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The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all of Roberto's paired base conversations.

Kris and Roberto

First conversation

Kris: Sir Roberto, there's hay on your back... Were you in the stable again?
Roberto: Again, you say...? So my secret's been exposed.
Kris: I've seen you there rather frequently. You seem to be well accustomed to dealing with horses.
Roberto: It's nothing special. I know a bit because I ride them, that's all.
Kris: I see...
Roberto: I'm a Grustian knight, but I hail from a slightly bizarre family. I've been riding horses a lot ever since I was a kid.
Kris: Ah, that explains it.
Roberto: Explains what?

If Kris is male
Kris: The groom was mighty impressed.
If Kris is female
Kris: Oh, no... The groom was mighty impressed.

Kris: He said that you must really like horses to speak to them.
Roberto: That fellow talks too much. There's a foal over there right now.

If Kris is male
Kris: Is that so?
If Kris is female
Kris: Oh, is that so?

Roberto: I think he'll let you see him if you ask.

Second conversation

Kris: Sir Roberto, you're extremely familiar with horses and I was just curious... Can you understand what they say?
Roberto: That's an odd question. Hmm... Well, I can tell what they want and what they don't. That's about it.
Kris: I see...
Roberto: Disappointed?

If Kris is male
Kris: Not at all! I asked because I heard there are people in this world who can understand what ponies say...
If Kris is female
Kris: Not at all! I asked because, before, I heard there are people in this world who can understand what ponies say...

Roberto: Really? Sounds like a lie to me...
Kris: But it'd be wonderful if it were true.
Roberto: Indeed. But, well, if I could communicate with them, I'd probably have to apologize.
Kris: For what?
Roberto: For getting them involved in a war.
Kris: I see... I'd do the same.

Third conversation

If Kris is male

Roberto: You really put your effort into everything...
Kris: Yes, I'm one of Prince Marth's Royal Guards after all.
Roberto: Are all Royal Guards jacks-of-all-trades?
Kris: Why does it feel like I've heard that line from someone else already...? Oh, that foal has been growing fast, hasn't he? He'll probably grow up to become a strong horse.
Roberto: Haha, indeed.
Kris: Sir Robert, you made me realize something important.
Roberto: Hm?
Kris: Peace is the best recourse. Of course, I already knew that was Prince Marth's desire, but... Until now... I believe I've been way too obsessed with obtaining more strength to battle.
Roberto: So, after meeting the weaponless horses, you've started to think that peace–and not violence–is best? ...I see you've had a change of heart.
Kris: Yes, I've come to feel something I never felt before...
Roberto: It batters your heart to see one of them hurt, doesn't it?
Kris: Yes, indeed. I saw a really injured horse this morning... Sir Robert, are you skilled in treating horses? Could you come check on it with me?
Roberto: I see you've taken up yet another job already... Sure, let's go take a look.

If Kris is female

Roberto: You really put your effort into everything...
Kris: Yes, since I'm one of Prince Marth's Royal Guards after all.
Roberto: Are all Royal Guards jacks-of-all-trades?
Kris: Why does it feel like I've heard that line from someone else already...? Oh, that foal has been growing fast, hasn't he? He puts a smile on my face.
Roberto: Haha, indeed.
Kris: Sir Robert, you reminded me of something very important.
Roberto: Hm?
Kris: Peace is the best recourse. Of course, I already knew that was Prince Marth's desire, but... Until now... I believe I've been way too obsessed with obtaining more strength to battle.
Roberto: So, after meeting the weaponless horses, you've started to think that peace–and not violence–is best? ...I see you've had a change of heart.
Kris: Yes, a little...
Roberto: It batters your heart to see one of them hurt, doesn't it?
Kris: Yes, that's right. I saw a really injured horse this morning... Sir Robert, are you skilled in treating horses? Shall we check it together?
Roberto: I see you've taken up yet another job already... Sure, let's go take a look.

Reiden and Roberto

First conversation

Reiden: Roberto, it's time for the war council.
Roberto: Huh, is that so? ...Oh right, I think I heard about that...
Reiden: Sir Jagen told us yesterday. Have you forgotten already?
Roberto: Eh, well, that's strange... I didn't intend to.
Reiden: You're such an airhead, you know?
Roberto: R-really?
Reiden: Misbuttoning your clothes, wearing two right gloves... How do you plan to tell me otherwise?
Roberto: Did that sort of thing happen...?
Reiden: Yes. I lent you a left glove because you had two right ones. Then, you lost that too....
Roberto: Ohh! I remember now.
Reiden: Hmm? The war council? Or the left glove?
Roberto: Sir Jagen told me he had that glove, so he asked me to go and collect it during the war council.
Reiden: ... I'm fairly sure he had a different set of gloves in mind.

Second conversation

Robert: Reiden, don't just throw away everything you own.
Reiden: ...? What are you talking about?
Roberto: You've a habit of throwing away anything you don't need... They once got really mad at you when you threw an old, dirty book away. "How dare you! It was a precious textbook!!" they said.
Reiden: Yeah... Don't even remind me. I got in some real trouble that time. But that happened all the way back home. I'm just organizing my things now. Did I throw away something I shouldn't have?
Roberto: ...Isn't this book Sir Jagen's? I remember borrowing it.
Reiden: ...! True... ...That was a close one.
Roberto: Your detachment from material things is one of your good points, but you're just a step away from getting another good scolding.
Reiden: Indeed. I'd bet... Sir Jagen would be frightening if angered...
Roberto: Oh, Sir Jagen!
Reiden: ...!!!
Roberto: ...Oops, wrong person.
Reiden: You craven...!

Third conversation

Reiden: Roberto? Weren't you supposed to get back by nightfall?
Roberto: I found a shortcut. That's why I came back early.
Reiden: You never get lost anywhere... You should share some of that sense of direction with Sir/Dame Kris.
Roberto: Well, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. But I think Sir/Dame Kris'll survive no matter where he/she goes.
Reiden: Haha, maybe.
Roberto: Meanwhile, if you weren't a knight, you'd be some dull fellow leading a gray life somewhere...
Reiden: Hey, you're going too far. And you–if you weren't a knight... Nah, you'd probably manage, oddly enough.
Roberto: What was that?
Reiden: Well... Doesn't matter. Even if this war is over, it'll take time for the dust to settle.
Roberto: We'll have a lot of work to do... right?
Reiden: Yeah. In any case, let's focus on the task at hand. Shall we train together?
Roberto: It would be a pleasure.