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Constance: Tremble with wonder at the magnificence of my sorcery!
Student: Unbelievable! It's simple tea, but somehow it's shining with the colors of the rainbow!
Student: And the color's changing as it's being poured! How magical! Constance: Of course it's magical—I achieved it through magic! It's a spell of my own design, in fact. Impressed?
Edelgard: Is this what you wished to show me? I must admit, I've never seen such a thing. Is it still potable?
Constance: "Is it still potable?" she asks.
Edelgard: Then I suppose you wouldn't mind taking the first sip.

Edelgard: That was amusing, Constance, but out with it. What was that favor you wished to ask of me?
Constance: It's a small thing regarding my house. I thought Your Highness would bend some slight effort toward seeing it restored from nothing.
Edelgard: I had a feeling that was it. I wish I could help, but you must understand my present circumstances...
Constance: Yes, yes, I'm aware. All the more reason for you to get in on the ground floor, as it were. My magical might is unrivaled, as I proved to you only moments ago. Surely you can see the obvious benefit in having the sorcerous prodigy Constance at your beck and call.
Edelgard: I agree that you are remarkable. That is beyond question. But how do you imagine rainbow tea will help me to achieve my aim?
Constance: Uh, well... Uh... Just imagine the acclaim it will bring you at tea parties!
Edelgard: It's a most worthy party trick, yes. But I have no use for such a thing.
Constance: W-well, it's not as if that's the only party trick up my sleeve. That was merely a sample of my repertoire. I never cease my work in developing new magic. Your Highness is sure to find some of it useful.
Edelgard: Constance... There's something important that I would like to talk with you about.
Constance: Oh? Have we not been discussing weighty matters all this time?
Edelgard: It's regarding a truth that you and countless generations of House Nuvelle have occulted.
Constance: Ah... That.
Edelgard: If you ever feel like revealing all to me, I'd be happy to talk further. Until then... my apologies but as the Imperial princess, there's nothing I can do to help your cause.
Constance: Of course. And now I shall make myself scarce. Good day!

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Edelgard: You've got a look of resolve on your face, Constance. Have you come to make a decision?
Constance: Quite so. I never waver for long, you know. I can read the signs as well as anyone. Things are in flux. I mustn't remained shackled by the past. I am ready to enlighten you the secret that House Nuvelle has kept for generations.
Edelgard: You have my gratitude. You will be rewarded for taking such a drastic measure. To be clear, this is about your Crest, correct?
Constance: Your instincts are sharp. According to the Empire's records, I bear the Major Crest of Macuil. But those records are mistaken. In point of fact, the Crest that I bear is—
Edelgard: The Major Crest of Noa, one of the lost saints. That bloodline was believed to have died out. No one, not even Imperial nobility, bears that Crest. How then, did you come by that bloodline? And how did you manage to thwart the Empire's investigations into the matter?
Constance: All of the answers you seek are tied to House Nuvelle's origins. Close to a thousand years ago, Saint Noa parted ways with Saint Seiros. She lived out her days in seclusion in what would become House Nuvelle territory. Her children obscured their origins before serving the Empire. It wasn't long before they were ennobled. I suspect that Saint Noa feared that revealing her Crest would only lead to tragedy.
Edelgard: So she passed it off as the Crest of Macuil, which already existed within the Empire...
Constance: Yes. Much like Saint Macuil, Saint Noa was known to be a masterful mage. Her magic ensured that any test would not reveal the true nature of her Crest. Otherwise, someone may have exploited our bloodline long ago.
Edelgard: Hmm... House Nuvelle was known for producing as few heirs as possible. It was also known for keeping their offspring "pure," mostly by disallowing marriage into other houses. All of that effort was in order to conceal Noa's bloodline, wasn't it?
Constance: Yes, but it was a factor in our house's ultimate downfall. Our priorities were, perhaps, not what they ought to have been. In sidestepping the internal strife within the Empire, we left ourselves open to the external threat posed by Dagda. With stronger blood ties to other houses, we would have had allies in our time of greatest need.
Edelgard: Interesting... I always had the inkling that the six noble houses were eager to see House Nuvelle fall. Thank you for trusting me with this, Constance. I swear that once I ascend the throne, I will do all I can to help you revive your fallen house.

A Support

Constance: Your majesty, might I have a moment of your time?
Edelgard: Yes, of course. Unless... You're not planning yet another magical exhibition, are you? Knowing you, it seems a safe bet. I can't imagine what else it could be. I already promised to help you revive House Nuvelle. If our campaign continues as it has, we'll soon prevail. There's no need to continue inventing spells.
Constance: I don't doubt that Your Majesty has things well in hand when it comes to the war. Yet why should I let that deter me from achieving my ultimate satisfaction? As the scion of the proud House Nuvelle, I shall bring about my greatest achievement before my house is restored—on that you may rely!
Edelgard: You have a strong will and a strong mind. You do not consider yourself above concerted effort either. Even during wartime you trust your own ability to fight and survive. You're ever focused on the future and the actions necessary to realize it.
Constance: Where is this coming from? If there's an angle to be played with this praise, it eludes me.
Edelgard: Haha, I was only speaking the truth. I find your efforts to be admirable.
Constance: Hmm. Your words are sweet, and yet...
Edelgard: Yes? Please, go on.
Constance: Forgive me, Your Majesty, but you promised that House Nuvelle would be restored. Yet you work toward a future with no place for the noble houses of old. Granted, in your unified Fódlan, the acting lord will come from noble stock. But in the long term, your system will replace the nobility. Our role will change significantly.
Edelgard: That's exactly right. There will no longer be lords who inherently rule over a particular territory. Instead, nobles will act as government officials, working for the people in exchange for a salary. Officials will be selected from the general populace as well, bringing an end to the very concept of social standing. All will rise and fall by their own merits.
Constance: And it is for those reasons that I continue my magical research. Even if nobility ceases to exist as a concept, the meritorious spellcraft displayed by House Nuvelle shall make us a household name!
Edelgard: Hm. I must admit your words strike a chord. I find myself oddly moved by your proclamation.
Constance: So you see, Your Majesty, the fortunes of my house dovetail nicely with your plans. The road of which you stride courageously forward leads to my own bright future.
Edelgard: I, too, believe that the future you wish for can be found at the end of this path we're cutting.
Constance: Splendid! Oh! Amid all this talk, I neglected to present my demonstration. Sit back, as I, Constance von Nuvelle, display the never-duplicated Nuvelle style of spellcraft!
Edelgard: Ah, about that... Another time, yes? I have much to do. Elsewhere. Constance: No, wait! There's no time like the present! Why, it shan't take more than an hour or two!


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Ferdinand: Life is a series of peaks and valleys. Our reunion is, to my mind, the highest of peaks.
Constance: Spoken like one who's never known the lowest of valleys.
Ferdinand: To think, we were once a pair of bloom, flourishing side by side in the upper echelons of Enbarr society. Despite our differing aspirations, I think together we could have taken the mantle of leading the Empire.
Constance: Tread carefully, Ferdinand.
Ferdinand: Some part of me clung to hope that you might emerge from the wreckage. I am glad you have.
Constance: ...
Ferdinand: I know that was a difficult time for you.
Constance: Oh, so you surmised that the single-most-humiliating event of my life was "difficult," did you? It is becoming clear to me that this conversation is a waste of my time.
Ferdinand: Oh! That was rather brusque.
Constance: Well, pardon me if I seem unmannerly in the face of a reminder of all I have lost. My family, my home, my friends, my people, everything. I am all that remains.
Ferdinand: I... I... I did not intend to offend you, Constance.
Constance: Then what did you intend? How like the "noblest of nobles" to be unaware of the suffering one causes. You can't grasp what it is to be a newly minted peasant, can you?
Ferdinand: That is simply not true. I care about you, and I was attempting to offer some words of comfort.
Constance: Enough. I need more than words—more than you have offered to provide. Though I am without status now, my spirit is no less noble. It will not do for you to condescend to me in my houseless state.
Ferdinand: You have my sincerest apologies. That was a grave misstep. I did not mean to come across as condescending. I was merely being careless with my words. As you say, I have never experienced loss at such a staggering magnitude. I cannot imagine the pain you have endured.
Constance: Indeed, you cannot. I advise against trying. The more you harp on it, the more irritated with you I become. Never shall a day pass that I don't work toward restoring my house and reclaiming my title. You, on the other hand, seem content to remind that it is lost. Thank you, but I had not forgotten.
Ferdinand: Constance, please!
Constance: I see no trace of the boy who made waves with me at balls and embodied the finest in the nobility. This newfound arrogance of yours is a discredit to House Aegir.

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