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Divine Code: Part

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Divine Code: Part

Is feh divine code part 1.png
Icon of a Divine Code: Part 1, the first item of this type, from Heroes.



First game

Fire Emblem Heroes

The Divine Code: Part (Japanese: 異界の紙片・#章 Spirit paper · chapter #) is an item appearing exclusively in Fire Emblem Heroes. There are currently three types of this item, Divine Code: Part 1, Divine Code: Part 2, and Divine Code: Part 3. Divine Code: Part 1 was added to the game in the version 4.0.0 update, but they served no purpose until the version 4.3.0 update, where they became the primary means of currency of purchasing pre-compiled Combat Manuals not exclusive to limited-time periods; Divine Code: Part 2 was added to the game in the version 5.3.0 update, and Divine Code: Pat 3 was added to the game in the version 6.3.0 update. Divine Code: Part items are primarily obtained as Tier rewards in Mjölnir's Strike.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Heroes Is feh divine code part 1.png 1 -- The primary currency for purchasing pre-compiled Combat Manuals not exclusive to time-limited periods.



This list may be incomplete.
Mjölnir's Strike Tier Rewards
Resonant Battle Tier Rewards
FEH Pass Quest Reward
Limited Hero Battle Clear Reward
Arena Duels Tier Rewards

Flavor text

Game Text
A scrap of otherworldly designs used to
compile Combat Manuals.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Divine Code: Part #

Where # is the number attached to the end of the item



Spirit paper · chapter #


Códice divino - Parte #

Divine codex - Part #


Parchemin divin : partie #

Divine parchment: part #; abbreviated as Parch. divin : partie #.


Heiliger Kodex: Teil #

Holy Codex: Part #; abbreviated as Hl. Kodex: Teil #.


Codice divino: parte #

Divine codex: part #


Código divino: Parte #

Divine codex: Part #

Traditional Chinese


Spirit paper · chapter #


See also


Items in Fire Emblem Heroes
General items Aether StoneArena CrownArena MedalAscendant FloretBadgeBattle FlagBinding TorchBlessingsCelestial StoneConquest LanceDivine Code: PartDivine Code: EphemeraDivine DewDragonflowersDueling Crest (Dueling Sword) • First Summon TicketForma SoulForma TorchGuardian ShieldHavoc AxeHeavenly DewHero FeatherHeroic GrailLight's BlessingMemento PointMemory FragmentMidgard GemOrbRefining StoneSacred CoinShards and CrystalsSP Aether StoneStamina PotionTrait Fruit
Arena Assault items Dancer's VeilElixirFear CharmFortifying HornInfantry BootsLightning CharmNaga's TearPanic CharmPressure CharmSpecial Blade