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< Laurent
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This page contains all data pertaining to Laurent's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Robin (M)

Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Robin: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Robin.
Robin: Catching up on your reading?
Laurent: Indeed.
Robin: That's quite the book collection you've got.
Laurent: Thank you. I'm particularly avid in my acquisition of magical tomes. As you're well aware, they serve both as a mage's weapon and a history. Some tell of the ages of the gods; others are treatises on nature and its energies. Reading and analyzing their contents is an extremely satisfying pursuit.
Robin: Combat know-how and abstract knowledge in one convenient package! I can certainly see the appeal.
Laurent: Just so. Though I am particularly drawn to tomes of a somewhat... peculiar nature.
Robin: Peculiar how?
Laurent: Some tomes offer precious little in practical use, but hide wildly entertaining powers. And whenever I find a book of that sort, I simply must acquire it for my collection.
Robin: Useless, but entertaining powers, huh? So... different from attack spells and arcane curses and the like?
Laurent: Don't get me wrong—I am deeply interested in tomes of that nature as well. But the sort I speak of are cut from a different cloth altogether.
Robin: Can you give me an example?
Laurent: Hmm... I fear words could not do them justice. Perhaps you'll allow me to select a few from my shelf to show you in person?
Robin: Absolutely! I look forward to it.

B Support

Laurent: Ah, Robin.
Robin: Hmm?
Laurent: Might I have a moment of your time?
Robin: Of course.
Laurent: I brought a few examples of the useless but curious tomes I spoke of earlier.
Robin: Ooh, right! The entertaining ones! I've been eager to have a look.
Laurent: Ha ha, excellent. Then let us begin! ...This tome conjures forth a whirlwind
Robin: That's a sort of wind magic seen in battle, isn't it? I'd hardly name it useless.
Laurent: Not when the whirlwind in question can fit atop the palm of one's hand. I assure you, it's as lethal as a kitten.
Robin: You're kidding, that small?
Laurent: Shall we have a demonstration? ...Haah!
Robin: Whoa! Look at the little guy go! It really does fit in your hand! ...Ah! It disappeared!
Laurent: It is as short-lived as it is diminutive! And with zero practical value. Unless you find yourself in need of a light breeze on a warm, that is.
Robin: Ha ha! Adorable...
Laurent: Next, an incantation that summons a faint magical light.
Robin: That sounds like it would have plenty of practical applications as well. What's the catch?
Laurent: Very astute of you to ask. The spell is broken the moment the caster ceases the incantation. To make matters worse, the text dates all the way back to the dawn of magic. It's rife with words near impossible to say, and one mistake will leave you in the dark.
Robin: Wow. Even magic was less convenient back in the old days...
Laurent: This beautiful thing is a tome of proximal telepathy.
Robin: Telepathy? That sounds amazing! How does it work?
Laurent: I shall demonstrate. ...Huuup! (Well...? Can you hear my voice within your head?)
Robin: Wha-?! You lips aren't moving, but I hear you in my mind! That's incredible, Laurent! How is THAT not useful?!
Laurent: ...GAAAAAAAAAASP! ...I fear the spell's effects last only as long as the caster holds his breath. What's more, the range extends only slightly past arm's length.
Robin: Ha ha! I see! Speaking normally seems like the all-around winner, then. Still, hearing your voice echo inside my head... What a fascinating experience. Thank you for sharing all these with me, Laurent.
Laurent: My pleasure. There are others as well, each as hollow a novelty as the next.
Robin: But you were certainly right about them being entertaining!
Laurent: I am glad you found them agreeable.
Robin: Actually, I suppose providing a bit of fun IS a useful quality, isn't it?
Laurent: Hmm... Yes, I'm inclined to agree. It is precisely because they are so useless that they are so endearing.
Robin: You say you have others like these, yes? Would you mind sharing them sometime?
Laurent: It would be my pleasure.

A Support

Laurent: *Huff, huff* Robin!
Robin: Laurent? What's wrong? Has something happened?!
Laurent: *Pant* ...I've acquired a... new tome! There's talk it's an original manuscript thought to have been lost to the ages!
Robin: Really? What does it do?!
Laurent: It conjures forth RAINBOWS!
Robin: ...Like, a rainbow one might see after it rains? That's it?
Laurent: Yes, but it creates them from nothing! Rainless rainbows!
Robin: I suppose that's impressive, but... Well actaully, I'm not sure. If you wanted to see a rainbow, you could just wait for it to rain like normal, no? Or perhaps acquire a prism from any local apothecary.
Laurent: Ah, but you're forgetting our previous conversations, Robin. Sometimes the most useless of novelties can serve a vital purpose—as entertainment. Bringing calm and joy to a war-worn army sounds like powerful magic to me.
Robin: Fair enough.
Laurent: Well, no time like the present. Stand back, and I'll begin the incantation immediately.
Robin: Right...
Laurent: Luminous gods of earth and sky, cast thy tears upon us... May your fulgurous incandescence set each drop ablaze in chromatic exaltation! Arc of color, COME FORTH!
Robin: Ah! Amazing! Laurent, you did it! You made a rainbow! Wait, so why... Pffffffaaa ha ha ha ha!
Laurent: Hmm? Strange, I don't see... Robin, where is the rainbow? I don't see it in any corner of the sky.
Laurent: ...Robin?
Robin: Heha ha, d-down, Laurent! Look down!
Laurent: ...Waugh?! I nearly stepped on it! I've never seen such a minisule thing! It's scarcely the size of a mouse... Some ancient manuscript this is!
Robin: Ha ha... Haaa... Hooooooo, boy! Maybe not calm, but as for joy, that gave me the best laugh I've had in weeks!
Laurent: ...I noticed.
Robin: Well, I think it's a great addition to your collection. It certainly brouhgt a smile to this tired soldier's face.
Laurent: I'm thrilled to hear you say that.
Robin: You should show these off to a bigger audience next time. I'm sure everyone would enjoy the show.
Laurent: Capital idea! I'll start the preparations at once. Thank you, Robin!

Robin (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Robin (M) is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Robin: Ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Robin: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Robin: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like... the color of my hair.
Robin: Er, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Any memory loss? Ever wake up in a field?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Robin: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Robin: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I... I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Robin: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Robin: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Robin: I've been thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among era is imprecise. There are... variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Robin: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Robin: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors.I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Robin: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mention any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must've been... lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Robin: Laurent...

A Support

Robin: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Robin: Yes, you were. But today's different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-father, have you gone mad?!
Robin: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Robin: You're always so bent on being the serious, proper grown-up. I worry you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Robin: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if your older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Robin: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ..... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was... awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That pain would kill me, or...
Robin: I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. And know that I will never leave your side again...

Robin (F)

Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe13.png
Robin (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Laurent: Robin?
Robin: Hello, Laurent. Can I help you?
Laurent: There is something I wanted to discuss with you.
Robin: Oh? Discuss away!
Laurent: Robin,in your role as chief tactician, you always work alone. I was wondering if perhaps you might not be overburdened by your duties. Or if you might be in the need of a lieutenant. ...Such as myself.
Robin: A lieutenant? Well, er...
Laurent: Simply put, I would like to assist you in your work, Robin. If you are amenable,of course.
Robin: Well, that sounds very helpful. If I need anything, you'll be the first to know.
Laurent: Excellent. Please, do not hesitate to summon me at any time.
Robin: But you mustn't let this interfere with your other duties, all right?
Laurent: How do you mean?
Robin: We can't have you running ragged at two jobs, now can we?
Laurent: An astute observation. I shall bear my own mental health in mind. But do not forget to ask me for help whenever you need it.
Robin: Right. I won't Thanks, Laurent.

B Support

Laurent: Robin? Is there anything I might help you with today?
Robin: No, not really. I've got everything under control, thank you.
Laurent: Ah. A shame. Would you mind terribly if I watched you while you work?
Robin: Er, no. I suppose not.
Laurent: Thank you.
Robin: ...Right. Next I need to check our weapons and armor for wear...
Laurent: .....
Robin: Okaaay, looks good. Next, take stock of our rations...
Laurent: .....
Robin: Good! Okay, now what's next? ...Ah, yes. Formation drills for the front-line troops.
Laurent: Robin?
Robin: Yes? What is it, Laurent?
Laurent: You seem incredibly busy.
Robin: Oh, this is nothing. Just a normal day of checking tasks off my list...
Laurent: Is your every waking moment truly filled with a never-ending series of chores? Unacceptable. Now I'm more determined than ever to learn what you do.
Robin: Er, well, like I said, I don't mind you watching.
Laurent: Thank you, Robin. I shall see you again.

A Support

Laurent: Robin.
Robin: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Hard at work, I presume?
Robin: Yep. Just trying to get some of these chores done.
Laurent: You look exhausted, Robin. Drawn, haggard, and deathly pale.
Robin: Um, thanks? I guess I have been feeling a little worn dow—Whoops!
Laurent: And now you can barely walk without stumbling. This simply MUST crease! You have worked yourself to the very brink of total exhaustion.
Robin: Oh, don't exaggerate, Laurent! I just slipped on a pebble.
Laurent: I'm not exaggerating. You're looking more Risen than human lately.
Robin: It's just that... I have so much to do. Everyone is counting on me.
Laurent: That's why you must trust your friends. ...And in me. Allow me to shoulder at least a share of your burden.
Robin: Laurent...
Laurent: I respect you tremendously, both as a tactician and a friend. But in this one area, I believe your judgement is suspect as best. You must face the facts and allow me to assist you with your work!
Robin: Well, if you feel THAT strongly about it, I suppose I can't really say no...
Laurent: Finally I wring a concession from you! Now promise me you won't work so hard.
Robin: All right, Laurent. I promise.

S Support

Laurent: Robin, I'm finished here. Is there anything else I can do?
Robin: No, I think that's it. Looks like all our chores are done for the day.
Laurent: I'm glad I'm able to assist and ensure you didn't overwork yourself.
Robin: I'm glad, too... That scolding you gave me finally set me straight.
Laurent: I'm sorry if I spoke harshly. It was hardly my place.
Robin: It's okay. I know it was all out of friendly concern.
Laurent: That was certainly part of it, yes. I care for my friends and hope to keep them well. But, in your case, it... goes deeper. You are... more than just a friend to me.
Robin: What? ...What do you mean?
Laurent: In the beginning, I admired you solely as a tactician. My interest was professional. But as we've spent more time together, I've come to know you better... I see now what a wonderful woman you are as well... And that is why... I want to be with you. Forever. My dream is to be the man at your side from now until the end of days.
Robin: Oh, Laurent! Nothing would make me happier!
Laurent: Excelsior!

Laurent (Confession): You've been an object of fascination since I first saw you... One I would I be gladly spend my life investigating.


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait frederick fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Frederick is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Frederick: Heh. You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Frederick: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Frederick: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Frederick: Er, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? An over-abundance of outdoor skills, perhaps?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Frederick: See, this is what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Frederick: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Frederick: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Frederick: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Frederick: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a bit confused.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Frederick: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Frederick: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Frederick: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Frederick: Laurent...

A Support

Frederick: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Frederick: Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Frederick: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Frederick: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Frederick: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Frederick: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Frederick: I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. And know that I will never leave your side again...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait virion fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Virion is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Virion: Ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Virion: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me...
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Virion: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Virion: Er, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Perhaps you have a fondness for mirrors?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Virion: See, this is what I mean. You are always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Virion: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Virion: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Virion: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Virion: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you perhaps explain? I don't quite understand.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Virion: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Virion: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Virion: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been so...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Virion: Laurent...

A Support

Virion: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Virion: Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Virion: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Virion: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Virion: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or even older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Virion: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Virion: I'm so sorry I did not find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. Just know that I will never leave your side again...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait vaike fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Vaike is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Vaike: Ha! Ya sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Vaike: Well, yeah, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if ya inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Vaike: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Vaike: Er, well, that's true, but that ain't exactly what I meant. Anything more substantive? You ever forget things, and then forget you forgot 'em?
Laurent: Umm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Vaike: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and uptight... Ya could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Vaike: Wait, how could ya be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still ain't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Vaike: Laurent, wait! ...What the hey was that all about?

B Support

Vaike: Heya, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Vaike: I been thinking about how ya said ya were older than Lucina... Can ya explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Vaike: There's that much of a spread between where ya landed? Er, when ya landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Vaike: So ya been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Vaike: Laurent, wait! Why'd ya never mention any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. Ya musta been so...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Vaike: Laurent...

A Support

Vaike: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Vaike: Yeah, ya were. But today's different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Vaike: Ah-hah! So ya CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Vaike: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that ya put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Vaike: Age ain't got nothin' to do with it. It don't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Vaike: And ya ain't alone no more, so stop isolatin' yourself. Ya got friends, and ya got Ol' Vaike.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Vaike: I'm so sorry I didn't find ya earlier, Laurent. You forgive me, right? Ya got my word, I'll never leave your side again.


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait stahl fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Stahl is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Stahl: Ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Stahl: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Stahl: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Stahl: Er, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Maybe you prefer second and third breakfasts?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Stahl: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Stahl: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Stahl: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Stahl: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Stahl: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Stahl: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Stahl: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Stahl: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been so...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Stahl: Laurent...

A Support

Stahl: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Stahl: Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Stahl: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Stahl: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Stahl: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Stahl: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Stahl: I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. And know that I will never leave your side again...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait miriel fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.

C Support

Laurent: Ahh, I see. How very fascinating... This era is so fortunate to have its texts still intact. It is a scholar's dream. And I shall need to read more still if I hope to catch up with Mother.
Miriel: ......
Laurent: Mother? What is that bottle you're carrying? ...Is that liquor?
Miriel: Indeed. "Breath of Dragons." A Feroxi spirit. Extremely potent.
Laurent: But it's not even midday. I would not have taken you for a heavy drinker.
Miriel: This sample was not procured to imbibe. It was intended for this...
Laurent: F-fire?!
Miriel: Mmm, yes. Just as I'd heard. Potations of sufficient strength and purity burn quickly. But why the blue flame? ...Fascinating. This demands further inquiry.
Laurent: You never cease to amaze, Mother. You're breaking new ground. Uncovering new truths about the world! I'll never catch up by merely reading about the discoveries of others. Please allow me to join you in your observations.
Miriel: Certainly. Between us, we will lay the mechanisms of this phenomenon bare.

B Support

Miriel: Place copper within a flame, and the flame burns green... Truly a fascinating spectacle no matter how many times I observe it.
Laurent: And proof that other substances beyond liquor can change a flame's color.
Miriel: Precisely. Now, to return to the blue flames of our initial sample. Provided it is of sufficient potency, any spirit will burn with the same hue. Perhaps it is the inebriating power within the liquor that yields the azure tone?
Laurent: Pardon, but an observation, Mother: A metal plate melts at different rates when placed over blue and red flames. Is it possible the heat of the flame bears some influence?
Miriel: Hmm... Yes, I see. A line of questioning I had not considered. It may be the case, therefore, that liquor combusts at a lower temperature. This merits further investigation.
Laurent: Heh heh...
Miriel: ...Is something amusing?
Laurent: You seem happy, is all. At present, I have yet to muster conclusive evidence that I am your son... But working like this—being able to assist you—makes me happy as well.
Miriel: True, no unassailable case has been made as to our relation. You may not be my son. But you've more than proven you are my colleague in the pursuit of truth.
Laurent: Even without a blood link, we still share a bond between us. That may just be a greater reward than the truths we seek.
Miriel: Many a worthy truth was found in the course of pursuing entirely different phenomena.

A Support

Laurent: Mother, might I ask your opinion on a new creation?
Miriel: That? A round parcel, tightly bound... What is it?
Laurent: A derivative product of the new discoveries you made in colored flames. They made for such a striking sight, I was moved to explore possible applications. I've packed substances that produce flames of green, blue, and yellow inside. If detonated in midair, it should yield a dazzling display of color.
Miriel: I cannot imagine such an experiment would elucidate any hidden truths.
Laurent: I will admit it lacks in practical uses...
Miriel: ...But it would surely illuminate the sky in a breathtaking manner.
Laurent: That was the intent, yes. On the next clear night, I thought we might assemble the camp and give it a test.
Miriel: Just as critical as the quantity of knowledge one amasses is how one employs it. Your imagination is something that I lack. I greatly envy such dynamism. Laurent, will you permit me to assist you in this experiment?
Laurent: I would be honored, Mother!


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait kellam fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Kellam is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Kellam: Heh. You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Kellam: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Kellam: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Kellam: Er, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Maybe people tend to ignore you a lot?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Kellam: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Kellam: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Kellam: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Kellam: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Kellam: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Kellam: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Kellam: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Kellam: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. Weren't you...lonely?
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Kellam: Laurent...

A Support

Kellam: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Kellam: Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Kellam: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Kellam: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Kellam: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Kellam: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Kellam: I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. And know that I'll never leave your side again...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lon'qu fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Lon'qu is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Lon'qu: You sound like your mother.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Lon'qu: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Lon'qu: ...Like?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Lon'qu: Well, yes, but that's not what I meant. Anything more substantive? Maybe you have trouble with women as I do?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Lon'qu: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Lon'qu: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Lon'qu: ...What was all that about?

B Support

Lon'qu: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Lon'qu: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Care to explain?
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Lon'qu: There's that much of a difference?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Lon'qu: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Lon'qu: Laurent, wait. Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Lon'qu: ......

A Support

Lon'qu: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Lon'qu: You were. But today is different. Because today... Come here!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Lon'qu: ...So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Lon'qu: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Lon'qu: Age has nothing to do with it. You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Lon'qu: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Lon'qu: ...I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. Rest assured, I will never leave your side again...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait ricken fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Ricken is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Ricken: Ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Ricken: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Ricken: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Ricken: Er, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Maybe your hat blows off a lot like mine?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Ricken: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and wordy... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Ricken: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Ricken: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Ricken: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Ricken: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Ricken: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Ricken: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Ricken: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been so...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Ricken: Laurent...

A Support

Ricken: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Ricken: Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Ricken: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Ricken: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Ricken: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Ricken: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Ricken: I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. And know that I will never leave your side again...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gaius fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Gaius is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Gaius: Heh. You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Gaius: Well, yeah, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Gaius: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Gaius: Er, well, yeah, but that's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? An undying affinity for sweets, perhaps?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Gaius: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and uptight... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Gaius: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Gaius: Laurent, wait! ...The heck was that about?

B Support

Gaius: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Gaius: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Gaius: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Gaius: You've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Gaius: Laurent, wait! Why haven't you ever mentioned any of this before? Cut off from everyone for five whole years. You must've been...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Gaius: Laurent...

A Support

Gaius: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Gaius: Yeah, you were. But today's different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Gaius: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Gaius: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper adult. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Gaius: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Gaius: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Gaius: I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. And know that I'll never leave your side again...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gregor fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Gregor is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Gregor: Bwa ha ha! Laurent, you sound just like mother.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Gregor: Gregor understand this, but still... You two are peas in pod, yes? Gregor often wonder if you inherit anything from him.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Gregor: Oh? For the example?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Gregor: Er, perhaps, yes, but that not exactly what Gregor was talking about. Anything more sizable? Do you enjoy bear wrestling and clinking of coin?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Gregor: Oy, see what Gregor mean? Always with the serious... You should try loosen up a little. Maybe act more like your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Gregor: Eh? Older than Lucina? How is this possible? Lucina already born here, but mother and Gregor still not give birth to you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Gregor: Laurent, wait! Gregor still have many questions!

B Support

Gregor: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Gregor: Gregor has been thinking about how you are older than Lucina... He...does not understand. Very confusing, yes?
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Gregor: Oy! That much difference between when you and Lucina arrive?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Gregor: You have been living in this era five years, all by lonesome...?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Gregor: Laurent, wait! Why did you not make with the telling of this sad tale before? Being cut off for five years is long time. Must have been very lonely...
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Gregor: Laurent...

A Support

Gregor: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Gregor: You were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Gregor: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Gregor: Laurent always so bent on being serious, proper grown-up. Gregor worry you put too much pressure on self.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Gregor: Age is not issue here, my boy. Makes no difference if you are older than Lucina or even older than Gregor! You are still child. Gregor's child. ...Gregor's son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Gregor: And you are not alone anymore, so no more isolating yourself. You have friends and you have Gregor. Honestly, what else does man need?
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Gregor: Laurent... Gregor feels much shame that he was not able to find you earlier. But know this: Gregor will never leave your side again.


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait libra fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Libra is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Libra: Ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Libra: Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Libra: Oh? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Libra: Ah, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Perhaps you enjoy visiting old chapels?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Libra: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Libra: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Libra: Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

B Support

Libra: Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Libra: I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Libra: There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Libra: So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Libra: Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been so...lonely.
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Libra: Laurent...

A Support

Libra: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Libra: Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Libra: Hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Libra: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Libra: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Libra: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Libra: I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Gods forgive me. But know that I will never leave your side again.


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait henry fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Henry is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Henry: Nya ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Henry: Well, yeah, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me!
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Henry: Oh yeah? Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Henry: Well, yeah, but that's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Maybe you have a gift for cursing folks?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Henry: See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and...wordy. You should try loosening up a bit. Maybe act a little more your age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Henry: Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Henry: Laurent, wait! ...What was that all about?

B Support

Henry: Hey-o, Laurent!
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Henry: I've been thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... That makes no sense to me. Care to explain?
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Henry: Ack, there's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Henry: Yikes. So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Henry: Laurent, wait! Why didn't you ever mention any of this before? Cut off from everyone else for five whole years... You must've been lonely!
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Henry: Laurent...

A Support

Henry: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Henry: Yep, you were. But today's different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Henry: Ah-hah! So you CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Henry: You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper adult. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Henry: Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or even older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Henry: And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Henry: Aw, I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. You forgive me, right? The important thing is, I'm here now, and I'm never gonna leave again!


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait donnel fe13.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Donnel is Laurent's father.

C Support

Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.
Donnel: Heh! You sound just like yer ma, Laurent!
Laurent: Naturally. She IS my mother.
Donnel: Well, sure, but still... You two're so alike, I sometimes wonder if ya inherited anythin' from me!
Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.
Donnel: Like what?
Laurent: Like...the color of my hair.
Donnel: Er, well, that's true, but I reckon that ain't quite what I had in mind. Anythin' more meanin'ful? Maybe ya like to put pots on yer head and the like?
Laurent: Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.
Donnel: See, that's what I mean. Yer always so serious and uptight. You could stand to loosen up a bit, maybe act a bit more yer age.
Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.
Donnel: Wait, how could ya be older'n Lucina? She's already been born here, but yer ma and I still ain't birthed you.
Laurent: I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Donnel: Laurent, wait! ...Now what in tarnation was all that about?

B Support

Donnel: Heya, Laurent.
Laurent: Father. How may I help you?
Donnel: I been thinkin' 'bout how ya said you were older'n Lucina. Can you try explainin' that? I'm a mite bit lost.
Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.
Donnel: Hoo-ee! There's that much of a spread between when you two landed?
Laurent: ...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.
Donnel: So ya been 'round these parts for five years all by yerself...?
Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...
Donnel: Laurent, wait! Why haven't ya ever mentioned any of this 'fore? You were cut off from everyone else for five years. Musta been lonely somethin' fierce...
Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.
Donnel: Laurent...

A Support

Donnel: Laurent.
Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.
Donnel: Oh, ya were. But today's different. 'Cause today... Coochy coochy coo!
Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-Father, have you gone mad?!
Donnel: Shuck my corn! Ya CAN smile!
Laurent: I beg your pardon?!
Donnel: Yer always so bent on bein' the serious, grown-up type. I worry ya put too much pressure on yerself.
Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!
Donnel: Age ain't got nothin' to do with it. It don't matter if yer older'n Lucina. Or heck, older'n me! Yer still a child. Yer MY child. ...My son.
Laurent: Er, I...
Donnel: And ya ain't alone no more. So stop isolatin' yerself already. Ya got friends, and ya got me.
Laurent: ...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...
Donnel: I'm awful sorry I didn't find ya earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. Just know that I ain't never gonna leave ya again! Cross m'heart and hope to spit!


Small portrait lucina fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait laurent fe13.png
2 pts.
6 pts.
10 pts.
14 pts.

C Support

Laurent: A moment, Lucina, if you please.
Lucina: Hmm? What is it, Laurent?
Laurent: Might I take a look at your left leg?
Lucina: ...What's this about?
Laurent: If my suspicions are correct, you have been injured.
Lucina: But... How did you know? I didn't tell anyone. ...They would have just worried needlessly.
Laurent: You're favoring your right slightly when you walk. I knew something was amiss.
Lucina: I'm impressed by your attention to detail.
Laurent: I consider it my role to monitor this army's condition and aid in its preservation. I ask that you seek prompt and thorough treatment for your leg. The desire to spare your allies worry is noble, but misguided. Hobbling yourself with a poorly healed leg will cause far greater woe than the truth.
Lucina: ...I shall have it looked at and be sure to give it proper time to heal.
Laurent: I wish you a swift recovery.
Lucina: Ever the voice of reason... I should learn from his example.

B Support

Lucina: Rgh... Strange...
Laurent: Is something amiss, Lucina? You have an air of consternation.
Lucina: Oh, hello, Laurent. I've been practicing my sword form, but something feels off.
Laurent: In what way?
Lucina: The force behind each swing feels weak.
Laurent: Well, I fear your grasp of swordplay far exceeds my own... But I do understand something of forces. Might I ask you to demonstrate?
Lucina: If you think it might help. On three, yes? One...two... HAAAH!
Laurent: Ah! I think I've got it.
Lucina: Already?!
Laurent: I suspect you've begun taking shallower steps due to your erstwhile leg injury. A common phenomenon among the recently recovered, I've found. Add another half step's length to your lunge, and you're like to find your old form.
Lucina: I see. I'll give it a try. One... Two... RAAH! Ah! Yes, that's it exactly! Laurent, you're brilliant! I'm in your debt again. Such a talent almost defies all measure.
Laurent: Not at all.
Lucina: You really do keep such a keen eye on all of us. On behalf of the whole camp, it is most deeply appreciated.
Laurent: You are too kind. Perspicacity and analysis are the only things I have to offer. If you ever find yourself in need of either, I am at your humble service.
Lucina: I'm sure I'll have need of your talents again soon!

A Support

Lucina: Laurent? Might I have a moment?
Laurent: Yes, of course.
Lucina: Lately, I've been hearing some disquieting talk. People are saying that the quality of your work has...faltered, as of late.
Laurent: What?
Lucina: Mind you, it's hardly fair to complain. We all rely on you too much as it is. And I, for one, am confident that there are no grounds for the accusation. However, as your friend, I did want you to know.
Laurent: ...I see. Yes, well, thank you for alerting me.
Lucina: There's no truth to it, is there? I'll find the source of this baseless rumor and make them—
Laurent: N-no! ...Er, please, say nothing. I fear they have the right of it. Of late, I find myself...distracted.
Lucina: If something weighs on your mind, I'd be happy to lend an ear.
Laurent: Hmm... How to put it?
Lucina: No need to hold back, Laurent. You can speak plainly to me about anything. Well, as plainly as you ever speak... I owe you at least that much after all the help you've given me.
Laurent: ...Very well then. I fear I've lost sight of myself and the role that I serve. As I was making my rounds, helping the others in their training, I had a thought... What if all my efforts were nothing more than idle ego? Everyone in this army possesses tremendous skill and physical aptitude. Who am I to tell them how to go about their training? Or take care of their health? I worry that I serve only my own pride with these foolish endeavors.
Lucina: That's absurd, Laurent! I, of all people, know how helpful you truly are!
Laurent: Lucina...
Lucina: The only person here you could stand to spend more time helping is yourself.
Laurent: Er, myself?
Lucina: Yes! Work on learning to give yourself more credit. If you're unsure how, I'll show you.
Laurent: At the risk of sounding rude, you hardly seem the most qualified teacher. If there's anyone in this army who is harder on themselves than I, it is you.
Lucina: Hah! Well, that just might be true! I'd be absolutely no help at all, heh heh...
Laurent: Perhaps the two of us can work on improving together?
Lucina: Heh, a fine idea. It's a deal!

S Support

Lucina: Are you free, Laurent?
Laurent: L-Lucina!
Lucina: I thought we might join minds to think up some new ideas for...
Laurent: ......
Lucina: Um, Laurent? Is something wrong? You seem unwilling to meet my gaze.
Laurent: A-apologies, milady!
Lucina: You're acting very strange. Whatever is the matter?
Laurent: No, I merely, er... It's just that...
Lucina: If something is on your mind, perhaps I might help find an answer. I've told you before, you can always speak frankly to me.
Laurent: ...Very well then. When I spoke to you before about my distracted state, I mentioned my doubts. Was I really helping others, and so on. You recall this conversation, yes? Well, I fear it was...a half-truth.
Lucina: Oh?
Laurent: I was not worried about whether I was fit to support the army... I was worried I was unfit to support you. Thoughts of how I might better aid you and you alone consumed me! That was my true distraction from watching over the others.
Lucina: Laurent, what exactly are you saying?
Laurent: You're Chrom's daughter, and in your veins runs the blood of exalts and heroes. ...So how could a common man such as I ever be worthy of you?
Lucina: That's ridiculous! Birth has nothing to do with talent or ability!
Laurent: I want to serve as your support, but how can I believe it's possible? And without such belief, nothing matters. I am but a twig floating in a stream.
Lucina: So that's the full reason, is it?
Laurent: I am in love with you, Lucina. I can say it no plainer.
Lucina: ...Oh.
Laurent: I know I'm a fool to harbor a love far beyond my station, and yet—
Lucina: Laurent, please—have you ever heard me talk about station before? I don't give a whit for your parentage. I care about what's in your heart. ...And in truth, I feel much the same about you.
Laurent: You... You do?
Lucina: I do, and have for quite some time.
Laurent: Th-this is wonderful! Stupendous! For once, I don't know what to say...
Lucina: I want to support you as you have me. Together...forever.
Laurent: As do I. It's only right two souls derelict in caring for themselves find each other!


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait kjelle fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Kjelle: Hah! Yah! ...Haaaah!
Laurent: Ah, Kjelle. Busy training?
Kjelle: Just taking practice swings. Nothing fancy.
Laurent: Ah, yes. Excellent. Hmm...
Kjelle: ...You got something to say?
Laurent: You are a bit off today.
Kjelle: What are you talking about? I'm fine—same as ever!
Laurent: It is possible that I am mistaken. But to my eye, your movements lack their customary crispness. Are you quite certain you're feeling well?
Kjelle: Well, I have had a bit of a twinge in my lower back for the last couple of days...
Laurent: That would be a likely culprit. Might I suggest you have it treated? A massage, perhaps.
Kjelle: Pfft. Massages are for princesses! I just need to work through it.
Laurent: Inadvisable. You would be far better served seeking legitimate treatment. As the lower back muscles drive the entire body, they are indispensable to combat. They are also slow to heal. If ignored, your condition may worsen.
Kjelle: All right, fine. I'll get a massage! Maybe paint my nails while I'm at it... *grumble, grumble*
Laurent: I hope it serves you well. Do take care.

B Support

Kjelle: Hey, Laurent!
Laurent: Did you need something?
Kjelle: I wanted to thank you for the other day. Er, when you told me to go get that massage.
Laurent: Ah, yes. What of your back since then?
Kjelle: Good as new! So, yeah. Thanks. It was a big help.
Laurent: Please, do not give it another thought. I consider it a part of my duties to keep watch for any anomalies. If I can be of assistance in keeping this army in top condition, I shall do so. And that means scrutinizing every last tick, movement, and gesture.
Kjelle: ...You do what now?
Laurent: Er, have I said anything amiss? Your face is most scrunchy.
Kjelle: No, no. It's just that when you say it like that, it... Well, it makes it sound like you're constantly watching us.
Laurent: Yes, precisely. Constantly watching. Is that a problem?
Kjelle: Not a problem, I guess, but it is kind of...creepy. Like a...stalker. Look, you should be careful you don't make anyone feel uncomfortable, okay? Some people don't enjoy being watched.
Laurent: Er, I see. Yes, of course. ...And you, Kjelle? Are you "some people"?

A Support

Kjelle: Oh. Hello, Laurent.
Laurent: Kjelle.
Kjelle: You haven't been by to check up on me in a while. Is everything all right?
Laurent: What?
Kjelle: You said it was your duty to keep watch on us. Keep us in top condition and all that? And then you just stopped coming by. I wondered if you'd given up or what.
Laurent: I still watch everyone else.
Kjelle: Everyone...else?
Laurent: After you cautioned me, I thought it best if I made an exception for you, so I desisted.
Kjelle: Because I told you other people may not like you staring at them?
Laurent: "Some people" were your words. I thought perhaps you were speaking for yourself. It is not uncommon for people to cloak their fears in the guise of an imaginary—
Kjelle: Oh, for hell's sakes! That's not what I was doing! I just meant that SOME people might take offense. That's all I meant.
Laurent: Is it?
Kjelle: Yes, it is! If it bothered me, I'd have told you to knock it off because it bothers me. Sometimes you're too smart for your own good. Stop overthinking everything!
Laurent: ...My apologies. I see my inference was mistaken.
Kjelle: Your advice has already helped me out. I'm a big fan of your advice. So I was HOPING you'd keep watching. If anything looks off to you, point it out. I'd be eager to hear it.
Laurent: Then I shall strive to let no glimmer of potential improvement elude me!
Kjelle: You do that.

S Support

Laurent: Hello, Kjelle.
Kjelle: L-Laurent!
Laurent: Is something amiss? Ought I be concerned that the sight of me sends you reeling? I would gladly lend an ear to any troubles you may be having. And troubles I am the cause of, doubly so.
Kjelle: No, you're fine. It's me. I...need to apologize.
Laurent: Oh?
Kjelle: I snapped at you before. When you stopped coming by to check up on me?
Laurent: I would not categorize your behavior as "snapping." What's more, I thought the matter was decided as a misunderstanding on my part.
Kjelle: ...It wasn't.
Laurent: I fear I don't understand.
Kjelle: That was... I was jealous. You started watching everyone but me, and it... It made me a little crazy.
Laurent: ...Now I really do not understand.
Kjelle: Believe me, I'm as shocked as you. And I'm still confused about what it all means. What I feel for you... But I wasn't being honest with you, or with myself. That much is clear. So I wanted to go ahead and apologize for that, no matter what happens down the line.
Laurent: If I may confirm... You feel it's possible—but not definite—that you bear an affection for me?
Kjelle: ...Yes.
Laurent: And you see the potential for growth into some form of relationship "down the line"?
Kjelle: Sorry. I know it's all pretty vague.
Laurent: I see no call for apology. This is a welcome development. For I am quite certain in my affections for you, Kjelle. And as a by-product of possession, jealousy is a favorable addition to the equation. After all, the ultimate goal here is to be possessed, is it not? Still, I must say, the frank compulsion to apologize immediately is very you. Ha.
Kjelle: Laurent...
Laurent: You have asked me to continue to watch you, Kjelle. I would now ask you to do the same.
Kjelle: Well, sure, but... How do you mean?
Laurent: I've only just begun to show my worth as a possible spouse and mate. However, I still have work to do before I am what the layman might call "dreamy." But given proper training, I am confident in my ability to steal your heart. Therefore, I would ask that you observe me in this process and offer advice.
Kjelle: ...Er, you want me to watch your "dreamy" training?
Laurent: That is it exactly.
Kjelle: Well, I've had worse offers...


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Laurent: Cynthia? A word, please.
Cynthia: What is it, Laurent? You look even grimmer than usual.
Laurent: I wish to speak with you about today's training exercises.
Cynthia: Here to tell me what a bang-up job I did? Yeah, I was pretty proud myself.
Laurent: I came to inform you that you were drifting ahead of everyone during the march.
Cynthia: I wasn't drifting, I was executing the Twelve-Point Hero Spinner of Doom! It's my new superpower move, so I was trying it out to make sure—
Laurent: Please take due precaution to ensure you keep pace with the rest of us.
Cynthia: It's called initiative! Look it up sometime!
Laurent: It makes you a prime target for snipers and also inconveniences the entire army.
Cynthia: I'm tougher than I look, you know? And I already look pretty tough.
Laurent: Confidence is meaningless if it leads to wanton hubris. True confidence must—
Cynthia: Okay, okay! Just stop...saying stuff. I'll try to be more careful. Sheesh!
Laurent: —account for many factors, including the spatial relationship of units, as well as... Er, Cynthia? I wasn't done.

B Support

Cynthia: Ah... Another day's training done! ...Which means it's just about time for Laurent to show up with his midday lecture. That guy just will NOT let it go! Seriously!
Laurent: Ah, good. Here you are.
Cynthia: ...Oh. Yippee.
Laurent: Do you have a moment, Cynthia? I'd like to inquire as to why you continue to ignore my counsel.
Cynthia: ...Yup. Riiight on time.
Laurent: ...I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Cynthia: I mean I've heard this dumb lecture a bazillion times and I'm tired of it!
Laurent: If truly you wish for me to desist, you need only to agree to my reasonable requests. Caution and cooperation are paramount to any successful military collective. The unit stays close so it can aid individual members and better function as a whole. Thus are victories won. And even knowing this, you still insist on outracing the vanguard and charging in. I'm starting to fear this isn't a valid tactic, but instead a juvenile desire for glory.
Cynthia: Is anything I'm doing really hurting anyone? No, it isn't! Everyone's fine! ...And I've done nothing that isn't befitting a true hero.
Laurent: This army needs soldiers. It does not need heroes. Such antics disrupt the group dynamic and serve no use whatsoever on the battlefield.
Cynthia: How dare you say I'm no use in battle!
Laurent: That is not what I said.
Cynthia: Yes, you did! You've been saying that this whole time!
Laurent: If that is how you interpret my words, I will not attempt to dissuade you.
Cynthia: You won't? Why not?
Laurent: Because I will do whatever it takes to make you stop acting like a selfish child.
Cynthia: Oh, that's it, buster! That is IT! I've done a LOT more for this war effort than you, Mr. Smarty-Pants! I don't have to take this!
Laurent: Everything I'm saying is out of concern for your safety.
Cynthia: And I'm saying that my safety is none of your stupid business! So leave me alone!
Laurent: Cynthia! Hold! So be it. If that is your wish, I am happy to comply.

A Support

Cynthia: ...... Aw, maybe I was a little too hard on him. Laurent's stubborn, but he means well. ...Whoops! Forgot we were in the middle of a training exercise. Time to focus!
Laurent: C-Cynthia! Hey!
Cynthia: ...Hey? I don't think I've ever heard Laurent say hey bef—
Laurent: Watch out!
Cynthia: Watch out for wha—? Aaah! ...Huh? Geez, that was a hard fall. So why didn't it hurt?
Laurent: Nngh...
Cynthia: Laurent?! Oh my gosh, I didn't see you there!
Laurent: Apparently not... You were staring off into the distance when the army began marching. You were nearly run over by a ballista.
Cynthia: Ooh, I'm sorry! Are you all right? Can you stand?
Laurent: I'm perfectly fi—NNGH! ...Perhaps not.
Cynthia: Don't force it! Wait right here—I'll get a stretcher!
Cynthia: Well? Feel any better?
Laurent: Some minor pain persists, but I am at least ambulatory once more. The healing spell has done its work. Time will do for the aches.
Cynthia: Oh, good... Look, I'm really super sorry. I wasn't paying attention.
Laurent: It's all right.
Cynthia: No, it's not all right! I've been a big dumb jerk, and you got hurt because of it! I was too busy shouting about how I was going to become a hero to listen. If I'd followed your advice, you wouldn't be stuck here now.
Laurent: I'm sorry as well, Cynthia. I know how important your aspirations are to you. I ought not to have spoken so dismissively about them. I was being stubborn.
Cynthia: It's fine.
Laurent: I suppose I'd grown desperate to make you listen. You're strong, and brave, and many of the others look to you as a leader. You're too important to be taking unnecessary risks, however minor. I spoke as I did because we can't afford to lose you, Cynthia.
Cynthia: Well, I promise to listen from now on. Double hero promise, in fact.
Laurent: Perhaps I ought to have had you dislocate my hip sooner.
Cynthia: I said I was sorry!

S Support

Cynthia: *Sigh*
Laurent: Is something wrong, Cynthia? You seem enervated. You barely touched your plate at dinner. Are you feeling unwell?
Cynthia: Forget about me. How are you? Is your hip all right?
Laurent: The pain is negligible now. It poses no obstacle to daily life or combat.
Cynthia: I'm still really sorry...
Laurent: I believe the numerous apologies I have already received made that clear. I appreciated the flowers, by the way. Oh, and the singing telegram.
Cynthia: Yeah, but still. You busted your hip because my big booty fell on you.
Laurent: Your posterior is not of such ample size that it shattered my bones, Cynthia. And for my part, I was glad you fell atop me.
Cynthia: What? Why?
Laurent: Because it allowed me to be hurt in your place. Men of most cultures enjoy some fantasy of saving the woman they love, yes? True, I'd hoped it to take place in a combat setting, but this served the purp—
Cynthia: Wait, what?! Back up a step!
Laurent: Did you wish me to speak more about the cultural implications of—
Cynthia: No! Back up to the part about the woman
Laurent: Oh. I see. You did not realize that... Oh my. I thought it clear that my persistence was born from concern for your well-being. If I was more adamant than normal, it's because I care for you all the more.
Cynthia: I... But then... Holy smokes. B-but I said all those horrible things to you!
Laurent: I accept those as the emotional outbursts that they were intended to be. However, there is one favor I might ask of you in return...
Cynthia: Wh-what?
Laurent: I would ask you to take me as your husband.
Cynthia: Laurent, you're a smart guy. Take one look at me and tell me what you think.
Laurent: Mmm... Fluttering eyelashes... Fingers twisting through hair... I surmise that your answer is in the affirmative?
Cynthia: YES! I love you!
Laurent: Oh, happy day!


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait severa fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Severa: Mmm, those peaches smell amazing! They were totally worth splurging on!
Laurent: Severa, where did this veritable mountain of fruit come from?
Severa: The market, where else? They just looked too tasty to pass up.
Laurent: I told you last time not to purchase anything that isn't on the list... If we keep buying unnecessary food, it will rot before we can use it. Our treasury is not so great that we can splurge on excess supplies.
Severa: Oh, whatever! It's only a little fruit. And besides, once folks see how great it all looks, they'll finish them off in no time!
Laurent: That does not address the crux of my argument.
Severa: Human beings need a little treat now and then to survive, Laurent. I mean, maybe not you! ...But most of us. And if you take away the joy in life, what's left to fight for? See, so I'm actually helping morale whenever I buy tasty fruit.
Laurent: Starving, however, is bad for morale. And that's precisely what will happen if you continue squandering the food budget. What's more, you make additional work for me when I try to balance the books.
Severa: Pffft! Yeah, whatever! An egghead like you will figure it all out, I'm sure! Besides, what's done is done. The milk is spilt, so quit cryin'! Now cheer up and enjoy some fresh fruit. Wouldn't want it to spoil, after all.
Laurent: I fail to understand how one individual can be so selfish, time and again. It will take me hours to draft a new budget.
Severa: Stop fretting over every little detail! You'll worry yourself to an early grave.
Laurent: If anything dooms me to an early grave, it's like to be that insufferable woman...

B Support

Severa: Oh. ...You.
Laurent: Hello, Severa.
Severa: *Sigh*
Laurent: Can I help you?
Severa: Oh, just remembering the last procurement run has me exhausted all over again.
Laurent: I would express a similar frustration. It's become almost impossible to handle expenses with you at the helm.
Severa: And just what is that supposed to mean?
Laurent: Precisely what it sounds like. Every time you come back with desserts or silly baubles, I have to make cuts elsewhere.
Severa: Okay, could you try to sound a little more condescending? You're no joy to shop with either, you know! Every time you open your mouth, it's "budget" this, or "unnecessary" that! Shopping should be an adventure, not some boring old list. You have to open up to new discoveries! Go where the moment takes you and stuff!
Laurent: We are procuring supplies for an army, not impulse shopping for our own amusement.
Severa: I know that, but this army has needs, and one of those needs is to have a little fun! Gods, would it kill you to listen to me maybe once?
Laurent: If you're asking me to say that wasting our scant resources is a good idea, I won't. You joke about what will or won't kill me, but it's a question I consider every day. We are at war, Severa. There is no shortage of things that could kill us all. The only thing keeping us alive is prudent and careful planning.
Severa: And that situation is exactly why I'm saying we need a little joy in our lives! Walking around with an abacus all day isn't what I consider good for morale.
Laurent: Frivolous spending isn't going to make anyone's life easier.
Severa: Okay, we're getting nowhere. ...Mostly because someone is being a jerk! So fine. Buy hardtack and stale bread until the cows come home. I'm done shopping with you, mister!
Laurent: If you are resigning from the procurement runs, I gladly accept. If it was up to me, I'd have taken you off the project weeks ago.
Severa: Oh no, I'm not quitting before you! I'm just shopping on my own, thank you! You're on your own, cheapskate!

A Support

Severa: I just... I still can't believe it...
Laurent: Severa?
Severa: Oh. Hello.
Laurent: You look dazed. The company must have thanked you as well, then?
Severa: Yes! It's been a total barrage of praise ever since the two of us went shopping. Chrom even searched me out just to offer his compliments.
Laurent: It has been almost surreal... Especially in spite of our prior arguments. It seems we managed to strike a perfect balance. Nothing missing, nothing wasted. People have been especially excited over the more...extraneous items.
Severa: That has to feel pretty good as the guy responsible for the shopping budget.
Laurent: Yes, though I would never have thought to purchase half of what they mentioned. Much of it appeared wasteful to my eye, but it seems you had the right of it. I apologize for doubting your selections.
Severa: Oh, it's fine. Besides, I'd have spent twice as much if you hadn't made me think about the excesses. Stubbornness aside, you really are good with numbers, and you always stay on task.
Laurent: Thank you. Praise from you is a rare treat indeed. I suppose this means that together we were able to do what neither could alone.
Severa: Yeah. For all our arguing, we actually make a pretty good team.
Laurent: I would welcome your help again on the next procurement run. If you wouldn't mind joining me, that is.
Severa: As long as you promise to let me handle the fruit, I'm there!

S Support

Severa: Sounds like our last procurement run was another rousing success.
Laurent: And nearly painless, now that I've grown accustomed to your...quirks. These days, I feel like I'm even starting to understand your tastes.
Severa: I dunno, Laurent. I'm a tough woman to figure out sometimes.
Laurent: Believe me, there is much of you that remains a mystery to me. But one thing is clear: I ought never think to go shopping alone again. Your help is invaluable. I do hope you'll continue to join me in the future.
Severa: Hmm...
Laurent: ...Is something the matter, Severa?
Severa: You say you've started to understand my tastes, right? ...But can you guess what I want right now?
Laurent: ...I don't understand. Is this a riddle of some kind? Are you going to ask me what is in your pocket next?
Severa: You should be able to read me pretty well by now, right? So guess what I'm thinking.
Laurent: Telepathy has been scientifically proven to be nothing more than the work of—
Severa: Try.
Laurent: Very well... ...... ...I suspect it's the same thing I'm thinking.
Severa: And...what might that be?
Laurent: I was hoping you would be my partner not just in shopping, but in all things in life. If that were, in fact, what you were thinking, I should count myself a very happy man.
Severa: ......
Laurent: Granted, that's less mind reading than mere wishful thinking.
Severa: No, you're...right on the money.
Laurent: Truly?
Severa: Yeah. Truly.
Laurent: Ah. Well, that is a relief! I was skeptical of what would happen if I said all that, only to be rebuffed.
Severa: For someone who's always needling people, you can be so timid when it counts! Well, you'll never lack for brashness with me at your side!
Laurent: Heh, I have no doubts on that count. What a perfectly mismatched couple we make, eh?


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gerome fe13.png
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Laurent: Ah, Gerome. I was looking for you. Do you have a moment?
Gerome: What is it, Laurent?
Laurent: I'm here to give my regular report, as per our arrangement.
Gerome: Oh, yes, of course. How could I forget?
Laurent: Ahem! I'm happy to report that today everyone continues to be in good health. There have been no reported instances of brawls or other insubordination. Logistics are running smoothly, and we have sufficient stockpiles of military supplies.
Gerome: ...Right. Er, thank you as always.
Laurent: Keeping a careful eye on things is one of my particular talents. However, there is one matter...
Gerome: Yes?
Laurent: Er, perhaps I'm overstating its import. Please forget I mentioned it.
Gerome: ...Very well.

B Support

Laurent: ...And in conclusion, everything is going smoothly, as usual.
Gerome: Very good. But one thing, before you go...
Laurent: What is it?
Gerome: In your report just now, you neglected to suggest that we stock up on arrows.
Laurent: Is that a particular concern?
Gerome: We're likely to march within the week and can expect to encounter aerial forces. I strongly suspect we'll need extra arrows in the baggage train.
Laurent: An astute observation. I shall make the necessary adjustments to the manifest.
Gerome: The report was otherwise acceptable.
Laurent: ...... Forgive me for saying this, but you are...more involved than you seem.
Gerome: How so?
Laurent: You ask me to make daily reports on the health and status of the Shepherds, yes? It's almost like about us.
Gerome: I care about victory, Laurent. And victory demands preparation. I hate it when something—or someone—lets me down in a battle.
Laurent: Nevertheless, I'd like to thank you. On behalf of everyone, of course.
Gerome: ......
Laurent: There is one other thing, though...
Gerome: Yes?
Laurent: Oh, er, well... I suppose it's nothing that can't wait.
Gerome: Come now. What's on your mind?
Laurent: ...It is, I admit, a bit of a whimsical notion on my part, but... Well, I was hoping you might consider speaking with the others more often.
Gerome: ...I don't understand.
Laurent: Instead of using me as a proxy, you could confer with them directly. You might even build a stronger rapport with the company as a result.
Gerome: I'm not the rapport-building type.
Laurent: Perhaps an idea whose time has not come. At any rate, I'll report again tomorrow.
Gerome: Good. And, er...thank you.

A Support

Gerome: Laurent, do you have a moment?
Laurent: Instigating a conversation with me? This is truly a singular event!
Gerome: Tell me, are you going to check on the soldiers and supplies today?
Laurent: I was about to begin my rounds, yes.
Gerome: Would you mind if I accompany you? I'd like to help if I could.
Laurent: ...But I thought you preferred to stay in the background?
Gerome: I've been thinking about what you suggested when last we talked... It's true that I shouldn't rely solely on you to learn about conditions in the camp. I should stop hiding like a craven and talk to my comrades face-to-face.
Laurent: I didn't mean to imply that—
Gerome: My words, Laurent. Not yours. But they are true nonetheless. I've been giving you the brunt of the work while I hid in my tent pretending to help.
Laurent: You're being too hard on yourself.
Gerome: No I'm not. I should have done this a long time ago. So, will you let me come with you? I'm anxious to learn what you do.
Laurent: Of course. I know the troops are all quite anxious to speak to you.
Gerome: Well, I'm anxious to meet them as well.
Laurent: Right this way then, if you please...

Morgan (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait morgan m fe13.png
Morgan (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Morgan (M) is Laurent's son.

C Support

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my father... All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear... I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together... But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank.
Laurent: Morgan? What are you doing?
Morgan: Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate! ...Wait, no. How did Mother put it? "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link...thing!
Laurent: That is a most unscientific analysis. And yet, oddly plausible...
Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me... I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father. Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Laurent: I would be delighted to try. After all—
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Laurent: The loquaciousness of that boy is unparalleled...

B Support

Morgan: Father? Do you have a moment?
Laurent: Yes, of course.
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Dad Back! Step one—figure how we're going to trigger some flashbacks. I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Father? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Laurent: I see no point in further damaging your already fragile cranium. Perhaps you could try staring at me for a while? It might help trigger a memory.
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes... ...... ......... ............ ............... Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing. It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?"
Laurent: Oh, dear. It would seem this experiment is also a failure... Let's take a break from the memory project for today, shall we?
Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest... But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Father!

A Support

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either... I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Laurent: Morgan, I don't believe crying is necessary at this juncture...
Morgan: B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them... I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
Laurent: Morgan...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there... Ngh! M-my head! ...Wha—?!
Laurent: What's wrong?!
Morgan: I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but...I remember! You were smiling at me...and you called my name... Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you! Oh thank you, Father. I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Laurent: Take as much time as you need. I'll be happy to assist you in this endeavor.
Morgan: Aw... Thanks, Dad.

Morgan (F)

Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait morgan f fe13.png
Morgan (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Morgan: Heh heh. Sorry, Laurent.
Laurent: I'm still just flabbergasted! What made you think it would be fun to build a tower of stacked tomes? You nearly crushed your father when they came crashing down!
Morgan: Hey, I said I was sorry. And besides, it was super fun stacking them up. You should try it sometime!
Laurent: I'll pass, thank you.
Morgan: Aww, come on. Live a little!
Laurent: No. Honestly, must you always be like this? Do you think it appropriate to flit about all day playing games and making trouble? We fight for the fate of the world, Morgan. You would do well to remember that.
Morgan: No, I remember. And I'm totally serious! Here, look into my eyes... See that? See it? These are the eyes of a totally serious woman.
Laurent: ......
Morgan: These are the eyes of someone fighting to save the world from ruin. These are...SERIOUS EYES! Rrrrrrr! Not...gonna...blink...
Laurent: The only thing serious is your commitment to chicanery! You ought to learn from your father's example.
Morgan: If I did, would you play a round of tome stackers with me?
Laurent: I have quite enough nonsense in my life already. Good day!
Morgan: H-hey, wait! Laurent! Don't be like that!

B Support

Laurent: Morgan will drive me to madness or an early grave. Of this there's little doubt. We are in the throes of a battle for human survival, and she wants to play games! Does the woman honestly not grasp the severity of our plight?
Morgan: Five hundred...tweeeeenty...THREE!
Laurent: Hmm? What's this, then?
Morgan: Five hundred...tweeeeenty...FOUR!
Laurent: Morgan?
Morgan: Phew! ...Oh! Hi, Laurent! What brings you out here?
Laurent: I was simply passing by and... What are you doing?
Morgan: Sit-ups, silly! Isn't it obvious? Even as a future tactician of legend, I need to hold my own on the battlefield!
Laurent: And you always do five hundred repetitions?
Morgan: Six hundred, actually. But who's counting? A well-toned body is a wellspring of confidence in the heat of battle! With abs like these, victory is ab-solutely assured! Who needs memories when your stomach is a tempered twelve-pack of solid steel? ...And so on. Anyway, I don't get playtime until I've done my daily training regimen.
Laurent: ...It seems I haven't been giving you due credit.
Morgan: Credit for what?
Laurent: Your diligence. This shows an admirable commitment to winning this war. I fear I may have been a fool telling you to take a lesson from your father. I could stand to model myself after you!
Morgan: Aw, it's fine! Water under the bridge. Although... If you really wanted to make it up to me, you'd play a round of tome stackers!
Laurent: ...I see I was hasty in commending you. Absolutely not.
Morgan: ...Next time, then?

A Support

Laurent: *Sigh* It's anyone's guess which is the real her. Hmm...
Morgan: Everything all right, Laurent? You've been staring off into space and mumbling.
Laurent: Oh, er... Salutations.
Morgan: Something on your mind? If anything's troubling you, I'm happy to lend an ear. We can talk it over while stacking up some big ol' tomes!
Laurent: Any troubles I have now are a direct result of you.
Morgan: What? How do you mean?
Laurent: I am ill-equipped to figure you out. One Morgan is a grinning fool, always thinking up bizarre games and pranks. But the other is a commendably diligent warrior, rigorous and eager in her training! Which is the truth, though? Which is the real Morgan?!
Morgan: Oh. Is that what's bothering you, you big dummy?
Laurent: YOU would accuse ME of lacking in intelligence?!
Morgan: Ah ha ha, sorry! No, I didn't mean that. I just meant you're overthinking it. They're both the real me!
Laurent: Both? What manner of trickery is this?
Morgan: Look, it's true that I want to have fun and I like fooling around. But I also want to be a great tactician like my father, and I'll work to make it happen. There's no rule that says I can't be both! ...Er, there isn't, right?
Laurent: Well no, I suppose not... I'd simply like to know for certain whether you're a serious person or a reprobate.
Morgan: Hmm... Prrrobably serious? ...Ish?
Laurent: When you can't even offer a serious answer to the question, I have my doubts.
Morgan: Aw, don't be such a sourpuss! Can't a girl tease her friend a little?
Laurent: I had not thought of us in those terms before. We are more brother-and-sister-in-arms, our bond forged in the heat of battle!
Morgan: Nice! That sounds way more poetic than saying we're just chums! ...... Now what do you say we deepen that bond with a brisk game of tome stackers?!
Laurent: No.
Morgan: Awww, come ON!

S Support

Morgan: Laurent, can I talk to you?
Laurent: You never seemed to require my permission before.
Morgan: Yeah, but I've never told you I'm in love with you before. So I thought—
Laurent: Pardon me?!
Morgan: Well, yeah! I want us to be together forever, Laurent.
Laurent: Is this some new game of yours? Some mad new jape? I refuse to be a party to this foolishness!
Morgan: What? No! I'm serious!
Laurent: Are you...?
Morgan: Laurent! I may like to play around, but I would never joke about stuff like this! Remember before when you described us as brother-and-sister-in-arms? Well, I thought about it, and it ended up totally bumming me out. I don't want to just be your sister!
Laurent: Morgan... I...
Morgan: Anyway, I... I just had to tell you, is all. But I know it's pretty stupid. I mean, you'd never be interested in a silly girl like me, right?
Laurent: ...... In truth, I would be thrilled.
Morgan: Say wha—?!
Laurent: ...But I fear I'm not ready after my show of self-important buffoonery in censuring you. I have too much maturing to do before I can entertain a romantic liaison.
Morgan: You've got it backward! Love makes a person grow! It makes you stronger! Come on, Laurent. Why do you think I started that crazy training regimen? Gah, I can't believe I'm telling you this...
Laurent: So when I saw you honing your body, that was for my sake?
Morgan: ...Yes. I thought if I toughened up, you'd be proud of me and see that I really was serious. Before that, I wasn't putting half as much into training as I do now.
Laurent: ...I see. It's true that your efforts of late have been positively astounding. If that is the result of amorous intent, then perhaps I needn't bridle my feelings either.
Morgan: Okay, so...translation, please?
Laurent: I'm quite smitten with you as well.
Morgan: Oh, Laurent! You really mean that?
Laurent: Absolutely.
Morgan: Yay! This is going to be the best! We'll push each other to improve until we've saved the world, the future, and everyone!
Laurent: If being with you grants me even half of that energy and blind confidence, I'll be happy. ...But I hereby forbid all future mention of tome stackers!
Morgan: Oh? But why?
Laurent: When I looked through the collapsed pile, I saw manuscripts of mine and my mother's! It makes me half-mad with worry to think I might have lost all that knowledge!
Morgan: *Sigh* Well, I suppose I could always start stacking your alchemy flasks instead...

Morgan (F) (as siblings)

Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait morgan f fe13.png
Morgan (F)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Morgan (F) is Laurent's sister.

C Support

Morgan: Let's see here... Birthday? May 5th... Favorite colors? Blue and purple... Favorite food? Probably bear meat...
Laurent: What are you going on about over there, Morgan?
Morgan: Least favorite food? Veggies, apparently. Don't seem to mind them now, though...
Laurent: Morgan!
Morgan: Oh! Laurent?! Guess I was pretty out of it to miss my own brother paying a visit! Did you need something?
Laurent: I was simply curious as to the reason behind your frantic muttering. Were you perhaps practicing some new magical incantations?
Morgan: Nope! Just going back over my notes on what you told me about myself. I was hoping they'd hold some clue that might help spark my memory. Heh. It's kind of crazy how much you know about me, huh? Like, I really once got five nosebleeds in the same day? I have no memory of that at all. AT ALL! Ha ha ha! I can just imagine...
Laurent: Ah, yes. Well, you're still as jocular and garrulous as ever...
Morgan: I am? I mean, I was?! Hmm, now that you mention it, that does sound...right, somehow. ...Heh. Everything still feels funny. Even you being my brother hasn't really clicked.
Laurent: If you think the experience odd for you, imagine how I perceive it... My sibling starts speaking to me as if I were a stranger, asking peculiar questions... In truth, I was somewhat perplexed as to how to even interact with you.
Morgan: Heh, yeah... Sorry about that. But that's just another reason why I'm working hard to get my memories back. Once I do, nobody will have to feel weird or awkward around me again. Pretty noble, huh? I'm such a sweet, selfless girl!
Laurent: Indeed. And oh so humble... In any case, I'm happy to try and help you retrieve your memories however I can. It would be most satisfying to one day laugh together about old times—now included!
Morgan: Heh, right!

B Support

Laurent: Whew... That was a fierce battle today. Perhaps I shall retire a bit Hmm? Is someone unconscious over there? Wait, is that Morgan?!
Morgan: Nn...nngh...
Laurent: Morgan! Morgan, are you all right?! What happened?!
Morgan: ...Wha—?! Laurent! Wh-what am I doing here? Was I asleep?! I don't even remember feeling tired... Oh, right! I was bashing that huge tome against my head when I blacked out. That explains why my face hurts so bad...
Laurent: For the love of all that's holy, why in the WORLD would you do that?! I postulate this was a misguided attempt to try and get your memories back?
Morgan: Well, yeah! Obviously. If you ever saw me bludgeoning myself just for fun, I hope you'd put a stop to it...
Laurent: I would have stopped you regardless of the reason, Morgan! I know you long to have your memories back, but you cannot place yourself at risk!
Morgan: ...But I want to be able to talk with you about old times again.
Laurent: I know, and I desire that as well. But more than that, I want you safe. I may just be another stranger to you, but to me, you are family. In the future, with Mother and Father gone, it was just the two of us. You're all I had, Morgan... I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.
Morgan: All right. I'm sorry, Laurent.
Laurent: Just as long as you understand.
Morgan: ...Heh, that felt really siblingy just now. Don't you think? Me messing up and you scolding me felt... I don't know, it felt really plausible! Maybe if you keep it up, I'll remember something!
Laurent: An intriguing theory, but you fail to take into account—
Morgan: Yeah! Oh yeah, this will totally work! So go on, keep yelling! C'mon, scream at your amnesiac sister, Laurent!
Laurent: Er, the causation for such a—
Morgan: Hey, why don't you use the tome, too? Come on, don't hold back. Really wallop me with that thing! Maybe the simultaneous physical and mental shock will jar some memories loose! It's gotta be twice as effective as either one by itself, right? That's just basic science.
Laurent: Now see here! There is no rational basis for any of this!

A Support

Laurent: I'm headed into town, Morgan. Perhaps you would care to join me?
Morgan: I'd love to! Is there something in particular you need?
Laurent: I might pick up a couple of items, yes. But mostly I believe there is something YOU need.
Morgan: It doesn't have to do with getting my memories back, does it?
Laurent: The opposite, really. Perhaps there is no need to concern yourself with recovering your memories.
Morgan: That...makes no sense.
Laurent: In truth, the fact that you have forgotten me has been rather harrowing. But...perhaps it would be better to build new memories than to worry about old ones.
Morgan: What do you mean?
Laurent: I have formulated a hypothesis about your present condition. Your amnesia, that is. I wonder if perhaps you didn't have some awful memory you couldn't bear to keep. ...I know I have quite a few myself. I often see the faces of fallen comrades... Innocents we were unable to save...
Morgan: ...... I'm sorry you have to bear those dreadful memories, Laurent...
Laurent: Granted, it's just a hypothesis. Even if it were true, it's not like you could have consciously suppressed your memories. But I do believe that retrieving those lost memories might cause unforeseen harm...
Morgan: Hmm... I understand, and believe me, I appreciate the thought... But I want to remember things, no matter how painful they are. Because I'm sure there'll be plenty of great memories mixed with the bad ones. And the truth, whatever it is... I really want to have that back, you know?
Laurent: Well, if you are certain, then I'm happy to help.
Morgan: That's really kind of you, Laurent, but do you truly realize what you're saying? I mean, it could be years before I remember anything. Or decades. Heck, there's a decent chance I may never get my memories back at all. I don't want to drag you into something that could last forever.
Laurent: As your brother, I am already sworn to you forever. We are family—memories or no. You couldn't keep me away.
Morgan: Laurent, I... *sniff* Thank you! I'll do everything I can!
Laurent: Then start by accompanying me into town.
Morgan: Huh? But you said that doesn't have to do with getting my memories back.
Laurent: I am unaware of any rule that states you can't enjoy a little fun while you try. And there's certainly no rule against making some happy new memories, either. You are young and full of promise! There will be ample time for worry later.
Morgan: Right... You're right! Thanks, Brother!


Small portrait laurent fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait yarne fe13.png
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Yarne: Ugh. I reeeally don't want to fight today.
Laurent: What are you doing here, Yarne?
Yarne: Ack! L-Laurent?!
Laurent: Preparations for the coming battle are underway. The others are waiting.
Yarne: Yeaah, I'd love to go, but my, uh... My stomach is just killing me!
Laurent: Then why are you clutching your head?
Yarne: I meant head!
Laurent: If you're going to malinger, put some effort into it. Now come along.
Yarne: I'm not! It's the change of the seasons! Us taguel get migration headaches!
Laurent: *Sigh* I'm disappointed in you, Yarne. I know you abhor fighting, but I thought you above juvenile antics and feigned illness.
Yarne: I'm not faking anything! I just really don't feel well today, all right?! I'll have you know I'm a great fighter! I could beat anybody if I wanted to!
Laurent: Judging by the fervor of your shouting, your headache is in remission. Shall we join the others, then?
Yarne: What?! I... No, I think I...I pulled my spleen in that outburst! I've got a trick liver! Runner's elbow! The grippe! Sleeping sickness! ...Ugh, fine. Wait up.

B Support

Laurent: Yarne? We need to speak.
Yarne: Well, that doesn't sound foreboding at all...
Laurent: Halfway through the last battle, you elected to disregard orders and flee.
Yarne: I, er... I can see how it would look that way, but there was a really good reason for—
Laurent: I have no interest in your excuse. Are you aware that your actions bear repercussions for the rest of us?
Yarne: Sure, but I, uh...I twisted my septum! I'd have only gotten in the way.
Laurent: You sprained your nose? ...Really?
Yarne: ...Yes?
Laurent: Chrom gave you orders with the expectation you would carry them out. He trusted you. Are you content to blithely betray others' faith in you?
Yarne: ......
Laurent: I fear I've passed disappointment and find myself between astonishment and disgust.
Yarne: Hey, who do you think you are to judge me, anyway?! You're not Chrom, so don't go speaking for him! You make it sound like you know best for everybody, but you don't know a thing!
Laurent: ......
Yarne: And you definitely don't know what it's like to be me! Sure, I'm not the bravest guy around, but did you ever stop to wonder why that is? If I go charging out into combat and make one mistake, an entire race goes extinct! I hold back because I have to, all right?! So stop presuming and just back off!
Laurent: There we are. Excellent.
Yarne: ...What's excellent?
Laurent: I hypothesized that there was fire in you, so I stoked it. You've proven me correct. If you nurture that fire and preserve it, you need never lack for courage in battle.
Yarne: What?!
Laurent: Your enemy isn't cowardice so much as inertia. Your legitimate drive for self-preservation has become a habit. An obstacle.
Yarne: Wait, so all that stuff you said... You were trying to make me mad?
Laurent: A regrettable necessity. But I think the results speak for themselves. You aren't wrong to approach battle with trepidation, of course. The risks are real. But given your fire and connate combat prowess as a taguel, you will manage.
Yarne: You make it sound so simple. But war isn't so cut and dry in—
Laurent: I'm afraid it's time we joined the others. Battle calls! Fight bravely, Yarne. I have the utmost faith in you.
Yarne: Maybe I'll... Hey, Laurent, why are you grabbing my— Ow! Quit tugging! My race needs that arm!

A Support

Yarne: Ugh, I'm sore... Guess I went a little overboard out there.
Laurent: Yarne!
Yarne: G-go easy, Laurent! I actually tried my—
Laurent: You were superb!
Yarne: ...What, that's it? No lecture?
Laurent: What's to lecture about? Your performance was beyond reproach. You were unanimously pronounced the hero of yesterday's battle.
Yarne: Hey, all I did was play decoy. Everyone else did the real work.
Laurent: You're too modest! Yours was the most critical role, and the most dangerous. And you saw it through brilliantly. Truly, an impressive performance.
Yarne: Well hey, if you say so! It feels pretty good to hear that from you.
Laurent: I knew that you could manage any challenge if you shed your habit of running.
Yarne: And I said I was a great fighter when I really got serious!
Laurent: I'm pleased that day has finally come. Now you need only preserve this momentum for future battles!
Yarne: Future...battles?
Laurent: Just so. Anyone able to execute orders as exacting as yesterday's is a great asset. I'm certain Chrom will be making extensive use of your skills in the days to come.
Yarne: Er, but...what about days when my stomach's acting up?
Laurent: Worry not. I've already given word to everyone on the cooking rotation. You'll be served a special gruel specially prepared for maximum ease of digestion.
Yarne: Bleagh... Wh-what about my insomnia? My migration headaches?!
Laurent: I'll be by your tent each night to put you to bed. By magic or blunt trauma, as needed. Also, "migration headaches" aren't a thing.
Yarne: My trick liver!
Laurent: ...Can be removed.
Yarne: Eek!
Laurent: Now, now. Cheer up, Yarne. And walk while you do it or we'll be late for today's battle.
Yarne: I get the feeling staying angry won't be hard with you around, Laurent...


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Support information: Small portrait noire fe13.png
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C Support

Noire: All right... On to the next task.
Laurent: You seem exceptionally busy, Noire. What has you so occupied?
Noire: Oh, nothing. Just on my way to draw water for tonight's dinner.
Laurent: In that enormous bucket?
Noire: W-well, yes?
Laurent: Then pray, allow me.
Noire: What? No, I couldn't ask you to do that.
Laurent: A slight person like yourself oughtn't put undo strain on their frame. I won't explain the physics behind it, save to say it may bring about a fracture.
Noire: B-but, this is the same bucket I've been using for years.
Laurent: What if your anemia acted up and you grew light headed? You could be badly injured.
Noire: But, Laurent, I feel fine! ...Oh, okay! You can help! But just for today.
Laurent: Excellent. Leave it to me. And this water is bound for the mess-tent team, correct?
Noire: Yes, that's right. Thank you.
Laurent: Thanks are not required. I insisted, did I not?

B Support

Laurent: How are you feeling, Noire? Taking care not to overexert yourself, I trust?
Noire: I'm fine, thank you. I've been feeling quite well for some time now.
Laurent: Excellent news. But pray, stay wary. Our marches have been grueling of late, and exhaustion is a relentless foe.
Noire: R-really, Laurent, I'm fine. You don't have to worry so.
Laurent: You ought to express this level of concern as well. Frankly, your body is rather frail. You must be realistic and cautious in how you treat it.
Noire: Look, everyone else is busy keeping the camp clean and well supplied. I can't be the only one lounging about!
Laurent: And yet, I would impress on you that resting adequately is your greatest responsibility.
Noire: Even if I tried, I don't think I could sit still with everyone else buzzing around. If the guilt didn't keep me up, the sheer amount of activity around me would.
Laurent: And what if thinking of you pushing yourself beyond reason keeps the rest of us awake?
Noire: ......
Laurent: Have you eaten today, Noire?
Noire: N-not yet, no.
Laurent: This is unacceptable. Run along and eat.
Noire: I don't really... I'm not hungry.
Laurent: Caloric intake is critical for success in all areas of life. ...Unless this lack of appetite is a symptom of some ailment you've contracted?
Noire: Laurent, I'm fine, okay? I. Feel. Fine.
Laurent: Maintaining energy levels is critical, and yet you leave food uneaten at every meal. This cannot continue. It's the duty of every soldier to clean his or her plate.
Noire: Look, would you... Can you just... ...Fine. I'll eat more.

A Support

Laurent: Noire, might I have a moment?
Noire: What? Why? What did I do now?
Laurent: I fear it's what you haven't done. I haven't seen you maintaining your weapons of late. Are you caring for them properly?
Noire: Er... I haven't really had the time this week.
Laurent: Being busy is no excuse. Your own life and those of your allies depend on that equipment. I should think a cursory inspection every day is not too much to ask.
Noire: ...Anything else?
Laurent: Weapon maintenance really must be done by the one wielding the equipment. You alone have a complete grasp of its characteristics and idiosyncrasies. Now then, when examining a weapon, it behooves the user to first grasp it...
Noire: ...... ...up.
Laurent: What was that? Speak up, please.
Noire: ...Shut up.
Laurent: I beg your pardon? It sounded as if—
Laurent: N-Noire?!
Noire: Day after day after day you prattle on with your ceaseless picking of nits! If you are so haunted by doubts of my weapon's bite, we shall test it! On you! IF YOU WANT ME TO EAT, I SHALL FEAST UPON YOUR SOUL!
Laurent: W-wait! L-let's not be hasty here, Noire! All I said, I said out of concern for you!
Noire: BLOOD AND THUNDER! Your concern is unfounded, unsolicited, and most unwelcome! It takes more than drawing water and meager sustenance to lay low this vessel! I've no need for a nagging mother-in-law! IT WILL NOT STAND!
Laurent: N-no, I'm not your... I never meant to... I'm... I'm sorry?
Noire: Bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha! Yes! You are sorry now, aren't you, whelp?! YOUR CONTRITION IS SWEET AMBROSIA!
Laurent: W-well, all right, then. I'll, uh... I'll be more careful in the future. Really, I... I meant...well. ...I'll just be going now.
Noire: Ah! Oh, dear, I think I... I think I lost control again. Laurent must think me a monster! Oh, this is so embarrassing!

S Support

Noire: I still feel terrible for exploding at Laurent like that. He was concerned for me, and I...
Laurent: Erm, Noire?
Noire: Eek! L-Laurent!
Laurent: I'm sorry, but... It seems I couldn't help but come by and check up on you again. I know it's an unwelcome intrusion. You've made that very clear...
Noire: Laurent, I'm sorry for...all the yelling. You were only speaking out of concern, and I turned into a screaming terror.
Laurent: No, you had every right. And I regret the constant pestering I subjected you to. I will strive to listen in the future, rather than simply run my own mouth. I was merely surprised. I'd not thought it possible for you to be so...upset.
Noire: Ugh, please, don't remind me... That was me, but it wasn't really me, if that makes any sense.
Laurent: I don't think I've ever been tongue-lashed quite so thoroughly before. And in truth... It had my heart racing. I was agog at seeing you true for the first time. I nearly fell right then and there!
Noire: Fell...over?
Laurent: In love. I nearly fell in love with you, Noire.
Noire: Oh, well that makes... Wait—what?! Because I flew into a blind rage?!
Laurent: I live to see you channel that fire again! Preferably when it's just us two! If there was ever anything I did that met with your displeasure, you must get angry! E-even if there isn't anything, become angry anyway! Rage! Rage against the world! Just please let me be the one you show when your true self spills forth!
Noire: ...I-I don't know what to say right now. I really do appreciate all your advice... And have feelings for you, too...
Laurent: Then will you be my very own smouldering volcano of pitch-dark vitriol?!
Noire: Er... It's not something I can just switch on at will, you know?
Laurent: Regrettable, but hardly insurmountable. I'll simply stay at your side at all times and await the next eruption.
Noire: ...Laurent? Why are you so keen on getting yelled at?
Laurent: I do not have an explanation that makes any manner of logical sense. But when I felt the full force of your feelings crash against me, it set my heart ablaze! Hearing you expose my flaws and deride me made me happier than I have ever been.
Noire: And here I thought I was the odd one... Um, look. Are you sure about this?
Laurent: Indubitably! I love you for who you are, Noire... Both of you! Sublime in your dual perfection. Oh, the anticipation of another passionate paroxysm is almost too much to bear...
Noire: I still feel like something about this is just a little But if this is what you want, then, um...okay. I guess I'll...make it work. I, um, look forward to watching our love blossom over the years, Laurent.
Laurent: Could you try saying that just a bit more forcefully? ...Perhaps insult me a little?
Noire: Oh dear...this is going to take some getting used to...


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Support information: Small portrait nah fe13.png
4 pts.
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C Support

Nah: Ah! Laurent!
Laurent: Hello, Nah. I thought perhaps we might chat for a—
Nah: No! Stay back!
Laurent: ...I beg your pardon?
Nah: D-don't come any closer, creep!
Laurent: Nah, have I given some offense without realizing?
Nah: Don't try to play dumb! You're always leering at me! It's like you're undressing me with your eyes!
Laurent: Good heavens! What a dreadful accusation! ...And I'll thank you to lower your voice. First, I'm not "leering" at you, and second, I observe everyone in camp equally. My role in this army is to monitor and maintain the physical state of its people.
Nah: Ha! Nice try, you lecherous lout! You can't fool me that easily! You're always staring at me because I'm vulnerable and cute and demure! So don't bother with your lame excuses. Just knock it off!
Laurent: Nah, wait! ...The poor girl has completely misunderstood my intentions. If left uncorrected, it will stand as a stain on my good name!

B Support

Laurent: H-hello, Nah. I need to speak with you. Might I have a moment?
Nah: Eek! Creep! Get away!
Laurent: Ah, no! Please don't run! I just want to clear up a misunderstanding!
Nah: ...Misunderstanding?
Laurent: Indeed. The other day, you claimed I leered at you. But I assure you, my intentions in observing you are strictly professional! I consider it my duty to monitor everyone's condition in order to preserve their health. It is entirely chaste, and free of any and all lascivious intent. I give you my word.
Nah: ...I still don't believe you!
Laurent: Why do you refuse to believe me?!
Nah: Manaketes can smell dishonesty. And you reek of lies!
Laurent: You're being absurd! There is no scientific basis for such a claim.
Nah: You smell like you're completely taken in by my adorable veneer! Ah, it's my own fault for being stuck at such an insanely cute age...
Laurent: I'll grant you "insane"!
Nah: Augh! What am I doing standing around talking to you? I've got to get out of here before you throw me in a sack and run for the hills!
Laurent: ...W-wait! I don't even own a sack! ...Nah? Oh, this is terrible. I've made no progress whatsoever...

A Support

Laurent: Ah, there you are. I really must insist that you allow me to lay this misunderstanding to rest.
Nah: Creeps like you never know when to give up, do you?
Laurent: I've told you time and again, I have no untoward inclinations toward you! None! Zero! Zip! Nought! Negatory! Absolutely, positively none!
Nah: So, you still refuse to fess up and mend your wicked ways? Then I have no choice but to call for aid!
Laurent: ...What?
Nah: Everybody, help! Come quick! Laurent is chasing me!
Laurent: Augh! Stop it, you lunatic! I'll be run out of camp!
Nah: It's your own fault for going around ogling defenseless, adorable girls!
Laurent: That is NOT what I'm doing!
Nah: So you're sticking with the claim that it's all just a big misunderstanding? Repeating it over and over won't make it true, Laurent. You'll have to do better.
Laurent: I have little alternative, given that it is the truth! What else could I possibly say?
Nah: ...All right, then.
Laurent: Oh, thank the gods!
Nah: Let's pretend for a moment that you're telling the truth and I'm mistaken. That would mean that you DON'T think I'm hopelessly adorable!
Laurent: You're quite charming, Nah, but that doesn't mean I bear any untoward desires. You are an ally, the same as anyone else in the camp. I feel responsible for observing your actions and physical condition as part of my work. My only desire is to preserve your health.
Nah: Oh! Well, if it's required for you to do your job, I suppose there's no helping it.
Laurent: ...I've been saying that for weeks now.
Nah: Look, I'll try not to jump to any conclusions again in the future. Deal? ...Deal.
Laurent: Oh, thank heavens. My good reputation is preserved...

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Nah: Here to check up on me, Laurent? I'll just stand super still then, okay?
Laurent: Nah, if I am here to observe you, I would need to see you in your normal routine.
Nah: What, so not standing completely still, then? Should I jump around or something?
Laurent: That's not... Please don't make my job harder than it already is, Nah.
Nah: Very well. You don't have to be so cold. ...Unless you just hate me now? You said I was charming before, right? So was that just another lie?
Laurent: *Sigh* I find you to be demonstrably cute. ...Objectively speaking.
Nah: And...?
Laurent: And what?
Nah: Come now, Laurent. Spit it out.
Laurent: ...What?
Nah: You're lying again. I can smell it. No one can possibly be this dense. Well, there's only one thing for it... I'll turn into a dragon and go on the rampage until you shape up!
Laurent: All right, now I am completely lost! What are you talking about?
Nah: It made me happy to hear you say that you think I'm cute. ...I was even happy when you were chasing me around, if we're being honest now. And I can smell it on you, even now, but... It's not enough!
Laurent: Not...enough?
Nah: I don't just want to smell the way you feel about me. I want to hear you say it.
Laurent: I...I see. It appears I was...being rather dense. I apologize. Or perhaps I was held back by my own doubts and insecurities... But at any rate, I guess you're right. I admit it. I...I love you.
Nah: And you're sure? No more doubts?
Laurent: I'm positive.
Nah: Well it's about time! Sheesh!
Laurent: I'm sorry to have made you wait so long. It seems you were far quicker to realize how I felt than I was myself.
Nah: No kidding! Nothing was working! I had to treat you like a creep just to push you to see it yourself!
Laurent: Please, Nah, for the love of everything, use a more direct approach next time!