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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Saul's supports.


Saul Portrait saul fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait elen fe06.png Elen
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 2 2 5
B 1 1 10 5 5 10
A 1 1 15 7 7 15

C Support

Elen: Are you Brother Saul? I am Elen, a cleric of the St. Elimine Church in Bern. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.
Saul: Dear God, I thank you for your blessing...
Elen: Um... Brother Saul?
Saul: Truly, being able to meet such a beautiful lady is a blessing from God! And you are a follower of the St. Elimine Church, no less! This meeting must have been part of some divine plan. Please, let us meet this evening so that we can discuss the God's love.
Elen: Yes, I would love to. What time can you meet? I am free all night...
Saul: ...... Are you serious?
Elen: I am always serious about God. Why would I refuse?
Saul: ...If you accept so easily, there's no...satisfaction.
Elen: Satisfaction?
Saul: Oh! Please, never you mind. But Elen, are you sure? With a woman like you, I may lose control, things.
Elen: I'm not worried. You are a priest. I'm sure you would never do such a thing.
Saul: ...Er... I'm sorry. Perhaps some other day.
Elen: Oh... I was looking forward to it...

B Support

Saul: Why, hello, Elen.
Elen: Good day, Brother Saul. It is good to see you well.
Saul: ...You are so tense, so stressed! You must relax your muscles.
Elen: ...Do you think so?
Saul: Absolutely. Those in service to God must learn to unwind once in a while. You should enjoy the finer things in life at times, as I do.
Elen: Yes...but...
Saul: I once knew a lady like you... Well, not "knew" so much as "was slapped by", but... If you serve God, you must experience all of His creation. You can experience things that will open your eyes... Things that you will not believe.
Elen: Oh my, yes...
Saul: Life is all about the experiences we can have. Shall we discuss meeting this evening again? I am free at any time.
Elen: That would be marvelous. I would love to hear you.
Saul: Excellent. Then...
Elen: I shall invite the others as well.
Saul: ...Excuse me? The others?
Elen: Oh, yes. If you will preach, then let us help as many as we can. I'll ask Lord Roy, Merlinus, and any others who are interested. I'm sure some of them will be free tonight.
Saul: ...... Dear me... What to do...

A Support

Elen: Brother Saul... Why didn't you come that night? Everyone was so looking forward to your sermon...
Saul: Oh, er... My throat was unwell that day. We can try again some other time...
Elen: Yes, let's. Brother Saul, you are so selfless.
Saul: ...Selfless? Me?
Elen: Oh, yes. You appear to be an impious womanizer. Hardly someone I would call a priest.
Saul: ......
Elen: But I finally realized that there is a reason for that. It is a character act. It is to show that the St. Elimine Church accepts even the lowest of men.
Saul: Ah... I, uh... Hmm. Okay.
Elen: Acting as you do ruins your reputation and image... Everyone thinks you're lazy and only interested in women...
Saul: ......
Elen: But the truth is that you do it for the church. I could not sacrifice myself as you do. You have my respect, Brother Saul.
Saul: Er... Thanks. I think. Well, anyway, just remember to relax once in a while.
Elen: Yes, Brother Saul.


Saul Portrait saul fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait dorothy fe06.png Dorothy
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Dorothy: Oh! There you are!
Saul: Oh, hello, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Where were you, Brother Saul? You always wander off without saying anything...
Saul: It is not "wandering off", Dorothy. I was diligently spreading word of our church at the villages on the way here.
Dorothy: ...Somehow I don't think you were doing your job.
Saul: Don't be ridiculous. I found a young maiden being harassed by a very rude man.
Dorothy: You mean yourself?
Saul: Please, Dorothy, have some faith in me. Anyway, I drove the man off and rescued the maiden. I acted exactly as a holy man ought to.
Dorothy: Really? You're not exactly very strong. How did you do it?
Saul: I went to the man and clung to him, crying, "I thought we loved each other! Why do you reject me?!"
Dorothy: ......
Saul: The man fled with great haste. The maiden, however, was also gone by the time I looked back.

B Support

Dorothy: Brother Saul! I can't believe you!
Saul: What is it, Dorothy? Can't I have a single moment of peace and quiet?
Dorothy: Oh no, you're not brushing me away this time. I heard what you've been up to. You've been flirting with every girl in this army.
Saul: There is a misunderstanding. I was just trying to spread the love of God...
Dorothy: No, I'm not accepting that again!
Saul: What do you mean?
Dorothy: I've heard that excuse before. Think of something better!
Saul: Hm... Very well. Wait a moment while I think of a new one.
Dorothy: What's the point of that?!
Saul: ...Dorothy, why are you so upset? This is nothing new.
Dorothy: That's exactly the problem! People will misjudge the church if they see you.
Saul: I am insulted! I do my job properly, Dorothy. Or haven't you noticed the sharp increase in our female followers?
Dorothy: Don't you understand? If you're just flirting with everyone...
Saul: Understand what?
Dorothy: Enough of this! I'll chew you out tonight when we go back to the chapel.
Saul: ...Sigh...

A Support

Saul: Dorothy...
Dorothy: What is it? I still haven't heard a valid explanation.
Saul: Dorothy, I am sorry... I am sorry I...never understood your feelings...
Dorothy: ...Huh?
Saul: I understand perfectly now. You dislike my flirting because I've always left you out of it.
Dorothy: Wha...?!
Saul: Dorothy, I never knew that you had such strong feelings for me...
Dorothy: Ah, er, um... Th-that was just...
Saul: But I am a servant of God... I must be equally caring to all women. Please forgive me, Dorothy...
Dorothy: Uh... Um, er... I...
Saul: How did that sound, Dorothy?
Dorothy: ...Wh-what?
Saul: I pondered deeply, and that was the best excuse I could come up with.
Dorothy: ......
Saul: V-violence is not a solution, Dorothy. Our loving God would not approve of you pointing your bow at an ally...
Dorothy: I don't care! Get out of my sight before I fill you with arrows!
Saul: Sigh... What are you so upset about now?
Dorothy: Your blockheadedness!


Saul Portrait saul fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait cecilia fe06.png Cecilia
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 2 5 0 5
B 1 2 5 10 0 10
A 1 3 7 15 0 15

C Support

Saul: Oh, dear God above... To meet such a lovely woman... To be witness to this perfect work of beauty...
Cecilia: Oh, you're Saul, right? Good day.
Saul: ...... Oh... Er, yes, good day.
Cecilia: I'm sorry, I was thinking, so I didn't hear what you said. Would you please repeat it for me?
Saul: ...Erm... Sorry, I can't. Anyway, General Cecilia, seeing that we are both servants of God, might you be interested in having dinner with me some time?
Cecilia: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't serve God like you do.
Saul: Of course you do, milady. Everyone in the world serves God.
Cecilia: Do you think so?
Saul: Yes, absolutely. So should I make arrangements for dinner?
Cecilia: I suppose I'll think about it.

B Support

Saul: Ah, General Cecilia!
Cecilia: Oh, Saul.
Saul: To have the privilege of meeting you again... Your beauty is so overwhelming. It is an honor.
Cecilia: Are you always like that?
Saul: Yes, more or less. But my only goal is to make you feel at ease around me... Ah, yes! We must decide on a date for our dinner meeting. Have you thought about it?
Cecilia: Dinner?
Saul: Th-this cannot be! You've forgotten? We agreed that we all serve God in our own way, remember?
Cecilia: Ah yes, I think I can recall vaguely...
Saul: Vaguely?
Cecilia: I'm sorry. I'm busy with the battle.
Saul: Oh... I see. Then I suppose it shall have to be another day. But please do not forget this time.
Cecilia: Yes, I'll try not to.

A Support

Saul: Ah, General Cecilia!
Cecilia: Saul.
Saul: I trust that you have thought about our dinner meeting?
Cecilia: Oh, yes. I will invite you to my manor when the war ends.
Saul: I will look forward to that! It is not every day that one is invited to the manor of an Etrurian noble.
Cecilia: But you might want to bear in mind that my father can be... a little difficult.
Saul: Difficult? What do you mean?
Cecilia: Well, ordinarily my father is a very kind and caring man. However, one time, when I was still a child, I invited a male friend of mine to the manor. When my father saw him, he drew his sword and threatened his life.
Saul: Uh... I would call that more than "difficult".
Cecilia: My father lost his temper, and we tried to calm him down. But he would have none of it. The tea spilled everywhere, the table was sliced in two, and what was supposed to be a dinner party was more like an arena battle. My friend somehow escaped with his life. I will never forget that day.
Saul: ......
Cecilia: But my father isn't that bad compared to my grandfather...
Saul: Oh, I just remembered! I have some work at the church that I must attend to. I'm terribly sorry, but I don't believe I will ever be able to meet for dinner after all...
Cecilia: Oh? I was looking forward to it.


Saul Portrait saul fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait igrene fe06.png Igrene
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 5 5 0 5
B 0 2 10 10 0 10
A 0 3 15 15 0 15

C Support

Saul: Oh, dear God...
Igrene: What?
Saul: That I can meet such a beautiful woman... I feel blessed this day.
Igrene: ...Do you need something?
Saul: Yes, as a matter of fact! ...Ah, before that... I am Saul. And you are, my perfect flower?
Igrene: I am Igrene. So...what do you need?
Saul: Ah, such a beautiful name, as I expected. Igrene... If I were to describe the pleasure of hearing such an elegant name--
Igrene: No, there is no need for that. What is it that you need?
Saul: Do you know of the St. Elimine Church, Igrene? It is very popular among the nobility, because when one prays deeply, all of one's dreams come true!
Igrene: Oh... That's what you want... I'm sorry, but I don't believe in God...
Saul: Oh, but you must. If you don't follow the teachings of the church, you will be cursed!
Igrene: ...The God you follow would do that?
Saul: Oh, no, I was just kidding around. How about we have dinner together one evening? Then I can teach you all about God's love...
Saul: Uh, Igrene? Where are you going?

B Support

Saul: Ah, Igrene!
Igrene: ...You again.
Saul: It is truly a miracle that we could meet once more. Saint Elimine must have guided you towards me.
Igrene: I don't think so. I'll be going now...
Saul: Oh, please wait! It is a wonderful thing to believe, Igrene!
Igrene: I know. I believed in God once. Different from yours, though. I was quite devout.
Saul: Really? Why did you stop believing?
Igrene: Several years ago... I stopped praying. It was after I lost a loved one in battle.
Saul: ...I see.
Igrene: Those who pray to God expect something in return. But when they receive nothing, they cease to believe He exists. I think it's less trouble to never believe in the first place.
Saul: ...... Yes... You may be right.
Igrene: ...Should a priest like you really be saying that?
Saul: Yes, it's fine. I am an open-minded person. However, Saint Elimine did say this: "When God doesn't help us, it is because He believes in us."
Igrene: He...believes in us?
Saul: Yes, I think He does.

A Support

Igrene: Brother Saul.
Saul: Oh, Igrene! What is the matter? Ah, you understand your feelings at last, and decided to see me...
Igrene: It's about what you said before... You said when God doesn't help us it's because He believes in us.
Saul: That is what Saint Elimine said. The God who created this world is all-powerful. He can change people and the world. He can make humans docile so that we don't fight as we do now. But what would that achieve?
Igrene: ......
Saul: Humans manipulated by God are nothing more than mindless puppets. God believes that humans can change, that we can learn from our mistakes. God knows that we can overcome our hardships to achieve peace.
Igrene: ...... I don't believe in God, but I respect what you say, Brother Saul. I must be off now...
Saul: Please, it is my pleasure to be of assistance. Now, shall we discuss our dinner meeting? ...Igrene? Where are you going?


Saul Portrait saul fe06.png Initial: 40
Per turn: +2
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba lightaffin.png
Portrait yoder fe06.png Yoder
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 5 2 2 2
B 1 2 10 5 5 5
A 1 3 15 7 7 7

C Support

Yoder: Saul...
Saul: Father Yoder... Do you need something from me?
Yoder: No...but I thought we might talk a bit. Are you performing your duties as you should?
Saul: Of course, Father Yoder. We get more followers every day thanks to my work. Please take a look at this list...
Yoder: ...Hm. There seem to be an overwhelmingly large number of female names on this list.
Saul: Well... You know.
Yoder: Do I?
Saul: Err... Women must understand my sermons better than gentlemen do.
Yoder: Oh, I see. Very good.
Saul: Yes, thank you.
Yoder: Just remember, Saul, that your duty is that of a missionary Not a philanderer.
Saul: ...... I can't beat him, can I...?

B Support

Yoder: Saul, how is your mission coming along?
Saul: Ah, yes. As I notified you in my letter, Lord Roy is in possession of the Fire Emblem now.
Yoder: Has there been anything else worth noting?
Saul: No, not particularly.
Yoder: I see... I am sorry to put you through all this, Saul.
Saul: No, please don't be. I did it all for our loving Saint Elimine.
Yoder: Yes, of course. That warms my heart to hear. ...Oh, Saul. I have received a complaint from Sir Merlinus. Apparently you stalk Princess Guinivere wherever she goes...
Saul: Well, Father Yoder. That is my mission.
Yoder: Saul, your mission is to keep an eye on the Fire Emblem. And you already told me that it is now in the hands of Lord Roy. Not Princess Guinivere.
Saul: Yes, well, be that as it may, consider this, Father Yoder. I can't follow Lord Roy wherever he goes just because he has the Emblem. His appearance ill suits my tastes. I cannot justify it.
Yoder: ...Saul?

A Support

Yoder: Saul, perhaps it is time to relieve you from your mission.
Saul: What do you mean, Father Yoder?
Yoder: I believe I know Lord Roy well enough to trust him. The Fire Emblem is safe in his hands. What we feared will surely not come to pass. Do you agree?
Saul: You are probably right. ...However, I wish to continue my mission a little longer.
Yoder: I see...
Saul: Of course, I understand your reasoning, Father Yoder. Lord Roy is certainly a trustworthy person. Still...Lord Roy is young, and needs people to guide him through this vile world. Who better than one such as I, with so much experience in such ugliness?
Yoder: Saul...
Saul: Er... All that said, I too am pure, so disregard my declaration if you wish.
Yoder: Yes, I think I will. ...Oh, Saul. I found this pamphlet the other day...
Saul: Oh? This is...
Yoder: "All wounds treated freely for members of the church. Sign up today!" This...treating God like some sort of commercial service. I do not approve of this at all... What will others think?
Saul: ......
Yoder: ...Saul, I believe you may benefit from hearing a sermon of mine.
Saul: Oh, Father Yoder, I'm not worthy to have the privilege of your...
Yoder: ...Will you listen to my sermon?
Saul: ...Yes, of course, Father Yoder...