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Group Ice

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Group Ice

Is ns01 gambit magic.png
Icon of Group Ice from Three Houses.

Ice magic that affects a wide area. Range 1-2.



First game

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Group Ice (Japanese: 集団魔法:氷 Group magic: ice) is a gambit which was introduced in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is a wide magical attack that can affect a group of enemies from a distance. It serves as a middle-ground for the group magic gambits in regards to power and accuracy.


Game Icon Might Hit Range Uses Area of effect Other effects and notes
Three Houses Is ns01 gambit magic.png 3 50 1–2 1 Gr fe16 target 1 radius.png Works as magical damage.
Inflicts Is ns01 status rattled.png rattled status on all targets.


Three Houses

Battalions Kingdom Magic Corps

Flavor text

Game Text
Three Houses
Ice magic that affects a wide area.
Range: 1-2.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Group Ice




Group magic: ice


Magia de hielo β

Ice magic β. Spanish uses lowercase Greek letters to denote magic gambit tiers; in this case beta denotes the lower tier.


Groupe : glace

Group: ice


Gruppenmagie: Eis

Group Magic: Ice


Ghiaccio corale

Choral ice


집단 마법: 빙

Group magic: ice

Simplified Chinese


Group magic: ice

Traditional Chinese


Group magic: ice


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See also

Gambits and Staggering Blows
Physical gambits AbsorptionAshes and DustAssault TroopAssemblyBattleground Clean UpBlazeDisturbanceFlash-Fire ArrowsFusilladeGroup Lance AttackLine of LancesLinked HorsesLureMad MeleeOnslaughtPoisoned ArrowsPoison TacticRaging FlamesRandom ShotReversalWave Attack
Magical gambits Group FlamesGroup IceGroup LightningResonant FlamesResonant IceResonant Lightning
Support gambits Absolute DefenseBag of TricksBattleground CaféBlessingDance of the GoddessImpregnable WallRecovery RoarResonant White MagicRetributionSacred ShieldStride
Staggering Blows AnnihilationArm PressAurora BreathBrimstone BreathCycloneFlame BreathGaleHeavy StrikeHoarfrostLight BreathLight-Lance BarragePoison BreathRapidsSandstormSky FissureThorns of RuinTitanomachyUmbral SurgeWilted Flower