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This page contains all data pertaining to Noire's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Noire: *Siiigh*

Avatar: Something on your mind, Noire?

Noire: Eep! Oh, Avatar! N-no, nothing... Just a bit tired, I suppose.

Avatar: Then you should rest up and take a nap. We don't have anything planned for today.

Noire: Is that so? Yes, perhaps I'll do as you suggest. Hmm, but...

Avatar: No buts! Whatever you're worried about can clearly wait. You always push yourself too hard, Noire. I'm sure the exhaustion's just built up.

Noire: B-but it's hardly fair to rest while the others are still working! Otherwise I'm only holding everyone back.

Avatar: Well, do what you have to do, but just promise me you'll take care of yourself.

Noire: I will. I'm... sorry you had to see me like this.

B Support

Noire: *Siiigh*

Avatar: What's wrong, Noire? Tired again?

Noire: N-no, that's not it. Well, I AM tired, but...

Avatar: Yes?

Noire: I was trying to think of ways I might grow a bit...sturdier. So lately I've been watching the other girls and trying to identify differences.

Avatar: And have you found any?

Noire: Well, the others are healthier, obviously, and their bodies seem more resilient. Also, their figures are just a little bit more...robust.

Avatar: Phrased with the delicacy of a diplomat! Er, and I suppose you would be on the... slight side?

Noire: Slight? Ha! I'm skin and bone! I fall over in a stiff breeze! They're all so full of energy; it's like staring into the sun... They make me feel like a troll! ...Er, if trolls were scrawny. Oh, what do you think I should do, Avatar?!

Avatar: W-well, I do think you have a tendency to worry more than most... And that stress is bound to harm the body in one way or another...


Avatar: Whoa! N-no, Noire! Never! I didn't say anything like that!


Avatar: W-well... *ahem* They say that clothes make the man, right? Perhaps they can make the wo-man, as well? Why not try getting into the role form-first?

Noire: Oh! So you think I should maybe dress more...festively?

Avatar: Y-yes! That's the perfect word! Festive! Maybe that will energize you a bit?

Noire: ...Huh. Well, I guess I'll consider it.

A Support

Noire: *Siiigh*

Avatar: Still sighing away, Noire?

Noire: Oh. Hello...

Avatar: Troubles still not resolved, then?

Noire: I wanted to take your advice, but...I don't know what constitutes festive attire.

Avatar: Ah. Well, even if you had, I'm not sure where you'd find any, with the war and all...

Noire: Is there no way to become more girly? I just want to shine like all the others, even for a day...

Avatar: Well, worrying about it isn't going to help. Worry might just be your biggest enemy. Why don't you try unwinding a little? Go do something you enjoy!

Noire: I see. Yes, perhaps I'll treat myself to... Um, to what, exactly?

Avatar: Why not head into town and enjoy a nice meal?

Noire: I couldn't be the only one to enjoy such luxury! Not in times like this.

Avatar: Aww, live a little. You like sweets, right? I don't think anyone could fault you for indulging in a little cake or two.

Noire: You're sure?

Avatar: Sure I am! And if you really don't want to be the only one eating, I'll go with you.

Noire: You... wouldn't mind?

Avatar: Eating cake? Only if you twist my arm! ...So, it's a date? Next time we're in town, we'll swing by the bakery and see what's on offer. Agreed?

Noire: Agreed!

S Support

Avatar: Everything all right, Noire? You seem down.

Noire: Eep! ...Oh. Avatar. No, just the same-old, same-old. Thinking about how to be more vibrant... How to be more like the other girls... It just seems so hopeless! I feel like I haven't made a bit of progress...

Avatar: Hmm, well... W-well... Have you tried falling in love?

Noire: Wh-what?

Avatar: They say a woman's never as radiant as when she's in love. Why not give it a try? If, um... Well, you know. I guess you'd need to find someone special first...

Noire: W-well, I... I suppose I think I might...have someone in mind... There's someone who... Well, he's always listening to me and offering advice... *Mumble, mumble*

Avatar: ...Sorry? I didn't catch that.

Noire: *Mumble* ...You really want to know?

Avatar: Huh? Well, sure.

Noire: Well, all right... Here goes...

Avatar: Hmm?

Noire: It... It's you, Avatar. I... love... you.

Avatar: What?


Avatar: Gah! S-sorry! I'm sorry! I heard you! I was just suprised! ...Er, so did you mean it? This isn't something to feel more vibrant?

Noire: No, I mean it! Of course I mean it! I've had feelings for you from the start.

Avatar: Wow. Really?


Avatar: ..... Heh... Ha ha. Aaaaaah ha ha ha!

Noire: H-hey! What's so funny?!

Avatar: Ha ha ha! Ha ha... I'm sorry. All this talk of being vibrant and such... Who could be more vibrant than you?! Don't change a thing, Noire. I think you're amazing just as you are. Delicate and sweet, always more worried about others than yourself... And prone to the occasional...flight of fancy, shall we say? I love it all.

Noire: You really mean that?!

Avatar: Of course I do, Noire! So stop pushing yourself to become someone you're not... And let's enjoy the amazing person you already are.

Noire: I... Oh, Avatar... Thank you.

Noire (Confession): You fill me with the strength I never thought to have. Please stay with me always?

Avatar (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Robin (M) is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*

Avatar: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?

Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.

Avatar: That's... an oddly specific hex. But waiy, why would she do that in the first place?

Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.

Avatar: Poor dear... Here, take my handkerchief.

Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*

Avatar: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.

Noire: Er... are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.

Avatar: Gosh, that's... kind of pathetic.

Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*

Avatar: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait- I'll prove you can depend on me!

Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Avatar: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let you down... *sniff*

Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.

Avatar: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.

Noire: Just like before...

Avatar: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side- at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*

Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.

Avatar: I guess some things were simply meant to be...

Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...

Avatar: Hmm?

Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*

Avatar: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, sweetheart.


Avatar: Er... sweetie?

Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!

Avatar: Noire?! What are you...

Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...

Avatar: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Avatar: Do you have a moment, Noire?

Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?

Avatar: Have a look.

Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?

Avatar: Ha ha, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.

Noire: You... you took away Mother's tools? But... you never did anything like this before...

Avatar: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.

Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.

Avatar: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us- you, me, your mother... everyone.

Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.

Avatar: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.

Noire: That's... a little much, perhaps? But thanks.

Avatar: Hmm... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!

Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.

Avatar: Yikes! I'd better get outta here before I test that whole "not even death" promise... Bye, Noire! Love you!

Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!

Avatar (F)

Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe13.png
Robin (F)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Noire: Avatar.

Avatar: Hello, Noire. What can I do for you?

Noire: Oh, nothing. I just wanted to get a good look at you up close.

Avatar: Er, well, all right, I suppose. Can I ask what you're looking for?

Noire: It's just that... you're so wonderful and amazing! *Sigh* I wish YOU were my mother.

Avatar: Noire! Tharja's a fine, young woman, and I'm sure she was... er, will be a fine mother.

Noire: I don't know. She hardly seems like the paragon of caring motherhood.

Avatar: Maybe you shouldn't hold her to such lofty standards. If you don't have an image of perfection, she'll seem a perfectly good candidate.

Noire: Yeaj, maybe. But I still think you'd be LEAGUES better! Anyway, so I was wondering... Do you mind if I call you mom?

Avatar: Um... Er... I don't...

Noire: You're going to say no, aren't you?

Avatar: I just think it would be... strange. People might get the wrong idea.

Noire: *Sniff*

Avatar: Oh, for pity's sake, don't look at me with those woebegone eyes! Look, you can't call me mom, but if you want to hang around me, that's fine.

Noire: Really! Gosh, thanks SO much! I'll definitely start doing that!

Avatar: Methinks there's more to this than she's letting on...

B Support

Noire: H-hi, Avatar. Do you mind if I stand close to you again?

Avatar: No. I suppose not. But are you ever going to tell me what this whole mom thing is about?

Noire: It's just that you're so strong and kind and charismatic. You're a true leader borh on and off the battlefield. You have this kindly maternal aura that cocoons everyone who comes near. But you also have a calm, commanding presence that makes people feel safe. You're like a mother to this whole entire army, Avatar!

Avatar: Gracious! I don't think I've ever been paid such an extravagant compliment. But Noire, I'm still so young. I don't think I'm half the person you think I am.

Noire: You say you're young, but how can you know for sure? You have no memories at all, right? So who knows when you were born?

Avatar: Huh. Well, I suppose I could be an old crone and just not know it. At least I'm aging well.

Noire: Besides, it doesn't matter if you're old! ...At least not to me. I still think you're a perfect mother.

Avatar: Noire, what happened to Tharja in the future?

Noire: She died. Just like all the other mothers. Every last one of them.

Avatar: Gods have mercy...

Noire: A lot of fathers died first because they were on the front lines. Then the Risen started picking off the rest of us one by one.

Avatar: ...I see. That explains why you're seeking a new mother.

Noire: Yeah, I guess. Anyway, thanks for listening to me, Avatar. I'd... better go now.

Avatar: Oh, Noire...

A Support

Noire: Avatar. You're awake!

Avatar: Huh? Noire? Was I sleeping? ...Wait, where am I?

Noire: You're in the nursing tent. You collapsed all of a sudden. The healers say you have thin blood or something.

Avatar: Was it you who found and brought me here?

Noire: Yes. I haven't left your side since you arrived. I've spent a lot of time in this tent, so I kind of know how things work.

Avatar: Thank you for taking care of me.

Noire: Aw, you don't need to thank me. It was an honor.

Avatar: I've been working hard lately-perhaps the exhaustion is catching up to me. Still, I'll have to find a solution. I don't have the luxury of being ill!

Noire: Oh gods, I'm SO sorry! This is all my fault! It's because of me that you worked yourself to the point of collapse!

Avatar: Er, actually you didn't have anything to do with-

Noire: Yes, I did! Don't try to deny it! It's because I told you that you were like our mother, isn't it? You have to take care of yourself, Avatar! You have to! Don't take all of our burdens on your own shoulder.

Avatar: .....

Noire: And if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you can just come talk to me.

Avatar: You really are a kind soul, Noire. I feel better already knowing that you're around to look after me.

Noire: Hee hee! Me too!

Avatar: It's strange to have a whole camp full of my very own grown-up children. But it's a wonderful feeling to have so many people that care for me.

Noire: We DO care for you! Especially me.


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait frederick fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Frederick is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Frederick: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Frederick: That' oddly specific hex. Why would she do something like that?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Frederick: Poor dear... Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Frederick: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Frederick: That's...rather pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Frederick: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove you can depend on me.
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Frederick: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... It would seem I've let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Frederick: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Frederick: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Frederick: I suppose some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Frederick: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Frederick: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, sweetheart.
Frederick: Er...sweetheart?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Frederick: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Frederick: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Frederick: Do you have a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Frederick: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Frederick: Ha ha, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Frederick: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. I thought perhaps I could try and lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Frederick: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Frederick: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Frederick: Hmm... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Frederick: *Sigh* I'd better disappear before I test that whole "not even death" promise... Bye, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait virion fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Virion is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Virion: Noire? Good heavens, what is it? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Virion: That is an...oddly specific hex. But wait, why would she do that in the first place?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Virion: Poor dear! Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Virion: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Virion: Oh, dear. That's...rather pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Virion: B-but that was a different me. Just wait—I shall prove my worth to you anew!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Virion: *Sniff* Gods, how embarrassing. Especially for a noble like myself... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Virion: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Virion: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side—at least I broke your hex. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Virion: Perhaps some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Virion: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Virion: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, my dear.
Virion: dear?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Virion: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Virion: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Virion: Do you have a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Virion: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Virion: Ha ha, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Virion: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Virion: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Virion: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death!
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Virion: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Gods! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Virion: I had better make my escape before I put that "not even death" promise to the test... Farewell, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait vaike fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Vaike is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Vaike: Noire? What's wrong? Why are ya cryin'?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Vaike: What the heck? Why would she do somethin' like that?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Vaike: Poor kid. Here, blow your nose in my hanky.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Vaike: Well, I can't let ya suffer like this for three whole days. The Vaike's gonna go have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up!
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Vaike: Gods. That's...kind of pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Vaike: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove ya can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Vaike: *Sniff* Sorry, Noire... Looks like the Vaike letcha down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Vaike: I ain't cryin'. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Vaike: Urgh... Ya did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* But hey, at least your hex is broken now, right? *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Vaike: I guess some things were just meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Vaike: Muh?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Vaike: *Sniff* Aw, don't cry, sweet cheeks.
Vaike: Er...sweet cheeks?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Vaike: Noire?! What in blazes...?
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Vaike: Noire, wait! Ain't no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Vaike: Ya got a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Vaike: Take a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Vaike: Ha ha! A whole lotta nothin'! I stole these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on ya.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Vaike: Before, ya said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Vaike: I only changed because ya came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Vaike: Nothing's takin' me away from ya again. Not even death!
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Vaike: ...Hey, you feel that? That sudden sense of darkness and foreboding... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Yikes! It's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Vaike: I'd better make tracks before I put that "not even death" promise to the test... See ya, sweet cheeks! Love ya!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait stahl fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Stahl is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Stahl: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Stahl: That' oddly specific hex. But wait, why would she do that in the first place?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Stahl: Poor dear... Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Stahl: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Stahl: Ouch. That's...kind of pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Stahl: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove you can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Stahl: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Stahl: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Stahl: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Stahl: I guess some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Stahl: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Stahl: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, dear.
Stahl: Er...dear?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Stahl: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Stahl: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Stahl: Do you have a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Stahl: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Stahl: Hah, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Stahl: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Stahl: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Stahl: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Stahl: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Stahl: Uh-oh. I'd better get outta here before I test that whole "not even death" promise... Bye, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait kellam fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Kellam is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Kellam: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Kellam: That' oddly specific hex. But wait, why would she do that in the first place?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Kellam: Poor dear... Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Kellam: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Kellam: Gosh, that's...kind of pathetic...
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Kellam: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove you can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Kellam: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Kellam: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Kellam: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Kellam: I guess some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Kellam: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Kellam: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, sweetie...
Kellam: Er...sweetie?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Kellam: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Kellam: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Kellam: Do you have a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Kellam: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Kellam: Hah, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Kellam: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest... If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Kellam: I only changed because you came back to me... And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Kellam: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Kellam: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Kellam: Oh, man... I'd better get outta here before I test that whole "not even death" promise... Bye, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lon'qu fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Lon'qu is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Lon'qu: What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Lon'qu: That's an...odd hex. Why would she do something like that?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Lon'qu: Heh. Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Lon'qu: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Lon'qu: That's...kind of pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Lon'qu: B-but that was a different me. Just wait—I shall prove my worth to you!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Lon'qu: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... It seems I let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Lon'qu: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Lon'qu: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* But hey—at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Lon'qu: I guess some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Lon'qu: ......
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Lon'qu: *Sniff* Don't cry, Noire.
Lon'qu: Er...Noire?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Lon'qu: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Lon'qu: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Lon'qu: Do you have a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Lon'qu: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Lon'qu: Heh, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Lon'qu: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought I might lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Lon'qu: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us. You, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Lon'qu: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Lon'qu: ...Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears, perhaps? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Lon'qu: Gods. I'd better leave before I test that whole "not even death" promise... I'll see you later, Noire.
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait ricken fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Ricken is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Ricken: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Ricken: That's an awfully strange hex... But wait, why would she do that in the first place?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Ricken: That's terrible! Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Ricken: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Ricken: Gosh, that's...kind of pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Ricken: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove you can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Ricken: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Ricken: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Ricken: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* But look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now! *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Ricken: I guess some things were just meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Ricken: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Ricken: *Sniff* Aw, don't cry, kiddo.
Ricken: Er...kiddo?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Ricken: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Ricken: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Ricken: Do you have a minute, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Ricken: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Ricken: Ha ha, nothing to you, Noire. I swiped these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Ricken: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Ricken: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Ricken: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death!
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Ricken: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Ricken: Yikes! I'd better get outta here before I test that whole "not even death" promise... Bye, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gaius fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Gaius is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Gaius: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Gaius: That's an awfully specific hex. But wait, why would she do that in the first place?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Gaius: Heh, poor kid... Here, take this candy wrapper.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Gaius: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Gaius: Damn, that's...kind of pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Gaius: Well, whatever. That was a different me. Just wait—I'll prove I'm dependable!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Gaius: *Sniff* Sorry, Noire... Looks like I let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Gaius: I'm not crying! *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse...
Noire: Just like before...
Gaius: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Gaius: I guess some things were just meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Gaius: Huh?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Gaius: *Sniff* Hey, don't cry, cupcake.
Gaius: Er...cupcake?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Gaius: Noire?! What in blazes...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Gaius: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Gaius: Got a minute, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Gaius: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Gaius: Heh, nothing to you, Noire. I swiped these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Gaius: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought I'd see if I couldn't lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Gaius: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Gaius: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death!
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Gaius: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Gaius: Drat, I'd better get outta here before I test that whole "not even death" promise... See ya, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gregor fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Gregor is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Gregor: Noire? What is wrong? Why do you make with the crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Gregor: Oy! What a horrible night to have curse, yes?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Gregor: Poor child... Here, take Gregor's handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Gregor: Gregor cannot let you suffer like this for three whole days... Do not worry. He will go talk with mother and fix situation.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Gregor: Oy! Future Gregor sound like pathetic man-child!
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Gregor: But that was different Gregor, yes? THIS Gregor much more dependingable!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Gregor: *Sniff* Gregor is sorry, Noire... Plan was big failure... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Gregor: G-Gregor not crying! *sniff* Gregor hit with five-day running-nose curse...
Noire: Just like before...
Gregor: Oy... You did say this how it played out in bleak, terrible future... *sniff* But look at brightest side—at least hex is broken now, yes? *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Gregor: Perhaps some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Gregor: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Gregor: *Sniff* Oy, do not cry, pumpkin.
Gregor: Er...pumpkin?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Gregor: Oy! Why you make with the yelling and the screaming and so forth?!
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Gregor: Noire, wait! Is no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Gregor: Hello, Noire. You have moment, yes?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Gregor: Here, have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Gregor: Ho ho! Nothing to Noire, of course. Gregor take these from mother so she not put weird hex on you again.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Gregor: You said we could change nothing, yes? That we are bounded by the fate. But if Gregor do something future Gregor could not, then fate have no hold on life.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Gregor: Gregor only change because pumpkin came back to him. Together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, mother...everyone!
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Gregor: Nothing will take Gregor away from you again. Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Gregor: Hmm... Gregor suddenly have strange feeling... Like fury rising from shadows... Is Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is bears? No... Urk! Is your mother! And she is FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Gregor: Oy, this bad. Gregor best flee before testing "not even death" promise... Bye for now, Noire! Much love!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait libra fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Libra is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Libra: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Libra: By the gods, why would she do something like that?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Libra: Poor dear... Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Libra: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days... Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Libra: Oh dear. That's...rather pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Libra: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove you can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Libra: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Libra: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Libra: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* Well, look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Libra: I guess some things were simply meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Libra: Hmm?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Libra: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, love.
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Libra: Noire?! What are you...
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Libra: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Libra: Do you have a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Libra: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Libra: Hee hee, nothing to you, Noire. I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Libra: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Libra: I only changed because you came back to me. And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Libra: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Libra: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows... A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Libra: Oh, dear. I'd better get out of here before I test that whole "not even death" promise... Good-bye, Noire! Love you!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait tharja fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.

C Support

Tharja: You there.
Noire: Eep?! M-Mother! Did you need something?
Tharja: What were you doing in that last battle? Were you trying to distract me?
Noire: I... Did I? I'm sorry, I didn't intend to, I swear.
Tharja: You mirrored my every movement! It was like some bizarre curse.
Noire: Oh. That. Well, you see—
Tharja: Don't care. Doesn't matter. Just stop.
Noire: N-no, wait! It was force of habit!
Tharja: What...habit?
Noire: In the future, you were always too wrapped up in your research to teach me things. N-not that I blame you! I know you had your reasons... You were consumed with avenging Father, so you never had time to waste on me. But I wanted to help you, so I... I taught myself magic and dark arts by following your example.
Tharja: And that became a habit?
Noire: Er, well, yeah. I guess.
Tharja: Hmm...
Noire: O-oh! But if it's a distraction, I'll stop! I promise! So, um, it'd be really nice if maybe you didn't...put any weird curses on me?
Tharja: I see... Hmm... I'm thinking this could have its uses... Heh... Meh heh heh heh...
Noire: Eeeek!

B Support

Tharja: Why doesn't it work?! We're performing the rites in perfect sync!
Noire: Hmm... Still no use, then.
Tharja: "Still"?
Noire: Well, I've... I've never managed to actually place a hex on anyone... I can use dark magic in combat just fine. But the sorts of hexes you deal in, Mother—they've always been beyond me somehow.
Tharja: That makes no sense. You're able to mirror my actions perfectly.
Noire: True, but I can only mimic the form. Not the substance.
Tharja: It still doesn't make sense. But then again, none of this does. Why wouldn't my future self have taught you how to properly curse people? If I was swallowed up in research, I'd never turn away a useful assistant...
Noire: I'm not sure. I was pretty young.
Tharja: Hardly a problem. I was instructed in the dark arts from infancy. Even my umbilical cord was cut with a curse.
Noire: Ew, gross! What kind of weirdo curses a newborn baby?!
Tharja: Meh heh heh... Well, no matter. That just means it falls on me to shape you into something useful. Oh, and I shall teach you... Whether you wish it or not. Heh... Meh heh heh.
Noire: I'm s-scared, Mother... But I'll try my best.
Tharja: Hmm, yes. Yes, you will...

A Support

Noire: I've assembled the last of the implements for the rite, Mother. I'm finally going to learn to cast hexes. I'll make a useful assistant yet, just watch!
Tharja: ......
Noire: Er, Mother?
Tharja: ...I've changed my mind. There will be no rite tonight.
Noire: What? But...
Tharja: I won't be teaching you the dark arts. Now put those implements away.
Noire: But why? Wh-what did I do? Do I lack the talent? Am I in your way?
Tharja: You have a frightening amount of talent. Your innate magical potential is vast. Even that talisman I made turned you into an entirely different person! One couldn't hope for a greater vessel to shape into a curse slinger. ...And you could never be in my way.
Noire: Then why?
Tharja: ...I think I've come to understand the motives of my future self.
Noire: What?
Tharja: I don't want you dealing in hexes. The dark arts carry with them tremendous risks. My future self knew as much...
Noire: You think that she was worried for my safety? That...she loved me?
Tharja: Can't say. Not about her, at least. ...But I love you, if that helps.
Noire: Mother...
Tharja: Just don't expect to me to say it often! ...Or maybe ever again. And just because hexes are off the table doesn't mean I have nothing to teach you. There are more ways than hexing to skin a cat. ...Or other things. Heh. So pay attention, and try to follow along.
Noire: Oh yes, ma'am!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait henry fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Henry is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Henry: Hey-o, Noire! What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Henry: Nya ha ha! I'd never inflict such a useless curse on someone!
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Henry: Aw. Here, take my handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Henry: Welp, I'm not exactly sure how to break a curse this strange, actually... But don't worry. I'll have a talk with your mother and get it cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Henry: Nya ha! That's...kind of pathetic.
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Henry: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove you can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Henry: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... Seems like I really let you down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Henry: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Henry: Urgh... Guess you did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff* But look at the bright side—at least your hex is broken now! *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Henry: I guess some things were just meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Henry: Huh?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Henry: *Sniff* Hey, don't cry!
Henry: Uh-oh. Here we go...
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Henry: Er, Noire? Come back, Noire.
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Henry: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Henry: Got a second, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Henry: Ta-daaa!
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Henry: Nya ha, nothing to you, Noire. I stole these from your mother so she couldn't put any more curses on you.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Henry: Before, you said we couldn't change anything. That we're bound by fate. Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest. If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change!
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Henry: I only changed because you came back to me, you know? And together, we can change anything. All of us—you, me, your mother...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Henry: Nothing's taking me away from you again. ...Not even death.
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Henry: Say, do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding? Fury rising from the shadows? A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Oh, gods! It's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Henry: I'd better take off before I test that whole "not even death" promise! Nya ha! Bye for now, Noire!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait donnel fe13.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Donnel is Noire's father.

C Support

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Donnel: What's wrong, Noire? Why ya cryin'?
Noire: *Sniff* I'm not... Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.
Donnel: Now why'd she go and do that? ...And why a snifflin' nose, of all things?
Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.
Donnel: Poor thing... Here, take m'lucky handkerchief.
Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*
Donnel: I can't letcha suffer like this for three whole days! Don't worry, Noire. I'll have me a talk with yer ma and get this cleared up.
Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs. ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.
Donnel: Golly, that's right pathetic...
Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*
Donnel: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait—I'll prove ya can depend on me!
Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before! Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

B Support

Donnel: *Sniff* I'm dreadful sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let ya down... *sniff*
Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning... But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.
Donnel: I ain't cryin'. *sniff* Yer ma hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.
Noire: Just like before...
Donnel: Urgh... Ya did warn me this is how it used to play out in the future... But look at the bright side—at least yer hex is broken! *sniffle*
Noire: Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.
Donnel: I guess some things were just meant to be...
Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...
Donnel: How's that now?
Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*
Donnel: *Sniff* Aw, don't cry, sweet pea.
Donnel: Er...sweet pea?
Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!
Donnel: What in the heck?!
Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...
Donnel: Noire, wait! There ain't no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

A Support

Donnel: Ya got a moment, Noire?
Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?
Donnel: Have a look.
Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many... Father, what are you planning to do to me?
Donnel: Hah! Nothin' to you, Noire. I done stole these from yer ma what so she can't be puttin' weird hexes on ya.
Noire: took away Mother's tools? never did anything like this before...
Donnel: 'Fore, ya said we couldn't change nothin'. That we was bound by fate. I reckoned I'd see if I couldn't lay that ol' fear to rest. If I did somethin' the future me couldn't, it would prove that stuff can change.
Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true. The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.
Donnel: I only changed 'cause ya came back to me. And together, we can change anythin'. All of us—you, me, yer ma...everyone.
Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.
Donnel: Nothing's takin' me away from ya again. Not even death!
Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.
Donnel: Say, do you feel that? A sudden rush of forebodin' fury comin' from them shadows? A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No... Urk! I-it's yer ma! And she's FURIOUS!
Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.
Donnel: *Gulp* I better skedaddle 'fore I test that whole "not even death" promise... Bye for now, Noire! Love ya!
Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember... And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either... Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait owain fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Noire: Hnnnnrrrrggghhh!
Owain: Whoa, Noire! That's an awful big load you've got. What are you up to?
Noire: Eep! ...O-oh! Hello, Owain. I'm just bringing some ingredients back from the market.
Owain: Geez, they look heavy. Here, lemme help you.
Noire: Um, but...are you sure?
Owain: Sure, I'm sure! Just drop 'em there, and let your white knight take over!
Noire: I'm sorry for the trouble. Thank you.
Owain: I'm a lone wolf by nature, but the call of an innocent in distress still— By the red hair of Eliwood! This really is heavy! Is all this stuff for tonight's dinner?
Noire: No, not exactly. I thought I'd try my hand at confections.
Owain: Ah! And what do you have to confess? Go on now, you can tell old Owain!
Noire: Er, no. "Confections." Baked sweets. Little cakes and the like? So I've got flour, milk, eggs, honey, and a few random fruits.
Owain: Wow, I didn't know you were such an amazing cook!
Noire: Um, well, I haven't cooked anything yet. Actually, this is my first attempt. But maybe you might...try it? I mean...if you...want?
Owain: I'd love to! My sword hand is always hungry for conventions!
Noire: Um, "confections." It's pronounced... N-never mind. Thanks, Owain. I'll try not to let you down.

B Support

Owain: Hey, Noire! I'm here to put some cake in my belly!
Noire: Eep! O-Owain! Hello...
Owain: Whoa, it smells amazing in here! It's making my mouth water.
Noire: I hope it's all right. Some of these proportions are a bit tricky.
Owain: I'll let my stomach be the final arbiter of quality here. Give me that! *Horf, snorf, chomp* By the juggled axe of Kieran! This is amazing!
Noire: R-really? Oh, I'm so glad...
Owain: It's like a lightning bolt of flavor from a fluffy nimbus of perfect texture! Is this your mother's recipe? Because it tastes like magic!
Noire: I'd always wanted to try it, but... Well, we never had the ingredients.
Owain: Ha! Tell me about it! I spent most of my time in the future eating bugs. So what do you call this delicious morsel, anyway?
Noire: I...I don't know. The recipe never mentioned a name.
Owain: Then I must give it one!
Noire: Er... You will?
Owain: Sure! If you don't know it, I doubt anybody does, so I may as well give it a new one!
Noire: I... I suppose that's okay.
Owain: A harmonious clash of sweet and bitter rise up through a field of earthen brown... A single whole, when sliced, shows two tiers joined by icing, as two hearts by love... It's coming to me... Brace yourself! It'! Behold! The Garden of Eternal Devotion!
Noire: That's... That's beautiful, Owain! You're a poet! You just poemed!
Owain: I did? I mean, um... Ha ha ha! Of course I did!
Noire: Oh, there are so many cakes I'd like to have you try! But even here in the past, this stupid war makes it hard to find ingredients.
Owain: Ha! Never fear, my dear chef! I'm sure we'll figure something out.
Noire: Um, so if I do...will you name it again? L-like before? I mean, like a poem?
Owain: S-sure, why not?!

A Support

Owain: Hey, Noire!
Noire: Eep! H-hello, Owain...
Owain: Any chance you could whip up another cake? I'm craving something sweet.
Noire: Oh, I'm so sorry! But I'm all out of ingredients.
Owain: Ah... I figured as much.
Noire: I really am sorry...
Owain: Don't apologize! It's just one more reason for me to fight for peace!
Noire: I...I was looking forward to hearing your poems again.
Owain: You're really stuck on that, huh?
Noire: Eep! S-sorry! I didn't mean to—
Owain: Heh, you sure are jumpy. Anyway, if you could make any cake you wanted, what would it be? The last one tasted like chocolate, but there have to be other kinds.
Noire: Well, there are sweet breads you eat with jam and butter... Um, and then spongy cakes that you put berries on... All kinds, really. I don't know which one I'd like to try.
Owain: Oof, I shouldn't have asked... I'm drooling just hearing about them!
Noire: S-say, Owain...?
Owain: Hm?
Noire: Could describing them be enough to come up with a name? I mean, um... Could you maybe poem a cake that didn't exist yet?
Owain: Sorry, no can do. The engine of inspiration is sparked by frosting on the palate. It's like the flavor shakes the words out of my very soul!
Noire: Oh. ...Then I'll just have to try doubly hard to find ingredients.
Owain: Just don't do anything crazy, all right? I don't want you robbing an old lady's larder or something.
Noire: I won't do...that.
Owain: I don't want to know!

S Support

Noire: O-Owain! I made another cake!
Owain: You did? Can I have a bite? Please? Pretty please?!
Noire: Of course! I...I made it for you.
Owain: Ooh, now this looks great! Don't blink or you'll miss this disappearing act! *Horf, norf, snarf, chomp, shlurp* ...BRAAAAAAAAAP! Oh, gods. I feel it! ...I feel inspiration! Get ready! Here it comes!
Noire: I've never been so ready in my life!
Owain: The flavors swirl like veining in the marble walls of a giant cakey cathedral! A symphony of scent scintillates the space with notes of supple spice! Citrus-tinged light shines forth as if through a stained-glass window! The High Temple of Austere Majesty!
Noire: A...t-temple? My cake is a temple?
Owain: And at its altar, a prince and princess exchange their wedding vows!
Noire: A royal wedding?! Oh my goodness!
Owain: Oh, Noire! I cannot bear the thought of life without your sweet cakes! Marry me, Noire! Marry me!
Noire: ...... Heh... Heh heh heh... Mwah ha ha ha ha ha! BLOOD AND THUNDER!
Owain: Gah! L-look! I'm sorry! You can just say no if you want! It's totally fine!
Owain: I stole wh-what?!
Noire: YOU STOLE MY PLAN! The cake was but a way to butter you up before asking the same question! And now you have o'erstepped your bounds and ruined my plan! INSOLENCE!
Owain: B-but wait! We both get what we want! Who cares who asks who first?!
Noire: ...... ...Oh. R-right. Yes, of course. I'm terribly sorry. I shouldn't have yelled, Owain. I was just a bit...overcome.
Owain: Hey, I know how it goes. I have trouble reining it in sometimes, too. Maybe that's another reason why we'd be good for each other? ...Maybe?
Noire: Oh, Owain! I am so very fond of you! I love how you chew with your mouth open! I love how you name your utensils! I love it all!
Owain: Now you're making ME feel a little overcome!
Noire: Hee hee!


Small portrait noire fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait inigo fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Inigo: Aaah! S-somebody help! Heeelp! N-Noire's gonna kill me!
Noire: Dum de dum de do...
Inigo: *Huff, huff...* N-Noire! Come on, put the bow down! It's all fun and games until someone loses an... AAAIEEEE!
Noire: Don't worry. Of all the weapons I use, I'm best with a bow. So it's very unlikely I'll hit you.
Inigo: Oh, is that so? Well, you know what? THAT DOESN'T HELP! And I was actually making headway with that girl until you started firing at her! ...Yes, well, you've had your fun. Now go away and let me get back to mine.
Noire: Oh, but I am my mother's daughter, you know...
Inigo: And what does Tharja have to do with any of this?
Noire: When it comes to chasing our prey, we never tire. It's in our blood. You might say I'm a bit...obsessive about stuff like this. So you aren't going to lose me. No, sir. Noooooo, sir.
Inigo: ...Someone help me! Please! Anyone!
Noire: Actually, that raises a different question. Why are you running in the first place? I promised not to hit you, remember? I...I promised. *sniff*
Inigo: Wait. Why are YOU going to cry? I'm the one being hunted!
Noire: *Sniff* D-don't you trust me?
Inigo: My faith in your bow skills is REALLY not the issue here...
Noire: Then what's the problem? I'm just doing what I was asked. Just keeping the hyenas at bay.
Inigo: Hyenas? Hey, wait a second! Who asked you to do that?!
Inigo: Wait! Stop! Just think of all the ladies who will be deprived of— Aaaaugh! Help meeeeee!

B Support

Inigo: Hmm... Back to the market today, perhaps? I saw a couple of ladies ripe for—
Noire: What are you up to, Inigo?
Noire: Heading out to pick something up at the market? Or some...ONE?
Inigo: Who, me? Ha ha! N-no, I would never go chasing girls! ...Yet. ...Today, I mean.
Noire: Well, if you're heading out, I'd better get ready as well. Hum de dum de dooo...
Inigo: Um, Noire? Why are you nocking an arrow?
Noire: Oh, don't worry about me! Just pretend I'm not here.
Inigo: That's kind of difficult when you're pointing an arrow at me.
Noire: I won't hit you, silly! I'm just keeping the hyenas at bay. Those are my...orders.
Inigo: From WHO, for crying out loud?!
Noire: Um... I... Oh, I'm sorry, Inigo. But I promised not to tell you. ...Though I must say, they chose the right woman for the job. For I am my mother's daughter! Eeeee hee hee hee!
Inigo: I really wish you'd stop saying that. And what's all this about hyenas?
Noire: I told you not to worry about it.
Inigo: Yes, and that is a piece of advice that I'm planning to ignore. Seriously, would you please just explain what's going on here?!
Noire: ......
Inigo: I haven't seen so much as a stray dog around here, let alone a hyena.
Inigo: Eeeeeeeeek!
Noire: Inigo! Inigo, wait! Don't run! It's really hard to miss you when you're running around like that!
Inigo: Heeeeeelp meeeeeeeee!

A Support

Noire: Inigooo! Where are yoooooou?! You can run, but you can't hide... Hmm... Probably off chasing skirts again. I just hope there's no repeat of last time...
Inigo: What happened last time?
Inigo: Ha! Doesn't feel good to be snuck up on, now does it? I figured turnabout was fair play, so I staged this little ambush.
Noire: Th-that's terrible! You're terrible! *sniff* *sniffle*
Inigo: Oh, come on! Stop that... It was the girls, wasn't it? Your "hyenas"? Every poor, defenseless girl I talk to runs off screaming in a hail of arrows!
Noire: ...... I had to make sure you weren't tricked again. Those were... Those were Chrom's orders.
Inigo: Wait, CHROM told you to do this?!
Noire: Well, kind of. I mean, he let me work out the details, but... Look, none of this would have happened if you hadn't been tricked last time!
Inigo: Last... I was tricked? I don't...
Noire: Remember the lady thief you invited to tea? The one who stole half our gear? When Chrom heard about that, he asked me to start keeping an eye on you.
Inigo: I...see.
Noire: You're too trusting, Inigo. Chrom is worried it may shorten your life span.
Inigo: You make me sound totally hopeless. I'm not some easy mark just asking to get taken in. It was just one lady thief! Oh, well...and that girl cutpurse. The one with the glass eye. Ah, and then there was that band of female arsonists... But that still isn't a reason to open fire on me!
Noire: ...I was just worried about you. We all worry about you.
Inigo: Heh... I forgot all about that stuff, actually. Guess I thought everyone else did, too.
Inigo: Gaaaaah!
Noire: You offer apologies, but do you truly grasp the gravity of your crimes?! You've been a burden on the commander and a waste of my precious time! I ask again—does your repentance match the scale of your misdeeds?! SPEAK NOW! SPEAK, LEST I PERMIT MY ARROW TO SPEAK FOR YOU!
Inigo: Good gods, y-yes! Yes, ma'am! I'm sorry! Honestly, I had no idea people paid that much attention to me...
Inigo: Ack! S-sorry, sorry, sorry! I promise I'll be more careful!
Noire: ...Wonderful. Then I'll be going, now. We worry because we care, Inigo—so just take care of yourself, okay?
Inigo: Phew... I thought I was a dead man. I'm just glad she put the bow down before she lost it there…

S Support

Inigo: There you are. I was looking for you.
Noire: Did you need something?
Inigo: A cup of tea. With you. Interested?
Noire: Wh-why? What's going on?
Inigo: It's not very ladylike to fib, you know.
Noire: I don't know what you're talking about.
Inigo: Your little bit about being "ordered" to keep the hyenas at bay.
Noire: I didn't lie! Those were my orders!
Inigo: But you weren't quite telling the truth, either, hmm? Something tells me you wanted to be one of those hyenas.
Noire: ...How did you know?
Inigo: Ha! Let's just say I have a gift for reading women.
Noire: I was the only one you never flirted with... ...You even flirted with a sign in front of the baker's shop one day! I felt...left out, you know? And hurt. And...kind of... *mumble, mumble*
Inigo: Sorry, what was that last one?
Noire: I FELT ANGRY! Blood and thunder, mortal! My emotions are not to be trifled with! NOW FLIRT WITH ME!
Inigo: Um... I'm not sure I can that...right now...
Noire: A gift for reading women? Ha! What a joke. You've got a gift for MIS-reading women! That's why you always get turned down. *Sniff* I just... I just wanted a chance to turn you down too...
Inigo: Look, Noire? The reason I didn't flirt with you is because you're kind of...scary. I didn't want to set you off and wind up as an oversized pincushion for your arrows...
Noire: Oh. I...I see. I-it's not like I... *sniff* Like I get mad on purpose... I can't...h-h-help it! Waaaaaaaaah!
Inigo: Cripes! D-don't cry! I mean, yes, I was a jerk, but you fired about a hundred arrows at me... What do you say we call it even and start over? Huh?
Noire: But I... *hic* I had to, or...the hyenas...
Inigo: I know, and I appreciate what you were trying to do. Listen. I was worried about making you angry. That's no lie. But I also thought you were...different. Kind of ethereal, if that makes sense. Like something mortal hands weren't meant to touch. Anyway, that's why I always hesitated. But I'm done hesitating. I'm going to ask what I've been wanting to ask you all along... Will you marry me?
Noire: Wh-what?! Isn't that a bit sudden?!
Inigo: I'm tired of beating around the bush with you. This is all I've ever wanted!
Noire: I don't... I'm... I'm flattered, but it's just so unexpected!
Inigo: Hah! You're adorable when you blush and fly into a panic.
Noire: If...if we do this, you have to stop flirting with other girls.
Inigo: Well, sure, that's, uh... Sure.
Noire: Saying "sure" twice makes it feel less sure.
Inigo: Well, it's hard to feel sure when you're pointing a bow at me!
Noire: ...I'd hoped you had learned your lesson by now.
Inigo: Waugh! S-stop! Stop, please! I promise, I'll... Wait. "Learned my lesson"? So that whole bit about hyenas WAS just a lie!
Noire: Oh, it was no lie. For I have a slavering scavenger in my sights right now...
Inigo: Wait, ME?!
Noire: Eee hee hee! Time to silence that philandering cackle for good!
Inigo: Aaaaah! Have mercy! I repent! I repeeent!


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C Support

Noire: Oh, this is so embarrassing. Alone on a cot in the medical tent. ...Again! Honestly, everyone is being silly. I was just a little light headed. ...... ...Nnnh? ...Oh. I must have fallen asleep. Wait... I hear footsteps... Eep! They're coming closer! Wh-what if it's someone I don't know?!
Brady: Huh? ...Oh, it's you.
Noire: Brady!
Brady: Gods, another day, another screwup on the battlefield. I'm pathetic!
Noire: Oh no, are you hurt?
Brady: Wouldn't be here otherwise. I dodged an attack wrong and twisted my ankle. My leg'll be fine, but my pride may never recover.
Noire: I see...
Brady: Anyway, looks like we're neighbors for the time being. Cheers, I guess.
Noire: Ch-cheers... I'm actually feeling a lot better, though. I'll probably be going in just a bit...
Brady: I hear ya! I can't wait to make like a bakery wagon and haul buns outta here. This place is depressing!
Noire: Heh, yeah... W-well, I hope you feel better soon.

B Support

Brady: Ugh, genius move, Brady. You're a regular Robin! Leg heals up just in time to get sent back here for another boneheaded injury...
Noire: Hee hee! Looks like we're neighbors again.
Brady: Am I a court jester? Do I amuse you? 'Cause I ain't laughing! What kind of idiot blocks a hit and pulls his groin while falling on his ass?! You couldn't come up with a more pathetic injury if you tried!
Noire: Er, it's better than not blocking it at all, right?
Brady: Yeah, I guess... So what's got you back in the tent of shame? Anemia acting up again?
Noire: Mmm-hmm.
Brady: Tough break. ...Ugh, and then there's the boredom to add insult to injury. I want to get outta this two-bit tent. Hit the town, maybe.
Noire: Getting better has to come first, though.
Brady: Yeah, I know. I just wish there was more to do than sleep. I've done more than enough of that already.
Noire: I know how you feel... But what else would you do?
Brady: Hmm, that looks about right... Hurff!
Noire: Brady? What are you doing with that crate? It looks awfully heavy...
Brady: That's kinda the point. May as well use this time to build up a bit of muscle lifting weights.
Noire: B-but you're hurt! Shouldn't you be taking it easy?
Brady: My leg is hurt! No reason I can't work on the old cannons, though. Am I right? Here we go... One! Two! Th-three... ...... FFFFFffff!
Noire: Are you all right? Don't tell me you hurt your arms?!
Brady: G-guess I should've started with a lighter crate... Hngh!
Noire: I told you you ought to take it easy! Wait right there, I'll go get help. Er, I mean, I guess I'll yell for help. Or...something. Hello? Is anyone there? Brady's hurt! ...Er, more so!
Brady: All right, so I spoke too soon. There IS a more pathetic injury...

A Support

Brady: Ugh, how many times does this make?
Noire: Heh! And it's always the two of us. This is getting to be our spot!
Brady: You say that like it's a good thing...
Noire: Yeah, well, isn't it? I mean, at least we've been able to talk.
Brady: Talk's about all we can do in here. I think my ill-advised attempt at weight training last time proved that much...
Noire: Well then, what if we talk about the good old days for a bit?
Brady: Like what?
Noire: You probably don't remember, but we used to be regulars at the healers as kids, too. We had a bad habit of passing colds back and forth for weeks on end...
Brady: Oh, I remember! You were always sneezing green goo out yer bitty nose! Guess it ain't so strange for kids to get sick. Happens to all of 'em eventually. But sure did seem like you and me would always go down at the same time.
Noire: I remember lying in a cot across from you when we were both flush and feverish.
Brady: Hah! Yeah, you wouldn't stop bawlin'!
Noire: Oh, sure. Bring that up again!
Brady: Meanwhile, I was busy thinking of how I could toughen up. Guess some things never change, am I right?
Noire: I was always so scrawny. I wished there were some way to stop being frail...
Brady: Heh heh! And just look at us now! What a couple'a saps.
Noire: Still, it's...sort of comforting to know that some things really don't ever change.
Brady: All a matter of perspective, I guess. Seems likely we'll be neighbors for a long time to come, yet. So, uh... Cheers, I guess.
Noire: Cheers. To the two of us getting stronger, bit by bit.
Brady: You said it, sister!

S Support

Brady: Urgh... Back to the tent of shame...
Noire: Ah! Brady, are you all right? What happened?
Brady: Just... Hngh! ...Just turned my half-busted shoulder into a whole-busted shoulder.
Noire: What?! You've got to be more careful when you're hurt! Here, lie down...
Brady: You're makin' a mountain outta some pretty small potatoes, Noire. ...So why you back in the sick house? Caught the dreaded red or somethin'?
Noire: I, um... I just came here to find something.
Brady: Then it's finally just me stuck in here. Hey, good for you!
Noire: Brady...
Brady: Naw, ain't nothin'. So don't go gettin' all sad on me! It's a good thing not to be a regular at the infirmary tent. You should be happy.
Noire: B-but...I like it here.
Brady: Hah! That's crazy talk. Why would you say that?
Noire: ...This is our place. You and me have a lot of memories in here at this point, Brady. Even today, the... The thing I was here looking for I was hoping I might run into you again, you know?
Brady: Ha ha! Man, you sure know how to make a guy feel like a million bucks! When the infirmary's the first place you look, boy, that's a ringing endorsement.
Noire: No, I didn't mean... There's no reason to be ashamed, Brady. I know what you're doing out there. I've seen you. You're always defending the others by putting yourself in danger. That's why you're always hurt.
Brady: You... You saw that?
Noire: I mean, sure, you're not the sturdiest man on the field... But you're braver than anyone and more selfless about protecting your allies! There's nothing shameful about that.
Brady: ......
Noire: ...Ah! I'm sorry! Listen to me blabbing on while you're injured! I'll go. You clearly need some rest.
Brady: Heh. And here I thought I'd been subtle about it. Guess I've got a ways to go.
Noire: You shouldn't have to hide it at all...
Brady: I've spent a lot of time in hospital beds, Noire. You know that better'n most. And I'd always spend my time thinking of how to be stronger, ya know? Like, how could I help more? And how could I... How I could keep the girl on the bed next to me safe? Because I loved her.
Noire: Oh, Brady...
Brady: I love ya, Noire! I'm in love with ya! Heck, I think you're the cat's pajamas! So, what say we maybe spend some time together outside for once, when I'm better? I was thinking, like...forever?
Noire: I'd love to, Brady! Oh, I'm so happy, I feel like I'm walking on air!
Brady: Me, too! Though some of that's probably the healing magic kickin' in...


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Morgan (M)

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Morgan (F)

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Morgan (F) (as siblings)

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Morgan (F) (as parent and child)

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