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===C Support===
===C Support===
'''Hubert:''' Another clear victory for the Empire in battle. You can surely guess who stole the show, yet again.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' Our mercenary friend? Always a force upon the battlefield, that one.<br>
'''Hubert:''' Their approach on the battlefield is exceptional, yet their curious power has also proved quite the boon.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' It is deeply fascinating, isn't it? Something beyond the principles of magic, and yet different from the power of Crests. I might go so far as to say it veers close to the realm of dark magic, but I fear that's beyond my expertise.<br>
'''Hubert:''' I am possessed of some small knowledge, yet still fail to understand the nature of that power.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' Then at present we can do nothing but throw our hands to the sky. And with that, I must be off.<br>
'''Hubert:''' Oh? I thought you would be more curious about our mercenary ally. Would you truly raise the white flag merely because the matter lies outside your usual ken?<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' What are you playing at, Hubert? If you want me to investigate a specimen, go ahead. Hook it and reel it in.<br>
'''Hubert:''' Aha, but you are the better angler of the two of us. Furthermore, my method of "hooking" would... complicate our relationship with so valued an ally. An inducement from your lips would ensure things proceed more smoothly.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' Well, this is becoming a hassle. Can't you push yourself to learn some new "hooking" strategies?  Like, I don't know, one befitting the elegance of a true nobleman. Involving fancy tea, perhaps.<br>
'''Hubert:''' A positively hair-raising notion! Please do not speak it aloud again.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' Then maybe get in their face and pick a fight with them? You two could end up becoming fast friends!<br>
'''Hubert:''' So you wish me to shout myself hoarse and swing my fists about like a common ruffian? I shall pretend I did not hear that suggestion.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' No? Then the only option left is aggressive persuasion, driven home at the point of an axe, let's say.<br>
'''Hubert:''' Linhardt, who in the world are you talking about right now? I should think there is no one quite so barbarous in our own army.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' Hm? Oh, I didn't have anyone in particular in mind. I was just brainstorming new methods to ensnare our illustrious mercenary friend. Why, did they remind you of acquaintances of ours?<br>
'''Hubert:''' In any event, let us leave this sleeping dog where it lies. I do not dislike conversing with you, but we seem to procure results of little benefit when we do. And with that, I have matters to attend to and must be off. Farewell.<br>
'''Lindhardt:''' Until next time, Hubert. So when can I expect you to have reeled in our mercenary friend? I suspect we'd make headway on the research if we engaged in it together.<br>
'''Hubert:''' I'm afraid I've not the time to play along with your capricious whims, Linhardt. I will, of course, be cheering you on with some enthusiasm from the shadows, as you hook the subject yourself.


Revision as of 03:47, 11 August 2023

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Shez: Well, there's a face I'm not used to seeing on the training grounds. Something wrong, Hubert?
Hubert: I have merely come to examine the equipment. I hear whispers that it is in quite the state. Further, my being here should come as no surprise. Her Majesty and I train in these grounds often.

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
Get jealous of Hubert. Get jealous of Edelgard. Question if that's true
Shez: I never would've guessed. Can't say I'm not jealous, though.

Hubert: Shall I put in a request with Her Majesty on your behalf? I'm quite certain she'd join you.
Shez: Nah, that's all right. Maybe she'd throw me a bone from time to time, but that wouldn't make us training buddies the way you two apparently are.
Hubert: Ah. Well, it is true this has been a long-running custom of ours.

Shez: I never would've guessed. Can't say I'm not jealous, though.

Hubert: Shall I put in a request with Her Majesty on your behalf? I'm quite certain she'd join you.
Shez: Oh, that's not what I meant. She's actually the one I'm jealous of. I mean, I never get to train with you.
Hubert: Me?

Shez: No kidding? I don't think I've ever seen you two around here.

Hubert: Naturally. We tend to pick times that allow us to avoid a crowd.

Hubert: In any case, if you do desire a session with either myself or Her Majesty, you only need ask. A mercenary with no backing such as yourself has much to gain by earning Lady Edelgard's favor. Of course, we would not be without benefit. Your rise in standing would paint an ideal picture for our people.
Shez: How do you mean?
Hubert: Many commoners crave progress. A path upward in life. And your example would prove that path exists. The commonfolk would never expect to see their emperor train alongside someone of your dubious origins. At least not outside the pages of a fairy tale.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Laugh off the insult. Sulk a bit.
Shez: Dubious origins?! Hah! Little harsh, don't you think? Still, doesn't sound too bad if I can use that to help lift people up. Shez: Dubious origins, huh? Yeah, I...guess you're not wrong. Even so, it feels good to think about using that to help lift people up.

Hubert: On the other hand, your presence would also cause great turmoil amongst the elites of our society. They may even despise you. A symbol of the ungrateful commoner granted privilege well beyond their station.
Shez: Oof. But hey, Dorothea's a commoner too. Why don't they hate her?
Hubert: Dorothea is a famed former songstress, well esteemed in the upper echelons of society. Your situation is vastly different.
Shez: Right. Well, no point worrying about it if it's gonna happen no matter what.
Hubert: Precisely. Things may yet change in the years ahead, but for now all we can do is live with it.
Shez: So coddling the elites means the commoners end up oppressed, while hoisting commoners up only agitates the elites. Glad I'm not the one who has to rule the Empire. This whole thing sounds like a total mess.
Hubert: Heh. A mess, indeed.

B Support

Shez: In that case, you should just keep picking commoners like me for all the important jobs. Strength in numbers, right? The more of us there are, the less anyone will be able to complain.
Hubert: Hm. I believe your point to be a sound one, but putting it into action will only heighten our chance of failure. Try as you may to trawl a river for jewels, you will most often find yourself hauling up mere pebbles instead.
Shez: I get what you mean...I think. Accidentally picking the wrong person could really hurt the emperor's reputation.
Hubert: And provide the perfect opening for nobles who want nothing more than for commoners to be "kept in their place." An utter disgrace. Here we stand amidst the flames of war, yet some on our side only seek to drag their compatriots down. There is no rot as fetid as that which plagues our foul aristocracy. It would not surprise me if they breathed noxious fumes.

Choice 1 Choice 2
He must be exaggerating. Probably right, actually.
Shez: I mean, it's not like they're literally poisonous.

Hubert: Are you so sure? Spend an hour in the same room with some of them and see if you don't feel the life being choked out of you.

Shez: Yeah, I guess they are pretty bad when you put it that way.

Hubert: At any rate, it seems you must be the one to plow forward for the time being.
Shez: Uh, come again?
Hubert: You are a mercenary captain, no? Surely there are worthy candidates for promotion among your subordinates? The situation would be far less volatile if any potential appointees came with your direct endorsement.
Shez: Oh good, no pressure at all. And if the person I pick doesn't work out?
Hubert: Assuming they are not wholly indefensible, we would do our utmost to shield them from criticism. Though I suppose if worst came to worst, we would be forced to sever ties with them...and you.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Resent his cold calculation. Gladly accept your fate.
Shez: That's cold-blooded, Hubert. I'm not sure I'm up to the challenge, knowing what's at risk.

Hubert: Nobody is forcing you to pick someone. If you think it impossible, I will not try to convince you otherwise.

Shez: I can respect that. Protecting the emperor is priority number one.

Hubert: Indeed, it is the first and only priority. Do note, though, you needn't force yourself to pick someone if you fear the consequences.

Shez: Right, got it. I guess in the meantime, I'll let you know if I think of anyone who might be able to handle the job. Oh, and let's keep the whole "severing ties" thing to the real worst case scenario, OK? You might look the calm and logical type, but I know your emotions can get the better of you sometimes.
Hubert: ... A keener insight than I expected. Perhaps you truly are the right person for this task. Heh. Quite the eye you have on you.
Shez: Uh, thanks? My vision's not too bad, I guess.
Hubert: Now if you could only pair it with some intellect, we would have a true wonder on our hands.

A Support

Hubert: ...
Shez: Gah! Why are you always doing that?!
Hubert: A question, if I may. Have you had any further contact with our slithering friends since that day?
Shez: Not in the slightest. Why, do you know something?
Hubert: Yes, actually, what with the riots in Hrym territory and the former Duke Aegir's attempted rebellion. Thanks to that we now have a lead on the insurgents within the Empire as well as those who slither in the dark. Speaking to the latter, I also tried to determine if they had been attempting to reach you, or otherwise thought you an ally. But at present it seems neither is the case. Regrettably.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Complain about his suspicion of you. Sympathize with his doubt.
Shez: "At present"? Still don't trust me, do you? And our conversations? The future of the Empire? Promoting commoners? I would've hoped you'd ease up at least a little after all that. Shez: You and I have been talking a lot lately, Hubert. About the future of the Empire. Promoting commoners. I would've hoped I'd earned your trust by now, but I guess that's not how this thing goes. Not to say I don't get where you're coming from. The emperor's right-hand man can't afford to let his guard down.

Hubert: Believe me, it brings me no joy, and infact some guilt, to doubt you so. But I must be prepared for any eventuality. When needs must, I have made even my greatest enemy feel as though they are a trusted friend. Yet at times I have also shown extreme suspicion towards those who were in all manners undeserving of it.
Shez: Yeah, I get it. Keep your cards close to the chest. Never let them know what you're actually thinking. You really are something, you know that? I'm just glad we're on the same side.
Hubert: I must admit, I only tell you all this because I do, in fact, consider you deserving of my trust. Even if you were once connected to those who slither in the dark, that is clearly behind you now. So believe me when I say I have the utmost confidence in you.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Seems unlikely. That's nice of him to say.
Shez: After what you just told me, I think I'm actually more worried now. I bet that's not how you really feel.

Hubert: Heh. I get the feeling that any attempt I make at further explanation will only dig myself further into this hole.

Shez: Not sure how much you really mean that, but I'm glad to hear you say it, at least. Thanks, Hubert.

Hubert: How very diplomatic. Just the response I would have expected from you.

Hubert: Enough on that, though. Our problem now is what lurks beneath your mind's veneer.
Shez: What do you mean?
Hubert: I can sense another you, bubbling away behind the one you present to the world. Call it...intuition. What really worries me is that you may one day shed this husk you bear now and become that someone else entirely.
Shez: ... Another me, huh? Well, I appreciate the concern, but even if that someone does exist, I won't let them overtake me. I mean, come on. I'd shove that other me right back where they came from and earn your trust once and for all. Though just so we're clear, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Hubert: Very well. I suppose I will have to take your word...for now. In any case, I hope that as we inscribe Fódlan's new future, we do so with you by our side.


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Edelgard: And what of the archbishop's movements?
Hubert: She has established herself in Camulus, a town south of Fhirdiad, and shows no indication of leaving. The Knights of Seiros occasionally go to the front, but the archbishop appears content to remain behind. A shame, really.
Edelgard: Well, we expected as much. It's unlikely that we'll have the opportunity to eliminate her without mounting a full-scale invasion if Blaiddyd territory.
Hubert: We should've surrounded Garreg Mach and torn the place apart when we had the chance, no matter the cost to us. We may have squandered our greatest chance by not doing so.
Edelgard: Hubert, that idea came from Lord Arundel...That is to say, Thales. And it's an impractical idea at that-one based on unreliable experimental assets that had never been tested in battle. Besides, after breaking ties with him and his allies, we lacked the military capability to carry out an operation on such a scale.
Hubert: True on both counts, Your Majesty. We took such bold steps to excise those who slither in the dark from the Empire, knowing full well the price we'd pay. Though it meant allowing the archbishop to escape our grasp, I would venture to say that we ultimately came out in a better position because of it.
Edelgard: Unquestionably so. I'm certain Thales and his ilk are dreaming up some villainy as we speak. But we're not beholden to them anymore. We are no longer complicit in their schemes.
Hubert: I could not care less what I am or am not complicit in, Lady Edelgard-but I agree you must not be. For your own sake and the sake of the Empire, it is vital that you remain unsullied and unencumbered.
Edelgard: When I proposed such drastic changes to our plan two years ago, I did so against your best counsel. And yet you made it work every step of the way. None of us would be where we are today if not for you, Hubert. I cannot thank you enough.
Hubert: This is quite unlike you, Your Majesty. Are you feeling unwell? I assure you, I feel ever appreciated. There is no need for you to speak such words aloud. Or perhaps this is to soften the blow of yet another drastic change of course?
Edelgard: Nothing like that, I assure you. I simply want you to know how much you are valued. This path I walk...I cannot walk it without you. I'm only able to press onward because I have you to open the way. There will always be a place for you by my side.
Hubert: ...Are you certain there are no changes you wish to inform me of? I must insist you hide nothing from me.
Edelgard: What? But I just said I'm not... Hubert, are you truly so incapable of accepting a simple word of thanks?

A Support

Edelgard: Hubert, what do you make of the Ashen Demon?
Hubert: Aside from having proven to be impossibly powerful and a constant thorn in our side? Correction-was a constant thorn in our side. I must admit, the little terror has put in some fine work for the Empire recently.
Edelgard: We're fortunate to have gained so powerful an ally.
Hubert: Why do you bring this up, Your Majesty? Is there something on your mind?
Edelgard: I'm not entirely sure myself... My apologies, Hubert. Pay me no mind. Like as not I am overthinking the situation.
Hubert: Surely you realize that telling me to pay this no mind only gives me greater cause for concern?
Edelgard: Heh. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm simply having trouble putting this feeling into words. I just felt...I don't know. As if something was drawing me to the Ashen Demon. I wonder... Could it be the influence of my Crest?
Hubert: Your Crest? Now I am truly becoming concerned.
Edelgard: Forget it. Whatever it means, we don't need to find out right away. We've a war to win first.
Hubert: As you wish, Your Majesty. So long as you realize I will be taking the liberty to investigate this most thoroughly.
Edelgard: I thought you might say as much. Do as you must. Honestly, Hubert. You never change, do you? When I emerged from beneath the palace all those years ago, you acted as though nothing had happened. "Do not worry," you said. "I took the liberty to investigate while you were indisposed."
Hubert: For the record, my blood was boiling. However, as there were others present, I kept still my tongue. I could not risk showing my anger, lest they find a way to turn it against you. My role to play is the cold, crafty, unreadable servant. I am happy with the casting, so let us leave it at that.
Edelgard: I'm certain you are...but just once I'd like to see our roles reversed.
Hubert: Your Majesty, you cannot possibly be serious.
Edelgard: Not in the slightest. I'm well aware I am not cut out for the kind of work you do.
Hubert: Nonsense. There is nothing beyond your capability. That said, I prefer you best when you are the one in charge. Command me as you see fit. No matter how daunting or impossible the task may be, I will come through every time without fail.
Edelgard: Thank you, Hubert. It's good to know that I can always rely on you.


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Hubert: Another clear victory for the Empire in battle. You can surely guess who stole the show, yet again.
Lindhardt: Our mercenary friend? Always a force upon the battlefield, that one.
Hubert: Their approach on the battlefield is exceptional, yet their curious power has also proved quite the boon.
Lindhardt: It is deeply fascinating, isn't it? Something beyond the principles of magic, and yet different from the power of Crests. I might go so far as to say it veers close to the realm of dark magic, but I fear that's beyond my expertise.
Hubert: I am possessed of some small knowledge, yet still fail to understand the nature of that power.
Lindhardt: Then at present we can do nothing but throw our hands to the sky. And with that, I must be off.
Hubert: Oh? I thought you would be more curious about our mercenary ally. Would you truly raise the white flag merely because the matter lies outside your usual ken?
Lindhardt: What are you playing at, Hubert? If you want me to investigate a specimen, go ahead. Hook it and reel it in.
Hubert: Aha, but you are the better angler of the two of us. Furthermore, my method of "hooking" would... complicate our relationship with so valued an ally. An inducement from your lips would ensure things proceed more smoothly.
Lindhardt: Well, this is becoming a hassle. Can't you push yourself to learn some new "hooking" strategies? Like, I don't know, one befitting the elegance of a true nobleman. Involving fancy tea, perhaps.
Hubert: A positively hair-raising notion! Please do not speak it aloud again.
Lindhardt: Then maybe get in their face and pick a fight with them? You two could end up becoming fast friends!
Hubert: So you wish me to shout myself hoarse and swing my fists about like a common ruffian? I shall pretend I did not hear that suggestion.
Lindhardt: No? Then the only option left is aggressive persuasion, driven home at the point of an axe, let's say.
Hubert: Linhardt, who in the world are you talking about right now? I should think there is no one quite so barbarous in our own army.
Lindhardt: Hm? Oh, I didn't have anyone in particular in mind. I was just brainstorming new methods to ensnare our illustrious mercenary friend. Why, did they remind you of acquaintances of ours?
Hubert: In any event, let us leave this sleeping dog where it lies. I do not dislike conversing with you, but we seem to procure results of little benefit when we do. And with that, I have matters to attend to and must be off. Farewell.
Lindhardt: Until next time, Hubert. So when can I expect you to have reeled in our mercenary friend? I suspect we'd make headway on the research if we engaged in it together.
Hubert: I'm afraid I've not the time to play along with your capricious whims, Linhardt. I will, of course, be cheering you on with some enthusiasm from the shadows, as you hook the subject yourself.


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