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Caspar/Supports (Warriors: Three Hopes)

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< Caspar
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Caspar: Rrgh! Hahh!
Edelgard: Ngh! Hrahh!
Caspar: I think that's enough for one day. You really know how to make me work up a sweat!
Edelgard: You kept me on my toes as well, Caspar. Thank you.
Caspar: Hey now, you'll never have to twist my arm to get me to train. Just shout when you wanna go again! Oh, and we should invite Raphael next time! The muscles on that guy are something else!
Edelgard: I'll keep that in mind. I often have trouble trying to find people to spar with.
Caspar: No surprise there. Not like folks are lining up for a chance to knock the emperor's teeth out.
Edelgard: You seem to have no problem coming after my teeth. Sometimes I think you're trying to kill me.
Caspar: What? No! I mean, I only do it because I know you can handle it, right? Look, just don't say anything to Hubert, OK? If he finds out we're sparring, he'll have me cut into pieces and dumped into the nearest river for sure.
Edelgard: He already knows. I convinced him I need the training if I'm to stand on the front lines.
Caspar: Well, that's a relief. So, uh, why do you, by the way? Fight on the front lines, I mean. You're an incredible fighter, but the Empire would be in deep, deep trouble if anything happened to you. And it's not like you're after the glory like I am. Shouldn't you just hang back and send us orders from some distant hilltop? Seems like it goes pretty hard against that "rationality" thing you're always talking about.
Edelgard: Caspar, lecturing me on what's sensible? I must be dreaming. But yes, you're right. It's not entirely rational.
Caspar: See? I'm a thinking man sometimes!
Edelgard: That's not to say I don't have a rational reason. My presence on the front lines improves morale, and my skills better our hope of victory. So long as I don't fall in battle, taking the field is the smartest thing I can do.
Caspar: Right, sure. So what's the un-rational part?
Edelgard: The emotional side. I can't stand the idea of remaining safe while friends and comrades alike risk their lives for our cause. You're all out there on my command, taking lives from others and giving your own in return. It doesn't seem fair for me to do any less.
Caspar: Except that you're the emperor.
Edelgard: And I say the emperor should help.
Caspar: Hey, I get it. You wanna get in the dirt with the rest of us to pull your weight, right? You and me are the same in that way.
Edelgard: A dreadful suggestion, but I'll allow it.
Caspar: Aw, come on! You should be happy! Here I thought we were completely different people, but turns out there's a little Caspar in you after all. You know, I can't even imagine you lording over us from far away. You work best when you're down in the mud with the rest of us, sending chumps flying.
Edelgard: IF there's a little Caspar in me, perhaps it's time to put a bit of someone else in you. Someone with manners, perhaps?
Caspar: Ugh, the M word? No thanks. You know all that politeness would only hold me back.


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Edelgard: And of course, I'm worried about those who struggle at combat.

If Manuela is alive If Manuela has died

Manuela: Yes, we must do all we can to support them. I'll do my part to watch out for those who need help.

Edelgard: Thank you. We'll do this together.
Caspar: Support people who struggle with combat, huh?
If there's a more perfect job for me out there, I don't know what it is!

[The scene changes]

Bernadetta: Um...
Caspar: You ready, Bernadetta? Let's go!
Bernadetta: Nooo! Why do I have to do this?
Caspar: Why do you have to train, you mean?
Bernadetta: It's not training, it's weird! This is torture and I'm gonna die!
Caspar: Hey, calm down! You'll only be fighting me.
Bernadetta: You're lying! There are people hiding in this armor and they're gonna attack me! AREN'T THEY?!
Caspar: That armor isn't big enough for a person to hide in.
Bernadetta: You don't know that! I could absolutely hide inside one!

If Lysithea is recruited and alive If Lysithea has died or has not been recruited

Caspar: Er, I mean...yeah, OK. You probably could. Lysithea too, now that I think about it.
Bernadetta: What! I'm going to tell her you just said that!

Bernadetta: Wait, this isn't the time for me to worry about that.
The fact you're plotting against me is the issue here! Why do you hate me?!
Caspar: Look, Edelgard said we need to help people who struggle with fighting, all right?
I'm just trying to put that into action.
Bernadetta: Nuh-uh! You're gonna take me out with a surprise attack from the darkness! I know your game!
Caspar: And how would I attack you "from the darkness" when we're standing in the middle of the training grounds in broad daylight?
You think all these people walking by would see me try to murder you or whatever and just keep going?
Bernadetta: No... They're watching me, I'm sure of it. Your armor is staring at me!
Nope! That's it, I'm out of here! I'm going home to enjoy a life of freedom without my father!
Caspar: What? You can't just run out on me here, Bernadetta! I mean, trying to detect people hidden in suits of armor...
That's one of my father's traditional training drills! I don't know any other way to do it!
Bernadetta: I don't need your lousy support, so just leave me alone!
Caspar: Maybe I'm not cut out for this kinda thing...

B Support

Caspar: Hey, Bernadetta. I'm sorry about before.
Bernadetta: No, I'm the one who should be sorry! Forgive me!
Caspar: Huh? No, I'm the one who wants you to forgive me! Did you hear me apologize just now?
Bernadetta: If I forgive you, will you forgive me?! Then I forgive you! Please just let me live in peace...
Caspar: After what happened, I went to Edelgard and asked her what I should do.
She told me not to do anything and just to apologize. So I'm gonna figure out something I can get for you to make this right!
Bernadetta: N-no, I don't need anything! Aw, rats. He's gone. I have a bad feeling about this...
Caspar: Look, Bernadetta! I got you all your favorite foods!
Bernadetta: Er, thank you? But, um, I think there's enough food here for ten people, so...
Caspar: Food is a foundation for building your body! If you train three times harder, you gotta eat three times as much. I mean, that's just science.
And don't worry—if you can't eat it all, I'm happy to scarf down the rest! Haha!
Bernadetta: OK, so I can't actually train three times harder, and even if I did, I sure couldn't eat three times as much...
Caspar: Look, Bernadetta! I took the bow you use for training and replaced it with an extra strong one!
Oh, and don't worry—I won't interfere with your training. I learned my lesson last time.
Bernadetta: Wow, this does look strong! Let's just... Nnngh!
Oh, come on! I can't even pull the bowstring back! How am I supposed to train with this thing?
Um, Caspar?
Caspar: Hey there, Bernadetta. What's up?
Bernadetta: Listen, I wanted to talk to you about all the stuff you're doing to apologize.
Caspar: Oh, yeah? Say, how's that training coming?
Bernadetta: Lousy! So please stop apologizing already!
Caspar: What? But I softened up the training so it was way less than what I'd do myself...
Bernadetta: Softer? What kind of training do you even do?!
Caspar: Well, for starters, I go fifteen times harder than everyone else here.
But of course I don't have fifteen times as many hours in my day, so instead I do three times the amount, five times as fast.
As for food, I generally need to wolf down about six times as much as everyone else because of how hungry all my training makes me.
Bernadetta: OK, you're not human.
Caspar: Oh, and when I train with a bow, I use one with a string pulled five times as taut as normal.
Bernadetta: All right, I get it! Your training is ridiculous!
Caspar: You think it's...ridiculous?! But my father came up with it, and he's the Minister of Military Affairs!
Bernadetta: Well, if he's the standard you're aspiring to, then no wonder that's how it is!
Caspar: Huh. You know, I never considered that my father got so strong because of how unusual his training regimen is.
Bernadetta: I mean, I don't know about all that, but your routine is definitely not normal.
Caspar: But I've been doing it since I was a kid...
Bernadetta: Yeah, that...explains a lot. Hey, good luck with that!


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