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< Donnel
Revision as of 03:02, 6 January 2024 by Mr. Kite (talk | contribs) (→‎B Support: asterisks haphazardly placed in pal version)
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This page contains all data pertaining to Donnel's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Robin (M)

Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait robin m fe13.png
Robin (M)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Donnel: Nah, still no good. The hook's too big. Maybe if I... Naw, that ain't it either!
Robin: Donnel? What are you trying to do?
Donnel: This dang fishin' hook I'm makin' just don't wanna work for me. See here? Way it is now, the fish'll just slip right off soon as it starts fightin'.
Robin: Ah, yes. It needs a barb on the inside. Here, may I? ...There we go.
Donnel: Wow, thanks! I owe ya one, Robin. How'd ya know so much about fishin' hooks anyhow?
Robin: Oh, just something I read about at one time or another.
Donnel: Shoulda guessed. You always got yer nose in one dusty book or another. I just wish there was some way I could return the favor. Say, you know anythin' 'bout buildin' snares? I'm actually a pretty good trapper.
Robin: Not much, I'm afraid. Perhaps you'd teach me some basic traps sometime?
Donnel: Darn tootin' I will! We can start with a box trap. Ain't nothin' to it.
Robin: Sure, sounds great!

B Support

Robin: Hey, Donny! You remember that box trap you helped me make? Well, I caught a boar! Just look at the size of this thing!
Donnel: It's near as big as this fish I caught thanks to yer tricky hook!
Robin: Goodness, I think we're going to have leftovers tonight.
Donnel: Heck, if we smoke that boar'a yours, we'll be set for a month.
Robin: Boar jerky? My mouth's watering just thinking about it... Oh, and speaking of, I was working on ways to improve that trap. I think I've got a better trigger figured out. You should come by and take a look.
Donnel: Swell! I got a new hook wanted to show ya, anyhow.
Robin: Ha ha, listen to us! We're obsessed.
Donnel: Heh, ain't that truth? We ain't even on larder duty!
Robin: We should be, the way we're stockpiling provisions.
Donnel: I wager the others'd think we're a right pair of greedyguts, way we'd goin'.
Robin: I know! Ah ha ha!

A Support

Robin: Do you cook, Donny?
Donnel: Sure—if I ain't got a choice. You?
Robin: I've only poisoned myself twice!
Donnel: You say that like yer proud! But ain't much use to all this meat if we can't do nothin' with it.
Robin: Do you want to have a go? At cooking it, I mean? I'll bet if the two of us put our heads together we could come up with something.
Donnel: No harm in tryin'.

(Time passes)

Robin: Gah! The fish! You're burning it!
Donnel: And yer stew is boilin' over!
Robin: HOOOOOOT! Hot! Hot! Hot!
Donnel: You all right?!
Robin: Ow... Y-yes, I think so. It's just a little burn.
Donnel: You gotta cool that, quick! Take this... Aw, horse apples! We're outta water! I'll go draw some. Don't move!
Donnel: I got the water! Stick yer hand in there!
Robin: Ahhhhhhhhh...
Donnel: I reckon there WAS harm in us tryin' to cook.
Robin: Still, I'd say it was worth it. At least I got to learn something about you.
Donnel: And what's that?
Robin: You've got a cool head in a crisis. You were quick on your feet and kept it together. Thanks again for the water.
Donnel: Shucks. Ain't nothin' nobody else wouldn'ta done...
Robin: Don't be so modest. You certainly... *sniff* *sniiiiiiff* Er, Donny? Is something burning?
Donnel: The fish! The fish is still on the goldurn fire!
Robin: I think the harm is starting to outweigh the benefit now. Let's just throw some dirt over these cookfires and slink away. Er, and perhaps we'll not mention this to anyone else, eh?

Robin (F)

Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait robin f fe13.png
Robin (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Donnel: Nah, still no good. The hook's too big. Maybe if I... Naw, that ain't it neither!
Robin: Donnel? What are you trying to do?
Donnel: This dang fishin' hook I'm makin' just don't wanna work for me. See here? Wayt it is now, the fish'll just slip right off soon as it starts fightin'.
Robin: Ah, yes. It needs a barb on the inside. Here, may I? ...There we go
Donnel: Wow, thanks! I owe ya one, Robin. How'd ya know so much about fishin' hooks anyhow?
Robin: Oh, just something I read about at one time or another.
Donnel: Shoulda guessed. You always got yer nose in one dusty book or another. I just wish there was some way I could return the favor. Say, you know anythin' 'bout buildin' snares? I'm actually a pretty good trapper.
Robin: Not much, I'm afraid. Perhaps you'd teach me some basic traps sometime?
Donnel: Darn tootin' I will! We can start with a box trap. Ain't nothing' to it.
Robin: Sure, sounds great!

B Support

Robin: Hey, Donny! You remember that box trap you helped me make? Well, I caught a boar! Just look at the size of this thing!
Donnel: It's near as big as this fish I caught thanks to yer tricky hook!
Robin: Goodness, I think we're going to have leftovers tonight.
Donnel: Heck, if we smoke that boar'a yours, we'll be set for a month.
Robin: Boar jerky? My mouth's watering just thinking about it... Oh, and speaking of, I was working on ways to improve that trap. I think I've got a better trigger figured out. You should come by and take a look.
Donnel: Swell! I got a new hook I wanted to show ya, anyhow.
Robin: Ha ha, listen to us! We're obsessed.
Donnel: Heh, ain't that the truth? We ain't even on larder duty!
Robin: We should be, the way we're stockpiling provisions.
Donnel: I wager the others'd think we're a right pair of greedyguts, way we's goin'.
Robin: Hmm... I suppose snarfing down boar isn't very ladylike, now that I think about it?
Donnel: Huh? Are ya japin' with me now? Yer the finest lady I ever met! Back in my village, ain't a single milkmaid could hold a candle to ya!
Robin: How kind of you to say, Donny. Do you really think-
Donnel: And ain't just you, neither! Every gal in this here army is a knockout. Yee-haw!
Robin: Oh. I...see.

A Support

Robin: Do you cook, Donny?
Donnel: Sure-if I ain't got a choice. You?
Robin: I've only poisoned myself twice!
Donnel: You say that like yer proud! But ain't much use to all this meat if we can't do nothin' with it.
Robin: Do you want to have a go? At cooking it, I mean? I'll bet if the two of us put our heads together we could come up with something.
Donnel: No harm in tryin'.

(Time passes)

Robin: Gah! The fish! You're buring it!
Donnel: And yer stew is boilin' over!
Robin: HOOOOOOT! Hot! Hot! Hot!
Donnel: You all right?!
Robin: Ow... Y-yes, I think so. It's just a little burn.
Donnel: You gotta cool that, quick! Take this... Aw, horse apples! We're outta water! I'll go draw some. Don't move! I got the water! Stick yer hand in there!
Robin: Ahhhhhhhhh...
Donnel: I reckon there WAS harm in us tryin' to cook.
Robin: Still, I'd say it was worth it. At least I got to learn something about you.
Donnel: And what's that?
Robin: You've got a cool head in a crisis. You were quick on your feet and kept it together. Thanks again for the water.
Donnel: Shucks. Ain't nothin' nobody else wouldn'ta done...
Robin: Don't be so modest. You certainly... *sniff* *sniiiiiiff* Er, Donny? Is something burning?
Donnel: The fish! The fish is still on the goldurn fire!
Robin: I think the harm is starting to outweigh the benefit now. Let's just throw some dirt over these cookfires and slink awat. Er, and perhaps we'll not mention this to anyone else, eh?

S Support

Donnel: Gosh, Robin. That was one heckuva to-do the other day!
Robin: Indeed, that burned-fish odor lingered for days. Chrom was NOT happy about us stinking up the camp! ...Or the bears that followed the scent.
Donnel: Aw, crab apples. I sure am sorry. Reckon I shoulda been more careful.
Robin: No, it was my fault for buring my hand and making you fetch water. If anything, you kept a bad situation from getting any worse.
Donnel: Maybe. But I can't help thinkin' that if I was older and wiser and smarter... Well, maybe these kinds'a mishaps wouldn't keep happenin' to me.
Robin:I could say the exact same thing. We're both only halfway to wisdom.
Donnel: So if we're both halfway, maybe we'd get more wise if we done got together?
Robin: Got...together?
Donnel: I really hope ya don't think it forward of a simple country boy to be askin'... But I was hopin' ya'd do me the honor of acceptin' a present.
Robin: ...A ring?
Donnel: In my whole life, I never met no one who's as much fun to be with as you. So I'm thinkin' it sure would be nice to spend the rest of my life with ya!
Robin: Why, Donnel...
Donnel: Ya like my company and whatnot, don't ya, Robin?
Robin: Donnel, being with you is... It's like a nonstop festival ride.
Donnel: Then...?
Robin: Yes. I accept.
Donnel: Yeeeeee-haaaaaaw!
Robin: You'll do the cooking and laundry, and I'll be in charge of sleeping and eating.
Donnel: Huh? But...what about workin' together and gettin' wiser and all that?!
Robin: It was just a joke, Donny.
Donnel: Haw haw! Good one, Robin! Aw, I KNEW this'd be fun!

Donnel (Confession): I love you. I don't want to leave without you. Let's settle down from before.


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lissa fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Lissa: Ah ha! I've been looking for you, Donny.
Donnel: Huh? Did you need me for somethig, Yer Gracefulship?
Lissa: No titles! We've talked about this before. I want you to think of me as an older sister.
Donnel: I know, Yer Worshipful... er, Miss Lissa. But it feels so darn weird!
Lissa: Well, get used to it! You're one of a precious few allies younger than me, you know? I have to milk this! Anyway, feel free to come ask for my help aaaaaanytime!
Donnel: But yer the princess of Ylisse, Miss Lissa!
Lissa: Then consider it a royal order. ...And drop the "miss" stuff!
Donnel: Y-yes, ma'am!
Lissa: ...Well, I suppose that'll do for now. Hee, this is great! I always wanted a little brother to order around!
Donnel: Gosh! I'm honored, I guess.
Lissa: Now, what can your big sis do for you? Anything at all, just say the word.
Donnel: Er... I'm frightful sorry to dash your hopes'n all, but I can't think'a nothing' right now. L-lemme work on it. Bye!
Lissa: Wha? Hey! Get back here!

B Support

Lissa: Looks like it's the two of us on provisioning duty today! What should we hunt for? Mushrooms? Wild herbs? Ooh, maybe berries?
Donnel: That all sounds tasty, but fightin' a war takes stouter stuff'n that. I vote for game!
Lissa: So, er, meat. From animals. Riiight... Guess we need to hunt some, then. Er, let's see...
Donnel: Don't fret it none. I laid a half dozen traps yesterday just in case. Just follow me, Lissa!

(Time passes)

Lissa: Whoa, look! Two rabbits and a boar! The traps really worked!
Donnel: Good thing, too. Now I ain't gotta worry 'bout you wanderin' around in the woods.
Lissa: I'm amazed, Donny. Where'd you learn how to hunt like this?
Donnel: From my pa, at first. Past that, I just kinda picked it up on my own.
Lissa: Wow. No matter where you are, you'll never lack for food.
Donnel: From yer lips to Naga's ears! 'Sides, I couldn't see my dream through if I weren't able to get anywheres.
Lissa: What dream is that?
Donnel: To travel the world lookin' for the secret to this stone my pa gave me. Was his dream, too, back before... Well when he was still alive. ...So I'm fixin' to do it for him.
Lissa: That's wonderful, Donny. You make me want to really knuckle down and buckle down on my own dream.
Donnel: You got a dream, Lissa?
Lissa: Hey! Why do you sound so surprised?
Donnel: Wh-what?! Naw, I didn't mean it that way at all!
Lissa: My dream is to become a true lady like my sister, Emmeryn.
Donnel: Well, I reckon you'll get there eventually.
Lissa: ...Eventually?
Donnel: Er, real soon, I mean! Like tomorrow! I knows ya will! Gosh, I can see it now. I bet you'll be the prettiest lady of 'em all! Wearin' big dresses and dancin' in circles at them fancy balls...
Lissa: You really think so?
Donnel: Heck, I know so! Prettiest lady in the whole dang world, see if you ain't!
Lissa: Heh heh. Thanks, Donny.

A Support

Lissa: Settle down and take a seat. Professor Lissa is now instructing.
Donnel: Er, if I'm gonna be learnin', I'd rather it was Sir Chrom teachin' me to fight proper. I don't mean no offense, Lissa, but-
Lissa: Tut tut! No talking! ...And it's PROFESSOR Lissa! All right now, class. Open your texts to page 84.

(Time passes)

Donnel: Er, beggin' your pardon, Professor, but that constellation's the Wyvern, not the Dragon.
Lissa: ...What?
Donnel: Yes, ma'am. And that bright star ain't Arthentine, it's Tryffin.
Lissa: Rgh, fine! This astronomy lesson is OVER! the book quietly to yourself!
Donnel: Aw, Lissa! Wait, I didn't... Dang it all. Why'd I have to go openin' my fool mouth?

(Time passes)

Lissa: That little know-it-all! Pigs'll fly before I offer to team HIM again! ...Gyaaaaaah! Oh darn it! I twisted my ankle! Aw, why did I have to storm off so far from camp! I...I could die out here! I'm gonna be eaten by a bear or a lumberjack or something!
Donnel: Lissa? Miss Lissa, can you hear me? Where are ya, Lissa?
Lissa: D-Donny?! Over here! I'm here, Donny!
Donnel: Oh, thank goodness. I was worried ya... Huh? What's up with yer leg, Lissa?
Lissa: I sort of... twisted my ankle...
Donnel: Lemme have a look at that... Pig slop! There ain't no "sort of" about it. Ya done sprained it bad. Here, hop on m'back.
Lissa: What? You don't have to...
Donnel: Just hurry up and climb on! ...Er, please. There's talk'a bandits showin' up all over these parts, so we best skedaddle.
Lissa: A-all right.
Donnel: ...Hup! All right, you hang on now! I'll have us back in two shakes.
Lissa: S-say, Donny? Were you out looking for me this whole time? ...I'm so sorry. I make a pretty terrible older sister.
Donnel: Aw, that ain't true at all, Lissa. I'm just happy ya care about me. Yer always so nice to me and all...
Lissa: Heh... I'd say the same thing for you, Donny.

S Support

Donnel: ......
Lissa: What are you up to, Donny? And what is that? A ring?
Donnel: Gah! L-Lissa... This, uh... I was just...
Lissa: Wait, is that what I think it is?
Donnel: ...Y-ye, ma'am, I reckon it is.
Lissa: You can't!
Donnel: Huh...?
Lissa: Y-you're... You're not ready!
Donnel: ...Too soon, eh?
Lissa: I mean, sure, you're more reliable than I'd thought... And more knowledgeable, and kind, and able to survive on your own in the world... Wait, maybe you ARE ready... No, no, no! What am I saying?! A thousand times no!
Donnel: Yeah, all right. I reckon yer just lookin' out for me. 'Sides, it's crazy to think a farm boy like me could be with a princess...
Lissa: Wait, what? Donny, who are you talking about?
Donnel: I'm sorry, Lissa. You were a little bit nice to me and I went and got the wrong idea. Won't mention it ever again, though, don't ya worry. I'll just be goin' now...
Lissa: Hey, wait! You were planning to give that to ME?
Donnel: ...Yeah?
Lissa: Augh, stupid Donny! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID!
Donnel: Awww! C'mon now, I done said I was sorry...
Lissa: How can you just give up so easily?! I never said I WOULDN'T accept!
Donnel: Huh? Then...
Lissa: Donny, I would love to marry you!
Donnel: Er, are ya sure? I'm just a big ol' pig slopper from the sticks...
Lissa: I know.
Donnel: So if ya get hitched to me, you'll be givin' up on bein' a high-class society lady. No more big dresses or fancy balls or them masks that make ya look like a cat... It'd just about kill me to take yer dreams away from ya.
Lissa: Hee hee! This isn't the most convincing proposal, Donny. Besides, none of that stopped you from getting that ring for me, did it?
Donnel: Well, no, but...
Lissa: You're not taking anything away from me. You're just giving me a new dream.
Donnel: ...Yeah?
Lissa: Yes. A dream of starting a happy family with you.
Donnel: Golly, Lissa...
Lissa: And I can become a true lady anywhere! ...Even on a pig farm. It isn't about clothes or dances. It's a matter of character, integrity, and grace. I intend to have all that. A true lady, a happy wife, and a good mother... And I couldn't be any of those things without you. So, will you help me?
Donnel: Ye-haw! Ya bet yer life I will! Oh, I swear I'll make ya the happiest girl in the world!
Lissa: You already have, Donny.


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait sully fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Sully: Rraaagh!
Soldier: I yield! I yield! M-mercy!
Donnel: She's just like one of them knights out'a the stories Ma used to tell! I'm jealous somethin' fierce...
Sully: I'm not LIKE a knight, kid. I AM a knight.
Donnel: Urk! Ya heard me then, did ya?
Sully: Half the camp hears your every thought! You're not exactly subtle.
Donnel: B-beggin' your pardon, Sir Ma'am! I didn't mean nothin' by it. So, uh, do ya think maybe you could tell me what bein' a knight's like?
Sully: As long as you promise to stop calling me "Sir Ma'am." Why are you asking, anyway? Thinking of becoming a knight?
Donnel: Oh, gosh, no! It's just that knights and such is the stuff'a legend to me. Ain't never seen one back on the farm, and now here you are, and... Well, I reckon I'm curious, is all.
Sully: Curious to see how close I am to your storybook version?
Donnel: I ain't tryin' to impose on ya. If it's a big ol' hassle, just say so.
Sully: It's fine. Come find me at dinner. We can talk there.
Donnel: Thank you, Sir Ma... Er, Sully! That's mighty kind of ya!

B Support

Donnel: Thanks again for before, Sully. Mighty kind of ya to take the time.
Sully: What, our chat about knights? I'm just glad someone actually cares.
Donnel: Ya mean that? 'Cause I'd sure love to hear more, if ya don't mind none.
Sully: Oh, come on. It couldn't have been that interesting.
Donnel: I reckon not to you, but it's a whole new world to me!
Sully: Hmm... All right, then. Let's barter.
Donnel: Barter? Ah, shucks, Sully. I ain't got nothin' to offer. 'Less you wanna take an IOU on a couple'a piglets...
Sully: I don't want your livestock, Donny. I want your stories.
Donnel: You want me to tell ya 'bout life back on the pig farm? Well, it ain't like I mind talkin', but farm life's dull as rocks.
Sully: To you? Sure. But to me, it's probably going to be fascinating. I grew up in a damn castle, remember? I'm curious how you farm folk live.
Donnel: Well, I reckon I owe ya a tale or two. What say I come find ya at dinner?
Sully: I reckon that sounds great.
Donnel: Hey! Ya sound just like me!

A Support

Sully: Heya, Donny. Thanks for the wild stories the other night.
Donnel: Ya mean like the one 'bout the greased-pig run? Why, sure! Farmin' ain't as glamorous as knightin', but I s'pose we have our laughs.
Sully: I'd never have guessed how much fun I missed out on as a city girl.
Donnel: I wouldn't be too eager to trade lives if I was you.
Sully: Hmm?
Donnel: Well, I hate to spoil the fun, but there's lots on the farm what ain't a hoot. Stories I told only covered the good times. There's plenty what ruin a year's crop. Flood, drought, raiders... Plus, we lose pigs to sickness darn near every season. Yessir, the farmin' life's a hard one, and no denyin'.
Sully: I'm sure you're right, but knighthood's no bed of roses, either. Sure, it's glamorous, but there's politics and backstabbing behind the scenes. And you've got to follow the orders you're given, even when they're stupid. Believe me, farmers aren't the only ones with troubles.
Donnel: So you was just cherry-pickin' the good stories too, eh?
Sully: Maybe we should sit down and swap horror stories next time.
Donnel: I don't much go in for scary talk. Ain't got the stomach for it.
Sully: No, not literal horror stories. ...Just the less-happy ones. You can't understand someone's world until you know both sides of it.
Donnel: I reckon yer right about that... All right, then. It's a deal!

S Support

Sully: Hey, Donny. You up for another story session?
Donnel: Well, sure, but... Do ya really wanna hear more'a me flappin' my gums? Ain't I keepin' ya from other things? ...From other people?
Sully: You aren't keeping me from a damn thing. Look, if you're tired of our little chats, just say so.
Donnel: It ain't like that at all, Sully! Heck, I like talkin' to you more'n about anything.
Sully: Then get to it! I'm always interested in what you have to say.
Donnel: Oh gosh! Is she sayin'... Wait, she ain't sayin' she's INTERESTED interested, right?
Sully: Er, Donny? You're mumbling like a madman again.
Donnel: But she ain't said she AIN'T either... Hmm, but no...
Sully: Hey! Mumbles! If you've got something to say, then out with it!
Donnel: Gah, fine! Here! Take it!
Sully: ...Is this a ring?
Donnel: Oh gosh, Sully! Marry me, please!
Sully: ......
Donnel: Aw, heck. This ain't how I wanted it to go, but I was fixin' to burst if I didn't ask ya! I told ya my whole life's story, the good and the bad, and ya listened to it all. I knows yer a knight and a beautiful lady and I'm just a grubby ol' pig farmer. But ya listened, and ya cared, and darn it all if that don't make me love ya.
Sully: Pig farming's not so grubby.
Donnel: Ya wouldn't say that after muckin' stalls for ten years.
Sully: But it's honest. I know the work is hard, your village is poor, and times are lean... But I'd take the smelliest sty over the festering rot you find in court society. There's a beauty to farm life. That much is clear, listening to your stories. And I think I might like to give it a try.
Donnel: Then... Will ya...?
Sully: Yes, Donny. Once this war is over, I'll experience farm life, firsthand.
Donnel: Yee-haw! I feel like I'm dreamin'! Someone pinch ol' Donny!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait stahl fe13.png
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Donnel: Mmm... Hmm... Aw, pig plop! This is all mumbo jumbo to me!
Stahl: Are you trying to read that magic scroll? Good gods, Donny. Here now, take a break and have a soothing cup of nettle tea. It's a little bitter, but it'll settle your nerves if you can keep it down.
Donnel: Thank ya kindly, Stahl.
Stahl: Think nothing of it. And once you're calm, THEN start thinking about what kind of soldier you want to be.
Donnel: How'd ya know that's what I was doin'? I ain't said nothin' about it to ya.
Stahl: This morning you were picking locks, then you were practicing archery. Now I find you attempting to decipher a scroll to "smite thine enemies with fire". Either you're incredibly bored, or you aren't satisfied with your current role.
Donnel: Welp, I s'pose the cat's outta the bag now... Hey, Stahl. Yer pretty clever. What do ya reckon I should do?
Stahl: Well, I don't know anything about tomes or magic staves... But I'm a keen student of weapons, especially sharp ones. You could do what I did and watch the experienced sellswords and knights.
Donnel: And then I could learn what weapon might work best fer me! Gosh, that's a dilly of an idea!
Stahl: But remember, it's not enough to just pick a weapon you like. You need training and— Did he just leave? Good heavens, he's an eager one, isn't he?

B Support

Donnel: Howdy, Stahl! Just the gentleman I was hopin' to run into.
Stahl: Do you have a question?
Donnel: Could you...go over yonder? ...No, just a little bit farther.
Stahl: Are you trying to make me fall into that pit trap you dug?
Donnel: Aw, donkey bottoms! I ain't never gonna get the hang of this.
Stahl: Easy, Donny. Don't look so glum. You still have time to learn.
Donnel: But I done tried so many different things, and I'm useless at all of 'em! I just wanna find one thing I'm better at than everyone else. Thought it might be booby traps, but shuck my corn if that's the case now...
Stahl: Trying to be better than everyone is an ambitious goal that few ever achieve. Take me for example. Average strength, skills, and looks. Nothing stands out. Compared to everyone else in the Shepherds, I'm as dull as can be.
Donnel: Aw, Stahl, that ain't true! ...Well, maybe it's a bit true.
Stahl: The point is, Donny, I still have a role. We can't all be the best at something, but we CAN all provide a unique blend of skills.
Donnel: So we're the bein' ourselves? Reckon that ain't much of anythin'.
Stahl: Just keep practicing what you know, and take care of yourself on the battlefield. Talents will come to light when you least expect them.
Donnel: Well, if ya say so...

A Support

Stahl: With every battle, the enemy grows more numerous and deadly...
Donnel: Ain't that the truth! Sure am glad we got Robin plottin' strategy for us. <He's/She's> awful good at gettin' the most outta this here army.
Stahl: Ah, so you've noticed.
Donnel: Sure have! With Robin at the helm, everything's easy! We just gotta carry out orders as best we can.
Stahl: And the battle is not won by those who are best at one thing, is it? It takes all of us working in unison to achieve victory. Of course, we must take the time to hone and improve our skills... But in the end, how we fight as a group determines if we shall prevail.
Donnel: Gosh, Stahl! When you put it like that, it makes me sound pretty important.
Stahl: That's because you are! Now then, I think it's time for our midday meal. Shall we go to— ...Waaah!
Donnel: Yee-haw! Looks like I'm better at trap settin' than you are at trap spottin'! Gosh, but you sure looked funny when that fake floor collapsed under yer feet!
Stahl: Yes, that was...very clever. Now get me out of here!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait miriel fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Donnel: Say, Miriel? Do ya have a minute?
Miriel: ......
Donnel: Er, Miriel?
Miriel: ......
Donnel: Hey! Miriel!
Miriel: Gwaugh?! What is it? Why are you shouting?
Donnel: I tried gettin' yer attention, but you was off in yer own world.
Miriel: Yes. When I read, I often immerse myself in it to the exclusion of all else.
Donnel: Seems like yer always readin', Miriel.
Miriel: I strive to utilize my time efficaciously. What free time I have, I spend reading.
Donnel: I reckon ya must'a studied a whole bunch by now, huh?
Miriel: I cannot say whether the breadth of my scholarship constitutes "a bunch." But I have studied more than the average person, that much is incontrovertible.
Donnel: In that case, I got a favor I wanna ask ya for... Miriel, will ya teach me?
Miriel: Teach you what?
Donnel: Er, I dunno. Math and science and all that kinda stuff, I guess.
Miriel: Why?
Donnel: If I learn my subjects now, I'll be able to help my village when the war's done. We got no school back home, so there ain't no one what knows about book learnin'.
Miriel: I can instruct you in the basic theories of the usual courses. You may, however, find none of it to be of immediate practical use.
Donnel: Well, so long as I know the theory, I can always think up ways to use it.
Miriel: Are you literate?
Donnel: Ol' Goatkeep Gran knew her letters. She taught me how to read all right.
Miriel: I cannot instruct you beyond the bounds of my own ken, but I will attempt the basics.
Donnel: Well, much obliged then, Miriel!
Miriel: Be forewarned—I am not easy on my pupils.
Donnel: I wouldn't want ya to be!

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Miriel: ...Let us conclude today's lesson here.
Donnel: Whew! Good. I'm beat.
Miriel: Unsurprising. We covered material of exceptional complexity today. But that is not to say these lessons have been entirely free of surprises.
Donnel: Oh? Like what?
Miriel: For one, the voracity with which you attack your studies is remarkable. I acceded to your request for tutelage with the expectation you would lose interest. Yet here you are, having already mastered some of the more difficult concepts.
Donnel: Aw, shucks. I'm barely keepin' up! And I ain't sure I got a perfect grasp on it, neither.
Miriel: Even an imperfect grasp, in conjunction with a diligent attitude, is sufficient to advance. Often a nuanced, intuitive understanding is something that develops organically.
Donnel: Er, if you say so, Miriel.
Miriel: Given this rate of acquisition, you might...
Donnel: Hmm? You say somethin'?
Miriel: Nothing of import. Now then, class is dismissed. Be certain to review the material before our next lesson.
Donnel: Yes, ma'am!

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Miriel: I finished grading your examination.
Donnel: How'd I do?
Miriel: A perfect score. Exemplary work.
Donnel: Yee-haw!
Miriel: That concludes a canvass of the primary precepts of academic study. My lessons end here.
Donnel: They do? Gosh, I think I'm gonna miss 'em.
Miriel: But there is no end to learning. From today hence, you will be navigating the sea of knowledge by your own sextant.
Donnel: All by m'self, huh?
Miriel: Worry not. To extrapolate from the present data, you possess considerable aptitude. Continue to apply yourself, and you will find ample success in any academic pursuits.
Donnel: But I'd still rather be sailin' them seas with you, Miriel.
Miriel: I must recommend against such a joint venture.
Donnel: Why do ya say that?
Miriel: Empirical data shows that no previous attempt at such a partnership has survived. I have not always been without colleagues interested in collaborative investigation... Yet, ultimately, none were ever able to sustain the arrangement.
Donnel: Well, why not?
Miriel: According to them, I exhibit a tendency to press onward to new territory alone. Even I am aware that I tend to lose sight of all else when immersed in thought. As such, continuing my studies alone is the only natural conclusion.
Donnel: That ain't true at all!
Miriel: Hmm?
Donnel: It's their own fault for not keepin' up! Just 'cause they got lazy don't mean you should have to study alone forever.
Miriel: That is a fascinating theory.
Donnel: Let me join ya, Miriel. I'll do all I can to keep up! You said yourself I been makin' progress faster'n you thought!
Miriel: To use a metaphor, the path ahead is steeper still, and the footing unsure. There will be times I am unable to point the way. Are you certain you want this?
Donnel: Well all that sailin' talk had me nervous, but I'm a mountain boy. Climbin'? Now THAT I can do!

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Donnel: Your studies been goin' well lately, Miriel?
Miriel: Quite smoothly, yes. Thanks to you. Many a time, you've provided the clue to surmount a current stumbling block. As the conventional wisdom goes, two heads appear empirically superior to one.
Donnel: Oh. That's real nice. So, um... I wanted to talk at ya about that today.
Miriel: About having two heads? You know that scientifically, this is highly improbable. ...Ah. Or perhaps you're finding it difficult to pursue studies in conjunction with me?
Donnel: Naw, it ain't that! It's the opposite, actually.
Miriel: Go on.
Donnel: I want us to be more conjuncted! Er, I wanna conjunct different... Shoot. Here! I wanna give ya this!
Miriel: A ring.
Donnel: It's a weddin' ring. I was hopin' ya might consent to be m'wife. I wanna keep explorin' things with ya as long as I live!
Miriel: I see no requisite for marriage in pursuing a joint exploration of academic studies.
Donnel: Well, no, I reckon not. So does that mean ya won't?
Miriel: However, accepting this ring would enable a host of other exploratory pursuits. And each of them could be undertaken as a collaboration with you... I can scarce think of a more exhilarating prospect.
Donnel: Um, could ya please just say yes or no?
Miriel: ...Very well. I accept. A broad array of new frontiers now lie open before us.
Donnel: And we got the rest of our lives to explore 'em together!


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Support information: Small portrait kellam fe13.png
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Kellam: *Cough*
Donnel: WAH! Gosh, Kellam, you 'bout near killed me just now! Where the heck'd ya come from?!
Kellam: You're planting bilberry bushes, aren't you? They're my favorite crop. You know, if you mix the soil with clover and pig dung, the berries get extra juicy.
Donnel: Shuck my corn! I never knew you was a farmer!
Kellam: Well, my father tilled the soil, but my brothers and I helped out in the fields. If you want, I could help you out, too.
Donnel: That's a mighty kind offer, Kellam! I'd surely 'preciate it! I'm plantin' the bushes in pots so's I can move 'em about, but there's just so many... Folks think berry pickin's a doddle, but they're dead wrong.
Kellam: It's been a while since I mucked around in the soil. Truth is, I kind of miss it.
Donnel: Well, I'm much obliged. You mind startin' on them pots in the stores tent?
Kellam: Goodness, that's an awful lot of bilberry bushes! There must be...hundreds.
Donnel: Seein' as how they're so popular, I wanted to make sure I had enough for everyone.
Kellam: *Sigh* Welp, guess I'd better get to work...

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Donnel: What'n blazes am I gonna do now?
Kellam: What's wrong, Donnel?
Donnel: It's my plants—they ain't exactly thrivin'. Look how droopy and yeller they are! Sure wish I knew why it was. S'pose they might need more sun...
Kellam: But why would only these plants here be affected? Those others seem fine.
Donnel: A'yup. It's a real head-scratcher. *scratch, scratch* Gosh darn it! I water 'em every day and talk to 'em each evenin'! Heck, I even tried singin'!
Kellam: Perhaps they're not getting enough nutrients? A problem with the soil?
Donnel: Well, now that you mention it... When we all rushed out to meet the last attack, some'a them pots got knocked over. I righted 'em as fast I could and grabbed some earth to replace the soil what spilled.
Kellam: Ah! Perhaps the earth you added doesn't suit the plants?
Donnel: But how am I gonna replace it? If what you say is right, then the dirt 'round these parts ain't no good.
Kellam: Well, we could skim a bit of the good soil from each of the healthy pots. There must be hundreds of them in the stores, so there's plenty to go around.
Donnel: Say now... That might just work! You're as clever as an old fox, Kellam!
Kellam: Oh, I'm no smarter than the next man. I just spend a lot of time alone. It gives me plenty of opportunities to think.
Donnel: Donkey dung! I'd wager you're the cleverest fella in all the Shepherds!
Kellam: That's kind of you to say, but I very much doubt it.
Donnel: I got a copper coin what says you is!

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Kellam: Hello, Donnel. I heard through the grapevine that the bilberries ripened. Have you been serving them to everyone in camp?
Donnel: With brown sugar and cream! Everyone loves 'em! I thought I had loads and loads, but everyone gobbled 'em up so fast... Land sakes! They was gone 'fore I knew it!
Kellam: Well, that's great!
Donnel: They made me promise to serve more once I had a new crop. You think them bushes there are ready? The berries are kinda red.
Kellam: Well, hold on. Let me try one. ...Ptooie! Sorry, Donny. These boys need another few weeks at least.
Donnel: All right then. S'pose I should cool my heels for a spell. I'm mighty glad I spoke to Kellam the Genius before collectin' 'em!
Kellam: I told you, I'm not that clever. I just happen to—
Donnel: I wish I had half yer brains! Remember them plants what was all droopy and dyin'? Well, I changed the soil like you said and got me a bumper crop! I wager coppers to pebbles your pa and ma miss havin' you around the farm.
Kellam: Most days, they didn't know I was there. They never asked my opinion or anything.
Donnel: Well, that's about the dumbest darn thing I ever done heard!
Kellam: Gee, Donny. You're the first person who's ever appreciated my advice.
Donnel: Who wouldn't 'preciate it? You got brains oozin' out yer ears! Say, you'll stick around to teach me more stuff, right?
Kellam: Well, sure. I'll try to help however I can. But...isn't it strange I'm teaching you about farming and not fighting?
Donnel: Heck no! I'm already plannin' for the peace to come! When these troubles are over, honest folk are gonna return to their farms. We need to be ready so we can bring life back to this here land!
Kellam: Perhaps when the time comes, I could help with that.
Donnel: You'd do that for me? Gosh, thanks, Kellam!
Kellam: Then it's a deal. First, we finish this war...
Donnel: Then we plant enough bilberries to make pies fer everyone!


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Support information: Small portrait maribelle fe13.png
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Maribelle: What careless lout elected to leave their belongings here?!
Donnel: Gosh, I'm sorry! That's my pack!
Maribelle: Well, I would ask that you be more careful in the future! In cases of emergency, this corridor is the escape route for the entire camp.
Donnel: I didn't know that, Maribelle. I'm real sorry. We didn't have anythin' like that back on the farm.
Maribelle: Very well, then. I shall take it upon myself to instruct you.
Donnel: Huh?
Maribelle: We shall begin with the laws of Ylisse and the code of organizational regulations. You may borrow this book for now. I expect you to learn its contents front to back!
Donnel: Th-that's an awful thick tome, ain't it?
Maribelle: Justice is a weighty matter.
Donnel: And you want I should memorize this whole thing, ma'am?
Maribelle: Diligence is the noblest of the virtues, Donnel! Education elevates us. It separates us from the beasts of the field. Oh, and that volume was a gift from my father. I ask that you handle it with utmost care.
Donnel: O-oh, yes, ma'am! I'll be real careful!

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Maribelle: Good day, Donnel. How fare your pursuits in the learned arts?
Donnel: Great! In fact, I got it all good'n learned, so you can have this here book back.
Maribelle: Preposterous! Even I haven't yet committed the entire code to memory!
Donnel: I wouldn't lie to ya, ma'am! I just always been good at memorizin' stuff. Ma used to say it was 'cause my head was so empty, there was plenty'a room.
Maribelle: Then I suppose you won't object to my asking you a few questions... First, from chapter one: Which crimes fall under the auspices of Article IV, Section 3?
Donnel: ...And he shall be sentenced to no fewer'n one or greater'n ten years' imprisonment. ...'Lessun he give the goat back, that is.
Maribelle: Correct AND verbatim! ...Well, except for the awkward grammar. Have you really got the entire legal code memorized?
Donnel: Yes, ma'am! Spent every bit of free time I had on it, I did!
Maribelle: All on this one book?
Donnel: You said it was important to ya, so it'd be rude for me to sit on it! 'Sides, it's mighty nice of ya to teach me, so I owe it to ya to do my part.
Maribelle: I must confess, Donnel, I did not expect you to take to the task with such zeal. I fear I have underestimated you, and for that I apologize. I see now that you are a diamond in the rough. ...Very rough, it's true, but a diamond nonetheless! I shall make it my cause to see you polished into a sparkling paragon of a gentleman!
Donnel: Oh, I dunno, ma'am. I ain't never been one for fancy clothes and silverware. Plus don't gentlemen all wear masks and dance in circles and stuff?
Maribelle: This is not up for discussion! Now come with me!

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Maribelle: Hold the waist firm. Now, one step right and two steps left. Ouch!
Donnel: Gosh, I'm real sorry, ma'am! I don't mean to keep doin' that.
Maribelle: It seems that your good memory does not extend past books. Much to the chagrin of my aching foot.
Donnel: It ain't just that I don't know the moves. But when I'm dancin' with you, Maribelle, I get...flustered, I guess.
Maribelle: Have you no decency, Donnel? A true gentleman must keep his feelings in check! Now you have me feeling self-conscious as well...
Donnel: I'm tryin' just as hard as I can, but I think any fella'd get distracted. You're all pretty 'n' lovely 'n' beautiful, Maribelle, and I'm just a smelly old—
Maribelle: That is quite enough!
Donnel: I don't mean to be inappropriate or nothin', Maribelle. But I know you don't want to hear junk like that from a pig slopper like me.
Maribelle: That's not true. ...Well, not precisely. You're earnest and dedicated in all you undertake, Donnel, and I respect that.
Donnel: You do?
Maribelle: Yes. And now that we're finished praising one another, shall we return to our lesson?
Donnel: Oh. So you sayin' all that was just another part of "high society learnin'"?
Maribelle: No, I spoke sincerely. But now, for whatever reason, I no longer feel self-conscious.
Donnel: Me neither!
Maribelle: I suppose frankly airing one's thoughts and feelings can be a...liberating thing.
Donnel: Now that's the real lesson!
Maribelle: Oh, no. You're not finished yet! With me, now, Donnel! One, two, three... One, two, three...

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Donnel: S-say, Miss Maribelle? I reckon I want ya to have this. If you think a ring with a fake stone will win me over, you're outta yer... Er, yer mad! The stone ain't real, but there's nothin' fake 'bout the way I love ya! Try again when you ain't such a hick... Er, once ya make somethin' of yerself! ...... Aw, horsefeathers! What'n the heck am I doin' here? Maribelle'd never say yes to a darn pig slopper like me.
Maribelle: *Ahem*
Donnel: M-M-Maribelle?! How long have... Did ya...?
Maribelle: Your portrayal of me is quite the princess. I can't say I'm flattered.
Donnel: N-no, that... I didn't...
Maribelle: Let me see that ring.
Donnel: H-here, ma'am.
Maribelle: ...It's truly lovely. And you would give this to me?
Donnel: The stone ain't... I mean, it's a fake.
Maribelle: I'm not the sort to base her reply to a proposal on the ring's worth, Donny.
Donnel: Then does that mean yer gonna accept it?
Maribelle: Will you ask me again? Properly, and to my face?
Donnel: Course I will! *ahem* Miss Maribelle, will you do me the honor of bein' my wife?
Maribelle: Master Donnel, I would be delighted.
Donnel: Aw, shucks!
Maribelle: Donnel? One does not end a proposal by saying "aw, shucks."


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Support information: Small portrait panne fe13.png
4 pts.
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Panne: Hngh! ...Hmm? A hunter's trap?
Donnel: Er, that's—
Panne: Is this your doing?!
Donnel: Gosh, I'm sorry, Panne! I never dreamed I'd snare me a person! I been doin' this for years, but yer the first human bein' I ever caught.
Panne: I am no human. I am a taguel!
Donnel: S-sorry!
Panne: Caught in a trap. How embarrassing... Hmm... Still, it is remarkably well made.
Donnel: I grew up in the mountains, and our little pig farm couldn't feed us all. If we wanted to eat, we had to hunt.
Panne: So your survival skills bested mine. That is your claim?
Donnel: I'm real sorry! I didn't mean no offense. I didn't mean none'a this... I'll stop trappin' if ya promise not to eat me!
Panne: You needn't stop, man-spawn. The problem is easily solved. I need only to keep a sharper lookout for your human traps.
Donnel: Y-yer sure ya don't mind, then?
Panne: I welcome the challenge.

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Panne: ......
Donnel: Hey there, Panne. Whatcha doin' way out here? You be careful now. I got traps set up all 'round these parts.
Panne: ......
Donnel: Oh. Looks like ya...already found that out...
Panne: What was your first clue?
Donnel: Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry! I'll have ya outta there in two shakes! ...... There, all free. ...Oh, pig slop! Yer ankle's all swollen up! Gah, I feel just awful... Ya need any help?
Panne: My wound is inconsequential. I care more about this trap... After the last time, I was extremely careful. Yet here I am, snared like a common beast. Why am I the only one to fall for this? I cannot accept this.
Donnel: Well, every animal's got its own unique way of goin' about its business. Some of it's instinct, some's reflex. So if ya use that knowledge to design a trap...
Panne: This is the result.
Donnel: Yup. Take this one here. There's a dozen other traps you passed before it. Bet you noticed all'a them, right? Well, yer s'posed to. They're decoys. I set them boys up to guide the animal into this here real trap.
Panne: So I was led here by instinct? That is your claim?
Donnel: A'yup. Somethin' like that.
Panne: I never thought to find an apex predator among the humans of the camp. You've left my pride in tatters, man-spawn.
Donnel: Gosh, I'm real sorry 'bout that.
Panne: Your apology serves no purpose. Only a duel can restore my honor. Set another trap, human. This time I will see through it.
Donnel: Are ya sure 'bout that? I don't know if I—
Panne: If you decline, I will challenge you to hand-to-hand combat! And if I sense you have not set the trap with all your skill, I will challenge you again. If you wish to go unscathed, you had best set your trap very carefully indeed.
Donnel: I wanna go home...

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Panne: Gyah! How is this possible?!
Donnel: S-sorry, Panne!
Panne: How did I walk into ANOTHER trap? And a pitfall, no less! Is there any greater cliche?
Donnel: Well, this time I was designin' the trap to catch YOU! ...On purpose, I mean. I been watchin' ya pretty close, so that determined the trap I set.
Panne: I'm well aware you were watching me. That is why I intentionally took unnatural and misleading actions.
Donnel: None of that really matters, though. Instincts're what I'm after. If ya know what a critter does when they ain't thinkin', they're good as caught.
Panne: You claim to know my actions better than I do?
Donnel: Er, I guess so. ...Sorry 'bout that.
Panne: I suppose I must accept it. I was bested by a human. I have failed.
Donnel: Now that ain't hardly fair to say! I just know more about trappin' is all. I can think of a dozen things yer better at than me, easy!
Panne: Is that your idea of pity?
Donnel: Ain't no one needs to pity you, Panne. Just speakin' the plain truth.
Panne: ...I allowed pride to blind me. This was a valuable lesson, Donny. You have my thanks. I'm certain this war will provide ample opportunity to see who is more shrewd. Our rivalry will ensure we never grow bored.
Donnel: Gosh, I'm honored ya see me that way.
Panne: Just don't expect things to continue to be so one-sided. I will win the next round!
Donnel: Well, I ain't goin' easy on ya! You'll have to earn it!
Panne: I would have it no other way.

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Panne: Explain yourself.
Donnel: Explain what?
Panne: Explain why I'm standing at the bottom of a pitfall trap!
Donnel: Well, 'cause I set it and you fell in.
Panne: Yes, but why did you set it? Our next challenge isn't till next week! And was there a necessity to make it deeper than I can climb out of?
Donnel: Hey, I'm lowerin' you a rope, ain't I?
Panne: ...Next question. What is this tied to the end of the rope?
Donnel: It's a ring. Carved it m'self, out of wood. ...I thought ya might like that.
Panne: And WHY is there a ring tied to the end of this rope?
Donnel: 'Cause I want ya to marry me!
Panne: And you thought to ask me while I was in a pit?!
Donnel: I reckoned this was the only way I could get ya to sit still and lemme ask!
Panne: ...Most women would not respond well to being dropped into a hole.
Donnel: Well, I'm real sorry 'bout that, but we both know you ain't "most women." Now maybe it warn't the smartest thing to do, but I had to tell ya. Yer the first person I met where I saw to their core and still found 'em beautiful. 'Cept for my ma, of course, but she don't count.
Panne: My heart burns for revenge against the humans who slaughtered my kin. There is no beauty in such anger.
Donnel: Your anger ain't the real heart of you, Panne. Not by a country mile! 'Sides, it's them rotten humans' own dang fault you hate 'em! I want 'em to face justice just as much as you do.
Donnel: Cross my heart and hope to spit! ...But honestly, I don't expect ya to say yes to me. I truly don't. I just wanted a chance to say my piece.
Panne: It is an...interesting offer. We can continue discussing it once I'm out of this pit.
Donnel: Yeah, all rig—Ah! Waaaugh!
Panne: Some hunter you are! You've fallen into your own trap!
Donnel: You yanked on the rope harder'n I was expectin'!
Panne: *Sigh* ...Pick that up.
Donnel: Huh?
Panne: The ring. As long as you're here, you might as well put it on me.
Donnel: Wha—?
Panne: Do you wish to be my mate or not?
Donnel: Yer darn shootin' I do! ...Aw, look at that. Perfect fit.
Panne: I suppose finger size was something you took note of while you were watching me?
Donnel: Maybe I just got lucky. But, uh, if ya don't mind me askin', why'd ya say yes?
Panne: Do I need a reason?
Donnel: You don't need a darn thing, Panne! I'd be happy to be here with ya forever!
Panne: If we stay here just the two of us, we will starve to death.
Donnel: Long as it's with you, I don't know as I'd really mind.
Panne: You are sweet. ...Which may come in handy in a week or two.


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Support information: Small portrait cordelia fe13.png
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Donnel: The sun is gold, them clouds is white! ♪ Land's far below, 'cause I'm in flight! ♪
Cordelia: I never thought to hear that song sung by a simple villager.
Donnel: Hey, Cordelia! Reckon ya know that song too, huh?
Cordelia: Any pegasus knight worth her wings knows that one, Donnel. But I had always thought it was nearly unknown outside the order.
Donnel: A lady visited my village—donkey's years ago, it was—and taught me the words. I confess I don't really get what it's about, exactly... But it's a rousin' tune what makes me think of bravery and valiant derrin'-do!
Cordelia: Well, it IS about bravery. It celebrates the exploits of one of history's greatest pegasus knights.
Donnel: Well, ain't that somethin'?
Cordelia: Yes. She lived back in the legendary times of the first exalt of Ylisse. She was his greatest knight and his most stalwart defender. She watched over him like the sun itself, swooping down to dispatch foes. The slow, heavy knights feared her aerial dance most of all. At night they huddled together and told tales of a death-dealing lance from the sky.
Donnel: Gosh! She sounds mighty impressive.
Cordelia: Oh, she was. But she was more than just a warrior. She had the courage of a demon, yes, but the heart of an angel. They say the people loved her even more than she loved the exalt. In fact, for every foe she defeated, she won two more to her side with her charisma.
Donnel: Golly! Tough as a badger, but charmin' as an old fox! Reckon I can see why they wrote such a fine song for her.
Cordelia: They built statues, too—one of which still stands in the Ylissean capital. I could take you there to see it after the war, if you would like.
Donnel: Ya bet yer gold teeth I would! It's a date, Cordelia!

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Donnel: Cordelia, I was hopin' ya might spin me more yarns 'bout that pegasus knight.
Cordelia: Heh. Seems like I piqued your curiosity.
Donnel: Piqued it and pricked it, too! I think I'm fallin' in love with her!
Cordelia: Well, keep this under your hat, but it's long been my dream to become just like her. I'm truly delighted that you're as interested in her life as I am! ...Although needless to say, I'm nowhere close to realizing my dream. They'd probably laugh me out of the Shepherds if they knew.
Donnel: She must'a been mighty special if a gal as amazin' as you can't measure up.
Cordelia: Oh, I'm not amazing, Donnel. I'm actually a very ordinary knight and woman.
Donnel: Aw, donkey dung! You're amazin' in more ways than I could ever count!
Cordelia: Stop that. You shouldn't try to flatter me—charming though it may be.
Donnel: I ain't flatterin' ya, Cordelia! Cross my heart and hope to spit! And to prove it, I'm gonna start listin' 10 good things about ya every day!
Cordelia: Er, every day?
Donnel: Yep! Monday to Sunday, no days off!
Cordelia: Well, this should be amusing. I wonder how long you'll last.
Donnel: Oh, just you wait. I can do this for ages!

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Donnel: Welp, let's see... Beautiful, kind, strong, wise... Um, beautiful...
Cordelia: You said beautiful twice. Not to mention, you've listed all those other things before as well.
Donnel: W-wait! I ain't done yet! Mmm...thinkin' hard... Mmmmnnn... Ya got a huge nose!
Cordelia: ...That's not a compliment.
Donnel: It ain't?
Cordelia: Look, just admit that you've run out of good things to say about me. I'm still impressed you managed to keep it going for so long. I'm starting to think that perhaps I AM a little bit amazing!
Donnel: I told ya that already! Loads'a times! Fact is, the more I get to know ya, the more amazin' I think ya are.
Cordelia: Well, I've never been quite so flattered in my life, that's for sure. ...And as a little thank-you gift, I made you this.
Donnel: What is it? A letter?
Cordelia: We've been spending a lot of time together, and I've grown to know you quite well. So I drew up my own list, for you.
Donnel: Gosh! That's a lot of writin'! ...Them's all my good points?
Cordelia: Oh, no. Those are your faults.
Donnel: ...Oh. Ain't quite what I was expectin', but... Hmmm... Yup. Okay, I see... Yikes, there's a second page... And a third?!
Cordelia: Flattery is all well and good, but we must know our faults if we want to grow. So I made this list to help you, and I want you to do the same for me. Then I can fix my weaknesses and make myself a new pegasus knight of legend!
Donnel: Well, if that's what ya want, I reckon I'll give it my best. But I've gotta warn ya, it ain't gonna be easy findin' fault with you!

S Support

Donnel: *Cough* Er, Cordelia?
Cordelia: Yes, Donnel. What is it?
Donnel: It's about that list ya asked me to make. The one about yer bad points? Well, I, er...thought up a couple'a things.
Cordelia: Excellent! Come then, show them to me. ...Ah, yes, good. You have quite a lot.
Donnel: Yeah, but actually... That ain't why I wanted to talk at ya.
Cordelia: Oh?
Donnel: What I'm really here for is to give ya this here ring.
Cordelia: Oh. What's it for?
Donnel: Well, I guess I'm hopin' you'll wear it. I've been spendin' a lot of time thinkin' about ya. Both good points and bad. And frankly, I ain't had much time lately to do anythin' else.
Cordelia: ...Ah. I think I understand now. This is an engagement ring, isn't it?
Donnel: Yep.
Cordelia: Well, what a coincidence. I have something for you, too.
Donnel: Ya do?
Cordelia: Let me just grab it right... Oof! ...Here.
Donnel: Creepin' carrots, this is heavy! How much paper ya use in this stack?
Cordelia: I've spent a great deal of time listing your good and bad points. That's my final report.
Donnel: Gosh! Ya came up with way more stuff than the last time... S'pose I got a whole mess'a things to fix this time, huh?
Cordelia: Quite a few, yes. I don't believe in sugarcoating the truth, as you know.
Donnel: Aw, horse pucky! What'n the heck was I thinkin'? I'm just some dumb farm boy what tried to marry a pegasus knight!
Cordelia: Oh, dear. It seems I missed one of your faults. Here, give me that. I'll just write it in on the last page... "Comes to hasty conclusions."
Donnel: ...Reckon I'm a hair confused.
Cordelia: Oh, I already have "easily confused." It's back on page 19. But anyway, what makes you think I'm turning down your proposal?
Donnel: Ain't it obvious? Look at this huge list of stuff about me what needs fixin'!
Cordelia: When you were thinking of my faults and strengths, you fell in love with me. ...Right? Well, I think the same thing happened to me when I was making your lists.
Donnel: And you started likin' me in spite'a all...THIS?
Cordelia: I did indeed. And so, Donnel, yes. I accept your proposal.
Donnel: Yeeeeee-haw!
Cordelia: Of course, once we're married, we'll likely have to expand these lists a great deal. Getting to know you will be an adventure—I'll have to remember to sharpen my quill!
Donnel: Er, yeah. An adventure! ...Definitely. Ha ha...yeargh.


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait nowi fe13.png
4 pts.
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13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Nowi: Hey, can I see that rock?
Donnel: Huh?
Nowi: Ker...FLING!
Donnel: Horse apples! What'd ya go and do that for?!
Nowi: Yay! I got it!
Donnel: H-hey! Hold up a minute!
Nowi: Check it out, Donny! I bagged a pheasant!
Donnel: *Huff* *pant* Forget yer bird, Nowi! The stone! Where's my stone?!
Nowi: What, this one?
Donnel: Aw, there she is! Whew...
Nowi: Oh, sorry. Was it important?
Donnel: More than anythin' I own. It's my one real treasure. ...It belonged to my pa.
Nowi: O-oh my gosh, Donny! *sniff* I'm s-sorry! I didn't know! I... Waaaaaaaaah!
Donnel: Hey, now! No need to start bawlin'! I ain't mad! ...Least not anymore.
Nowi: *Sniff* ...Y-you're not?
Donnel: Naw. Ain't no harm done.
Nowi: H-here. You should take this pheasant. I'll even roast it for you! I'm not sure what temperature to put my breath at, but I figure about 10,000 degr—
Donnel: Gah, wait, wait! I'll just build a fire! This ain't the time nor the place to go turnin' into a dragon, Nowi.
Nowi: ...But I like turning into a dragon.
Donnel: Look, we got us plenty of dry wood. Just sit back, and I'll have us a fire goin' in two shakes of a pig's tail.
Nowi: Okay. Thanks, Donny!
Donnel: Gosh, but that was close...

B Support

Nowi: Hey, Donny. You still have that stone from before?
Donnel: You mean my pa's stone? Course I do.
Nowi: Can I see it? I promise not to throw it! Pleeease? ...Oooh, it's so pretty. Is that why it's your most favorite treasure?
Donnel: Looks ain't got nothin' to do with it. The stone's part of a promise with my pa.
Nowi: A promise?
Donnel: He gave it to me back 'fore he died. He always loved rocks and stones and such, but this was his favorite. He said it had a kinda power in it, all hidden away. That it was greater than it looked. Reckon I don't quite understand all that, but it's what he believed. So I promised him that one day I'd figure it out and release that hidden power!
Nowi: Wow. I'm jealous.
Donnel: Of my stone? But you got one what turns ya into a dragon!
Nowi: No, of your promise with your father! I never knew my father. Never got to talk to him...
Donnel: I'm real sorry to hear that.
Nowi: Oh, but I do remember where I was born!
Donnel: Oh yeah? Where's that?
Nowi: I forget!
Donnel: Huh? But ya just said—
Nowi: No, I do remember, but just not right now. Next time I have it, I'll tell you!
Donnel: Er, I don't quite understand all that, but I guess I'll look forward to it.
Nowi: Hey, let's play! You're the most fun to play with around here!
Donnel: Aw, shucks, Nowi! I think yer a real hoot, too!

A Support

Nowi: Hey, Donny! I remembered where I was born!
Donnel: Oh, yeah? Where at?
Nowi: It's all the way left from here!
Donnel: What, ya mean west?
Nowi: No, left! Across the ocean and way to the left!
Donnel: I ain't sure I follow. You don't know any landmarks or nothin'?
Nowi: No, not really. I was kidnapped right after I was born.
Donnel: Oh, gosh! That's terrible!
Nowi: It's my dream to go back to my homeland someday.
Donnel: Oh yeah?
Nowi: I mean, maybe I've got friends and family there, right?!
Donnel: Well, if I find it first, I reckon I'll be sure to come runnin' and tell ya!
Nowi: You promise? Yay! Oh, oh! And if I find it, I'll come tell you, too!
Donnel: Now that there's a square deal!
Nowi: Yeah! I'm really hungry!
Donnel: ...I sure do have trouble keepin' up with ya sometimes, Nowi. But if yer tummy's a'rumblin', I set me a trap a couple days ago. Wanna go see if we caught anythin'? If we got us a rabbit, I'll fix ya a Donny Special!
Nowi: Yaaay! You're the bestest, Donny!

S Support

Donnel: Hey, Nowi. So, I was thinkin'... We both got things we're lookin' for, right?
Nowi: Right!
Donnel: Well, why don't we look for 'em together?
Nowi: Oh, that's a great idea! Here, let's promise! Pinky swear!
Donnel: Er, I was thinkin' of somethin' a mite different than a pinky swear...
Nowi: ...Thumb swear?
Donnel: I reckon this one's gonna need yer ring finger...
Nowi: Oh... I see! Donnel, are you saying what I think you're saying? Because—
Donnel: Sure am. It's a marriage promise.
Nowi: Hee hee, I knew it! People forget I've been around the block a few thousand times.
Donnel: Well, now it's finally time to take things to the next level. Let's have yer hand, then.
Nowi: Here...
Donnel: Yee-haw! It's a perfect fit!
Nowi: Yaaay! We did it!
Donnel: Now we're promised to each other.
Nowi: No take-backs!
Donnel: Don't ya go and worry 'bout that. I'm gonna live out my life at yer side.
Nowi: Thanks, Donny! You're the best!
Donnel: Aw, I'm so happy, I'm gonna dance a jig! Yeeeeeeeee-haaaaaaw!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait tharja fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Tharja: You there. Boy. Do you know where I can find a newt's eye?
Donnel: Yes ma'am! I've seen tons of them slimy critters up in yonder stream. Hold and I'll fetch ya one!
Tharja: You there. Boy. Where can I get the tail of a snow-white sow?
Donnel: Fresh out, I'm 'fraid. But I can run ask the camp butcher if ya like!
Tharja: That dunderhead wouldn't possibly have such a thing...
Donnel: Well, I suppose I could hop down the valley and check the local swineherd. I reckon one'a them pigs'll have a white tail!
Tharja: You there. Boy. Bring me a bat.
Donnel: Shucks, they mostly live in caves down by the ol' fishin— Er, beg pardon, ma'am, but...did you just order me to go fetch a bat?
Tharja: Yes, I did. Sometime today, please.
Donnel: Well, all right then! I'll just toodle on down to the caves and flush one out!
Tharja: ...I can't imagine why that hayseed keeps following my orders. I haven't even had a chance to place a curse of servitude on him yet...

B Support

Donnel: Howdy, ma'am! I got them two venomous black snakes you been lookin' fer!
Tharja: Yes, thank you. Just throw them in the usual place.
Donnel: You got it!
Tharja: ...... Well? Aren't you going to ask me?
Donnel: Ask ya what, ma'am?
Tharja: Tsk. Don't play coy. The favor, obviously.
Donnel: I reckon I don't quite follow.
Tharja: You want me to use my magic powers to do something for you, right? For weeks, you've been running hither and yon, collecting specimens. At first it was just amusing, but you've actually proved to be quite helpful. So then? Name your price. What do you want in return?
Donnel: Well, I imagine I'd like ya to do nothin', ma'am.
Tharja: I don't understand.
Donnel: I don't want nothin' in particular, so I'm askin' ya to do nothin'.
Tharja: Surely you must have some reason for helping me.
Donnel: Gosh, ma'am. That's just how we do things back in my village. If a mage was settin' about to cast a curse, see, we was all duty bound to pitch in. Just like we all help build the barns and mend the fences and clear the pastures!
Tharja: Wait. You used to help mages cast curses? Cast curses...on you?!
Donnel: That's what curses are all about, right? Usin' dark arts fer the greater good? By helpin' you, I reckon I'm helpin' everyone in the Shepherds. Ain't that right? Gosh, maybe THAT should be my favor! I should ask ya to cast more nice magic!
Tharja: I don't know who taught you about curses, but that's not how they work.
Donnel: It ain't?
Tharja: Gods, it's a wonder your village is still standing... But all right... I'll see if I can find a way to cast some, er, "nice" magic. And in the meantime, you can keep collecting specimens.
Donnel: Yee-haw! It's a dilly of a deal!
Tharja: I think this is going to be a very useful arrangement. ...Particularly for me.

A Support

Donnel: Tharja, your hexes sure are powerful! Everyone's feelin' on top'a the world!
Tharja: Hmm...
Donnel: The cold what was goin' 'round done threw us all for a loop. I didn't know what we was gonna do till ya cast yer hex and fixed us up!
Tharja: Snuffing out a sniffle is a fairly simple matter, actually. You just have to direct the curse at the cold instead of the person.
Donnel: Well, you sure done impressed me! There's just one thing I don't get... Why don't ya want me tellin' no one it was you what cured them ailments?
Tharja: People might get the wrong idea.
Donnel: Whatcha mean?
Tharja: They might think I did it for some kind of...common good... Or out of the goodness of my heart. *shudder* I only did it to thank you for the help you've given me. If people think I've gone soft, I'm finished as a dark mage...
Donnel: Well, either way, the result's the same.
Tharja: Yes, well. If you need some disease cured again, you know where I am. However, I want something of you in return.
Donnel: Don't worry! I'll keep on collectin' all them creepy crawlies for ya!
Tharja: ...Heh heh. You really are quite useful.

S Support

Donnel: Heya, Tharja. I've went'n collected all them things ya wanted.
Tharja: ...Ah, good. Then I have everything I need for my next spell. Just stand still please... Whew... It is done...
Donnel: Erm, Tharja. Is it all right if I ask ya a lil' question?
Tharja: That depends.
Donnel: What was that spell you just cast? Usually ya tell me what yer fixin' to do, but not today.
Tharja: I was making this.
Donnel: Dancin' donkeys! That there's a fine ring!
Tharja: ...It's for you.
Donnel: Fer me?!
Tharja: I made another one just like it for myself.
Donnel: Well shucks, this is startin' to sound like yer fixin' to get us hitched!
Tharja: Well, yes, as far as society at large is concerned, we would be wed. However, in practice, I want you to be more like my...personal servant. I consulted a few books; this seemed the easiest way to secure cooperation.
Donnel: Books? Yer dark-magic tomes talk about weddin's?
Tharja: Well, what became weddings, yes... You'd be surprised how many social rituals have come out of the dark arts. In this case, an exchange of rings forging an unbreakable bond. It symbolizes a solemn pact that two people will stay together until death.
Donnel: Gosh! Sounds like someone's in love with ol' Donny!
Tharja: That...would be another way to put it, yes. In any case, I would like your answer. Will you join with me?
Donnel: If you promise to love me all my life, then we got a deal! Collectin' bats and watchin' you cast hexes is excitin' as all get-out! I wouldn't mind doin' nothin' but fer the rest of my days!
Tharja: Excellent! Then it's settled. Now put that ring on like a good boy... And become mine FOREVER! Eee hee hee...


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait olivia fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Rank

Donnel: The swan princess done lost her love, ♪ and now her luck is buuuuusted! ♪
Olivia: She looks so sad beside the lake, ♪ her wedding ring a'rusted! ♪
Donnel: Yikes! You done scared me, ma'am!
Olivia: Oh, did I? Gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. But that's one of my favorite ballads, and I couldn't help but join in!
Donnel: Eh? You know that song?
Olivia: Oh, yes! All dancers dream of the day when they might perform as the white swan.
Donnel: It's a sad song somethin' fierce, and I always get to feelin' low when I sing it. Just the way that poor white swan princess is out lamentin' her black swan prince. She sets out to journey 'round the world, hopin' to meet him one more time. But while she's gone, the evil swans wreck her home and put her realm to the torch! That's why she gets to cryin' out by that pond in the song, most-like.
Olivia: But, Donnel, it doesn't end there. Don't you know the other verses?
Donnel: ...It don't end with that line about brewin' up tea?
Olivia: No, that's just the end of the middle act! Here's the rest... The moon sees the swan princess sadly sipping her tea and takes pity on her. He calls out to the black swan prince and tells him how the princess suffers. When the prince hears this, he summons his allies and chases the wicked swans away. Then prince and princess are reunited in the smoldering ruins of her palace! There they embrace tenderly while the princess smiles softly up at the moon.
Donnel: Well pluck my feathers and feed me grits! That ain't a sad song at all!
Olivia: No, it's not.
Donnel: Gosh, thanks for settin' me straight, ma'am. I reckon I like it even more now!
Olivia: Oh, you're very welcome!

B Rank

Donnel: Say, Olivia? I've been a'ponderin' that swan princess from the song. You wanna know what I think? I reckon it really is a sad story.
Olivia: Oh? How so?
Donnel: The princess's whole kingdom was burned up, but they never got put right.
Olivia: Well, it's true that the song doesn't mention rebuilding...
Donnel: So even if the white swan hitches up with her true love, her home's still rubble. I don't see how she can be properly happy like that. I surely don't.
Olivia: I'd...never thought of that.
Donnel: Right? It ain't no cheerful ditty at all—it's one'a them funeral dirges!
Olivia: And if that's so, it casts her final act in an entirely different light...
Donnel: Olivia? You chewin' on straw there? Whatcha mumblin' about?
Olivia: Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about the choreography for that song. There was one point that always puzzled me, but I think you've given me the answer.
Donnel: I did?
Olivia: In the choreography, the princess smiles at the moon when they embrace. But the movements are slow and sad, as if they were full of loss. I never understood how she could be so sorrowful in the midst of an embrace. But now I think I get it.
Donnel: She's happy for herself, but still thinkin' 'bout her home bein' all busted up.
Olivia: Yes, exactly. Thank you, Donnel. This has been an eye-opening talk! I might be able to add a whole new dimension to this dance.
Donnel: Gosh! I'd pay anythin' to see that!
Olivia: Er, well, I need much more practice. I'm not much of a dancer...
Donnel: Well, you get to rehearsin' and lemme know when yer ready to go!

A Rank

Olivia: Donnel? Do you mind coming over here for a second?
Donnel: What's up, Olivia?
Olivia: Er, well... I was hoping that you might want to watch my dance.
Donnel: Jumpin' jacksnakes! You're all done practicin'? Show me! Show me!
Olivia: Yes, but I can't dance without music. Would you be so kind as to sing?
Donnel: Aw, sure! But I only know the words partway.
Olivia: That's all right. I'll sing as I dance, in the sections you don't know.
Donnel: Okeydokey. Ready? Here goes nothin'! The moon was smilin' gently down... ♪
Donnel: And now at last, the two embrace, ♪ and in his arms the swan does sigh... ♪
Olivia: Up she looks, with smile so wide, ♪ to gaze at the moon in the sky. ♪
Donnel: ......
Olivia: Er, Donnel? ...Hello? Did you like it?
Donnel: Aw, shucks, Olivia! That's the purdiest thing I ever seen in m'whole darn life! *Sniff* Gosh... Aw, shucks...
Olivia: *Sniff* Donnel? You're crying!
Donnel: *Sniffle* So are you...
Olivia: *Sniffle* Heh... I guess I am. I got so caught up in the dance, I actually became the white swan!
Donnel: I know! I'd a'sworn you were the princess herself!
Olivia: Oh, well now... It wasn't THAT good...
Donnel: I reckon I could watch you dance all day! ...Don't suppose ya would, though.
Olivia: I might be up for one more...

S Rank

Donnel: ......
Olivia: Donnel?
Donnel: ......
Olivia: Donnel!
Donnel: What in tarnation? ...Oh, hi, Olivia.
Olivia: Is something wrong? You're just sitting there like a stunned toad. W-was my dance that bad?
Donnel: Jeepers, no... I couldn't tear my eyes away, you were so beautiful.
Olivia: T-truly?
Donnel: It's like I was hypnotized or somethin'. Hope I ain't gettin' sick...
Olivia: Oh dear...
Donnel: I just get so weepy when I imagine you as the white swan. It's almost like I'm the black swan and I've fallen in... Er... Which is by way of sayin' I went'n bought ya this.
Olivia: Is that...a ring?
Donnel: Now, I know I'm no prince or black swan. ...More of an odd duck, I s'pose. And I know a grubby old ring like this won't make a princess smile at the moon, but—
Olivia: Donnel, any gift from you has the power to make this princess smile.
Donnel: So does that mean...?
Olivia: I think it's time for me to dance again. Except, in this performance, I won't be dancing for the black swan prince.
Donnel: N-no?
Olivia: No. This time I'm dancing for you. For love...
Donnel: Aw, gosh! I'm gonna sing that song like it ain't never been sung 'fore!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait cherche fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Donnel: You mind if I ask ya a question here, Cherche?
Cherche: Go ahead.
Donnel: I hear there's a girl in Valm what can whup a wyvern in a fight. That true?
Cherche: I assume you mean a human girl? If so, I doubt it. I've certainly never heard of such an extraordinary person.
Donnel: Haw! Yeah, I figured it was just some fool spinnin' tales.
Cherche: Who told you this, anyway?
Donnel: Some old merchant what claimed he'd been travelin' back and forth to Valm. He used to visit our village to sell goodies. Tonics what make ya taller and the like. It was quite a tale he told, though. 'Bout the wyvern girl, I mean. 'Parently, she wandered into Wyvern Valley when she was only nine! She whupped up on a wyvern there and then rode the poor fella all the way home. Haw, guess that tale's worth as much as the dang tonic he sold me. I mean, what sad excuse for a wyvern would go and get tamed by a little girl?
(Minerva roars)
Cherche: Minerva? What's the matter?
Donnel: Don't reckon it was somethin' I said, do ya?
Cherche: I can't imagine what it might— Minerva, stop that at once! You mustn't eat poor Donnel!
Donnel: YEE-IKES! Yer beast is crazy, lady! I'm gonna make like a chicken and fly!
Cherche: Minerva! Bad wyvern! What has gotten into you?

B Support

Cherche: Er, Donnel. About our last conversation... I think I know who the girl in that story might have been.
Donnel: Huh? But I thought we decided it was a load of horse pucky?
Cherche: Yes, except... Well, all the events in the story happened to me.
Donnel: You?!
Cherche: Yes. I believe the old man's story is about the first time I met little Minerva. Heh. I never thought the tale would be recounted across the land!
Donnel: So you's the legendary wyvern-subjugatin' gal?
Cherche: You sound disappointed. Not what you were expecting?
Donnel: Gosh, no! I'm thrilled to bits! Even got the goose bumps on my arm!
Cherche: So you have.
Donnel: I don't reckon you'd mind if I maybe hung out with ya for a spell? ...Wouldja?
Cherche: Why?
Donnel: 'Cause if I watch ya, I could try'n learn how to be as famous as you! Whuppin' wyverns, tamin' wild beasts... Why, gals'll be swoonin' at my feet!
Cherche: Well, I'm not sure. We'll have to see what Minerva thinks. ...Well, girl?
(Minerva roars)
Cherche: ...You have her permission.
Donnel: Yee-haw! This'll be swell!
Cherche: You don't mind being so close to Minerva, do you? She rarely leaves my side.
Donnel: Well, I've worked with livestock 'fore, so I reckon I can get used to it.

A Support

Donnel: Cherche, I've done yer laundry and finished yer mendin'!
Cherche: Thank you, Donny. Also, it's feeding time for Minerva. Would you mind seeing to her?
Donnel: Okeydoke! ...Hey there, girl! How ya doin'? Gosh, look at all'a them teeth. You sure are a fierce one! I can't believe you really let a little nine-year-old put a whuppin' on you...
(Minerva roars)
Donnel: Oh, gotcha. You're busy eatin'. I'll leave ya to it.
Cherche: Heh. You two are getting along famously now.
Donnel: I made sure to do just how you did, and she cozied right on up to me. Not to mention, I've learned cookin', and cleanin', and how to use a needle!
Cherche: But you'd rather know how I defeated the wyvern than learn household chores, right?
Donnel: See, I been thinkin' about that. You don't treat her anythin' like a regular ol' horse. I reckon you two are more like old friends than master and servant. I sure do envy it. I was never that friendly with my mule back on the farm. Don't s'pose you'd tell me how ya managed to earn her trust?
Cherche: Through the same bonds of friendship that made you part of our little group. Don't you notice how close you've become to Minerva? ...And to me? Donnel: Aw, shucks. But yer so pretty and kind, and I'm just a big lug from the sticks. ...Ya really think we're becomin' friends?
Cherche: Oh, I know we are.
Donnel: Gosh, how excitin'! Donnel Tinhead, friends with the famous wyvern subduer!
Cherche: And the wyvern, too...

S Support

Donnel: Hey-ho, hey-ho... *pant, pant* Just...a bit farther...
Cherche: Goodness, what an enormous metal ring! It must weigh half a ton! Why don't you ask Minerva to help you carry it?
Donnel: That's the's a present FOR Minerva... *pant* A surprise, like! Reckon I better take a break...'fore I hurt my back... *Thunk* Phew! That's better.
Cherche: Did you say this is a present for Minerva?
Donnel: I'm givin' it to her as a symbol of the friendship what growed between us!
Cherche: Donnel, this is a bit upsetting... Minerva gets a present, but I don't?
Donnel: Actually, I got one for you, too. ...Ain't quite as big, obviously. But givin' a lady a ring is a mighty big thing, so I been frettin' somethin' fierce! What if ya don't like it? What if ya turn me down?
Cherche: I'm just relieved you're not asking my wyvern to marry you...
Donnel: Lordy, Cherche! That ain't never gonna happen. There's only one gal for me!
Cherche: ...Well, it is a lovely ring, Donnel. Do you mind if I put it on?
Donnel: N-no. Course not.
Cherche: ...It's a perfect fit.
Donnel: G-gosh! Seein' that on your finger makes me happier'n I been my whole life!
Cherche: And I as well. But I don't think it's fair we keep all this joy to ourselves, do you? Let's go and find Minerva and hand over her present.
Donnel: You got it!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait owain fe13.png
0 pts.
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This support is only available if Owain is Donnel's son.

C Support

Owain: A foul sense hangs in the air... My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what's this? Blood...raging! ...A different sort of blood rage than usual!
Donnel: What's goin' on, Owain? Everythin' all right?
Owain: STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!
Donnel: Gosh! Did ya catch somethin'? Ya think yer contagious?
Owain: The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!
Donnel: ...I'm a mite confused. Are ya under someone else's control? Did some witch go and curse ya?
Owain: Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!
Donnel: Hold on, Son! Stay where ya are! I'll run and fetch yer ma!
Owain: Wait, MOTHER?! Er... Heh... That's not...strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me! Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father? ...ACK! Did he actually go to get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...

B Support

Owain: Um... You're not still upset, are you?
Donnel: Course I'm upset! You started moanin' and shoutin' out of the blue! Yer ma and I were terrified! *Sigh* Look, I AM glad yer all right. But what'n blazes was that about, anyhow? Some kinda scripted theater show?
Owain: I don't script anything! I'll have you know, it's entirely improv— Er... I mean, it's authentic! I'm the chosen scion of warrior heroes across tide and time!
Donnel: And you ain't ashamed to spout those lines? That makes one of us...
Owain: Ashamed? Ha! Far from it! Though I suppose I can't blame you for not understanding my bleeding-edge aesthetic. After all, you are the product of an earlier, simpler time...
Donnel: Well, a future where folks all talk like you sure sounds— ...OWAIN, HIT THE HAY!
Owain: What?!
Donnel: ...Aw, pig slop!
Owain: Your shoulder! Father, you're hit!
Donnel: Nngh... the trees... They fired on ya... But I'd never let 'em hurt my boy... We're outnumbered... We gotta skedaddle! Now GIT!
Owain: R-right!
Donnel: Whew! We lost 'em... I reckon we're safe here.
Owain: Gods, not again...
Donnel: Hmm?
Owain: Why?! Why did you take that arrow for me?! You could have died! This is how it happens, you know! This is exactly... Er...
Donnel: This is how what happens?
Owain: *Sob* Oh, Father... *sniff*
Donnel: Owain? Owain, are ya cryin'? What's wrong?
Owain: I... *sigh* No, nothing. Nothing is wrong. It was...just more improv, all right? Just forget I said anything. More importantly, we need to get that shoulder looked at. I'll go get Mother.
Donnel: A-all right, then. I'll be here.

A Support

Owain: Father, how's the shoulder?
Donnel: Fine, thanks! Darn near healed, I reckon. Wasn't much of a wound to begin with.
Owain: Good. I don't know what I'd do if...if I got you killed again.
Donnel: So that's what this was about... I die protectin' ya in the future, don't I?
Owain: ...It was just a normal Risen, but somehow I didn't see it coming. You had no business dying when I was the one too stupid to watch his own back!
Donnel: Well, least it sounds like I died with no regrets.
Owain: So yes, that's why when I saw you took a hit for me, I...I lost control. All those feelings of guilt and shame returned. I just couldn't stand it.
Donnel: I'm awfully sorry to go dredgin' up those painful memories, Owain. But more'n that, I'm sorry I left ya all by yerself in the future.
Owain: Father, no! You never left me! I never felt alone—not once! You and Mother were always with me because you were WITHIN me! I'm the scion of a heroine who gave me life and a hero who gave his life to save mine.
Donnel: Wait. So all this talk about havin' the blood of heroes in ya... You were talkin' about your ma and me? Owain, that's so— ...Hold on a second. Why does OUR blood rage and boil at the drop of a sickle? Lissa and I sure don't seem the type to have such unruly fluids...
Owain: Well, yes, the part about my blood raging may have been for...dramatic effect.
Donnel: ...How's that again?
Owain: But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!
Donnel: ...Thank ya kindly, Owain. But ya carry on more'n just our blood. Ya done plenty in your own right. Lissa and me are right proud of everythin' you've become.
Owain: Aw, thanks! But... Hnngh... This sensation... B-blood...boiling once again... The fiery pride in your bosom has sparked the tinder of my soul and set me ablaze!
Donnel: Heh. Well, I reckon it's nice to see ya gettin' back to yer usual self at least...


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait inigo fe13.png
0 pts.
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This support is only available if Inigo is Donnel's son.

C Support

Inigo: Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!
Donnel: We gots us a battle to prepare for! Everyone else is fixed to march. If yer mad, be mad at yerself for losin' track of time.
Inigo: Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!
Donnel: ......
Inigo: You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?
Donnel: Nah. I just got to wonderin' if you was like this in the future, too.
Inigo: Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.
Donnel: For someone who hails from an apocalyptic hellscape, ya sure are carefree. Seems like you ain't got a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharin'. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you ain't got none of that purpose.
Inigo: No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!
Donnel: Oh, ya are, are ya?
Inigo: Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!
Donnel: Yer purpose in life is to be popular with the ladies? You literally jumped through time...just to be popular with some ladies?!
Inigo: To be popular with ALL ladies. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.
Donnel: I'm more than a mite disturbed, Son.
Inigo: Why? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!
Donnel: No, that's not what... Where do I even start? Ah, horsefeathers! Yakkin' with you plumb tuckers me out. I'm goin' on ahead.
Inigo: ...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...

B Support

Inigo: Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...
Donnel: Somethin' wrong, Inigo? Everyone else's already headed on back.
Inigo: F-Father?! Er, I just...thought I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!
Donnel: ...Yer a worse liar than your ma! It's obvious that there leg is sore.
Inigo: It's fine, it's—GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!
Donnel: This is a serious injury, Son! Why didn't ya say somethin' earlier?
Inigo: What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.
Donnel: Dagnubbit, that's ENOUGH!
Inigo: ...Father?
Donnel: You can barely walk, and yer still thinkin' 'bout girls?! Be serious fer once! Really, why'd ya travel back here from the future? Lucina fights tooth'n nail, but you... I'm plumb disappointed. You got no idea what it means to be at war.
Inigo: ...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!
Donnel: Hey now!
Inigo: Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!
Donnel: Son, I didn't—
Inigo: You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!
Donnel: ......
Inigo: ...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but that's not the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.
Donnel: Son, listen...
Inigo: That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at.
Donnel: Aw, shucks. I had no idea...

A Support

Donnel: Inigo? Reckon I could speak at ya for a spell?
Inigo: Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?
Donnel: That's good, Son.
Inigo: Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.
Donnel: No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was right rude of me. You been fighting with all ya got. I got no right to criticize.
Inigo: Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. was my fault, too.
Donnel: Still...
Inigo: Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!
Donnel: Huh?
Inigo: You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!
Donnel: Aw haw haw! Stop that! S-stop! It tickles somethin' fierce! Haw haw!
Inigo: Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?
Donnel: ...That's why you came back? To make me happy?
Inigo: Well...yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.
Donnel: Shucks, you can tell me anythin'.
Inigo: You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.
Donnel: Haw! You can stop kiddin' now, Inigo. I'm already smilin'.
Inigo: Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls—it was never part of the act.
Donnel: I reckon that's moderation, of course. Yer a right strong feller, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But no one's invincible, and you shouldn't pretend to be. If somethin's wrong, come jaw at me! We'll work it out together.
Inigo: Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!
Donnel: Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!
Inigo: I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen—the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you twice.
Donnel: And I'll be damned if I'm ever gonna lose such a wonderful son.


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait brady fe13.png
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This support is only available if Brady is Donnel's son.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Donnel: Um...
Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Donnel: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Donnel: Oh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Donnel: Why'd ya say "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Donnel: Shucks, I've had the odd cup here'n there, but I ain't never had "teatime" in m'life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?
Donnel: Welp, I reckon she must've, 'cause I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is.
Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Donnel: Er, what exactly did she tell ya?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Donnel: ...Since when did my life get so strange?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Donnel: What, the tea? Shucks, that ain't nothin' to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to jaw.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Donnel: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Donnel: It...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Donnel: Brady, listen up and listen good. Ain't no one EVER apologized to ol' Donny like that 'fore. I think yer ma's havin' some fun with ya again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Donnel: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Donnel: Long as yer here, let's you and me jaw a spell and just forget about yer ma. Heck, if it warn't for her japes, I reckon you'd have never come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Donnel: Well, ain't that a kick! Now pull up a seat...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Donnel: Heh heh... Yer ma sure does love playin' with ya...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Donnel: I'm just glad you and me are able to talk like this, Brady. I admit, first time I saw ya, I was... Well, ya scared me somethin' fierce.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Donnel: What, ya mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Donnel: ...... Brady, I...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Donnel: Brady, how can ya say that after we done got so close? Ya think I'd just cast ya aside once m'son is born? I would never! Yer my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Donnel: Gosh, I couldn't forget ya if I tried. I'll remember ya till the day they roll me in the shroud, Son.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Donnel: Well, guess that settles that. Reckon I can't just go and die now!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait kjelle fe13.png
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This support is only available if Kjelle is Donnel's daughter.

C Support

Kjelle: Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.
Donnel: Heya, Kjelle... I'd love to, but...maybe not today...
Kjelle: Father, you're pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!
Donnel: I-it's nothin'. I'm f-fine... Save for my gut...
Kjelle: Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll—
Donnel: B-breakfast...
Kjelle: ...Someone named "Breakfast"?
Donnel: N-no... I ate breakfast, and then...this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in...about the same shape... If you haven't eaten...s-stay away... Save yourself...
Kjelle: ......
Donnel: Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cookin' was bad... Whoever made this
Kjelle: ...Is your daughter.
Donnel: ...Come again?
Kjelle: I'm sorry, Father. ...I thought it turned out so well.
Donnel: N-no, it's not...that... I mean...urrgh... It was d-delicious... I'm sure this...bellyache is...pure coincidence...
Kjelle: You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing!
Donnel: W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...

B Support

Donnel: Kjelle, you seem to be trainin' extra hard today!
Kjelle: If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting.
Donnel: Oh,'re not cookin' again?
Kjelle: Would you want me to, after last time?! You saw how that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!
Donnel: It was a...challengin' day, for sure. But no one's perfect—I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would love to try your cookin' again.
Kjelle: NO!
Donnel: Beg your pardon?
Kjelle: What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.
Donnel: Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...
Kjelle: I still remember the sound...that horrible sound... Dozens of people, all fa—
Donnel: *Ahem!* All right, I get ya. How about I help ya out by givin' ya a few cookin' pointers? If we manage to come up with somethin' tasty, we can share it with everyone! Deal?
Kjelle: Hmm... All right, deal. ...And thanks.

A Support

Donnel: Mmm, the soup smells great, honey! Good job. I'm sure everyone'll be itchin' for a taste.
Kjelle: Thanks. I had a good teacher. I had no idea you knew so much about cooking!
Donnel: I learned a lot after marryin' your ma. It was that or starve...
Kjelle: Ha! You two really get along so well, don't you?
Donnel: Yeah, I reckon we do...
Kjelle: ...... ...Heh heh.
Donnel: Hmm?
Kjelle: Just thinking that this must be what it feels like. ...Having parents, I mean. Being a normal family. I never really got to have that,'s nice.
Donnel: Aw, Kjelle...
Kjelle: But hey, enough of that. Didn't mean to get all misty. Let's dig in to this soup! *slurp*
Donnel: Kjelle, I know you're a strong girl who doesn't like askin' for help... But you can, you know? If there's ever anythin' I can do, you just name it.
Kjelle: Weeell... I guess one thing comes to mind, actually.
Donnel: And what's that?
Kjelle: Keep teaching me how to cook! This soup tastes like dishwater...
Donnel: *Slurp* ...Ooh, you ain't kiddin'.
Kjelle: Actually, I've had better dishwater...
Donnel: Well, don't you worry. I'll have you cookin' food that tastes like food in no time!
Kjelle: That'd be plenty for me! Thanks!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait severa fe13.png
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This support is only available if Severa is Donnel's daughter.

C Support

Severa: Hey! I think it's time for Daddy-Daughter Day!
Donnel: Er...what? Why?
Severa: Does a daughter NEED a reason to spend a little time with her father?! Most fathers would be beside themselves with joy at even being asked! Gawds!
Donnel: Aw, yer right—guess I should count m'self lucky. So where ya wanna go?
Severa: Into town! I spotted a whole line of shops with the CUTEST dresses...
Donnel: Dresses, eh? Well, I reckon yer at that age...
Severa: Age? Hee hee! In this timeline, you're not much older than I am, Daddy!
Donnel: Hmm... No, I s'pose I'm not.
Severa: I bet most people seeing us side by side would think we were brother and sister.
Donnel: Hmm, yeah... Kind of an odd thought, now ya mention it.
Severa: Odd? Is there something wrong with that? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?! You'd rather be with Mother, wouldn't you?
Donnel: Wha—?! N-not at all! Yer cuter'n a pig in slop!
Severa: Aw, you mean it? Yay! That's so sweet! So okay! In town, there's this one dress I really, reeeally want! Would you hate me if I asked you to get it for me? Would Mother be mad?
Donnel: I could never hate ya, Severa. And I'm sure yer ma won't mind. Yer our daughter, ya know? You can have whatever ya want!
Severa: Oh, thank you, Daddy! I love you so much!
Donnel: Aw, shucks! I love ya too, Severa.
Severa: (...Pffft. Too easy.)

B Support

Severa: Thanks again for all the shopping, Daddy! I felt like a total princess when you bought everything I asked for!
Donnel: I reckon most royal houses couldn't afford to shop the way you just did...
Severa: Daddy, are you listening?
Donnel: What? Y-yes, dear, I'm listenin'.
Severa: Good, good. So! I'd just looove to go on another shopping spree with you! I spotted the most precious little accessory shop in a town near here the other day!
Donnel: Sorry, pun'kin, but I gotta say no.
Severa: Huh? Why not? Did I do something wrong? Daddy, are you... Are you mad at me?
Donnel: Don't go makin' puppy-dog eyes at me! No means no. We just bought ya plenty.
Severa: FINE, then! FINE! I guess I'll just wear RAGS! ...GAWDS!
Donnel: Gosh, talk about yer attitude changes! Now, look. I ain't sayin' I won't buy ya nothin' ever...
Severa: Oooooh, you're not?!
Donnel: I'm just sayin' yer gonna have to earn it. If ya help out around camp with chores and such, I'll treat ya to somethin' nice.
Severa: EXCUSE me? What is this—my allowance?! I'm not a child!
Donnel: No? Then stop actin' like one. This is for yer own good, Severa. A little hardship in yer youth builds character.
Severa: I dealt with a LOT more than hardship back in the future, thank you!
Donnel: Well, my decision's final. I ain't gonna just buy whatever ya like no more. If there's somethin' ya want, you'll have to work for it.
Severa: FINE! Whatever! ...I'll do your stupid chores. But I expect some SERIOUS returns, is that clear?!
Donnel: *Sigh* I sure hope that character starts buildin' soon...

A Support

Severa: Apply the whetstone to the blade at an angle, and then... Gah, not again! That's the fifth one that broke! Nothing EVER goes right for me!
Donnel: Er, Severa? Whatcha doin'?
Severa: I'm sharpening these stupid weapons that won't stay sharp! Gawds! You told me to help out, right? So I'm helping.
Donnel: ...And that pile of broken swords behind ya?
Severa: It's not my fault they're defective! They all, like, fell apart and stuff! Sorry I'm not PERFECT at everything like Mother! Sorry I'm SO STUPID! I get it—I'm useless! You should just drown me in a sack...
Donnel: Hey, hold yer horses now! I think yer overreact—
Severa: I burn everything I try to cook... I just about beheaded a horse while chopping wood... I'm no help to anyone! I'm just a bunch of lame deadweight. You must've had high hopes, too, given Mother's history. I'm such a disappointment.
Donnel: ......
Severa: ...Well? If you have something to say, just say it!
Donnel: I ain't disappointed, Severa. I couldn't be happier that ya came back to us.
Severa: Oh, please. Are you mocking me? Do you really think I'm that stupid? All my life, every time I mess something up, people compare me to Mother! And you're closer to her than anyone! I KNOW you think I don't measure up.
Donnel: Yer your own woman, Severa. I wouldn't compare ya to anyone. Yer m'daughter and m'treasure, and I know yer ma feels the same.
Severa: Wha—?!
Donnel: I love ya, honey, and I'm behind ya no matter what. So hush up about bein' a disappointment! It makes me feel like a failure.
Severa: What? No! Daddy, you didn't! *sniff* I'm sorry! I... I didn't... WAAAAAAAAAH...
Donnel: Don't cry now. Ya been through a lot, I know, but it's all right now. I'm sorry how I said ya needed more hardship 'fore. I know it's been rough... But I'll do all I can to keep ya from ever sufferin' again. And hey—ya HAVE been doin' yer chores. So how's about that reward now?
Severa: No. I don't need it. I don't need anything but you, Daddy! But if you die on me again, I'll never forgive you!
Donnel: I ain't goin' nowhere this time, hon. Cross m'heart and hope to spit!


Small portrait donnel fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gerome fe13.png
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This support is only available if Gerome is Donnel's son.

C Support

Donnel: Howdy, Gerome.
Gerome: What do you want?
Donnel: Oh, nothin' in particular. I just—
Gerome: Then why are you talking to me? I'm not here to make friends.
Donnel: Seems that way. But what of yer family?
Gerome: ......
Donnel: I was thinkin': we're father and son... Maybe it's time we started actin' like it. Lucina calls Chrom "Father," ya know? We could start there.
Gerome: You may look like my father, but you are not the same man. My father is dead and gone. ...You are a stranger.
Donnel: Gosh! Is everyone as soreheaded as you in the future? I know yer true pa is gone, and I know ya must miss him somethin' fierce. ...But I thought perhaps our relationship could help heal that wound.
Gerome: Then you are a fool.
Donnel: H-hey now! I'm only makin' this here offer out of a sense of—
Gerome: This conversation is over. I have business elsewhere. I must feed and clean Minervykins before bedtime.
Donnel: ...Minervykins?
Gerome: Er, that is... I did not mean to... Bah! Your stupidity is contagious!
Donnel: Sheesh! He's meaner than a gut-shot grizzly...

B Support

Donnel: Howdy, Gerome. Have ya been takin' good care of little Minervykins?
Gerome: I did NOT call her that! The very idea is ludicrous! ...You must have misheard.
Donnel: Hey, ain't no need to get yer smallclothes in a twist, now. Cherche sometimes calls her wyvern Minervykins, too. Eventually, I picked up the habit as well!
Gerome: Oh... Er, right. I knew that.
Donnel: Heh heh. Ya know, yer adorable when yer flustered.
Gerome: ......
Donnel: Whoa now, no need to glare! I didn't mean no offense...
Gerome: ...Apology accepted.
Donnel: Heh, well that's right kind of ya, Your Grace... Though I gotta say, seein' ya so angry reminds me quite a bit of Cherche.
Gerome: What do you mean?
Donnel: Mmm? Oh, er, nothin'... Hey! Is that yer Minerva over there?
Gerome: It is.
Donnel: Hmm, more intimidatin' than Cherche's... Scarier, more ferocious...
Gerome: Truly? In the future, people oft remarked she was the prettiest wyvern in the realm. Just look at those big, smoky eyes... She's such a cutey-poo! Er, I mean... Um... You tricked me into saying that!
Donnel: I did nothin' of the sort! You said that all by yerself!
Gerome: That's it. I'm leaving. WE'RE leaving. ...Minerva, to me!
Donnel: Shucks. He really is adorable when he's flustered...

A Support

Donnel: Howdy, Gerome. Spendin' some quality time with Minerva again, are ya?
Gerome: ...Why do you insist on following me everywhere?
Donnel: It's nothin' as sinister as your tone implies, that's for sure! I just wanted to talk about our relationship again. About bein' pa and son... Now that I've seen your sensitive side, I reckoned we might—
Gerome: I have no sensitive side.
Donnel: Er, sure. But don't ya remember sayin' how Minerva was a cutey-poo? The look of love that flitted 'cross yer face was so tender and sincere, I—
Donnel: Minerva ain't gonna attack me, Gerome. She knows I'm family. There, there, little Minerva. You remember Donny, don't ya?
Gerome: M-Minerva? ...Do you truly consider this buffoon part of our family? ...... ...I see. Very well, Minerva. If that is your wish...
Donnel: So what'd Minerva say?
Gerome: Hmph. You claim to be part of the family, but you can't understand her?
Donnel: I reckon that kinda learnin' takes a fair bit of time...
Gerome: It matters not. Minerva says you are family, and I am thus duty bound to accept you. I'm... I'm sorry I treated you poorly. ...Father.
Donnel: Hold on, now. Did you just call me yer pa?!
Gerome: Don't get used to it. ...Minerva, to me! We're leaving!
Donnel: W-wait, Gerome! Son! Lemme hear it one more time!
Gerome: Bah, enough already!

Morgan (M)

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Support information: Small portrait morgan m fe13.png
Morgan (M)
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This support is only available if Morgan (M) is Donnel's son.

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Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my father... All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear... I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together... But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank.
Donnel: Howdy, Morgan. Whatcha up to?
Morgan: Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate! ...Wait, no. How did Mother put it? "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link...thing!
Donnel: Heh, is that so?<br. Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me... I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father. Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Donnel: Gosh, I'd be happy to! After all—
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Donnel: Heh, he sure is a spitfire, that one...

B Support

Morgan: Father? Do you have a moment?
Donnel: Course I do!
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Dad Back! Step one—figure how we're going to trigger some flashbacks. I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Father? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Donnel: Uh... I don't reckon bangin' yer head will help none, Son. Maybe ya could try just starin' at me for a spell? Right into these here eyes.
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes... ...... ......... ............ ............... Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing. It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?"
Donnel: Er, right. What say we put the memory project on the shelf for today?
Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest... But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Father!

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Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either... I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Donnel: Hey now, Morgan, ain't no need for tears!
Morgan: B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them... I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
Donnel: Morgan...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there... Ngh! M-my head! ...Wha—?!
Donnel: What's wrong?!
Morgan: I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but...I remember! You were smiling at me...and you called my name... Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you! Oh thank you, Father. I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Donnel: Take all the time ya need. I'll always be here for ya... Ya know that, right?
Morgan: Aw... Thanks, Dad.


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Support information: Small portrait yarne fe13.png
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This support is only available if Yarne is Donnel's son.

C Support

Yarne: ...... ......
Donnel: Um, Yarne? Is there a reason yer starin' at me like that?
Yarne: I'm trying to read your face and find out if you're cheating on Mother.
Donnel: Wh-what?! Cheatin'? I'd never do such a low-down thing! I been faithful to yer ma since the day I proposed!
Yarne: Oh, all right then... IF you're telling the truth...
Donnel: Why would ya think I was cheatin'? ...Is someone spreadin' gossip?
Yarne: Nope. The idea just popped into my head the other day. You see, I got to thinking... What would happen to me if you suddenly decided Mother wasn't good enough?
Donnel: I reckon I don't rightly know.
Yarne: See, I'd been assuming that all I had to do was make sure you both stayed alive. Eventually you'd have me, and poof! My existence would be guaranteed. But that would all change if you left Mother for another woman before I was born. The very instant you made the decision, I would just wink out of existence! The thought of it sends a chill down my spine. Brrrrrr...
Donnel: ...Gosh. I guess I see yer point.
Yarne: So I'm going to be keeping a VERY close eye on you to make sure you toe the line!
Donnel: Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute!
Yarne: Don't worry, I'll make an exception for temporary dalliances during battle. ...Just so long as the fraternizing STAYS on the battlefield! Anyway, I've got to be going. But remember: I'm watching you!
Donnel: Aw, horse pucky...

B Support

Yarne: Ah. Hello, Father.
Donnel: What's wrong, Yarne? Ya look sadder'n a pig without slop.
Yarne: Thirteen yesterday, eight the day before. You know what I'm talking about?
Donnel: Um... The number of crushin' blows I done struck against our foes?
Yarne: NO! The number of times you spoke to a woman who WASN'T my mother! To think I actually believed you when you said you had no intention of cheating! You have no self-control at all, and I'm going to vanish as a result! I just know it!
Donnel: Yarne, cool down. I was just bein' polite. Pleasantries and tactics and all.
Yarne: It sounded like more than that to me! Remember, taguel have excellent hearing.
Donnel: *Sigh* Believe you me, I know all about that... But ya gotta understand, I needs to talk to my fellow soldiers—fellas and gals both. When yer in the thick of battle, it's vital ya know who yer fightin' with. I mean, what if someone said ya couldn't talk to Lucina ever again?
Yarne: ...Well, I guess that would be a problem.
Donnel: I'm glad ya understand. But I wish you'd just trust me when I say I got no intention of cheatin' on yer ma!
Yarne: Well, you say that now... And perhaps you even mean it now... But what about the future? How do I know you'll never change your mind? I mean, you once promised me that you'd return home...but you never did...
Donnel: ...Ah.
Yarne: ...Er, forget I said that. It doesn't matter. I won't spy on you anymore. But if you break another promise and cheat on Mother, I won't ever forgive you!
Donnel: ...Hmm, I think I get it now. In Yarne's future, I die and become the memory of a broken promise...

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Donnel: There ya are, Yarne. I was lookin' for ya.
Yarne: What do you want, Father? I told you, I won't spy on you anymore.
Donnel: This ain't about that. I just wanted to apologize. In the future, I promised to come back to ya and...well, didn't. I'm sorry.
Yarne: What does it matter if YOU apologize?! It wasn't YOU who abandoned me! It was a different you from a different time!
Donnel: Yeah, I get that. And I also know ya ain't my son. ...Not exactly, anyway.
Yarne: ......
Donnel: We ain't just from different times, but from different versions of time. And yet I think of ya as my family all the same. I hope to give ya the things that the father in yer future couldn't. ...That is what ya want, ain't it?
Yarne: I...I guess it is, yes. I know it's not right, but I can't help but think of you as my father. That's why I get scared whenever you talk to other women. I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving Mother and being someone else's father. It would be like losing him all over again.
Donnel: Yarne, what if I made ya another promise? I swear by all I hold dear that I'll survive and that I won't ever abandon yer ma. I love ya both more'n anythin' in this here world. I'd do anythin' for ya.
Yarne: I...I don't know what to say. Except...thank you. Because this time, I believe you'll keep your promise.
Donnel: Great!
Yarne: Phew! Now maybe I can relax and stop worrying about vanishing from history... You're such a great father! Who's a good father? Yes, whooo's a good father?!
Donnel: I appreciate the sentiment, Yarne, but must ya pet me like a dog while ya say it?


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Support information: Small portrait laurent fe13.png
0 pts.
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This support is only available if Laurent is Donnel's son.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Donnel: Heh! You sound just like yer ma, Laurent!
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Donnel: Well, sure, but still... You two're so alike, I sometimes wonder if ya inherited anythin' from me!
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Donnel: Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Donnel: Er, well, that's true, but I reckon that ain't quite what I had in mind. Anythin' more meanin'ful? Maybe ya like to put pots on yer head and the like?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Donnel: See, that's what I mean. Yer always so serious and uptight. You could stand to loosen up a bit, maybe act a bit more yer age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Donnel: Wait, how could ya be older'n Lucina? She's already been born here, but yer ma and I still ain't birthed you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Donnel: Laurent, wait! ...Now what in tarnation was all that about?

B Support

Donnel: Heya, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Donnel: I been thinkin' 'bout how ya said you were older'n Lucina. Can you try explainin' that? I'm a mite bit lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Donnel: Hoo-ee! There's that much of a spread between when you two landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Donnel: So ya been 'round these parts for five years all by yerself...?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Donnel: Laurent, wait! Why haven't ya ever mentioned any of this 'fore? You were cut off from everyone else for five years. Musta been lonely somethin' fierce...
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Donnel: Laurent...

A Support

Donnel: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Donnel: Oh, ya were. But today's different. 'Cause today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Donnel: Shuck my corn! Ya CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Donnel: Yer always so bent on bein' the serious, grown-up type. I worry ya put too much pressure on yerself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Donnel: Age ain't got nothin' to do with it. It don't matter if yer older'n Lucina. Or heck, older'n me! Yer still a child. Yer MY child. ...My son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Donnel: And ya ain't alone no more. So stop isolatin' yerself already. Ya got friends, and ya got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Donnel: I'm awful sorry I didn't find ya earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. Just know that I ain't never gonna leave ya again! Cross m'heart and hope to spit!


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Support information: Small portrait noire fe13.png
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This support is only available if Noire is Donnel's daughter.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Donnel: What's wrong, Noire? Why ya cryin'?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Donnel: Now why'd she go and do that? ...And why a snifflin' nose, of all things?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Donnel: Poor thing... Here, take m'lucky handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Donnel: I can't letcha suffer like this for three whole days! Don't worry, Noire. I'll have me a talk with yer ma and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Donnel: Golly, that's right pathetic...
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Donnel: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove ya can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Donnel: *Sniff* I'm dreadful sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let ya down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Donnel: I ain't cryin'. *sniff* Yer ma hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Donnel: Urgh... Ya did warn me this is how it used to play out in the future... But look at the bright side—at least yer hex is broken! *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Donnel: I guess some things were just meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Donnel: How's that now?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Donnel: *Sniff* Aw, don't cry, sweet pea.
Donnel: Er...sweet pea?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Donnel: What in the heck?!
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Donnel: Noire, wait! There ain't no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Donnel: Ya got a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Donnel: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Donnel: Hah! Nothin' to you, Noire. I done stole these from yer ma what so she can't be puttin' weird hexes on ya.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Donnel: 'Fore, ya said we couldn't change nothin'. That we was bound by fate. I reckoned I'd see if I couldn't lay that ol' fear to rest. If I did somethin' the future me couldn't, it would prove that stuff can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Donnel: I only changed 'cause ya came back to me. And together, we can change anythin'. All of us—you, me, yer ma...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Donnel: Nothing's takin' me away from ya again. Not even death!
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Donnel: Say, do you feel that? A sudden rush of forebodin' fury comin' from them shadows? A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's yer ma! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Donnel: *Gulp* I better skedaddle 'fore I test that whole "not even death" promise... Bye for now, Noire! Love ya!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


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Support information: Small portrait nah fe13.png
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This support is only available if Nah is Donnel's daughter.

C Support

Nah: *Sigh* Dealing with Mother is just so exasperating! All she ever does is play, play, play, as if she hasn't a care in the world!
Donnel: What's wrong, Nah? Ya seem awfully peeved.
Nah: Oh, hello, Father. I was just thinking about Mother again... How do you stand her? Don't you find her incredibly childish? Annoying, even? She spends almost all of her time running around camp playing games.
Donnel: Ain't that a kick? I was just thinkin' how alike the two of you are. But no, I don't find her annoying. It's who she is—I wouldn't want her to change.
Nah: Tsk! Father, you're MUCH too kind. If you're always this tolerant, she'll never learn to act her age!
Donnel: Well, I...
Nah: What do you like about her, anyway? You're so serious and responsible, and she runs around like a headless chicken! I have no idea what you see in her... rushed into marriage for some reason? Like you got her—
Donnel: What?! D-don't be ridiculous! I knew exactly what I was gettin' into!
Nah: Oh? That's quite a protest there... I guessed right, didn't I?
Donnel: Heck no! I knew yer ma was a bit...flighty at times. I just find it charmin'.
Nah: You know what, Father? I don't believe you one bit. Come now, spit it out. Why DID you marry her?
Donnel: Enough! It ain't right to be talkin' 'bout yer ma like this!
Nah: Hey, stop! Don't run away from me! WAAAAAAIT!

B Support

Nah: Father! Cornered you at last! It's time we finished our conversation.
Donnel: Yer stubborn as an old mule, Nah, but that discussion is over now. I ain't gettin' into more detail about why I chose yer ma, and that's final!
Nah: AWWWWWW. Why not?! A daughter simply MUST know how her parents fell in love! You don't understand how a woman's heart works. You're so CRUEL!
Donnel: Heh, I think yer a mite young to be worryin' about yer "woman's heart."
Nah: ...Did you just mention my AGE?! Gods, forget what I said. It's a wonder any woman deigned to choose YOU...
Donnel: Nah, I know what yer tryin' to do here. But don't forget, I AM yer father. If ya keep this up, I WILL get angry, and I WILL punish ya.
Nah: Eep! S-sorry, Father. I didn't mean to make you angry... I swear.
Donnel: All right, all right then... I 'preciate the 'pology.
Nah: I've been selfish and unreasonable. Please find it in yourself to forgive me.
Donnel: Well, sure. But—
Nah: I guess I've wasted enough of your time. I'll just be...going now.
Donnel: No, wait, Nah.
Nah: Yes?
Donnel: Ya just seem so crestfallen. Are ya all right?
Nah: *Sigh* I suppose I'll just have to deal with the crushing disappointment, won't I? I mean, if my father is going to become so angry over a simple, innocent question...
Donnel: Um, right, well... See, it's just—
Nah: No, no. You don't have to explain. I'm used to dealing with hardship. Being spurned by my own father is just another drop in my bucket of torment. Hardly worth mentioning at all. Truly! ...Anyway, have a nice day.
Donnel: B-b-but... ...Well, shucks. Is this really what I got to look forward to for the next decade?

A Support

Donnel: Nah...
Nah: Why, hello, Father. What can I do for you?
Donnel: About the other day, when ya said ya were used to disappointment? What exactly did ya mean by that?
Nah: Oh, that... I was talking about growing up in my foster home.
Donnel: Wait, ya mean Nowi warn't around to raise ya proper?
Nah: No. I never knew either of my parents. I was sent to live with the family of one of my father's soldier friends. But my new family wasn't very welcoming to their semihuman-mongrel foster child.
Donnel: Don't say that.
Nah: I soon learned that I'd have to work hard to fit in and survive in my new home. I did chores before I was asked. I helped defend the house from marauding Risen. I thought that if I could make myself useful, they would stop...hating me. I mean, how could they resent a child that always helped and never asked for anything? But they never accepted me... I just learned to deal with disappointment. I had no friends. No one to talk to. ...I was utterly alone. And I never once mentioned how much I missed my father and mother. *Sniff* I...I didn't even ask...when...when would they come back for me...
Donnel: ...Nah, I...
Nah: Wh-when I arrived here, I wanted to find out everything I could about them. *sniff* Th-that's why I keep asking so many questions and making you angry...
Donnel: I'm sorry, Nah. Reckon I've been blind this whole time... I'll tell ya anythin' ya wanna know—even the embarrassin' story of our courtship... And if yer ever feelin' lost or sad, I'll be right here for ya. Long as I'm around, ya won't ever be lonely again.
Nah: T-truly? Do you really mean it?! Oh, thank you, Father!
Donnel: Not at all, Nah. Now, tell me, whatcha wanna know?
Nah: Let's start with how you proposed to Mother! What'd you say? What'd you do?! I want to hear EVERYTHING, and don't leave out even the smallest detail!
Donnel: Gosh... Alrighty, ya know, yer ma has always looked right young, and...