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Gunnthrá/Quotes (Heroes)

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Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams

At the castle

I am Gunnthrá of Nifl. Oh, my! We are finally acquainted. In dreams, I've sensed your desire to meet.
— When summoned.
My homeland is always blanketed by snow. Compared to that, it's warm here. Hot, even. I'm sweating! Can you direct me to where I might bathe?
— At the castle.
Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice, is bitterly cold during the winter. As children, my sisters and I cuddled as we slept.
— At the castle.
If you feel tired, I'd suggest taking a nap. I always used to tell my sisters the same thing!
— At the castle.
You have my apologies. It's so warm and comfortable here... I just dozed off.
— At the castle.
On behalf of my dear sisters, I will do whatever I can to help you. Please don't hesitate to ask for anything.
— At the castle.
Today, I come bearing the greetings of <friend>.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

I am Gunnthrá... The eldest princess of Nifl.
— On the character status screen.
Oh, my! I wasn't expecting you to just...
— On the character status screen.
You saved my dear sister. For that, you have my thanks.
— On the character status screen.
You're a gentle soul, and your hands are so warm.
— On the character status screen.
You must be exhausted. Why don't we take a rest?
— On the character status screen.
I wish that all of my siblings could live happily together. If only...
— On the character status screen.
I want to do whatever I can to help you. Just tell me what you need, and I'll be there.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

Oh, <player>... Sweet <player>... Yes, it is I, Gunnthrá. We first met in a dream. At last we're united. As you may remember... I can't speak to just anyone using that rite. Once I establish that link... I can speak to just one person, for my entire life... And to make that connection, I have to pledge myself to them from the very depths of my heart. I can tell that you understand what I mean, <player>. When we first spoke, I knew almost nothing of you... Yet I pledged myself to you without hesitation. Oh, don't fret. I would never hold that over you, even as a joke! If there is anything I can ever do to help you, just say the word. It would bring me tremendous happiness.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star Rarity.

Map quotes

Of course.
— When selected on the map screen.
What can I do?
— When selected on the map screen.
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Oh, my... What should I do now?
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
Thank goodness! I can breathe a little sigh of relief.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Oh, how delightful.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
How kind you are to think of me.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Please hold still.
— When using a special skill.
Can you forgive me?
— When using a special skill.
Desist in your actions.
— When using a special skill.
What a predicament.
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

Fjorm... I'm sorry.
— When defeated.

Gunnthrá: Year's First Dream

At the castle

I am Gunnthrá, eldest princess of Nifl. I've come to visit and to offer a blessing for the new year. May all your dreams come true.
— When summoned.
I've been assured the measurements are accurate, but this outfit is still so difficult to breathe in... Does everyone have this much trouble getting used to this?
— At the castle.
As royalty, I have received training in various weapons, so I do have a little experience outside of magic.
— At the castle.
My home may change, but what I hope for remains the same...a world where people can smile peacefully.
— At the castle.
The first shrine trip of the year is a sacred custom. I like to pray for a tranquil year.
— At the castle.
Will you be taking an omikuji? It's kind of like a kind of lottery, is it not? I find the idea interesting...
— At the castle.
Happy New Year. I bring a greeting from <friend>!
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

That Fjorm and I can spend this holiday together, oh... It means the world to me!
— On the character status screen.
Oh, thank you! I was about to take a tumble... This robe!
— On the character status screen.
To see the world calm and peaceful, with the feelings of the people warm and gentle... That's what would make me happy.
— On the character status screen.
I hear that it is a New Year's tradition to visit a shrine. How wonderful!
— On the character status screen.
Would you mind helping me loosen my garment? It's a bit...constrictive!
— On the character status screen.
Am I wearing this correctly? It's a little bit hard to breathe!
— On the character status screen.
Ever since I met you, in my dream, I have always, always... Well.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

Tell me... Have you dreamt your first dream of the new year? I happened to have a very nice one myself. I can't give you all the details, but it is a dream I'd love to become reality one day... I like to think it will come true if I work to make it so. And I intend to do just that. If it does come true... Well, I'll tell you all about it then. I look forward to that time.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star Rarity.

Map quotes

Let's try this...
— When selected on the map screen.
A new year!
— When selected on the map screen.
I'm ready to go!
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

A good omen for the coming spring.
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
I'm grateful for this growth.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
It's like a bad dream...
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
Thank you for the New Year's gift. I will keep your kindness in my heart.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

I can do more than magic!
— When using a special skill.
Well, it's not proper, but...
— When using a special skill.
Happy New Year!
— When using a special skill.
My hope is for happiness!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

Off to a bad start...
— When defeated.

Gunnthrá: Beaming Smile

At the castle

I am Gunnthrá, first princess of Nifl. I am not used to hot places, but...I'm happy to spend time here with you.
— When summoned.
Is this appropriate beachwear? I've never had occasion to dress like this, so I just want to be sure...
— At the castle.
Have you seen Ylgr around here? It's her first time in a summery place like this, so I want to keep an eye on her.
— At the castle.
The sun is shining bright today...Please be careful not to get sunburned, <player>.
— At the castle.
My home is a land of perpetual snow. A place like this, where summer lasts's all so new to me...
— At the castle.
With sunlight playing off the palms and the soothing sound of waves...This place is the stuff of dreams!
— At the castle.
My name is Gunnthrá. I come bearing warm, summer tidings from our friend <friend>.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

— On the character status screen.
The heat is intense, isn't it? Be sure to take care of yourself.
— On the character status screen.
What's that? Oh, you have a fan for me? How thoughtful.
— On the character status screen.
My homeland is blanketed in snow...I am just not used to this heat!
— On the character status screen.
Let me lay my hands on you. That should cool you down a bit.
— On the character status screen.
A dip in the ocean on a summer's day is so refreshing, isn't it?
— On the character status screen.
This outfit is making me feel a bit bolder than I usually am!
— On the character status screen.
There's no need to let the heat get to you as long as I'm around. I can cool you down!
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

The ocean during summer is really special, isn't it? Something about it allows one to open their heart... Now that I'm used to the heat of the sun, it's quite pleasant... In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's delightful! Perhaps you've noticed, but...I feel so comfortable here that standing closer to you feels...nice. It's true that winter's cold draws people close, but summer's freeing warmth seems to do the same... But with us speaking so closely, I'm beginning to feel a little flush... Is it time for another swim, perhaps?
— After reaching level 40 at five-star Rarity.

Map quotes

— When selected on the map screen.
Summer? Ooh!
— When selected on the map screen.
Let's Swim!
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Perhaps I was not meant for the summer lifestyle..
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
It seems I've grown used to the heat of the summer sun.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Oh, how delightful. Like a warm summer's dream.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
You should really be relaxing. To think of're far too kind.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Oh, my!
— When using a special skill.
— When using a special skill.
I'll be bold!
— When using a special skill.
Warm summer greetings!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

I don't want to leave.
— When defeated.