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Is ps1 transform.png
Icon of the Transform skill from TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles.




TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles

Transform (Japanese: へんしん Transform) is a skill appearing in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles, exclusive to Narsus. A unit can use Transform to change form into one of the units adjacent to them. It is similar to Xane's innate ability, however it can also be used to copy enemy units.


Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles Is ps1 transform.png Allows the user to change form into one of the units adjacent to them. Command -- --


TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles

Characters Narsus

Flavor text

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Game Text
TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Used in Yutona Heroes War Chronicles fan translations.[which?]





See also

Skills in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
Command skills DanceOpen LockRobberySingSummonTransformWarp
Terrain proficiency skills Castle FighterForest FighterFrontier FighterGladiatorMountain FighterPlains FighterSea Fighter
Mobility skills Castle FighterForest FighterFrontier FighterMountain FighterMove AgainPlains FighterSea Fighter
Proximity skills CharismaRobbery
Miscellaneous skills Break EvilChargeContinuationDragon SaintEarth SaintEliteFeng ShuiGaleGreat ShieldHeaven SaintLife and DeathSee AllStealStrong WindWyvern