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This page contains all data pertaining to Sophie's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Sophie access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Sophie's Cavalier or Mercenary class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother.
This support grants Sophie access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Sophie's Cavalier or Mercenary class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Sophie: Whoa! Whoa there! STOOOP! Come on, Avel—play along!
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: Having trouble with your horse there, Sophie?
(Corrin leaves)
Sophie: I told you, that place is off limits! Be a good boy and LISTEN!
Corrin: Uh-oh...he's coming this way...! Wh— AAAAGH! OW!
Sophie: H-hey! Avel! Corrin's not for eating! Let him go or you'll spoil your meal!
Corrin:! Sophie, do something!
Sophie: Um, sorry, Corrin! Avel's not in a very cooperative mood today. We might just have to wait until he gets bored of chewing on you.
Corrin: You're just going to stand there and let him bite me?!
Sophie: That's about the size of it... ... ... There we go! He's running off to do something else! Good thing for you, huh, Corrin?
Corrin: *shudder* I'm going to have nightmares about those teeth...
Sophie: It's my fault... Argh! I'll never be a real knight if I can't control my horse!
Corrin: Don't be so down. You might not have it down yet, but someday—
Sophie: No! If I haven't gotten it by now, I'm never going to! *sob*
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: Sophie! *sigh* Poor girl. Wait... If she left...who's keeping Avel in check?! Oh, gods! Here he comes again!

B Support

Corrin: Avel isn't with you today, Sophie? Good...I'm still recovering from our last run-in.
Sophie: I'm still really sorry about that... *sigh*
Corrin: What's wrong, Sophie? You're usually more brimming with energy.
Sophie: Yeah...usually I stop thinking about stuff after I've had a good night's sleep... But my Avel problems are always still there in the morning.
Corrin: Avel's quite headstrong, isn't he?
Sophie: He has his good days when he'll listen and behave. But other days... Well, just yesterday he bit a villager and then ate all the food in a market stall.
Corrin: Oh, yes, I'd heard someone was putting together a food drive for those poor folk. I didn't realize that was Avel's doing...
Sophie: Times like this, shutting myself away in my tent and counting sand isn't cutting it.
Corrin: You count sand...? Does it help?
Sophie: Eh, sometimes it helps me through things. Like yesterday, I counted up to 23,510.
Corrin: There's got to be a better use of your time than that.
Sophie: Avel's not bad—he's just special. I got him from my daddy, and I love him so much. But if he won't listen when I beg him to stop kicking over old ladies... what if he ignores me in the middle of a fight when it counts?
Corrin: Kicking over old ladies? That was Avel too...?!
Sophie: He always listens to Daddy! Why not me?
Corrin: I bet if Avel could see you now, he'd regret being so willful. It sounds like your relationship with him is a bit...fraught. You might be better off treating him as a friend, rather than a problem to be solved. You'll get better results with a smile than a frown. That goes for people and horses.
Sophie: Corrin... You're right! If Avel sees me afraid of him, it might make him act even crazier! Thanks, Corrin! You've given me a new angle on this!
Corrin: Now you're sounding more like the Sophie we all know.
Sophie: I'm gonna go try this on Avel! See you around, Corrin!

A Support

Sophie: Corrin!
Corrin: Sophie?'re with Avel today... N-no...Avel, stay back...! I taste terrible! Aaaaah!
Sophie: Avel, whoa!
Corrin: He...stopped? But Avel never stops...
Sophie: Corrin is a friend. FRIEND! We don't eat friends, Avel.
Corrin: He's actually listening to you!
Sophie: Heehee, yep! Avel's a good boy today. That advice you gave me has helped us both a whole lot. I've tried to smile around him whenever I can, even when I'm nervous.
Corrin: I'm glad it's having an effect.
Sophie: Daddy gave me another tip, too. He said if I come across as hesitant, Avel will just ignore me. But if I stand firm and give clear, loud commands, he'll do what I say.
Corrin: Avel sounds like a very proud horse.
Sophie: He totally is! Though I gotta admit... Sometimes, even when I do all that stuff, he still doesn't listen.
Corrin: Don't worry about it. You'll have him eating out of your hand in no time.
Sophie: Haha, I hope so. I'll try, at any rate!
Corrin: Wait... Speaking of Avel, where did he go?
Sophie: Huh? That's a good question... Aaaaaaaaah! Avel, NO! Get out of that pottery shop this instant! Don't you break those vases at me, young horse!
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: This seems like a good chance to slip away quietly...

S Support

Corrin: Sophie, I wanted to—
Sophie: Give me juuuust a second, Corrin. I'm dealing with Avel problems right now. Bad horse! Whose clothes are these?! Give them back right now, or whoever's going around in the buff will catch a cold!
Corrin: He's still giving you trouble, is he?
Sophie: never ends. So, you were saying?
Corrin: Right. I have a very special gift for— Avel! Please don't swallow, I— Argh! He ate it!
Sophie: Avel!! I can't believe you!
Corrin: We have to get that box back! Do you know a way to, um...
Sophie: S-sorry, but I've never found a way to get him to cough things up. If it's really important, you might have to wait until...well...
Corrin: Ugh. This is a disaster.
Sophie: I tell you what—I'll make it up to you. He's my horse, after all. What was in that little box? Some sweets? A charm? Haha, was it a wedding ring?
Corrin: Ngh...
Sophie: Oh my was! You were totally going to propose to me, weren't you!
Corrin: That was my intent...though I'm ashamed to say I no longer have a ring to do it with.
Sophie: That's OK! You don't need a ring to show me you care. I knew that already.
Corrin: You did?
Sophie: Yeah. You always give me good advice and cheer me up when I'm feeling down. You're a great guy, Corrin. If you still had that ring, I'd definitely accept it. Although that's the problem, huh?
Corrin: What do you mean?
Sophie: Avel messed up your big moment. I know you and he haven't gotten along so well... But the two of us are a package deal. I can't leave my horse behind. No matter how much he acts up, he's my partner for life.
Corrin: Oh, I understand fully. There's a place for Avel in my heart, too.
Sophie: Th-there is? Even when he's about to chomp down on your hand...?
Corrin: GAH... This... This is nothing, haha... I can withstand any pain so long as I'm with matter how...excruciating... I'll be fine! Gaaaaah...
Sophie: Corrin...that means a lot to me. In that case, I'd be happy to be your bride! And hey, look—I think Avel's passing the ring right now. Good boy, Avel!
Corrin: Leave it. I'll get you a new one...

(Confession Scene)'
Sophie: I love you! I'm sure you, me, and our children will make a perfect family. Oh, and Avel too, of course.

Corrin (F)

Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe14.png
Corrin (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Sophie access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Sophie's Cavalier or Mercenary class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother.
This support grants Sophie access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Sophie's Cavalier or Mercenary class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Sophie: Whoa, boy! Take it easy!
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: Sophie's trying to ride Avel again? Must be part of her cavalier training.
(Corrin leaves)
Sophie: Whoa, whoa, whoa! WHOOOA!
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: Sophie! Is everything OK? Avel's not about to throw you off, is he?
(Corrin leaves)
Sophie: Eeek! Help! Waaaaaaaah!
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: Sh-she's going to turn to one side before she tramples me, right...?
Sophie: Corrin! Gangway!
Corrin: Aaaaah!
Sophie: Avel's out of control! Run for your life!
Corrin: Gyaaaaah!
Sophie: S-sorry, Corrin! Are you hurt?
Corrin: No, I'm fine. Though it was a very near thing...
Sophie: Whew...thank goodness for that. I'm really, really sorry.
Corrin: Avel seems like a tough horse to master.
Sophie: It comes and goes. Last time he seemed fine... Maybe it's me. *sigh* But I don't think there's anything more I can do today. He'll snatch up any food I prepare and trample on any equipment I work on.
Corrin: You seem very out of sorts...
Sophie: I don't care anymore! I'm gonna go back to my tent for now. I'll pass the time counting the grains of sand on the ground...
Corrin: I-is that really the best use of your time...?
Sophie: If I do anything else, I'll just mess it up somehow! I don't wanna make any trouble for I'll just go count sand! *sniff* *sob*
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: Uh-oh...I hope she'll be all right.

B Support

Sophie: Oh, Corrin.
Corrin: Are you feeling all right, Sophie? You seemed melancholy last time...
Sophie: Was I? Huh.
Corrin: You don't remember? Avel acting up, you moping back to your tent to count grains of sand... None of this is ringing a bell?
Sophie: Haha, oh! I totally forgot! Sorry about that. But I'm touched you were thinking about me! I usually forget whatever gets me down after a good night's sleep.
Corrin: I see. Fair enough, then.
Sophie: Let's see, where did I get up to? I think it was around 10,055.
Corrin: That's...a serious waste of your time, Sophie.
Sophie: Heehee, now that you mention it, I guess it was! Maybe next time I'll do something more productive. Ooh, Corrin, you could teach me some swordsmanship!
Corrin: I would love to. In fact, why don't we start now?
Sophie: Yay! Today is looking up! Let me just—hngh—get my sword out of this—nnf—sheath... Ha! Oops...there it goes.
Corrin: Goodness, it really went flying. It's lodged solidly in that barrel...
Sophie: Oh no! It's leaking!
Corrin: Stay calm! Do we have anything to plug the hole with?
Sophie: Will this do? Here, stand aside!'s all stopped up.
Corrin: Sophie, is that... Did you plug the leak with one of my socks off the clothesline?
Sophie: Uh! Whoops! ... I'm gonna go back to my tent... It's time to count some more sand...
Corrin: Sophie! You really don't have to!
Sophie: No...I do. Counting grains of sand is my life now.
Corrin: That's not a life! You can't support yourself counting sand!
Sophie: Well, maybe I'll be the first! I'll be a sand- counting LEGEND! Waaaaaah!
(Sophie leaves)
Corrin: Sometimes I wonder about that girl...

A Support

Sophie: Corrin! Guess what? I beat my record and counted up to 30,112 grains!
Corrin: How long did that take you exactly...?
Sophie: So I'm all set to be super-duper productive today! But I'll need your help again.
Corrin: Of course! I'd be honored.
Sophie: I've been wanting to exercise my muscles lately, so today would be good for that.
Corrin: So, push-ups and sit-ups and so forth?
Sophie: Yup. Stuff simple enough that there's no way I can mess it up. Even I couldn't do a push-up wrong!
Corrin: All right. I'll spot you.
Sophie: Let's get started! One! Hup! Two! Hup! What's this string doing in my way? Yoink!
Corrin: Sophie...that wasn't a string. It was the rope supporting that tent.
Sophie: Are you serious?! Arrrrrrrrrrgh!
Corrin: On the bright side, there was no one in that tent. Or what's left of it.
Sophie: Unbelievable... I did it again... I can't stand it anymore! This turned out as bad as everything else! Sorry, Corrin. I must seem pretty pathetic right now.
Corrin: Not at all. If anything, I'm always in awe of your positive attitude.
Sophie: For real?
Corrin: You never dwell on your problems for long. Anytime something goes wrong, you always find a way to recover by the next day. I could learn from your example.
Sophie: ...You mean that?
Corrin: I do. You have a strong heart.
Sophie: Yeah...yeah! That was just the pick-me-up I needed! No more counting sand for me! The day's still young!
Corrin: That's the spirit, Sophie!
Sophie: And I'll start by fixing that tent.
Corrin: Let me help you with that. What else are friends for?
Sophie: Thanks, Corrin.

Corrin (F) (as parent and child)

Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe14.png
Corrin (F)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Nohr Princess (Hoshido Noble or Nohr Noble)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 nobility.png Nobility Nohr Princess, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 dragon fang.png Dragon Fang Nohr Princess, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 dragon ward.png Dragon Ward Hoshido Noble, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 hoshidan unity.png Hoshidan Unity Hoshido Noble, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 draconic hex.png Draconic Hex Nohr Noble, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 nohrian trust.png Nohrian Trust Nohr Noble, starting from level 15

C Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Corrin: Sophie! What have you been up to today?
Sophie: Look! I found some of those flowers you love! Ones just like what you have!
Corrin: Oh, you're right! These are my favorites. Thank you, Sophie!
Sophie: Heehee. I'm glad you like them!
Corrin: Er...where did you find these?
Sophie: That's what's so amazing! They were really close by! I can go back and get you more, if you want. There's a bunch more!
Corrin: Ah, no, that's all right. I, er, suspect these are the flowers I planted myself nearby...
Sophie: Then that means... Oh no! That explains why I hadn't seen these flowers there before! I'm so sorry, Mother!
Corrin: What's done is done, I suppose. And I do appreciate the thought.
Sophie: Can...can I go back and plant these again? They'll grow back their roots, right? Awwwww! Why am I always screwing up things like this?!

B Support

Sophie: *sigh* Why am I such a klutz?
Corrin: Is something wrong, Sophie?
Sophie: Hey, Mother... Do you think I'll always be a klutz? Earlier today, I went to the market and got a bunch of apples for myself and Avel. When I got back, I decided to see if he could catch one in his mouth, but... I let go in the windup, and the apple hit an old lady behind me instead! Also, Avel fell over. I don't know why that happened.
Corrin: sounds like you had quite a day.
Sophie: Mother! Don't laugh at me.
Corrin: I'm sorry, dear. But if you imagine it happening to someone else...
Sophie: I'm seriously worrying about my future here, Mother!
Corrin: You're right. I shouldn't make fun. But what's wrong with making a few small errors here and there? Everyone does it.
Sophie: It's not a few small errors! My life is one long series of mistakes and blunders!
Corrin: Oh, I think you're overstating the problem. Don't despair, Sophie. You're strong enough to shake it off and keep on going every time you fail.
Sophie: But... But...
Corrin: Besides, you know what they say about clumsy people...
Sophie: They don't say anything, Mother! You're making things up now.
Corrin: was worth a try.
Sophie: *sigh* Thanks for cheering me up, though.

A Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Corrin: You look excited today, Sophie.
Sophie: I sure am! What you said the other day really cheered me up.
Corrin: Is that what did it? Your bad mood didn't just drift away as you slept?
Sophie: Why do you always have to tease me?
Corrin: Heehee...
Sophie: Oh, that does remind me, though... I made a small mistake at breakfast today. I...accidentally gave the horses the soldiers' meals.
Corrin: Oh my...
Sophie: But once I realized my error, I rushed to make fresh meals for everyone. Suddenly, they all joined in to help! It made me really happy.
Corrin: You're lucky to have such understanding friends.
Sophie: Yeah, I think so too!
Corrin: I think I know why they were so eager to help...
Sophie: Maybe they were worried that I would burn everything?
Corrin: No, that's not what I had in mind. Seeing your vibrant spirit encouraged them to try their hardest, too.
Sophie: It did? I don't know...
Corrin: That's why I was trying to tell you there's nothing wrong with you, dear. No one who brings smiles to so many can be as hopeless as you think.
Sophie: OK, Mother! I think I can remember that. Oh! Also, I think I found some flowers nearby that I'm sure you'll like. We can go check them out together!
Corrin: Lead the way!, these flowers...they're not...?
Sophie: Don't worry! They aren't the ones you replanted. I didn't pick any in advance, either—just in case!
Corrin: Ah! See that, Sophie? You don't always flub things!
Sophie: All right! Let's go!


Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait felicia fe14.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Felicia is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15

C Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Felicia: Hello, Sophie. What can I do for you?
Sophie: Look! I found some of those flowers you love! Ones just like what you have!
Felicia: My favorites! Thank you so much, dear.
Sophie: Heehee. I'm glad you like them!
Felicia: Wherever did you find them?
Sophie: That's what's so amazing! They were really close by! I can go back and get you more, if you want. There's a bunch more!
Felicia: Oh...oh dear... I can't say for sure, but it sounds like these are the flowers I planted myself...
Sophie: Then that means... Oh no! That explains why I hadn't seen these flowers there before! I'm so sorry, Mother!
Felicia: Oh, no, you don't have to apologize! It was a very sweet gift all the same. Thank you, Sophie.
Sophie: Can...can I go back and plant these again? They'll grow back their roots, right? Awwwww! Why am I always screwing up things like this?!

B Support

Sophie: *sigh* Why am I such a klutz?
Felicia: Sophie, dear, what's the matter? You seem upset.
Sophie: Hey, Mother... Do you think I'll always be a klutz? Earlier today, I went to the market and got a bunch of apples for myself and Avel. When I got back, I decided to see if he could catch one in his mouth, but... I let go in the windup, and the apple hit an old lady behind me instead! Also, Avel fell over. I don't know why that happened.
Felicia: O-oh my, that must have been... Heehee...!
Sophie: Mother! Don't laugh at me.
Felicia: You don't see the humor in it, dear?
Sophie: I'm seriously worrying about my future here, Mother!
Felicia: O-of course, dear. I'm sorry. What is it you don't like about being clumsy, though?
Sophie: I'm not a little clumsy! My life is one long series of mistakes and blunders!
Felicia: I know only too well how you feel, Sophie. But if you make a mistake, you just need to follow through and correct it! I know you're not one to fall apart over just a few setbacks, are you, dear?
Sophie: But... But...
Felicia: Why, a little clumsiness didn't stop me from becoming a royal attendant!
Sophie: Now you're reaching, Mother.
Felicia: Oops, was I? Heehee...
Sophie: *sigh* Thanks for cheering me up, though.

A Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Felicia: Hello, Sophie. Excited about something?
Sophie: I sure am! What you said the other day really cheered me up.
Felicia: Was it that, or was it the rest you got overnight? Because it seems to me that it's usually the latter...
Sophie: Why do you always have to tease me?
Felicia: Heehee... Pay it no mind, dear.
Sophie: Oh, that does remind me, though... I made a small mistake at breakfast today. I...accidentally gave the horses the soldiers' meals.
Felicia: Oh no! What a disaster...
Sophie: But once I realized my error, I rushed to make fresh meals for everyone. Suddenly, they all joined in to help! It made me really happy.
Felicia: What kind friends you have! I'm impressed they'd go to such lengths.
Sophie: Yeah, I'm impressed too!
Felicia: What do you think prompted that?
Sophie: Maybe they were worried that I would burn everything?
Felicia: Sophie! That's not what they think of you. Far from it! It was their love for your cheerful spirit that drove them to help.
Sophie: It was? I don't know...
Felicia: I'm certain it was! So don't ever change, my dear. Remain the clumsy yet stubborn woman you are, and you'll spread joy far and wide.
Sophie: OK, Mother! I think I can do that. Oh! Also, I think I found some flowers nearby that I'm sure you'll like. We can go check them out together!
Felicia: I'd love to! But this patch of flowers you found...
Sophie: Don't worry! They aren't the ones you replanted. I didn't pick any in advance, either—just in case!
Felicia: That's all I was hoping to hear!
Sophie: All right! Let's go!


Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait azura fe14.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Azura: Heehee, what is it, Sophie?
Sophie: Look! I found some of those flowers you love! Ones just like what you have!
Azura: Oh, they're lovely! Thank you so much, Sophie.
Sophie: Heehee. I'm glad you like them!
Azura: I'm curious though. Where did you say you found these?
Sophie: That's what's so amazing! They were really close by! I can go back and get you more, if you want. There's a bunch more!
Azura: That's all right. You see, Sophie... I'm pretty sure that these are the flowers I planted yesterday.
Sophie: Then that means... Oh no! That explains why I hadn't seen these flowers there before! I'm so sorry, Mother!
Azura: It's all right. It really is the thought that counts. Thank you, Sophie.
Sophie: Can...can I go back and plant these again? They'll grow back their roots, right? Awwwww! Why am I always screwing up things like this?!

B Support

Sophie: *sigh* Why am I such a klutz?
Azura: What's wrong, Sophie?
Sophie: Hey, Mother... Do you think I'll always be a klutz? Earlier today, I went to the market and got a bunch of apples for myself and Avel. When I got back, I decided to see if he could catch one in his mouth, but... I let go in the windup, and the apple hit an old lady behind me instead! Also, Avel fell over. I don't know why that happened.
Azura: Oh... Oh my, hahaha.
Sophie: Mother! Don't laugh at me.
Azura: I'm sorry! I just didn't expect that story at all.
Sophie: I'm seriously worrying about my future here, Mother!
Azura: I know. I know. I apologize, dear. There's nothing wrong with being a little clumsy all your life.
Sophie: I'm not a little clumsy! My life is one long series of mistakes and blunders!
Azura: It's OK to make mistakes. That's how you learn what to do differently next time. And it's a special kind of strength to pick yourself up, dust off, and try again.
Sophie: But... But...
Azura: Also, I've heard that some people value clumsiness.
Sophie: Now you're just making things up, Mother.
Azura: Heehee... Perhaps.
Sophie: *sigh* Thanks for cheering me up, though.

A Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!
Azura: Hello, Sophie. You seem to be full of energy today.
Sophie: I sure am! What you said the other day really cheered me up.
Azura: I'm glad to hear it! And you're sure it isn't just that you forgot what was bothering you in your sleep?
Sophie: Why do you always have to tease me?
Azura: Heehee.
Sophie: Oh, that does remind me, though... I made a small mistake at breakfast today. I...accidentally gave the horses the soldiers' meals.
Azura: Oh my.
Sophie: But once I realized my error, I rushed to make fresh meals for everyone. Suddenly, they all joined in to help! It made me really happy.
Azura: You're blessed to have such good friends.
Sophie: Yeah, I think so too!
Azura: Why do you think they helped you?
Sophie: Maybe they were worried that I would burn everything?
Azura: Sophie, everyone decided to help you because you bring such a positive energy.
Sophie: I do? I don't know...
Azura: You should worry less about making mistakes. Just keep pushing forward. Your drive is what brings smiles to your friends...and to your mother.
Sophie: OK, Mother! I think I can do that. Oh! Also, I think I found some flowers nearby that I'm sure you'll like. We can go check them out together!
Azura: That sounds like a lovely idea. Wait, are those flowers...?
Sophie: Don't worry! They aren't the ones you replanted. I didn't pick any in advance, either—just in case!
Azura: Heehee. That's a relief.
Sophie: All right! Let's go!


Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait silas fe14.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Sophie: Daddy? Do you think I'm hopeless?
Silas: Hopeless?! Where did this come from?
Sophie: I want to be a great knight, like you! But I can't even handle the horse you gave me...
Silas: Don't tell me that's all that's got you in a funk.
Sophie: "That's all"?! You don't understand, Daddy! This is a crisis! A tragedy! A big problem!
Silas: Sorry, Sophie. I wasn't trying to belittle your concerns. I just don't think you should be so worked up over it.
Sophie: B-but...
Silas: Everyone has a hard time starting out. Even me. Making mistakes is how you get better. If you're still having trouble, all that means is you have more to learn. It would be a problem if you thought you knew all there is to know... But that's not you, right?
Sophie: Well, no...
Silas: Then there's nothing to worry about. You have work to do, but you'll do it. You'll get better at handling Avel, and everything else too.
Sophie: I hope you're right... Guess I won't know unless I try!
Silas: That's my girl.
Sophie: Heehee...

B Support

Sophie: Daddy...
Silas: You still seem distraught, Sophie... What's wrong?
Sophie: It's the same thing we talked about last time. I've been working so hard, and it doesn't seem to help at all! Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a knight.
Silas: Sophie, it's only been a few days. People don't improve that much overnight.
Sophie: That's easy for you to say. I'm scared I'm not improving at all!
Silas: I know you are.
Sophie: How?! How can you be sure?
Silas: Because it's true. Why, I remember when you were just as wild and willful as Avel. I couldn't get you to do anything.
Sophie: No fair bringing that up! I was just a kid!
Silas: That's why I brought it up. You've grown by leaps and bounds since then. How long has it been now since I first visited you in the Deeprealm?
Sophie: Golly, I'm not sure anymore. Years and years...
Silas: Think about all the progress you've made since then. And how much progress you'll make when you're that much older than you are now...
Sophie: That's...a really long time.
Silas: It is, but it'll feel like the blink of an eye. I know it feels like it's been just weeks for me since you were born.
Sophie: HAS just been weeks for you. I'd barely be opening my eyes by now if I'd stayed in this world.
Silas: Haha. You got me there. I admit...I wanted to have been there to watch you growing up. How I would have loved to see you take your first steps...say your first word... I wish I could have been there to encourage you every time you tried something new.
Sophie: Daddy...
Silas: I'm sorry. I know it was lonely for you, too.
Sophie: I know you only did it to keep me safe during the war. I never resented you or Mother for it. Not even once!
Silas: I appreciate that, Sophie. To my mind, any advance or improvement, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. There's no need to rush. I love watching you get better with Avel, little by little.
Sophie: OK, Daddy.
Silas: Besides, now that you're here with us, you'll be older before we know it. We don't have time to daydream anymore!
Sophie: Huh, you're right. I'd better get back to work, then! Thanks, Daddy!

A Support

Sophie: Did you see me in that last battle, Daddy?!
Silas: With a showing like that? How could I have missed it? You were flawless.
Sophie: Heehee...I'd say I've improved a little bit, wouldn't you? I know I shouldn't expect results right away, but come on!
Silas: It's true, you know. But yes, I'm thrilled to get to see you mature into a knight before my eyes. Well done, Sophie.
Sophie: Aw, Daddy, you're embarrassing me. Heehee...
Silas: You've been working extra hard lately. And yes, you've made mistakes along the way... But that's the surest sign that you're also making progress. I just hope I'm not falling behind...
Sophie: What? But you're already a great knight! What's left for you to learn?
Silas: Quite a lot, actually. I feel like my skills plateaued around when you were born... I fear I said some rather self-righteous things for a man of my station.
Sophie: N-no way, Daddy! That's not your fault at all! It's barely been any time at all in this world since I was born. Weren't you the one who told me nobody gets better overnight?
Silas: Touché... I did say that, didn't I? Hahah.
Sophie: Personally, I'd like it if you stopped getting better entirely.
Silas: Why's that?
Sophie: Because then it would be that much easier to catch up with you!
Silas: What?!
Sophie: They'd call me Sophie the Great, who surpassed her own father! Together with her beloved Avel, they vanquished evil across the land! Heehee, how cool does that sound?
Silas: I-it's a nice goal, but I'm not going to lie down and die. By the time you reach where I am now, I intend to hone my skills considerably!
Sophie: Noooooooo! Then I'll never get caught up!
Silas: Hahaha. You can try and catch me, but I won't make it easy for you.
Sophie: So you really want to make it a competition, huh? All right! We'd never get to do this if I'd had a normal childhood, huh? Here's to growing up in the Deeprealm!
Silas: don't have to go that far to appease me.
Sophie: Oh, no, I wasn't trying to! I really, honestly think that. Sure, it was lonely sometimes... But if I'd been raised here, I'd still be in diapers now. I'd much rather get to compete with you in your prime. Fighting at your side is a dream come true! Honestly, your whole world is like a dream to me...
Silas: I'm glad things worked out for the best.
Sophie: Just keep watching me, OK? You'll see me become a real knight in no time! I'll improve so fast, your head will spin!
Silas: That's the spirit. You're not yet my equal, and if I work hard, you never will be!


Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mozu fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Mozu is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Villager (Master of Arms or Merchant)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 aptitude.png Aptitude Villager, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 underdog.png Underdog Villager, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 profiteer.png Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 spendthrift.png Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rinkah fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Rinkah is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Oni Savage (Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal resistance.png Seal Resistance Oni Savage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 shove.png Shove Oni Savage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 death blow.png Death Blow Oni Chieftain, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 counter.png Counter Oni Chieftain, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 salvage blow.png Salvage Blow Blacksmith, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Blacksmith, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait sakura fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Sakura is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Shrine Maiden (Onmyoji or Priestess)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Shrine Maiden, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Shrine Maiden, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Priestess, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Priestess, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hana fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Hana is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait orochi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Orochi is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hinoka fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Hinoka is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait setsuna fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Setsuna is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait oboro fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Spear Fighter (Spear Master or Basara)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal defense.png Seal Defense Spear Fighter, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 swap.png Swap Spear Fighter, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 seal speed.png Seal Speed Spear Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancefaire.png Lancefaire Spear Master, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kagero fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait elise fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Elise is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait effie fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Knight (General or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nyx fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Nyx is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait camilla fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Camilla is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait selena fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Selena is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait beruka fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Beruka is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait peri fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Peri is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait charlotte fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Charlotte is Sophie's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Fighter (Berserker or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15

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Kana (M)

Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana m fe14.png
Kana (M)
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Sophie access to Kana's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Sophie's Cavalier or Mercenary class trees, nor with any other classes acquired via inheritance.
This support grants Sophie access to the skills learned by Kana's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Sophie's Cavalier or Mercenary class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother. See the class skills list for more information.

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S support

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Kana (M) (as siblings)

Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana m fe14.png
Kana (M)
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Sophie's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

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Kana (F) (as parent and child)

Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana f fe14.png
Kana (F)
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Sophie is Kana (F)'s mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Sky Knight class tree from her mother.

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Shigure (as siblings)

Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Sophie's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Troubadour class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shiro fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Spear Fighter (Spear Master or Basara)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal defense.png Seal Defense Spear Fighter, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 swap.png Swap Spear Fighter, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 seal speed.png Seal Speed Spear Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancefaire.png Lancefaire Spear Master, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Spear Fighter class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kiragi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Archer class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait asugi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Ninja class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hisame fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Samurai class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait caeldori fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Sky Knight class tree from her mother.

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A+ support

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait siegbert fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support does not give Sophie access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Cavalier, is already available to Sophie as her own primary class tree).
As this support does not give Sophie access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Sophie access to additonal skills.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait forrest fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Troubadour class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ignatius fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Knight (General or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Knight class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait velouria fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Fighter (Berserker or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Fighter class tree from her mother.

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A+ support

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait percy fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Sophie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Sophie did not inherit the Wyvern Rider class tree from her mother.

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Small portrait sophie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait soleil fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support does not give Sophie access to another class tree via Friendship Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Mercenary, is already available to Sophie as her own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Sophie access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Sophie access to additional skills.

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