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Cynthia/Supports: Difference between revisions

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
m (...<sarcasm>Yeah, it would be a sad day in Sinnoh if her mother were to get inexplicably screwed out of a romantic support</sarcasm>...)
m (→‎Frederick: Nabbing an absent-minded slip-up from a past session. Had to go out of my way to look for this one while this task was still fresh on my mind, since Lon'qu inexplicably doesn't have a support with Sumia thus can't be Cynthia's father...)
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===C Support===
===C Support===

Revision as of 05:04, 17 February 2017

This page contains all data pertaining to Cynthia's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Avatar: The scouts picked up signs of an enemy force ahead. Could be as many as 50.

Cynthia: I'm on my way! I'll have 'em begging for mercy in no time!

Avatar: What? No, it's too dangerous to go alone. We'll wait here until support arrives.

Cynthia: A hero does not wait for backup! A hero charges into the fray alone! And now, I ride!

Avatar: Cynthia, wait! Come back! CYNTHIAAAAAAAAA!

(Time passes)

Cynthia: Gyaaa!

Avatar: Cynthia! Are you all right?! What happened?! ...And why are you covered in mud?

Cynthia: Oh, it was awful! I headed to where they said the enemy was, but it was a SWAMP! I charged in and couldn't stop in time... Next thing I knew, I was stuck and...and... And it was not heroic in the slightest!

Avatar: And...the enemy?

Cynthia: Not a one. The scouts must have been mistaken, I guess. Oh, it was awful... All our soldiers who came in behind me got stuck in the mud, too. They're probably just crawling back now.

Avatar: Ugh... Good thing there weren't enemies after all. We would have been like fish in a barrel, mired in that swamp.

Cynthia: The worst part is that I had a REALLY good victory line picked out for when I won! Now it's totally wasted...

Avatar: I'm not sure that's the WORST part...

B Support

Avatar: Hey, Cynthia?

Cynthia: .....

Avatar: Is everything all right? I can practically see the dark clound hanging over your head. Are you still upset over the whole charging-in-alone-oh-wait-it's-a-swamp thing?

Cynthia: Shouldn't I be? It's my fault. If I hadn't gone off half cocked, the others wouldn't have spent a day wallowing in mud.

Avatar: It's just mud. I think they'll survive.

Cynthia: I... I need to apologize to you, too, Avatar. I was a big fat idiot! I'm really sorry!

Avatar: Don't be so hard on yourself. It's all right. It worked out, and no one was hurt.

Cynthia: No, it's NOT all right! I'm supposed to fight to keep everyone else safe! Gods, it's all so embarrassing...

Avatar: Your heart's in the right place, Cynthia. But sometimes you forget that you fight as part of a team. Even the greatest hero has to have sidekicks, right?

Cynthia: I know that, but...

Avatar: You'll have a lot more success keeping everyone safe if you work with the team. And people really admire those who work well with others, you know.

Cynthia: ...You think?

Avatar: Hey, we already consider you pretty darn heroic.

Cynthia: Aw, REALLY?! All right! That settles it! Starting today, I'm a team player! Thanks, Avatar!

Avatar: Glad to help.

A Support

Avatar: Cynthia!

Cynthia: Huh? What's wrong? Did something happen?

Avatar: You were amazing in the last battle!

Cynthia: ...I was?

Avatar: The last few, actually. Keep this up and we won't even need a tactician!

Cynthia: That's great to hear! I mean, not that we wouldn't need you... Oh, you know what I mean.

Avatar: It seems like you're aware of everyone else's situation and only go where you're needed. Honestly, it's been a huge help.

Cynthia: Just doing what you said, Avatar!

Avatar: Er, what did I say again?

Cynthia: You said I needed to fight as part of the team!

Avatar: Oh, right. I mean, of course I did! Well, I'm glad it helped.

Cynthia: I just had to be less of a lone-wolf hero and more of a Justice Alliance hero, you know?

Avatar: I don't think...I'm quite familiar with that organization? But whatever works for you.

Cynthia: Yep! I'm gonna give it my all, just like a real member of the Justice Alliance! "Never capitulate, never succumb!" That's the Justice Alliance creed!

Avatar: Er, all right, then.

S Support

Cynthia: Avatar, do you have a minute? There's... something I need to talk to you about.

Avatar: Is everything all right? You seem rather... subdued today.

Cynthia: I just... I wanted to thank you.

Avatar: Heh, you've already thanked me. Many times over, in fact.

Cynthia: No, not for that. Well, it IS for that, but also for a different reason... What I mean is, I kept thinking about what you said, and I realized something new.

Avatar: What's that?

Cynthia: I always thought protecting other people meant charging in alone, you know? It always felt good to do that. I...I liked it. But it wasn't quite right.

Avatar: How so?

Cynthia: I was running ahead of the pack so I could feel like I was the one winning the war. But after what you said to me that day, I started watching you. I saw that you were always in the heart of the group. Not charging ahead, not taking all the glory. And yet, you were doing more than anyone to keep us safe.

Avatar: Well, I'm just doing my part.

Cynthia: As our tactician, you know us all even better than we know ourselves. You make us all better. You're like our ringleader or whatever it's called.

Avatar: Er, I'm not sure "ringleader" would be best... You know what? Never mind. Thank you, Cynthia.

Cynthia: So, I was hoping... maybe you would help me be a better person... off the field, too?

Avatar: I'd be delighted. Er, wait. Do you mean...

Cynthia: I think I'm... I'm in love with you, Avatar. So I was hoping when you aren't busy being the heart of the group, maybe... Maybe it could just be the two of us?

Avatar: I'd like that a very great deal, Cynthia.

Cynthia: Oh? yes? Oh, thank the gods! I was worried you would say no!

Avatar: It's easy to love someone who gives so much of herself for the sake of others.

Cynthia: Oh my gosh! I love you so much!

Avatar: And I love you. I'll be counting on you to make me the best man I can be, too.

Cynthia: Now that's one job I know I can still handle on my own!

Cynthia (Confession): I love you best of all. You're like my own personal hero!

Avatar (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Robin (M) is Cynthia's father.

C Support

Cynthia: Now then, let's see what the flowers say, Option one, option two, option three...

Avatar: Cynthia? Why are you plucking that petals off that poor dandelion?

Cynthia: Oh, hello, Father! You're just the person I wanted to see! I'm using flower fortunes to choose an entrance flourish for the next battle! Buuuut I'm still having problems deciding, so I need to know what you think.

Avatar: Er, I don't know anything about flower fortunes OR "entrance flourishes."

Cynthia: Well then, let me just lay them out, and you can decide what sounds best. The first option is to ignite a huge plume of purple smoke and come racing out of it!

Avatar: ...Oh.

Cynthia: Option two is to step onto the field amidst a shower of fluttering violet petals...

Avatar: ...Ooo-kay.

Cynthia: Option three is to suddenly burst out of a farmhouse in the middle of the battlefield!

Avatar: ......

Cynthia: So, what do you think, Father? Which would you prefer?

Avatar: Um... Well, if I had to choose... Maybe the falling-petals one?

Cynthia: Wait, truly? Well, THAT'S a surprise! I didn't think it was your style at all. But if that's what you want, I'll start collecting petals!

Avatar: Cynthia, this entrance you're planning... It isn't for me, is it?

Cynthia: Of course it is, silly! Why else would I ask your opinion? Hee! I'm surprised you chose the flower, but I'm glad you did, It's my favorite!

Avatar: N-no, wait! Just a moment! *Sigh* ...What have I gotten myself into?

B Support

Cynthia: I am SO sorry, Father

Avatar: I should hope you are! You nearly buried me alive under all those blasted petals!

Cynthia: I know. I asked Mother to help out, and we ended up collecting thousands!

Avatar: You roped Sumia into helping you with this ridiculous project?

Cynthia: Of course! We wanted to do something special for our dear father and husband! But you DID look really dashing and heroic out there in the field! ...At least, you would have, if anyone could have seen you in that blizzard of petals.

Avatar: Well, in any case, there are to be no more entrance flourishes. Understood?

Cynthia: Aww, but I had SO many more wonderful ideas! ...Can I at least pick a special catchphrase for you to shout at the start of battle?

Avatar: Cynthia! War is a serious business. We're not playing games out there.

Cynthia: ...I-I know. I'm sorry. I just want to make you happy and give us something fun to talk about and... Oh, pegasus poop! I just don't know what to do! I mean, what ARE fathers and daughters supposed to do together?

Avatar: Gods, Cynthia, don't be silly. You don't have to make such an effort to think of fun things for us to share. Just spending time with you is enough for me.

Cynthia: Truly? Just... being together is enough?

Avatar: Of course.

Cynthia: Oh, Father! You're SUCH a great guy! It's no wonder Mother fell in love with you! Even if you're just being polite, you're doing it because you like me! You're the BEST!

Avatar: Unnngh... Cynthia... D-don't hug... so tight... Can't b-breathe... C-crushing... ribs...

A Support

Cynthia: Father! Will you brush my hair? Pleeease?

Avatar: Er, I'm sorry, Cynthia, but I'm a little busy at the moment... You haven't left my side lately... Are you sure you don't have other things to do?

Cynthia: Well, you said spending time with me was fun! Riiight? Hey, why don't you come to town with me? We'll spend the whole day together!

Avatar: Er... now?

Cynthia: Yes, now! We'll walk the streets and visit the market and hold hands the whole time! Then we can find a tasty cake shop and when the evening falls we can go caroling and-

Avatar: All right, Cynthia, that's enough now. Look I know we're family, but even family needs time apart sometimes.

Cynthia: -and eat pie, and it'll totally be the best day ever!

Avatar: Are you even listening to me?

Cynthia: You...will remember me, won't you, Father? Even once the Cynthia of this world is born?

Avatar: ......

Cynthia: You see, I DO understand how this time-travel stuff works. I know you're not my real father. That man exists in another history. So as soon as the me from this time is born, I promise to leave you alone. It's just that...until that happens, I want us to spend as much time together as we can. Then, when you have a proper family, at least we'll still have our memories.

Avatar: I... I didn't realize...

Cynthia: Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm ever so grateful for this time. You've shown me what it's like to have a father, and you've been so nice to me. But I know that, in the end, your love is meant for the other me.

Avatar: *Sniff*

Cynthia: Father, are you... crying? Oh, silly! I didn't mean to make you sad... It's nothing to be sad about! Besides, we can't very well have my hero all teary eyed, can we?! I don't want to remember you like this. I want to remember you how you really were. Strong, and kind, and brave... My father, my hero... and my friend.

Avatar (F)

Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe13.png
Robin (F)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Cynthia: COME, FOE! TASTE THE STEELY TANG OF CYNTHIA'S DEADLY BLADE! ... Gah. "Steely tang"? I sound more like a culinary critic than a hero... I AM CYNTHIA! QUAKE IN YOUR SUPPLE CALFSKIN BOOTS, EVILDOERS! Hey, that's not bad...

Avatar: Cynthia? What's all the shouting about?

Cynthia: Oh, hello, Avatar! Just practicing my opening line for when we go into battle.

Avatar: You do that a lot, don't you? Talk to the enemy, I mean.

Cynthia: Of course! That's what heroes do! It's important to make the enemy understand how majestic and heroic I am.

Avatar: Look, I love speeches and gallant poses as much as the next soldier. But doesn't that leave you exposed to a sudden strike from a foe?

Cynthia: Oh, no. That's against the rules! See, when heroes meet on the battlefied, everyone gets time to deliver their lines. If the foe knows anything about heroic derring-do, they'll wait their turn.

Avatar: I don't think our foes give two figs about derring-do. You're far more likely to get a quick dagger between the ribs.

Cynthia: B-but was is civilized! It celebrates bravery and honer and all that good stuff. Otherwise, it's just a bloody mess. Otherwise, it's just random slaughter.

Avatar: ...I'm sensing a steep learning curve ahead of use here.

Cynthia: Look, back in my future, the only foe we ever faced was the Risen. Now, when fighting brain-dead monsters, it's all about survival, niceties be damned. But I'm sure... I just assumed that here in the past, things would be more civilized. I mean, war can't ALWAYS be a horrific bloodbath! ...Can it?

Avatar: Oh, Cynthia...

Cynthia: Well anyway, I should run. I need to practice my sword flourishes!

Avatar: I can't decide if her attitude is admirable or pathetic...

B Support

Cynthia: I AM CYNTHIA! YOUR BLOOD SHALL RUN THICK LIKE A SWAMPLAND! ...Ew, no. That's a bit gruesome. I AM CYNTHIA! I FLOAT LIKE A LEAF AND STING LIKE A NETTLE! ...Eh. Too vegetarian. Although it might lull the foe into a false sense of security...

Avatar: Hello, Cynthia.

Cynthia: Oh, hi, Avatar!

Avatar: Practicing battle lines again?

Cynthia: That's right! Because I still believe in the rules of heroic and gallant fighting.

Avatar: Just remember, not everyone follows the rules, or even knows about them. Some people have less honor than the Risen, in truth.

Cynthia: I know what risks are. But I refuse to give up the idea of civilized combat.

Avatar: Do you promise to at least look out for treachery?

Cynthia: Hey, stop worrying already! I can take care of myself. I'm a hero, remember? It's my job to rally and inspire our comrades.

Avatar: We all know how brave you are, Cynthia. You don't have to take risks to prove it. What good is a hero if she's so foolhardy everyone has to worry about her safety?

Cynthia: I hadn't thought about it that way...

Avatar: Well, perhaps you should. What say you at least consider toning it down a little? Okay?

Cynthia: ...Fiiine. I'll think about it. And sorry if I made you worry.

Avatar: She's such a sweet girl, and so innocent. I just hope that doesn't prove her undoing...

A Support

Cynthia: Avatar, can we talk?

Avatar: Of course, Cynthia. What's on your mind?

Cynthia: Well, er, I've been thinking about what you told me...

Avatar: You mean the risks of your heroic posturing on the battlefield?

Cynthia: Right, exactly. But see, I still believe in all the chivalrous rules of combat. ...I really don't want to give up striking poses and delivering my battle lines. But I've decided that I'll be extra careful, and only do it when it's absolutely safe.

Avatar: And how will you know that?

Cynthia: Well, if I'm facing a noble foe who knows the rules, I'll go ahead and do my thing. But if it's a monster or a smelly bandit, I'll just hit 'em in the face.

Avatar: That sounds like a fair compromise. Thank you for considering my words.

Cynthia: Well, it didn't seem fair not to, after you told me how worried you were. After all, a real hero is someone who can look after herself AND her friends. Imagine if a comrade was hurt because I was busy making the sun glint off my blade! If Chrom was gut-punched because I was yelling about my terrible might! If you were beheaded and quartered then set aflame, all because I was-

Avatar: Okay, okay. I think I have the idea...


Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait chrom l fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Chrom is Cynthia's father.

C Support

Cynthia: Now then, let's see what the flowers say. Option one, option two, option three...

Chrom: Cynthia? Why are you plucking the petals off that poor dandelion?

Cynthia: Oh, hello, Father! You're just the person I wanted to see! I'm using flower fortunes to choose an entrance flourish for the next battle! Buuuut I'm still having problems deciding, so I need to know what you think.

Chrom: Er, I don't know anything about flower fortunes OR "entrance flourishes."

Cynthia: Well then, let me must lay them out, and you can decide what sounds best. The first option is to ignite a huge plume of purple smoke and come racing out of it!

Chrom: ...Oh.

Cynthia: Option two is to step onto the field amidst a shower of fluttering violet petals..

Chrom: ...Ooo-kay.

Cynthia: Option three is to suddenly burst out of a farmhouse in the middle of the battlefield!

Chrom: ......

Cynthia: So, what do you think, Father? Which would you prefer?

Chrom: Um... Well, I suppose if I had to choose... Maybe the falling-petals one?

Cynthia: Wait, truly? Well, THAT'S a surprise! I didn't think it was your style at all. But if that's what you want, I'll start collecting petals!

Chrom: Cynthia, this entrance you're planning... It isn't for me, is it?

Cynthia: Of course it is, silly! Why else would I ask your opinion? Hee! I'm surprised you chose the flowers, but I'm glad you did. It's my favorite!

Chrom: N-no, wait! Just a moment! *Sigh* ...What have I gotten myself into?

B Support

Cynthia: I am SO sorry, Father.

Chrom: I should hope you are! You nearly buried me alive under all those blasted petals!

Cynthia: I know. I asked Mother to help out, and we ended up collecting thousands!

Chrom: You roped Sumia into helping you with this ridiculous project?

Cynthia: Of course! We wanted to do something special for our dear father and husband! But you DID look really dashing and heroic out there in the field!...At least, you would have, if anyone could have seen ou in that blizzard of petals.

Chrom: Well, in any case, there are to be no more entrance flourishes. Understood?

Cynthia: Aww, but I had SO many more wonderful ideas! ...Can I at least pick a special catchphrase for you to shout at the start of battle?

Chrom: Cynthia! War is a serious business. We're not playing games out there.

Cynthia: ...I-I know. I'm so sorry. I just want to make you happy and give us something fun to talk about and... Oh, pegasus poop! I just don't know what to do! I mean, what ARE fathers and daughters supposed to do together?

Chrom: Gods, Cynthia, don't be silly. You don't have to make such an effort to think of fun things for us to share. Just spending time with you is enough for me.

Cynthia: Truly? Just... being together is enough?

Chrom: Of course.

Cynthia: Oh, Father! You're SUCH a great guy! It's no wonder Mother fell in love with you! Even if you're just being polite, you're doing it because you like me! You're the BEST!

Chrom: Unnngh... Cynthia... D-don't hug... so tight... Can't b-breathe... C-crushing... ribs...

A Support

Cynthia: Father! Will you brush my hair? Pleeease?

Chrom: Er, I'm sorry, Cynthia, but I'm a little busy at the moment... You haven't left my side lately... Are you sure you don't have other things to do?

Cynthia: Well, you said spending time with me was fun! Riiight? Hey, why don't you come to town with me? We'll spend the whole day together!

Chrom: Er... now?

Cynthia: Yes, now! We'll walk the streets and visit the market and hold hands the whole time! Then we can find a tasty cake shop and when evening falls we can go caroling and-

Chrom: All right, Cynthia, that's enough now. Look, I know we're family, but even family needs time apart sometimes.

Cynthia: -and eat pie, and it'll totally be the best day ever!

Chrom: Are you even listening to me?

Cynthia: You... will remember me, won't you Father? Even once the Cynthia of this world is born?

Chrom: ......

Cynthia: You see, I DO understand how this time-travel stuff works. I know you're not my real father. That man exists in another history. So as soon as the me from this time is born, I promise to leave you alone. It's just that...until that happens, I want us to spend as much time together as we can. Then, when you have a proper family, at least we'll still have our memories.

Chrom: I... I didn't realize...

Cynthia: Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm ever so grateful for this time. You've shown me what it's like to have a father, and you've been so nice to me. But I know that, in the end, your love is meant for another me.

Chrom: *Sniff*

Cynthia: Father, are you... crying? Oh, silly! I didn't mean to make you sad... It's nothing to be sad about! Besides, we can't very well have my hero all teary eyed, can we?! I don't want to remember you like this. I want to remember you how you really were. Strong, and kind, and brave... My father, my hero... and my friend.


Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait frederick fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Frederick is Cynthia's father.

C Support

Cynthia: Now then, let's see what the flowers say. Option one, option two, option three…
Frederick: Cynthia? Why are you plucking the petals off that poor dandelion?
Cynthia: Oh, hello, Father! You're just the person I wanted to see! I'm using flower fortunes to choose an entrance flourish for the next battle! Buuuut I'm still having problems deciding, so I need to know what you think.
Frederick: Dear, I don't know anything about flower fortunes OR "entrance flourishes."
Cynthia: Well then, let me just lay them out, and you can decide what sounds best. The first option is to ignite a huge plume of purple smoke and come racing out of it!
Frederick: ...Oh.
Cynthia: Option two is to step onto the field amidst a shower of fluttering violet petals…
Frederick: I...see.
Cynthia: Option three is to suddenly burst out of a farmhouse in the middle of the battlefield!
Frederick: ......
Cynthia: So, what do you think, Father? Which would you prefer?
Frederick: Well, I suppose if I had to choose... Maybe the falling-petals one?
Cynthia: Wait, truly? Well, THAT'S a surprise! I didn't think it was your style at all. But if that's what you want, I'll start collecting petals!
Frederick: Cynthia, this entrance you're planning... It isn't for me, is it?
Cynthia: Of course it is, silly! Why else would I ask your opinion? Hee! I'm surprised you chose the flowers, but I'm glad you did. It's my favorite!
Frederick: N-no, wait! Just a moment! *Sigh* ...What have I gotten myself into?

B Support

Cynthia: I am SO sorry, Father.
Frederick: I should hope you are! You nearly buried me alive under all those blasted petals!
Cynthia: I know. I asked Mother to help out, and we ended up collecting thousands!
Frederick: You roped Sumia into helping you with this ridiculous project?
Cynthia: Of course! We wanted to do something special for our dear father and husband! But you DID look really dashing and heroic out there in the field! ...At least, you would have, if anyone could have seen you in that blizzard of petals.
Frederick: Well, in any case, there are to be no more entrance flourishes. Understood?
Cynthia: Aww, but I had SO many more wonderful ideas! ...Can I at least pick a special catchphrase for you to shout at the start of battle?
Frederick: Cynthia! War is a serious business. We're not playing games out there.
Cynthia: ...I-I know. I'm sorry.I just want to make you happy and give us something fun to talk about and...Oh, pegasus poop! I just don't know what to do!I mean, what ARE fathers and daughters supposed to do together?
Frederick: Cynthia, don't be silly. You don't have to make such an effort to think of fun things for us to share. Just spending time with you is enough for me.
Cynthia: Truly? Just...being together is enough?
Frederick: Of course.
Cynthia: Oh, Father! You're SUCH a great guy! It's no wonder Mother fell in love with you! Even if you're just being polite, you're doing it because you like me! You're the BEST!
Frederick: Unnngh... Cynthia... D-don't tight... Can't b-breathe... C-crushing...ribs…

A Support

Cynthia: Father! Will you brush my hair? Pleeease?
Frederick: Er, I'm sorry, Cynthia, but I'm a little busy at the moment… You haven't left my side lately... Are you sure you don't have other things to do?
Cynthia: Well, you said that spending time with me was fun! Riiight? Hey, why don't you come to town with me? We'll spend the whole day together!
Cynthia: Yes, now! We'll walk the streets and visit the market and hold hands the whole time! Then we can find a tasty cake shop and when evening falls we can go caroling and—
Frederick: All right, Cynthia, that's enough now. Look, I know we're family, but even family needs time apart sometimes.
Cynthia: —and eat pie, and it'll totally be the best day ever!
Frederick: Are you even listening to me?
Cynthia: You...will remember me, won't you, Father? Even once the Cynthia of this world is born?
Frederick: ......
Cynthia: You see, I DO understand how this time-travel stuff works. I know you're not my real father. That man exists in another history. So as soon as the me from this time is born, I promise to leave you alone. It's just that...until that happens, I want us to spend as much time together as we can. Then, when you have a proper family, at least we'll still have our memories.
Frederick: I... I didn't realize…
Cynthia: Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm ever so grateful for this time. You've shown me what it's like to have a father, and you've been so nice to me. But I know that, in the end, your love is meant for the other me.
Frederick: *Sniff*
Cynthia: Father, are you...crying? Oh, silly! I didn't mean to make you sad... It's nothing to be sad about! Besides, we can't very well have my hero all teary eyed, can we?! I don't want to remember you like this. I want to remember you how you really were. Strong, and kind, and brave... My father, my hero...and my friend.


Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait sumia fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.

C Support

Sumia: We're mother and daughter, and yet we're almost the same age... Kind of a weird feeling, huh? Still, I'm sure we can be friends!
Cynthia: Friends? But that won't do at all! You're still my superior. In battle, you mustn't hesitate to issue me orders just like any other soldier.
Sumia: But you're NOT just like any other soldier, are you? No, we shall be friends, and you'll speak to me as an equal.
Cynthia: Truly? You won't think me too forward? You won't be insulted?
Sumia: Of course not.
Cynthia: That's a relief! See, I told myself, if there's one person I mustn't annoy, it's Mother!
Sumia: ...Am I really so intimidating?
Cynthia: Well, in my time, you're a true legend. The most famed pegasus knight of all! There are so many stories of your heroic and terrible deeds. Like when you smashed through the enemy lines to rescue a stricken Chrom?
Sumia: Er...did I do that?
Cynthia: Or the time you argued with Chrom and slapped him in the face!
Sumia: Gods above, I sound like a madwoman...
Cynthia: Or the time you went into a blood frenzy and downed friend and foe alike!
Sumia: I downed FRIENDS?! That's not heroic at all!
Cynthia: The point is, I was raised on such stories, and they gave me strength and inspiration.
Sumia: ...I guess I'm going to need to be more selective about which historians I talk to.

B Support

Cynthia: Did you see me, Mother? Did you see how I handled that lance?
Sumia: Oh, of course I did. I was very impressed.
Cynthia: Gosh, what an honor—the seal of approval from the great Sumia herself! Does this mean you'd be willing to help me join the pegasus knights?
Sumia: Is that what you want, Cynthia?
Cynthia: Yes! In my future, see, the knights had long since disappeared into legend. But I always dreamed of joining them! Swooping through the broad blue skies... Skewering foes with a bloody lance... Cynthia, hero of the pegasus knights!
Sumia: Well, I'm not responsible for recruiting, as you well know. However, if Phila were here, I'm quite sure she'd turn you down.
Cynthia: Wait, WHAT?! But why?! You just said I was really good with the lance!
Sumia: Lance skills alone are not what makes the pegasus knights so formidable.
Cynthia: You mean I have to be good with a sword, too? Ooh, or maybe magic?
Sumia: If you wish to know the answer, bathe in the waters of the spring.
Cynthia: But the spring is...really, really cold. Couldn't we just do flower fortunes?
Sumia: No. Now do as I say and go to the spring. You'll find your answer there. You'll have to think long and hard, though. It won't come easy.
Cynthia: Why won't she just tell me instead of making me take a freezing-cold bath? *Sigh* Well, if it's not a lance or a sword or magic spells, then... Ah, wait! The axe! Maybe it's all about the axe! ...No, that can't be it. Man, this is a real puzzle…

A Support

Sumia: Well, Cynthia? Have you found your answer yet?
Cynthia: Yep. After you posed the question, I thought and thought and thought... But I couldn't think of anything, so I did what you said and bathed in the spring. That's when I noticed my poor pegasus was as dirty as a farm hog! I'd been so busy making MYSELF look grand, I neglected my faithful mount!
Sumia: Ah, good. You understand at last. A knight's pegasus isn't some beast of burden or a farmer's mule. She is a partner and ally, and must be cared for as much as a knight cares for herself. ...A lesson which I can see you've learned. Your mount is looking radiant today.
Cynthia: Oh, yes! I've started washing and brushing her every day now. I want her to look as fine and proud as your pegasus, Mom!
Sumia: Hee hee! Now that will be a challenge. Don't get your hopes up! ...By the by, Cynthia. I had something I wanted to ask.
Cynthia: Yes? What is it?
Sumia: Our two pegasi seem so similar, don't you think? So similar, in fact, that I'm wondering...
Cynthia: Yep! My pegasus is the very same one that you used to ride. When my mother was killed back in my time, her pegasus made its way back to me.
Sumia: I see...
Cynthia: She told me what Mother said just before she died... "Please, return to Cynthia. Look after her and protect her." She—well, you—sent your pegasus to me so I'd have something to remember you by. All of which makes me feel TOTALLY worse for not taking better care of her! She's been my stalwart friend and ally ever since, but I don't even deserve her!
Sumia: Now, now, Cynthia. That's not true. You made a mistake, but you recognize that now. You have lots of time to make it up to her and strengthen the bonds of trust. After all, you're not the only one who ever neglected her pegasus...
Cynthia: Y-you used to forget to wash her, too?
Sumia: Wash her? Heavens, there were times I forgot to FEED her! Once I even tried to pluck out some wing feathers to make myself a fancy hat.
Cynthia: Good grief!
Sumia: My point is, you still deserve to be her friend, even if you forget to wash her. She loves you far too much to desert you just for that. I've seen how happy she looks, swooping across the sky with you on her back.
Cynthia: Truly? I'm so relieved to hear it... Oh, Mother, I can't thank you enough. You've taught me so many things that I didn't have a chance to ask about before. You really are everything the legends say! ...Well, maybe a bit more clumsy, but...


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Lucina (as siblings)

Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lucina fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Lucina is Cynthia's sister.

C Support

Cynthia: This place is a mess! I really should straighten up more...often... Is that a...AAAAAAAAAUGH!

Lucina: Gods, I've never seen Cynthia run so fast! Are we under attack?! Cynthia! What happened back there? ...Are you all right?!

Cynthia: L-Lucinaaa!

Lucina: Breathe, Cynthia. Calm down and tell me what happened. You have nothing to fear now that I'm here.

Cynthia: B-b-bug! A bug!

Lucina: ...A bug? ...As insect?

Cynthia: As in a huge, freakish nightmare, with gross, hairy legs... It's HORRIBLE!

Lucina: You're telling me all of your screaming and flailing was over an INSECT? *sigh* I thought the Risen had come. You could have sent the camp into a panic.

Cynthia: AAAAAH! It's back! And it can fly?! S-stay away! Don't come near meee!

Lucina: Come now, I don't see what all the fuss i—EEEEEEK!

Cynthia: See? SEE?! It's the stuff of nightmares! Now hurry up and kill it! Kill it with fire magic or something!

Lucina: Oh, no—I'm not going near that thing! It's HUGE!

Cynthia: WHAT?! What happened to having nothing to fear now that you're here? How are you gonna save the future if you can't even smoosh one stupid bug?

Lucina: Those two things are not related in the slightest. And how do YOU plan to be a big hero if you're scared of a bug?

Cynthia: I'd sooner die a craven that touch that horrid thing! Look, you're the older one! You do it! Father told you to protect your little sister, didn't he?

Lucina: Er, well, I suppose he did... *sigh* All right, I'll do something about it.

Cynthia: I knew I could depend on you, Lucy! Three cheers for the once and future exalt!

Lucina: ...You're a royal, too, you know? It wouldn't kill you to show a but more spine.

Cynthia: Hey, now's your chance! It just crawled into a corner behind that shelf!

Lucina: It's too dark. I can't see it...

Cynthia: You should light up Falchion. Then, once you spot it, ker-STAB!

Lucina: Falchion isn't some common pitchfork, Cynthia! It's a blade of legend!

Cynthia: All right, all right! Sheesh... I'm sorry I... AHHHHH! It's flying again! It's flying!

Lucina: As formidable a foe as it may be, I won't allow it to set a single hairy leg on you!

Cynthia: Go, Lucina, go! GET HIM!

Chrom: What in the name of...? What are you two doing in here?!

Lucina: F-Father?

Cynthia: Father!

Chrom: Honestly, you two. All that commotion over a silly insect? What were you thinking?!

Cynthia: Sorry...

Lucina: I'm sorry, Father...

Chrom: Just see that it never happens again.

Cynthia: Figures he would be the one to get it. He's unshakable.

Lucina: It's true. Although he was a lot less calm when it came to scolding us...

Cynthia: Aw, are you still down about that? I actually had a lot of fun. I can't remember the two of us ever getting to trouble like that before. It felt like... I don't know, like we were a normal family for a second there.

Lucina: Heh. I confess, it did have it's moments...

B Support

Lucina: ...Cynthia.

Cynthia: Mmm?

Lucina: You know what I'm about to say, don't you?

Cynthia: Um... Be sure to wash Falchion after I'm done cutting this apple?

Lucina: DON'T use Falchion to cut apples in the first place, you dolt!

Cynthia: Eep! S-sorry! I'm sorry!

Lucina: You had best be more than just sorry... That sword is a national treasure of Ylisse and a final memento of my father. Would you use the last earthly remembrance of your dead father to cut FRUIT?! You've shamed the weapon that built your very homeland!

Cynthia: Well, you've seen for yourself how big the apple is. And with no other knives around... B-besides, I've barely ever touched the thing before. I dunno, I...I got curious.

Lucina: ......

Cynthia: So, um, a-are you... Yeah, you're mad.

Lucina: You've never held Falchion before?

Cynthia: Not really, no. In the future, you always kept it by your side. And since we've been back here I've maybe moved it from tent to tent once or twice.

Lucina: Then we don't know if you have the potential to wield it.

Cynthia: Wait, it takes a special person to use it?

Lucina: I see there is much you do not know. This blade was forged with Naga's power and steeped in the exalt's bloodline. Only a select few are able to wield it, even among the Ylissean royal house.

Cynthia: Yeesh, talk about picky. But I'm not surprised you're one of them, Lucina.

Lucina: You may well be another, Cynthia. I'm mortified we've come this far without ever putting it to the test.

Cynthia: Hey, that would be totally heroic and awesome if I could use it! Cutting down foes with a mystical sword is pretty much the best thing ever!

Lucina: Mostly I'm ashamed I never stopped to consider it. If you are, in fact, among Falchion's chosen, that is knowledge we need. There may come a time when it proves necessary for you to take it up.

Cynthia: What, like if you're busy?

Lucina: Like if I'm dead, Cynthia. Having someone able to wield it even after I'm gone would be a considerable asset. We must use any means at our disposal to ensure that future is saved. Now let's go put it to the test.

Cynthia: ......

Lucina: Cynthia?

Cynthia: Aw, forget it. There's no way the sword would choose someone like me.

Lucina: You don't know that until you try. You yourself just said that you wished you were able to wield it. So let's—

Cynthia: I said NO! I'm not doing it! Don't make me... Don't make me practice for your death, Lucina!

Lucina: ...I understand how you feel, but we must be practical about this. We cannot afford to lose this war. No matter what happens or who dies.

Cynthia: You think I don't know that?! But it's not... It's just not that simple for me, all right? What, are you planning to leave me, too? First my parents and now you?

Lucina: Not by choice, Cynthia. Never by choice. ...But there are no guarantees in war.

Cynthia: And that's supposed to make me feel better?! If it means you dying, I don't want anything to do with Falchion! And if you make me try, I'll only use it to chop up more apples, so there! This is pointless. I'm leaving.

Lucina: Cynthia... She sure is stuck on this whole apple business...

A Support

Cynthia: Lucina, is this, uh... Do you have a minute?

Lucina: What's wrong, Cynthia? Why the serious face?

Cynthia: I want you to help me see whether or not I can wield Falchion.

Lucina: Huh? You were so dead set against it. What changed?

Cynthia: I did, I suppose. I thought about everything you said... About how we need to win this war by any means necessary. I was running away from the truth and from my duty as a child of the exalted bloodline. But like you said, we need to be practical about this. ...So will you help me?

Lucina: Of course. I'll make the necessary preparations immediately.

Lucina: All right. I want you to strike at that log as if it were the enemy. If you lack the potential to wield Falchion, it's blade will be dull as stone. You will scarce knock the bark off your target. However, if you are among the blade's chosen, the log will be cleft in two.

Cynthia: ......

Lucina: Here. Take Falchion.

Cynthia: All right... Here we go... Hey, wait. What am I going to do if this DOES work? ...No. I'll worry about that later. No more doubts. This is part of my duty... Here I go! RrrAAAGH! ...... ...Huh? I didn't feel anything.

Lucina: ...The log is unscathed. I'm sorry, Cynthia. It seems you've not been chosen to wield Falchion.

Cynthia: ......

Lucina: Don't take it too hard. This doesn't change who you are. You're still my sister, a daughter of Chrom, and a princess of Ylisse. Don't let this—

Cynthia: ...Pffft. Heh heh ha ha ha!

Lucina: Cynthia?!

Cynthia: Ah ha ha ha, s-sorry, it's just... I was so worked up, I... I totally missed! I missed the log! Ah ha ha, what a riot!

Lucina: ...Heh. Heh heh. *ahem* Do try to be serious, Sister. You're making me laugh... *Sigh* I suppose we both got a little to wrapped up in this whole Falchion matter. It wound up souring the air between us, almost as if we'd been quarreling. I far prefferred that night we got in trouble for the giant bug...

Cynthia: Oh, me too! ...Though at least this helped me firm up my resolve. Not doing what I can out of fear that the people I love might die is just...cowardice. If something should happen to you, I swear to keep fighting to the bitter end. But I still have no intention of letting that happen. The pain is too much to imagine. So let me protect you. It's the least your sister can do!

Lucina: I fear I, too, was running. I was afraid to make you a promise. But no more. I swear to you, here and now, that this war will not claim me. I refuse to leave you all alone, Sister, nor allow any harm to come to you. We will survive this together. We will forge a future of your own making.

Cynthia: It's a promise!

Lucina: So it is sworn on Falchion. ...Oh, blast! I completely forgot that I'm on cooking duty tonight! Sorry, but I must be going.

Cynthia: Ah, wait! Lucina, you forgot Falchion! ...So much for not leaving me all alone. Guess it's just you and me, Falchy. How's about one more swing for the road, seeing as I'll likely never touch you again? Hrrngh... YAAAAAH! ...Yup. Once again, total whiff! You just better do a damned good job of looking after my sister, you got that? If Lucina dies, you're getting demoted to royal fruit knife. Don't think I won't do it! ...All right, well, better get you back to her.

Chrom: ...Hmm? What's this log? Was someone training? Hmm, split perfectly in two. I've never seen such a clean cut before...


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Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait severa fe13.png
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Cynthia: Get busy dying, or get busy dying MORE! ...That's my best victory catchphrase yet! I can't wait to use it! Hmm... But do I shout it before the killing blow or after? ...Ooooh! Or DURING?! Oh my gosh, this is going to be so great!

Severa: Oh gods. Nerd alert. Just make sure I'm not around when you start yelling like a maniac, all right?

Cynthia: Did you come here just to be a jerk?

Severa: Just appreciating the irony of your situation is all. The more you embrace your "hero" bit, the more of a loser you are.

Cynthia: That is so totally not true! Heroes are completely awesome! And it's also none of your business!

Severa: Oh, you poor girl. Don't you know that everyone in camp is ashamed of you?

Cynthia: Nuh-uh! I get compliments all the time!

Severa: That's called pity. They're trying not to hurt your pathetic wittle feewings.

Cynthia: At least I HAVE feelings! You don't get it because you're emotionally stunted! A cynical ice queen like you can't possible fathom the awesomeness of a real hero! Y-you're a villain! ...A super villain, even!

Severa: If having no patience for your sad little fantasies makes me a villain, so be it. ...Meh, I'm bored of making fun of you now. Go back to playing your little games.

Cynthia: I will! Good day! And good riddance!

B Support

Cynthia: Cry justice into the dark of night, and it will echo back, "Cynthia!" And who would face divine judgement, step forward and meet my blade! ...Yes! Nailed it! That's a total keeper!

Severa: As in, keep out of sight? ...Keep secret forever? ...Keep being a big fat loser?

Cynthia: Keep being a huge jerk! What's wrong, jerk? Did you run out of flies to pull the wings off of?

Severa: Don't flatter yourself. I was just passing by. ...I should keep walking before someone sees us talking and gets the wrong idea.

Cynthia: I wish you would! You're like a dark cloud that just floats around raining on people. I don't think I've ever heard a single nice thing coming out of your mouth!

Severa: All part of being a...what was it again? A cynical little ice queen? If I played along with your sorry delusions, what sort of villain would I be? Yes. I'm afraid you're stuck with me. Mwah ha ha ha ha!

Cynthia: That DOES it! I demand a duel!

Severa: ...Wait. YOU are challenging ME?!

Cynthia: Name your terms, villain! I'll outrun you, outface you, or even outEAT you! Whoever loses has to apologise to the winner!

Severa: I'm sure you could win the eating contest easily...

Cynthia: Ha! You talk a big game, but that's all you are--a big bag of hot wind. A super villain like you wouldn't have the guts to face me in a fair fight!

Severa: I was going to take pity and spare you the humiliation, but so be it. You're on, loser! I hope you're ready to be crushed like a cockroach!

Cynthia: Ha! Now that's a lame line if I ever heard one1 So, what'll it be? Name your challenge. Pick anything you like. Doesn't matter to me. I'm better than you at everything!

Severa: Destroying you at any single event wouldn't prove the spectacular gap in our skills. I'll take you up on all three of the tests.

Cynthia: ...Er, all three?

Severa: That's right! Unless you want to go ahead and concede now?

Cynthia: N-not on your life! I'm going to enjoy grinding you into the dirt!

Severa: Hah! Now who sounds like a villain? Maybe you should drop the prissy little hero act and join me on the snarky side...

Cynthia: Never!

Severa: Then I suggest you stop dreaming up catch-phrases and start drafting that apology. You'll be needing it soon! Mwah ha ha ha!

A Support

Cynthia: ...I'm impressed you showed up.

Severa: Oh, I wouldn't miss it. I'm looking forward to that apology.

Cynthia: Yeah? Well I'm looking forward to... Uh... Showing you that justice always prevails!

Severa: Ugh, whatever. It always comes back to that with you, doesn't it?

Cynthia: A hero's fate is to see justice done. Meanwhile, villains like you are fated to get kicked around by us heroes!

Severa: Well, since you seem so full of energy, we'll start with a foot race. Keep up if you can!

Cynthia: Ha! I'll leave you in the dust!

Cynthia: *gasp* *pant* How were you... able to keep up?

Severa: *huff* *gasp* "Keep up"? I the lead!

Cynthia: What?! *wheese* That's...ridiculous!

Severa: *gasp* This whole...duel is ridiculous... One challenge down, and we're no closer to a resolution than when we started. On to round two!

Cynthia: Swordplay, was it? As you wish... Have at you!

Severa: *smack* Oh my gosh, what?! That hurt, you lunatic1 No one cares if YOUR ugly face gets ruined, but I'M pretty!

Cynthia: *bop* Yowch! Your insults don't hurt us as much as these dumb wooden swords!

Severa: Okay, time out! I'm exhausted!

Cynthia: What say we recuperate with a little snack, hmm? On to the eating competition!

Severa: Urrrrrrp! S-so stuffed... C-c-can'

Cynthia: D-don' food...C-can't...even...move...

Severa: I think we tied again. This is stupid! Three rounds and we STILL don't have a winner! I don't even care any more! I'm completely wiped. I'm not moving another inch today.

Cynthia: Ugh, me too. Let's just forget the whole thing.

Severa: I always though you were just a loser with big loser fantasies... But you've actually got guts...and heart.

Cynthia: And I guess you're not just an emotionally stunted ice queen. You've got fire in your belly. I could maybe even learn from you.

Severa: We're kind of a weirdly match pair, huh? How about I let you call the duel a draw and we try being friends?

Cynthia: Let me, huh? Ooooh, so generous! But when you think about it, out mothers were friends as much as they were allies. Maybe we were fated to be the same all along.

Severa: I'm too tired to think about fate.

Cynthia: Ha ha, I'm barely keeping my eyes open here, too. I say we take a nap, then go for a cup of tea.

Severa: Deal... But I get to...pick the... Zzz...

Cynthia: Ha ha. you fell as... Zzz...


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Morgan (M)

Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait morgan m fe13.png
Morgan (M)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Cynthia: I am Cynthia, Vanquisher of Evil! My sword has judged you and found you wanting! ...Heh. Nice. I'm totally using that next time out.

Morgan: You seem as chipper as ever, Cynthia. I feel engrossed just watching you.

Cynthia: Hey, if I've got anything to offer, it's pep! Belting out catchphrases and awesome hero speeches always gets me going.

Morgan: So that's your secret, is it?

Cynthia: Yup! If you're ever feeling worn down, I can't recommend it highly enough. Hey! You should try it right now!

Morgan: All right, maybe I will! Let's see... I am Morgan, the, um, unwavering light that makes bad guys...really sad!

Cynthia: ...Well?

Morgan: Hey, that does feel good! I bet with a little bit of practice, I could really get used to this!

Cynthia: Oh, yay! It's always great to find someone who appreciates the art of heroism.

Morgan: Heh, it does seem like we're something of a matched pair.

Cynthia: And that means it's up to us to keep the speeches coming till everyone is energised!

Morgan: Look out, world! I'm gonna shout at you until I'm hoarse!

B Support

Cynthia: Hrmmm...

Morgan: Mmm? Cynthia?

Cynthia: Do they really...? But that would mean...

Morgan: Is everything all right?

Cynthia: Oh. Hi, Morgan.

Morgan: I don't think I've ever seen you this drained. Is something on your mind?

Cynthia: No, I'm... Well, yes, actually. Lately, it seems like the others have all been...staring at me.

Morgan: Er, you mean more than usual or...what?

Cynthia: Well, I'm used to them watching, but know...staring. It's been happening when I give heroic pep talks. People always look, but...

Morgan: ...But?

Cynthia: But whenever I do it lately, people just stare. A lot. And hard. It's like they're boring into my soul with twin javelins of shame and regret./

Morgan: Oh, that's just your imagination, I'm sure.

Cynthia: No it's not. They pity me, Morgan! They're all embarrassed for me! And so now that's all I can think about. I can't even fight any more! Seriously, I almost got stabbed by a blind codger on a horse the other day...

Morgan: Then I propose a little experiment.

Cynthia: Oh?

Morgan: If your heroic boldness is too much for them, why not try acting meek? In our next battle, take the field as a quiet, demure Cynthia. Then watch their reactions and draw conclusions from the experience.

Cynthia: Yeah, but...what will that tell me?

Morgan: If they're fed up with how rambunctious you are, they'll be glad you quietened down. But if they like your usual peppy self, they'll clearly be worried about you.

Cynthia: Geez, I'm not sure I even know how to act demure.

Morgan: Just think about your mother. Try to act as she would.

Cynthia: All right. I'll give it a try!

Morgan: Wonderful! We'll have your answer in no time, I guarantee it!

A Support

Morgan: Hey, Cynthia.

Cynthia: ...Morgan.

Morgan: So? how goes it? Have you mastered acting meek and demure yet?

Cynthia: ...Yes. ... ...I have.

Morgan: Er, right. You know, I'm not sure that's actually how demure works. Maybe you just need a little more time? Yes, I'm sure that's it!

Cynthia: ...No. That isn't... ... ...necessary.

Morgan: I can actually feel myself growing old waiting for you to finish a sentence. I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

Cynthia: What? No way! I practised really hard! Look, I'll even show you my demure face! Mmmmrrrrgggghhh...

Morgan: ...Please stop that. Er, all this aside, though, how have the others reacted to this new you?

Cynthia: Aw, it was really sweet! They were all very concerned. They kept coming up and asking me what was wrong.

Morgan: Oh?

Cynthia: Oh yeah! People were all running up and shouting at me and stuff! "What is wrong with you, Cynthia?!" "You look upset, Cynthia!" "Why do you keep making that horrible face, Cynthia?" So if what you said is true, that means they all miss the old perky me, right?

Morgan: Er... R-right! I'm sure that's what they meant. They all want you to be yourself. Your happy, energetic...very loud self.

Cynthia: Yay! It's such a relief to know for sure! Of, all that worrying had my stomach in knots. But now that it's over, I'm hungry! You wanna grab something to eat? I think they have pottage today!

Morgan: Sure. It must be hart to be energetic on an empty stomach, after all.

Cynthia: I know, right? Come on, let's go!

Morgan: ...Yeesh. Between the pauses and that face, it's no wonder people thought her ill. I doubt it had anything to do with her missing pep and verve. ...Not that I could tell her that without breaking her heart, though... Ah, well. At least she's smiling again!

S Support

Cynthia: Morgaaan!

Morgan: Um, hi?

Cynthia: You're not...hiding anything from me, are you?

Morgan: Wh-what makes you say that?

Cynthia: Oh, please. It's written all over your face!

Morgan: I really have no idea what you-

Cynthia: The REAL reason everyone was worried when I was acting demure--out with it!

Morgan: ...Ah. That.

Cynthia: I knew it! You knew I was wrong, and you just let me believe it! You said everyone's concern about me meant they missed the old me! You lied to me!

Morgan: It wasn't a lie! It was a... I mean, I... Wait, how did you come to the conclusion that the others didn't miss the old you?

Cynthia: Someone asked if I was feeling better, and I said yep, and then they said... "Good. The funny talking had us worried it was permanent brain damage." "You've always been crazy, but this time we worried you'd finally snapped." This is your fault, Morgan! I made an even bigger fool of myself than before!

Morgan: I'm sorry, Cynthia. Really I am. I didn't mean to lie.

Cynthia: Then why did you?

Morgan: Because I missed the old you! The crazy girl with all the speeches and moves! So others may not get it. So what?! They were still concerned for you. But me? I just missed you. You, Cynthia! I think you're awesome!

Cynthia: Morgan...

Morgan: I love your energy, Cynthia! I love your heroic nature! I...I love YOU!

Cynthia: ...You what?

Morgan: I only realised it once you were gone. Er, once you went demure, I mean. But once it happened, I didn't know how to tell you without hurting you. And then, when you changed back, I didn't want to change your mind about why. So I didn't. I was a coward and I just...hoped everything would work out.

Cynthia: ...I forgive you.

Morgan: ...Y-you do?

Cynthia: I looked like a fool, and you just confessed that you're in love with me. I think that evens the ol' embarrassment scales, don't you?

Morgan: Cynthia...

Cynthia: Yes, it may have been embarrassing... But in the end, I'm glad it happened.

Morgan: Really?

Cynthia: Yes... Because it led me to someone who really loves me for who I am. I hope you know what you're getting into. I can be kinda loud sometimes.

Morgan: Heh...I kinda noticed. But I'd have it no other way! *ahem* By the mighty sword of Morgan, I shall love you forever!

Cynthia: Hey, that was actually pretty good!

Morgan (F) (as siblings)

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Morgan (F) (as parent and child)

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