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< Ferdinand
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Monastery activities


Delicious! After a scrumptious meal like that, I feel that I can really seize the day.
— Liked meal
As a noble, I try to ensure my manners are perfect. Here I can relax a bit, however.
— Neutral meal
Ugh. This food is not to my liking, but I will keep at it. Perhaps it is an acquired taste...
— Disliked meal
Ferdinand: I know why you sat us next to each other. You want to see who can eat more quickly.
Edelgard: Ferdinand. Please stop making everything a competition against me.

— With Edelgard and no or C support between them
Edelgard: Ferdinand, I hope you'll take this opportunity to speak freely to me.
Ferdinand: Tch! I do not require your permission to speak my mind.

— with Edelgard and B support between them
Edelgard: Ferdinand, you can say what you like about me some other time. For now, let's just enjoy a nice meal.
Ferdinand: You do not understand! It is my solemn duty as a noble to explain why you are wrong.

— with Edelgard and A support between them
Ferdinand: Why are we seated beside each other? I cannot enjoy my food with you sitting here.
Hubert: Just shut up and eat.

— With Hubert and no or C support between them
Hubert: Can we put our quarrel on hold, Ferdinand, at least while the professor is present?
Ferdinand: Of course we can, Hubert. We will finish eating and then continue fighting elsewhere.

— With Hubert and a B support between them
Hubert: I know you prefer tea. I'll prepare some, if you like.
Ferdinand: No, I will have coffee. It has been a while. You sit here while I pour us each a cup.

— With Hubert and an A or A+ support between them
Ferdinand: Food tastes best when you are sharing it with others. Do you not think so, Dorothea?
Dorothea: Yes. Present company excluded, of course.

— With Dorothea and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: The food here is simple but well-prepared. A meal can be delicious without being fancy.
Dorothea: Come again? I've never heard a nobleman say anything like that.

— With Dorothea and a B support between them
Dorothea: Sharing a meal with your allies makes you forget the differences in where you're all from.
Ferdinand: So, you finally approve of me?! Let us toast to that!

— With Dorothea and an A support between them
Lorenz: Pristine manners are essential, even if the quality of the food is poor. Wouldn't you agree, Ferdinand?
Ferdinand: Indeed. We may not care for the meal, but we must show our respect for the person who cooked it.

— With Lorenz and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: I am sure the chef is quite capable. There is only so much you can do with mediocre ingredients. Perhaps I am expecting too much.
Lorenz: We will just have to refresh ourselves with fine tea. I have brought the very best.

— With Lorenz and a B support between them
Ferdinand: To share a table with you is a comfort in these difficult times.
Lorenz: I feel precisely the same, Lorenz. Such cheerful moments give me the will to keep going.

— With Lorenz and an A support between them (unused)

Cooking together

I may not look like it, but I know how to cook. Not that I am very experienced.
— First
Ach, this is a tough recipe. Whoa! Oh, rats... No, I can do it!
— Second

Choir practice

Professor! Let me sing for you! Do you not like my voice? It would make a pegasus dance with joy!
— Choir practice


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

I am honored to be invited. Thank you.
— Starting teatime in Part I
Hahaha. I am always glad to spend time with you.
— Starting teatime in Part II
Ah, a miraculous brew! You truly understand tea.
— Favorite tea
I enjoy drinking expensive tea like this. You can almost taste how pricey it is.
— 5-star tea


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

You have a way of making people feel comfortable. I almost cannot help telling you everything.
Since I was a child, I have loved riding horses and fighting. People used to tell me to act more like a noble.
You often hear stories of nobles and commoners in love. I am not against such things, but reality is not so simple.
When I am unhappy, I try to bestow happiness upon others. Such is the way of the true noble.
You treat everyone the same, regardless of status. Perhaps I should do that as well.
I am extremely versatile. In fact, I fear I am a jack-of-all-trades.
I suppose the Sword of the Creator never goes dull, so you do not need to sharpen it.
You will always remember me, will you not?
Hmm. It can be good to relax now and then. Shall we play a game?


Hm. You are looking for a weak spot, are you not? Look as long as you like. You will not find any.
— Part I
Stare at me as long as you want. Provided I can stare back at you.
— Part I
I trim my eyebrows carefully every morning. A noble must always be well-groomed.
— Part II
I used to be told I did not know the meaning of hardship. Now I am a little more weathered.
— Part II


Thank you for spending time with me. What a treat. I hope we can do this again soon.

Gifts and lost items

Exactly what I hoped for!
— Liked gift
What a kind gift.
— Neutral gift
I will take it, I suppose.
— Disliked gift
Oh! I was looking for this! Thank you so much.
— Lost item
How could you possibly think that is mine? Go ask someone else.
— Incorrect lost item

Advice box

Part I questions

The tea here does absolutely nothing for me. I could send for some supplies from home, but is there truly not a soul in this place with tea fit for a noble?
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
Lorenz would be a good source. Ask Felix for some tea leaves. Caspar might know where to find some.
There are many citizens of the Empire who are currently in despair. I think it is time for a change in leadership. Perhaps someone new should ascend the throne?
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
You would do well as a ruler, Ferdinand. Edelgard is the obvious choice. Perhaps it's time the Empire fell.

Part II questions

Growing out my hair was not intentional. I was busy with other things in life, so I never thought to get it cut. It hurts that others think I grew my hair out to be fashionable.
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
It looks good on you. It doesn't suit you. You look like a scruffy dog.
Nobles must never lose their composure. We must always exude an aura of grace. That said, is it necessary for us to be graceful on the battlefield as well?
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
In battle, survival is all that matters. You must maintain your grace at all times. Virtuousness is more important than grace.


Oh, Professor! Here to recruit me, I presume? Well, the eldest son of House Aegir will not be so easily swayed.
— Ask to recruit, requirements unmet
Oh, Professor! Here to recruit me, I presume? You have perceived my excellence. Good. But you are not the only person trying to recruit me. I would be happy to join your class, if you are offering.
— Ask to recruit, requirements met
You can join my class. You should stay with your current class.
Hah, I thought you would say that. I look forward to learning under you. You will soon see how superior I am to Edelgard. Hm. That is disappointing. I suppose not everyone can appreciate my excellence. But I am sure you will change your mind soon.



Never underestimate a noble!
— Perfect (Part I)
I am relieved I got it right.
— Perfect (Part II)
I am beginning to understand.
— Great
I appreciate your coaching.
— Great
A noble can make mistakes, like anybody.
— Bad (Part I)
I must try harder.
— Bad (Part II)
I am quite pleased.
— Praised
What a thing to say. Do I look that pitiful?
— Consoled
Just watch. It will not happen again.
— Critiqued

Group tasks

Ferdinand uses his polite quotes with:[1] Ferdinand uses his casual quotes with:[1]
  • Seteth
  • Hanneman
  • Manuela
  • Gilbert
  • Alois
  • Catherine
  • Shamir
  • Jeritza
  • Anna
  • Edelgard
  • Dimitri
  • Claude
  • Hubert
  • Linhardt
  • Caspar
  • Bernadetta
  • Petra
  • Dedue
  • Felix
  • Ashe
  • Sylvain
  • Mercedes
  • Annette
  • Ingrid
  • Lorenz
  • Raphael
  • Ignatz
  • Lysithea
  • Marianne
  • Hilda
  • Leonie
  • Flayn
  • Cyril
  • Yuri
  • Balthus
  • Constance
  • Hapi


It is a perfect day to exert oneself!
— Starting any task as the first speaker with no support with the partner
We will do a beautiful job, I am sure.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (casual)
We will finish it beautifully.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (polite)
Nothing is impossible for us.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (casual)
Together, we make everything possible.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (polite)
With the two of us, there is nothing to worry about.
— Starting any task as the second speaker with no support with the partner
With the two of us, there is nothing to worry about.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner
We'll take no time at all.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (casual)
We will be done in no time.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (polite)
Edelgard: Our professor is certainly adventurous, but I wonder what the point was of putting us on the same team...
Ferdinand: What? You think teaming up with me is a bad idea?
Edelgard: Yes. Results or no results, this is far from a great idea.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Edelgard and no or C support between them
Edelgard: Put your heart into it, Ferdinand! It'll be over sooner if you do.
Ferdinand: Yes. Right. I will try not to slow you down.
Edelgard: Nothing could slow me down for something trivial like this.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Edelgard and B support between them
Ferdinand: You can count on me! There is not a noble in the whole Empire more capable than I.
Edelgard: Oh, Ferdinand... I appreciate the confidence, but don't get carried away.
Ferdinand: I have no doubt that, working together, you and I will excel.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Edelgard and A support between them
Ferdinand: I do not believe I am required to team up with you.
Hubert: I would rather work with almost anyone else, but I will do what needs to be done.
Ferdinand: Hm. Of course, we will both do what we have to. But do not drag me down to your level.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Hubert and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: Hubert, working with you is...acceptable. I suppose.
Hubert: Very well. Same here.
Ferdinand: Ha. It seems we are in agreement.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Hubert and a B support between them
Ferdinand: No wall is too high for us to scale, now that we understand and respect each other.
Hubert: Must you be so dramatic? Let's just get this done.
Ferdinand: Do not spoil it! Let me enjoy the moment, please.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Hubert and an A or A+ support between them
Ferdinand: You seem not to like me for some reason. I do not have any issues with you.
Dorothea: You don't have issues with me, but I have plenty with you. Let's just do our assignment, OK?
Ferdinand: Hm, all right. I will do what I can.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Dorothea and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: Leave it to me. I can handle it all by myself.
Dorothea: By yourself? That's not how doing things together works.
Ferdinand: Oh, I suppose that is true. Sorry, I got quite ahead of myself.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Dorothea and a B support between them
Dorothea: Oh. I'm with you, Ferdie. This should be fun.
Ferdinand: Dorothea, being nice to me? I will do my best! Like my very life depends on it!
Dorothea: Your life doesn't have to depend on... Let's just do things normally.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Dorothea and an A support between them
Dorothea: Oh my. Ferdie, are you going to be OK with such difficult manual labor as weeding?
Ferdinand: It is no trouble. I used to help the gardener on my family's estate. I can weed with the best of them.
Dorothea: A gardener and a nobleman. My, how refined.

— Weeding with Dorothea
Ferdinand: Leave it to me to carry the rubble, Dorothea. This task is too rough for your delicate hands.
Dorothea: Are you implying that women aren't strong? What if I punch you, then we have this discussion again?
Ferdinand: Ah, forget I said anything! Let's do this together.

— Clearing rubble with Dorothea
Ferdinand: Lorenz, you need not worry about this. I can handle it.
Lorenz: No cause for concern, Ferdinand. This will hardly be difficult for me.
Ferdinand: Ah! In that case, I will take a seat and watch.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Lorenz and no or C support between them
Lorenz: The professor has the right idea, requesting us.
Ferdinand: Yes, provided we meet expectations.
Lorenz: Let us do more than that. Let us alter the very course of history with our own hands!

— Stable duty or sky watch with Lorenz and a B support between them


It is done.
— Good
Amazing, no?
— Perfect
Ferdinand: Hm. I was hoping we would do better.
Edelgard: It's a decent result for two people who don't get along terribly well.

— Good result with Edelgard and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: What a splendid result! I am rather proud of myself, I must say.
Edelgard: Is that so? In any case, I think it's time for a break.

— Perfect result with Edelgard and no or C support between them
Edelgard: A decent result... At least we didn't run into any issues.
Ferdinand: It is my fault, I am afraid. I really dragged us down...

— Good result with Edelgard and B support between them
Ferdinand: Impressive. Your skills are unparalleled. You could have done it alone just as easily.
Edelgard: It's not like you to say that. But honestly, we both pulled our weight.

— Perfect result with Edelgard and B support between them
Ferdinand: I cannot believe that we, two exceptional nobles, achieved such a mediocre result.
Edelgard: That's quite enough. I told you not to get carried away.

— Good result with Edelgard and A support between them
Edelgard: That went better than expected. Our teamwork is clearly improving.
Ferdinand: I would say so. Look, Professor! The fruit of our labor!

— Perfect result with Edelgard and A support between them
Hubert: We could have done better if we had each been more willing to compromise.
Ferdinand: You are right about that. We were both stubborn for foolish reasons.

— Good result with Hubert and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: "Look at this beautiful achievement! Hubert was no help at all though.
Hubert: Your inability to face reality is just another reason you are inferior to Lady Edelgard.

— Perfect result with Hubert and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: You need to stop being so stubborn! We were never quite working in concert.
Hubert: I could say the same to you. We're lucky to finish this with so little trouble.

— Good result with Hubert and a B support between them
Hubert: Seems our rivalry worked in our favor.
Ferdinand: We were just lucky. I am glad we have a positive result to report, however we achieved it.

— Perfect result with Hubert and a B support between them
Ferdinand: Hm. That was hardly calamitous, but we could have done better.
Hubert: Quite right. Let's be sure to improve for next time.

— Good result with Hubert and an A or A+ support between them
Hubert: For the two of us, this was only a trifle.
Ferdinand: I feel the same, Hubert. The professor must be pleased with our glorious triumph as well.

— Perfect result with Hubert and an A or A+ support between them
Dorothea: Satisfied, Ferdie? Then you can take care of reporting our results.
Ferdinand: I am sorry. I was not focused. I was too distracted wondering why Dorothea hates me.

— Good result with Dorothea and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: We make a good team! This is an admirable result.
Dorothea: We are not a good team, but we did well enough.

— Perfect result with Dorothea and no or C support between them
Dorothea: You know, that was pretty good. I suppose I should say thanks. So, thanks.
Ferdinand: Perhaps if you did not despise me so, we would have done better!

— Good result with Dorothea and a B support between them
Ferdinand: Would you look at that. Can you not see, Dorothea? We make a great team.
Dorothea: Maybe we do, maybe we don't. I'm still not very fond of you.

— Perfect result with Dorothea and a B support between them
Ferdinand: Not a bad result, but I cannot help but feel that you and I could aim higher.
Dorothea: You may be right. Let me know if you want to try again sometime.

— Good result with Dorothea and an A support between them
Ferdinand: What an astonishing outcome! Only you and I could have achieved this, Dorothea.
Dorothea: OK, Ferdie. You're right this time.

— Perfect result with Dorothea and an A support between them
Lorenz: This is hardly the example I should be setting for the commonfolk.
Ferdinand: I wholly agree. As a noble, you should really have performed better than that.

— Good result with Lorenz and no or C support between them
Lorenz: The expected result, for someone of my skills.
Ferdinand: Yes, we did quite well! All thanks to me, of course.

— Perfect result with Lorenz and no or C support between them
Ferdinand: I sought perfection, and I fell far short. I apologize.
Lorenz: I am also to blame. As noblemen, we must bear responsibility for our failures.

— Good result with Lorenz and a B support between them
Ferdinand: Professor, look upon our glorious achievement! I hope you are not blinded by its brilliance.
Lorenz: All the same, you must shade your eyes and look. You would not want to miss history in the making.

— Perfect result with Lorenz and a B support between them

Goal change request

A noble must know how to ride a horse, to be certain, and should know how to wield a lance, as that is the most obvious weapon of choice for a rider. As a noble among nobles, it seems natural that I focus on these two skills.
— Request for "A Noble Cause" goal
A Great Knight is a rare treasure on the battlefield: heavy armor to shield allies, and a horse to ride through foes! That is the kind of knight I have always aspired to be.
— Request for "Great Aspirations" goal
I heard that Edelgard can wear heavy armor and swing an axe with ease. Well, so can I! I will need some further training in these skills to cultivate my natural talents, of course. Well, perhaps it is best if I leave it up to you.
— Request for "Not to be Outdone" goal


May I ask?
— Asking a question
That is a good option.
— Liked response to a question
OK, that is a possibility.
— Neutral response to a question
I'm not sure that is feasible...
— Disliked response to a question (Part I)
I am not sure that is feasible...
— Disliked response to a question (Part II)

Part I question

I am an avid arms collector. Since coming to live here, however, I have had much more trouble finding new items for my collection. Any ideas as to where I might find some uncommon weapons?
Disliked response Neutral response Liked response
Ask the knights to show you some weapons. Try talking to a merchant? Ask a blacksmith to teach you how to craft your own.

Part II question

Death is an inevitable result of military conflict. Not only soldiers, but also warhorses, who have no say in their line of work, lay down their lives on the battlefield. What steps can a commander take to minimize this loss of life?
Liked response Neutral response Disliked response
Adopt new tactics that increase survivability. Craft durable armor for the horses. Stop riding horses into battle.

Class change

A true noble never fails!
— Passing a class certification (Part I)
My future is bright!
— Passing a class certification (Part II)
How could this happen?
— Failing a class certification

Part I

Everything looks good on a noble.
— Class change
Hm, curious new strength.
— Class change
Gaze upon this splendid finery!
— Class change

Part II

Giving less than your all is unacceptable.
— Class change
Ambition is key to survival.
— Class change
A bright future depends on my strength.
— Class change

Level up

Part I

Always getting stronger.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
The noble standard.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Greatness awaits me.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
This can't be right...
— Increasing 2 or fewer stats
I admire my ability to come so far.
— Level cap

Part II

I'll take all the strength I can get.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
I'm continuing to improve.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Greatness awaits me.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
I am not well pleased.
— Increasing 2 or fewer stats
I will use this power wisely.
— Level cap

Skill level increase

Part I

I will master this.
Seems simple enough.
People like me are quick studies.
— S+ rank/class mastery
I feel like a new man.
— Budding talent

Part II

Another gain from mortal risk.
Now is the time to master this.
Seems simple enough.
Everything I've done has led to this.
— S+ rank/class mastery
I feel like a new man.
— Budding talent

Battle voice clips

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Victory is assured!
— Part I
The splendor of nobility!
— Part I
You're wide open!
— Part I
I will not hold back!
— Part I
All is for victory!
— Part II
No openings? I'll make one!
— Part II
I will not hold back!
— Part II
I will not back down one step.
— Part II


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ferdinand - Personal Information,, Retrieved: March 18, 2022