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< Roy
Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Roy's supports.


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 30
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait marcus fe06.png Marcus
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Marcus: ......
Roy: What's the matter, Marcus?
Marcus: They're not good. Not good at all.
Roy: What's not good?
Marcus: The young recruits. Their combat skills leave much to be desired. Granted, not all of them are disappointments, but most are soft! What they need is a more intense training regimen...
Roy: I don't know if I'd call anyone soft... Everyone's working hard.
Marcus: My Lord Roy, you are far too easy on them. I shall go and teach them how we used to do things!
Roy: Just don't work yourself too hard. You're not as...well, youthful as you used to be.
Marcus: Nonsense! I may be getting on in years, but I'm still more than a match for the youth!
Roy: If you think more training is what they need, then go ahead. Just take care not to overwork yourself. Age can be cruel.
Marcus: Of course, my lord. Thank you for your concern.
(Roy leaves)
Marcus: Lord Roy is such a caring and thoughtful young master... The other youths we have can't even compare... It's a disgrace! I'm the only one who can serve our Lord Roy properly.

B Support

Marcus: Lord Roy, I believe training needs to be made more difficult.
Roy: More difficult?
Marcus: Yes, my lord. And those who fail to perform up to par should be discharged.
Roy: ......
Marcus: Such rules may make our numbers small, but we will be an army of elites. That would increase our combat efficiency several times over.
Roy: No, Marcus. I don't think so.
Marcus: What...? Why not?
Roy: Who's to judge whether someone is performing up to par?
Marcus: Why, you, naturally, Lord Roy.
Roy: But some soldiers may excel while I'm not looking.
Marcus: Ah, yes... Well, in that case...
Roy: We also have people supporting us off the battlefield, and yet more who simply haven't yet had a chance to shine. I couldn't discharge such soldiers. Many have joined us thanks to their belief in our fight. I can't simply tell them to leave.
Marcus: ......
Roy: Marcus, try to trust them. We're all working together.
Marcus: ...You are right. I was mistaken, Lord Roy. Your ideas are noble.
Roy: It's strange to hear you praise me. I'm more used to hearing you scold me.
Marcus: Oh? Are you?
Roy: Yes. But thank you, Marcus.
(Roy leaves)
Marcus: Lord Roy... He has grown into a fine young man... I'm certain he can make it on his own. My work is nearly complete...

A Support

Roy: Marcus, is something wrong? You seem unwell.
Marcus: I apologize, my lord. I have been considering retirement... Age has worn me down...
Roy: Retirement?
Marcus: The young soldiers have grown strong. Perhaps now is the time.
Roy: ...Marcus. You can't be serious.
Marcus: I have grown old... A feeble old man like me has no place at your side. It is time I made way for the next generation.
Roy: No...
Marcus: Yes, I will retire soon.
Roy: No! I still need you!
Marcus: Lord Roy...
Roy: I'm sorry about what I said to you before. But you don't need to retire yet.
Marcus: But I'm far too old... I shouldn't be fighting.
Roy: I still have much to learn from you. If you leave...who can I turn to for advice?
Marcus: Lord Roy... I had no idea you trusted me so much...
Roy: Don't retire yet... I need your help.
Marcus: As you will, my lord. I shall serve you until the day I die.


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait alen fe06.png Alen
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 5 5 0
B 2 0 10 10 10 0
A 3 0 15 15 15 0

C Support

Roy: Hmm...
Alen: Is something wrong, Lord Roy?
Roy: ......
Alen: Lord Roy!
Roy: Oh! Alen. Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.
Alen: You seem to be thinking a lot these days, Lord Roy.
Roy: Maybe so...
Alen: What are you worried about?
Roy: I was just thinking about how to move our troops.
Alen: How to move the troops?
Roy: The enemy grows stronger all the time, so strategies quickly become obsolete. I was wondering how to effectively break through their defensive lines.
Alen: That's easy, Lord Roy! Just allow me to charge in. I will shatter their shields and pierce their armor!
Roy: Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to put you in danger. There must be another way... I'll think on it some more.

B Support

Alen: Lord Roy, I have an idea to break through the enemy's defenses...
Roy: An idea?
Alen: We leave our best troops behind, and send the weaker ones to the front lines. Once the enemies are weakened, the stronger troops will be able to finish them. Please, allow me to be in the front lines with the other weaker soldiers!
Roy: But then we would risk losing you and everyone you're with...
Alen: We might suffer some casualties, but we will win the battle!
Roy: ...Alen, I can't use that idea.
Alen: W-why not, milord?
Roy: I can't use a strategy that I know will cause casualties.
Alen: But Lord Roy, casualties are unavoidable in war...
Roy: ...I think not. It may be naive to say so, but a victory with casualties is no victory at all.
Alen: You want a complete victory... Is that possible in war?
Roy: I think it is. We need another plan.

A Support

Roy: Hmm...
Alen: Still thinking, Lord Roy?
Roy: Yes, I haven't thought of a good strategy yet... But yours is out of the question, understand?
Alen: Yes, Lord Roy. But if there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.
Roy: I won't.
Alen: ...Lord Roy.
Roy: Yes?
Alen: ...To be honest, I'm not sure I agree that a complete victory is possible. But if that's what you believe, then I will support you any way I can.
Roy: Thank you, Alen. I will prove to you that we can win without casualties.
Alen: I look forward to the day of our glorious victory!


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait lance fe06.png Lance
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 2 5 2 2
B 2 1 5 10 5 5
A 3 1 7 15 7 7

C Support

Lance: Lord Roy! Are you unharmed?
Roy: Lance? What's the matter...
Lance: I lost sight of you for a moment so I assumed the worst...
Roy: Oh. Is that all? Don't worry so much.
Lance: No, Lord Roy. You lead this army. You must always be on your guard.
Roy: Yes, you're right. I'll be more careful.
Lance: Truly?
Roy: I promise you.
Lance: ......

B Support

Lance: Lord Roy, if I may offer a suggestion.
Roy: What is it?
Lance: I think you should stay behind the front lines.
Roy: Well...
Lance: I know what you're thinking, but please understand. As our leader, you are crucial to the army. If an army's leader is lost, then so is the battle.
Roy: That's true...
Lance: Then please, milord, allow me to escort you this way...
Roy: Wait. I have no right to order others if I prioritize my safety above all else.
Lance: That's not true!
Roy: I'm not exactly a genius, and I'm not especially charismatic, either. I have to gain everyone's trust by experiencing the same hardships.
Lance: Lord Roy...
Roy: I don't have that special something that makes someone a leader. That's why I need to fight up front along with everyone else.

A Support

Roy: Lance, I've been thinking about what you said, but I still think I should stay up front. I know you only think of keeping me safe, but...
Lance: No, I may have been too forceful with my opinion. Do what you believe to be correct.
Roy: Thank you. It puts my mind at ease to hear you say that.
Lance: I still believe you were wrong about one thing, however.
Roy: You do?
Lance: You said that you're not a genius and that you lack charisma.
Roy: Yes, I did say that.
Lance: Your intelligence and charisma are exactly why people follow you. None would give their life for someone who lacks those traits.
Roy: ...Do you think so?
Lance: Of course. If you will allow me one piece of advice, no matter what happens, stay true to your heart. As long as you do that, your troops will follow you.
Roy: I'll do my best. Thank you, Lance.
Lance: It's my pleasure, milord.


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 30
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait wolt fe06.png Wolt
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Roy: Wolt!
Wolt: Lord Roy, is something wrong?
Roy: ...Just call me Roy. I've known you all my life.
Wolt: I appreciate your kindness, but rules are rules.
Roy: Do you really think so? You suddenly feel so distant to me.
Wolt: What are you saying? I'm right here in front of you.
Roy: That's not what I meant.
Wolt: Ha ha, I know. But enough talk. We haven't time to laze about here.
Roy: ......
Wolt: Let's go! The battle awaits us, Lord Roy.

B Support

Roy: Wolt! About before...
Wolt: Lord Roy, the issue was settled. More importantly, this is a battlefield. You never know where enemies are hiding. Keep on your guard.
Roy: Wolt... You're starting to sound like Merlinus and Marcus.
Wolt: Am I? Thank you! That is such praise. All I desire is to be as loyal a servant as they are.
Roy: ...Are you serious?
Wolt: Of course!
Roy: ......
Wolt: Lord Roy? Is something wrong?
Roy: No. Leave me alone for a while, would you?
Wolt: Lord Roy...?

A Support

Wolt: Lord Roy!
Roy: What?
Wolt: You do not look well. Is there something on your mind?
Roy: ...Actually, there is. Would you mind if we talked about it?
Wolt: Of course not! I'll do my best to help.
Roy: You see, I'm a bit frustrated with someone in the army. I understand where he's coming from, but...
Wolt: You understand his logic, but your feelings don't agree. Is that it?
Roy: Yes, exactly. My feelings don't align with what I know to be true. And when I start feeling frustrated, I feel like telling him.
Wolt: Then do so! It is bad for your health to keep your feelings bottled up. Besides, we all know you are in a stressful position. I'm sure he will understand if you feel the need to vent.
Roy: Do you think so?
Wolt: Of course! If you want, I can go talk to that person. I will always support you, so don't hesitate to ask anything of me.
Roy: Thanks, Wolt. I feel better now. But enough chatter! We have to get moving!
Wolt: Yes, Lord Roy! ...By the way, tell me who it is you're frustrated with. I will sit him down and have a frank discussion...
Roy: No, it's all right now.
Wolt: Really? ...Who was it?
Roy: He's closer than you realize.
Wolt: What! Where? ...... ...Was
Roy: You got it!
Wolt: Lord Roy!


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait shanna fe06.png Shanna
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 2 5 2
B 2 0 10 5 10 5
A 3 0 15 7 15 7
Ending Shanna gave up the path of the Pegasus Knight and went to Pherae with Roy, where they married. Rebuilding the battered land was a painful process, but her cheerful personality encouraged many people to rise up and help lead Lycia to prosperity again.

C Support

Shanna: What's the matter, Lord Roy? Do you need something?
Roy: No, I just noticed that you seem so...carefree.
Shanna: Hey! ...Are you making fun of me?
Roy: Not at all. I'm envious, actually.
Shanna: ...I still think I'm being made fun of.
Roy: Trust me, I'm not making fun of you. You see, as the leader, I must always appear confident and optimistic. I worry and despair like everyone else, though. So I wanted to ask you. How can I be as carefree as you? Can you offer me any tips?
Shanna: Tips?
Roy: You know, things I can do or a mindset I should have, or anything really.
Shanna: Hmm... Eat well, sleep well, and laugh well.
Roy: ...Is that all?
Shanna: Probably. That's all it takes to enjoy life, isn't it?
Roy: ...Maybe so.
Shanna: I'm sure you feel you have to think deeply in your position... But it's probably not as complicated as you think.

B Support

Roy: You said you're a pegasus knight-in-training, right?
Shanna: Right.
Roy: Why are you fighting outside of Ilia?
Shanna: That's the rule. Fighting outside Ilia gets us experience we won't get in the country.
Roy: What kind of experience?
Shanna: We can see foreign fighting styles, foreign cultures... And of course, there's the money.
Roy: I see... Then shouldn't you fight in other armies and see what they're like?
Shanna: Huh? No, there's no need for that! There's no other army that travels all over like this one. I couldn't ask to be in a better army than this for my training.
Roy: Well, all right. If you say so.
Shanna: ...Were you worried about me?
Roy: I guess so.
Shanna: Hee hee hee! Thanks!

A Support

Roy: Shanna, what will you do when the war is over?
Shanna: Me? Lemme think... First off, I'll probably go back to Ilia.
Roy: Oh... I see.
Shanna: Why?
Roy: I was just wondering if you wanted to come to Pherae.
Shanna: Your home? I'd love to! I want to see it at least once.
Roy: Well, it's not as big as Ostia, so you might be disappointed.
Shanna: I'm sure my hometown is way smaller than yours. Plus it snows a lot.
Roy: Great. Then you should like it.
Shanna: I'll look forward to it.
Roy: Sure. You're welcome to stay as long as you like.
Shanna: Thanks!
Shanna: Lord Roy is so kind... Inviting a simple mercenary like me to his home... Wait... Does that mean...? No, no, don't get any crazy ideas... But still... Hmm...


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait sue fe06.png Sue
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 2 5 2
B 2 0 10 5 10 5
A 3 0 15 7 15 7
Ending Sue accompanied Roy to Lycia, where she married him and became the mistress of Pherae. However, she never could cast away her love for nature, and her behavior sometimes troubled those around her, who were not familiar with Sacaean culture.

C Support

Roy: Whew, I've finished outlining the troops' positions...
Sue: Lord Roy.
Roy: Huh?! Oh, Sue. Hello.
Sue: What's the matter? You have a strange look on your face.
Roy: I was just surprised that you spoke to me.
Sue: Oh?
Roy: Yes... I never see you speaking with other people. You don't like talking much, do you?
Sue: That's not the reason.
Roy: It isn't?
Sue: I simply prefer communing with nature over people.
Roy: Nature?
Sue: The breeze, the trees, the sky, the brooks... They all speak to us.
Roy: They do?
Sue: They do. Listen and you'll hear them. You can't hear them simply because you don't listen. I bid you farewell for now.
Roy: Wait, you didn't have anything to tell me?
Sue: I did. I just told you.
Roy: What?
Sue: Listen to nature, and you'll hear all sorts of voices. It will bring you peace of mind and soul. You won't be able to hear them if you're tense all the time.
Roy: Was she trying to help me because I look so tired...? Thank you, Sue.

B Support

Roy: Sue.
Sue: Lord Roy?
Roy: Thanks for your advice.
Sue: ...You look better.
Roy: Do I?
Sue: Your aura... has improved.
Roy: What do you mean?
Sue: It is softer. More comfortable.
Roy: Do you think so? I can't really tell.
Sue:Hm hm hm... Perhaps such things cannot be sensed by those who work the land.
Roy: ......
Sue: What is it?
Roy: That's the first time I've heard you laugh.
Sue: Really?
Roy: Yes. Your laugh has a good aura to it, too.
Sue: ...Thank you.

A Support

Roy: What are you going to do when this war is over?
Sue: I'll return to Sacae.
Roy: But wasn't the Kutolah clan destroyed by Bern...?
Sue: We will gather everyone once more. Perhaps the Kutolah name is no more, but our clansmen survive.
Roy: That's... Well, I guess that's the right thing to do.
Sue: Why do you ask?
Roy: I thought if you had no place to go that you could come to Pherae.
Sue: Pherae...your home.
Roy: Right... It's not a huge area, but it's a nice and peaceful place.
Sue: It would be nice... But my heart belongs in the plains of Sacae.
Roy: I understand. But tell me if you ever change your mind.
Sue: Lord Roy.
Roy: Yes?
Sue: Thank you for your concern.
Roy: You're very welcome.


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 56
Per turn: +4
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba lightaffin.png
Portrait lilina fe06.png Lilina
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 2 5 0
B 2 1 10 5 10 0
A 3 1 15 7 15 0
Ending After returning home, Lilina became the marquess of Ostia, and married Roy a short while later. Together, Roy and Lilina united the Lycian League and created the Kingdom of Lycia, a peaceful nation blessed with prosperity and harmony.

C Support

Roy: Lilina, are you all right? Do you need anything?
Lilina: No, I'm fine.
Roy: Are you hurt?
Lilina: No, all is well.
Roy: Very well, then. If there's anything I can do for you--
Lilina: Roy, it's all right.
Roy: What?
Lilina: Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm fine.
Roy: Well, if you say so... But if you need anything, tell me.
Lilina: I will.

B Support

Roy: Lilina. Lilina!
Lilina: Hm? Roy?
Roy: What's the matter? You were spacing out again. This is a battlefield. You could get killed!
Lilina: I'm sorry.
Roy: What's wrong?
Lilina: It's just that... We've come so far.
Roy: Have we?
Lilina: I'm not talking about distance... It's just that everything seems to have changed so quickly. Do you remember back when you first came to Ostia to study?
Roy: Of course. It was two years ago... Wait, or was it three years ago?
Lilina: Our fathers were still both well. Lycia was peaceful... No one could have imagined this war. ...It was only a few years ago, yet it feels like an eternity.
Roy: Lilina...
Lilina: Oh, just listen to me... There's no going back to those days, is there...?

A Support

Lilina: Roy... I'm sorry about before.
Roy: Before?
Lilina: I was reminiscing about before the war. It's all changed... I need to accept that nothing will ever be the same...
'Roy: No, some things will never change.
Lilina: Like what?
Roy: Like us. We'll always be together.
Lilina: Huh...?
Roy: We can't go back to the past, but we're the ones who will build the future. We'll make the future as good as--no, better than the past.
Lilina: Ha ha ha...
Roy: What?
Lilina: It's you. Talking like that. Are you trying to charm me?
Roy: W-was it that obvious? Yeah, I guess it was a little overly grand...
Lilina: But really...
Roy: Hm?
Lilina: Thanks...
Roy: Lilina...
Lilina: And you're right... We'll be together forever.
Roy: ...Of course.


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba thunderaffin.png
Portrait larum fe06.png Larum
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 5 5 2
B 1 1 5 10 10 5
A 1 1 7 15 15 7
Ending Larum accompanied Roy to Pherae, where they married. Many voiced their discontent at bringing in a woman of unknown origins into the family, but Larum's perseverence and unbending will earned her respect. She then proceeded to live happily with Roy.

C Support

Larum: Lord Roy!
Roy: Wha-!? L-Larum...!
Larum: I finally found you! I want to show you something.
Roy: W-wait! Just take it easy...
Roy: What...was it you wanted to show me?
Larum: It's like this!!
Roy: H-hold on a moment. I can hear you from over here...
Larum: I want you to see the new dance I came up with. It goes like this... Step and twirl, step and twirl... So? What do you think?
Roy: It was very nice. I think you're an exceptionally skilled dancer.
Larum: ...Is that it?
Roy: Huh?
Larum: You don't...have more to say? Like, "Beautiful!" or, "Lovely!" or, "Your hair looks nice today!" Or something like that...
Roy: Erm... I had better get going...
Larum: Already?
Roy: Yeah, sorry...
Larum: Sigh...

B Support

Larum: Lord Roy!
Roy: L-Larum...! I don't think you should grab on to people like that... It might cause a misunderstanding.
Larum: But Lord Roy... ...... Oh!!
Roy: What?
Larum: Eeeek! An enemy!
Roy: Enemy!? Where!
Larum: I don't know! But I heard a rustling in the bushes...
Roy: L-Larum! Calm down... I can't move if you're hanging off me like that...
Larum: I'm going to die!'s okay. If I can die protecting you, Lord Roy, I will die in peace. You, hiding in the bushes! Show yourself! Our love is eternal and can never be broken!
Roy: P-Please, get off of me so I can fight...

A Support

Larum: Lord Roy!
Roy: Larum...
Larum: There you are! I have another dance to show you.
Roy: Y-yeah...
Larum: Lord Roy...? Are you... avoiding me?
Roy: Ah... N-no! Not at all.
Larum: You are so. I saw you step back when I came. You're bracing yourself so you can dodge me.
Roy: Y-you're imagining things.
Larum: Don't look away when you talk to me...
Roy: B-but...
Larum: ...... You don't like me... You don't want to see my dancing at all! That's it, isn't it?!
Roy: Th-that's not true!!
Larum: Really?! Thanks! That makes me so happy!
Roy: Whoa!


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait cecilia fe06.png Cecilia
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 2 5 2 2
B 2 1 5 10 5 5
A 3 1 7 15 7 7
Ending Cecilia accompanied Roy to Pherae, where she helped rebuild the battered land. She eventually married Roy, continuing to offer him close support and aid as the marchioness of Pherae.

C Support

Cecilia: How should I move next, Roy?
Roy: Oh, yes. You should... ...Um...
Cecilia: What's the matter?
Roy: Nothing. It's just that... It feels so strange giving you orders...
Cecilia: Why? You lead this army. Who else would give me orders?
Roy: Even so...
Cecilia: Roy, you mustn't go soft. If a leader gets soft, then so will the troops. You are a general leading an army, and I am your soldier. Be strict and assertive, as a general should be.
Roy: Y-yes, you're right!
Cecilia: Good. Now, General Roy, what is my next move?

B Support

Roy: Yawn...
Cecilia: Roy.
Roy: Oh, General Cecilia.
Cecilia: Are you tired? Perhaps you should rest.
Roy: I can't. We must keep moving.
Cecilia: Rushing forward will only lead us to failure.
Roy: I'm not rushing, but we must move as quickly as possible.
Cecilia: Why?
Roy: The quicker we move, the more lives will be saved.
Cecilia: ...Yes, that's true.
Roy: We fight to win this war. But how can we call it a victory with the deaths of so many innocents?
Cecilia: ......
Roy: Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to talk back to you. Are you cross with me?
Cecilia: Not at all. I was too focused on a simple victory. You are already becoming a worthy leader.
Roy: Please, enough flattery... But...hearing it from you is encouraging.
Cecilia: Really? That's nice to hear.

A Support

Roy: What are you going to do once this war is over?
Cecilia: Sorry? Do you think you've won already?
Roy: No... Not at all.
Cecilia: Well... We must rebuild Etruria, so first I will go home. Why do you ask?
Roy: I was just wondering if you could teach me more after the war.
Cecilia: Like I did in Ostia?
Roy: Exactly!
Cecilia: There's no need for that now. You've become a true leader. There is nothing left for me to teach you.
Roy: But...
Cecilia: Roy, you must have confidence. Troops will not follow a leader who lacks confidence.
Roy: ...Yes, you're right.
Cecilia: That is my last lesson for you. You are no longer a student. You are a colleague and a friend. So if there's anything I can assist you with after the war, it would be my pleasure to help you.
Roy: Really?
Cecilia: Of course. I will always be on your side. Never forget that.


Roy Portrait roy fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba darkaffin.png
Portrait sophia fe06.png Sophia
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 5 2
B 1 0 10 10 10 5
A 1 0 15 15 15 7
Ending Sophia accompanied Roy to Pherae, where they married. Although she was never very talkative, her wise decisions played a major role in the reconstruction of Lycia.

C Support

Sophia: Lord Roy...
Roy: Sophia? What's the matter?
Sophia: Please...don't strain yourself today...
Roy: What do you mean?
Sophia: I sense something ominous... in this battle... Please stay off the front lines...
Roy: ...I understand. But I'm not sure I'll be able to pay full heed to your warning.
Sophia: ...Why not?
Roy: When I go up's because I trust the others. I can't hide myself in the back in fear. I have to fight alongside everyone else.
Sophia: Oh...I...
Roy: I appreciate the warning, but...I'm sorry.
Sophia: ......

B Support

Sophia: Lord Roy...
Roy: Sophia? Do you sense something?
Sophia: No... I just wanted to apologize...
Roy: Apologize? To me?
Sophia: About before... I told you I sensed something ominous about the battle...
Roy: Oh, that...
Sophia: I'm sorry... You already have much on your mind... I shouldn't have burdened you so...
Roy: No, it's all right. I'm actually glad that you told me. I was more careful that day. Thank you.
Sophia: ...?
Roy: If you hadn't told me anything, I wouldn't have been so cautious. I may have been hurt badly. So thanks.
Sophia: But...I...
Roy: Tell me if you sense anything. It's a great help.
Sophia: Yes... I will...

A Support

Sophia: Lord Roy... I must tell you something...
Roy: What's the matter?
Sophia: My weak...
Roy: What?
Sophia: I can see the future... but only blurry images... I may not see...something truly powerful...
Roy: Something truly powerful?
Sophia: Yes... If I fail to sense something powerful...and if you are hurt...
Roy: Thanks, but I'll be fine. We'll figure it out when the time comes.
Sophia: But...
Roy: Sensing the future is an amazing ability. We can prevent disasters before they even occur. But I won't rely on your power too much, so don't worry.
Sophia: Thank you...
Roy: I'm more concerned about your well-being than your predictions. I'm sure we'll face many hardships as we continue... But keep your spirits up and there's nothing we can't overcome. Let's go!
Sophia: Yes... ...Thank you...Lord Roy...