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FE16 E3 world map names

Japanese name E3 map name Final map name Japanese origin English origin (if different)
フォドラ Fodra Fódlan Fódla (modern Irish: Fódhla), Irish mythology
アルビネ Albine Albinea Albinea, Emilia-Romagna
スレン Threne Sreng Katakana-spelling origin: probably from Sreng, Irish mythology. Latin-spelling origin: appears to come from a type of dye? Sreng (modern Irish: Sreang), Irish mythology
ファーガス (ファーガス神聖王国) Fergus Holy Kingdom of Faerghus Fergus (modern Irish: Fearghus/Fearghas), Irish mythology Misspelling of the modern Irish form
レスター (レスター諸侯同盟) Leicester Leicester Alliance Leicester, Leicestershire
パルミラ Palmira Almyra Palmyra, ancient city in Syria
アドラステア (アドラステア帝国) Adrastea Adrestian Empire Adrasteia (or Adresteia, Adrastea, Adrestia, among others), Greek mythology (also an epithet for Nemesis, Greek mythology)
ブリギット Brigit Brigid Brigid (or Brigit; modern Irish: Brighid), Irish mythology
モルフィス Morpheus Morfis Katakana-spelling origin: unknown. Latin-spelling origin: Morpheus, Roman mythology.
ガルグ=マク (ガルグ=マク大修道院) Garg Mac Garreg Mach Monastery
クレイマン Clayman Kleiman
ゴーティエ Gauthier Gautier French form of Walter Variant spelling
イーハ Eha Itha Possibly from Mag Itha, Irish mythology
フラルダリウス Flurdarius Fraldarius
フェルディア Ferdiad Fhirdiad Ferdiad (modern Irish: Ferdia), Irish mythology
ブレーダッド Blaidad Blaiddyd Bladud (Welsh: Blaiddyd), Brittonic mythology
コナン Conan Conand Conán, Irish mythology Conand (modern Irish: Conann), Irish mythology
タルティーン (タルティーン平原) Taitean Tailtean Plains Possibly from Tailtiu (modern Irish: Tailte), Irish mythology
ガラテア Garatea Galatea Galatea, Greek mythology
アリル Alill Ailell Ailill, Irish mythology
ダフネル Daphnel Daphnel Possibly from Daphne, Greek mythology
ゴネリル Goneril Goneril Goneril, King Lear
デアドラ Deirdre Derdriu Deirdre (Old Irish: Derdriu), Irish mythology Old Irish form of Deirdre
クパーラ Kupala Kupala Kupala, Slavic mythology
東方教会 Eastern Seirios[sic] Eastern Church Sirius (Greek: Σείριος Seírios), the north star; kanji name says "eastern church".
リーガン Regan Riegan Regan, King Lear
フォドラの首飾り / フォドラの喉元 Neckless[sic] of Fodra Fódlan's Throat First term is "Necklace of Fódla", second term is "Throat of Fódla"; different precise location from final map. Note: location that was referred to in E3 map was localized as "Fódlan's Locket".
ミルディン Mylddin Myrddin Merlin (Welsh: Myrddin), Arthurian legend
カロン Charon Charon Charon, Greek mythology
??? Sr. Guinevere Sacred Gwenhwyvar Guinevere (Welsh: Gwenhwyfar), Arthurian legend Misspelling of Gwenhwyfar
??? Gwydion Gideon Gwydion, Welsh mythology Gideon, Book of Judges
??? Matthaus Mateus Form of Matthew (Latin: Matthaeus)
トータテス Toutatis Teutates Toutatis/Teutates, Celtic mythology
西方教会 Western Seirios[sic] Western Church Sirius (Greek: Σείριος Seírios), the north star; kanji name says "western church".
ローベ Lobe Rowe
アリアンロッド Alianrhod Arianrhod Arianrhod, Welsh mythology
ロディ海岸 n/a Rhodos coast Lit. "Rodi coast"; possibly from Lodi, Lombardy Rhodes (Greek Ῥόδος Rhódos), Greece
ヌーヴェル Nouvelle Nuvelle Feminine form of "nouveau", French for "new"
オックス Ox Ochs Castrated bull used for work German for "ox"
ヘヴリング Hefring Hevring Hevring/Hefring, Norse mythology
フレスベルグ Hresvelgr Hresvelg Hræsvelgr, Norse mythology
アンヴァル Enbarr Enbarr Énbarr/Aonbarr (modern Irish: Enbhárr/Aonbharr?), Irish mythology
??? Morgan Morgaine Ravine Morgan le Fay, Arthurian legend Variant form of Morgan le Fay's name
ボラマス Blamass Boramas
??? Rusalka Rusalka Rusalka, Slavic mythology
エーギル Aegir Aegir Ægir, Norse mythology
アミッド Amid Airmid Airmed/Airmid, Irish mythology
ヴァーリ Váli Varley Váli, Norse mythology Mistranslation of Váli
ルミール Lamir Remire
オグマ Ogma Oghma Ogma (modern Irish: Oghma), Irish mythology
マグドレド Magdred Magdred
アランデル n/a Arundel Arundel, Sussex
フォドラの牙 n/a Fódlan's Fangs Lit. "Fódla's Fangs"
ブリナック (ブリナック台地) Brionac Brionac Plateau Modern Japanese fantasy spear name, erroneously attributed to Lugh of Celtic mythology
フリュム Hrymr Hrym Hrym, Norse mythology
ベルグリーズ Vergilius Bergliez Katakana-spelling origin: unknown. Latin-spelling origin: Virgil (Latin: Vergilius), Roman poet.
コーデリア n/a Ordelia Cordelia, King Lear Altered because of the Awakening character
グロスタール Gloucester Gloucester Earl of Gloucester (usually called just "Gloucester"), King Lear
??? Mamhain (removed from map) Possibly from Munster (Irish: Mhumhain)
グロンダーズ平原 n/a Gronder Field
メリセウス Merceus Merceus
ガスパール Gaspard Gaspard French form of Caspar, an extrabiblical name for one of the Magi from the Gospel of Matthew
エドマンド Edmand Edmund Edmund, King Lear

FE3 class names

Not every class can appear in the arena. Arena list is incomplete.

ID Stat screen Battle UI Fightmonger
00 ロード     ロード  
01 せんし     せんし  
02 ソルジャー   ソルジャー
03 ソシアルナイト Sナイト 
04 パラディン   パラディン パラディン
05 ナイト     ナイト  
06 ナイト     ナイト  
07 アーマーナイト Aナイト  アーマーナイト
08 ジェネラル   ジェネラル ジェネラル
09 ペガサスナイト Pナイト 
0A ドラゴンナイト Dナイト  ドラゴンナイト
0B ハンター    ハンター  ハンター
0C スナイパー   スナイパー
0D アーチャー   アーチャー
0E ホースメン   ホースメン
0F マムクート   マムクート
10 かりゅう    かりゅう  火竜
11 ようへい    ようへい  傭兵
12 ゆうしゃ    ゆうしゃ  勇者
13 とうぞく    とうぞく 
14 コマンド    コマンド 
15 おどりこ    おどりこ 
16 シスター    シスター 
17 まどうし    まどうし 
18 しさい     しさい  
19 まどうし    まどうし 
1A しさい     しさい   司祭
1B しさい     しさい  
1C マムクート   マムクート
1D さんぞく    さんぞく 
1E かいぞく    かいぞく  海賊
1F ばんぞく    ばんぞく  蛮族
20 バーサーカー  バーサーカ
21 ダークナイト  ダークナイト
22 ダークマージ  やみしさい ダークマージ
23 シューター   シューター
24 こうてい    こうてい 
25 ガーディアン  しゅごしん
26 ひょうりゅう  ひょう竜  氷竜
27 かいりゅう   かいりゅう
28 ひりゅう    ひりゅう  飛竜
29 ちりゅう    ちりゅう 
2A あんこくりゅう あんこく竜
2B しんりゅう   しんりゅう
2C まりゅう    まりゅう  魔竜

Tellius mouths

These are the mouths used on the character status screen. They sometimes differ from the mouth used in the small portrait. My uploads will match these. For portraits that do not function when used by units (at least for Path of Radiance), I will match the small portrait unless I have reason not to. I will not upload medium and small variants for such portraits (unless it was already uploaded; medium portraits will also be uploaded if a corresponding large version does not exist).

Path of Radiance

Anyone not listed here (other than generics, who use an emblem as their portrait) has their portrait not function when assigned to a unit (displays as dummy portrait where medium or large portrait would show, and crashes game where small portrait would show).

Character Smiling?
Ashnard Yes
Astrid Yes
Balmer No
Bandit1 Yes
Bandit2 Yes
Bastian Yes
Bertram N/A
Black Knight N/A
Boyd Yes
Brom Yes
Bryce Yes
Caineghis No
Calill Yes
Crimea1 No
Crow No
Daein1 No
Dakova No
Danomill No
Devdan Yes
Elincia Yes
Emil No
Ena No
Gashilama No
Gatrie Yes
Geoffrey No
Giffca N/A
Greil No
Gromell No
Haar No
Hafedd No
Havetti No
Heddwyn No
Hetzel No
Homasa Yes
Ikanau Yes
Ike No
Ilyana No
Janaff Yes
Jill No
Kamura Yes
Kasatai Yes
Kayachey Yes
Kieran Yes
Kimaarsi Yes
Kotaff Yes
Largo Yes
Leanne No
Lekain Yes
Lethe No
Lucia Yes
Mackoya Yes
Maijin Yes
Makalov Yes
Marcia Yes
Mia Yes
Mist Yes
Mordecai No
Muarim No
Naesala Yes
Nasir Yes
Nealuchi No
Nedata No
Nephenee No
Norris Yes
Oliver N/A
Oscar Yes
Petrine Yes
Rajaion No
Ranulf Yes
Reyson No
Rhys Yes
Rikard Yes
Rolf Yes
Schaeffer No
Seeker Yes
Sephiran Yes
Shiharam No
Shinon No
Sigrun Yes
Soren No
Sothe No
Stefan Yes
Tanith Yes
Tauroneo No
Tibarn Yes
Titania Yes
Tomenami No
Tormod Yes
Ulki No
Volke Yes
Zawana No
Zelgius No
Zihark No

Radiant Dawn


Character Smiling?
Aran No
Djur No
Edward Yes
Fiona Yes
Ilyana No
Jill No
Laura Yes
Leonardo Yes
Meg Yes
Micaiah (LM) Yes
Muarim No
Nolan Yes
Pugo No
Sothe (R) No
Tauroneo No
Tormod Yes
Vika No
Volug No
Zihark Yes


Text changes

As the PAL version was released first, it is on the left, unlike other version difference pages. Note: The North American version was not directly derived from the PAL version; rather, the PAL script is a fork of an earlier version of the North American script.

The names of English text files are prefixed with "e_" in the PAL version and "en_" in the North American version.

For dialogue, only the relevant lines of the string are displayed here.

MS001_BT_GAZAK Har! Ye sprogs look t'be a mite short
o'mighty t'me.
Har! Ye sprogs look t' be a mite short
o' mighty t' me.
MS001_ED1 meet many who despise Doluna. meet many who despise Dolhr.
MS001_H3 Prince Marth, but he must be quick- Prince Marth, but he must be quick–
MS001_OP1_1 It's Princess Shiida! It's Princess Caeda!
MS001_OP1_2 It's Princess Shiida! It's Princess Caeda!
MS001_OP2 Shiida, what is it? Caeda, what is it?
Steady, Shiida. Steady, Caeda.
MS002_BT_KASHIM I'm sorry, Princess Shiida... I'm sorry, Princess Caeda...
MS002_ED1 And the swordsman with 'em- goes by
the name o' Nabarl- he's a terror with
a blade, so they say.
If you go up there, keep your wits about
you- or you won't come back down.
And the swordsman with 'em–goes by
the name o' Navarre–he's a terror with
a blade, so they say.
If you go up there, keep your wits about
you–or you won't come back down.
MS002_TK1 now I be lookin' t'start anew.
What say ye? Make me yer matey, and I
swear t'pull me load.
now I be lookin' t' start anew.
What say ye? Make me yer matey, and I
swear t' pull me load.
MS002_TK2 Princess Shiida? Oh... Princess Caeda? Oh...
So you agreed to fight for the pirates
in exchange for coin...
So you agreed to fight for the pirates
in exchange for coin...?
But Princess... But, Princess...
MS002_TK3 Shiida told me about you. Caeda told me about you.
MS002_VIL1 tend to the sick there. We warned her, tend to the sick there. We warned her;
MS003_OP1 a better chance. a better chance than this.
Here, I could use this Warp staff to send
you someplace safe-
Here, I could use this Warp staff to
send you someplace safe–
get it for you myself. All right? get it for you myself, all right?
MS003_TK1 Nabarl! Since when does a swordsman Navarre! Since when does a swordsman
Please, Nabarl. Please, Navarre.
MS003_TK2 Um...aren't you- Um...aren't you–
Nabarl. Navarre.
MS003_TK4 Lena gave me a reason to- well, let's Lena gave me a reason to–well, let's
OK OK, I guess what I'm tryin' to say
All right, all right, I guess what I'm tryin'
to say is–
MS003_VIL1 Such a warm smile here in these
desolate mountains deserves a nice
reward. Here, take this axe-
Such a warm smile here in these desolate
mountains deserves a nice reward.
Here, take this axe–
String PAL NTSC-U Notes
MS004_DIE_BENSOM W...what...? Wh...what...?
MS004_ED1 You'll find Captain Hardin protecting
the king and the lady Nyna at the
Northern Fortress, located in Aurelis.
You'll find Captain Hardin at a fortress
in northern Aurelis, protecting the king
and the lady Nyna.
North American version adds a pause of length 2 after "Aurelis," and a pause of length 1 after "king".
MS004_H3 short work of cavaliers and paladins- but short work of cavaliers and paladins–but
MS004_H4 General Bentheon who guards the
castle was carrying a ridersbane last
General Bentheon, who guards the
castle, was carrying a ridersbane last
MS004_OP1 another think coming. another thing coming.
MS004_PRE1 Grust, Doluna, Gra... Grust, Dolhr, Gra...
All right, that's sound advice- All right, that's sound advice–
MS004_TK1 on a battlefield- least of all this one! on a battlefield–least of all this one!
Since you left, Medon has only gotten Since you left, Macedon has only gotten
They forced me to enlist- you know I hate They forced me to enlist–you know I hate
Medon has done terrible things:
marrying their might to Doluna, helping
them torment people...
Macedon has done terrible things:
marrying their might to Dolhr, helping them
torment people...
Hmm, is that so? I'll bet you haven't... Hmm, is that so? I wonder...
MS004_TK2 You must be Matthis, Sister Lena's- You must be Matthis, Sister Lena's–
like a pig for fighting under the Medonian like a pig for fighting under the Macedon
Oh! Uh,, right then... Oh! Uh, right then...
Just goes to show not all princes are cut Just goes to show not all princes are cut The NTSC-U version has a line break before this line instead of a "clear text box" command.
Oh, well, our prince- Prince Michalis of
Medon, that is-
Oh, well, our prince–Prince Michalis of
Macedon, that is–
Prince Michalis of Medon... Prince Michalis of Macedon...
MS005_ED1 Princess Nyna of Akaneia is en route Princess Nyna of Archanea is en route
MS005_H3 A castle like ours must be chock full o'
royal treasure! Ah, but only a thief could
get inside chests locked that tight....
A castle like ours must be chock-full o'
royal treasure! Ah, but only a thief could
get inside chests locked that tight...
MS005_TK1 against Doluna. against Dolhr.
If Gharnef is helping Doluna, then he's a If Gharnef is helping Dolhr, then he's a
MS005_TK2 of Khadein, city of magic. of Khadein, City of Magic.
have allied themselves with Doluna. have allied themselves with Dolhr.
MS005_TK3 have joined Doluna on the path of evil. have joined Dolhr on the path of evil.
MS005_TK4 qualified- qualified–
Medonian scum and be done with it. Macedonian scum and be done with it.
MS005_VIL1 Cripes, let me tell you what a shock Hooey, let me tell you what a shock
MS006_ED1 I am Nyna of House Akaneia.
'Tis Akaneia's burden to protect the
world in times of crisis- a duty I have
striven to fulfill.
But Doluna has laid waste to my kingdom,
I am Nyna of House Archanea.
'Tis Archanea's burden to protect the
world in times of crisis–a duty I have
striven to fulfill.
But Dolhr has laid waste to my kingdom,
where I have let it fall. Lead your might
against Doluna, and free us all.
where I have dropped it. Lead your might
against Dolhr, and free us all.
Altea swore fealty to Akaneia long ago, Altea swore fealty to Archanea long ago,
And, as you know, it is in my blood-
House Altea's blood- to destroy Medeus
And, as you know, it is in my blood–
House Altea's blood–to destroy Medeus
MS006_ED2 House Akaneia bestows it only upon a House Archanea bestows it only upon a
MS006_TK1 What the- Rickard? What the–Rickard?
here and clean the place out- and then here and clean the place out–and then
pretty face and the right features- pretty face and the right features–
Wha- Can it, you little fink! Wha– Can it, you little fink!
MS007_ED2 surfaced in the Doluna region... surfaced in the Dolhr region...
MS007_ED3_1 young man named Anri appeared, and
rose against the Shadow Dragon.
In his hand was a shining blade of light-
Falchion- which he plunged into Medeus...
and the tyrant was no more.
Anri went on to found Altea-
young man named Anri appeared and
rose against the Shadow Dragon.
In his hand was a shining blade of light–
Falchion–which he plunged into Medeus...
and the tyrant was no more.
Anri went on to found Altea–
MS007_ED4 Medeus has revived and restored Doluna Medeus has revived and restored Dolhr
find the blade that was taken,
and put an end to Doluna and its
misguided Manakete ruler.
find the blade that was taken
and put an end to Dolhr and its misguided
Manakete ruler.
I will avenge him, and bring light back I will avenge him and bring light back
MS007_H1 it's said to rival even the three regalia,
Akaneia's mightiest weapons.
Why, if she got her hands on Iote's Shield
(that'un being Medon's treasure, see)
it's said to rival even the Three Regalia,
Archanea's mightiest weapons.
Why, if she got her hands on Iote's Shield
(that'un being Macedon's treasure, see),
MS007_OP1 Let me attack the rebels head-on, and
keep my pride as a knight of Medon.
Let me attack the rebels head-on and
keep my pride as a knight of Macedon.
Your little sister Maria is still our Your little sister, Maria, is still our
MS008_ED1 There are risks there, too- the Pyrathi
king Mannu is said to be a descendant of
the dragonkin, a Manakete.
There are risks there, too–the Pyrathi
king, Mannu, is said to be a descendant
of the dragonkin, a Manakete.
MS_008_H2 They say a princess of Medon is being They say a princess of Macedon is being
Doluna imprison their own ally? Dolhr imprison their own ally?
MS008_TK1 My name is Shiida. My name is Caeda.
M-my name? That's- M-my name? That's–
Hee hee, forgive me, Roger, it's just- Hee hee, forgive me, Roger, it's just–
Roger, think of the children- the poor Roger, think of the children–the poor
I joined the Akaneian League to put I joined the Archanean League to put
But Grust is my home- always has been. But Grust is my home–always has been.
Wait- you're leaving?! Wait–you're leaving?!
...You're very kind, Shiida. ...You're very kind, Caeda.
MS008_TK2 There's this fetching girl named Shiida There's this fetching girl named Caeda
MS009_BT_MANUE Foolhardy humans, defying a Manakete
king! Tremble now, and feel the last
quickening of your heart!
Foolhardy human–defying a Manakete!
Tremble now, and feel the last quickening
of your heart!
MS009_DIE_MANUE Slain, by this fangless coward
and his minions?
Slain, by this fangless coward...?
MS009_ED1 I am Catria, of the Whitewinged
Order of Medon.
I am Catria, of the Whitewinged Order
of Macedon.
She is planning to lead us against Doluna She is planning to lead us against Dolhr
MS009_OP1 I will kill them for this- one by one- I will kill them for this–one by one–
MS009_VIL1 Akaneian sniper.
I fought to defend our palace from Doluna
Archanean sniper.
I fought to defend our palace from Dolhr,
I heard you were on your way to Pyrathi, I heard you were on your way to Pyrathi
MS010_ED1 The one who once defended Akaneia The one who once defended Archanea
soul to Doluna... soul to Dolhr...
skill with Aura magic- but since the battle skill with Aura magic–but since the battle
MS010_H1 That Medonian princess, Minerva...
She doesn't seem like a bad sort.
That Macedonian princess, Minerva...
She doesn't seem like the bad sort.
MS010_OP1 Just let me see Maria, for a little while. Just let me see Maria for a little while.
what she must be going through- what she must be going through–
MS010_TK1 ....Thank you for rescuing me. ...Thank you for rescuing me.
MS010_TK2 Most of Medon fights for Doluna now.
My own brother Michalis leads them.
Most of Macedon fights for Dolhr now.
My own brother, Michalis, leads them.
Still, I fear for my soldiers whom I can Still, I fear for my soldiers, whom I can
Doluna worried we would rebel, and
forced us to separate.
Dolhr worried we would rebel and forced
us to separate.
Let us help you defeat Doluna, and repay
them for sullying Medon's honor.
Let us help you defeat Dolhr and repay
them for sullying Macedon's honor.
MS011_ED1 We can enter the palace, but Doluna still We can enter the palace, but Dolhr still
MS011_H2 This here is Knorda, Akaneia's closest This here is Knorda, Archanea's closest
MS011_H3 'Course, my Jake won't talk to no-one
but the most beautiful of women...
Course, my Jake won't give no one but
the ladies the time of day...
MS011_H3_1 the Akaneian League now? the Archanean League now?
MS011_H4 Akaneian folk and are holdin' em over Archanean folk and are holdin' em over
MS011_H5 ones if you ask me. ones, if you ask me.
MS011_H6 the generations of House Akaneia: the generations of House Archanea:
hands on them- or so it goes. hands on them–or so it goes.
MS011_OP1 Akaneians were killed. Archaneans were killed.
parents grotesquely changed... parents grotesquely...changed...
MS011_TK1 I am Shiida of Talys.
An Akaneian woman by the name of
I am Caeda of Talys.
An Archanean woman by the name of
kicking Akaneia while they're down... kicking Archanea while they're down...
Then why not fight for Akaneia
instead? Help us defeat Grust and
Doluna, and set the world right.
Then why not fight for Archanea
instead? Help us defeat Grust and Dolhr,
and set the world right.
But I'm doin' it for Anna– just to be But I'm doin' it for Anna–just to be
MS011_VIL1_1 I heard you are holding some Akaneians I heard you are holding some Archaneans
How 'bout I release my fist into yer- How 'bout I release my fist into yer–
MS011_VIL1_2 My name is Linde. My father is- was- My name is Linde. My father is–was–
With Princess Nyna's blessing, and the With Princess Nyna's blessing and the
MS012_BT_VORZENE Rebel pup! You dare defy Doluna? Rebel pup! You dare defy Dolhr?
MS012_ED1 The whole Akaneian League fought The whole Archanean League fought
I have little doubt your exploits are the
ones that will live on in song.
I have little doubt your exploits are
the ones that will live on in song.
MS012_ED2 passed down through House Akaneia.
The other two regalia- the sword
Mercurius and the lance Gradivus-
passed down through House Archanea.
The other two regalia–the sword
Mercurius and the lance Gradivus–
I had hoped to give you all three, and I had hoped to give you all three and
back and use them to crush Doluna. back and use them to crush Dolhr.
MS012_OP1 By “we” I mean Akaneia.
Akaneia is saved.
By “we” I mean Archanea.
Archanea is saved.
I...I had hoped to see him one last time- I...I had hoped to see him one last time–
MS013_H2 for Akaneia, you know. for Archanea, you know.
Akaneia's banner than Doluna's. Archanea's banner than Dolhr's.
MS013_OP1 Nonetheless we must face them head-on; Nonetheless, we must face them head-on;
MS013_TK1 Akaneia is free!
The Altean army came, and liberated the
Archanea is free!
The Altean army came and liberated the
You needn't dance to Doluna's fiddle You needn't dance to Dolhr's fiddle
instead of Doluna! instead of Dolhr!
MS013_TK2 Nyna- not you, my lord.
I will follow your orders, but should I
learn you have been false to her, or that
you are manipulating her...
Nyna–not you, my lord.
I will follow your orders, but should I
learn you have been false to her, or
that you are manipulating her...
skill, and of your help. skill and of your help.
MS013_VIL1 The name's Beck. I fought in the battle at
Castle Deil.
The name's Beck. I fought in the battle
at Castle Deil.
So how 'bout it, princey? So how 'bout it, Princey?
MS014_ED3 Then, to find Falchion- Then, to find Falchion–
MS014_H2 classes- move up in the world, you might
classes–move up in the world, you
might say!
MS014_OP1 Altea and Aurelis and Akaneia... Altea and Aurelis and Archanea...
And he leads all the might of Akaneia, And he leads all the might of Archanea,
Did you send to Doluna for reinforcements Did you send to Dolhr for reinforcements
Medon's pegasus knights are on their Macedon's pegasus knights are on their
How am I supposed to stop the Lea- How am I supposed to stop the Lea–
rest of the Empire! rest of the empire!
MS014_TK1_1 so we absconded from Medon to come so we absconded from Macedon to come
MS014_TK2_1 Medon.
My younger sister and I parted ways with
Medon the moment we heard Princess
My younger sister and I parted ways with
Macedon the moment we heard Princess
Until now, we had fought for Doluna
against our will- but no longer.
Until now, we had fought for Dolhr
against our will–but no longer.
If the three of us- Catria, Est, and I- If the three of us–Catria, Est, and I–
MS014_TK2_2 Medon.
My younger sister and I parted ways with
Medon, that we might come here to
My younger sister and I parted ways with
Macedon, that we might come here to
better than a pawn of Doluna,
our mistress, the princess Minerva,
loved Medon in her heart of hearts.
better than a pawn of Dolhr,
our mistress, the princess Minerva,
loved Macedon in her heart of hearts.
If the three of us- Catria, Est, and I- If the three of us–Catria, Est, and I–
MS014_VIL1 of Akaneia.
General Volzhin of Doluna had been
of Archanea.
General Volzhin of Dolhr had been
MS015_ED1_2 I am speaking to you from Medon I am speaking to you from Macedon
grasp, Doluna now must think twice before grasp, Dolhr now must think twice before
And one day, he plans to conquer Doluna And one day, he plans to conquer Dolhr
But Gharnef, one of my two pupils-
Miloah being the other- took the forbidden
But Gharnef, one of my two pupils–
Miloah being the other–took the forbidden
Gharnef's reign will end. Gharnef's reign will come to an end.
MS015_H1 undo him: the magic of Starli- undo him: the magic of Starli–
He might be listenin' in with those wizard- He might be listenin' in with those wizard
MS015_H2 Another thing, about Gharnef- Another thing, about Gharnef–
You don't want to fight him head-on.
you don't want to fight him head-on.
MS015_OP1 The dregs of Akaneia have come to The dregs of Archanea have come to
MS016_ED1 On behalf of House Akaneia, I wish to On behalf of House Archanea, I wish to
MS016_ED2 have driven Doluna from my homeland. have driven Dolhr from my homeland.
MS016_H2 but it might just claim your life instead of
your foe's.
but it might just claim your life instead
of your foe's.
MS016_OP1_1 That's Altea beneath our feet- That's Altea beneath our feet–
Countless days have passed since Doluna
took my kingdom from me-
Countless days have passed since Dolhr
took my kingdom from me–
the sacrifices of so many others.. the sacrifices of so many others.
MS016_TK1 Hey there, princey. Hey there, Princey.
When Doluna caught on, they started When Dolhr caught on, they started
or “face my doom.” Hah! or "face my doom." Hah!
MS016_VIL2 renown...but that was then, and this is
renown...but that was then, and this
is now.
String PAL NTSC-U Notes
MS017_ED1_1 that Dolunian dragon... that Dolhrian dragon...
MS017_ED1_2 We could send someone in your stead- We could send someone in your stead–
MS017_ED2_1 Its people, ragged from years of Dolunian Its people, ragged from years of Dolhrian
MS017_ED2_2 “Glory to Marth, our prince of light!
Glory to our star and savior!”
"Glory to Marth, our prince of light!
Glory to our star and savior!"
MS017_OP1 myself. Your sister Elice lives only myself. Your sister, Elice, lives only
Emperor Medeus would not put me on this Emperor Medeus would not put me on this The NTSC-U version has a line break before this line instead of a "clear text box" command.
MS018_ED1 few able companions, and let sleeping few able companions and let sleeping
MS018_OP2, it's just- they say the Sable, it's just–they say the Sable
I am told Doluna is not very happy with him I am told Dolhr is not very happy with him
MS018_TK1 I am Est, of the Medonian Whitewings- I am Est, of the Macedonian Whitewings–
one of Akaneia's three regalia-
the sword Mercurius-
one of Archanea's Three Regalia–
the sword Mercurius–
MS019_ED1_3 “Camus the Sable”, they call him. "Camus the Sable," they call him.
MS019_OP1 Defilers have set foot inside the fane- Defilers have set foot inside the fane–
Your divine dragon kin perished long ago, Your divine-dragon kin perished long ago,
MS019_TK2 N-
That Well, if you want...
That Well, if you want?