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Jeritza/Supports (Warriors: Three Hopes)

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Small portrait jeritza fewa2.png
Support information: Small portrait shez f fewa2.png
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B Support

Jeritza: ...
Shez: Uh, Jeritza? What's wrong?
Jeritza: Not here either.
Shez: Hey, hold on. If you're looking for someone, I'd be more than glad to help.
Jeritza: Leave me be.

If Mercedes is recruited and alive If Mercedes has not been recruited or has died

Shez: Friendly as ever, I see. Y'know, it's kinda hard to believe you and Mercedes are related.

Shez: Why don't you let me help you? You seem worried.
Jeritza: How could you tell?
Shez: You're not exactly hiding it. You nearly busted the chapel door clear off its hinges.
Jeritza: ...
I'm looking for someone. She is injured.
Shez: Huh? Did someone go missing from the infirmary? Wait, are you talking about an enemy?!
Jeritza: Not an enemy. However, she fled when she saw me.

If Bernadetta is recruited and alive If Bernadetta has not been recruited or has died

Shez: Well then, why would she run? Ohhh, I get it. Was it Bernadetta?
Jeritza: Not her. Though...the one I seek was likely frightened by me as well.

Shez: Well, you're not really the most approachable guy. There's kinda this murder-y aura about you. Like if I let my guard down for even a second, it'd be the last thing I ever do.
Jeritza: That is not my intention.
Shez: I know that, but you'd probably still scare the life outta someone who's already jumpy. Even a beast would turn tail and run if it caught sight of the Death Knight.
Jeritza: Then what would you suggest? I will never capture her at this rate.

Give him advice. Offer to help.

Shez: Your biggest problem is that you always look like you're out for blood. Maybe we should start there? Just try to smile when the two of you talk. And definitely don't look like you're gonna kill her.
Jeritza: When we talk? Interesting.

Jeritza: Time is wasting. I must go.
Shez: Wait, Jeritza! Is he really gonna be OK?

A Support

???: Meowww...
Shez: Huh? Oh, it's a cat. Looks like something spooked it. What's wrong, little guy? Is someone chasing you? Heh, not that you'd be able to tell me anyway.
Jeritza: ...
Shez: Jeritza? What's wrong? Wait a sec. Why do I feel like this has happened before?
Jeritza: There you are.
Shez: Uh...yeah? What's up?
Jeritza: Not you. Her. The creature who raided the pantry.
Shez: Wait, you mean...the cat?
Jeritza: She is swift. This is not the first time she has eluded my grasp.
Shez: Not the first... Ohhh. So this is who you were chasing the last time.
Jeritza: Yes. She was injured. I tried to tend to her. But she fled. Eventually, another soldier apprehended her.
Shez: ...
Jeritza: ...
Shez: So that's what was going on. It wasn't a person who went missing, it was a cat. Now that I think about it, I dunno if you ever said she was a person. Sorry for jumping to conclusions.
Jeritza: The fault is mine as well. My word choice was poor.
Shez: Honestly, I'm more surprised than anything. Never really saw you as a cat person. I always thought your antisocial tendencies extended to everyone, human and animal.
Jeritza: I only loathe people. I had a cat once. Back at House Bartels, with my sister.
Shez: No kidding? So they weren't always scared of you?
Jeritza: No. However, the cat vanished. After my mother and sister left. Perhaps it was the sight of me covered in blood.

That might be it. Nah, probably not.

Shez: I'm no cat expert, but they say animals can sense danger. Maybe it could tell that you'd become a threat somehow.
Jeritza: Ah.

Shez: Eh, cats are fickle. Anyway, what do you plan to do once you've caught this bread bandit?
Jeritza: Take her with me. And make sure she never steals again.
???: Mreowr?!
Shez: What's that supposed to mean? Look, you practically scared the whiskers right off her!
Jeritza: I only planned to give her some food. I wonder why she was frightened.
Shez: Yeah, I think it's gonna be a while till she realizes you just wanna help.


Small portrait jeritza fewa2.png
Support information: Small portrait edelgard fewa2.png
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C Support

Jeritza: ...
Edelgard: Now here's a rare sight. Since when do you read tactics manuals? Do you miss your days at the Officers Academy?
Jeritza: There's nothing to miss.
Edelgard: No? Because I seem to recall everyone being in awe of their incredibly talented combat professor. I had big plans for you after you were assigned to us, but then the academy was forced to close its doors. Still, you played a small but critical role.
Jeritza: ...
Edelgard: Still not one for conversation, I see. Even so, I feel I understand you and your thoughts more now than when we first met.
Jeritza: ...
Edelgard: You see? That silence of yours just said, "I don't need you to know me." Such a typical Emile thing to say.
Jeritza: Hmph. Don't call me that.
Edelgard: Why? Because Emile von Bartels is dead? Because he was already hunted down and killed for slaughtering everyone in his house?
Jeritza: He should have been.
Edelgard: Is that so? Well, I disagree. This is why you live on as Jeritza von Hrym, and why you remain in good standing with a house that will one day be yours. This is why the world has the Death Knight. For my goals to be achieved, both men are indispensable.
Jeritza: You're greedy to desire that monster's power. His thirst is endless. Every soul he takes makes him less human.
Edelgard: If so, I'd say the Death Knight is the greedy one. I must watch my step, lest he and his scythe come for me in the night.
Jeritza: You are my master. For now. You let the Death Knight hunt. I am grateful. Your life is safe.
Edelgard: There's nothing to be grateful for. This is and has always been a contract that sees to both our needs. It just so happens I like having you—and the Death Knight—in my corner.
Jeritza: ...

A Support

Jeritza: Hmph!
Edelgard: Bored, are we?
Jeritza: Training is useless. Swords are for killing.
Edelgard: I can see why you'd find it vexing. To you, real battles are a source of sustenance. It's easy to forget how some people welcome this war—especially the Death Knight.
Jeritza: Without the war, I would just be killing someone less deserving. When it ends, our contract expires. Then I face my punishment.
Edelgard: You're still adamant about that? I agree that— circumstances aside—a crime like yours warrants some kind of punishment. But there are other ways to go about it. For example, you could atone for your sins by doing good in the world. Or is anything less than perdition off the table? It's not as if the members of House Bartels were completely innocent, after all.
Jeritza: ...
Jeritza: That is what you want. Not me. It is my future. I choose how I live and die.
Edelgard: ...
Edelgard: Well, I'm sorry to hear you'll be leaving us, but I do respect your resolve. I'm pleased you're choosing to live and face the consequences instead of taking the craven's way out.
Jeritza: Let them lock me up. And if I'm ever forgiven... This is my path. If I die in a cell, so be it.
Edelgard: Well, whatever you seek for yourself, I hope you find it. I truly do. We all deserve to be the architects of our own lives. I believe that so fiercely that I started a war to remake the world under that ideal.
Jeritza: You did so much for me. I'm sorry it came to this.
Edelgard: Don't apologize. If anything, I'm grateful. Thank you, Emile. I mean, Jeritza.
Jeritza: ...
Edelgard: Ah, so I won't get scolded for saying the wrong name? That's a step forward.
Jeritza: Ugh...
Edelgard: Whatever you and I expect from tomorrow, we have to keep fighting for it. Are you with me?
Jeritza: I am.


Small portrait jeritza fewa2.png
Support information: Small portrait mercedes fewa2.png
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A Support

Jeritza: "Dear son. I hope this letter finds you well, and that you and your sister aren't fighting too much."

Scarlet Blaze Scarlet Blaze Azure Gleam Azure Gleam

Jeritza: "It's been some time since I left the church in the Kingdom, but I'm making do."

Jeritza: "Once this war is over, I hope the three of us can live together again..." She seems in good health.
Mercedes: Yes. She sent me this letter as soon as I wrote her about being reunited with you. I know she was happy to hear that. She was always so worried about you, you know?
Jeritza: ...
Mercedes: We haven't seen you since we left House Bartels, so please go visit her when you have a chance. As you read, we were thinking that after the war is over we could perhaps reunite.
Jeritza: No.
Mercedes: Why not?
Jeritza: I...cannot face her. I killed my father. Slaughtered everyone in the house. Our mother shouldn't meet a murderer.
Mercedes: Yes, I heard about that—but I'm certain you took those actions because you felt you had to, right? Just explain it to her. She'll listen to you.
Jeritza: You do not understand. There is a murderous demon in my heart. The Death Knight inside me would cut you and our mother down without hesitation. If that happened, I would...lose myself.
Mercedes: But we're here talking right now, and you're just as you always were. You're my little Emile who loves kittens and sweets!
Jeritza: Mercedes... I may be fine now—and perhaps the demon in me will even perish someday. But I cannot live with you until I pay for my crimes. And considering the weight of them, that day may never come.
Mercedes: But...
Jeritza: I seek only to be judged by the law and thereby atone.
Mercedes: So that's what you've decided, is it? In that case, I have no choice but to support you, no matter how sad it makes me. But just know that Mother and I will always be waiting for you, no matter how long it takes. I look forward to the day when you can show your face to her proudly.
Jeritza: I see.
Mercedes: We might both be old ladies by then... But we'll still be able to talk over tea like always!
Jeritza: Thank you, Mercedes.


Small portrait jeritza fewa2.png
Support information: Small portrait manuela fewa2.png
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C Support

Manuela: Well, if it isn't Jeritza. What are you doing out here all by your lonesome? Come to think of it, you were always at the training grounds when we were at the Officers Academy, too.
Jeritza: It was quiet there.
Manuela: You don't say? Personally, I prefer somewhere I can kick back with a nice drink. Speaking of which, we should get one together sometime. I'm sure Hanneman would spare a moment to join us.
Jeritza: I don't drink.
Manuela: Too bad. I thought it would be a good chance for us to get to know each other. By the way, I've been wondering. Why were you always hiding behind that mask? A waste of a perfectly handsome face, if you ask me. I like you much better this way.
Jeritza: It's not worth discussion.
Manuela: Oh! From what I've heard, you're probably a good few years younger than me... Yet you're so mature. It's like you have this indescribable air of mystery. I bet there's some burning passion lurking beneath that icy exterior, longing for reprieve! I'm right, aren't I? It's in there somewhere, I just know it!
Jeritza: ...
Manuela: Say, let's grab some drinks tonight nothing with them. Because you don't like to drink. I know, why don't we go out dancing instead?
Jeritza: I could not reveal my face.
Manuela: And then when the sun rises, we can... What was that about your face? Why you hide it? Why do you hide it?
Jeritza: Some knew be a wanted criminal.
Manuela: I find that hard to believe. Like they say, there are two sides to every story, right? But what made you want to tell me? A moment ago you blew me off with that broody "none of your business" routine.
Jeritza: You would have kept talking if I didn't.
Manuela: Hehe.
Jeritza: Did I say something strange?
Manuela: Sorry, I wasn't trying to tease. I just think you're cute when you're flustered.
Manuela: You've become quite the ladies' man. Just you wait. I don't give up that easily!
Jeritza: Huh?

B Support

Manuela: Oh? Is that... If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're getting along great with the soldiers now. Maybe it's because they can finally see your face.
Jeritza: I have never been concerned with how others view me. But if you say so...then perhaps it's true. You have always been perceptive. Even back at Garreg Mach.
Manuela: My, you flatter me. I'm honored you noticed me at all. Hmmm. Yes, that's it. All we need is that one finishing touch.
Jeritza: Finishing touch?
Manuela: Yes. There's something you're missing. Do you know what it is, Jeritza?
Jeritza: ...
Manuela: ...
Too bad, time's up. The answer is... A smile! Yes! Nothing makes people feel safer than a nice set of pearly whites. Don't get me wrong, your cool demeanor has a certain charm. But if you smile like I do, people will be naturally drawn to you. It would also make it easier to talk to your peers and subordinates. Wouldn't you like that?
Jeritza: No.
Manuela: Oh, no need to be shy. It couldn't hurt, right? And it doesn't just work on people. Animals will be more comfortable around you too.
Jeritza: Animals... Like cats?
Manuela: Of course! Cats, dogs, even fish! They'll all flock to you in droves!
Jeritza: Fish, hm.
Manuela: Sounds good, right? Now, when it comes to smiling, the important thing is to move your mouth. And your demeanor will suffer if you're always mumbling. So keep that in mind, OK? All right, let's try it out. Give me your best shot on three. One, two, three!
Jeritza: ...
Manuela: ...
Jeritza: Heh. It seems being a teacher was your calling.
Manuela: A teacher? That's not really what I was going for. This must be why I'm still single.
Jeritza: I don't think you need to change.


Small portrait jeritza fewa2.png
Support information: Small portrait catherine fewa2.png
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C Support

Jeritza: ...
Catherine: Looks like someone beat me here. Hey, Jeritza.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: You do know we're allies now, right? You could at least say hello.
Jeritza: I suppose.
Catherine: Talkative as ever, I see. I take it you're here to train?
Jeritza: Yes.
Catherine: You don't say. Well, this is as good an opportunity as any. What say you and I have ourselves a little duel? I've been itching to cross swords with you since we were at Garreg Mach. We never had a chance to cut loose and really fight, did we? They say the way someone wields their blade can tell you who they really are. So come on, show me.
Jeritza: Very well. Draw your sword.
Catherine: Hyah!
Jeritza: Hmph!
Catherine: Ha! You're not half bad!
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: What, done already? Things were just getting interesting.
Jeritza: This will not end until one of us dies. I have no reason to fight you. I care not when my life ends. But you... You do not wish to kill an ally.
Catherine: That's right.

If Mercedes is alive If Mercedes has died

Catherine: If I cut you down now, I'd never be able to face your sister.

Catherine: We'll have to save the real fight for another time. Let's call this one a draw. Heh.
Jeritza: Hm?
Catherine: Sorry. I'm just glad you were even tougher than I expected. Now I know why you were the weapons instructor. You'll have to teach me something new next time, "Professor."
Jeritza: I care not for jokes.
Catherine: Bad habit, what can I say. It's not every day I get to go up against someone as good as you. I look forward to our next bout— just, not to the death. Anyway, I'm going to call it a day. Thanks, Jeritza.
Jeritza: ...

B Support

Catherine: Phew. Your form's great today. Thanks for sparring with me, Jeritza.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: Though, I have to say... We've faced off a few times now, but I still can't figure you out. Your skill is undeniable, but there's no emotion behind it. Your swordsmanship says nothing about you. If it's because you can't take it seriously, then you're welcome to come at me with everything you've got.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: Why are you staring at me like that? Don't tell me I offended you.
Jeritza: Very well. Entertain me with your blade.
Catherine: Heh... OK then. Let's do this. I knew there was another side of you!
Jeritza: More... I need more! Satisfy my thirst for blood!
Catherine: Give me a break. Stop, stop. I've had enough.
Jeritza: What?
Catherine: Unlike Jeritza, the way you fight reveals a lot about you. I'm sure you're content just fighting worthy opponents to the death... But I have people I need to protect. People I'm fighting for. Life's too precious to waste on a fleeting moment of fun, Death Knight.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: That's why I can't be the one to kill you, like you so desperately desire. But hey, Fódlan's a big place. There's got to be someone out there who will give you what you want. They might even be closer than you think. You just have to look, right? Why don't you make finding that person your reason to keep fighting?
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: All that said, I'm still a warrior. Nothing gets my blood pumping like facing a tough opponent. So while I can't help you put an end to your life, I'd be more than happy to help you live it. Until our next duel, "Professor." See you around.
Jeritza: Hmph. I thought she of all people would slay the darkness that dwells within me. What a merciless woman...