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< Bernadetta
Revision as of 06:30, 23 April 2020 by Cooldud555 (talk | contribs) (→‎C Support: (copy from support.txt))

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This page contains all data pertaining to Bernadetta's supports in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Byleth (M)

Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait byleth m fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Traveler: Thank you, Lady Bernadetta. I will take my leave.
Bernadetta: Oh, good. Bye! Uh, good-bye! Finally... Oh, that was awful. Just terrifying.

Choice 1 Choice 2
What's going on? What's terrifying?
Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't sneak up on me like that! It was nothing big. That lady just wanted me to show her around a bit. But strangers are just so nerve-racking. Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't sneak up on me like that! That lady asked me to show her around. I tried to be polite, but strangers are just so nerve-racking.

You've never seemed scared of me.
In the Black Eagles

Bernadetta: Oh yeah? How about when I first met you and I wouldn't come out of the corner or even uncover my face? Actually, now that you mention it, it's funny. Once I started talking to you, I stopped feeling scared.

In another house

Bernadetta: Now that you mention it, I think you're right. I don't know if I ever have felt scared around you.

Bernadetta: I wonder why... You know, Professor, you might be the first person I've been able to speak to normally since I got here, and I have no idea why.

I'm glad, regardless.

Bernadetta: I'm happy about it too! When we first started out here, we had to do drills... outside. I skipped those every chance I got. It's a terrible idea—going out in the forest with all these people you don't even know! Thanks to you, though, I can actually make it through class now. I'm grateful for that. I don't know what I'd do...if you weren't here...

It's all right.

Bernadetta: Sorry... I'm OK... I am OK. I'm doing just fine. I feel safe here, thanks to you.

By the way, was that you singing in the greenhouse?

Bernadetta: What? Y-you saw that? Why would you see that?! You were watching me?! That crosses the line, Professor! Singing? Me?! Why would I be singing? I'd never be singing! Ah! I've never been so humiliated! Useless! Worthless! Unmarriageable! Augh!
Byleth: ...

B Support

Bernadetta: Great weather today. Perfect for shutting yourself inside, don't you think?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I think I'll head outside, actually. Definitely.
Bernadetta: Oh, you go right ahead. I'll be right here. The better the weather, the less crowded it is in here. I can't pass up having all this space to myself. Bernadetta: I'm glad you get it. With great weather like this, there'll be no one inside to bother us. I love feeling like I'm all alone in the world...

What made you such a recluse?

Bernadetta: Oh, that. Well, I guess I can tell you, Professor. My father's obsessed with money. He's only ever seen me as bait for a rich husband. To train me to be a good wife, he'd do things like tie me to a chair. I tried hard to do as he asked. Honestly, I did. But before I knew it, I just couldn't bring myself to leave my room anymore.

Why not?

Bernadetta: I just had this overwhelming feeling of fear all the time. No matter how hard I tried, my father never thought I was good enough. After that, it was just constant scolding. He couldn't say two words to me without mentioning how useless I was. An unmarriageable girl. My life was isolated to say the least. I wasn't allowed to play with other kids, let alone make friends. Soon, I stopped wanting that. I was happiest alone. But even that made him mad. And when he tried to drag me outside, I kicked and screamed so much I seriously hurt myself. He's calmed down a bit in recent years. His constant torment was replaced with complete indifference. He mostly acts like I don't exist now.

How did you end up at the monastery?

Bernadetta: If you can believe it, I was basically kidnapped. My mother ordered an attendant to stuff me in a bag while I was sleeping. By the time I figured out what was going on, I was already here. For a while, I was sure I was going to die. But here I am. Look at me...still breathing. Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get you down, talking like that about my past! Just forget everything I told you. There's no point in talking about myself anyway. Idiot! Oh, this is why everyone hates you, Bernie!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Don't worry about it. Thank you for confiding in me.
Bernadetta: You're the only one who would ever say such a kind thing to me, Professor... Bernadetta: What? N-no, it's not... Oh, Professor! How can you be so kind to me?! I don't deserve it...

Bernadetta: I'm sorry! Please don't look at me!

A Support

Bernadetta: I can't believe how long it's been since I left home. Since I was dragged out of the house, I mean. Five whole years. It's weird to think about.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Weird in what way? Do you want to go back?
Bernadetta: At first, I remember I was desperate to go back, but now, it's the opposite. Bernadetta: No! But if you'd asked me that five years ago, I'd have said the opposite.

Bernadetta: I have friends here, and I have you. The monastery's become a second home to me. Back then, I never would've dreamed a day like this would come.

I'm happy for you.

Bernadetta: It's all thanks to you! You've given me a second chance at life! If not for you, I never would have gotten used to leaving my room, let alone the monastery. Maybe the battlefield's just dulled my senses. I'm much better with strangers and new places now though. I don't panic nearly as much as before.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Could you go somewhere new by yourself? I have some independent work for you, then.
Bernadetta: A new place? All on my own? Bernadetta: What? Independent? As in, alone?

Bernadetta: That sounds like a tough assignment. Where did this come from all of a sudden? Hey, hold on... You're teasing me, aren't you?! Please don't joke around like that anymore! It's torture for me!

Choice 1 Choice 2
All right, all right. I can't commit to that...
Bernadetta: You're still not taking me seriously! I mean it. Promise me you won't do that again! Bernadetta: Come on, Professor! I'm begging you! Please promise me you won't do that again.

Bernadetta: Friends respect each other's feelings, don't they?

OK. I promise.

Bernadetta: Good... I'll hold you to that. You're absolutely not allowed to send me out anywhere on my own! Got it? You would need to come with me. If you're with me, I can go anywhere in the world.

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
I'll follow at a distance. I'll be with you in spirit. We can ask another professor.

Bernadetta: No, that defeats the purpose! Why can't you get what I'm saying?! I thought we were finally getting close. Guess I'm not good enough for that though, am I? I'll let you have this one, but you'd better be ready for next time!

S Support

Bernadetta: How did you know I was here?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I thought you might be hiding. I've been looking all over for you.
Bernadetta: You know me too well. That's exactly what I was about to do. Bernadetta: Huh? All that trouble just for me?! The truth is... I've been shutting myself away again.

Bernadetta: Once I got to thinking about the war being over, a lot of my old fears started to return. I'm afraid to go home...afraid to see my parents... I don't know what to do! Please, help me!

Come with me.

Bernadetta: Wait! Where are we going?! Don't make me go!

(scene transition from room to Goddess Tower)

Bernadetta: The Goddess Tower? What are we doing here? This is it... We're all alone... The perfect time... You're going to kill me, aren't you?!

I would never do that.

Bernadetta: All right, I've made my peace, and for what it's worth, I'm glad it's— Wait, you wouldn't? Of course you wouldn't. I'm not even worth killing, am I? I knew it all along. I'll go lock myself away now...

I love you, Bernie. I want you to have this.

(ring image appears)

Bernadetta: Wh-what did you just say? Is that...a ring?!

(ring image disappears)

Bernadetta: Well, um... This is, um... What kind of ring is this? When a man gives a woman a ring, it usually only means... Is that what this means? I...I don't know what to say! I accept! Of course I accept! This means...I'll be able to shut myself away in peace again. You can go off doing your hero things, and I'll hold down the fort!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Don't I get a say in this?! That's not happening.
Bernadetta: What?! Don't tell me you'll want me to keep leaving

the house! Fine, but in that case, I have a favor to ask.

Bernadetta: No, come on, please! You just won't let me off the

hook, will you? In that case, I have a favor to ask.

Bernadetta: There's a reason I've been able to cope with going out of the monastery so much. It's because I've been with you. I'll never completely get over my anxiety...or my fear of strangers...or my compulsive need to run and hide. So whenever you tell me to go outside, I want you to come with me. Wherever we go, whatever we do...I want us to be together, always.

That sounds perfect.

(scene fades out to black and S-support illustration fades in)

Bernadetta: Because when I'm with you, I feel... Wait. Did you agree? You mean it?! Ah, you're the greatest! I...I love you so much! We're going to be so happy together!

Byleth (F)

Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Traveler: Thank you, Lady Bernadetta. I will take my leave.
Bernadetta: Oh, good. Bye! Uh, good-bye! Finally... Oh, that was awful. Just terrifying.

Choice 1 Choice 2
What's going on? What's terrifying?
Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't sneak up on me like that! It was nothing big. That lady just wanted me to show her around a bit. But strangers are just so nerve-racking. Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't sneak up on me like that! That lady asked me to show her around. I tried to be polite, but strangers are just so nerve-racking.

You've never seemed scared of me.
In the Black Eagles

Bernadetta: Oh yeah? How about when I first met you and I wouldn't come out of the corner or even uncover my face? Actually, now that you mention it, it's funny. Once I started talking to you, I stopped feeling scared.

In another house

Bernadetta: Now that you mention it, I think you're right. I don't know if I ever have felt scared around you.

Bernadetta: I wonder why... You know, Professor, you might be the first person I've been able to speak to normally since I got here, and I have no idea why.

I'm glad, regardless.

Bernadetta: I'm happy about it too! When we first started out here, we had to do drills... outside. I skipped those every chance I got. It's a terrible idea—going out in the forest with all these people you don't even know! Thanks to you, though, I can actually make it through class now. I'm grateful for that. I don't know what I'd do...if you weren't here...

It's all right.

Bernadetta: Sorry... I'm OK... I am OK. I'm doing just fine. I feel safe here, thanks to you.

By the way, was that you singing in the greenhouse?

Bernadetta: What? Y-you saw that? Why would you see that?! You were watching me?! That crosses the line, Professor! Singing? Me?! Why would I be singing? I'd never be singing! Ah! I've never been so humiliated! Useless! Worthless! Unmarriageable! Augh!
Byleth: ...

B Support

Bernadetta: Great weather today. Perfect for shutting yourself inside, don't you think?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I think I'll head outside, actually. Definitely.
Bernadetta: Oh, you go right ahead. I'll be right here. The better the weather, the less crowded it is in here. I can't pass up having all this space to myself. Bernadetta: I'm glad you get it. With great weather like this, there'll be no one inside to bother us. I love feeling like I'm all alone in the world...

What made you such a recluse?

Bernadetta: Oh, that. Well, I guess I can tell you, Professor. My father's obsessed with money. He's only ever seen me as bait for a rich husband. To train me to be a good wife, he'd do things like tie me to a chair. I tried hard to do as he asked. Honestly, I did. But before I knew it, I just couldn't bring myself to leave my room anymore.

Why not?

Bernadetta: I just had this overwhelming feeling of fear all the time. No matter how hard I tried, my father never thought I was good enough. After that, it was just constant scolding. He couldn't say two words to me without mentioning how useless I was. An unmarriageable girl. My life was isolated to say the least. I wasn't allowed to play with other kids, let alone make friends. Soon, I stopped wanting that. I was happiest alone. But even that made him mad. And when he tried to drag me outside, I kicked and screamed so much I seriously hurt myself. He's calmed down a bit in recent years. His constant torment was replaced with complete indifference. He mostly acts like I don't exist now.

How did you end up at the monastery?

Bernadetta: If you can believe it, I was basically kidnapped. My mother ordered an attendant to stuff me in a bag while I was sleeping. By the time I figured out what was going on, I was already here. For a while, I was sure I was going to die. But here I am. Look at me...still breathing. Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get you down, talking like that about my past! Just forget everything I told you. There's no point in talking about myself anyway. Idiot! Oh, this is why everyone hates you, Bernie!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Don't worry about it. Thank you for confiding in me.
Bernadetta: You're the only one who would ever say such a kind thing to me, Professor... Bernadetta: What? N-no, it's not... Oh, Professor! How can you be so kind to me?! I don't deserve it...

Bernadetta: I'm sorry! Please don't look at me!

A Support

Bernadetta: I can't believe how long it's been since I left home. Since I was dragged out of the house, I mean. Five whole years. It's weird to think about.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Weird in what way? Do you want to go back?
Bernadetta: At first, I remember I was desperate to go back, but now, it's the opposite.

Bernadetta: I have friends here, and I have you. The monastery's become a second home to me. Back then, I never would've dreamed a day like this would come.

I'm happy for you.

Bernadetta: It's all thanks to you! You've given me a second chance at life! If not for you, I never would have gotten used to leaving my room, let alone the monastery. Maybe the battlefield's just dulled my senses. I'm much better with strangers and new places now though. I don't panic nearly as much as before.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Could you go somewhere new by yourself? I have some independent work for you, then.
Bernadetta: A new place? All on my own? Bernadetta: What? Independent? As in, alone?

Bernadetta: That sounds like a tough assignment. Where did this come from all of a sudden? Hey, hold on... You're teasing me, aren't you?! Please don't joke around like that anymore! It's torture for me!

Choice 1 Choice 2
All right, all right. I can't commit to that...
Bernadetta: You're still not taking me seriously! I mean it. Promise me you won't do that again! Bernadetta: Come on, Professor! I'm begging you! Please promise me you won't do that again.

Bernadetta: Friends respect each other's feelings, don't they?

OK. I promise.

Bernadetta: Good... I'll hold you to that. You're absolutely not allowed to send me out anywhere on my own! Got it? You would need to come with me. If you're with me, I can go anywhere in the world.

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
I'll follow at a distance. I'll be with you in spirit. We can ask another professor.

Bernadetta: No, that defeats the purpose! Why can't you get what I'm saying?! Oh, that's enough. I need some time alone...


Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait edelgard fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only grow supports on the Black Eagles and Crimson Flower routes

C Support

Bernadetta: ... ...
Edelgard: Bernadetta, why are you following me?
Bernadetta: Ah! Um...
Edelgard: You were following me quite conspicuously, so why attempt to hide now?
Bernadetta: I... Um...
Edelgard: Um?
Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't hurt me!
Edelgard: Calm yourself. I have no reason to harm you.
Bernadetta: Forgive me! I beg you! I'll go straight back to my room and you'll never see me again. I swear!
Edelgard: Bernadetta.
Bernadetta: Yes, Lady Edelgard.
Edelgard: Please explain why you were following me, and why you tried to hide.

In Part I

Bernadetta: Is Her Highness saying she will not condemn me?

In Part II

Bernadetta: Is Her Majesty saying she will not condemn me?

Edelgard: Please speak like the human that you are. I already said no harm will come to you.
Bernadetta: Yes. Yes, I'm sorry. Um, permit me to explain. Lady Edelgard, you are fearless. I look up to you as an example to follow.
Edelgard: And that explains
Bernadetta: I decided to watch you from a distance, to learn from you. But your presence is, um...intimidating. I got more and more scared until I finally couldn't help but try to hide! Ah, forgive me. I throw myself upon your mercy!
Edelgard: Honestly. Look, nobody is truly fearless. Even I have things that I'm afraid of.
Bernadetta: What? You do?
Edelgard: You seem oddly overjoyed at the thought.
Bernadetta: N-no, of course not! But, um, what in the world could possibly frighten you?
Edelgard: The sea. I find the pitch black of the open sea at night quite frightening. I can't swim, so if the sea were to wash me away, I fear I would never return.
Bernadetta: The sea? I think I may have seen it once. Maybe... I didn't know you couldn't swim. That's a surprise.
Edelgard: Oh, the sea. I actually snuck out to swim in it once when I visited Brigid.
Bernadetta: I'm surprised to hear you can't swim, Lady Edelgard.
Edelgard: Again, my shortcomings delight you. Everyone has fears, as well as things they can't do. How many times must I tell you?
Bernadetta: Ah! I really did make you angry!

B Support

A Support


Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait hubert fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only grow supports on the Black Eagles and Crimson Flower routes

C Support

Bernadetta: Being outside is so tiring. Tomorrow's got to be just an inside day, Bernie. ... Whoa, why is it so cold all of a sudden? It's as if an unspeakable evil just— Ah!
Hubert: You're late.
Bernadetta: No! Into the light! Back to the beyond from whence you came!
Hubert: Are you telling me to die?
Bernadetta: Ah— Hubert!
Hubert: In the flesh. I came to ask you something.
Bernadetta: Oh no! What'd I do? Think, Bernie, think.
Hubert: There have been sightings of a sinister figure, carrying a sharp object, wandering the halls at night.
Bernadetta: Um...
Hubert: A strange giggle. The glimmer of a needle in the dark. The sound of a door creaking open and closed.
Bernadetta: Uh, I was embroidering.
Hubert: I suspected as much. Then you leave me no choice.
Bernadetta: Wh-what?! No! I'm too young to die! I've got so much left to do! Please don't kill me!
Hubert: About what I expected.
Bernadetta: It's no good... I can't run anymore...
Hubert: That was quite a sprint. A shame you lack stamina. Now, to my duty.
Bernadetta: You're going to execute me, aren't you? Please, let me compose my last will and testament! Or at least a swan song? The creak of a door... Sorrow like a needlepoint... Bernie's gone away.
Hubert: Bernadetta. A word of caution. How would you feel if you fell, or bumped into someone, while carrying around that needle? Please watch where you're going in the future.
Bernadetta: ...
Hubert: How did you manage to faint while standing up? Well, I cannot simply leave her here.

C+ Support

Bernadetta: Um, Hubert?
Hubert: Yes?
Bernadetta: I just, um... I wanted to thank you. For the other day. You know, when I...fainted. Thank you for carrying me back to my room.
Hubert: That was nothing. It saved me effort in the long run. Leaving you there would have just caused even more trouble.
Bernadetta: I guess that's true. Well, thanks. There, I said it, and now I'm going.
Hubert: Is this why you have been circling me like a vulture for the last several hours?
Bernadetta: Uh, vulture's a bit... Well, yes.
Hubert: Yet you would have fled if I'd approached. It seems you will avoid me at almost any cost.
Bernadetta: Um... Well, that's...
Hubert: You don't need to say it. I know. I'm frightening. I'm told so often.
Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't laugh like that!
Hubert: Apologies. I will be mindful not to laugh in your presence from now on.
Bernadetta: Ah! The grin of death itself! T-terrifying...
Hubert: You think so?
Bernadetta: Oh no. Now you're angry too!
Hubert: Hardly. I'm sorry to have frightened you.
Bernadetta: No you're not. It's a trick! You're lulling me into a false sense of security! Ah! I can't stand it!
Hubert: She's a lost cause.

B Support

Bernadetta: G-good morning! The w-weather is nice today. So, um... It's, ah, really nice weather we're having. Isn't it?
Hubert: Indeed. Did you want something?
Bernadetta: I just, ah... I'm really sorry!
Hubert: I can't accept your apology until I know what it's for.
Bernadetta: Oh... Good point. I'm sorry I said you were terrifying.
Hubert: Is that all? I'm used to that. No apology necessary.
Bernadetta: B-but you've been avoiding me since then, right? You even stopped doing your deathly grin.
Hubert: I am merely trying not to frighten you. Is there something wrong with that?
Bernadetta: Um, it's not working. And, yes, there is. You can't quit talking and laughing just to try to make me feel better. That's not really fair. I need to master my own fear!
Hubert: Is that right?
Bernadetta: Yes. R-right.
Hubert: Haha... Hahaha!
Bernadetta: Ah! Why?!
Hubert: You told me not to forgo laughing. So I laughed as hard as I could. Is it helping to conquer your fear?
Bernadetta: Yes. I mean, someday it might...maybe. Ah! I'm not ready!

A Support

Hubert: A summons from Bernadetta? How historic.
Bernadetta: Um, I've got something to give you.
Hubert: Do you? What is it?
Bernadetta: A token of apology for all the rude stuff I've said. It's, um... It's only right. I hope this will help you let go of all the grudges you're probably holding against me!
Hubert: There are no grudges, but very well. I'll accept it.
Bernadetta: You will? Great! Here you go!
Hubert: Some kind of embroidery. A flower. This is certainly lovely, but why give it to me? It seems like something you would send to a female friend or someone you had romantic feelings for.
Bernadetta: But it's, um, lovely you said, right? That's why. If you wear it, maybe you'll look less, um...terrifying.
Hubert: You would like me to wear this?
Bernadetta: Ah! You hate it, don't you?! I knew it. I knew you'd be angry... Ugh, I'm so sorry!
Hubert: Oh, why not. Do I put it here? Hmm, it really is quite nice. I cannot say that it suits me, but...
Bernadetta: No, it does! It looks great on you! Heh-heh...
Hubert: Hm...
Bernadetta: Um, sorry...
Hubert: Nothing else for it, I suppose. I dislike you laughing at me, but it is preferable, at least, to you fleeing in terror. Therefore, I will wear this when I am around you in the future.
Bernadetta: Really? You will? I'm so glad! But you're sure? You're really sure?
Hubert: If you're going to question me about it, perhaps I'll change my mind.
Bernadetta: No-no-no-no-no! I believe you. You're a lot less scary with it on.
Hubert: That is what's most important. Now I suppose it is safe for me to return to my usual strict methods.
Bernadetta: Ah! No, I'm not ready!
Hubert: This again...


Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait ferdinand fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Bernadetta: ♪Hm hm-hm-hmm...♪ Another fine day alone in my room, and plenty of books to read.
Ferdinand: Bernadetta, I have something to discuss with you.
Bernadetta: Um, what? I didn't do anything!
Ferdinand: No need to be defensive. I am not angry.
Bernadetta: Oh, you definitely are! I can tell! Just get it over with! What did I do?!
Ferdinand: You did not do anything wrong! Please listen. Look, just breathe, will you?
Bernadetta: Can't...breathe...too...scared!
Ferdinand: I see that you are struggling. Please calm down.
Bernadetta: say!
Ferdinand: I just wanted to discuss how you are always hiding in your room. It seems like something must be troubling you, for you to shut yourself away like that. If something is the matter, maybe I can help. But you need to tell me what it is first.
Bernadetta: No! Um, no thanks. I'm fine! See, I'm breathing now. You fixed me. Can I go?
Ferdinand: Do you not realize that life is passing you by? Have you no desire to venture beyond this reclusive lifestyle? There is a whole world waiting for you out there. The social life of a noble is actually rather—
Bernadetta: Just stop it! I'm not interested!
Ferdinand: Bernadetta, this is unhealthy behavior. I beg you to take my hand. Otherwise, I will have to pick you up and carry you, and neither of us—
Bernadetta: What if I actually like being alone?! Is that so hard to imagine?! It's none of your business! Get lost!
Ferdinand: Aaagh!
Bernadetta: No... Oh no!
Ferdinand: Ah, ouch... I sprained my wrist...
Bernadetta: Oh, no-no-no-no. Now you've done it, Bernie. Now, you're his eternal rival.
Ferdinand: I do not wish to hurt you. Actually, I—
Bernadetta: No! I'm done for! You'll be the death of me for sure!
Ferdinand: Maybe I should just come back later...

B Support

Ferdinand: Bernadetta. If you have a moment, I would like to discuss what happened before.
Bernadetta: Ah, my nemesis! The hour of fate arrives... Help!
Ferdinand: I am not here to hurt you! You need not even open the door. Just listen to me.
Bernadetta: I...don't have to open the door? Is this a truce? OK. OK, I like truces!
Ferdinand: Thank you. I would like to apologize for sticking my nose into your business the way I did. I thought you might be unhappy all cooped up in there, and that maybe I could help. But I've had time to reflect on what you said, and I realize I was mistaken.
Bernadetta: Oh... Um, thanks for caring, but I'm fine actually.
Ferdinand: I see that. I suppose that is what I am trying to say. I should not have pushed you to do something that you did not wish to do. And for me to frighten you like that... That was unbecoming conduct for a noble.
Bernadetta: Maybe a little bit.
Ferdinand: Frankly, I am embarrassed by my behavior. I disgraced myself. As for my injury, you need not feel guilty or afraid. The sprain was a result of my own thoughtlessness, not anything you did. I have always strived to be a good person...but I suppose all that striving was for nothing. I have failed in my duty as a noble.
Bernadetta: Um, Ferdinand?
Ferdinand: Yes, Bernadetta?
Bernadetta: I don't really know much about this sort of thing... But you shouldn't say things like that about yourself! It wasn't all your fault, you know. I'm to blame too. I hurt you, and I'm sorry.
Ferdinand: Really, it is fine. It healed quickly.
Bernadetta: wasn't for nothing either!
Ferdinand: I am not so sure.
Bernadetta: I do like my time alone. Actually, it's more of a need. But you're right. I also need to venture out every once in a while. Maybe if I work as hard as you do, I can try it a little more.
Ferdinand: Yes. Keep working at it. You are already much more outgoing than you used to be.
Bernadetta: When I mess up or even when it's just a bad day, it's hard for me to step outside. I'm too scared. But the next day, I try again...because I know that one mistake doesn't ruin everything. So you're still... I mean, just because you... That doesn't mean... Ah, I...don't know how to put it, but that's how it is. So, um... The end.
Ferdinand: What a graceful end to the conversation.
Bernadetta: Hey, come on! That was serious! Ugh, at least I got you to laugh.

A Support

Ferdinand: Ah, even with the fires of war raging all around us, tea never fails to soothe the soul. Do you not agree, Bernadetta?
Bernadetta: Um, I hadn't actually thought about it, but...yes!
Ferdinand: Excellent! Oh, that reminds me...
Bernadetta: Hm? What's that?
Ferdinand: A long time ago, my parents were in talks to arrange my marriage with a certain young lady. She never set foot outside of her room, and she made little dolls to curse her perceived enemies. Such were the rumors. Frightened, I dissuaded my parents from going through with their plans.
Bernadetta: I can see that. She does sound pretty frightening. I relate to the staying in the room part though...
Ferdinand: That girl was you, Bernadetta. A daughter of House Varley.
Bernadetta: What?! I don't make dolls to curse people!
Ferdinand: You are a skilled embroiderer, no? I guess I was wrong. You were not making dolls.
Bernadetta: I did make dolls but cute ones! Nice little carnivorous plants and things!
Ferdinand: Ah, hmm... Maybe I should not have brought this up.
Bernadetta: Why not?! Carnivorous plants are adorable!
Ferdinand: Aha, yes. Adorable. Anyway, if I had actually known you, I would have accepted the proposal.
Bernadetta: Um... Why? Did you have some scheme in mind?!
Ferdinand: No. I just mean, now that I have gotten to know you, I would have been happy to...
Bernadetta: So you're saying you'd...with me? Heh heh... It's...getting kind of hot in here, isn't it? Maybe, um... Maybe it's the tea...
Ferdinand: Why are you getting so worked up? That was all a long time ago, now.
Bernadetta: Long time ago?
Ferdinand: Yes. Now we are soldiers fighting together in the same great conflict, right? And my parents are gone, so any agreements they might have cooked up would be completely invalid.
Bernadetta: I...guess so...
Ferdinand: Just think. If we had been married, we would not have been able to build such a deep friendship.
Bernadetta: That's true. Yeah, we never would have gotten this close! I would've given up on the relationship my parents chose for me and shut myself away even more.
Ferdinand: So, all in all, I am glad I refused to marry that doll-cursing princess.
Bernadetta: Hey! I said I never made curse dolls!
Ferdinand: Haha! Sorry, sorry. I am just glad to have met you at the monastery. I had better take my leave. We should have tea together again sometime soon!
Bernadetta: Yeah. Um, see you. I'm...glad we met here too. ♪Hm hm-hm... Hm hm-hm hmm...♪


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C Support

Bernadetta: ♪La la-la la-la laa...♪ Such lovely weather for painting!
Linhardt: Bernadetta?
Bernadetta: Ah! Who are you?! Where did you come from?!
Linhardt: It's just me, Linhardt. What are you doing?
Bernadetta: Painting! Just painting! Not important. Am I in your way? I'm in your way. I'll just go. I'm going.
Linhardt: No need for all that. I just came out here to read. I'll stay quiet and still so as not to bother you. How's that? If you want to go, that's fine too.
Bernadetta: Um... No, I'll...stay.
Linhardt: ...
Linhardt: ...
Bernadetta: Ugh...
Linhardt: Say, aren't you usually holed up inside?
Bernadetta: Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for coming here! I'm sorry for bothering you! You're mad, aren't you? You look really mad! I'll just pack up! I'll be gone before you know it!
Linhardt: Mad? At you? Never. I rather admire you in fact. I fantasize about shutting myself in my room and never going outside again. It sounds like paradise. However, I wouldn't be able to perform my research. That, Bernadetta, is a problem.
Bernadetta: Wh-what? You admire me? Nu-uh. No way. I know a trick when I see one! What are you plotting?! So you want to copy me, is that it? And what's a copy do with the original? Replace it! Well, I've got you figured out. I won't just sit back and take it... I'll fight you!
Linhardt: What? That's n— Ugh, this is too much hassle. I'm leaving.
Bernadetta: Ah! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!

B Support

Bernadetta: ...
Linhardt: ...
Bernadetta: Hmm... A little more crimson, maybe?
Linhardt: May I suggest vermilion instead?
Bernadetta: Vermilio—ah! I know. I see it. you don't have to say it. I've got no talent at all...
Linhardt: I said nothing about your talent. I simply suggested vermilion over crimson. Do you know vermilion? It's just a softer shade of crimson. I believe it would... Oh, forget it. This is your artistic vision, and I am but a meddler. I am going to read my book and leave you to your art.
Bernadetta: Um... N-no, it's fine. Say what you want to say. It's...good advice. I'll use vermilion. Thank you.
Linhardt: Well, I'd best be heading back.
Bernadetta: Phew. Finally done! I think.
Linhardt: All finished?
Bernadetta: Uh, please, don't look at it!
Linhardt: Everything looks a bit faded, doesn't it? Ironically, crimson may have been a better choice after all. The sense of distance on the petals is a little strange. Perhaps you should pay closer attention to such details as you paint. A preliminary sketch would do wonders. Still... Ah, forget my pedantic comments. You really do have potential.
Bernadetta: ...
Linhardt: Bernadetta?
Bernadetta: Ugh! Idiot! Hopeless! Waste of time! Just burn the whole thing, Bernie! Break your stupid brushes and never paint again!
Linhardt: Huh. Perhaps I should have kept my thoughts to myself.

A Support

Linhardt: I was under the impression you were going to break all of your paintbrushes.
Bernadetta: Cut it out, Linhardt!
Linhardt: I'm just glad you're back to painting. I felt terrible about what happened last time, you know. I guess I should have kept my opinions about your painting to myself.
Linhardt: Hm. Maybe you should have.
Linhardt: ...
Bernadetta: ...
Linhardt: So what do you suppose is the name for this kind of situation?
Bernadetta: Um, what situation? Am I in your way again? I must be. OK, let me pack my things and I'll be off.
Linhardt: Ugh... No. That's not what I mean. I'm talking about when two people are together but not together. When they're basically by themselves.
Bernadetta: Um, I'm not sure what you mean. I'm always alone.
Linhardt: Oh? Alone? Well, there it is then. I suppose you could say we're alone together. We're each here alone, yet together. So we're alone... together. What do you think?
Bernadetta: Alone...together? Oh... Wait, I get it. That's just a nice way of saying you want to be alone, right? Alone-alone. If that's what you mean, I'll go.
Linhardt: Please, Bernadetta. You shouldn't go. Being alone together means accomplishing more. We each have the concentration one gets from time alone but also the thrill of being with someone else. I find it to be an exhilarating environment. Have you felt that as well?
Bernadetta: Huh? Me? Um, I'd rather be alone, but... When I'm painting and I know you can see, I worry about what you might point out about it. Is that the thrill you mean? Because I feel that.
Linhardt: Here's what I wish to point out about your painting... You've really improved. Your lines are bolder, your color choices more informed, and your composition as a whole...
Bernadetta: Did you actually just praise me, Linhardt?! What's next, a rain of flying pigs?!
Linhardt: I was just...saying what I think. Look, you probably have talent, and you work hard too...
Bernadetta: Oh no. I'm on to you now. You're scheming, but you won't get anywhere by flattering me! Try all you want to get your hooks into my heart—you won't fool me!
Linhardt: I'm not sure how praising you means I'm trying to get my hooks into your heart...
Bernadetta: I have a heart of stone! No one will ever get to it!
Linhardt: What a shame. I suppose I'll stop praising you, then.
Bernadetta: Y-you will? No, I...I didn't mean it that way! You can, um... You can praise me as much as you want!
Linhardt: I don't understand you one whit. However, if you want praise, then praise you will get. You're cute.
Bernadetta: Ah! Don't say stuff like that!


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C Support

Bernadetta: And that one goes there. Perfect!
Caspar: Oh! Hey, Bernadetta! What's going on?
Bernadetta: Ah! Enemy! Enemy's here! We're under attack! Help! Someone! Anyone!
Caspar: Help? I'm the one who came here for help. I guess I'll just take care of it myself. I can't believe I got hurt trying to break up someone else's fight. It's ridiculous! All I do is step in to calm them down, and the next thing you know they're both at my throat. Hey, you ever been in a fight?
Bernadetta: Fight? You're challenging me to a duel?! No, no-no-no-no! I can't! I've never fought anyone in all my life! I surrender! You win!
Caspar: Uh, all right. That was easy enough. Not to be rude, but do you ever think that maybe your attitude makes you a little unapproachable? You should try stepping outside and socializing. I'm sure you'd make friends in no time if you didn't waste it all in here.
Bernadetta: Outside?! In no time?! Oh, sure! Yeah! Why didn't I think of that?! Or maybe it's just not as easy for me as it is for you! Did that ever cross your mind?!
Caspar: Why wouldn't it be? Making friends is easy! This one time I even made friends with someone I'd just been in a fight with. I think it was the gorgeous view that did it. We really shared a moment... C'mon, let's go check it out!
Bernadetta: Uh, h-hold on! Wh-what are you doing?! Please don't touch me! Aaah! Put me down! Put me down!
Caspar: Calm down. I'm just gonna carry you outta here. Easy does it!
Caspar: And here we are! See? That wasn't so bad now, was it? And what about this view? Gorgeous, right?
Bernadetta: So this is what death is like. Didn't expect it to be so...sudden. Come and claim me, sweet death. But first, let this evening sun wash clean my imperfect soul...
Caspar: Hey now, don't go dying on me, Bernadetta. It's just the sun.
Bernadetta: Huh? Wh-what? Where am I? Oh, it's...pretty. Such a lovely view...

B Support

Bernadetta: Um... Hi...
Caspar: Well, well. If it isn't Bernadetta! What brings you here?
Bernadetta: Am I bothering you? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'll come back another time!
Caspar: Don't leave yet, you just got here. Was there something you wanted to talk about?
Bernadetta: Uh... Yes... Do you remember that time in town?
Caspar: In town? Oh! You mean when all those thieves showed up. That was rough. I heard a bunch of people got robbed.
Bernadetta: N-no, not that! I mean the time I was...carried off.
Caspar: Some thieves tried to carry you off?! Horrible! Absolutely horrible! Just tell me which way they went. I'm gonna—
Bernadetta: That's not what I mean! Oh, just forget it.
Caspar: Wait! Don't go! What are you trying to ask me?
Bernadetta: Will you really listen this time?!
Caspar: Of course. Sorry. You have my full attention.
Bernadetta: Do you remember when you carried me to that spot with the really pretty view? Where is that place? I've been looking all over.
Caspar: The place I took you with the view? Oh! Right! OK, first you go out the monastery and— Actually, it's kinda tricky to explain. C'mon, I'll just take you there again. But pay attention this time.
Bernadetta: Huh?! Wait— What are you— No! Not again! Aaah! Stop! Put me down!

A Support

Caspar: Come on, Bernadetta! Open up! Why are you so mad at me? I have no clue what this is about, but I'm sorry!
Bernadetta: You have no clue? Don't you remember what you did to me?!
Caspar: Uhh, no? I didn't do anything!
Bernadetta: Yes you did! You did all kinds of things! But the worst thing was carrying me off...twice! I thought I might die!
Caspar: What are you even talking about?
Bernadetta: Don't act like you never took me to that place!
Caspar: What place?! Why won't you— OH! The place with the pretty view! Why are you mad about that?
Bernadetta: Because you hauled me around like a piece of luggage!
Caspar: Again, why are you mad about that?
Bernadetta: Don't act all surprised! How would you feel to be yanked around like that?!
Caspar: I'm sorry. I didn't realize I... I was just excited to show it to you! Maybe I went a little overboard. I'm real sorry about that...
Bernadetta: You are? Well, I hope you understand now.
Casapr: I definitely do, and I feel awful about it. What can I do to make it up to you? Anything you want! I wanna show you how seriously sorry I am!
Bernadetta: Well, all right. I'd like you to, um, bring me to that place again. But promise me two things first.
Caspar: Anything!
Bernadetta: No carrying. No pulling around. Treat me gently.
Caspar: Sure, sure, of course. No problem. But...that was three things, not two.
Bernadetta: That was one thing! Be gentle, OK?!
Caspar: Ah! Oh, OK! Sorry, sorry! What's the other thing?
Bernadetta: Um, I want you to promise not to take anyone else there... Only me.
Caspar: All right, I can promise that. Seems a little strange though... Why do you care—
Bernadetta: Come on! If you really want to apologize, hurry up and take me there!
Caspar: Right! On it!
Caspar: Here we are! Look at that gorgeous sunset!
Bernadetta: This is it...the same view. After all that time inside, the sun feels like it's piercing right through me.
Caspar: Haha, this little bit of sunshine? You really gotta get outside more! From now on, I'm gonna take you to all sorts of different places! I promise I'll be gentle, and I promise I won't take anyone else. Just you and me, all right?
Bernadetta: What?! Um, but— OK. But if you get sick of me, I'm sorry ahead of time!
Caspar: Haha, what? Good one, Bernadetta...


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C Support

Bernadetta: Ah, it's peaceful here. Flowers are so calming. Just looking at these, it's like all the terrible parts of the day just disappear. If only people could be more like flowers...
Dorothea: What's Bern doing? She looks like there's something wrong.
Bernadetta: All these nobles are just terrifying, and the commoners... Just look at Dorothea. So pretty, popular, dazzling... There's no way someone like me could ever be close with someone like that.
Dorothea: Bern, are you OK?
Bernadetta: Ah! Dorothea! Did you hear all that?
Dorothea: Just the part about you wishing you could get along with someone. So, Bern, who've you got a crush on? Seriously now, you have to tell me. Who are they? Do I know them? I'm so excited for you, Bern!
Bernadetta: Um, n-no. I was...actually thinking about...being friends with you.
Dorothea: Me? I thought we already were friends.
Bernadetta: That's n-not what I mean. Oh, I'm such a coward! I thought it would be great if we could be closer. But old memories just get in the way for me.
Dorothea: Bern, whatever happened in the past, you know you have my full support. I'm here for you. I thought we'd already been friends for a long time now. Please...
Bernadetta: Just forget it. We'll never be close friends. Father would just... He would just... Aaaah! Nooo!
Dorothea: Wait! I... Father? What did she mean by that?

B Support

Dorothea: Hello, Bern.
Bernadetta: Oh no. What did I do this time? Did I offend you? Is this your revenge?
Dorothea: No, not at all. I just want to talk.
Bernadetta: If you promise not to resort to violence, I'll do whatever you want.
Dorothea: Bern, I've just been worried about you. That's all. When I said I was your friend, you ran away, saying something about your father. Remember?
Bernadetta: Um... Vaguely...
Dorothea: I know you've lived through some bad times. If you could tell me about it, maybe I could help?
Bernadetta: Oh, I don't know.
Dorothea: Please. Your father's not here now. Whatever it is, you're safe to tell me.
Bernadetta: All right... My parents told me never to befriend a commoner. They said commoners are scum and that they'd crush any that tried to come near me.
Dorothea: Hang on. Scum? They called me—I mean commoners—they called us scum?
Bernadetta: Yeah. But once, a long time ago, I did secretly make friends with one...a boy. When my father found out about him, he disappeared the very next day. I heard he was found beaten half to death. I never saw him again. Since then, I've been terrified of making friends with anyone. Commoners, especially.
Dorothea: I... I never knew that kind of thing really happened. You hear stories, sure, but... Oh, Bern. I'm so sorry.
Bernadetta: ...
Dorothea: I'm proud to be your commoner friend!
Bernadetta: Dorothea!
Dorothea: Hey now, relax. There's nothing to bawl about. If your dad tried to beat me up, I'd return the favor and then some.
Bernadetta: Return...the favor?
Dorothea: When I was in the opera, you better believe I had run-ins with the most wicked, terrible men. I survived kidnappings, attempted murders, all kinds of stuff. But you know what? I broke those guys' arms. Snap! It was a thank-you for all the trouble they went through trying to hurt me.
Bernadetta: You're incredible, Dorothea.
Dorothea: So now that you know I can defend myself, can we be friends, Bern?
Bernadetta: All right. Yeah. Yeah!


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C Support

Bernadetta: Petra's really nice. Never yells, never says mean things about people. Maybe she'd be my friend. Oh, there she is now. OK, Bernie, you can do this!
Petra: Bernadetta, are you needing help with something?
Bernadetta: Ah! How did you know? Do you have eyes in the back of your head or something?!
Petra: not have that, no.
Bernadetta: Right... Um, can I ask you something? Do you want to, um...maybe, friends or something? Maybe? Maybe you don't. Maybe you don't like me. I don't know what you think of me.
Petra: What I am thinking? I am thinking that you remind me of prey.
Bernadetta: Wh-what?
Petra: Yes. Like a rabbit in the tall grass. Always watching for enemies, and you flee at any sign of danger. You are quick also. I must be careful that I am not hunting Bernie when I take out my bow.
Bernadetta: Oh, you...try not to shoot me. That's, um...nice.
Petra: You have similarities with prey, that is all I mean to be saying.
Bernadetta: So you're saying you might end up hunting me?!
Petra: There is no need to have concern. I will make sure my arrows are not hitting you.
Bernadetta: Th-that isn't comforting! Whatever I did to deserve this, forgive me!
Petra: You do not need forgiveness, but it is yours, if you are wanting it. Was I saying something wrong?

B Support

Bernadetta: Hunting? Really? There's no way I can do this. Goddess, why couldn't I have stayed in today...
Petra: Bernadetta. Is this a trouble you are having? I heard that the duty to hunt is yours today.
Bernadetta: The duties all got assigned while I was holed up in my room...
Petra: Do not be worrying. I can show you the way to hunt well.
Bernadetta: Oh, um... OK, then...
Petra: When you see a beast, you are thinking of it as an enemy. That is how prey thinks. You must think of the beasts as food. That is how the hunter thinks.
Bernadetta: So it's not an enemy. It's food. But, um, how is it food when it's still alive?
Petra: You pick the vegetables from the field. Those have life too. It is the same. You take a blade in your hand and take the lives of the vegetables. You cut their stalks and harvest without mercy. They do not scream, but you are still their killer.
Bernadetta: K-killer?!
Petra: Fruit ripens and falls to the ground. The seeds sprout and a new life is born. That is life's cycle. It has cruelty, yes. But you must end life to eat. You must be killing to be living.
Bernadetta: Maybe, but I don't know if I want to be some...some kind of vegetable murderer!
Petra: It is the same for rabbits, deer, pheasants. The only difference being that they cannot cry out. You must do what you must do to be living in this world. It is your task.
Bernadetta: A task. Yes, just a task. A completely mindless task.
Petra: Feel it. There, in the grass. Prey is moving. Just like a vegetable in the wind. Give it an arrow, just like you would give a vegetable a blade. It is just your task.
Bernadetta: Uh, right. That makes sense. It's just like cutting a stem.
Petra: You are now a hunter. You have learned how to hunt.
Bernadetta: I am? I have? Oh, good! What a relief.
Petra: You have understanding now, I can tell.
Bernadetta: Great! Leave it to me. I'll hunt down my prey just like they're vegetables.
Petra: I have belief in you.
Bernadetta: Aw, thanks, Petra! I can do this! Make way for Huntmaster Bernie!
Petra: Have luck, Bernie.
Bernadetta: Ugh! Ow! Wh-what? No! Stay back! I'm sorry, Mr. Rabbit! I didn't mean it! Why are you the one chasing me?! Ow!


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C Support

Bernadetta: Oh no. It's Felix. He's coming right at me. If I run, he'll chase me. Maybe if I just hold really, really still...
Felix: ...
Bernadetta: ...
Felix: Ahem.
Bernadetta: Whatever it is, I didn't do it! I swear! Unless I'm offending you just by standing here?!
Felix: No. Here. I believe this is yours.
Bernadetta: Huh? Oh. Yeah, that's my satchel. Wait, wh-where did you get that?!
Felix: Stop asking questions and just take it.
Bernadetta: No! Trap! It's a trap!
Felix: Why are you acting like this?
Bernadetta: Acting?! Does this terror on my face look fake to you?!
Felix: You're being difficult. Come on, this is yours.
Bernadetta: I can't! Your icy glare has frozen me completely!
Felix: Shut up! Just take the thing.
Bernadetta: No! P-please don't kill me!
Felix: What? Who's going to—
Bernadetta: Sword! He's got a sword!
Felix: Aaaah! My sword! How did you—
Bernadetta: I can't do this anymore!
Felix: What an odd girl. But she's certainly caught my attention. I've never seen that technique before. Oh. I still have to give this back to her.

B Support

Felix: You.
Bernadetta: Ah! What'd I do?! Am I in your way? I'm in your way. I know. I get it. I'm sorry. I can't stand the sight of me either!
Felix: I never said that. Stay right there. You're always running away. You must really find me irritating.
Bernadetta: Irritating, I know! I completely— What? No, I mean, I know I'm irritating, but— Huh?
Felix: Stop. Do you remember when you came up behind me and knocked the sword from my hands? I need you to teach me that technique.
Bernadetta: Sword? Teach? Technique?! That's, um, that's a joke, right? Because that's...that's just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Felix: Maybe so. But I saw you do it. You don't remember? You moved like a flash, and before I knew it—
Bernadetta: Nope. Wasn't Bernie. You must have dreamed it. Unless my accuser dares to produce some evidence!
Felix: Yes, evidence. I still have your satchel. See?
Bernadetta: Oh, my satchel. W-wait, that? No, that's, um... That's not mine. You can't prove it's mine!
Felix: You know it's yours.
Bernadetta: I'm innocent—I swear! Merciful Seiros, save me!
Felix: This is getting nowhere. But, hmm... Maybe I should corner her like last time. Then she'll use the technique without thinking.
Bernadetta: Aaaah!
Felix: ... Never mind. I'm done here.
Bernadetta: Lies! All lies! I didn't do any— Huh? Wh-where'd he go?

A Support

Felix: That's Bernadetta. Those thugs are pursuing her. What did the weakling expect, running ahead? I can't leave her alone for one second...
Rogue: You really ran us around, little lady. Nowhere to run now, though.
Bernadetta: Ah! It's all over! I'm done for!
Rogue: Wha—my sword!
Felix: Ah! The technique! No. I can't stand by and watch.
Felix: You're not hurt, are you?
Bernadetta: Felix? Is that really you?! Thank you so much! I was sure I was finished. You saved my life! I can never repay— Huh?
Felix: Shut your mouth and calm down. I should be thanking you.
Bernadetta: Um... What?
Felix: When you were surrounded, I got to see you use your technique again. I get it now. For just a moment, you flail your limbs like a wild creature. If I could learn to do that, I'd be unstoppable.
Bernadetta: Uh, in that case, I'm...happy to help?
Felix: I would be even more impressed if you hadn't been screaming the whole time.
Bernadetta: Hey, come on! I was running for my life! Don't make fun of me for— Huh? No way... ...
Felix: Why are you staring at me?
Bernadetta: You're actually smiling! Not like a sarcastic smirk either—a big goofy grin from ear to ear! You're just a big old nut, aren't you, Felix? Once you get through the shell, there's all sorts of good stuff inside.
Felix: You don't know me.
Bernadetta: Aww, there's that shell again.
Felix: OK, that's it! Quit making fun of me!
Bernadetta: Ah! I didn't mean anything by it! I'm sorry!

A+ Support

Bernadetta: Hey, Felix! Can I talk to you for a minute?
Felix: What is it? I'm listening.
Bernadetta: Look, over there! Isn't that a cute kitty?!
Felix: Oh, I agree. I don't dislike cats.
Bernadetta: Here, try this. It's candy, but I promise it isn't sweet.

Before unlocking Felix and Lysithea's A support

Felix: No, thank you. Sweet or not, I don't eat candy.

After unlocking Felix and Lysithea's A support

Felix: Perhaps I'll have a piece, if it's not sweet.

Bernadetta: Hey, are you busy? I've got this great book, and...
Felix: What are you doing?
Bernadetta: Huh?
Felix: Why are you so concerned with me? More importantly, didn't you used to be shy?
Bernadetta: Oh, I'm as shy as ever.
Felix: Then why are you following me around?
Bernadetta: That's, um... Well, you know how ghosts are only scary because you can't see or talk to them?
Felix: You're saying I'm a ghost.
Bernadetta: What?! No! It was, uh, just a metaphor!
Felix: Heh. There you are, foolish as ever.
Bernadetta: That's it! You're smiling again!
Felix: What?
Bernadetta: That's why I've been working so hard to talk to you. I wanted to see you smile again.
Felix: Heh. I'm disappointed. Such a trivial reason. You're pestering me without a hint of fear, just to see me smile. You've really grown up.
Bernadetta: Um... Yeah, I guess. Wait, why are you being nice? Did something terrible happen?! Did you have a falling-out with an old friend or something?!
Felix: ...
Bernadetta: This is the part where you get angry at me, isn't it?
Felix: Uh... Come on. You were saying something about a book I should read? Really?!
Bernadetta: Well, um... It's, um... This one! If you wouldn't mind...


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Bernadetta: So full! That fruit plate really hit the spot... Time to get nice and snug, maybe do some sewing...
Sylvain: Hey, Bernadetta. You look pretty happy. Celebrating something?
Bernadetta: What? N-no! Nothing at all!
Sylvain: Hey, relax! It's OK if you'd rather not tell me. By the way, I believe you left something in the library... A half-written manuscript? Your own work, I presume? I was curious who it belonged to and gave it a read-through. You're a really talented writer!
Bernadetta: ...
Sylvain: I'm sorry. I peeked at the first page then the next, and I couldn't stop. I think it's good enough to publish. It's the kind of adventure story that will make people laugh and cry! I love how you never know what mess the hero is going to get herself into next. I'm dying to read more!
Bernadetta: ...
Sylvain: Uh, your mouth's hanging wide open. Bernadetta? Are you OK?
Bernadetta: Sorry, um... Was someone talking about a story?
Sylvain: Yes? That would be me. I read your book.
Bernadetta: Y-y-you read my book?
Sylvain: Yeah, and I loved it!
Bernadetta: Aaah! I'm so humiliated! Please, forget everything you read!
Sylvain: Humiliated? No, I think the word you're looking for is "humbled" because—and she's gone. Now what do I do with this book?
Bernadetta: Ugh, he actually read it! I regret everything... Even if I burn the pages, I can't burn his memory. Not unless I...throw him in the fire too... No, that's awful. Don't think things like that, Bernie.

B Support

Bernadetta: Ugh... I've looked everywhere... I guess Sylvain must still have it... Huh? When did this book get here? Wait. This is mine! And there's...something sticking out of it... A letter? "Dear Author, I read your manuscript quite by accident and duly apologize. "However, I also write today to inform you that I enjoyed your story tremendously. "I laughed and cried as the heroine overcame her many obstacles, growing stronger with each step. "Your literary style presents a unique perspective. I could sense you watching over the protagonist." Heh-heh! Wow, so many compliments, and so much attention to detail. "The girl's failures are as compelling as her triumphs. Since authors are told to write what they know... "I believe your tale would not have been so convincing were it not for your own experiences." Um, what? My own experiences? That's a weird way to give praise... Who wrote this, anyway? Who would read my story so carefully and then write this long letter to tell me about it? Whoever it is, they must be wonderful. Someone like my dear old uncle... "I do hope my letter inspires you to keep writing. "Looking forward to the next chapter. Your devoted fan, Sylvain." What?! Sylvain?! It can't be!
Sylvain: Heya, Bernadetta. Did you read my letter?
Bernadetta: Ah! How long have you been standing there?!
Sylvain: I'm sorry, but I fell head over heels for your story. It's so good, and I just had to tell you about it. So what do you say? Will you write more? Why don't we talk literature over some tea?
Bernadetta: Oh, I see your plan now! You're out to humiliate me! Very clever, but I'm not falling for it!


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Ingrid: Bernadetta, please come out of your room. You've been in there for ages. You need to train.
Bernadetta: Sorry, not happening.

During Part I

Ingrid: I'm not playing around, Bernadetta. This training is absolutely crucial to your future.

During Part II

Bernadetta: I'm not playing around, Bernadetta. This training is absolutely crucial to the war.

Bernadetta: I don't care. I can't handle it today. Please leave.
Ingrid: Why did you come here?
Bernadetta: Why did I come here? I didn't choose to join the academy. I was forced.

During Part II

Bernadetta: Then more stuff happened, and I didn't have a say in any of it. So here I am...somehow.

Ingrid: I suppose not everyone has to be pleased about being here, but even so... Bernadetta, I'll ask one more time—please come out of there.
Bernadetta: And I'll tell you one more time. It's not happening. Not right now. Not today.
Ingrid: You leave me no alternative. If you're near the door, you'd better step away. Aaaagh!
Bernadetta: Ah! My door! Why?!
Ingrid: Now hurry along, Bernadetta. You've got lots of training to catch up on.
Bernadetta: Spare me! I'll train! I'll train! Just...not with you. Anyone but you, please!
Ingrid: Is that so? That presents a problem. I know we are two very different people. But whether or not you like me, we are on the same side and must learn to work together.
Bernadetta: It's n-not about any of that! If this is how you treat people on your own side, wh-what do you do to your enemies?
Ingrid: Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. I did what was necessary to get you to comply. Nothing more. I do hope that the professor will be able to help you through the rest of your training. In the meantime, I will fix your door. Good luck.
Bernadetta: Um, uh... Right. OK. Good.

B Support

Ingrid: Ah, there you are. I just checked your room, but obviously you weren't in there.
Bernadetta: Oh! You, um... You didn't break the door down again looking for me, did you?
Ingrid: Of course not. I'm not unreasonable. I just wanted to discuss something with you.
Bernadetta: Discuss? Is that...really all? OK. I can handle that.
Ingrid: Firstly, I'd like to apologize...for breaking down your door. I'm sorry. It was perhaps a bit rash. There was a period of time, quite a while ago, when I acted much the same as you. I spent many hours locked away in my own room.
Bernadetta: You did? R-really?
Ingrid: Really. Because I understood where you were coming from, I knew I had to intervene. Whether you're hiding under your pillows or not, trouble will come our way, sooner or later.

During Part II

Ingrid: At a moment's notice, all you care for could be swept away.

Ingrid: At that time, is it better to have wasted your energy hiding away? Or better to have spent it honing your skills, so that you can lend a hand?
Bernadetta: But even if I did train, what's the point? It's not like it would do much good...
Ingrid: Don't speak so disparagingly of yourself. It doesn't help things. You have plenty of strengths.
Bernadetta: No, um... You think so?
Ingrid: Just look at how quickly you sprint back to your room, for example. With more practice, I have a feeling you could outrun most anyone. You're also exceedingly talented in the arts. Surely there's a creative way to apply those talents on the battlefield. Stop wasting your breath and energy on putting yourself down. Just try your best. I'm not giving up on you. You have so much power in you, just waiting to be unleashed.
Bernadetta: You really believe all that? That's so nice. All right. For you, Ingrid, I'll do it.
Ingrid: Excellent. Let's be on our way.
Bernadetta: H-hey, w-wait! Aaaah! What are you doing?! I didn't agree to this! Put me down! Oof! Ugh! Do you have to be so...bouncy?
Ingrid: That got us here much quicker, don't you think? Let's begin. Let's warm up by sparring.
Bernadetta: Ah! Ugh! Stop! Please! I surrender!
Ingrid: Giving in so soon? There's no such thing as "surrender" on the battlefield.
Bernadetta: Help...


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Raphael: Raaww! Hrrnngghh! Hrraaggh! Yrraagh! Hyaaaggh—huh? What's that noise? Heh... Sounds like someone's having fun. Maybe it's coming from the greenhouse.
Bernadetta: That was really fun, Bernie. Good thing I found such an out-of-the-way spot to play. Only the pretty flowers heard me here. Isn't that right, little flower? You're the only one who heard, aren't you? What did you think?
Raphael: That was amazing!
Bernadetta: Ah! Why's your voice so deep?!
Raphael: What? I'm no flower.
Bernadetta: Oh no. Raphael, you heard it all, didn't you?
Raphael: I did! What kind of instrument was that? I could hear it all the way over at the training grounds. It was great. I didn't know you could play!
Bernadetta: All the way from the training grounds?! Ugh!
Raphael: That's right. Then I came here to tell you how good you sounded!
Bernadetta: Good? No. No, I'm on to you. First you flatter me, then you get me to perform on stage in front of everyone to humiliate me!
Raphael: But that's a great idea. Everyone should be able to hear your music!
Bernadetta: Ah! I knew it! Monster! I won't fall victim to your schemes!
Raphael: I don't know what just happened, but I think I might have scared her...

B Support

Bernadetta: ♪Hm hm-hm hm-hm...♪
Raphael: ...
Bernadetta: ♪Hm hm-hm-hm... Hm hm-hm-hmm...♪
Raphael: ...
Bernadetta: ♪Hm, hmm...♪ Hm?
Raphael: ...
Bernadetta: Aaaah! Ambush! I knew you were out to get me!
Raphael: Ahh! Bernadetta! Please, c-calm down!
Bernadetta: Calm down?! Sure, why shouldn't I? Nothing's more relaxing than being spied on! I just love it wh-when huge scary men lurk behind me with their insidious smiles and heinous schemes! Ugh! You just want to make me a laughing stock—ruin me in front of everyone. I know it!
Raphael: Please! Listen! I only came to hear you play. That's it. Promise. I'm not gonna make you perform in front of everyone else. I just wanted to hear you myself.
Bernadetta: J-just you? Nobody else? Really?
Raphael: Really. I kept trying to ask, but you always ran away.
Bernadetta: That doesn't mean you can just watch me creepily from the shadows, you know. That would scare anyone.
Raphael: You're right. I'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to get your attention. You get so scared. But it looks like I ended up scaring you anyway. I'll leave you alone, Bernadetta... I really just wish I could have heard you play.
Bernadetta: Raphael?

A Support

Bernadetta: There he is. OK, Bernie, you can do this.
Raphael: Oh! Bernadetta! Sorry, just passing through. Didn't mean to scare you again...
Bernadetta: No-no, it's all right. Actually, I came to talk to you. I owe you an apology. It's, um, long overdue.
Raphael: Huh? What do you have to apologize for?
Bernadetta: I'm hopelessly terrified of you, so every time I see you, I kind of lose my mind. But once you're gone and I get time to calm down, I realize I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before. I feel awful! I hope you can forgive me!
Raphael: Come on, now. It's all right. I wasn't really that bothered by it. Promise. I shoulda been more careful not to scare you. I'm a big guy, and my muscles can be intimidating.
Bernadetta: No! No, you did nothing wrong! It's all my fault.
Raphael: How about this? Let's say it's both our fault and call it even. But you know, I've been thinking... You really are scared of everything. Is there something we can do to fix that?
Bernadetta: You mean like a cure?
Raphael: Something like that. I think we can figure this out. Your biggest fear is talking to people, right? If that's the case, you need to change the way you think about talking! Right now you think it's bad, so you're afraid to do it. I figure if you talk to more people, then you'll think talking is good! It might be hard to suddenly start talking to people though... You're gonna need to take it slow. Oh! I know! Start with me!
Bernadetta: W-with you? That'll be, um...tough. Maybe, um... Maybe if you turn around? Face the other way?
Raphael: I guess...if that's what you need. How's this? I bet if you get used to talking to me, your fears will go away in no time!
Bernadetta: You're, ah, still really intimidating. But OK, I'll give it a try...

A+ Support

Bernadetta: Hi, Raphael! Lovely weather today, isn't it?
Raphael: Sure is! Staring up at the sky on a clear day always reminds me of my hometown.
Bernadetta: What was it like there?
Raphael: Hmm...let's see... Well, it's a real calm and peaceful place. Big, clear skies too, just like this. It's full of friendly people and delicious food. Talking about it makes me want to go back.
Berndetta: Yeah... It's a shame we're stuck fighting in this war.
Raphael: Right? I wonder what my little sis is up to. She's probably grown so much by now... I haven't seen her since I came back to Garreg Mach. She probably wouldn't even recognize me anymore.
Bernadetta: I'll bet she would! How could she possibly forget such a terrify— Um... Such a terrific big brother? There's no way!
Raphael: You really think so? That's a relief. All this relief's making me hungry! Want to head to the dining hall?
Bernadetta: Oh! Um... Actually, we can eat here. I cooked something up for us today.
Raphael: Oh yeah? I won't say no to that!
Bernadetta: I heard you really like meat, so, um—here you go! It's my first time cooking something like this. I can at least guarantee it isn't poisoned.
Raphael: Meat? That's my favorite! I'd probably eat it even if it was poisoned! Om mmm mmm... Mmm? Mmm mmm...
Bernadetta: Is it, uh...good?
Raphael: Graaah! That was amazing!
Bernadetta: Really? You like it?
Raphael: So tender! So juicy! So full of flavor! It was practically falling off the bone! The flavor was so rich and sweet! I— can meat be sweet?
Bernadetta: Is sweet bad? I thought it was pretty tasty, myself.
Raphael: No, no, no! It was delicious! I couldn't believe it!
Raphael: I'd eat more fruits and vegetables if they were this good! If all food tasted like this I...I just don't know what I'd do with myself!
Bernadetta: Well, if you like it, I wouldn't mind, um, making more. Whenever you want, really!
Raphael: Really?! That would be great! We gotta get this war over with so you can have more time to cook!
Bernadetta: You know, I'd actually like that.


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Bernadetta: ♪Hm hm-hm-hm... Hm-hmm...♪ Oh, it's Leonie.
Leonie: Perfect. The soil's ready. Let's get to planting.
Bernadetta: She's so diligent I can barely... Oh, look at her elbow.
Leonie: There we go, all set. Now, a little water.
Bernadetta: Her sleeve's all torn. She should get that fixed.
Leonie: Hey, Bernadetta. What are you doing here?
Bernadetta: Uh, Leonie. I was, um...
Leonie: Hm? What is it?
Bernadetta: I was just...admiring your hard work.
Leonie: If you've got time to stare, you may as well help me out. Is that all you wanted to say?
Bernadetta: Uh, not exactly.
Leonie: Well, come on. Out with it.
Bernadetta: Uh... It's, uh... Elbow!
Leonie: Your elbow looks fine to me. Is it bothering you?
Bernadetta: Not mine—yours. Your sleeve's torn.
Leonie: Huh, how about that? You're right. I didn't notice. You could have just told me right away, you know. It's just a little tear though. Nothing to worry about.
Bernadetta: If you don't mind, I could fix it for you. It would only take a minute.
Leonie: You can do that?
Bernadetta: I'm actually pretty good at sewing.
Leonie: I never knew. Well, if you're offering, by all means! Just let me finish watering these. Oh, I guess I should get this shirt off first though, huh?
Bernadetta: What?! Hold on— Don't— You can't just— Aaaah!

B Support

Bernadetta: Um, here. I patched up the clothes you gave me.
Leonie: Hey, thanks! You've helped me a lot lately. I feel like I should be doing this stuff myself. But ever since you patched up my sleeve, I've been really interested in your craft.
Bernadetta: Craft? You mean my embroidery?
Leonie: Yeah. When I saw what you were doing, I thought, "What the heck is that?" But it turned out to be a nice touch, once I was actually wearing it. Practical too. When you're embroidering, you patch up the torn parts with new cloth, right? And that strengthens it, so the same part won't break as easily next time.
Bernadetta: Uh, I'm glad you like it. At first, I felt like you thought it was stupid. I was worried you secretly hated me or something. It made me pretty scared to show you my stitching.
Leonie: Haha, sorry. I should have told you I liked it. Thanks, Bernadetta. I'm glad I asked for your help.
Bernadetta: Oh, um. It's nothing.
Leonie: What'd you make this time? A hornet, huh? You do like the scary critters, don't you?
Bernadetta: It zips out from the trees and strikes—just like you!
Leonie: I sting like a hornet, do I? Actually, I like that. You know, you ought to be more confident.
Bernadetta: Um. What?
Leonie: You're good enough at sewing that you could make a living out of it. You should take pride in that.

In Part I

Bernadetta: Oh, no-no-no-no. I could never do that. Trust me, I'm completely useless.

In Part II

Leonie: Your skills would be really useful to the war effort too. We're always needing equipment mended.
Bernadetta: Useful? Oh, no-no-no. I'm completely useless, even more so on the battlefield.

Leonie: That's not true at all. You've been a great help! Maybe I'm a better fighter, but I've got nowhere near the same skill at sewing. We can help each other. Isn't that what friends do?
Bernadetta: Friends? We're friends?
Leonie: Hey, come on! I know you're not the most confident, but this is getting silly. Of course we're friends. I completely trust you.
Bernadetta: Heh-heh! Leonie?
Leonie: Yeah?
Bernadetta: Get your clothes torn up as much as you want! I'll always be here to patch them right up!
Leonie: Right—for sure. But I wasn't just talking about embroidery, you know.


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Bernadetta: ♪Hm hm-hm-hmm...♪ Oh, is that Seteth? Wow... He looks really deep in thought. I wonder what he's writing... A secret diary, maybe?
Seteth: That phrase doesn't quite work, does it? Let's see about an alternative...
Bernadetta: Hmm, too uncertain for a diary. Maybe it's a letter... or a poem!
Seteth: No, that's bound to introduce misunderstanding. Precision is the key.
Bernadetta: It must be really important if he's putting that much thought into every word.
Seteth: But I mustn't overcomplicate things either. Parting words ought to be precise.
Bernadetta: Parting? It's a farewell letter? Huh! Is he writing his resignation? Seteth can be a little scary sometimes, but I hope he doesn't leave. It'd be sad to see him go. He shouldn't make such rash decisions. If he's unhappy about something, he should tell someone!
Seteth: Come now. Do you really think I would resign?
Bernadetta: Ah! heard all that?!
Seteth: If you don't wish to be heard talking to yourself, then you should not speak so loudly. I'm sorry to hear that you find me intimidating.
Bernadetta: Uh, I just... Ah, I'm sorry! I won't disturb you ever again!
Seteth: Wait. Bernadetta! Ah, typical behavior for the girl. Most concerning. Can she really go through life this way?

C+ Support

Bernadetta: Um, excuse me.
Seteth: Yes? What is it?
Bernadetta: I'm really sorry about what I said. I shouldn't have called you scary. Even if, um... you are. Ah, I said it again! I'm sorry!
Seteth: It is nothing I haven't heard before. I am well aware of my austere nature, and I am accustomed to the commentary it brings. I do confess, however, that I was slightly hurt to see you flee from me in such abject terror.
Bernadetta: Don't be sad! I'll never do it again. I promise. But, um, I've been wondering... Were you really writing a farewell letter?
Seteth: Ah—that. No, actually. I was composing a fable centered around Saint Indech.
Bernadetta: I didn't know you wrote fables. Wh-what's it about?
Seteth: Saint Indech, one of the Four Saints. He was an extraordinarily shy person. It is said that he spent most of his life in solitude, unable to open his heart to anyone.
Bernadetta: I like him already.
Seteth: He was, after all, a man who hid himself away at the bottom of a lake.
Bernadetta: Um... What's that about a lake?
Seteth: Hm? Nothing. Now, something else to know about Saint Indech is that he had incredible skill with his hands. And that skill made him beloved by the people, because he constantly applied it to their benefit. The moral of the story is that shortcomings can be made up for with talent and kindness.
Bernadetta: I like it...but I don't have any talents like that. I can't even imagine being that helpful to people. Saint Indech must have been really gifted.
Seteth: Don't be so quick to dismiss your abilities. You and he are actually alike in more ways than one. You possess Indech's Crest, after all, do you not?
Bernadetta: Um. Yes, I do. You really think we're alike? Now I want to know all about him! Do you think I could read your fable when it's done?
Seteth: Absolutely. Indech's...example is something that we can all learn from.
Bernadetta: Thanks so much! I'm excited to see it!

B Support

Bernadetta: Here's your book of fables you lent me, Seteth. It was so interesting to learn all about Saint Indech that I read it cover to cover in one sitting!
Seteth: Impressive. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hm, what's this sticking out between the pages? Is this an illustration?
Bernadetta: No, nothing like that! I must have stuck it in there and forgotten... Just, um—give it back, please!
Seteth: Are you certain this was accidental? It quite fits the descriptions in this chapter. Ah, I see. You included an illustration where you thought the visual would be helpful.
Bernadetta: No-no-no-no, not at all! I was just fooling around... I have an overactive imagination, and I forgot to take it out before I gave you the book back.
Seteth: It really is a lovely drawing, you know. Now that I've seen it, the book would feel incomplete without it. But who is this man next to Saint Indech? I can't help but notice he bears a resemblance to me.
Bernadetta: Oh, um, that's Saint Cichol. The book describes him as one of Saint Indech's closest friends. I got the feeling he was a very serious man but also really kind. You know, like you. So that probably explains the, um, resemblance.
Seteth: I have to say, I never would have expected to be a reference model for Saint Cichol. What a curious ambivalence...
Bernadetta: Wh-what about furious violence?!
Seteth: No, what I meant to say is that I am both flattered and a little embarrassed to be portrayed in this way. Perhaps it is because, in my study of him, I feel like I've also become a friend to Saint Indech. Records show that Saint Indech and Saint Cichol worked together to achieve great things. If possible, I would like it if the two of us could similarly combine our efforts.
Bernadetta: Wh-what? How do we figure into this?
Seteth: We each bear their respective Crests, do we not? One might also say that, just as I am this book's author, you are now its illustrator. So, why don't you do some more illustrations? And color them as well. We'll add them to the book.
Seteth: You really want me to? I don't know if I'm good enough for something like that!

A Support

Seteth: Ah, Bernadetta. Have you finished your illustrations?
Bernadetta: Yes, I have! Finally. This is the first time I've ever made anything for a real live book. I was up all night finishing these! Bernie's all "Berned" out now. I guess if they're no good, we'll just have to "Bern" 'em all, eh? Heh-heh!
Seteth: Let's...leave the topic of burning aside for now, shall we? Show me what you've done.
Bernadetta: So, um... Wh-what do you think?
Seteth: This is excellent work. The color, especially. It truly brings your art to life. I will see that the new edition of our book is added to the Garreg Mach collection.
Bernadetta: Really? Oh, that's such a relief! It was a tough job, but—yeah! There's nothing Bernie can't handle!
Seteth: You certainly do have some impressive mood swings. Actually, there is one thing I'd like to discuss.
Bernadetta: Oh no... What did I get wrong?!
Seteth: Relax. I simply wanted to ask you about this last image. This is you, here, is it not?
Bernadetta: Um, yes. Is that wrong? What's wrong with it?
Seteth: Nothing at all. I'm only curious. Does that make me the person standing beside you?
Bernadetta: Oh. Um, no. That's Saint Cichol.
Seteth: Is that so? Then I must ask—what relationship are you suggesting you have with him?
Bernadetta: Well, I got the impression that the story of Saint Indech was told from Saint Cichol's point of view. So I just imagined that I asked Saint Cichol about it, and, um, that's where the picture came from. I guess I overdid it, huh? That's weird, isn't it? It's really weird. We can scrap it. Let's just get rid of it.
Seteth: Ah, so that's why! Hahaha! That's amusing!
Bernadetta: Um... It is?
Seteth: Very much. And I think this is a very fitting end to the book, actually. Saint Cichol and Bernadetta. They would have made quite an interesting pair, I think. In fact, if the two of you had lived in the same time, I am certain you would share a deep bond.
Bernadetta: What?! Saint Cichol and me? N-no way! I've already got my hands full just trying to be friends with you! But I've managed that at least, right? Haven't I?
Seteth: Haha! Absolutely.


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Alois: OK, I must drop off these papers with Bernadetta. I'm not sure how to go about this. She's as timid as a mouse—and that's when speaking to people her own age! She'll likely scream the second she sees me. Maybe this is a mistake. All that noise is going to frighten the other students.
Bernadetta: Um... Hi! Can I help you?
Alois: Ah, hello! I have some business with Bernadetta. I wasn't sure how to approach her.
Bernadetta: I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but OK. What business do you have with Bernie?
Alois: I was supposed to deliver this, you see. Perhaps you can take it off my hands?
Bernadetta: Right... Thanks for taking the time.
Alois: No trouble at all! Here it is.
Bernadetta: Thanks. I'm going to head in now, if that's OK.
Alois: Whew, that's quite a relief. How kind of Bernadetta's friend, making that delivery for me. ... Wait a second... That was Bernadetta! But it couldn't have been! She spoke so...normally. She didn't act frightened at all. In fact, she was quite friendly! Ouch! Yes, it still hurts when I pinch my cheek, so I'm not dreaming... Hm. I'm glad the ordeal's done with, but now I feel terribly confused. And a little worried. Meek little Bernadetta, what have they done to you?

B Support

Alois: There she is—and she seems to be alone. Now's my chance. Bernadetta, hello! May I ask you something?
Bernadetta: Ah! What? Me?! I-I've seen nothing! I w-wasn't even there! You have no proof! And even if I was there, it's not a crime to find people's hobbies fascinating! I'll forget everything! I'll never tell a soul where I found them or what they were wearing or any of it!
Alois: Hold on, hold on! Please calm down. It's just me.
Bernadetta: Huh? Oh... Oh, it's you, Alois. What a relief.
Alois: That's right. Your denials really piqued my curiosity, but I'm glad you've calmed down.
Bernadetta: Did you want to talk to me about something?
Alois: I did. Listen... You're always so skittish—just now, for example. But when you saw it was me, you were fine. Why is that? It's been on my mind since I delivered that package. You don't seem scared of me at all.
Bernadetta: Um, were you hoping I would be?
Alois: What? Oh no, certainly not. I was just making an observation.
Bernadetta: Well, I guess it's because you remind me of my uncle. He's the only one in my family who's ever been kind to me, and he's the only man I can talk to normally.

If Byleth is male

Bernadetta: Actually, I'm fine with the professor too. So I guess that's not completely true anymore.

Bernadetta: My uncle and I never did talk that much, but we didn't need to. We just understood each other. Anyway, you really remind me of him. So talking to you feels comfortable.
Alois: Ah, so that's why! At last the mystery's solved. Your uncle and I must be quite alike. Is it my face, my physique?
Bernadetta: Kind of, but I think it's more your personality.
Alois: My personality?
Bernadetta: Yeah, you're always so bright, cheerful, and gentle. You put people at ease.
Alois: Well, I'm honored to hear you say so. I'd like to meet this uncle of yours. He sounds like a genial fellow. Whereabouts does he live?
Bernadetta: Oh... My uncle? Um... I, uh... I just remembered something. I have to go!

A Support

Bernadetta: ♪Hm hm-hm-hm... I finally have a day all on my own... A day inside my room... At last I feel as free as a bird that's flown...♪
Alois: Bernadetta, do you have a moment?
Bernadetta: Ah! I wasn't looking at their hats, I swear! And if I was, I wouldn't say a word about them! Not even if you tortured me! Mercy! Please! I can keep a secret—honest!
Alois: Hold on! It's me, Alois. Calm down.
Bernadetta: Huh? Oh, Alois! I was sure you— Um, never mind.
Alois: Hm. I can't help but wonder about these hats you were looking at... But I'll set that aside for now. I wanted to apologize for being insensitive. I can't believe I trampled on your emotions like that.
Bernadetta: Huh? Was there something you did? I don't remember anything...
Alois: About your dear uncle. It never crossed my mind that he might have passed away.
Bernadetta: Oh, that. Don't worry about it.
Alois: But it clearly upset you. I can't even express how guilty I feel about opening an old wound like that. I'm so sorry.
Bernadetta: Hey, it's OK. You're reminding me of him even now. And it's completely fine! I'm glad we talked about it.
Alois: Is that so? Hm. Well then, why did you look so sad when I mentioned him?
Bernadetta: The truth is I realized I hadn't visited my uncle's grave in a long time. With me not showing up for so long, I imagined him being worried about me...
Alois: I see. He must have been quite dear to you.
Bernadetta: Hey, that gives me a great idea! Why don't we go see my uncle together sometime?
Alois: You want me to visit your uncle's grave? But I don't have any connection with him.
Bernadetta: Sure you do. You're connected by me!
Alois: I didn't think of that... All right, then. I accept. If you don't mind my tagging along, I'll gladly accompany you!
Bernadetta: Great! Thanks, Unc— Ugh... Thanks, Alois.
Alois: Hahaha!


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Support information: Small portrait jeritza 02 fe16.png
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Available in Part II
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
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Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait yuri fe16.png
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Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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