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< Libra
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This page contains all data pertaining to Libra's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Robin (M)

Support information:  
Robin (M)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Libra: ......
Robin: Oh, hello, Libra. What are you up to?
Libra: I'm drawing a picture.
Robin: Whoa, that's very good! Great shading, exquisite detail, and through it all, an air of melancholy... It's very like you.
Libra: Melancholy? Truly?
Robin: I don't mean that in a bad way! Actually, you should probably just ignore me... I know very little when it comes to fine art.
Libra: Well, to be honest, I don't know much about it either.
Robin: Really? But you're so talented!
Libra: I've been told my pictures are technically proficient, but lack artistic soul.
Robin: Poppycock! I mean look at this sketch—it's BURSTING with soul! I bet whoever told you that was simply jealous of your talent.
Libra: Well, I appreciate the sentiment. Here, you can have this if you like it so much.
Robin: Are you sure? You didn't draw it on commission or anything?
Libra: I don't ever do drawings on request. ...No exceptions.
Robin: Well, if it's not meant for anyone else, then yes, I'll gladly accept. Thank you.

B Support

Robin: Tsk! I just can't get this color right.
Libra: Er, Robin? You have paint on your cheek. ...And your chin. ...AND behind your ear.
Robin: Oh, er, so I do. Whoops!
Libra: Are you trying your hand at painting?
Robin: Yes! Seeing your drawings has inspired me to take up the palette myself... But, I fear I'm wasting my time. Just look at this muddy slop! Clearly when the gods distributed artistic talent, I was in the outhouse.
Libra: The gods would have waited for you, I'm sure. But let's take a look... Oh...dear. Er, it's a portrait of Lissa, is that right? You picked an odd color for her face... And the left eye is rather...oblong. Still, a fine first effort! We can't expect to be perfect straightaway.
Robin: ...It's a pegasus. And it's NOT my first try. It's my 100th.
Libra: Oh. ...Oh, dear.
Robin: You don't have to say anything. I can see it in your face—I should just give up.
Libra: N-no, I wouldn't go that far!
Robin: I would. Still, this little experiment helps me realize just how talented YOU are. I look at that picture you gave me every day, you know?
Libra: Not EVERY day, surely?
Robin: Each night before I sleep! It fills me with a wonderful sense of peace. I'm always worried it'll get damaged when we march, so I pack it very carefully.
Libra: You're the first person who's ever valued one of my works so highly. And though pride would be a sin, I'm...pleased that you treasure it so.

A Support

Robin: *Sigh*
Libra: What's wrong, Robin? You seem most upset.
Robin: I am, Libra. I am... That wonderful drawing you gave me was torn to shreds. It's ruined completely.
Libra: During the last battle, I assume? When we were suddenly forced to break camp?
Robin: Yes, exactly. I had no time to pack it away properly, and so... Oh, I miss it already...
Libra: Don't get upset, Robin. I can draw you another one.
Robin: But you said you never draw pictures by request. Remember?
Libra: For you, I will be delighted to make an exception!
Robin: Really? Oh, thank you! What will it be?!
Libra: Well, I haven't thought about it. What kind of picture would you like?
Robin: How about a self-portrait?
Libra: Er, you want to hang a picture of me on your tent wall? The picture you look at every night before sleeping?
Robin: Why not? You are one of my closest friends, after all. Is that a problem?
Libra: Well, it's just that the last time I did a self-portrait, everyone thought it was a woman. Even after I specifically tried to play up my more manly features...
Robin: That...must have been embarrassing.
Libra: Well, not that it matters. It's hardly my fault if people can't see the blindingly obvious, is it?
Robin: Er, right. So, no self-portraits... How about a portrait of me, then? It can be a keepsake for when I get old, to remind me I was once young and handsome!
Libra: A most challenging request, but I will pray that Naga guide my hand!
Robin: Er, someone less understanding could take that the wrong way, you know...

Robin (F)

Support information:  
Robin (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Libra: ......
Robin: Oh, hello, Libra. What are you up to?
Libra: I'm drawing a picture.
Robin: Gracious, that's very good! Great shading, exquisite detail, and through it all, an air of melancholy... It's very like you.
Libra: Melancholy? Truly?
Robin: I don't mean that in a bad way! Actually, you should probably just ignore me... I know very little when it comes to fine art.
Libra: Well, to be honest, I don't know much about it, either.
Robin: Really? But you're so talented!
Libra: I've been told my pictures are technically proficient, but lack artistic soul.
Robin: Poppycock! I mean look at this sketch—it's BURSTING with soul! I bet whoever told you that was simply jealous of your talent.
Libra: Well, I appreciate the sentiment. Here, you can have this if you like it so much.
Robin: Are you sure? You didn't draw it on commission or anything?
Libra: I don't ever do drawings on request. ...No exceptions.
Robin: Well, if it's not meant for anyone else, then yes, I'll gladly accept. Thank you.

B Support

Robin: Tsk! I just can't get this color right.
Libra: Er, Robin? You have paint on your cheek. ...And your chin. ...AND behind your ear.
Robin: Oh, er, so I do. Whoops!
Libra: Are you trying your hand at painting?
Robin: Yes! Seeing your drawing has inspired me to take up the palette myself...But, I fear I'm wasting my time. Just look at this muddy slop! Clearly when the gods distributed artistic talent, I was in the outhouse.
Libra: The gods would have waited for you, I'm sure. But let's take a look... Oh... dear. Er, it's a portrait of Lissa, is that right? You picked an odd color for her face... And the left eye is rather... oblong. Still, a fine first effort! We can't expect to be perfect straightaway.
Robin: ...It's a pegasus. And it's NOT my first try. It's my 100th.
Libra: Oh. ...Oh, dear.
Robin: You don't have to say anything, I can see it in your face. I should just give up.
Libra: N-no, I wouldn't go that far!
Robin: I would. Still, this little experiment helps me realize just how talented YOU are. I gaze on that picture you gave me every day, you know?
Libra: Not EVERY day, surely?
Robin: Each night before I sleep! It fills me with a wonderful sense of peace. I'm always worried it'll get damaged when we march, so I pack it very carefully.
Libra: You're the first person who's ever values one of my works so highly. And though pride be a sin, I'm... pleased that you treasure it so.

A Support

Robin: *Sigh*
Libra: What's wrong, Robin? You seem most upset.
Robin: I am, Libra. I am... That wonderful drawing you gave me was torn to shreds. It's ruined completely.
Libra: During the last battle, I assume? When we were suddenly forced to break camp?
Robin: Yes, exactly. I had no time to pack it away properly, and so... Oh, I miss it already...
Libra: Don't get upset, Robin. I can draw you another one.
Robin: But you said you never draw pictures by request. Remember?
Libra: For you, I will be delighted to make an exception!
Robin: Really? Oh, thank you! What will it be?!
Libra: Well, I haven't thought about it. What kind of picture would you like?
Robin: How about a self-portrait?
Libra: Er, you want to hang a picture of ME on your tent wall? The picture that you look at every night before sleeping?
Robin: Is that a problem?
Libra: Well, it's just that the last time I did a self-portrait, everyone thought it was a woman. Even after I specifically tried to play up my more manly features...
Robin: That... must have been embarrassing.
Libra: Well, not that it matters. It's hardly my fault if people can't see the blindingly obvious, is it?
Robin: Er, right. So, no self-portraits... How about a portrait of me, then? It can be a keepsake for when I get old, to remind me I was once young and beautiful!
Libra: A most challenging request, but I will pray that Naga guide my hand!
Robin: Er, someone less understanding could take that the wrong way, you know...

S Support

Libra: Ah, Robin. I have completed the portrait you requested.
Robin: You have? Let me see it!
Libra: Here you are...
Robin: Oh! Gracious! Is that... ME?! You... You flatter me, Libra. It's too much... This person is so ravishing and glamorous, no one will imagine it's meant to be me.
Libra: Well, I was not after an exact likeness. I only hoped to capture a small fraction of the radiant beauty that suffuses you. Sadly, my humble skills were not up to the task of capturing perfection on the canvas. Perhaps such things are best left to the gods themselves.
Robin: Heh, now it's REALLY too much... Still, what a wonderful picture. I must give you something in return. What would you have, Libra?
Libra: I am a man of the gods; I desire no worldly goods. But, if you were to accept one more gift, I would consider the debt settled.
Robin: Er, I don't think I follow your math there.
Libra: This should make the equation clear.
Robin: A ring?! B-but... Are you... Are you proposing to me?
Libra: For some time now, I have found myself falling more and more in love with you...
Robin: Oh... I... I had no idea.
Libra: I apologize if I've put you in an awkward position. Of course, if you are not—
Robin: No, not at all! I'm thrilled, Libra! Because... I'm in love with you, too. That's why I was so upset when I lost the picture you gave me.
Libra: If you accept my proposal, I would paint you pictures for the rest of our days.
Robin: Well how could I turn down an offer like that? I'll be surrounded by beautiful art, and looked after by a beautiful partner.
Libra: Er, don't you mean "handsome" partner...? B-but don't mind me! I just feel so manly whenever I'm around you.
Libra (Confession): I'm yours forever, my love. May the gods smile upon our union, and bring us joy in the years to come.


Support information:  
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Lissa: Hey, Libra! Come test your courage with me!
Libra: I beg your pardon? Is fighting this war not a sufficient test?
Lissa: It's a training exercise Robin dreamed up a while back. It's supposed to "hone our ability to adapt to unexpected conditions." I know, blah blah blah, right? But let's do it anyway!
Libra: Well, it certainly sounds like a worthy cause... I'd be happy to help!
Lissa: Yay! Okay, so now the two of us have to pair up and find Robin.
Libra: Just the two of us?
Lissa: Yup, those are the rules. We all pair up and search for Robin.
Libra: Might I ask why you thought to choose me as your partner?
Lissa: Because you're a PRIEST! ...Duh! If we meet any ghosts out on the trail, you can zap 'em with prayer magic!
Libra: There is no such thing as "zapping with prayer magic"! What's more, I doubt this training exercise involves the souls of the depar—
Lissa: Blaaah dee blah dee blah! Now come on! Let's get moving!
Libra: Y-you needn't pull, Lissa! I'm coming!

B Support

Lissa: Hey, so I only noticed during that training exercise, but you're REALLY pretty! Your skin is perfect! Your hair is perfect! It's soooo not fair!
Libra: Not... fair?
Lissa: AND you're tall and sweet and you even SMELL nice! You're a one-man show of everything I wish I had, but I don't.
Libra: You have a host of traits I lack as well, Lissa.
Lissa: Name one! ...Or more, if you want.
Libra: You're extremely expressive. You treat every person you meet fairly and equally. Your cheery disposition spreads to all those around you. You are ever true to yourself. I would gladly trade any element of my appearance for that beauty in your heart.
Lissa: Oh, I...
Libra: Something the matter, milady?
Lissa: It's EMBRASSING! I expected a little buttering up, not the whole crock!
Libra: Heh, my apologies. I just find is so easy to talk with you. Another of your finer traits, now that I think about it.
Lissa: Hey, you smiled! That's a rare treat.
Libra: Is it?
Lissa: Yeah!
Libra: And you noticed? Have you been... watching me?
Lissa: ...I guess I have, now that you mention it. I wonder why?
Libra: Heh, well, if you find an answer, I would be eager to hear it.
Lissa: Lemme get back to ya on that one!

A Support

Lissa: Libra? Libra!
Libra: Lissa? What has you in such a state?
Lissa: I figured it out! I know why I've been watching you all the time!
Libra: Oh?
Lissa: It's because you're like a ghost!
Libra: Um... pardon?
Lissa: Is that weird? I thought it was weird. But I think lots of stuff is weird, so—
Libra: What do you mean?
Lissa: I first noticed it when we were together for that training exercise. There are times when you seem kinda like a vision... or a mirage... I mean, someone so tall and beautiful would normally be the center of all attention! But with you I almost feel like you might up and vanish if I ever take my eyes off you. Anyway, so, um, yeah. That's it. ...Sorry. I know it probably sounds pretty crazy.
Libra: Perhaps, but somehow... I'm actually quite flattered.
Lissa: So how do you see me, huh? Come on, fair's fair and all!
Libra: You? You are positively bursting with life! The very opposite of myself.
Lissa: Oh, that's not true at all! You may give off a ghostly feel, but you're the liveliest alive person I know!
Libra: Well, I'm quite certain that's the first time that's ever been said about me...

S Support

Lissa: Libra! ...Libra, are you there?
Libra: Yes. No cause for alarm, Lissa. This ghost hasn't disappeared yet.
Lissa: Aw, c'mon, you know I didn't mean that in a bad way!
Libra: Heh heh, I know, I know. And you know I said I'm not going anywhere.
Lissa: Yeah, but that's not enough. I still worry all the time... Welp! I guess the only answer is to stay by your side forever!
Libra: ...Lissa?
Lissa: Huh? Oh. OH! I said that out loud, didn't I...
Libra: Indeed, and I'm so happy you did... I feel the same, Lissa. ...I always have.
Lissa: Er, you do? You have?!
Libra: Yes, and I always will... If you will have me?
Lissa: But... Y-you don't mean...
Libra: Will you accept this, Lissa?
Lissa: A ring...
Libra: Nay, a promise. A promise to stay with each other, as long as we draw breath. Stand vigil and keep me grounded, Lissa. Keep me tied to this place, and to you.
Lissa: Oh my gosh, YES! I'll stay at your side until the sun stops rising!
Libra: I don't think I've ever felt so alive as I do now, in this moment, with you.


Support information:  
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Libra: It's remarkable how much rubbish an army on the march leaves behind! I'd best pitch in and help clean up. ...Ungh! This is heavier than it looks! *Gasp* It suddenly feels lighter! But how?!
Virion: Such slender, delicate arms are ill suited to this kind of work!
Libra: ...Virion?
Virion: Please! Allow gentle Virion to carry this! I think there's a pillow over there that needs moving if you want to help.
Libra: Oh. Yes, well, thank you, Virion.
Virion: Think nothing of it, milady! A woman of your beauty shouldn't be reduced to hauling trash.
Libra: ......
Virion: What's the matter, sweet Libra? Did I say something wrong?
Libra: I'm a man.
Virion: Ha ha ha! Not only are you beautiful, you have wit to... Erm, to match? Yes? Hmm... Except now that I look more closely at your face... *gulp*
Libra: It's all right. It happens a lot. I'm sorry I was cross.
Virion: You had every right to be cross, good sir! Ah ha ha! Oh, my. How could I, Virion, make such an error? Me! VIRION! Oh my stars...
Libra: Are you all right?
Virion: N-nothing! It's just that...your eyes very shiny and pretty... Like two pools...of...something...
Libra: Can we just get back to work?

B Support

Libra: Virion? What happened to you? Your left cheek is red and swollen. Did someone strike you?
Virion: What, this? It's nothing! Just a memento from the trenches of love's battlefield. You see, I spied a pretty lass walking down the road, and asked her if she was a woman. Ha ha! Oh, you should have heard the sound of her palm upon my cheek! Yes, well, one can't be too sure about these things, can one? Ah ha! Ha. ...Yes.
Libra: How...unfortunate.
Virion: Damnation, Libra! I've been like this ever since I mistook you! When I approach a woman, I'm frozen by the fear of committing another blunder! You have thrown gallant Virion off his game, and the world suffers as a result!
Libra: Er, I'm sorry?
Virion: When I look at your soft, milky skin and glowing, lustrous locks of hair... Well, it occurs to me that you must come from a very coddled background! Perhaps one of the finer noble houses? Royalty, even? Pray, tell me, good la—sir! Ha ha! Most good and noble sir! What is your lineage?
Libra: Sorry, Virion. I'm not from a noble house. In fact, I was born to poor, humble parents who neglected me as a child. I only escaped their cruelty when I found the faith.
Virion: Extraordinary! You're no tame rose gently cultivated in a well-tended garden... But a wild bloom that struggled out of barren soil with petals reaching for the sky! As well as being profoundly beautiful, you're also tough and tenacious!
Libra: Please, sir. Such praise makes me uncomfortable. I am but a humble servant of the gods.
Virion: Oh my! Look how your milky cheeks blush when I compliment you! It's so... Er... Yes! Right then! Good to see you again, old chum!

Libra: Virion? You are a very strange man.

Virion: (That I could possess only a tenth of his beauty... It's enchanting!)

A Support

Libra: I suppose I'd best get started.
Virion: Ho, Libra! That's a mighty pile of lumber you have there!
Libra: Yes, it is. The temple nearby is short of firewood, so I thought to do a little log splitting.
Virion: You mustn't ruin those perfect hands! Here, let me help.
Libra: No, please. I've got this.
Virion: No no, I insist! As one friend to the other! Now let's get chopping.
Virion: *Pant, pant* L-Libra? S-stop chopping... I implore you... M-my arms... So...tired and...rubbery...
Libra: What are you talking about? We're barely halfway done.
Virion: H-halfway?! I've been...swinging that...that infernal axe...for hours... Or has it been days? I know not... M-my mind is...confused... Visions of logs...piled before me... A mighty tower...reaching to the sky... Which, when I look around me, isn't very far from the truth! What army of madmen collected this uncountable mass of dead trees?
Libra: I did.
Virion: Y-you gathered ALL these by yourself? B-but how?
Libra: I picked them up and I carried them. It's simple, really. Here, are you done resting? This bundle needs to go over there.
Virion: Er, very well, if you insis—OOF! I-it's heavier...*grunt*...than it l-looks... on...a little...bit...longer... OH, BLAST!
Libra: Virion, look out!
Virion: Hm? I...I'm still alive...? I remember toppling backward with that massive weight in my arms...
Libra: It's all right. I caught hold of you just in time.
Virion: Libra! You saved me!
Libra: It would appear so. Are you unharmed?
Virion: Er, yes. I think so.
Libra: Good. Now perhaps we should take that rest after all. Forgive me. I shouldn't have pushed you to work so hard.
Virion: Hmm... From this angle, Libra looks quite different. Very manly, in fact. That big brow... Those massive knuckles...
Libra: Sorry? Did you say something?
Virion: Who, me? Oh, er, no. Nothing of import, my good man! Er, friend. Man...friend. *Ahem* Anyway, you are a stout comrade, Libra, and I thank you for saving me.
Libra: Hah! Think nothing of it, Virion. I consider you a trusted friend as well.


Support information:  
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Libra: Hoofprints? This far out? Hmm... It seems they continue for some distance.
Sully: Looking for something, Libra? I can help if you want.
Libra: Ah, Sully. You are very kind. And what's more, you've helped already. For it seems you are responsible for the far-ranging hoofprints.
Sully: You mean my HORSE is responsible, right? Anyway, sounds like you've got time on your hands. Mind if we talk for a bit?
Libra: I'm afraid I haven't much of interest to say, but I'm more than happy to listen.
Sully: With all the newcomers we're taking on, the camp's gotten pretty busy. It's hard to get any privacy, huh? I imagine it must be doubly hard for a woman like you.
Libra: ...... I'm a man.
Sully: Oh. Right. Er, yeah. Of course. Well, this is pretty damn awkward.
Libra: Please. It's not an unfamiliar situation for me. Though I must say, your question is somewhat perplexing. Aren't you capable of supplying a woman's perspective yourself?
Sully: Well, yeah, sure. know. I'm not exactly GIRLY. ...Gods, that came out wrong. Er, look. I'll just ask someone else. Thanks for your time, though!
Libra: Of course.

B Support

Sully: Do you have a moment, Libra?
Libra: Yes, of course. What is it?
Sully: Look, I'm sorry as hell that—
Libra: Is this about the other day? Please, Sully. You already—
Sully: Er, no. I'm actually apologizing in advance for what I'm about to ask.
Libra: That's...ominous.
Sully: I really hope you won't take this the wrong way, but I wanted to know... How do you feel about looking so...pretty? I mean...lady pretty?
Libra: Oh. That is...not what I was expecting you to ask. But, well... I don't know that I feel much about it one way or the other. There isn't much I can do about the way I look, after all. Yes, being mistaken for a woman can pose some minor difficulties. Especially in bath houses. Or taverns. Or, um, anywhere, actually. But why do you ask?
Sully: Well, see, I'm not exactly the girly type, you know? I ask people to treat me the same as a man, and I don't let anything limit me as a knight. But talking to you the other day got me thinking that... I don't know. Maybe it's just time I accepted myself more for who and what I am.
Libra: I fear I make a poor model for this question, Sully. You'd be better served by any number of others in our camp.
Sully: What makes you say that?
Libra: A man of the cloth should be a beacon of hope. A light in the darkness. He ought never let his smile falter, nor forget to treat all with warmth and respect. At the very least, that is the sort of man I aspire to be.
Sully: That's exactly the sort of man you ARE, Libra.
Libra: So you say. And yet, I cannot help but feel I'm merely skilled at playing such a figure. I worry that my entire person is an act. A hollow shell.
Sully: Libra...
Libra: I apologize. It was not my intent to burden you with my idle ramblings. Pray, forget it.

A Support

Sully: Do you have a dream, Libra? Any grand goal in life?
Libra: Hmm... I suppose it would be to see the world at peace once more.
Sully: Har! I figured you'd say something along those lines. You know, it's okay to want something for yourself once in a while.
Libra: To see happiness in others brings me equal amounts of joy.
Sully: Yeah, I'm sure that's true. But sometimes you still have to think of JUST you. It's like you're actively trying to deny yourself pleasure or happiness. I just wonder why sometimes, is all.
Libra: I wonder why it is you would trouble yourself so over a humble man like me.
Sully: Maybe I'm just a nosy jerk. Ever think of that? Or maybe... Well, I dunno. I just like you, I guess.
Libra: Oh?
Sully: It's like you and me are kindred spirits in a way. The tomboy to end all tomboys, and the most beautiful man in the land!
Libra: Heh. Opposites though we are, we share quite a bit. I feel a closeness to you as well.
Sully: So what do you say? You and me, partners for the long haul?
Libra: I would be honored.

S Support

Libra: Might I have a moment?
Sully: Uh, Libra! S-sure! What's up?
Libra: Are you feeling well? You look flustered.
Sully: Oh, I'm fine. I just remembered what I said the other day. I guess I'm kind of embarrassed. To listen to me run my mouth off, you'd think I was professing my love.
Libra: ...Then you weren't?
Sully: Of course not!
Libra: Well, it appears to be my turn to feel ashamed. I fear I mistook your words. How vain I must have been to go so far as to procure this...
Sully: Oh, damn. You got me a ring.
Libra: I am terribly sorry. I was so thrilled to hear we saw one another as kindred spirits, and I just... I'll dispose of this. Please think no more of it.
Sully: W-wait! It'd be a shame to waste it! I mean, it's so... Um... I accept, Libra.
Libra: This is not the sort of item I would have you accept out of pity. For a thing so small, it bears more weight than I would trouble anyone to bear.
Sully: Well, I'm pretty good at lifting heavy stuff.
Libra: But...
Sully: I'm not doing this out of pity, you damn fool! I'm doing it because I like you. ...And I want to live my life with you.
Libra: Then I will give it gladly!


Support information:  
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Old Villager: Thank you, Libra. I feel your words have parted the dark clouds about my heart.
Libra: It gladdens me to hear that, my child.
Miriel: ......
Old Villager: The parables you've shared have lent my life a sense of direction. I feel hope rekindled in my breast. I cannot begin to thank you.
Libra: Your path will hold its share of hardship, but I pray you keep that hope alive.
Miriel: ......
Libra: Hmm? Oh, Miriel. What are you doing here?
Miriel: Observing.
Libra: That conversation just now? I fear it's hardly anything so grand as to merit study. I merely shared the teachings of Ylisse to those villagers eager to listen.
Miriel: And were they receptive?
Libra: I believe that faith will find a home in them. Such teachings offer a guide to life and are a steadfast beacon in these dark times. I pray it will also sustain them in the lean days ahead.
Miriel: If the teachings bear such salubrious effect, why not share them with greater numbers?
Libra: Naturally, were it possible, I would share them with everyone! Er, but why do you bring this up?
Miriel: By my observations, your methodology is highly inefficient. It vexes me.
Libra: Inefficient?
Miriel: Indeed. Assembling an audience, selecting the venue, promulgating the message... A scientific approach to these factors would yield a far more efficient modus.
Libra: Perhaps, but that isn't—
Miriel: Possible? Poppycock. Anything is possible. Given a thorough analysis of the germane phenomena, a sound theory will emerge. However, in the absence of empirical data, you might dismiss it as idle speculation. Therefore I must prove it through a physical implementation.
Libra: You will do what now?
Miriel: I will show that it can be done. However, I fear I am unfit to preach the teachings of Ylisse. In this capacity, I would enlist your aid. I will furnish the mechanism, you the words. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must begin planning posthaste.
Libra: W-wait, Miriel! ...Oh dear.

B Support

Miriel: I have the results from our previous discussion.
Libra: Ah, yes. Your method to spread my teachings to a broader audience.
Miriel: Precisely. A unified fundamental theory has emerged from my investigation. First, the venue must be of sufficient capacity and easily accessed. Before speaking, the event must be made public knowledge among nearby villages. During the gathering itself, wind magic is to be employed to amplify your voice. Now then. For the next—
Libra: H-hold on just a moment, Miriel.
Miriel: Is something amiss?
Libra: Your plan is to gather a large crowd and speak to all of them at once?
Miriel: Quite. In so doing, you mitigate effort and time requirements by the greatest margin.
Libra: Yes, but I can't address individual people in such a system.
Miriel: Nor ought you. Speaking the same words to followers one by one is hideously inefficient. Gathering them and addressing the lot in one fell stroke is a far superior plan.
Libra: Superior in time and effort spent, perhaps, but—
Miriel: The plan will succeed. Further peer review is wholly unnecessary.
Libra: ...Very well. If you're that certain, we should try it.
Miriel: I will make manifest the eminence of my methodology!

A Support

Miriel: The theory is sound, and yet...
Libra: Is something wrong, Miriel?
Miriel: My data shows attendance is waning at your religious gatherings. The logs clearly indicate more people came to the initial meetings than come now.
Libra: Yes, I'd noticed as well.
Miriel: But my modus is theoretically sound. I've just revisited all my assumptions, and they withstand the strictest scrutiny. Yet data cannot lie.
Libra: Well, perhaps your ideas failed to account for a critical element.
Miriel: Such as?
Libra: The human heart. Oh, don't get me wrong—your method gets my words to more ears than ever. But the message stops at the ears, I fear, and does not travel to the heart.
Miriel: A defect in amplification, then?
Libra: Um... Not exactly, no. Every individual listens to the teachings of Ylisse for different reasons. If I limit my sermons to truths that apply equally to all, they fall short. Only by showing the relevance to each person's life can I truly reach them.
Miriel: A logical postulation. Perhaps I was indeed myopic in my designs. Were you certain from the start that my method would fail?
Libra: I thought offering salvation to a mob would be...difficult, yes.
Miriel: Then why did you consent to the mass gatherings? Or was I simply too heedless and stubborn to hear your objections?
Libra: A bit, perhaps. But mostly, I thought your plan might yield a different sort of benefit.
Miriel: And did it?
Libra: Indeed it did! You've given me the opportunity to meet more people than I ever could have alone!
Miriel: Curious. Libra: I had grown rigid in my methods, Miriel—a lesson I hope you will take to heart. Your work was a success in terms of meeting converts, but it was only a step. And so I must continue the work that we started on a more personal level.
Miriel: There is merit in what you say.
Libra: I'm thrilled to hear it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd best head off to have some of those conversations.
Miriel: I hope you will permit me to offer my continued assistance as well.

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Miriel: Another successful gathering today?
Libra: Absolutely. I can't thank you enough for all your help of late, Miriel.
Miriel: I am glad to be of service. And this has proven a most fruitful area of personal study as well.
Libra: Oh? What have you learned?
Miriel: That any system-built theory is only as efficacious as the dedication of the user. This is a known scientific truth, but one I had yet to learn so viscerally.
Libra: The parables hold similar words. ...Albeit smaller ones.
Miriel: This endeavor has sparked a curiosity in me to better understand the human heart. This will help transport my theories from the realm of abstraction into the tangible.
Libra: Perhaps you might begin by examining the contents of my heart?
Miriel: I had not planned to do so.
Libra: Then perhaps offering you this will spark your curiosity.
Miriel: ...Ah. A ring. Inductive extrapolation suggests this is a proposal of marriage.
Libra: Look into your own heart, Miriel. What do you find?
Miriel: Wonderment and joy in equal parts. Or so it would seem.
Libra: And do the contents of your heart move you to accept this ring?
Miriel: The sum of its contents provide an unequivocally affirmative response. Still, it is most curious. These sensations are demonstrably real, but hardly logical.
Libra: A fine subject for further investigation. I'll have to make sure you never lack for future data!


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Maribelle: Good day, sir. Here to offer up a prayer?
Libra: Indeed. And yourself?
Maribelle: I make it a part of each morning.
Libra: A commendable endeavor. Might I join you?
Maribelle: But of course.
Libra: Come to think of it, I fear I haven't yet properly thanked you.
Maribelle: Oh? Whatever for?
Libra: Forgotten, have you? It was an all-too-common happening for me, I'm afraid. I was approached by a pack of drunkards who had taken me for a woman. I suspect they still feel the sting of the tongue-lashing you gave them now. Not to further endanger my masculinity, but you were my knight in shining armor.
Maribelle: Ahh, yes. I recall it now. I was given quite the dressing-down myself back at camp! A number of others thought it rash of me.
Libra: Well I, for one, am a grateful recipient of your just and decisive valor. You have my thanks.
Maribelle: I acted mostly to quell my own indignation at those boors, I assure you. But if I was of some small service to you as well, so much the better. Your words help bolster the strength of my convictions.
Libra: Then you are most welcome!

B Support

Maribelle: Hmm... A difficult quandary, to be sure.
Libra: Is something on your mind, Maribelle? I can hear the gears in your head turning from here.
Maribelle: I've been reading a chronicle of court cases as a part of my studies of late. The decision in one such case has left me quite conflicted.
Libra: Might I ask what manner of trial it was that has you so vexed?
Maribelle: A child cast out by her parents was driven by hunger to steal from an aristocrat.
Libra: Orphan or not, it seems a clear enough matter. Regardless of the reason, all crimes against a noble house are capital offenses.
Maribelle: Yet should a noble commit the same crime to the commoner, the sentence is light. Surely that cannot be considered justice!
Libra: Then you would have the laws apply equally to all, regardless of station?
Maribelle: This is not a matter of inviting the local squalor to a dinner party, sir! All must be equal in the eyes of the law, else we cannot claim them fair.
Libra: All, you say? Even the unwanted children of lowborn parents?
Maribelle: Naturally.
Libra: I must confess, I never thought to hear someone espouse such views.
Maribelle: Have I said anything so shocking?
Libra: Quite the contrary. Your words are warm and fair. I feel proud to have met so pure a person. Redeemed, even.

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Maribelle: I've made up my mind, Libra. When this war is won, I shall start another.
Libra: A war, Maribelle?
Maribelle: Indeed. I aim to fight for the rights of all citizens as a minister of the law!
Libra: Someone of your elevated station would fight on behalf of the meager masses?
Maribelle: Of course. I'll start in Ylisse, then take the fight to Ferox, Plegia, and everywhere else. I'll fight each battle until none suffer under the burden of an unequal body of law.
Libra: Bending other kingdoms to your will is no mean task, even with an army at your back. To do so with diplomacy alone is a monumental undertaking, Maribelle.
Maribelle: I'm well aware of the madness of it, but my mind is set firm.
Libra: Why would you take up such a colossal burden of your own free will?
Maribelle: Because of your words, Libra. The joy and the pride they stirred in me. You thanked me for something that ought to be a given, and you said you felt redeemed. If my efforts could bring redemption to more people, no burden is too great.
Libra: I merely spoke my mind. I never thought to impart such grand or weighty meaning.
Maribelle: Yet your words changed my life just the same. And for that, you have my thanks.

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Libra: Maribelle, about what you said before... You're certain that is the life you desire?
Maribelle: I never back down once I've set my mind on something.
Libra: That's impressively stubborn.
Maribelle: Yes, and utterly uncharming. I'm well aware.
Libra: That stubborn lack of charm is just another part of your considerable charm.
Maribelle: My, my. You've a gift for flattery.
Libra: I assure you, I'm entirely sincere.
Maribelle: Libra...?
Libra: Oh, Maribelle... Will you marry me?
Maribelle: You can't talk me out of my mad crusade, so you'd keep me locked up at home?!
Libra: Perish the thought! I wish to fight your crusade with you.
Maribelle: If that's a jest, I'm not laughing. And if it isn't, I'm laughing even less!
Libra: More's the pity, as your laugh is music to my ears! But if it's any aid in convincing you of my sincerity, I procured this.
Maribelle: That ring... It's beautiful.
Libra: Will you do me the honor of accepting it?
Maribelle: ...... This marks a second time your words have changed the course of my life.
Libra: A change for the better, one hopes?
Maribelle: No doubt. If you would promise yourself to me, I would be thrilled to do the same.
Libra: I am yours until my last breath.


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Libra: Might I beg a moment of your time?
Panne: You get one moment. State your business, priest.
Libra: I wanted to thank you.
Panne: You owe me nothing.
Libra: But I do. You saved Lady Emmeryn from assassination. As an Ylissean citizen and a man of the cloth, I owe you my gratitude.
Panne: I saved no one. Emmeryn lived only long enough to fall into the next snare.
Libra: ...... You were there, then. When she... Ah, I fear we both witnessed it.
Panne: ......
Libra: I see that what happened to her pains you even now. I, too, still grieve. I cannot help but feel that I failed her somehow.
Panne: What, then? You would have the two of us sit around licking each other's wounds?
Libra: No, I merely thought to—
Panne: You are human. I am taguel. Linger near me and you'll be viewed with suspicion by your kind.
Libra: You're worried for my reputation? That's very gallant.
Panne: Watch your words, man-spawn, lest you get yourself hurt.
Libra: My apologies...

B Support

Libra: Hello, Panne.
Panne: What now, priest?
Libra: I apologize for disturbing you, but there's something I need to ask. Why did you come to the exalt's aid?
Panne: Can you not believe a taguel would help a human?
Libra: Apologies. That isn't what I meant. Had you even met her before?
Panne: No. The night of the assassination attempt was the first I saw her. I knew neither her face nor her name. All I knew is she was descended of the first exalt.
Libra: Your debt was to a man who died over a thousand years ago?
Panne: It is the debt of all the taguel. We are told the story as kits. In his time, the taguel were slaves to humans. Kept as labor—or even pets—we were treated worse than livestock. The slightest resistance would earn a swift execution, to serve as an example.
Libra: I've never heard of such cruelty.
Panne: Humans are quick to forget history. ...Or rewrite it. But the first exalt had the strength and courage to end the horror. He stood up for the taguel, though it earned him the ire of his fellow humans. "We are all the same," he said. "Equal beings. No difference separates human and taguel."
Libra: ......
Panne: It was a platitude then, as now. But in that platitude, my kind found salvation. Liberation and equality took time, but in those words we found dignity. And so we teach our young of the debt we owe him. Should any exalt ever need our aid, we will give it regardless of cost.
Libra: I see.
Panne: Despite our history, I never hated mankind. The exalt proved your race's worth. Until man-spawn slaughtered my people and put my warren to ruin, that is.
Libra: Panne, I haven't the words to tell you—
Panne: I've spoken all of mine as well, and wasted both of our time.
Libra: Not at all! You've allowed me to better understand who you are, Panne. And convinced me you are someone I would dearly love to know still better. I thank you for sharing your story with me.
Panne: Hmph.

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Libra: Panne, I just had a word with Chrom. I hear you were involved in an altercation with some of the other soldiers?
Panne: I don't see how that's your concern.
Libra: Isn't it, though? The next time you find yourself in a situation like this, please, let me know. You needn't sully your hands for my sake. I can express my own displeasure.
Panne: ...You heard, then?
Libra: Indeed. A little bird told me the cause of your scuffle. Apparently you intervened when someone began telling off-color jokes about me?
Panne: Hmph. Perhaps I was just in the mood to hit someone that day.
Libra: You always insist on hiding your kindness and denying your compassion. I would dearly love to see you embrace these traits more openly.
Panne: I didn't ask your opinion. ...... Speaking with you made me feel better. And hearing those soldiers angered me. That is all. Now we're even.
Libra: You amaze me, Panne. The light within you shines so brilliantly. Never losing its purity of character or allowing the world to dim its luster... I thank the gods and the exalt for granting me the chance to bask within its glow.
Panne: You're mad. And a terrible flatterer.
Libra: Apologies. Have I embarrassed you?
Panne: ...Hmph.

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Libra: Panne. There is a matter of import that I would discuss with you. Might I—
Panne: Speak your business.
Libra: Very well. I would like to ask only that you listen and give me a fair chance. ...And that you accept this ring.
Panne: ......
Libra: ......
Panne: ......
Libra: Er, Panne? I thank you for accepting the ring, but, um... Have you nothing to say?
Panne: You asked me to listen.
Libra: Of all the times to start doing as you're asked...
Panne: Come again?
Libra: N-never mind. I retract my prior request for listening. Please, speak your mind. Be frank.
Panne: I feel like leaping across a mountain range.
Libra: ...Is it safe to assume that means you're happy?
Panne: That's not it. Something greater. I suspect this is...bliss.
Libra: Well, I'm blissful to hear it! And relieved...
Panne: What made you think to give me this?
Libra: Greed, I fear. I succumbed to my baser inclinations. When presented with your brilliant light, I knew I had to have it all to myself.
Panne: That's quite the desire, to have driven a man of the cloth to fall from grace. Perhaps I should be the one thanking your gods and your exalt.
Libra: Mostly I feel like thanking you, Panne.
Panne: Hah. You've done pretty well, yourself.


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C Support

Gaius: Hmm? What's this fancy little doll doing here?
Libra: Excuse me, sir. I believe that is mine. I must have dropped it earlier.
Gaius: Righto, then. Here you go! So what is that little doodad, anyway? A graven image of one of your gods?
Libra: Oh, no. It's just a toy doll, really. The children at the orphanage have been asking me for toys. They wanted something they could hold at night—to help them sleep, you see.
Gaius: You sewed a doll for a pack of whelps you barely know? I think there's a special place for you in heaven, Padre!
Libra: Oh, it's not so bad. It only takes me a few hours to construct each one. And to be frank, such honest labor scarcely feels like work at all.
Gaius: Some days, just getting out of bed is labor enough for me... Say, though. You ever considered giving the little moppets sweets as well?
Libra: Sweets?
Gaius: You know, sugary stuff. Pastries and whatnot? Kids love 'em.
Libra: Oh, I see. No, I had no such plans. The thought never occurred to me. But perhaps it is something to keep in mind for the next visit. Thank you, Gaius. I'm glad this chat wasn't a complete waste of time.
Gaius: Er... Me, too? Although... Hmm...
Libra: Yes? Something on your mind?
Gaius: Well, I'm just thinking... I mean, let's say you make enough sweets for an entire orphanage. That's going to be a LOT of sweets, right? Massive piles of 'em. So maybe you might put aside a couple for, say, the man who gave you the idea? I mean, it's only fair, right?
Libra: ...You're asking me to steal sweets from orphans?

B Support

Libra: O gods, hear my plea and partake—
Gaius: Hey there, Padre. Having a little chat with the management, are we?
Libra: I was praying, if that's what you mean. Perhaps you would care to join me? A good soul cleansing can do wonders for one's mood.
Gaius: I've never been much for talking to the blokes upstairs, you know? Still, what can it hurt just this once? So, uh, how's this work? I can ask for anything I want, or what?
Libra: Well, it is true that many people pray to receive things for themselves. But originally, prayers were not used to beseech the gods for favors. Rather, they were used to give thanks for blessings already received.
Gaius: Blessings, eh? So I could say thanks for candied figs and honey cakes? Oh, and fruit pies, too?
Libra: Er, yes. I suppose so. If they are something you feel profoundly grateful for.
Gaius: Profoundly doesn't begin to cover it. ...So, er, do I kneel or what? Is there a bench involved somehow?
Libra: It is customary to bend the knee in supplication, yes. Now then...
Gaius: ......
Libra: ......
Gaius: O ye gods, thanks a billion for all thine abundantly sweet and tasty goodness...
Libra: Dear gods, thank you for watching over us, and protecting our friends and comrades.
Gaius: What? Thou art jealous, O mighty gods? Jealous and angry, you say? Then send thou's terrible fruit pies to me, that I might use them to smite thine foes!
Libra: ...?
Gaius: I also love jellied pears, O vengeful ones! And those biscuits with goo in the middle!
Libra: Gaius, your demands for sweets hover ever closer to blasphemy...
Gaius: O furious and insane gods! Send me ten—nay, TWENTY of your finest cakes!
Libra: He's not listening to a word I say. Gaius? GAIUS!
Gaius: ...Huh? Hey there, Padre. What's with the shouting?
Libra: I was shouting because you were completely ignoring me! That wasn't a prayer—it was a market list! The gods are not scullery maids who deliver treacle tarts on demand!
Gaius: Oh. Right, yeah...sure. Sorry. Got carried away. I'll start over, then. *Ahem* O most horrifying and fattened gods, thou art most tricksy in thine ways...
Libra: D-dear gods, please send not lightning to strike down this heretic... He knows not what he does!
Gaius: I will deliver unto thee my first-born son, if only you make donuts rain down upon—
Gaius: ...Whoops. Sorry.

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Libra: O gods, I thank you for this most blessed of days.
Gaius: ......
Libra: You're desperately trying not to think of sweets, aren't you?
Gaius: ...Maybe.
Libra: Your trembling lip, your sweaty brow, your uncontrollable drooling... These are all the signs of a man fighting great temptation.
Gaius: Not so, Padre. Ha ha! Who's religious now? I was just praying that I'd be unharmed in the next battle.
Libra: Oh? That's actually quite sensible. Perhaps I was being unfair. I thought for sure you were dreaming about swimming in syrup or some nonsense. But why now, if I may? You usually have such a cavalier attitude toward battle.
Gaius: Well, in that last battle we fought, I had me a pretty close shave. If I'd been a split-second slower, my head would have been bouncing across the field. It made me think. You never know when your number's going to be up, you know? Anyway, I figured maybe I should take these prayers a bit more seriously.
Libra: Coming face-to-face with one's own mortality can have that effect.
Gaius: But why should the gods pay an old sinner like me any mind? It's not like I've ever done anything to earn their appreciation.
Libra: In the eyes of the gods, we are all innocent, if only we open our hearts to them.
Gaius: Yeah, that's easy for you to say, Padre. I bet you've never once strayed from the straight and narrow.
Libra: Oh, if it were only so... I am as much a sinner as anyone.
Gaius: You? Lord Squeaky Clean? I find that hard to believe.
Libra: Think about how many people have died because of me.
Gaius: Huh?
Libra: Every time I survive a battle, it means others have died in my place. And when I pray for safety in a fight, it is the same as praying for my foe's death.
Gaius: Wow. Never thought of that. ...Wait, so I've been praying for other people to die, too?! Crivens! I'm a terrible person!
Libra: Not terrible. Just human. Every soldier who prays for deliverance has done the same.
Gaius: This religion stuff is complicated.
Libra: Yet, we should still pray. We shall pray for ourselves, and each other, and for our allies and comrades. Even though in doing so, we are praying for the death of strangers.
Gaius: ...... O gods...


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Cordelia: *Grunt* Oomph! These crates...are heavy...
Libra: Cordelia?
Cordelia: Gyah?! Oh gods, look out! *CRAAAAAASH*
Libra: Oh, I am SO sorry! I startled you, didn't I?
Cordelia: N-no, not at all! I just tripped over this pebble here... It's my fault for carrying too much at once. I couldn't see where I was going.
Libra: Are you unharmed?
Cordelia: Yes, thanks. Just a bruised toe.
Libra: Well, that's good news at least. Here, why don't you let me help you?
Cordelia: They're very heavy...
Libra: Not a problem. One...two... Oomph! Now then. Where would you like them?
Cordelia: Well, if it's not too much trouble, I was taking them down this way.
Libra: Lead on, milady!
Libra: Is here all right?
Cordelia: Yes, perfect. Thank you. You've been such a help!
Libra: 'Twas my pleasure. But do you always haul such heavy crates by yourself?
Cordelia: Well, I hate to bother anyone else, and if I can do it myself, why not?
Libra: That simply won't do. Next time, you must call for me so I can help! I won't take no for an answer.
Cordelia: Oh, well, if you're going to be that insistent about it, then sure!

B Support

Cordelia: *Grunt* Oomph!
Libra: Cordelia, let me help you!
Cordelia: Ah, Libra. Thank you. They ARE rather heavy.
Libra: Every time I see you, you're hard at work on one chore or another.
Cordelia: In such times of strife, it seems almost immoral to sit around and do nothing.
Libra: The gods do frown on sloth, it's true. But they also dislike stubborn pride. You mustn't overdo it, Cordelia. You've been rather ashen of late.
Cordelia: It's true I haven't been sleeping well. Whenever I close my eyes, I can't help thinking horrible thoughts about the future.
Libra: That is a troublesome thought. Are you eating three square meals?
Cordelia: Er, sort of?
Libra: Unacceptable.
Cordelia: No, I'm fine.
Libra: Cordelia, put those crates down, and return to your billet right away.
Cordelia: But—
Libra: No buts!
Cordelia: ...But I can't leave you to do all this by yourself!
Libra: That was a but! ...And ironic, coming from you. Who is the woman who insists on doing every job herself? The one too foolish or proud to ask for help?
Libra: Yes, you. Cordelia, you have to learn to look after yourself. Now get something to eat and lie down! I'll be over later with a concoction.
Cordelia: Oh, if you insist...

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Libra: Cordelia!
Cordelia: ...Blast! He found me. Er, hello, Libra!
Libra: Are you all right? I heard from Lissa that you had a fainting fit.
Cordelia: Just a little one. And I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to worry.
Libra: This is not the time to be fretting about MY feelings. How are you feeling now?
Cordelia: Oh, I'm fine. I even saw a physician, if that makes you feel better. She said I just need to get more rest and drink lots of tea.
Libra: Well, that's good to hear.
Cordelia: ...And I AM very sorry.
Libra: What about?
Cordelia: For not listening to you. For not taking it easy like you told me to.
Libra: It is not me who you should be apologizing to.
Cordelia: Who, then?
Libra: Why, to yourself, of course! You're the one who has to suffer all the exhaustion and pain!
Cordelia: Uh, sorry, self!
Libra: You want to help people and be there for them when they need you, right? But you can't do that if you're working yourself into the ground.
Cordelia: I just can't help it! I see a job, and then another, and then another... Libra, would you maybe stay with me and scold me if I try to do too much?
Libra: I'm afraid scolding isn't in my nature. I'm more of the forgiveness type. What I can do, however, is offer my support and words of wisdom. Some gentle reminders to let you know you're trying to do the impossible.
Cordelia: I'd be grateful if you would!

S Support

Cordelia: *Grunt* Oomph! heavy one...
Libra: Cordelia! What are you doing? You're supposed to be recovering!
Cordelia: Oh, hello, Libra. Yes, I'm feeling much better now!
Libra: Your problem is that you're incapable of not doing anything for five minutes...
Cordelia: You might be right, at that.
Libra: Oh, Cordelia. I can't take my eyes off you for more than a minute, can I? Is there any way to get you to relax?
Cordelia: Well, I suppose you could just follow me around nonstop!
Libra: ...Yes. That is indeed the only solution. You're going to have to let me be with you day and night.
Cordelia: What?! That's absurd!
Libra: ......
Cordelia: Er, what I mean is...that would be sort of...odd... Unless we were married, of course. But you don't mean that! ...Or do you?
Libra: Perhaps this ring will make my intentions clear.
Cordelia: ...Oh.
Libra: There are whispers in camp that Chrom rules supreme in your heart. But even so, I could never forgive myself if I did not tell you how I truly felt. So as doomed and foolish as my entreaty may be, I must ask—will you marry me?
Cordelia: It isn't foolish, Libra. Or doomed, either.
Libra: It isn't?
Cordelia: Libra, no one has ever worried as much about my welfare as you have. You try to stop me working too hard... You rush to my aid when I collapse... I've been thinking how nice it would be if you were always there for me. So nice, in fact, that I will gladly accept your ring!
Libra: Oh, Cordelia! You have made me so very happy!
Cordelia: Do you swear to look after me, make me tea, and lug crates until death do us part?
Libra: I do so swear!


Support information:  
4 pts.
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C Support

Nowi: Libra, give me a piggyback ride!
Libra: Ah! Careful there, Nowi! I didn't see you coming.
Nowi: Hey, what's this scar, Libra? Here on the back of your neck?
Libra: Don't touch it!
Nowi: Eep! S-sorry! Does it hurt?
Libra: N-no, it doesn't hurt. Not there, anyway. The wound is long healed...
Nowi: So why aren't I allowed to touch it?
Libra: Because it might reopen a deeper wound that yet causes me pain.
Nowi: Like...inside your neck?
Libra: I'm speaking of a wound of the heart.
Nowi: Ooooooooh! I get it! ...Wait, so your heart hurts? Why?
Libra: When I was a child, I was raised far from the home of my parents. ...In truth, I was abandoned by them.
Nowi: Oh no, that's terrible! Why would your mother and father do that?
Libra: Perhaps they hated me. Perhaps they had a better reason. I do not know. When they left me at that place, I began to howl most piteously. I clung to my mother so desperately I had to be forced off... Which is when I sustained the scar you see now.
Nowi: *Sniff* That is so sad!
Libra: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. And it's long in the past now.
Nowi: Well, I don't care! I'm going to make you feel better!
Libra: How will you do that?
Nowi: Just like a cramp—I'm going to rub your heart until the pain goes away! So, er... Where do you humans keep your hearts, anyway?
Libra: I've spent years avoiding what lies within mine... I'm not entirely sure if I could find it again if I tried.
Nowi: Okay, fine. Then I'll help. We'll find out where your heart is hiding and get rid of the pain together!

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Nowi: How about here?
Libra: Hee hee! S-stop it! M-my backbone is very...t-t-ticklish!
Nowi: Dang! This is harder than I thought... How about here? Is this your heart?
Libra: Ah ha ha! Now you're...t-tickling my ear!
Nowi: How about here?
Libra: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! N-not my s-sides! P-please!
Nowi: Libra, we won't get anywhere if you don't start taking this seriously!
Libra: Hooo... I-I'm trying, Nowi. I just had no idea that I was so ticklish.
Nowi: I'm just touching you! I'm hardly even moving my fingers!
Libra: I suppose it's because I'm not used to it. I've spent so much of my life trying to avoid simple human contact. Now the slightest touch makes my nervous system go into convulsions.
Nowi: But why do you avoid touching people? Don't you like hugs even?
Libra: I suppose it's because I lost the ability to trust people and so...feared them instead.
Nowi: Hmm. I can understand that. I mean, I was afraid of humans, too.
Libra: But you aren't anymore?
Nowi: Nope! Well, maybe a little bit. But not as much as before. I mean, I know there're lots of scary humans around, but there're lots of nice ones, too.
Libra: I envy you. Fear still holds me in its grip, no matter how I try to overcome it.
Nowi: Why don't I help you? For a start, I could introduce you to the nice people in camp.
Libra: Well, I suppose I'm willing to try if you are...

A Support

Libra: Er, Nowi? How much longer are we going to traipse through the camp?
Nowi: There are still loads and loads of nice people you haven't met yet!
Libra: Yes, but I'm worried we might be making a nuisance of ourselves.
Nowi: Don't be silly! People love it when you visit their tents unannounced!
Libra: I wonder.
Nowi: Trust me! Plus, the faster we find that heart of yours, the faster you'll make friends.
Libra: Yes, that would be wonderful. If it were to truly happen...
Nowi: Okay, where next? ...Oh, right! We haven't visited the storehouse yet.
Libra: The storehouse?
Nowi: Yeah, it's almost supper time. People'll be running in and out fetching ingredients.
Libra: You are much more familiar with the goings-on of the camp than I imagined.
Nowi: You didn't know stuff like that?
Libra: I'm afraid I've never paid much mind to how our meals are made.
Nowi: So you just slurp up your rations without a single thought for the folk in the kitchens?
Libra: To my shame, yes. I'm very selfish, aren't I? *Sigh* It appears I have a great deal more to learn from you than I realized!
Nowi: From me, of all people? Gosh.
Libra: Yes, you are really quite remarkable. I'm lucky to have you as my teacher!
Nowi: Hee hee! I like being remarkable!

S Support

Nowi: Phew! I'm exhausted, Libra.
Libra: Me, too. I had no idea it would take so long to meet everyone in camp.
Nowi: I told you there were a lot of nice people!
Libra: I'm ashamed I never realized it before. Thank you, Nowi.
Nowi: Hee hee! I'm just glad you met everyone and liked them all! So, how about it? Have you found your heart yet?
Libra: I'm not sure...
Nowi: Will it still hurt if I touch your scar?
Libra: ...I honestly don't know. Would to try?
Nowi: Sure. Here goes...
Libra: ......
Nowi: Well?
Libra: It's...slightly ticklish.
Nowi: But it doesn't hurt anywhere?
Libra: ...No. In fact, quite the opposite. It's like a...warm and tender feeling.
Nowi: Where are you feeling it?
Libra: Right my chest.
Nowi: The same place it used to hurt?
Libra: Yes... Yes, exactly!
Nowi: Well, then, I think we've found your heart!
Libra: How remarkable.
Nowi: Are you glad?
Libra: Of course. I'm...overjoyed.
Nowi: Hehe. That's good! 'Cause when you're happy, I'm happy, too.
Libra: Nowi, what would you say to us spending even more time together?
Nowi: I'd say that would be amazingly awesome, that's what! I was going to ask you the same thing since the last few weeks have been such fun.
Libra: In that case, perhaps you would do me an even greater honor? I'd like to give you this ring as proof of my love for you.
Nowi: Oh, Libra... You mean, your wife?
Libra: Yes. I do believe that's exactly what I mean.
Nowi: Of course I will! This is the happiest day of my life!
Libra: If this fluttering in my chest is any indication, then it's mine, too, Nowi.


Support information:  
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Tharja: Spoonful of frog's wart... One lizard tail... Cockscomb of a coal-black rooster...
Libra: What are you doing, Tharja?
Tharja: Trying to invent a spell that can change memories.
Libra: Is such a thing even possible?
Tharja: Well, I'll never know if you stand there and bother me, will I?
Libra: Ah, of course. I'll leave you to it. Er, but before I go, can I ask you one thing?
Tharja: Make it snappy.
Libra: How are you going to determine if the experiment is a success?
Tharja: I'll cast the hex on someone and see what happens. Same as always.
Libra: In that case, I would like to volunteer to be your test subject.
Tharja: Oh? A priest wants to sacrifice himself for the greater good? Shocker...
Libra: Unfortunately, my motives are largely selfish.
Tharja: Sure, whatever. I accept anyway. Just don't blame me if it all goes horribly wrong.
Libra: Er, is that a possibility?
Tharja: No curse is without danger. There's always a risk of harm—to body AND to soul.
Libra: I see. Then, I shall prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
Tharja: Pray to whatever gods you believe in, Priest. ...This is going to be fun.

B Support

Tharja: I shall now attempt to cast the memory-transformation spell...
Libra: Ready when you are.
Tharja: We should act on a memory that won't affect your ability to fight in battle.
Libra: Something from my childhood would probably work best. For example—
Tharja: Hey! I'm calling the shots here. But, er, just for fun... If you could choose a new memory, what would it be?
Libra: I'd like to remember a time spent with doting parents in a warm, loving home. Could you conjure such a memory?
Tharja: That sounds positively nauseating. But who am I to criticize? Think hard about the scene... Visualize it in your mind's eye...
Libra: Ah! I can see it now!
Tharja: All goes... ...Nmmm...mmm...nnngh... ...What? Th-this cannot be.
Libra: Is something wrong?
Tharja: ...Er, no! No, no. Nothing at all. There, done. The hex is cast. Do you feel different?
Libra: Um, no, not really.
Tharja: Huh. Well, I guess it didn't work.
Libra: Maybe I'm the problem.
Tharja: No. It failed because I don't yet have the talent and knowledge. Er, but Libra. When I cast the hex, I saw... Well, I saw a terrible darkness in you. What was that?
Libra: ...Ah. I see. I tried to hide it from you, but it appears I failed. My hope was that your hex would extinguish it before you knew of it.
Tharja: So that's why you volunteered to be my guinea pig.
Libra: As I said, my motives were selfish. I'm sorry for using you like this.
Tharja: No skin off my back. But now I'm very interested in all that darkness festering inside you... If I could tap into it, it could power some truly intense hexes.
Libra: In that case, would you like to continue experimenting on me?
Tharja: Doesn't it scare you to go delving into that dark place?
Libra: I am beyond fear, dear Tharja. Nothing can terrify me.
Tharja: A lot of dark mages would take such a boast as a challenge.
Libra: Heh heh. Perhaps I'm not beyond fear after all.

A Support

Tharja: ...... I...I saw it. I saw everything. I know what lies in the dark depths of your heart.
Libra: Then you know my most secret of secrets... That my parents believed I was possessed by demons and abandoned me. And you know the terrible price this inflicted on my soul.
Tharja: You were alone and loved by no one. An urchin, wretched and friendless. Until you found the faith and became a priest, your only memories are pain. ...I don't know how you manage to survive with such a burden.
Libra: Nor do I. But, strangely, now that you know of it, the burden has grown lighter. It's as if the very act of your witnessing my sorrows has blunted their power.
Tharja: When hearts and minds come together, they sometimes change each other. It's like a spell of sorts—if one side is transformed, the other is, too.
Libra: Perhaps your magical hex has somehow dispelled my darkness.
Tharja: Doubtful. I didn't cast anything of the sort. In any case, I can no longer use you as a test subject.
Libra: Why not?
Tharja: Because I have nothing further to learn from you. Once you know someone's secret pain, curses become a bit too easy.
Libra: That is unfortunate. I'd hoped I could help you more. Well, if you ever think of something else I might do, will you tell me?
Tharja: Maybe you should just focus on being happy for a bit, you know? Now you can face life without all that pain dragging you down.
Libra: Yes... Hmm. Thank you, Tharja. I shall do just that!

S Support

Libra: Tharja? Might I have a word?
Tharja: What is it?
Libra: I wonder if you wouldn't mind looking into my heart once more.
Tharja: Why?
Libra: It will be easier for you to look than for me to tell you.
Tharja: You know, you priests can be very pushy when you want to be. Maybe this time I'll do more than look. Did you consider that? Maybe this time I'll plant a seed of terror in your soul.
Libra: Anytime you're ready.
Tharja: Wow, someone's serious today. All right, don't move...
Libra: I won't.
Tharja: ...... Wh-what is... I don't understand.
Libra: You looked into my heart, didn't you? You saw the feelings I have for you.
Tharja: Why did you make me do this?
Libra: When hearts touch, they affect each other. Much like a curse does, or so you said.
Tharja: I maybe said...something like that.
Libra: So how do you feel? Any change in your heart? Any new yearnings or feelings?
Tharja: You seek to put a hex on MY heart? Y-you're a priest! How dare you!
Libra: Well, you started it.
Tharja: I most certainly did not.
Libra: Ah. Then the love I feel must have grown naturally from my own heart. And how is it YOU feel, Tharja? Because while priests can do many things, casting hexes is not one of them.
Tharja: Liar! You're lying! You have to be! O-otherwise...
Libra: Otherwise we have fallen in love with each other naturally.
Tharja: Are you sure this isn't a trick?
Libra: Love has no value if it is won by deception.
Tharja: Then I guess I have no choice but to believe my heart.
Libra: So if I were to offer this ring and propose marriage, would you accept?
Tharja: You had a ring all ready? That's rather bold, Libra.
Libra: Such fateful moments come but rarely in our lives. I did not want this one to pass me by.
Tharja: It's strange, but you seem completely different from the man whom I first met.
Libra: Different in a good way, I hope?
Tharja: ...Yes. Different in a very good way. And now you'll be the second-most important person in my life. ...After Robin.
Libra: Um, well, I...suppose I can live with that?


Support information:  
4 pts.
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18 pts.

C Support

Libra: In Naga's name, we sing...
Olivia: Oh! How lovely...
Libra: Oh, excuse me. Olivia, isn't it? Can I help you with something?
Olivia: Oh, er, no. I was just passing by and saw you and well... Sorry to intrude.
Libra: Not at all. I was just finishing.
Olivia: I'm sorry, but were you dancing just now?
Libra: I was, or at least I was attempting to. A professional like yourself must have gotten a good chuckle out of it.
Olivia: No! Quite the opposite. I've just... I've never seen a dance like that before. The way you clutched at your chest and looked skyward was... Well, it was kind of amazing, to be honest.
Libra: It is a devotional dance meant to serve as a prayer to the gods. I am at best a clumsy dancer, so I do not do it justice. However, it is a ritual that all the faithful learn at some point.
Olivia: It was beautiful. Truly it was.
Libra: To be praised by one of such divine talent is no small honor.
Olivia: Er, would you mind terribly if I watched you again sometime? I mean, as long as it isn't blasphemous or something...
Libra: You would be welcome. Such praise is meant to be shared with all.
Olivia: Oh, yay! Thank you!

B Support

Olivia: La de dum... La de dum de doooo...
Libra: Goodness...
Olivia: Oh, Libra! I didn't see you there.
Libra: Very impressive, Olivia. But who taught you the movements of our sacred devotional dance? As far I know, the only time you saw it performed was when you watched me.
Olivia: I usually only need to see a dance once to be able to learn it. But this one is different. It's like I'm just going through the motions.
Libra: To truly perform the devotional dance, you must understand its subtext.
Olivia: Um, could you maybe explain it? I mean, if you have the time?
Libra: It would be my pleasure. Now, this initial arm movement...
Olivia: Okay. And in this bit you're offering thanks for the blessing of rain?
Libra: Yes. As you raise both arms, you lift the prayer from the ground to the heavens.
Olivia: Got it.
Libra: ...Well, I believe that is everything. Do you have any questions?
Olivia: No, thank you. You explained everything perfectly!
Libra: I'm glad to be of service.
Olivia: You're really good at this, you know? You should be a priest or something!
Libra: Actually...

A Support

Olivia: Aaand ONE and TWO and...
Libra: ......
Olivia: Oh, hello, Libra. What do you think? Am I getting better?
Libra: *Sniff*
Olivia: Libra? Are you all right? You're not crying, are you?!
Libra: ...Do forgive me, my dear. *sniff* *sniffle*
Olivia: What's the matter?
Libra: ...I'm sorry, I don't think I've wept like this in years. It's as if your dance has freed my heart from a prison of ice!
Olivia: Gosh, really? Was I that good?
Libra: I thought the gods themselves had descended to dance in your person!
Olivia: Oh, wow! That's high praise.
Libra: It is no easy thing to lift prayers to the gods. Yet your dance was flawless.
Olivia: Well, er, thanks! But, of course, I couldn't have done it without you. I mean, you're such a good teacher, and you made everything so clear.
Libra: No, it is you who has taught me with your magnificent dance. I am the one who is grateful!
Olivia: Well, if that's the case, you're welcome to come watch. I mean, if you want.
Libra: Thank you. I shall do that.

S Support

Libra: Though it sits in my palm before me, I cannot believe I have taken this step...
Olivia: Hi, Libra!
Libra: Ah! Olivia! ...What did you see?!
Olivia: Um, you standing there? A couple of trees, maybe?
Libra: You didn't see anything in my hand?
Olivia: Um, no? ...Geez, you're acting really weird right now. Anyway, I came by to give you this. As thanks for the dancing lessons.
Libra: ...A crown of flowers? Why, it's beautiful! Did you make it yourself?
Olivia: Yep! It took a while, but it was the least I could do. Here...
Libra: Thank you.
Olivia: So...okay then! Guess I'll be going now.
Libra: ...... Olivia, wait.
Olivia: Huh?
Libra: I also have a gift for you, Olivia. Would you accept this small token?
Olivia: Oh, look! It's a ring! ...Gosh, this is really pretty.
Libra: This is more than a mere trinket, Olivia. It is a symbol of my love. I wish to spend the rest of my life with you.
Olivia: Oh, Libra! That's wonderful! I'd love to get married!
Libra: Your words bring joy to my heart.
Olivia: Yes! And we have your sacred dance to thank for it!


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4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

(Minerva roars)
Libra: I say... Was that the lonesome cry of a wyvern? ...... Heavens, I do believe it's getting closer. ...Yes, there it is. My, look at all those razor-sharp teeth.
Cherche: Minerva, stop that howling! We've heard quite enough already. I'm sorry if she startled you, Libra. ...Although, you don't seem very startled, actually.
Libra: Oh, it hardly bothers me. I've had plenty of past opportunities to grow used to it.
Cherche: You must be a seasoned adventurer, to be so complacent about wyverns!
Libra: Well, not wyverns specifically. But I have tangled with the occasional fell beast. Tell me, though. Is it not difficult to teach a wyvern to obey you?
Cherche: Well, Minerva is not my servant, Libra. She's family. If she obeys me, it's because she chooses to do so.
Libra: A wyvern treated as family?
Cherche: Is that so strange?
Libra: Well, I don't mean to judge you, milady, but frankly, yes. It does seem a bit strange. I didn't even think it possible to forge bonds between such disparate races. But I am glad to see it. Such open thinking embodies the word of the Ylissean faith.
Cherche: Oh, now you're just flattering me.
Libra: Flattery is a sin, milady. I would not dream of using it. But you have inspired me to follow your wonderful example. I, too, shall seek out a member of another species and attempt to befriend it!
Cherche: ...I hope he knows what he's doing.

B Support

Libra: You and I shall be wonderful friends, even if you don't understand human speech! What does such a trifle matter when we are building a bridge between our very hearts?
Cherche: Libra? Are you speaking to that mole?
Libra: We are establishing a connection, milady. A meeting of the minds, if you will.
Cherche: ...... Going well, is it?
Libra: Difficult to say. I have no way to tell what the creature is actually thinking. I don't suppose you would have any advice in this arena?
Cherche: Not much, I'm afraid. Minerva is very good at making her feelings known. Whereas you are essentially talking to a furry beanbag.
Libra: *Sigh* This is harder than it looks...
Cherche: Well, if you like, you could try making friends with Minerva. You'd like that, wouldn't you, girl?
(Minerva roars)
Libra: Gods save us! She sounds enraged!
Cherche: Oh no, that was her happy howl. Enraged is more...snippy. She's taken quite a liking to you. Not many can look at her without trembling in fear.
Libra: I appreciate the vote of confidence.
Cherche: See? You two are friends already, and you haven't even started yet!
Libra: Well, if you're sure Minerva would not mind...
Cherche: Not at all. And I'll be here to help out with advice and such whenever you need it. ...Or if she tries to eat you. But I doubt that'll happen.
Libra: I should hope not!

A Support

Libra: Hello, Minerva. How are you? Splendid weather, isn't it?
(Minerva roars)
Libra: Ha ha. Yes, yes indeed. Cloudless skies? A dry southerly wind? It's a perfect day for an airborne tour!
Cherche: You two are as thick as thieves, aren't you!
Libra: Ah, hello, Cherche. And yes, I feel we have established a true heart-to-heart connection. It's all thanks to you.
Cherche: Heh. I fear this is all your doing. You spend so much time with her, Minerva has grown very fond of you.
Libra: To think that I've become close friends with a member of another species... But, no... I mustn't think like that.
Cherche: Like what?
Libra: I fight the instinctive urge to place individuals into categories. We are all fellow creatures in the eyes of the gods. I never truly understood this until my contact with Minerva.
Cherche: I bet she noticed the change in your thinking. She's a very wise wyvern.
Libra: Indeed! I am starting to learn the truth of that. And if you don't mind me saying, I think you are very wise as well.
Cherche: I've learned a lot from Minerva, I imagine.
Libra: I do envy your relationship. I would love to be so close to her. I must continue to devote myself to building trust and friendship.
Cherche: I'm sure you'll succeed if you put your mind to it!

S Support

(Minerva roars)
Libra: Hmm... That's Minerva. But something sounds wrong. ...Minerva, what is it? What happened?
(Minerva roars)
Libra: ...What? It's Cherche?! She's not feeling well? Understood. I'll come right away!
Libra: Cherche!
Cherche: Hello, Libra. What are you doing here?
Libra: Minerva came to me in a panic. She said you were ill.
Cherche: Really? She said that?
Libra: Please, Cherche, what is the matter? Shall I summon a doctor?
Cherche: A doctor will not help, I'm afraid. I suffer from an ailment of the heart.
Libra: Ah. I see. I believe I understand, then. ...You are in love with me.
Cherche: That's... Um... I had actually expected this to be somewhat more couched in metaphor... But yes, Libra. I am.
Libra: I see.
Cherche: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spring it on you so suddenly, but I couldn't—
Libra: Do not apologize. Your words bring joy to my heart.
Cherche: They do?
Libra: Absolutely! I would not lie to you about such a thing. I confess, in bouts of wild optimism, I prayed this day might come. And yet, I am a man poor in worldly goods, and do not have a ring to offer you.
Cherche: I don't need a ring, Libra. You just have to promise to love me forever!
Libra: Then I pledge, on bended knee, my eternal love! ...And promise to buy a ring later.


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This support is only available if Owain is Libra's son.

C Support

Owain: A foul sense hangs in the air... My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what's this? Blood...raging! ...A different sort of blood rage than usual!
Libra: Owain? Is everything all right?
Owain: STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!
Libra: Why? Did you catch something? Do you think you're contagious?
Owain: The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!
Libra: ...Er, I'm confused. Are you under someone else's control? Did someone curse you?
Owain: Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!
Libra: All right, Son, just stay where you are—I'll get your mother!
Owain: Wait, MOTHER?! Er... Heh... That's not...strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me! Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father? ...ACK! Did he actually go to get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...

B Support

Owain: Um... You're not still upset, are you?
Libra: Of course I'm upset! You started moaning and shouting out of the blue! Your mother and I were terrified! *Sigh* Look, I AM relieved you're all right. But what was all that about, anyway? Some kind of scripted stage acting?
Owain: I don't script anything! I'll have you know, it's entirely improv— Er... I mean, it's authentic! I'm the chosen scion of warrior heroes across tide and time!
Libra: And you're not ashamed to spout those lines? ...That makes one of us.
Owain: Ashamed? Ha! Far from it! Though I suppose I can't blame you for not understanding my bleeding-edge aesthetic. After all, you are the product of an earlier, simpler time...
Libra: Well, a future where everyone talks like you sounds a bit— ...OWAIN, LOOK OUT!
Owain: What?!
Libra: ...Grah!
Owain: Your shoulder! Father, you're hit!
Libra: Nngh... the trees... Thank the gods they missed you... We're outnumbered... We have to get out of here! Now GO!
Owain: R-right!
Libra: We lost them... We should be safe here.
Owain: Gods, not again...
Libra: Hmm?
Owain: Why?! Why did you take that arrow for me?! You could have died! This is how it happens, you know! This is exactly... Er...
Libra: This is how what happens?
Owain: *Sob* Oh, Father... *sniff*
Libra: Owain? Owain, are you crying? What's wrong?
Owain: I... *sigh* No, nothing. Nothing is wrong. It was...just more improv, all right? Just forget I said anything. More importantly, we need to get that shoulder looked at. I'll go get Mother.
Libra: A-all right. I'll be here.

A Support

Owain: Father, how's the shoulder?
Libra: Fine, thank you. It wasn't much of a wound to begin with, thank the gods.
Owain: Good. I don't know what I'd do if...if I got you killed again.
Libra: Ah, so that's what this was about... I die protecting you in the future?
Owain: ...It was just a normal Risen, but somehow I didn't see it coming. You had no business dying when I was the one too stupid to watch his own back!
Libra: At least it sounds like I died with no regrets.
Owain: So yes, that's why when I saw you took a hit for me, I...I lost control. All those feelings of guilt and shame returned. I just couldn't stand it.
Libra: I'm sorry to have dredged up those painful memories, Owain. But more than that, I'm sorry I left you by yourself in the future...
Owain: Father, no! You never left me! I never felt alone—not once! You and Mother were always with me because you were WITHIN me! I'm the scion of a heroine who gave me life and a hero who gave his life to save mine.
Libra: Wait. So all this talk about having the blood of heroes in you... You were talking about your mother and me? Owain, that's so— ...Wait a second. Why does OUR blood rage and boil at the drop of a hat? Lissa and I really don't seem the type to have such unruly fluids...
Owain: Well, yes, the part about my blood raging may have been for...dramatic effect.
Libra: ...Pray come again?
Owain: But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!
Libra: ...Thank you, Owain. But you're more than just my legacy. You've done plenty in your own right. Your mother and I are so proud of everything you've become...
Owain: Aw, thanks! But... Hnngh... This sensation... B-blood...boiling once again... The fiery pride in your bosom has sparked the tinder of my soul and set me ablaze!
Libra: Heh. Well, it's good to hear you're back to your old self, at least...


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Inigo is Libra's son.

C Support

Inigo: Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!
Libra: We have a battle to prepare for, Inigo. Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.
Inigo: Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!
Libra: ......
Inigo: You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?
Libra: No. I just... I was wondering if you were like this in the future as well.
Inigo: Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.
Libra: For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree. Seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.
Inigo: No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!
Libra: Oh, is that so?
Inigo: Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!
Libra: ...Your purpose in life is to be popular with girls? You literally traveled across be popular with girls?!
Inigo: To be popular with ALL girls. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.
Libra: I... I don't even know what to say.
Inigo: What? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!
Libra: No, that's not what... Where do I even begin? Suddenly I'm feeling very tired... I'm going on ahead.
Inigo: ...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...

B Support

Inigo: Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...
Libra: Something wrong, Inigo? Everyone else has already headed back.
Inigo: F-Father?! Er, I just...thought I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!
Libra: ...Lying is a sin, my son. It's obvious your leg is wounded.
Inigo: It's fine, it's—GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!
Libra: This is a serious injury, Inigo! Why didn't you say something?
Inigo: What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.
Libra: Oh, Inigo! ENOUGH!
Inigo: ...Father?
Libra: You can barely walk, and you're still thinking about girls?! Be serious for once! Really, why did you travel back from the future? Lucina fights so hard, but you... Honestly, I'm disappointed. You have no idea what it means to be at war.
Inigo: ...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!
Libra: Wh-what?
Inigo: Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!
Libra: Inigo, I didn't—
Inigo: You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!
Libra: ......
Inigo: ...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but that's not the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.
Libra: Inigo, listen...
Inigo: That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at.
Libra: ...... I... I had no idea...

A Support

Libra: Inigo? I wanted to speak with you.
Inigo: Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?
Libra: That's good, Son.
Inigo: Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.
Libra: No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was...insensitive. You've been fighting with all you've got. I had no right to criticize you.
Inigo: Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. was my fault, too.
Libra: Still...
Inigo: Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!
Libra: Huh?
Inigo: You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!
Libra: Ah ha ha! Stop that! S-stop! It really tickles! Ha ha ha!
Inigo: Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?
Libra: ...That was why you came back? To make me happy?
Inigo: Well...yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.
Libra: You can tell me anything.
Inigo: You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.
Libra: Ha! You can stop kidding now, Inigo. I'm already smiling.
Inigo: Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls—it was never part of the act.
Libra: Well, that's moderation, of course. You're a strong man, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But no one is invincible, and you shouldn't pretend to be. If something's wrong, come to me. We'll figure it out together.
Inigo: Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!
Libra: Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!
Inigo: I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen—the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'm not about to lose you again.
Libra: Thank you, Inigo. May Naga watch over us both.


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Brady is Libra's son.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Libra: Um...
Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Libra: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Libra: Oh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Libra: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I'm not much of a tea drinker...
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Libra: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?
Libra: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I suppose she did.
Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Libra: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Libra: ...When did my life get so odd?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Libra: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Libra: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Libra: It...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Libra: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Libra: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Libra: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you probably wouldn't have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Libra: It's settled then! Pull up a seat...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Libra: Heh heh...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Libra: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Libra: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Libra: ...... Brady, I...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Libra: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Libra: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you until the gods call me home and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Libra: Hah! Then I suppose it's settled. I can't very well die now, can I?


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Kjelle is Libra's daughter.

C Support

Kjelle: Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.
Libra: Oh, Kjelle... I'd love to, but...maybe not today...
Kjelle: Father, you're pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!
Libra: I-it's nothing. I'm f-fine... Save for my gut...
Kjelle: Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll—
Libra: B-breakfast...
Kjelle: ...Someone named "Breakfast"?
Libra: N-no... I ate breakfast, and then...this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in...the same shape... If you haven't eaten...s-stay away... Save yourself...
Kjelle: ......
Libra: Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cooking was bad... Whoever made this
Kjelle: ...Is your daughter.
Libra: ...What?
Kjelle: I'm sorry, Father. ...I thought it turned out so well.
Libra: N-no, it's not...that... I mean...urrgh... It was d-delicious... I'm sure the...searing pain is...coincidental... The gods do love to...test us sometimes...
Kjelle: You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing!
Libra: W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...

B Support

Libra: Kjelle, you seem to be training especially hard today.
Kjelle: If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting.
Libra: Oh,'re not cooking again?
Kjelle: Would you want me to, after last time?! You saw how that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!
Libra: It was certainly a...challenging day. But nobody's perfect—I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would like to try your cooking again.
Kjelle: NO!
Libra: ...I'm sorry?
Kjelle: What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.
Libra: Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...
Kjelle: I still remember the sound...that horrible sound... Dozens of people, all fa—
Libra: All right! Fair enough. ...Look, what if I gave you a few pointers? If we manage to come up with something tasty, we can share it with everyone!
Kjelle: Hmm... All right, let's try it! ...And thanks.

A Support

Libra: The soup smells great, honey! Good job. I'm sure everyone will be eager for a taste.
Kjelle: Thanks. I had a good teacher. I had no idea you knew so much about cooking!
Libra: I learned a lot after marrying your mother. It was that or starve...
Kjelle: Ha! You two really get along so well, don't you?
Libra: Yes, I guess we do...
Kjelle: ...... ...Heh heh.
Libra: Hmm?
Kjelle: Just thinking that this must be what it feels like. ...Having parents, I mean. Being a normal family. I never really got to have that,'s nice.
Libra: Kjelle...
Kjelle: But hey, enough of that. Didn't mean to get all misty. Let's dig in to this soup! *slurp*
Libra: Kjelle, I know you're a strong girl who doesn't like to ask for help... But you can, you know? If there's anything I can ever do, just name it.
Kjelle: Weeell... I guess one thing comes to mind, actually.
Libra: Yes, what is it?
Kjelle: Keep teaching me how to cook! This soup tastes like dishwater...
Libra: *Slurp* ...Oh, the gods are cruel! It DOES taste like dishwater!
Kjelle: Actually, I've had better dishwater...
Libra: Right, then. I can at least get you cooking food that tastes like food!
Kjelle: That'd be plenty for me! Thanks!


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Severa is Libra's daughter.

C Support

Severa: Hey! I think it's time for Daddy-Daughter Day!
Libra: Oh? And why is that?
Severa: Does a daughter NEED a reason to spend a little time with her father?! Most fathers would be beside themselves with joy at even being asked! Gawds!
Libra: You're right—I should count my blessings. Well, then? Where shall we go?
Severa: Into town! I spotted a whole line of shops with the CUTEST dresses...
Libra: Dresses, hmm? Well, I suppose you're at that age...
Severa: Age? Hee hee! In this timeline, you're not much older than I am, Daddy!
Libra: Hmm... No, I suppose I'm not.
Severa: I bet most people seeing us side by side would think we were brother and sister.
Libra: Hmm, indeed... An odd thought, now that you mention it.
Severa: Odd? Is there something wrong with that? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?! You'd rather be with Mother, wouldn't you?
Libra: Wha—?! N-not at all, dear! You're adorable!
Severa: Aw, you mean it? Yay! That's so sweet! So okay! In town, there's this one dress I really, reeeally want! Would you hate me if I asked you to get it for me? Would Mother be mad?
Libra: I could never hate you, Severa. And I'm sure your mother won't mind. You're our daughter, you know? You can have anything you'd like.
Severa: Oh, thank you, Daddy! I love you so much!
Libra: And I you, dear.
Severa: (...Pffft. Too easy.)

B Support

Severa: Thanks again for all the shopping, Daddy! I felt like a total princess when you bought everything I asked for!
Libra: Gods above! I've never seen such unbridled avarice...
Severa: Daddy, are you listening?
Libra: What? Y-yes, dear, I'm listening.
Severa: Good, good. So! I'd just looove to go on another shopping spree with you! I spotted the most precious little accessory shop in a town near here the other day!
Libra: I'm afraid the answer is no.
Severa: Huh? Why not? Did I do something wrong? Daddy, are you... Are you mad at me?
Libra: Don't make little lamb eyes at me, Severa. No means no. We've already bought you plenty.
Severa: FINE, then! FINE! I guess I'll just wear RAGS! ...GAWDS!
Libra: Goodness, that was a fast change. Now, see here. I'm not saying I won't buy you anything ever...
Severa: Oooooh, you're not?!
Libra: But the gods reward those who live in service of others. If you help out around camp with chores and such, I'll treat you to something nice.
Severa: EXCUSE me? What is this—my allowance?! I'm not a child!
Libra: No? Then stop acting like one. This is for your own good, Severa. A little hardship in one's youth builds character.
Severa: I dealt with a LOT more than hardship back in the future, thank you!
Libra: Well, my decision is final. I won't continue to just buy you whatever you like. If there's something you want, you'll have to work for it.
Severa: FINE! Whatever! ...I'll do your stupid chores. But I expect some SERIOUS returns, is that clear?!
Libra: *Sigh* I sure hope that character starts building soon...

A Support

Severa: Apply the whetstone to the blade at an angle, and then... Gah, not again! That's the fifth one that broke! Nothing EVER goes right for me!
Libra: Severa? What are you doing?
Severa: I'm sharpening these stupid weapons that won't stay sharp! Gawds! You told me to help out, right? So I'm helping.
Libra: ...And that pile of broken swords behind you?
Severa: It's not my fault they're defective! They all, like, fell apart and stuff! Sorry I'm not PERFECT at everything like Mother! Sorry I'm SO STUPID! I get it—I'm useless! You should just drown me in a sack...
Libra: Severa, I think you're overreact—
Severa: I burn everything I try to cook... I just about beheaded a horse while chopping wood... I'm no help to anyone! I'm just a bunch of lame deadweight. You must've had high hopes, too, given Mother's history. I'm such a disappointment.
Libra: ......
Severa: ...Well? If you have something to say, just say it!
Libra: I'm not disappointed, Severa. I couldn't be happier that you came back to us.
Severa: Oh, please. Are you mocking me? Do you really think I'm that stupid? All my life, every time I mess something up, people compare me to Mother! And you're closer to her than anyone! I KNOW you think I don't measure up.
Libra: You're your own woman, Severa. I wouldn't compare you to anyone. You're my daughter and my treasure, and I know your mother feels the same.
Severa: Wha—?!
Libra: I love you, honey, and I'm behind you no matter what happens. So no more talk of being a disappointment! It makes me feel like I failed you as a father.
Severa: What? No! Daddy, you didn't! *sniff* I'm sorry! I... I didn't... WAAAAAAAAAH...
Libra: Don't cry. You've been through a lot, I know, but it's all right now. I'm sorry for saying you needed more hardship before. I know it's been hard... But I'll do all I can to keep you from ever suffering again. And hey—you HAVE been doing your chores. So how about that reward now?
Severa: No. I don't need it. I don't need anything but you, Daddy! But if you die on me again, I'll never forgive you!
Libra: I'm not going anywhere this time, dear. I swear it in Naga's name.


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Gerome is Libra's son.

C Support

Libra: Hello, Gerome.
Gerome: What do you want?
Libra: Oh, nothing in particular. I just—
Gerome: Then why are you talking to me? I'm not here to make friends.
Libra: Apparently not. But what of your family?
Gerome: ......
Libra: I was thinking: we're father and son... Perhaps it's time we started acting like it. Lucina calls Chrom "Father," you know? We could start there.
Gerome: You may look like my father, but you are not the same man. My father is dead and gone. ...You are a stranger.
Libra: I suppose what you say is true, but you could stand to open your heart a bit more... I know your true father is gone, and I know you must miss him greatly. ...But I thought perhaps our relationship could help heal that wound.
Gerome: Then you are a fool.
Libra: Oh, gods, labeled a fool by my own child... You should know, Gerome, that I'm only offering this out of a sense of—
Gerome: This conversation is over. I have business elsewhere. I must feed and clean Minervykins before bedtime.
Libra: ...Minervykins?
Gerome: Er, that is... I did not mean to... Bah! Your stupidity is contagious!
Libra: *Sigh* That boy...

B Support

Libra: Hello, Gerome. Have you been taking good care of little Minervykins?
Gerome: I did NOT call her that! The very idea is ludicrous! ...You must have misheard.
Libra: Peace, Gerome. It was an innocent remark and nothing more. Cherche sometimes calls her wyvern Minervykins, too. Eventually, I picked up the habit as well.
Gerome: Oh... Er, right. I knew that.
Libra: Heh heh. You know, you're adorable when you're flustered.
Gerome: ......
Libra: All right, all right. No need to glare now. I meant no offense...
Gerome: ...Apology accepted.
Libra: That's very kind of you. Though I must say, seeing you so angry reminds me quite a bit of Cherche.
Gerome: What do you mean?
Libra: Mmm? O-oh, nothing... Hey, is that your Minerva over there?
Gerome: It is.
Libra: Hmm, she seems more intimidating than Cherche's. Scarier, more ferocious...
Gerome: Truly? In the future, people oft remarked she was the prettiest wyvern in the realm. Just look at those big, smoky eyes... She's such a cutey-poo! Er, I mean... Um... You tricked me into saying that!
Libra: Oh? I didn't trick you into anything... You said it all by yourself.
Gerome: That's it. I'm leaving. WE'RE leaving. ...Minerva, to me!
Libra: Heh, he is indeed adorable when he's flustered...

A Support

Libra: Hello, Gerome. Spending quality time with Minerva again, I see?
Gerome: ...Why do you insist on following me everywhere?
Libra: It's nothing so sinister as your tone implies, I assure you... I just wanted to talk about our relationship again. About being father and son... Now that I've seen your sensitive side, I thought we might—
Gerome: I have no sensitive side.
Libra: Er, right. But remember when you said Minerva was a cutey-poo? The look of love that flitted across your face was so tender and sincere, I—
Libra: Minerva would never attack me, Gerome. She knows I'm family. There, there, little Minerva. You remember me, don't you?
Gerome: M-Minerva? ...Do you truly consider this buffoon part of our family? ...... ...I see. Very well, Minerva. If that is your wish...
Libra: What did Minerva say?
Gerome: Hmph. You claim to be part of the family, but you can't understand her?
Libra: Well... It's an acquired skill.
Gerome: It matters not. Minerva says you are family, and I am thus duty bound to accept you. I'm... I'm sorry I treated you poorly. ...Father.
Libra: ...Did you just call me Father?
Gerome: Don't get used to it. ...Minerva, to me! We're leaving!
Libra: W-wait, Gerome! Son! Let's hear it just one more time!
Gerome: Bah, enough already!

Morgan (M)

Support information:  
Morgan (M)
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This support is only available if Morgan (M) is Libra's son.

C Support

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my father... All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear... I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together... But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank.
Libra: What's going on, Morgan?
Morgan: Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate! ...Wait, no. How did Mother put it? "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link...thing!
Libra: I see. That sounds wonderful.
Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me... I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father. Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Libra: I'd be happy to try. After all—
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Libra: Well, he's certainly energetic...

B Support

Morgan: Father? Do you have a moment?
Libra: Yes, of course.
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Dad Back! Step one—figure how we're going to trigger some flashbacks. I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Father? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Libra: Let's just...hold off on the head smashing for now, shall we? Perhaps you could try just staring at me for a bit? Right into my eyes.
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes... ...... ......... ............ ............... Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing. It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?"
Libra: Er, right. Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day?
Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest... But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Father!

A Support

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either... I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Libra: Come now, Morgan. No tears.
Morgan: B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them... I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
Libra: Morgan...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there... Ngh! M-my head! ...Wha—?!
Libra: What's wrong?!
Morgan: I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but...I remember! You were smiling at me...and you called my name... Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you! Oh thank you, Father. I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Libra: Take all the time you need. I'll be here for you always.
Morgan: Aw... Thanks, Dad.


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Yarne is Libra's son.

C Support

Yarne: ...... ......
Libra: Um, Yarne? Is there a reason you're staring at me like that?
Yarne: I'm trying to read your face and find out if you're cheating on Mother.
Libra: By the gods, Yarne! Cheating? I'd never do such a thing! I've been faithful to Panne since the day I proposed!
Yarne: Oh, all right then... IF you're telling the truth...
Libra: Why would you think I was cheating?! ...Is someone spreading rumors?
Yarne: Nope. The idea just popped into my head the other day. You see, I got to thinking... What would happen to me if you suddenly decided Mother wasn't good enough?
Libra: Huh?
Yarne: See, I'd been assuming that all I had to do was make sure you both stayed alive. Eventually you'd have me, and poof! My existence would be guaranteed. But that would all change if you left Mother for another woman before I was born. The very instant you made the decision, I would just wink out of existence! The thought of it sends a chill down my spine. Brrrrrr...
Libra: ...Hmm. I guess I see your point.
Yarne: So I'm going to be keeping a VERY close eye on you to make sure you toe the line!
Libra: Now hold on just one minute!
Yarne: Don't worry, I'll make an exception for temporary dalliances during battle. ...Just so long as the fraternizing STAYS on the battlefield! Anyway, I've got to be going. But remember: I'm watching you!
Libra: *Sigh* Naga, give me strength...

B Support

Yarne: Ah. Hello, Father.
Libra: What's wrong, Yarne? You look as if your world is about to end.
Yarne: Thirteen yesterday, eight the day before. You know what I'm talking about?
Libra: Hmm... The number of times I knelt down in prayer?
Yarne: NO! The number of times you spoke to a woman who WASN'T my mother! To think I actually believed you when you said you had no intention of cheating! You have no self-control at all, and I'm going to vanish as a result! I just know it!
Libra: Yarne, calm down. I was just being polite. Pleasantries and tactics and such.
Yarne: It sounded like more than that to me! Remember, taguel have excellent hearing.
Libra: Believe me, I know all about that... But you have to understand, I must talk to my fellow soldiers—men and women both. When you're in the thick of a battle, it's vital you know who you're fighting with. I mean, what if someone said you couldn't talk to Lucina ever again?
Yarne: ...Well, I guess that would be a problem.
Libra: I'm glad you understand. But I wish you would just trust me. I swear in Naga's good name I would never cheat!
Yarne: Well, you say that now... And perhaps you even mean it now... But what about the future? How do I know you'll never change your mind? I mean, you once promised me that you'd return home...but you never did...
Libra: ...Ah.
Yarne: ...Er, forget I said that. It doesn't matter. I won't spy on you anymore. But if you break another promise and cheat on Mother, I won't ever forgive you!
Libra: ...Hmm, I think I understand now. In Yarne's future, I die and become the memory of a broken promise...

A Support

Libra: There you are, Yarne. I was looking for you.
Yarne: What do you want, Father? I told you, I won't spy on you anymore.
Libra: That's not why I wanted to see you. I...want to apologize. In the future, I promised to come back to you and...I didn't. I'm sorry.
Yarne: What does it matter if YOU apologize?! It wasn't YOU who abandoned me! It was a different you from a different time!
Libra: Yes, I understand that. And I also know you're not my son. ...Not exactly, anyway.
Yarne: ......
Libra: We're not just from different times, but from different versions of time. And yet I think of you as my family all the same. I hope to give you the things that the father in your future couldn't. ...That is what you want, isn't it?
Yarne: I...I guess it is, yes. I know it's not right, but I can't help but think of you as my father. That's why I get scared whenever you talk to other women. I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving Mother and being someone else's father. It would be like losing him all over again.
Libra: Yarne, what if I made another promise? I swear by all that's holy that I will survive and that I will never abandon your mother. I love you both more than anything in this world. I would do anything for you.
Yarne: I...I don't know what to say. Except...thank you. Because this time, I believe you'll keep your promise.
Libra: Good!
Yarne: Phew! Now maybe I can relax and stop worrying about vanishing from history... You're such a great father! Who's a good father? Yes, whooo's a good father?!
Libra: I appreciate the sentiment, Yarne, but must you pet me like a dog while you say it?


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Laurent is Libra's son.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Libra: Ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Libra: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Libra: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Libra: Ah, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Perhaps you enjoy visiting old chapels?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Libra: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Libra: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Libra: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Libra: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Libra: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Libra: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Libra: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Libra: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been so...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Libra: Laurent...

A Support

Libra: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Libra: Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Libra: Hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Libra: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Libra: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Libra: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Libra: I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Gods forgive me. But know that I will never leave your side again.


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Noire is Libra's daughter.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Libra: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Libra: By the gods, why would she do something like that?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Libra: Poor dear... Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Libra: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Libra: Oh dear. That's...rather pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Libra: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove you can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Libra: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Libra: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Libra: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Libra: I guess some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Libra: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Libra: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, love.
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Libra: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Libra: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Libra: Do you have a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Libra: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Libra: Hee hee, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Libra: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Libra: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Libra: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Libra: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Libra: Oh, dear. I'd better get out of here before I test that whole "not even death" promise... Good-bye, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Support information:  
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This support is only available if Nah is Libra's daughter.

C Support

Nah: *Sigh* Dealing with Mother is just so exasperating! All she ever does is play, play, play, as if she hasn't a care in the world!
Libra: What's wrong, Nah? You seem like you're in quite a mood.
Nah: Oh, hello, Father. I was just thinking about Mother again... How do you stand her? Don't you find her incredibly childish? Annoying, even? She spends almost all of her time running around camp playing games.
Libra: How odd. I was just thinking how the two of you are so alike in many ways... But no, I don't find her annoying. It's who she is—I wouldn't want her to change.
Nah: Tsk! Father, you're MUCH too kind. If you're always this tolerant, she'll never learn to act her age!
Libra: Well, I...
Nah: What do you like about her, anyway? You're so serious and responsible, and she runs around like a headless chicken! I have no idea what you see in her... rushed into marriage for some reason? Like you got her—
Libra: What?! D-don't be ridiculous! I knew exactly what I was getting into.
Nah: Oh? That's quite a protest there... I guessed right, didn't I?
Libra: No, no... I was well aware of her...frivolous side. I find it charming. Yes, indeed. Charming.
Nah: You know what, Father? I don't believe you one bit. Come now, spit it out. Why DID you marry her?
Libra: Enough! You shouldn't be talking about your mother like this.
Nah: Hey, stop! Don't run away from me! WAAAAAAIT!

B Support

Nah: Father! Cornered you at last! It's time we finished our conversation.
Libra: Nah, you're incredibly persistent, but that discussion is over. I'm not getting into any more detail about why I chose your mother, and that's final!
Nah: AWWWWWW. Why not?! A daughter simply MUST know how her parents fell in love! You don't understand how a woman's heart works. You're so CRUEL!
Libra: Heh, you're a little young to understand about a "woman's heart," yourself.
Nah: ...Did you just mention my AGE?! Gods, forget what I said. It's a wonder any woman deigned to choose YOU...
Libra: Nah, I know what you're trying to do here. But don't forget, I AM your father. If you keep this up, I WILL get upset, and I WILL punish you...
Nah: Eep! S-sorry, Father. I didn't mean to make you angry... I swear.
Libra: All right... I appreciate the apology.
Nah: I've been selfish and unreasonable. Please find it in yourself to forgive me.
Libra: Yes, of course. But—
Nah: I guess I've wasted enough of your time. I'll just be...going now.
Libra: No, wait, Nah.
Nah: Yes?
Libra: You seem so crestfallen... Are you all right?
Nah: *Sigh* I suppose I'll just have to deal with the crushing disappointment, won't I? I mean, if my father is going to become so angry over a simple, innocent question...
Libra: Um, yes, well... See, it's just—
Nah: No, no. You don't have to explain. I'm used to dealing with hardship. Being spurned by my own father is just another drop in my bucket of torment. Hardly worth mentioning at all. Truly! ...Anyway, have a nice day.
Libra: B-b-but... ...Is this really what I have to look forward to for the next decade?

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Libra: Nah...
Nah: Why, hello, Father. What can I do for you?
Libra: About the other day, when you said you were used to disappointment... What exactly did you mean by that?
Nah: Oh, that... I was talking about growing up in my foster home.
Libra: Wait, you mean Nowi wasn't around to raise you?
Nah: No. I never knew either of my parents. I was sent to live with the family of one of my father's soldier friends. But my new family wasn't very welcoming to their semihuman-mongrel foster child.
Libra: Don't say that.
Nah: I soon learned that I'd have to work hard to fit in and survive in my new home. I did chores before I was asked. I helped defend the house from marauding Risen. I thought that if I could make myself useful, they would stop...hating me. I mean, how could they resent a child that always helped and never asked for anything? But they never accepted me... I just learned to deal with disappointment. I had no friends. No one to talk to. ...I was utterly alone. And I never once mentioned how much I missed my father and mother. *Sniff* I...I didn't even ask...when...when would they come back for me...
Libra: ...Nah...
Nah: Wh-when I arrived here, I wanted to find out everything I could about them. *sniff* Th-that's why I keep asking so many questions and making you angry...
Libra: I'm sorry, Nah. I've been blind this whole time... I'll tell you anything you want to know—even the embarrassing story of our courtship... And if you're ever feeling lost or sad, I'll be right here for you. As long as I'm around, you won't ever be lonely again.
Nah: T-truly? Do you really mean it?! Oh, thank you, Father!
Libra: Not at all, Nah. Now, tell me, what do you want to know?
Nah: Let's start with how you proposed to Mother! What'd you say? What'd you do?! I want to hear EVERYTHING, and don't leave out even the smallest detail!
Libra: Oh, dear. All right, you know, your mother has always looked young, and...