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This page contains all data pertaining to Fogado's supports in Fire Emblem Engage.


Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alear m fe17.png
5 support points
20 support points
35 support points
Pact Ring:
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Ring support

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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait clanne fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait etie fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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C support

Fogado: Hmm... What to do, what to do...
Etie: About what, Prince Fogado?
Fogado: Ah, it's nothing serious. I'm just struggling to come up with ideas for my next party. I want to do something that puts a smile on everyone's face, but it's a little tricky.
Etie: What's so hard about a party?
Fogado: Well, you know, there aren't many bands available for gigs in wartime. Plus our budget's really limited, so there's not much room for error.
Etie: Huh. I hadn't thought about that, but you've got a point.
Fogado: Oh, what if we had a dessert party? Get together and just eat some sweet treats.
Etie: Desserts are the opposite of a party.
Fogado: Huh... I've never met anyone who hated dessert.
Etie: Hate's a strong word. I just love my muscles too much to load up on empty calories like that. What do you say to a workout party instead?
Fogado: What kind of party is that?
Etie: It's where a bunch of people get together and do nothing but tone their muscles.
Fogado: Huh. Interesting...suggestion, but I don't think that would be everyone's cup of tea.
Etie: You don't think so?
Fogado: Nah. I'll keep brainstorming. Thanks though.

B support

Etie: Prince Fogado, any new party ideas?
Fogado: Ugh, no. It's been a bumpy road. I considered doing a feast of meats, but most meals have meat, so that's not special. Then I thought, maybe a vegetarian feast, but Timerra shot that down. Finally I realized, maybe we just do drinks. But then...what if people get hungry?! Why does it have to be so complicated?
Etie: I have two words for you-muscle stimulants.
Fogado: Is that the stuff you're always drinking?
Etie: Yep. Every musclehead swears by them.
Fogado: Nope. Nope. Nope. That is not gonna work.
Etie: Why not?
Fogado: Come on-it's medicine! It probably tastes...well, like medicine.
Etie: Oh, so you've tried it?
Fogado: No, but-
Etie: Then how could you possibly know?
Fogado: Well, I... Yeah, I guess you got me there. But still. You think it'll be fun for people to just hang out and...drink workout juice?
Etie: Haha! Oh, Prince Fogado. You really are clueless. Muscle stimulants taste like medicine. You really think we drink them raw every day?
Fogado: I mean... Yeah, kinda.
Etie: I've got the makings of an idea for your party. Give me some time to put muscle on its bones.
Fogado: All right, then. I'm waiting with bated breath.

A support

Etie: Thanks for showing up, Prince Fogado. Today I'm gonna give you a taste of the infinite potential hidden in muscle stimulants. Try this one first.
Fogado: Wow, these look delicious!
Etie: Heh. I've got dried fruitcake, honey pie, some camel-milk mousse, and these pastries. All of them feature my muscle stimulants as a key ingredient.
Fogado: What?! You put your muscle stuff in all of these?
Etie: Every one. But don't just stand there and stare. Taste them for yourself.
Fogado: All right. Down the hatch... ... That's...that's really good! It's sweet, but not so sweet that it overpowers the other flavors.
Etie: I replaced the sugar in that one with some sweet-tasting muscle stimulant. That way, I can eat all I want without worrying about losing muscle tone.
Fogado: Wow, delicious and healthy, to boot. I might have to serve these at my next party after all. It's a totally fresh idea too. Folks can chow down and train up at the same time.
Etie: Told you so.
Fogado: I'd better start planning. You wanna help, Etie? It was your idea, after all.
Etie: Absolutely. On one condition. First we run 10 laps around the Somniel. Then 1,000 push-ups, 1,000 sit-up, and after that...
Fogado: Wha- Hey, hold on! Why do I have to do all that?
Etie: You're the host. You should be pushing your body's limits, like a real musclehead. That way, you'll have the firsthand experience you need to host the party right.
Fogado: OK... But don't push me too hard, all right? I've never done this before.
Etie: Gotcha. I'll push you just hard enough that you don't croak.
Fogado: Whoa, whoa! A little gentler than that, if you don't mind.


Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait céline fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait yunaka fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alcryst fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait lapis fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait pandreo fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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C support

Pandreo: Well, that's over and done with! Was that easy or was that easy? Those losers thought they were though, but we showed them, eh? AROOO!
Fogado: Uh, yeah. Aroo...
Pandreo: Oh, come on!
Fogado: What?
Pandreo: You're bumming me out here.
Fogado: Oh, sorry.
Pandreo: "Oh, sorry." Give me a break! Lighten up. Seeing you down in the dumps like this freaks me out. Let's dance it out, come on! Arf! Arf, arf, arf!
Fogado: Ruff... Rawr... Rawr...
Pandreo: Ugh, no! Now I know something's up. What happened? Bunet leave a hair in your chowder?
Fogado: Sorry. I was just thinking.
Pandreo: About?
Fogado: Uh... The party.
Pandreo: What?! That's why you're so distracted?
Fogado: Yeah. I just can't wait to tear up the dance floor.
Pandreo: Aw, yeah! There's the prince of parties I know and love! Come on. Let's get you to that bash before you pass out.
Fogado: Woo. Can't wait down.
Pandreo: Same! AROOO!

B support

Pandreo: Good going back there! Those guys were pretty tough.
Fogado: Yep, they were.
Pandreo: Whaddaya say we celebrate the win by partying till we can't see straight?
Fogado: Ugh...
Pandreo: Uh... Something wrong?
Fogado: Sorry, Pandreo, but I'm gonna take a rain check.
Pandreo: What?! No, no. My ears must be playing tricks on me. Fogado turning down a party? What's going on? You eat something that's not agreeing with you?
Fogado: ... Ha, just kidding! Heh, heh... You should have seen the look on your face.
Pandreo: Aw, man! You really had me going there.
Fogado: Haha, sorry. Thought it would be fun to mess with you a little bit.
Pandreo: Geez! Breaking a guy's heart—you call that fun?
Fogado: Pandreo, before I forget... Will you hear my confession soon?
Pandreo: Better not be another cruel prank. Fool me once, et cetera. As long as you promise not to yank my chain again...of course I'll hear your confession.
Fogado: Thanks, Pandreo. I appreciate it.

A support

Fogado: Pandreo, I am ready to make a confession.
Pandreo: OK, I'm ready. What do you wish to confess?
Fogado: You see, I...I lied to my friend. To you.
Pandreo: Huh?
Fogado: It's...the war, Pandreo. I'm not sure we can win. Our enemies are getting stronger. I'm so worried for the future I can barely sleep. The other day, when I told you I was distracted because of the party? That was a lie. I just...couldn't stop thinking a-about...all the people who could die on my watch.
Pandreo: Aw, buddy...
Fogado: I'm not the happy-go-lucky guy you think I am. I know it's my job to keep a smile on. I just... I'm so damn scared, Pandreo.
Pandreo: I appreciate you telling me.
Fogado: Only after pulling the wool over your eyes.
Pandreo: Nah, don't flatter yourself. I saw right through it.
Fogado: You did?
Pandreo: Of course. How gullible do you think I am? I can tell when my friend's feeling blue. I'm not a prince, so I won't pretend I can fix it, or that I really know what you're feeling. But what I can do is promise that I'll always support you. As your retainer and your friend. So, don't worry. Uh, let me rephrase that. Worry to your heart's content. I'll still be here.
Fogado: That's all I need.
Pandreo: Good. Because at the end of the day, that's all I can offer.
Fogado: Ah, that's strange... My vision's gone blurry.
Pandreo: Hey, hey, hey. Crying's not allowed, you hear? Because if you do, I'm gonna.
Fogado: No, I'm not crying. Not quite, at least.
Pandreo: Ah, whew. You know this reminds me. It was during a confession you told me you were the prince.
Fogado: That's right. I used to go to your parents' church all the time. You and I were fast friends.
Pandreo: And then you dropped that on me. Easily one of my top five most interesting confessions. I almost forgot to breathe—I was so shocked.
Fogado: Well, you were looking for Panette. I had to tell you she'd become my sister's retainer. And if you didn't know I was the prince, you wouldn't have bought it.
Pandreo: And the next thing you said was even more shocking. You turned to me and asked...
Fogado: How's a job as my retainer sound?
Pandreo: That's right. Ah, that brings me back. The seven most beautiful words I've ever heard. And as your retainer, I'm not just here for the highs, all right? I'm here for the lows too. Whether you need a buddy on the dance floor or a shoulder to cry on, I can be that.
Fogado: Thank you, Pandreo. I gotta say, I'm gladder then ever that I was so honest in my confession back then.


Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait bunet fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait timerra fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait hortensia fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait fogado fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait rosado fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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