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The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all of Warren's paired base conversations.

Warren and Kris

First conversation

If Kris is male

Kris: Oh, Warren. Where did you go? I haven't seen you around for a while...
Warren: To the forest.
Kris: Forest?
Warren: I'm a hunter, after all.
(Warren leaves)
Kris: Huh? C-could you come back here?
(Warren returns)
Warren: ...Huh, oh sorry. You weren't finished speaking...
Kris: Yes. I'm glad you understand. I thought I said something to offend you.
Warren: Nah. It's just that I'm used to being alone. I'm not good at talking...
Kris: I see. But, I heard you're acquaintanced with Dame Catria?
Warren: Yeah... A long time ago, I treated Catria's pegasus after an accident.
Kris: I see, so that's how you two met.
(Warren leaves)
Kris: Dame Catria told me. That you're a blunt, but gentle... Wait, what? He's gone again... I must have said something wrong after all.

If Kris is female

Kris: Oh, Warren. Where did you go? I haven't seen you around for a while...
Warren: To the forest.
Kris: Forest?
Warren: I'm a hunter, after all.
(Warren leaves)
Kris: Huh? C-could you come back here?
(Warren returns)
Warren: ...Huh, oh sorry. You weren't finished speaking...
Kris: I'm glad you understand. I thought you didn't like me.
Warren: Nah. It's just that I'm used to being alone. I'm not good at talking...
Kris: I see. But, I heard you're acquaintanced with Dame Catria?
Warren: Yeah... A long time ago, I treated Catria's pegasus after an accident.
Kris: I see, so that's how you met...
(Warren leaves)
Kris: Dame Catria told me. That you're a blunt, but gentle... Wait, what? He's gone again... Oh dear, does he not like me after all...?

Second conversation

Kris: Hello, Warren.
Warren: Oh, so it's you.
Kris: Can we talk like before? I want to know more about you. We're comrades-in-arms, after all.
Warren: ...Sure, I don't mind.
Kris: You said you're a hunter. So, how is a hunter's life? I'm from the countryside as well, but I spent all my time training with my grandfather...
Warren: ...
Kris: Y-you don't like talking to me, do you?
Warren: Nah, that ain't it. Sorry for giving you the wrong idea. But, I'm not used to talking. I dunno how to start...
Kris: For instance, did you always hunt alone?
Warren: Yeah, always alone. I'd hunt small game in the forest, but sometimes I'd ascend the snowy mountains to catch the big ones... If a blizzard came, I'd dig a hole and wait there until it stopped snowing. For days even...
Kris: What did you do to pass the time?
Warren: Nothing at all. Just wait.
Kris: Staying alone, doing nothing for days...? I don't think I'd be able to stand that.
Warren: That's because I'm used to being alone. My usual life is like that too.
Kris: Don't you have a family?
Warren: Nope. I live alone in the forest. I hunt what I need in the forest, and live in a hut deep inside. If there isn't any business... I spend years without seeing anyone.
Kris: But, don't you feel lonely?
Warren: Catria asked me that too, back then... But I don't really know what feeling lonely means. I've been alone as far as I remember. Being alone was a given. So, I never felt anything about it.
Kris: I see...
Warren: Even if everyone else disappeared from this world... It wouldn't change a thing for me. And on the other hand, if I were to disappear from this world... It wouldn't change a thing for the world, either.
Kris: You're mistaken, Warren. We're comrades. If you were to disappear, I would be sad.
Warren: ...
Kris: So, don't disappear suddenly.
Warren: ...Don't worry. I don't plan to.

Third conversation

If Kris is male

Kris: Warren, what are your plans when this war is over?
Warren: Same as before. Live as a hunter.
Kris: I see...
Warren: ... But... My feelings might have changed.
Kris: Hm?
Warren: It's something I've never felt before... I feel like I'll have a hard time parting with you guys once this war ends. Kris, I want to talk to you all, my comrades, again. That's how I feel.
Kris: Warren...
Warren: We stuck together for a long time. I believe I've gotten to know why people feel lonely. People don't feel lonely because they're alone... but because they've become alone. Parting from a precious companion feels lonely. That's what I've learned...
Kris: And that's why I'd like to meet you again. After this war is over. Let us meet again and again.
Warren: Yeah... let's.

If Kris is female

Kris: Warren, what are your plans when this war is over?
Warren: Same as before. Live as a hunter.
Kris: I see...
Warren: ... But... My feelings might have changed.
Kris: Huh?
Warren: It's something I've never felt before... I feel like I'll have a hard time parting with you once this war ends. Kris, I want to talk to you again. That's how I feel.
Kris: Warren...
Warren: We stuck together for a long time. I believe I've gotten to know why people feel lonely. People don't feel lonely because they're alone... but because they've become alone. Parting from a precious companion feels lonely. That's what I've learned...
Kris: Warren... Then we should definitely meet again. After this war is over. Let us meet again and again.
Warren: Yeah... let's.