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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Ogier's supports.


Ogier Portrait ogier fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +2
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait bors fe06.png Bors
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 0 5 5
B 2 0 10 0 10 10
A 3 0 15 0 15 15

C Support

Ogier: Sir Bors? You are Sir Bors, aren't you?
Bors: Oh... And you are?
Ogier: I'm Ogier of the Ostian knights. I heard about you from Gwendolyn.
Bors: Ah, my sister... So you're our newest recruit?
Ogier: Yes. I'm pleased to meet you.
Bors: I wish I could say the same... but you don't look like a knight.
Ogier: Yes, well, I try to fill in the gaps that our squad falls short in.
Bors: Ah, I see. Most admirable. Not everyone has that ability.
Ogier: Thank you, sir.

B Support

Ogier: I heard from Sir Barthe that you beat him once in combat. Is that true?
Bors: Yes, I did. It was just once, in a great tournament held in Ostia.
Ogier: What was the battle like?
Bors: To tell the truth, I actually don't remember it very well.
Ogier: What? The battle with Sir Barthe was so boring that you forgot about it?
Bors: Oh, no, nothing of that sort. It was because I don't like to fight for the sake of fighting. I didn't want to join so I had no interest in the tournament. I've forgotten most of what happened.
Ogier: ......
Bors: Ogier, you must always fight for a cause. You must never fight simply for the sake of fighting.

A Support

Ogier: Sir Bors, you said that one must always have a cause to fight for.
Bors: Indeed I did. You must be willing to go through any and all hardships for that cause. Do you have such a purpose?
Ogier: Unfortunately, I don't. I only became a mercenary to feed my family. So I don't really have a cause...
Bors: You've got one right there.
Ogier: What?
Bors: Feeding your family is a noble cause. Train yourself to become stronger, all for your family.
Ogier: Y-yes, sir, I will!
Bors: A cause isn't limited to defending your country or saving the world. If you understand that, then you will fight with the best.


Ogier Portrait ogier fe06.png Initial: 10
Per turn: +2
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba lightaffin.png
Portrait lilina fe06.png Lilina
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 0 5 2
B 2 1 10 0 10 5
A 3 1 15 0 15 7

C Support

Lilina: Hello, Ogier!
Ogier: L-Lady Lilina!
Lilina: Oh, don't worry... I just wanted to talk to someone from Ostia.
Ogier: Um... All right.
Lilina: So talk to me. Let's see... Tell me about your hometown.
Ogier: My hometown? was a pretty ordinary village. We were poor... The reason I came all the way to the city in the first place was to make money to feed my younger brothers...
Lilina: You have brothers? How nice. Do you have any sisters?
Ogier: ...I have one younger sister, too.
Lilina: Really? What's she like? Is she cute? Is she like you?
Ogier: The...the last time I saw her was so long ago, so I don't really remember. But I remember holding her hand. Her hand... It was so small and delicate.
Lilina: That's so sweet... I've always wanted a younger sister.

B Support

Lilina: Ogier, how is your sister doing?
Ogier: ......
Lilina: Is she back in your village? Or did she come to Ostia with you? If she did, I'd like to...
Ogier: I'm sorry, Lady Lilina, but...
Lilina: Tell me. I'd love to meet her.
Ogier: ...... She's not around anymore.
Lilina: What? Why not...?
Ogier: Lady Lilina... Our village is very poor. ...The men work. And girls...have no place. We have so little food to spare... When a girl is born in our village, she's given pretty clothes and left in a faraway city.
Lilina: ......
Ogier: ...We couldn't afford her. I don't hold it against my parents. If they hadn't done it... we would have starved.
Lilina: ...I'm sorry...
Ogier: Lady Lilina?
Lilina: I'm sorry... I...didn't know anything... I didn't know anything... but I...I was so...
Ogier: D-Don't cry! Please, Lady Lilina...

A Support

Ogier: Lady Lilina, about before... I'm sorry. I said more than I should have.
Lilina: No, Ogier.
Ogier: Milady?
Lilina: I'm sorry. I had no idea. But I can't remain ignorant as I am. I may not know how to govern yet, but I'll learn. I will make Ostia a land where our children can live in happiness.
Ogier: ...Lady Lilina, some things are impossible. Marquess Ostia served us well. My brothers are all fine. Not even the gods can save everyone.
Lilina: ......
Ogier: But I can say this, Lady Lilina... My sister, wherever she is... I'm sure she would have liked you very much.


Ogier Portrait ogier fe06.png Initial: 10
Per turn: +2
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait barthe fe06.png Barthe
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 2 2 5
B 1 1 10 5 5 10
A 1 1 15 7 7 15

C Support

Barthe: Ogier.
Ogier: Sir Barthe.
Barthe: Have you been keeping up with your training?
Ogier: Of course.
Barthe: ...I've been wanting to ask you. Why did you not become a knight? Why did you become a mercenary?
Ogier: Heavy armor doesn't really suit me.
Barthe: That is simply because you don't train yourself hard enough.
Ogier: But, I mean, I wasn't born with--
Barthe: This is a perfect opportunity. I shall train you every day. I will make a knight of you yet.
Ogier: Are you sure...?

B Support

Ogier: Sir Barthe... This training is just...crazy.
Barthe: You'll get used to it soon enough. I do it every day.
Ogier: Yes, but I don't have the build that you do...
Barthe: Was that a complaint I heard just now?
Ogier: No...
Barthe: Then keep quiet and train harder.
Ogier: Yes...

A Support

Barthe: Hm? Are those practice swings I hear...?
Ogier: Whew... I wonder if I'm any closer to Sir Barthe by now.
(Barthe approaches Ogier)
Barthe: Ogier.
Ogier: Whoa! Oh, Sir Barthe! You scared me.
Barthe: You are doing well. Excellent. Your body has gotten used to the training.
Ogier: Yes, I feel uncomfortable if I'm not working my body. I'd hate to fail for lack of training.
Barthe: I see you have learned your lesson. If you train yourself constantly, you will never tire in battle. That holds true both for knights like me and mercenaries like you.
Ogier: Mercenaries like me? But I thought you wanted to make me a knight.
Barthe: I only said that to make you train harder. I know your build can't handle heavy armor.
Ogier: Really?
Barthe: It encouraged you, didn't it?
Ogier: Did it? I'd say it made me suffer more than anything...
Barthe: What was that?
Ogier: Nothing...


Ogier Portrait ogier fe06.png Initial: 10
Per turn: +2
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait gwendolyn fe06.png Gwendolyn
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 2 5 2
B 2 0 10 5 10 5
A 3 0 15 7 15 7

C Support

Ogier: What are you doing, Gwendolyn?
Gwendolyn: I'm practicing my walking.
Ogier: Walking? Why?
Gwendolyn: For us knights, it's tough to get back up if we fall to the ground. We have to build strong legs to ensure that we never fall.
Ogier: I see.
Gwendolyn: The basics are everything, Ogier.

B Support

Ogier: Yah! Yah!
Gwendolyn: Ogier, are you practicing your sword swings?
Ogier: That I am. I can't let you get ahead of me, so I thought I'd practice the basics, too.
Gwendolyn: That's good. But it'll take a lot of work to beat me.
Ogier: I suppose we've got a little competition going, then!

A Support

Ogier: How are you doing, Gwendolyn?
Gwendolyn: Perfectly fine, of course. A strong knight can't complain.
Ogier: Me neither. Not if I want to be a powerful mercenary...
Gwendolyn: ...Thank you, Ogier.
Ogier: F-for what?
Gwendolyn: Our competition has kept me working hard. I'd have probably given up by now if not for you.
Ogier: ...I feel the same way. I've been able to come so far thanks to you. We're evenly matched.
Gwendolyn: I agree. But I'll never let you get ahead of me.
Ogier: Right back at you, Gwendolyn!


Ogier Portrait ogier fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba thunderaffin.png
Portrait larum fe06.png Larum
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 2 5 5
B 1 1 5 5 10 10
A 1 1 7 7 15 15

C Support

Larum: Hmm... I need to work on my twirls more...
Ogier: Oh...
Larum: Who's there?! You! You saw my secret training!
Ogier: N-no! I didn't mean to!
Larum: Irrelevant! Now that you've seen me, I can't let you live.
Ogier: Y-you're going to kill me?
Larum: Wait, I feel like I didn't use that expression properly. Oh well. Anyway, it's really embarrassing! That's what I meant.
Ogier: I'm very sorry. I didn't know.
Larum: Hmm... Well, I guess what's done is done. Now that you've seen my dance, you might as well tell me what you think! So what did you think?
Ogier: Uhm... It was really pretty. And very...stimulating.
Larum: Do you think so? I still haven't worked out the main part yet. It gets really amazing towards the end.
Ogier: Wow... It does?
Larum: Hey! Don't get any funny ideas about what that means!
Ogier: W-what?! I wasn't!

B Support

Larum: Hmm~~
Ogier: Oh, Larum.
Larum: Huh? Oh, you're that guy who was spying on me.
Ogier: ...Not exactly...
Larum: Well, you praised my dancing, so I'll forgive you.
Ogier: You really like to dance, don't you?
Larum: I guess. It's fun. I meet a lot of people when I travel around, and they all love my dancing. That's what I like.
Ogier: I can understand that.
Larum: Hey, I know. Do you want me to show you the rest of my dance from before?
Ogier: R-really?
Larum: Do you want to see it? You do, don't you? Tell me you want to see it.
Ogier: I... I want to see it.
Larum: Then sure, I guess I can show it to you! This is the sixth of the seven dances I've mastered so far. And it's called...
Ogier: Yes...?
Larum: Dance Number 6.
Ogier: Oh. That's kind of...boring.
Larum: Hey! Is that an insult?
Ogier: N-no! By no means.
Larum: Yes, it was!
Ogier: No, it wasn't!
Larum: Yeah, whatever! Sorry, I changed my mind. I won't show you my dance anymore!
Ogier: Aw, man...

A Support

Ogier: Larum!
Larum: What? Oh, I know. You just want to see that dance, right?
Ogier: Your dancing... I think I've seen it somewhere before.
Larum: Huh? You have?
Ogier: Yeah. A small band of entertainers stopped by my village once when I was younger. I went to watch them...and a little girl was dancing in the center. She tripped a few times, but I could tell she was trying really hard. I was going through some tough times back then, but that girl's dancing really cheered me up.
Larum: Hmm... I don't remember.
Ogier: I didn't think so. But it was really nice. I'm sure you cheer people up with your dancing wherever you go.
Larum: Oh, you're embarrassing me now! But thanks, Ogier. Tell you what. I'll show you one of my special dances some time.
Ogier: Special dances...?
Larum: They're really amazing!
Ogier: I...I bet.
Larum: Hey! You were getting funny ideas again, weren't you?
Ogier: N-no! I wasn't!