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< Hapi
Revision as of 16:55, 20 March 2022 by Thecornerman (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{stub}} ==Monastery activities== ===Dining=== {{quote|Wow. This is all kinds of tasty.|Liked meal}} {{quote|I worked hard to earn this meal. Ha, I'm kidding. I just kinda showed up.|Neutral meal}} {{quote|Not to be rude, but this is...kinda gross.|Disliked meal}} {{quote|'''Linhardt:''' Are there any foods you particularly dislike, Hapi? Anything in today's meal, for instance?<br>'''Hapi:''' Nope. But also, none of your business.|With Linhardt and no or C support b...")
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Monastery activities


Wow. This is all kinds of tasty.
— Liked meal
I worked hard to earn this meal. Ha, I'm kidding. I just kinda showed up.
— Neutral meal
Not to be rude, but this is...kinda gross.
— Disliked meal
Linhardt: Are there any foods you particularly dislike, Hapi? Anything in today's meal, for instance?
Hapi: Nope. But also, none of your business.

— With Linhardt and no or C support between them
Hapi: Usually the atmosphere in the dining hall kinda bums me out, but with you two, I think I'll be OK.
Linhardt: None of us are great at reading a room. Isn't that right, Professor?

— With Linhardt and a B support between them
Linhardt: I overheard someone call us The Three Oddballs. Not very clever, if you ask me.
Hapi: You trying to make me sigh?

— With Linhardt and an A support between them
Constance: Hapi! Have we not discussed your revolting table manners enough?!
Hapi: Here we go again. Food tastes better when I eat it like this, Coco.

— With Constance and no or C support between them
Constance: Behold, Professor! We need only sprinkle a bit of this secret ingredient that Hapi and I found and...
Hapi: Coco... If you go and tell everyone about it, it's not much of a secret.

— With Constance and B support or higher between them

Cooking together

You sure you want my help cooking? Might be better off just eating it raw.
— First
The recipe calls for a "pinch." That's not an amount.
— Second

Choir practice

Singing is nice, isn't it? The only thing is, I'd prefer to do it without an audience.
— Choir practice


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Thanks for the invite. Just as a heads-up, I don't know the first thing about tea.
— Starting teatime in Part I
Glad to be here. I was hoping you'd invite me.
— Starting teatime in Part II
Wow, that smells good. Did you pick this out just for me?
— Favorite tea
This tea is expensive. Why are you wasting it on me?
— 5-star tea


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

You're in no hurry to wrap this up. Don't you have some actual, y' to do?
I'm feeling a bit sleepy... Oh, not that you're boring or anything.
Right now I feel It's nice.
I haven't seen my parents for more than a decade. I can't remember what they look like...
I saw you playing with a cat earlier. How did you manage that? Cats always run away from me...
Did you know people can sigh simply because they're happy? Not much risk of me doing that.
Sometimes I have regrets about my choices, but... right now, I'm just grateful to be here.
Everyone knows about my curse, so I've got no shortage of alone time.
This might sound sappy, but... I care about you.


What, do I have bedhead?
— Part I
What is this, a staring contest? You're making me nervous.
— Part I
I know, I'm buff as heck. What of it?
— Part II
OK, you caught me. I hid a few treats in my clothes. Gotta have some snacks at the ready, y'know?
— Part II


That was way more fun than I expected. Let's have tea again soon. Next time, more snacks.

Gifts and lost items

For me? Not gonna lie, this is pretty great.
— Liked gift
That might come in handy. Thanks.
— Neutral gift
No offense, but...what am I supposed to do with this?
— Disliked gift
Whoa. I was sure I'd never see this thing again. Thanks for finding it.
— Lost item
Nope, not mine. No clue whose it is.
— Incorrect lost item

Advice box

So I write my problems here, and you fix them for me? Yeah, right. This is just a setup for some hokey self-help nonsense, isn't it?
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
You could at least write me a good joke. You can write whatever you want. Pretty much.
With so much changing all the time, I wish something, anything, would just stay the same. Don't you?
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
Everything changes—even the things that seem not to. There are changes worth wishing for too. We must all change to live and grow.


What? You wanna know if I can help out? Sorry, but I think it's best if I stay down here. The surface is crawling with knights.
— Ask to recruit, requirements unmet
What? You wanna know if I can help out? I've got time, but I don't want to spend it all serving the church. Don't make that face. Fine, fine. I'll back you up.
— Ask to recruit, requirements met
I would appreciate your help. Thanks, but no.
Yeah, sure thing. You know, I've never really had a teacher before. And it'll be my first time at the Officers Academy. Sounds like fun. What, you changed your mind all of a sudden? Well, whatever. See you later, then.



Not bad.
— Perfect
Would ya look at that?
— Great (Part I)
Would you look at that?
— Great (Part II)
Thanks for taking the time.
— Great
Oh, come on. Really?
— Bad
You're laying it on a little thick.
— Praised
I know you're just saying that to cheer me up, but... Thanks.
— Consoled
Ouch. That's a little harsh. What I ever do to you?
— Critiqued

Group tasks


Hapi does not use her polite quotes with any character.[1]
I'm not sure about this.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with no support with the partner
I think we'll manage.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (casual)
I think we can handle this.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (polite; unused)
We'll be done before you know it.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (casual)
Let's get it done.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (polite; unused)
Wish us luck. We're gonna need it.
— Starting any task as the second speaker with no support with the partner (casual)
Let's try not to screw this up.
— Starting any task as the second speaker with no support with the partner (polite; unused)
Here we go.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (casual)
Let's get started.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (polite; unused)
All right, I'm in.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (casual)
Yup. We're on it.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (polite; unused)
Linhardt: I heard a rumor about you. I wonder if there's any truth to it...
Hapi: Which one? You can't believe everything you hear.
Linhardt: If you say so. For now, let's just finish up so I can get back to my nap.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Linhardt and no or C support between them
Linhardt: If you get tired, feel free to take a break. Maybe we can take turns or something.
Hapi: You'd do that for me, huh? Wow, that's nice of you.
Linhardt: Nah, I'm thinking of myself. I don't feel like facing off with a demonic beast today.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Linhardt and a B support between them
Hapi: Let's wrap this up quickly so that we can get back down there. I wanna find the book today.
Linhardt: Rushing doesn't help anyone. If we're stuck doing this, we'd better at least be deliberate.
Hapi: I don't wanna spend my whole life doing this. Show a little initiative for once.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Linhardt and an A support between them
Constance: My darkest fear is that I shall be a burden to you, dear Hapi.
Hapi: Yeesh. Try not to worry about that, OK? Let's both focus on getting this done. See if you can work in the shade, Coco. We might finish up more quickly that way.

— Stable duty or sky watch with Constance and no or C support between them
Hapi: Look, I already know how you're feeling. Let's just get this done, all right?
Constance: Nobody understands me as you do, dear Hapi. But still, I feel so weary...
Hapi: You need to get to bed earlier. What else is new?

— Stable duty or sky watch with Constance and B support or higher between them


I guess that's that.
— Good
Pretty good job, if you ask me.
— Perfect
Hapi: Linny, why did you keep staring at me? That really got on my nerves.
Hapi: Oh, it's nothing. I just couldn't stop thinking about that rumor I heard. I'll watch you in secret next time.

— Good result with Linhardt and no or C support between them
Linhardt: Our hearts weren't really in that one, but we still pulled it off well enough. Don't you think?
Hapi: You wouldn't stop staring at me, so I was in a rush to get it over with as quickly as possible.

— Perfect result with Linhardt and no or C support between them
Linhardt: I'd say these results are...acceptable. You can't say we didn't try our hardest.
Hapi: There's no need to put a positive spin on it. Are you worried about hurting my feelings or something?

— Good result with Linhardt and a B support between them
Hapi: Gotta say, Linny did a good job. It all went pretty smoothly thanks to him.
Linhardt: I'm just glad it's over. If I don't get to sleep soon, I'm going to die.

— Perfect result with Linhardt and a B support between them
Linhardt: Research shows that the harder people work, the less efficient they are. In that spirit, I'm overdue for a nap.
Hapi: Hey, we're in the middle of explaining— Oh, fine. I guess you got the gist.

— Good result with Linhardt and an A support between them
Hapi: That was kind of perfect. We work well together.
Hapi: We've been working way too hard lately. Don't you think?

— Perfect result with Linhardt and an A support between them
Constance: I don't like to point fingers, but Coco really slowed us down.
Hapi: That wasn't— Ugh, very well. It was my fault—but only technically!

— Good result with Constance and no or C support between them
Constance: This is proof enough that the bond we forged underground has born fruit!
Hapi: That's a little dramatic, but you're not wrong. We work well together.

— Perfect result with Constance and no or C support between them
Constance: Hapi, you were magnificent. It seems I was nothing more than dead weight.
Hapi: Eh. To be honest, neither of us did all that great.

— Good result with Constance and B support or higher between them
Constance: Pushing past the limits of sleep deprivation is most thrilling!
Hapi: Sure, job well done, yay for us. Maybe get some sleep now, OK?

— Perfect result with Constance and B support or higher between them

Goal change request

I definitely like the horse-and-magic combo, but I think it's good for me to use a weapon, too. If I master lance skills and riding I can be a Dark Knight that nobody dares to mess with.
— Request for "Armed to the Teeth" goal
Chatterbox, you know what a Valkyrie is? They're magic wielders who ride horses. As soon as I heard that was a thing, I knew it was right up my alley. So I gotta get really good in reason and riding, OK?
— Request for "Equine Allies" goal
Swinging an axe is so...cathartic. It's a great non-monster-summoning way for me to blow off steam. So if it's all the same to you, I want to fly around on a wyvern swinging an axe left and right.
— Request for "Soaring and Swinging" goal


I've got a question.
— Asking a question
You really know your stuff.
— Liked response to a question
I think I follow.
— Neutral response to a question
And you call yourself a professor.
— Disliked response to a question (Part I)
You call that an answer?
— Disliked response to a question (Part II)

Part I question

Classrooms are so noisy. All that chatter gives me a headache after a while. I can't stand it.
Disliked response Neutral response Liked response
Lectures are optional, you know. You could ask people to keep it down. Cover your ears, then.

Part II question

I like to wake at dawn and sleep at dusk, but being in an army breaks my routine. What if I get sleepy in battle?
Disliked response Liked response Neutral response
I'll carry you on my back. Pace yourself as best you can. Shouldn't the fear of dying keep you awake?

Class change

Easy peasy.
— Passing a class certification (Part I)
Piece of cake!
— Passing a class certification (Part II)
Figures. I knew I wasn't ready.
— Failing a class certification

Part I

This feels right.
— Class change
Whaddaya think?
— Class change
Changing up my style.
— Class change

Part II

Can't do the job without the duds.
— Class change
Works for me.
— Class change
This is...different.
— Class change

Level up

Part I

Now I'm even tougher.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Good enough for me.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Coulda been better, coulda been worse.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Ugh. Baby steps, I guess.
— Increasing 2 or fewer stats
I never thought I'd get this far.
— Level cap

Part II

Oh, heck yeah.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Keep your expectations in check.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
I guess all the fighting paid off. Yay?
— Increasing 3 or more stats
I take nothing for granted.
— Increasing 2 or fewer stats
Maybe there is hope for me.
— Level cap

Skill level increase

Part I

I'm getting the hang of this.
Guess I learned a thing or two.
I learn with my heart, not my head.
All that work paid off.
— S+ rank/class mastery
A power I control. That's a nice change of pace.
— Budding talent

Part II

This'll come in handy.
I'm almost tired of learning new things.
Intuition's all I need—but this'll help too.
I'm in control.
— S+ rank/class mastery
A power I control. That's convenient.
— Budding talent

Battle voice clips

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Quit bugging me!
— Part I
Back off!
— Part I
You're in my way!
— Part I
You asked for it!
— Part I
Don't blame me.
— Part II
Not giving up.
— Part II
You should run.
— Part II
Better you than me.
— Part II


  1. Hapi - Personal Information,, Retrieved: March 20, 2022