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Olivia/Quotes (Heroes)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Olivia: Blushing Beauty

At the castle

I'm Olivia, a traveling dancer. And I'm pretty sure that, um, my skills might be useful. Maybe?
— When summoned.
I want to practice my dancing, but... I can't concentrate where people can see me!
— At the castle.
I traveled the world before joining Chrom's army—I learned tales and dances from all over!
— At the castle.
You came from another world too, right? Take good care of yourself—the nights are awfully chilly here...
— At the castle.
If you don't mind, I'd like to hear about your homeland sometime. It'd be like traveling there myself!
— At the castle.
I'm looking at old souvenirs... Here's a shell from a tropical beach and a pressed leaf from a hot spring!
— At the castle.
Ah, excuse me? You must be <friend>'s friend. I was sent to say hello.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

I'll do what I can!
— On the character status screen, or when dancing for an ally.
I hope my dance helps!
— On the character status screen, or when dancing for an ally.
Um, did you need something?
— On the character status screen.
I've traveled lots, but I've never been someplace like this before!
— On the character status screen.
I hope my dancing brings a little more happiness into the world.
— On the character status screen.
5, 6, 7, 8... What's my next step?
— On the character status screen.
I'll be happy to dance anytime you want to see me perform.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

Umm... Thank you for always taking time out of your busy day to come and watch me dance! I've traveled a lot, but I've never been somewhere like this before. I was pretty nervous at first... But you always stayed near me and kept a friendly eye on me. I think that's why I've adjusted so well. I...I hope this isn't too forward, but I'd like you to see my newest dance. I chose the choreography in honor of our world... and the relationship you and I share.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

— When selected on the map screen.
All right!
— When selected on the map screen.
Uh, sure!
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

S-sorry to disappoint you again.
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
You know, I think I'm really helping!
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Everyone's staring! How very embarrassing...
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
Thank you! Wait, does this mean people will be looking at me?
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Stop staring!
— When using a special skill.
I didn't want to do this!
— When using a special skill.
Time to step up.
— When using a special skill.
This is going to sting!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

— When defeated.

Olivia: Festival Dancer

At the castle

Hi there... I'm Olivia. I was performing my dance at an arts festival. Where am I now?
— When summoned.
Dancing for the Order of Heroes is a lot of fun. And all my experiences here will help me grow as a dancer.
— At the castle.
I once ran into an old friend during a performing arts festival in Ylisse. I had so much fun dancing with everyone!
— At the castle.
I really appreciate how you watch over us all. If you ever need me to lift your spirits, I'll dance for you, anytime.
— At the castle.
Do you know how to dance? I'd love to learn some of this world's dances. I never forget choreography.
— At the castle.
Whew! I'm all done with maintenance on my dancing costumes and fans. They're an important part of the performance—they make everything more enjoyable to watch.
— At the castle.
Well, hello there! I bring greetings for <player>! Would you like to see a dance, too? I'd love to show you one!
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

Always do my best!
— On the character status screen.
Let's dance!
— On the character status screen.
Before coming here, I was at a festival for singing and dancing.
— On the character status screen.
I'm often tripped up by my shyness. But when I'm dancing, it's like I'm another person!
— On the character status screen.
This isn't my usual outfit. It's... Well, I'm just not sure what to think of it!
— On the character status screen.
Now, a twirl. And then, a step forward. You've got it, Olivia. You've got it.
— On the character status screen.
You know what gives me the confidence to stay in fine form? Well, the truth is... it's you.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

5...6...7...8... Oh, hi there! Are you curious to learn more about this dance? That's great! I'm thinking about performing this at the next festival. When people watch dances from across the worlds... You should see the way their faces light up. I'm working out how to include some Askran flourishes. No, I misspoke... I'm basing my choreography on you. I always keep an eye on you—and how you move. When you summon, during battle... And in particular, how you look at all of us Heroes. Your kindness shines. You see, when I return home someday... I want everyone to really see what a wonderful person you are. Thank you for that smile. It... means a lot to me. You'll always have a place in my heart.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

— When selected on the map screen.
Next step?
— When selected on the map screen.
Time to shine!
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Oh, no! I guess it's practice, practice, practice for me...
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
I need to get in shape by the next festival!
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Dancing is quite a workout!
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
Thank you! I should be able to dance with strength now.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Care to dance?
— When using a special skill.
Let the music move you!
— When using a special skill.
You're mine!
— When using a special skill.
Grand finale!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

What a stumble...
— When defeated.

Olivia: Sky-High Dancer

At the castle

My name is Olivia, and from atop my falicorn I'll—Eek! W-wait, don't take off so suddenly! Please land!
— When summoned.
Dancing is embarrassing enough, but dancing up in the sky is just plain dangerous! One mistake and I'll fall!
— At the castle.
I've ridden in a wagon, of course, and on horseback. But never did I think I'd ride something that can fly! And I especially didn't imagine I'd be dancing all the way up there...
— At the castle.
Let me know if you start to feel worn out, OK? I'd be so glad if I could raise your spirits with a dance!
— At the castle.
Oh, I was just giving my friend here a much-needed brushing. Judging by his reaction, he really likes it!
— At the castle.
I just got back from the market. I found a ton of fruits and vegetables that I know falicorns just love!
— At the castle.
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Olivia, a dancer with Chrom's Shepherds. I've been entrusted with a letter to you from <friend>.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

I never know what to do!
— On the character status screen.
A gift from above!
— On the character status screen.
This is all so new to me. I'm used to dancing on a stage... on the ground...
— On the character status screen.
Oh! It's you! You, um... Y-you haven't been watching me practice, have you?
— On the character status screen.
The sky makes for a much higher stage than I'm used to... It gets my heart pounding.
— On the character status screen.
I've been practicing a dance with my new partner.
— On the character status screen.
If you'd like, I can arrange for you to watch my dance from a special seat atop another—oh! Oh, never mind, it's too embarrassing!
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

O-oh! Were you watching me dance? Well, yes, you have a good eye... It is a brand-new dance I'm working on. But please don't tell anyone about it! It's not ready for an audience yet, so promise me. OK? I thought I could make my dances much more expressive by making better use of the sky and my falicorn. Flying through the sky on his back for the first time was such a moving experience for me. The sound of cutting through the wind, the color of the sky, the brisk air all around me... I want to convey all of those things through my dancing! My hope is to give people who have never flown before a sense of how amazing it is. I've been trying a lot of new moves, but it isn't going as well as I had hoped. I've taken my fair share of tumbles lately... But when this new dance is finally ready, I want you to be the first person who sees it!
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

We dance!
— When selected on the map screen.
What's next?
— When selected on the map screen.
The sky is my stage!
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Hey, whoa! Stop! Listen to me! No, you're going the wrong way!
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
My partner and I became fast friends. He's such a good boy!
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
I feel like I'm flying all on my own! Is this what it means to be one with your steed?
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
Thank you! I promise I'll use this to soar to even grander heights!
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Please don't watch!
— When using a special skill.
— When using a special skill.
I've got a dance partner now!
— When using a special skill.
This is too high up!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

I'm... falling...
— When defeated.

Forging Bonds

Main article: Forging Bonds/Defending Ylisse
Character Conversation
Portrait olivia sky-high dancer feh.png
Olivia: Sky-High Dancer

C rank B rank A rank S rank

You never cease to impress me, <player>. You're always so confident in battle, the way you know just what orders to issue. You never miss a beat! Even outside of battle, everyone looks up to you. You always know just what to say to rally the troops. I've always been shy so I really admire people with your confidence... And I...I think that I want to become someone as confident as you. But for some's just so hard! Oh, I'm Sorry to bring this up out of nowhere. Please, just forget I said anything. I-I'll do my best in the next battle. I promise!

Olivia: Wavecrest Dancer

At the castle

I am Olivia, a dancer. This is my first trip to the beach... it really OK for me to relax here?
— When summoned
It's so odd to me that the sound of the waves should be so calming.
— At the castle
Of all the places I've traveled in my career, the summertime sea is one of the most pleasant.
— At the castle
They're selling shaved ice! Why don't we go over and get some together, <player>?
— At the castle
I feel like I'm being stared at. Is there something wrong with my swimsuit?
— At the castle
The warm summer sun has me flushed. It's making me dance a little better than usual as well!
— At the castle
Hello. Um, p-please pardon the swimsuit. I'm here with a gift from <friend>.
— Delivering greetings from a friend

On the character status screen

Shall we swim?
— On the character status screen
Sure is hot!
— On the character status screen
I love swimming and the sea, but...wearing a swimsuit outside the water is bit embarrassing.
— On the character status screen
Do you think this suit—No, never mind! Forget I'm even here!
— On the character status screen
Being in the presence of such breathtaking scenery inspires me to come up with new dances.
— On the character status screen
How well will I be able to dance on the sand I wonder... I suppose there is only one way to find out.
— On the character status screen
Um...would you come out and swim with me?
— On the character status screen

Level 40 quote

Do you enjoy swimming in the ocean? I really wish I could enjoy it... It's just that swimsuits are so utterly embarrassing that I hate being seen wearing one... Huh? You think it's the same as my dancing clothes? That's where you're wrong. Dancing clothes are meant for display. Swimsuits are... Well, for swimming! I don't think I can cope with wearing this in public! Then again, maybe this is a chance to prove I can entertain people no matter how I'm dressed...
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity

Map quotes

So bright out...
— When selected on the map screen
This way?
— When selected on the map screen
How exciting!
— When selected on the map screen

Level-up quotes

Ahh! D-don't look at me! I'm not used to walking around in a swimsuit!
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up
It feels amazing to dance out here in the sea breeze.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up
My dancing will keep us all strong in the face of the summer sun.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up
Thank you. I shall repay your kindness with a dance!
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity

Special skill quotes

Don't look at me!
— When using a special skill
How embarrassing!
— When using a special skill
I just want to swim!
— When using a special skill
Get out of here!
— When using a special skill

Defeat quote

This was a mistake...
— When defeated