it. I think the battles are consuming you. It's almost like you have no fear of death.
Effie: And?
Benny: "And?" That's all you have to say? You're making my point for me. You need to think about how your death would affect everyone else.
Effie: I'm sorry, but my life will always come second to those I protect.
Benny: You mean Elise.
Effie: Yes, Elise, but everyone else too! Even you, Benny. I can only be at peace when I know my friends are safe. If someone were hurt, and I hadn't done everything in my power to stop it... I couldn't live with myself.
Benny: I understand. It's just...
Effie: What? I've seen you take way more than your fair share of risk on the battlefield too! What would happen if you died? Don't you think about that?
Benny: I try not to.
Effie: We're not that different, Benny. We put others before ourselves. But we're also both very good at what we do. We're not going down without a fight!
Benny: You're right. I apologize.
Effie: It's OK. You were just trying to protect me. I get it!
Benny: I...I suppose. Please, forget I said anything.

A Support

Benny: you have a moment?
Effie: Of course, Benny. What's on your mind?
Benny: I have something for you. A mere trinket, but perhaps it may aid you in battle.
Effie:'s like a little charm! Did...did you make this, Benny?
Benny: Yes...
Effie: Well, it's lovely. And you say it may aid me in battle. How...exactly?
Benny: Well...let me put it this way. It would reassure me if you would wear it. The charm itself possesses no power. It's more of a reminder to stay safe.
Effie: I see. Benny, don't you remember our last conversation?
Benny: Yes, of course. We're both sworn to protect others.
Effie: Right. And that means...
Benny: That we are almost always in harm's way. Yes, of course, Effie. I understand. It's just that...I feel we've become close, and I couldn't bear to watch you die.
Effie: I feel the same way, Benny. But...perhaps there's something we can do about it.
Benny: What do you suggest?
Effie: Exercise, of course! We can become sparring partners! We're probably the two strongest warriors around... Working together, we'd be practically unstoppable!
Benny: Heh. I should have known. All right, Effie, we can train together. But you should be aware...I'm not known for pulling punches.
Effie: Pfft. You'll be lucky to pull your own weight when I'm through with you. EN GARDE!
Benny: Oof! Heh. That was a good one, Effie. Now, take off the kid gloves and let us dance! HYAAAAAH!
Effie: Teehee! This is fun!

S Support

Benny: Ah, Effie. There you are.
Effie: Hey, Benny! Ready to run some laps?
Benny: Er, no. Will you marry me?
Effie: Sorry, what was that? It almost sounded like you asked me to marry you...
Benny: Er...yes. That's exactly what I just did. I just noticed that you're holding an axe, and rather tightly, I might add.
Effie: BENNY!
Benny: So, er, is that a yes?
Effie: You can't just blurt a marriage proposal out like that!
Benny: Why not?
Effie: Grr!
Benny: You, uh, just cracked the handle of that axe. Might want to send it for repair—
Effie: Benny. Are you being serious right now? Because if this is a joke...
Benny: Oh, I'm quite serious! I even have a ring.
Effie: That's...actually beautiful. Here, let me just try it on... Oh, it might be a size or two too small. Maybe if I twist it just a little bit... RRRRGH!
Benny: Effie! Stop! Fingers aren't supposed to bend like that!
Effie: *sigh* Fine. That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me. Anyway...yes.
Benny:'ll marry me? Oh, that's a relief.
Effie: There's just one condition. And it's kind of weird, so get ready.
Benny: I'm listening.
Effie: I want you to hug me as hard as you can. And in return, I will hug you back.
Benny: That's it? Whew, I thought it was going to be something horri—
Effie: IF YOU SURVIVE, we can get married. We got a deal?
Benny: Yes. I can take it. Just give me one moment to gird my loins...
Effie: Oh, Benny! You're alive! I'm so happy!
Benny: I alive? *huff* *huff* Yes, yes, I suppose the pain is a good sign...
Effie: I've always wanted someone to hug with all my might...I'm so happy!
Benny: Me...too. *cough* *cough* Really, me too. I love you, Effie.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nyx fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Benny: ...
Nyx: You've been staring at me for a while. Do I fascinate you that much?
Benny: ...You're so young.
Nyx: In a sense. In form, at least, I am a young girl.
Benny: ...
Nyx: Was that all you came for? To inform me that I'm young?
Benny: Um. D-do you want some candy?
Nyx: *sigh* Despite what I might look like, on the inside I'm as much an adult as you.
Benny: Oh...
Nyx: Yes. "Oh."
Benny: S-so you'd rather have a pastry?
Nyx: ...
Benny: ...They're really good pastries.
Nyx: Very well. Pass them here.

B Support

Benny: ...
Nyx: What is it this time, Benny?
Benny: I-I just wanted to offer my help. In case you needed can ask me.
Nyx: Thank you. But if I may ask, what brought this on?
Benny: You're so little. There must be a lot of things that are hard for you. Like...what if you wanted to reach a high shelf or something?
Nyx: In such cases, I prepare a stand or stool beforehand.
Benny: ...Oh. Makes sense.
Nyx: Benny, I understand that you're only trying to help. But I've lived like this for quite a number of years by now. I have my ways of handling what needs to be handled. Just like any adult.
Benny: ... This can't reverse it?
Nyx: I'm not sure. But I've searched for a cure to it for a very long time, with no success.
Benny: Hmm...
Nyx: There's just no helping me, I'm afraid. This curse is a punishment I must bear.
Benny: If it's a punishment...then you did something wrong to deserve it. You committed a crime, didn't you?
Nyx: Yes... I did.
Benny: And for that, you're frozen at this age... for the rest of your life. You did something that bad...?
Nyx: So it would seem.
Benny: Hmm.
Nyx: ...
Benny: Y-you'll still tell me if I can help, right?
Nyx: ...Yes. Thank you.

A Support

Benny: you need anything?
Nyx: Hmhmhm. You're very generous, Benny.
Benny: ...
Nyx: But no, I'm fine. Even as I am, I can do most of the things adults can. So I'd prefer it if you treated me as you would any other adult.
Benny: OK. But...there are some things even adults have trouble with. So...don't be shy. You can tell me if you need help.
Nyx: True enough. Well, if you're offering, could you help me clean my quarters? On my own, I can't dust the top of the bookshelf.
Benny: I'll do it. Was there anything else?
Nyx: That's more than enough, thank you.
Benny: OK. You can call me anytime you need. I don't mind. I want to make myself useful. Not because you're a kid, but... because we're allies, and that's what allies are there for.
Nyx: An interesting perspective.
Benny: Whether you're an adult or a kid, a criminal or a nice lady... You're my ally. And allies are supposed to help each other.
Nyx: ...I appreciate that, Benny.

S Support

Nyx: …
Benny: Nyx...? What's that you're doing?
Nyx: Mm...? Oh, hello, Benny. I was deep inside a divination trance.
Benny: What were you trying to find out?
Nyx: Anything I can about my frozen youth.
Benny: ...
Nyx: It's been a long time since I delved into the nature of this curse... And the result was nothing more than I've always found. It seems I'm truly stuck like this.
Benny: Hmm...
Nyx: ...
Benny: If it never worked before...what made you decide to try again?
Nyx: I met you, Benny.
Benny: Huh? What do you mean?
Nyx: It's not important. I just...held out some hope.
Benny: Hope of what...?
Nyx: For most of my life, I've been trapped in this body much too young for my soul. It vexed me at first, but in time, I accepted what I had become.
Benny: ...
Nyx: But...if this curse could just be lifted and I could have the body I ought to... everything would be different. I could be happy... I might even get married. Start a family.
Benny: ...
Nyx: I'm sorry. It's wishful thinking, I know.
Benny: I-I think you can be happy just the way you are now...
Nyx: Stop, please... I'm not in the mood for it. Pleasant-sounding lies won't make me feel better.
Benny: It's not a lie. Nyx... Will you marry me?
Nyx: ...
Benny: I love you, you know... More than anyone.
Nyx: You understand that I'm stuck like this for as long as I live, yes?
Benny: I don't care. The punishment or curse or whatever you want to call it... I accept everything about you...
Nyx: Everything...?
Benny: So marry me...please...
Nyx: ...I accept as well, Benny. You and I should be together forever.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait camilla fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Camilla: Oh, hello, Benny. How fortunate to have run into you like this.
Benny: Good day, Lady Camilla. Is there something I can help you with?
Camilla: Indeed. There have been reports of a bear wandering around the nearby forest. Would you be a doll and take care of it for me?
Benny: Take care of it? I'm not sure what you mean.
Camilla: Well, I'm sure it'll probably just keep to itself out in the woods, but... It's better to be safe than sorry. I don't want to know any of the details, of course.
Benny: I see.
Camilla: Benny, what's the problem? Surely you agree we can't have a wild bear traipsing about! And I'm certain a brave and decorated soldier like yourself has nothing to fear...
Benny: Your wish is my command. Leave the bear to me...
Camilla: Splendid. I knew you'd come through for us.
Benny: Hmm...

B Support

Camilla: Hello, Benny. How goes the bear hunt?
Benny: The situation is resolved, Lady Camilla.
Camilla: I knew we could count on you. Tell me, was any of the meat fit for consumption? Some consider it a delicacy.
Benny: Oh, about that. I didn't kill the bear.
Camilla: Excuse me? Why the devil not? You agreed to take care of it!
Benny: That's just it. I have taken care of it.
Camilla: And how do you know that? What have you actually done?
Benny: I...persuaded the bear to move on.
Camilla: Bwahaha! And how does one persuade a bear, exactly?
Benny: Easy. With food! The bear was starving and weak. I lured it to an adjacent valley with lots of berries and a stream packed with fish. He'll be quite happy there, I'm sure.
Camilla: I'm not sure about your plan. How can you be sure the bear won't return?
Benny: When I was young, the only friends I had were the creatures in the forest. I learned a great deal about their behaviors. This bear will not cause us any trouble.
Camilla: Fair enough. I'll let everyone know that they have nothing to fear, thanks to you.
Benny: Thank you.
Camilla: Yes...a man so powerful he needn't kill a bear, but rather TAME it! This makes for a wonderfully heroic tale, Benny. Oh, yes...
Benny: If you say so.

A Support

Benny: Lady Camilla, do you have a moment?
Camilla: Hello, Benny. What's the matter?
Benny: I'll have you know that I have never punched a bear in the face.
Camilla: Excuse me? What are you talking about?
Benny: I've heard people talking. They're saying that's how I took care of the bear.
Camilla: Oh ho! So the story has taken on a life of its own. I think it's a fair bit more interesting than the truth. Don't you agree?
Benny: But...a man who would punch a bear in the face...
Camilla: so fearsome that his mere appearance would drive enemies from the battlefield!
Benny: Well, that would be useful. But unlikely, I fear. What seems to be happening instead is that my own allies are terrified of me.
Camilla: Aw, you poor lonely thing.
Benny: I've been trying to clear things up, but I'm not a great speaker... And people keep running away from me.
Camilla: Just like the bear, right? Hah!
Benny: I'd like to think that the bear thought of me as a friend.
Camilla: All right, Benny. Sorry for joking around. I'll help clear things up.
Benny: Really?
Camilla: Of course. We can't have one of our strongest warriors fret over such frivolities.
Benny: Thank you, Lady Camilla.
Camilla: Punching a bear in the face... You know, if anyone could pull that off, it'd be you.
Benny: If it's all right with you, I'd rather not find out.

S Support

Benny: Lady Camilla.
Camilla: Hello, Benny. Can I help you?
Benny: I'm not good at talking with people...
Camilla: You don't say? I hadn't noticed.
Benny: Is that sarcasm? That wasn't rhetorical; I genuinely can't tell. Actually, it doesn't matter. I have something I need to tell you, Lady Camilla.
Camilla: And what's that?
Benny: Perhaps I should just let my actions speak for me. Will you accept this?
Camilla: A ring?
Benny: Yes. This is how I feel about you.
Camilla: I don't get it.
Benny: Really?
Camilla: No, not really! But you need to look me in the eyes and tell me how you feel, Benny!
Benny: But, Lady Camilla...
Camilla: But nothing! You don't need to be the most eloquent speaker in the world. But I would like to hear you express your feelings for me with real words. After all, I suspect this is a moment that I'd like to treasure for the rest of my life.
Benny: Very well. I love you, Lady Camilla. Will...will you marry me?
Camilla: Well, well, well. You were able to get the words out just fine.
Benny: Yes. I wasn't sure that I could, but then... I imagined that you were a bear.
Camilla: What?!
Benny: Uh...a bear. I pictured you as a bear. To assist in my marriage proposal. The concept seems straightforward...
Camilla: Oh, Benny.
Benny: Sorry.
Camilla: No, don't apologize. That's just who you are. And I've come to realize I love that person.
Benny: Um...
Camilla: So, I will happily accept your ring.
Benny: Really?!
Camilla: Yes. I've fallen for your gentle, awkward ways. Is that so strange?
Benny: Um...
Camilla: Let's build a future together, Benny!
Benny: Well, that went better than I expected. Perhaps I should speak up more often...
Camilla: Let's not go that far, dear.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait selena fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Selena: Hey, Benny! Come see!
Benny: What's wrong? Is there some emergency?
Selena: I heard all about that stunt of yours!
Benny: Stunt...?
Selena: They say you stopped a wild bull in its tracks with just one hand. And you know what I say to that? Child's play. It's such an easy task that I'm almost falling asleep thinking about it. And I'll prove it to you! I brought a wild bull to demonstrate. He's just over there. So let's do this!
Benny: A wild bull...?
Selena: Yeah! He's an ornery one, too! But that won't keep me from stopping his charge with one hand. You'll see!
Benny: This seems dangerous... Please don't do it. Besides, I don't remember doing anything like what you're talking about...
Selena: I'll be fine! Don't worry about it! Just keep watching me so you can tell people how great I was!
Benny: A-all right...

B Support

Selena: I don't believe it! What happened?! Where did I go wrong?!
Benny: I told you it was a bad idea...
Selena: If I couldn't stop that charging bull with one hand, no one could! You were obviously fibbing when you told people you did it!
Benny: I didn't lie to anyone.
Selena: So, what then? Everyone who told me about your stunt was lying?
Benny: I wouldn't call it a lie. More like a big misunderstanding. I've never stopped a charging bull with one hand...or even with two...
Selena: Whaaaaaat?!
Benny: What I actually did was hold down a cow while a farmer helped deliver a calf.
Selena: Wh...what?! That's not heroic at all! Not even a little bit legendary!
Benny: The story got bigger in the telling, I guess.
Selena: I don't believe this! You're saying I put my life on the line over a tall tale?!
Benny: You could say that. Yeah.
Selena: One wrong move and I could have been trampled! Or gored! Or who knows what!
Benny: S-sorry...
Selena: Why are you apologizing?! It's not YOUR fault! saved me from the bull.
Benny: It was pretty close. You, um, almost had it though?
Selena: I wasn't even close. But nice try.
Benny: Just trying to help...

A Support

Selena: Hey, Benny! You'd better thank me!
Benny: OK...thanks.
Selena: Not YET, numskull! I haven't told you what you should thank me for!
Benny: That's true. Why should I thank you?
Selena: I put a stop to that tall tale going around.
Benny: The one about me and the wild bull?
Selena: What other one is there?! So now everyone knows you never stopped any charging bull. With any number of hands.
Benny: Oh. You're right... I should thank you for that.
Selena: Let me tell you, it wasn't easy. For some stupid reason, everyone was absolutely convinced you'd done it. It wouldn't shock me if there are STILL people who believe the story and not me.
Benny: I'm sorry you had to go to all that trouble just for me.
Selena: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I never said I did it for you!
Benny: Didn't you...?
Selena: People talking up your fake legends makes it harder for my REAL legend to spread. So really, I didn't have a choice. I had to make it crystal clear to everyone that you never did anything cool.
Benny: Um...
Selena: Don't get the wrong idea... I wasn't thanking you for saving me from the bull. This just had to be cleared up.
Benny: Heh...OK.
Selena: What was that laugh about?! I demand answers!
Benny: I was just thinking you were sweet.
Selena: Of course I am! Nobody's sweeter than me! NOBODY! But make no mistake—I'm not sweet to just anyone! You're not going anywhere until you understand that, OK?!
Benny: OK. I get it...

S Support

Benny: Hmm.'re pretty weird.
Selena: Where do you get off calling me "weird" out of the blue?! Talk about rude! I challenge you to name one weird thing about me! Go on—try it!
Benny: Well, um. You're selfish and brash. That's two. You're harsh to people. That's three... And you're arrogant—four...
Selena: None of that is "weird." You're just being insulting! Why, I oughtta—
Benny: But behind it all, you're really sweet. That's the weirdest thing.
Selena: ...Am I?
Benny: Yeah. You're sweet.
Selena: Hmph. I get a good head of steam going, and then you spring that on me. What's a girl to say?
Benny: It's that sweetness that, um...attracts me...
Selena: Huh? Speak up, Benny! Gods, it's like pulling teeth, getting you to say anything.
Benny: OK. *ahem* Selena...will you marry me?
Selena: What?! That's what you were mumbling about? You want me to marry you? Not five minutes ago, you were telling me how rude and arrogant and brash I was!
Benny: S-sorry...I guess that's a no.
Selena: I never said that! Don't put words in my mouth! You caught me off guard, that's all. I need time to vent before I give you an answer!
Benny: That's true. It's OK if you want to wait until some other day to answer...
Selena: I didn't say I needed THAT long! You and your assumptions! Geez!
Benny: You're sure...? If you need more time, I don't—
Selena: If I say I'm sure, then I'm sure! Why does no one listen to me?! I know how I feel without having to think about it! It's completely obvious!
Benny: I'm confused now.
Selena: UGGGH! Pay attention, Benny! I'm telling you I like you too!
Benny: ...Were you? That's not what I was getting out of that...
Selena: Now you're telling me I'm lying?! About MY OWN FEELINGS for you?!
Benny: No! I-I just wouldn't feel that way about me...
Selena: Boy, were YOU wrong! I love you! Probably WAY more than you love me! I can't BELIEVE I even have to say this!
Benny: Heh...
Selena: I hope you're up to the job of loving me. It's a big deal! Not everyone can do it!
Benny: Leave it to me... I think I can make you happy.
Selena: Good. I'm not asking a lot, you know! Just a little happiness with you...


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait beruka fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Benny: ...Hi.
Beruka: ...
Benny: Hi...?
Beruka: Do you need something?
Benny: No...not really. I noticed you're not very talkative.
Beruka: No. I speak when spoken to. Otherwise, I stay silent.
Benny: OK.
Beruka: Besides, I could say the same about you.
Benny: There's a difference, though. I want to talk. I'm just no good at it.
Beruka: I see. You have the desire, but lack the ability.
Benny: Right.
Beruka: That's never been my problem.
Benny: No.
Beruka: Stimulating as this is, I'm leaving now.
Benny: Next time…
Beruka: What?
Benny: Next time, I'll think of something for us to talk about.
Beruka: ...If that's what you want.

B Support

Benny: You're so...blank, Beruka.
Beruka: ... This is it? This is the conversation topic you said you'd think of?
Benny: A nonstarter, huh?
Beruka: *shrug* I don't care what we talk about.
Benny: You'd think that would make it easy to talk to you. And yet…
Beruka: ... So I'm hard to read. What of it?
Benny: I didn't mean anything by it. Just a thing I realized.
Beruka: Noted. ... Was there anything else, or is that it?
Benny: Um…
Beruka: Benny. You clearly don't have anything to talk about. So why do you want to talk to me?
Benny: No reason…
Beruka: You want to talk to me for no reason?
Benny: Is that strange?
Beruka: You'd have to ask someone else. I'm not a good barometer of "strange."
Benny: We're allies. Is that an OK reason?
Beruka: Is that what you're going with? You want to talk...because we're allies?
Benny: Yeah...yeah, let's go with that.
Beruka: Then you're a fool. I won't hesitate to kill anyone at all if that's the assignment given to me. Even my "allies." It's a waste of my time chatting with someone I might someday have to kill.
Benny: OK. So...I'll just be going now...

A Support

Benny: Beruka? Are you OK?
Beruka: Leave me. You're a distraction.
Benny: A distraction from what?
Beruka: You to me all the time. For no reason. You said it yourself.
Benny: Uh... Are you feeling OK?
Beruka: Weren't you listening to me? I'm not good at the "feeling" thing. So leave me be.
Benny: Not good at it, huh? It sounds more like you're just not used to it.
Beruka: Huh?
Benny: You need practice. Don't worry, though. I'm strong.
Beruka: So?
Benny: I'm not trying to brag. What I mean is... even if you had an assignment to kill me, I wouldn't go down so easy.
Beruka: …
Benny: Are you OK? Say something…
Beruka: ... I'm fine. Nothing wrong worth mentioning.
Benny: Good. That's good.
Beruka: Heh. I need to get used to it, huh? Maybe so... This isn't the life I used to live, after all.
Benny: you want to keep talking about nothing with me? For no reason?
Beruka: Sure, Benny.

S Support

Benny: …
Beruka: …
Benny: …
Beruka: …
Benny: Oh. There goes the bird.
Beruka: Yeah. So long, bird.
Benny: …
Beruka: …
Benny: Beruka, will you marry me?
Beruka: …
Benny: I love you, you know…
Beruka: Hmm. I've never loved anyone.
Benny: Really?
Beruka: It's true. But when I'm with you, I'm not as tense as I always am. You make me feel safe to relax.
Benny: That's me with you too.
Beruka: We don't even have to talk. I'm happy just to sit quietly next to you.
Benny: Yeah...that's me too. Again.
Beruka: When I'm not with you and I think about you, my pulse runs faster.
Benny: Same…
Beruka: ... I guess all of that is what it's like to love someone.
Benny: Yeah…
Beruka: I love you, Benny. And let me guess... "It's the same for me."
Benny: It's true, though.
Beruka: …
Benny: …
Beruka: The answer is yes. I'll marry you.
Benny: OK.
Beruka: Loving someone, having them love me back... It'll take some getting used to. But I'm happier right now that I can ever remember being.
Benny: Yep. It's the same for me.
Beruka: You're a good man, Benny.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait peri fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Peri: *sniffle* *sob*
Benny: Peri? Why are you crying?
Peri: *sob* 'Cause I'm sad...
Benny: About what?
Peri: I'm hungry...
Benny: Oh. I have some rations if you—
Peri: I want candy! But I ate all I had already.
Benny: That's too bad.
Peri: So you'll get me some more, right?
Benny: M-me?!
Peri: If I don't get more candy right now, someone's gonna die! Like that guy, over there!
Benny: Y-you'd kill someone?! Over some candy?
Peri: I've got a...what do you call 'em... sweet fang!
Benny: I-I think the phrase is "sweet tooth"... Just calm down. I'll fetch some candy.
Peri: Hooray! I'll just be right here, sharpening my blade, until I get some.

B Support

Benny: Peri... I brought you the candy you wanted.
Peri: Really? You did that just for me? Waaaaaaaaaah! *sob* *sniff*
Benny: Wh-what is it now?
Peri: You brought me candy because I asked... I'm moved to tears! Waaaaaaaaah! Th—*sniff*— thank you, Benny.
Benny: Oh. I didn't realize it was that meaningful.
Peri: Huh? this chocolate?
Benny: Yeah. I thought you'd like some.
Peri: I wanted sour candies!
Benny: But...but you said... Weren't you talking about a sweet tooth?
Peri: That was then! NOW I want sour stuff!
Benny: ...
Peri: Eep! Are you angry, Benny? I'm sorry...
Benny: I'm not mad.
Peri: Yes you are! I can see it in your face!
Benny: That's my normal face. I just look like this.
Peri: Huh. Heehee! Really? That's so sad! Poor Benny...hahahaha!
Benny: ...
Peri: I guess I'll accept your candy. But only out of pity for your looks. Thanks for trying, Benny!
Benny: Geez...

A Support

Peri: Benny!
Benny: Peri...
Peri: Here you go!
Benny: What's this? Cookies...?
Peri: Yeah! I baked them myself!
Benny: They're handmade?
Peri: Heehee! Yep! Are you impressed yet? Come on! Eat one! Eat one!
Benny: ...
Peri: What? Why won't you try one?
Benny: It's're safe to eat, right?
Peri: What kind of question is that?! *sob* Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I didn't poison them!
Benny: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Peri: They were a thank-you present! You don't stick poison in thank-you cookies! You meanie!
Benny: I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you.
Peri: *sniffle*'ll have one?
Benny: Sure. It was nice of you to bake them. *munch* *crunch* Mmmm...
Peri: Heehee! I knew you'd like them! I put my heart into making them for you!
Benny: I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have assumed they'd be poisoned.
Peri: I do love murder, but I'd never kill you, Benny! You're too nice to me! That's why I like you!
Benny: Um, thanks. For liking me too much to murder.
Peri: Now you have to promise me you won't go and do something silly like die, OK? The penalty for breaking the promise is death!
Benny: Hmm...I'm not sure I follow. But I get what you mean. I'll try real hard not to die.
Peri: Great! I'll hold you to that!

S Support

Peri: Hey, Benny! Wait up! How come you're always so nice to me?
Benny: I was raised to be nice to girls.
Peri: That's a terrible reason!
Benny: Wh-why's that?
Peri: If that's all it is, then you'll be nice to anyone as long as they're a girl!
Benny: I guess that's true.
Peri: I wanna be special! You should only be nice to meeeee!
Benny: It's too late for that. I'm sorry...
Peri: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! You meanie! Fine! Whatever! I'll just cut down all the other girls you're nice to!
Benny: Um...
Peri: I'll do it, too! Not even kidding! Give a girl directions? STAB! Say her dress looks nice? THWACK! Bake another girl cookies, and I'll split her head wide open!
Benny: You won't have to. Because you're a very special person to me.
Peri: I am?
Benny: Yeah.
Peri: Like how? Talk more about how special I am!
Benny: Do I have to?
Peri: I-if you don't...I'll cry...
Benny: OK, OK! Anything but that. Basically...I... I love you.
Peri: Waaaaaaaaaaah!
Benny: W-wait! I did what you wanted! Why are you crying?
Peri: No, you don't understand. I'm happy. These are tears of joy. *sob* I love you too...
Benny: Really? You feel the same way? In that case...Peri, will you marry me?
Peri: *cry* *sob* Yes... I will, Benny! And you'll always love me, right? Pinky swear?
Benny: Pinky swear. Always.
Peri: Hooray!


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait charlotte fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support does not give Benny access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Fighter, is already available to Benny as his own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Benny access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Benny access to additional skills.

C Support

Benny: Hey, Charlotte.
Charlotte: Did someone say my name? Who could it... Oh.
Benny: Heh... It's me...
Charlotte: You should announce yourself first, Benny. That was a cute act and sweet smile I'll never get back.
Benny: Heheh... You can switch attitudes as fast as ever, I see.
Charlotte: Of course. I've been doing it my whole life; it'd be pretty sad if I wasn't good at it. I have to be ready at any moment to put on the helpless-lady act. So stupid. Men have this idiotic dream girl in their minds, but if I don't play the part...
Benny: If everyone knew your real personality, they'd be really surprised.
Charlotte: Don't even joke about that, Benny. In fact—just so we're clear—if you tell everyone that I'm acting most of the time... Well, they may never find all of you.
Benny: Relax... I don't plan on it.
Charlotte: Good. As long as they think I'm cute and need help, they'll offer me all kinds of things. Yikes, here come some folks. It's a pain, but I've got no choice! Teehee! Why hello there, everyone! How are you doing?
(Charlotte leaves)
Benny: Heh... She could teach them a thing or two about fighting, if she wanted...

B Support

Charlotte: Oh, Benny! Darling!
Benny: Darling?
Charlotte: Have you seen anyone else around? Anyone within earshot, perhaps?
Benny: Oh. Of course. Nope. No one else but me.
Charlotte: Are you absolutely certain? I'd hate for there to be someone hiding nearby...
Benny: Relax... No one's here.
Charlotte: ... Pheeeew! Gods, I'm exhausted!
Benny: Heh...
Charlotte: I can't believe how many men actually believe this frail act is legit. No one in this country is even remotely like this. Maybe that's why it works...
Benny: If it's that tiring, why not drop the act and be yourself for a change?
Charlotte: As if it's that easy! Don't you understand, Benny? They all expect me to act this way. If I don't, I'll never be able to get ahead.
Benny: Hmpf...
Charlotte: If the kind of woman I actually am was at all appealing, I wouldn't act! But that just isn't the case.
Benny: I see... That's rough...
Charlotte: It's a refreshing break to break loose in front of you, I will admit.
Benny: I actually wanted to ask... Why don't you put on your act around me?
Charlotte: Well, we have known each other for quite some time now... And you've never seemed the type to judge anyone harshly. It's just easier to be myself around you. Almost comforting, really. You're like a big, soothing...rock. Or something.
Benny: I suppose that's a good thing.
Charlotte: OK, that's enough rest for me. Time to go play nice again!
Benny: OK... Don't push yourself too hard.
Charlotte: Of course! Now, off I go!
(Charlotte leaves)
Benny: Hah...

A Support

Charlotte: ...
Benny: Charlotte... Is something wrong?
Charlotte: I...think I'm jealous of you, Benny.
Benny: What do you mean?
Charlotte: You always get to act like yourself. It doesn't matter if people are around. You don't put on an act—you just...are.
Benny: That is true... But a lot of people are afraid of me. More people might not be afraid of me if I acted like a totally harmless person.
Charlotte: Ahaha. I suppose you have a point there.
Benny: I think you were actually the first person who wasn't afraid to talk to me.
Charlotte: That's because I could tell what kind of person you really were! Cowardly, but kind. A gentle giant.
Benny: Heh...
Charlotte: I think I'm a little tired of putting on this helpless-damsel act.
Benny: Why not just be yourself, then?
Charlotte: Easier said than done, Benny. Much, much easier.
Benny: You're already an attractive woman. You don't need the act.
Charlotte: Now you're just saying things to make me feel better...
Benny: I'm not, but it doesn't matter. No matter how you behave, I'll always treat you the same way.
Charlotte: ... Thank you. I feel a bit better hearing that.
Benny: Well, good then.
Charlotte: Changing how I live my life now would be a real pain, so I'll keep up the act. Men are kinder and more attentive to me that way, anyway!
Benny: Hah, if you say so.
Charlotte: But...make time for me if I get worn down again, all right?
Benny: Of course. I'll always make time for you.
Charlotte: Thank you, Benny. You're a real sweetheart.
Benny: Don't worry about it. We're both helping each other...

S Support

Benny: Hello, Charlotte. You wanted to talk?
Charlotte: I wonder if I'm dreaming unrealistically. I have this mental image of riches and fame and everything... And it makes regular men unsatisfying to pursue.
Benny: Heh... That seems tough...
Charlotte: And then I realized something, and it made me more than a little worried...
Benny: What was it?
Charlotte: Even if I do find a good partner who meets all my standards... I'll constantly be stressed that he'll find out I've been acting all along! And if he does, things will fall apart for sure!
Benny: If that's how you think things will go, what are you going to do?
Charlotte: Well, I was thinking that maybe it would be better if I changed my goal... I could pursue a man who already knows how I am beneath the act. A man like that has already accepted me for how I truly am...
Benny: I'm one of those men, aren't I...
Charlotte: You are. Actually, you were exactly who I was just talking about, Benny.
Benny: What? Really? But, if we were together, you'd have to give up on your desire for vast wealth, right?
Charlotte: I would, but... I've realized that love and wealth don't have to come as a set.
Benny: I don't have any sort of gold or riches, but I will definitely make you happy... I promise.
Charlotte:'s settled!
Benny: Charlotte...
Charlotte: Thinking about it now, it's always been so easy to talk to you, Benny. If I can feel like that...I'd want to be with you all the time...
Benny: We can be together forever.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait keaton fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
This support does not give Benny access to another class tree via Friendship Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Fighter, is already available to Benny as his own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Benny access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Benny access to additional skills.

C Support

Keaton: Hey there, Benny! How's your day so far?
Benny: Um...
Keaton: Well, hold on to your socks, because it's about to become amazing! I found something so neat that I had to show somebody! Ta-da! It's a dead bat!
Benny: UGH! Why would you bring that here?
Keaton: It's my treasure! It's a beaut, huh? That unique blue fur, those long, thin legs... You don't find bats like this in just any cave, you know. This one's special. That's why I wanted to show you! Here, see for yourself!
Benny: It's a nice thought, but...I'll pass.
Keaton: Yeah, makes sense. It's a lot to take in at once. Not everyone can handle it. If I find anything more your speed, though, I'll bring it by right away!
Benny: Um. Why?
Keaton: Why? What do you mean, why?
Benny: Why are you nice to me? You're not afraid?
Keaton: Of you? Haha, what?
Benny: Most people are. If you're not, though, I don't know if I can explain it.
Keaton: Wow, you're serious? That's so weird. You're about the most gentle person I know. You wouldn't hurt a fly!
Benny: Gentle? Me...?!
Keaton: Sure. I know I'm never safer than when I'm with you. I can really lower my guard, you know?
Benny: N-no. I didn't know.
Keaton: Argh, I just remembered I'm supposed to be out on patrol. Gotta run, but I'll be back later! You'll flip when you see my next treasure!
(Keaton leaves)
Benny: Gentle? Me? What was he talking about...?

B Support

Keaton: Anyway, I didn't just come to say hi. I brought my latest treasure with me. Prepare to feast your eyes, Benny!
Benny: Keaton, wait. I have to know something.
Keaton: OK, I'm listening. What do you want to know?
Benny: Are you having me on?
Keaton: Huh?
Benny: Most people won't come within a hundred feet of me. They're too scared. But you're saying I'm gentle. Are you trying to wrong-foot me for fun? Is that it?
Keaton: Ohhh, I get it now. So that's why you look like you're about to burst into tears.
Benny: Tears?! I worried I was overdoing it...that I might frighten you away. But you felt sorry for me?
Keaton: I don't see what's so scary about it. You're not half so scary as people who hunt my kind for our pelts! Or...*shudder*... A perfectly clean, dust-free room!
Benny: If you say so...
Keaton: But hey, if you don't want me bugging you, I'll lay off. You seem pretty sensitive, and I'd hate to step on your toes! Just so you know, though, I wasn't trying to fool you or nothing. My kind doesn't go in for practical jokes. A wolfskin never lies!
(Keaton leaves)
Benny: K-Keaton, wait! Huh... Sometimes I forget he's a wolf at all.

A Support

Benny: Keaton...
Keaton: Benny! Good thing we bumped into each other, because— Argh! No! I swore I was gonna stop bugging you! Benny! It's awful that we bumped into each other! I'm super sorry!
Benny: Then why's your tail wagging so wildly...?
Keaton: I, um, just ate. These are my postmeal calisthenics.
Benny: ...Oh. The point is...I owe you an apology.
Keaton: You do? For what?
Benny: When you said I seemed gentle, I wrongly assumed you were mocking me. But now I see that you meant it sincerely. My fault, I guess, for imputing human sensibilities to a wolf. You're a simpler soul... You would never tell a lie.
Keaton: Yep! I'm honest to a fault!
Benny: That's a lot of ways. Animals always have taken to me, come to think of it. They used to follow me home. Maybe it took a wolf to see the good in me that humans were blind to. Thank you, Keaton...
Keaton: Who, me? There you go, misreading my tail wagging again. Typical human! I had a big lunch, that's all. I'm not all wagged out yet.
Benny: Sorry. I wasn't sure how to handle it. But I should have been more grateful for the way you were treating me before.
Keaton: Huh! So I can come by and visit you again?
Benny: Yeah. I mean...if you want.
Keaton: Great! Because I have a huge backlog of treasures to show you. Starting with the hidden web of a giant, hairy spider!
Benny: Haha...ha... (Just nod and smile, Benny. Nod and smile...)
Keaton: Whoa! Did you just laugh?! That's a new one on me! Now I see why people are scared of you.
Benny: Huh?
Keaton: Your laugh's kinda bone chilling, man! It'd be better for everyone if you went back to your normal happy face.
Benny: Like this...?
Keaton: Yes! That's it exactly! So gentle... so perfect! Keep that expression forever, Benny!
Benny: I'll...I'll think about it.

A+ support


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hayato fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C Support

Hayato: Benny, there you are.
Benny: Oh, Hayato...
Hayato: I've heard that you're incredibly powerful. Is it true that you once suppressed over ten thousand troops all by yourself? Seems like nothing but a tall tale to me, but I wanted to hear about it from you. Now that I'm looking at you, it's not too hard to imagine it being true.
Benny: Looks can be deceiving, Hayato.
Hayato: Hmm, why are you acting humble? You're not the easiest guy to talk to. Eventually, I'm gonna be as tough as you. Maybe even tougher! But I won't ever lose to you. I'm sure that I can do anything you've done before. It can't be that hard. I can accomplish anything I really focus on.
Benny: Is that so...
Hayato: Enjoy your valiant history while you can. I plan on overshadowing your heroic deeds. Farewell.
(Hayato leaves)
Benny: Hmm...

B Support

Hayato: Thank you for coming, Benny.
Benny: Why have you called me to this place? What is it that you want?
Hayato: I wish to discover which of us is truly the most courageous person. We have to settle this here and now.
Benny: How could we possibly settle such a question?
Hayato: I'll show you. Do you see that large cave in the middle of the mountainside?
Benny: Yes, of course...
Hayato: That cave is said to be a bridge directly to the land of the dead. You can prove your courage to me by attempting to enter the cave. If you have the heart to try.
Benny: I refuse your challenge.
Hayato: Ha! I knew it! You may look tough, but clearly you're a complete coward. You do realize that means you've already lost the competition, right?
Benny: I accept the defeat...
Hayato: Wh-what?! How can you possibly be so so stoic? Who accepts defeat so willingly?
Benny: There's no need to enter the cave...
Hayato: Well then victory is mine! So long as I enter the cave, of course. B-but it looks pretty dark inside.
Benny: It is a cave...
Hayato: I-I'm not very fond of dark places. In retrospect, I don't know why in the heavens I chose a dank place like this.
Benny: You're the one who brought me here...
Hayato: I know that! Would it be against the rules if I brought in a light to guide my way?
Benny: I don't know. This was your idea.
Hayato: I think it's fair to call our competition a tie. But just for today! The challenge will continue soon!
Benny: As you wish.

A Support

Hayato: Hi, Benny.
Benny: Hayato...
Hayato: Listen, I've been thinking. You should be very happy. I respect you.
Hayato: That's right. I wanted to say that I admire your stoicism. It was an admirable feat of self-restraint. Granted, you're nowhere near as brave as myself, but it's still impressive.
Benny: Hmm...
Hayato: Since you know I approve of you, I have a small request. Don't tell anyone that I'm scared of being in the dark. If you end up telling someone, I promise that you won't get away with it.
Benny: Heh... Oh really?
Hayato: Wh-what's so funny?
Benny: Oh, nothing... Here, this is for you.
Hayato: What's is it?
Benny: It's a charm. I made it from scratch myself.
Hayato: A charm? But why?
Benny: I've always carried it with me. To give me courage on the battlefield. I thought it might do the same for you.
Hayato: Oh...
Benny: It could calm your nerves. Make the darkness a bit less frightening.
Hayato: Wow, Benny... This is really thoughtful. Thank you for this. I apologize for being so brash and arrogant before. I wasn't thinking clearly.
Benny: Your apology is unnecessary. People are always frightened by me. I'm used to it, but it gets lonely... It was a nice change of pace for someone to talk to me like I was normal for once.
Hayato: I understand.
Benny: Perhaps we could work together as friends, as opposed to rivals. I can help you overcome your fears.
Hayato: Really? I would love to learn from you!

A+ support


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rinkah fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Oni Savage (Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal resistance.png Seal Resistance Oni Savage, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 shove.png Shove Oni Savage, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 death blow.png Death Blow Oni Chieftain, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 counter.png Counter Oni Chieftain, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 salvage blow.png Salvage Blow Blacksmith, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Blacksmith, starting from level 15

C Support

Rinkah: Glad I found you, Benny. I meant to say something to you.
Benny: OK. I'm listening.
Rinkah: I notice you spend a lot of time alone. You hang back from group stuff.
Benny: Yeah...I know...
Rinkah: Then you and me are two of a kind. The Flame Tribe values solitude, and I've always been proud to uphold that tradition.
Benny: I'm, um. Not. Proud of my solitude, I mean.
Rinkah: What? You're kidding me.
Benny: It's true...
Rinkah: Then why do you spend so much time by yourself?
Benny: It's not that I want to be alone... Everyone avoids me because they're afraid.
Rinkah: Ugh! And here I thought we were two of a kind. But that's just pathetic. You let me down, Benny!
Benny: S...sorry?

B Support

Benny: Rinkah...
Rinkah: If you don't need anything, don't say anything.
Benny: I know the Flame Tribe values solitude...
Rinkah: You're damn right. True skill is honed in the fires of single combat. No beast that hunts in a pack can be said to be strong.
Benny: Oh.
Rinkah: You're obviously strong. Anyone can tell by watching you trounce your enemies. So why do you reject the way of the lone wolf? What do you want other people for?
Benny: I...I don't think I'm strong in the way you think I am. If I had to fight on my own...I'd have run away from the battlefield a long time ago.
Rinkah: Tch...
Benny: It's good for me that I'm not alone. Like you said, I'm part of a pack. I live and fight with allies. I do my best to protect them. That's where any strength I have comes from.
Rinkah: Hmm. So you're saying that instead of leaning on the group for strength... you find your individual strength in the group?
Benny: Yeah. I guess so.
Rinkah: That just sounds crazy to me.
Benny: ...
Rinkah: But maybe it does explain how you can be so strong... It's something to think about.
Benny: Glad I could help...?

A Support

Benny: Rinkah...
Rinkah: Oh, hey, Benny.
Benny: You're not mad at me for talking to you today?
Rinkah: Heh. Do you want me to be?
Benny: No...I really don't...
Rinkah: Then don't ask stupid questions.
Benny: Heh...sorry.
Rinkah: Benny, look... The Flame Tribe values solitude. I've always held by that, and I still do.
Benny: All right.
Rinkah: But you made me think some about being part of this army.
Benny: Oh?
Rinkah: Maybe I was thinking about it the wrong way. Instead of a pack of animals... it might be better to think of us as limbs. I'm strong because I have arms to hold my club, and legs to leap with. I have a heart to pump hot blood, and lungs and a mouth to scream my battle cry. All those, put together, make for one single powerful Flame Tribe warrior. Maybe our army is like that too.
Benny: Hmm...
Rinkah: When I look at it that way, it makes sense for our group to be so strong.
Benny: That way of justifying it seems very...
Rinkah: Very what?
Benny: Very Rinkah.
Rinkah: Heh. The Flame Tribe values solitude.
Benny: Yeah...
Rinkah: But being part of this group hasn't been so bad at all.
Benny: Heh. Good...

S Support

Benny: is important to the Flame Tribe, right?
Rinkah: You know it is, Benny. We've been over this.
Benny: But do Flame Tribe people never have relationships? Never fall in love?
Rinkah: Don't be stupid. Of course they do. Did you think I grew on a tree?
Benny: Oh...good point...
Rinkah: There's a difference between preferring solitude and shunning society. You can be a private person even when you're in the middle of a group.
Benny: That makes me feel better.
Rinkah: Heh. Were you nervous about telling me you loved me?
Benny: Yeah. I— Um! How did you—?! Wait!
Rinkah: Come on, Benny. You're an open book. You were blushing and stammering even more than usual.
Benny: I...I thought...I was being subtle...
Rinkah: There's more to expressing yourself than what you say. You realize that Flame Tribe warriors don't accept weak mates, right? A weak man has no chance with a woman.
Benny: I know... I just hoped...
Rinkah: Good thing you don't have anything to worry about there. You're a terror in battle, sure. But you've also got a strong heart. I didn't figure that out about you for a long time.
Benny: I...guess I do. I care a lot about people. I care a lot about you.
Rinkah: That's what I mean. Between your strong heart and my fierce muscles... the two of us will make a single powerful couple.
Rinkah: Yeah, I said it. Get used to it, Benny. We're going to be together a long time.


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait oboro fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Spear Fighter (Spear Master or Basara)
Click here to find Benny's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal defense.png Seal Defense Spear Fighter, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 swap.png Swap Spear Fighter, starting from level 17
Is 3ds02 seal speed.png Seal Speed Spear Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancefaire.png Lancefaire Spear Master, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15

C Support

Benny: Um...
Oboro: Aaaah! Did that boulder just talk?! Wait, that's no boulder... That's a man!
Benny: You're...Oboro, right?
Oboro: Yeah. And your name was, um, Benny?
Benny: Yes.
Oboro: OK. I don't think we've actually met before. But I've seen you fight, and it's nice to have a bruiser like you on our side.
Benny: Um. Are you sure? The look on your face says something else.
Oboro: Oh, sorry. I just get like this whenever I catch the slightest whiff of Nohr. I hate Nohr and everyone in it. But don't worry—I'll get used to you eventually.
Benny: ...
Oboro: What?
Benny: Nothing... always look like that when you're talking to a Nohrian?
Oboro: Nah. Like I said, once I know they mean no harm, I go back to normal. doesn't seem to be happening today... Have you got an ambush up your sleeve?
Benny: N-no...I'd never do that.
Oboro: Really? Huh. Well, we have to work together, so here's hoping this is fixed next time I see you. See you around.
(Oboro leaves)
Benny: ... That was terrifying... I've never seen anyone before who looked scarier than me.

B Support

Benny: …
Oboro: Hello, Benny.
Benny: Gaaah! That face again!
Oboro: Huh? Oh, sure enough. That's weird.
Benny: I thought you said you wouldn't do it anymore once you were used to me...
Oboro: I thought I wouldn't. This is very strange. We have no problem fighting together, so I don't understand what's wrong. For some reason, I just can't...stop... Uh, Benny?
Benny: Aaah! Wh-what?
Oboro: Why are you pointing your weapon at me?
Benny: B-because...I-I...
Oboro: Are you actually afraid of me?
Benny: D-d-d-don't be silly...
Oboro: Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. How could a big guy like you be scared of a little girl like me? Which means... You were going to attack me!
Benny: N-no! I swear!
Oboro: Then why is your weapon still out?!
Benny: Um...
Benny: Y-yes, ma'am!
Oboro: Now, look at me. Keep staring until you don't find me scary anymore.
Benny: Y-you're not scary... Not scary...
Oboro: Deep breaths... Phew. Finally back to normal. See? I was right. You were scared of me. I think that's what was setting me off. I'm super sensitive about any negative emotions from Nohrians.
Benny: Oh. Sorry...
Oboro: It's natural to be scared during combat, but try to keep it together apart from that. If you can't... I won't be able to help myself.
Benny: Aaaah! Gaaaaaaaaaaah!
Oboro: Uh-oh... I'm stuck this way again. You're kind of a coward, huh, Benny?

A Support

Benny: Oboro...
Oboro: Benny? What is it?
Benny: You don't look so scary today.
Oboro: That's because you got over your fear of me. As long as we're just having a friendly chat, I'm fine!
Benny: OK... Good thing I made lots of charms.
Oboro: Charms?
Benny: I always take my handmade charms into battle with me. With these in my pockets, I don't have to be afraid of anything.
Oboro: Interesting. You like to make things, huh? said you made a lot of charms? How many charms did you need to work up the nerve to come see me...?
Benny: ... Um, well...
Oboro: Benny!
Benny: Gyaaaaah!
Oboro: ...Heehee. Gotcha.
Benny: D-don't even joke. I have nightmares about that face...
Oboro: Oh, sorry. So let's see these charms you made!
Benny: They look like this...
Oboro: Wow, is this made out of crystals? This one looks like a tiny doll... Did you use animal bones for this one? Nohrian charms are so strange.
Benny: Are they different in Hoshido?
Oboro: There are some that look like these. But our charms usually come in a little pouch, with paper seals or spirit stones. Every one is unique as far as what it's made out of. I've always been fascinated with them, coming from a line of tailors and all. Sometimes if I have fabric left over from a project, I'll make a charm or two.
Benny: I see. I'd be interested in taking a look at your charms.
Oboro: Sure! We can swap next time we see each other. I'll make a Hoshido-style one, and you make one like they do in Nohr.
Benny: Easy.'re sure you want a Nohrian charm?
Oboro: It's not a problem. I hate Nohr and everything they stand for, but you—you're my friend!
Benny: O-OK...
Oboro: I can't wait to get started on mine. And hey, I bet carrying both Nohrian and Hoshidan charms will bring twice the luck!
Benny: I hope so...

S Support

Benny: Oboro...
Oboro: Hey, Benny! Thanks for that charm you made. The crystals you used were nice and sparkly.
Benny: I'm glad you liked it. The charm you gave me made me braver than usual.
Oboro: Good! I'm glad it helped.
Benny: ...
Oboro: Benny? What's wrong?
Benny: I actually made another charm today. Here...
Oboro: A ring? Do these count as good-luck charms in Nohr too?
Benny: Not exactly. If you wear that, you'll be protected. By me.
Oboro: Huh?
Benny: It's an engagement ring. If you were my fiancée, I'd always protect you... B-because I love you, Oboro.
Oboro: Benny...?
Benny: But you hate everything from Nohr. And I'm a Nohrian. So that's that. I'll understand if you want to give it back. I just had to show how I felt about you...
Oboro: Oh, Benny... Look at you. You're a mess! You're shaking like a leaf. Are you that scared that I'll say no?
Benny: N-no, um...
Oboro: ...Because I won't. I'd never reject you. I love you too, Benny.
Benny: ...Oh!
Oboro: I'll always blame Nohr for my parents' death. That'll never change. But I love you. Really love you. I don't think I'll ever find anyone as kind as you anywhere else.
Benny: Oboro... You don't know how happy that makes me.
Oboro: Benny! You're too big to start blubbering. Now put the ring on me!
Benny: OK. Whew. It's a perfect fit.
Oboro: Now THIS is a good-luck charm! It's already making my life better, haha.
Benny: ...
Oboro: I certainly feel lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with you.
Benny: This ring represents a promise. My promise to keep you safe and happy to the end of your days.

Kana (M)

Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana m fe14.png
Kana (M)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Benny is Kana (M)'s father.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Hey, Papa? Can I talk to you about something?
Benny: Of course.
Kana: It's Mama... I feel like she's always treating me like a child.
Benny: It is natural. You are her child, are you not?
Kana: I know, I know! I just mean I'm not as much of a child as I used to be. I want to help out with stuff. But whenever I try, she just tells me to go play with my friends instead.
Benny: I see. You want some responsibilities of your own.
Kana: Yeah! I want to show her she can rely on me. I wonder if there's something I could do for her...
Benny: Hmm. Well, I make your mother a protective charm before she goes off to each battle. They seem to make her very happy.
Kana: Oh...
Benny: Hm?
Kana: I guess that's not really the sort of thing I'm looking for... Oh, I know! Let's have a contest, Papa!
Benny: A contest?
Kana: Yeah! We'll have a contest to see which of us can make Mama happier! Between the two of us, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of things! Whoever Mama thanks the most wins!
Benny: Hm. Sounds interesting. All right. I'll do it.
Kana: Really? Yay!
Benny: But remember: I am your mother's husband, and I know her better than anyone. And I do not intend to go easy on you.
Kana: That's fine by me, Papa. I'm gonna beat you fair and square!
Benny: Heh. May the best man win.

B Support

Kana: Hey, Papa! I've been making so much progress on our contest! How about you?
Benny: Well, I haven't done anything too special yet, but she has thanked me many times. I have a tally right here. Take a look.
Kana: WOW! That's so many! And you got all these already?
Benny: Yes. I am as surprised as you are. Maybe I'm a better husband than I thought.
Kana: Hmph... Well, I'm still not going to lose! Here, see! I recorded all mine too! And the total
Benny: You—?! You have the same number as me!
Kana: I do? I do! Haha! Kana's gonna beat you big-time, Papa! I don't have to work like you, so I can spend all day helping her!
Benny: Hmph. So that is your secret. And what kind of help did you give her?
Kana: Mostly I've been trying to help out around camp! I spend each morning making arrows for the fletchers. Then, at lunch, I slice the bear meat and hand out food to the soldiers. Oh, and at night I make sure the mounts are all fed and outfitted for the next day. Plus I do a bunch of other little things whenever I have the time!
Benny: Is that right? I'm impressed. You really have been growing up, haven't you?
Kana: Huh?
Benny: Oh, just a thought. It wasn't so long ago you were still a little lump in swaddling clothes. Now, all of a sudden, you're making real, important contributions to the army. Maybe I've been treating you like too much of a child as well.
Kana: Heehee. Yeah, I've been working real hard. Soon there'll be nothing I can't do!
Benny: I believe it. And I bet your mother has been very proud of you.
Kana: I hope so! And I'm gonna make her even prouder tomorrow!
Benny: Hmph! It sounds like I'd better get my act together if I don't want to lose.

A Support

Kana: *grumble*
Benny: Hello, Kana.
Kana: Hi, Papa...
Benny: What's the matter? You were so happy after you won our little contest yesterday...
Kana: Oh, no. I'm still happy about that, I guess. It's just that I was trying to do things for Mama earlier, and she made me stop. She said I should be spending more time playing around with my friends again. She still thinks I'm just a kid. Haven't I shown her I'm old enough to help out around camp?
Benny: Ah, so that's it. I wouldn't worry. It's not you. You're doing good work. I promise.
Kana: Then why doesn't she want me to help with anything?
Benny: I think your mother knows full well you're capable of handling these things. But seeing you acting so grown up makes her feel sad.
Kana: Huh? Why?
Benny: Well, she doesn't want to lose her baby boy. She is very, very proud that you're growing up and working so hard. But at the same time, she's worried it means you won't need her anymore. It's a little silly, but it's true. Parents can be funny like that.
Kana: So...what should I do?
Benny: I'd say to keep helping out around camp, but don't work yourself so hard. Take breaks to see your friends, play games, go on adventures. You know. And try to spend some quality time with your mother every now and then. Think you can handle that?
Kana: But...
Benny: What? Do you not want to spend time with your mother?
Kana: No, that's not it! It's just... I feel like that stuff is for babies.
Benny: No, Kana, it's not for babies. It's for children. And your mother wants you to stay a child for just a little while longer. We both do.
Kana: Papa...
Benny: Kana, we know that you're growing and that you want more responsibilities. And we know that you're going to be a fine young man someday. But for now...relax. Don't try to grow up so quickly.
Kana: OK. Thanks, Papa. I'll think real hard about everything you said.
Benny: Good. You know... I think it would be good if you spent the night in with your mother. I'll go talk to her about it.
Kana: Wait! What about you?
Benny: What? Me? No, I ca—
Kana: But, Papa! I thought you wanted me to enjoy my childhood. It wouldn't be much of a childhood without a papa...
Benny: Well, when you put it like that... OK. Sure. Go tell your mother.
Kana: Yaaay!
Benny: A night in with the family, huh? I could get used to this...


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Benny is Shigure's father.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Benny: Are you painting again, Shigure?
Shigure: Hello, Father. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. I know this is no time for painting, since we're at war and all.
Benny: No, no, I wasn't mad at you, Son. To be honest, I feel sorry for you. If it weren't for these harsh times, I really believe you would be a famous artist.
Shigure: Ha, that's kind of you to say, but I doubt it.
Benny: I think your art is very meaningful. Your paintings inspire me to reflect—to look back at my regrets... Anyway, there must be a way...for us to show off these paintings.
Shigure: What do you mean?
Benny: Wait... That's it. We will throw a solo exhibition for your work!
Shigure: A-an exhibition? I could never do that. Besides, our troops are on the advance. The setup alone would be way more work than it's worth.
Benny: No, it will be simple. We just have to rent a tent and get the soldiers and villagers to help out.
Shigure: B-but it seems so vain to reserve a whole tent just for my personal use.
Benny: This isn't for you. Art has the power to heal our hearts. Your show can be a relief for all the people in town who are exhausted from the war.
Shigure: I don't know...
Benny: I'm not going to force you to do anything. What do you say, Shigure?
Shigure: OK, fine... We can try it, I guess. But I have to admit that it makes me a bit anxious.
Benny: I understand, but this is a good thing. I'm going to head into town to spread the word and find helpers.
(Benny leaves)
Shigure: Thank you, Father.

B Support

Shigure: Hello, Father...
Benny: Shigure... Is something on your mind?
Shigure: Well... You've done so much to make this exhibition a possibility. I just wanted to say thanks.
Benny: There is no need to thank me... Honestly, everyone was so excited by the idea of your exhibit that it's been easy. The whole village has been pitching in to help out. So far, all the preparations have been going smoothly.
Shigure: O-oh...
Benny: Are you feeling nervous?
Shigure: Of course. But mostly I'm concerned about my newest painting. It's just not coming together like I hoped it would.
Benny: The new one you wanted to have ready for this exhibition? It seems to be taking up a lot of your time. The event is only a few days away... If it's proving too difficult, maybe you should stop working on it for a while. You can always return to it after the show.
Shigure: I promised myself that I would get it done. So many people have come together to give me this opportunity. And the final piece really unites the show. I have to keep going.
Benny: I understand. But do me a favor. Don't overwork yourself. It's not worth getting sick to finish this final painting.
Shigure: Of course. Thank you, Father. I should probably get back to my easel.
Benny: Very well. Do your best.
(Shigure leaves)
Benny: Shigure certainly seems inspired. I wonder what's gotten into him...

A Support

Benny: At last, the big day is here. Shigure's exhibition. I wonder how the final preparations came together in the tent. Wow... This is incredible. Look at all these people. From what I've overheard, it seems like the art is going over well. Yes, I think it's safe to say that this show is an absolute success. I'm so glad that we made this happen... Hmm. That's odd... I don't see Shigure anywhere...
Shigure: *pant*...*pant*...
Benny: Shigure, did you just get here? The exhibition is well under way. How could you be late to your own exhibition?
Shigure: Sorry about that, Father. I've been up all night finishing my painting.
Benny: All night? Just to finish that last piece?
Shigure: Y-yes...
Benny: I told you not to push too hard, didn't I? Look around. There are plenty of pieces hanging here. What could you really gain by adding just one more, huh? We would have had to call this off if you had made yourself sick.
Shigure: I know. But I promised myself that I would complete it, no matter what. I made this because I'm thankful for everything you've done for me, Father.
Benny: What?! Th-this is... your mother and me?
Shigure: Yes, it's a portrait of you and Mother. I wanted to use this chance to paint it, at any cost.
Benny: You've spent all your time making this?
Shigure: Yes, Father. My love for you two cannot be measured. You brought me into this world. Without you, I never would have been able to paint. So I wanted to put all those feelings into this portrait.
Benny: I'm no good with words... I-I don't know what to say... Thank you, Shigure. I'm very grateful.
Shigure: F-Father, it hurts when you hug me so tightly... Hahahaha.
Benny: I'm proud to be your father. You're a wonderful young man.
Shigure: Thank you...
Benny: Heh... We can't just sit here. This needs to get hung up alongside the rest of your art.
Shigure: O-OK... But it's a little embarrassing.
Benny: It's not much of an exhibition if the finest piece doesn't go on the wall. Everyone should see this. Right, Son?
Shigure: You're right, Father!


Small portrait benny fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ignatius fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Benny: Hi.
Ignatius: Hm? Hi.
Benny: So.
Ignatius: So...?
Benny: I mean...
Ignatius: Yeah?
Benny: ...How're things?
Ignatius: Oh... I'm fine.
Benny: Good.
Ignatius: Yeah.
Benny: ...Nothing bothering you?
Ignatius: Well...
Benny: Yeah?
Ignatius: If I had to pick something... It'd be that I never know what to say to you when it's just us two.
Benny: Oh. Right. Same.
Ignatius: Yeah...
Benny: ...So everything's OK?
Ignatius: It's fine. I'm fine.

B Support

Benny: Ignatius. See that rock over there? Try and lift it for me.
Ignatius: This one? Looks easy enough. *nff* G-gyaaaaaaah! B-b-bugs! They're everywhere! Get them away!
Benny: *sigh*
Ignatius: F-Father! That was a dirty trick! Why would you do that?!
Benny: I wanted to see if you're still such a coward as to faint at the sight of a few beetles.
Ignatius: ...I can't deny it now, can I? Even hearing the word "beetles"—ughhh— it makes my skin crawl.
Benny: That worries me. I'm afraid if you're this fragile, you won't have the stomach for battle. I don't want to lose you, Son.
Ignatius: Hmm...? Father... Who's that pale woman standing behind you? I've never seen her before...
Benny: Gaaaah! I-is it a g-g-ghost?! Huh? I don't see anyone.
Ignatius: *sigh*
Benny: tricked me!
Ignatius: I was making a point, Father. Cowardice runs in our family.
Benny: ...I can't deny it now, can I? I'm sorry your dad sets such a pitiful example for you.
Ignatius: I don't mind. I wouldn't have anyone else for a father.
Benny: You mean that?
Ignatius: Yeah.
Benny: You...don't wish you were someone else's son...? I'm going for a walk in the woods. Don't follow me.
Ignatius: Um, are you...going off to cry?
Benny: Of—*sniff*—of course not. I just like being alone with nature.
Ignatius: Heh... Have a nice walk, Father.

A Support

Benny: Ignatius. Can we talk? I'm still worried about you. You inherited your dad's cowardice...
Ignatius: I know. We're both cowards, when you get right down to it.
Benny: My fear is that this cruel world is no place for a fragile boy like you.
Ignatius: Really? I'm not worried about that at all.
Benny: You seem pretty sure about that.
Ignatius: I am. Why, you've survived in this cruel world without much trouble, haven't you?
Benny: Hmm...
Ignatius: So I'll follow your lead there too. You're living proof that even cowards like us can make our way in the world. Not to say I'll never feel stress or fear, of course. But when the world is too much for me, I have this to hold on to to get me through.
Benny: That's a nice-looking charm. Where'd you get that?
Ignatius: You made it for me, Father. When I was just a kid. I've held on to it ever since. It gives me courage when I'm afraid.
Benny: That must have been many years ago for you. And you've taken such good care of it all this time...
Ignatius: So even when you were far away, you were there for me when I needed it.
Benny: I, um. I need to take a nature hike. Where's the nearest woods from here?
Ignatius: Heh... Are you crying again?
Benny: I—*sniff*—can't cry in front of my son. So be a good boy, Ignatius, and turn around for a minute.

Growth rates for class trees available via support

Hoshido classes

Samurai Swordmaster Master of Arms Oni Savage Oni Chieftain Blacksmith Spear Fighter/Spear Master Basara Diviner Onmyoji Monk Great Master

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Samurai 60% 50% 0% 65% 30% 50% 55% 55%

Sky Knight Falcon Knight Kinshi Knight Archer Sniper Ninja Master Ninja Mechanist Apothecary Merchant

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Sky Knight 50% 50% 0% 60% 25% 55% 55% 65%

Nohrian classes

Cavalier Paladin Mercenary Bow Knight Outlaw Adventurer Wyvern Rider Wyvern Lord Malig Knight Dark Mage Sorcerer Dark Knight Troubadour Strategist Butler

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Cavalier 60% 55% 0% 60% 20% 50% 65% 50%