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Monastery activities


Oh, my favorite food! You've gotta try this.
— Liked meal
Captain Jeralt and I used to enjoy meals together, just like this.
— Neutral meal
I'll keep eating, although I can hardly stomach this food.
— Disliked meal
Bernadetta: There's no one I'd rather eat with than the professor and Alois!
Alois: Hear, hear... Hm. This old chair keeps creaking. I fear it's on its last legs. Hah!

— With Alois

Cooking together

At last, a chance to show off my cooking skills!
— First
Aha! There. Looks tasty, doesn't it? Needs a little more salt.
— Second

Choir practice

Ah! It feels good to sing nice and loud, fill my chest up with sound!
— Choir practice


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I'm here, Professor.
— Starting teatime in Part I
Hey, Professor! It's been too long.
— Starting teatime in Part II
That delightful favorite tea. Is it yours too?
— Favorite tea
Oh, this tea must be quite expensive. No need to pull out all the stops.
— 5-star tea


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You don't look much like Captain Jeralt, but you remind me of him.
There's nothing worse than trying to explain a joke.
Ghosts, sailing, spicy foods... These are the fears I have yet to conquer.
You should go fishing with me soon! The other day, I almost caught one.
Don't forget, if you ever need anything, just let me know.
I've been prattling on and on about myself. How are you today?
The other night, I felt a ghostly presence in my bed. I leapt to my feet, one was there.
I'm your big brother Alois! You can ask me anything you want.
When the war's over, I can finally go home to my wife and daughter...


Something wrong?
— Part I
Know any good jokes?
— Part I
Captain Jeralt once told me I didn't look dignified. That's why I grew this beard!
— Part II
Some people say, "That's not a beard. That's a goatee." I say, "Stop splitting hairs!" Hah!
— Part II


Thanks for the tea, Professor! Let's do that again sometime soon.

Gifts and lost items

Wow! For me?
— Liked gift
I appreciate this.
— Neutral gift
I'll take this for now.
— Disliked gift
Oh, this is mine! I thought it had vanished. Thanks, I owe you.
— Lost item
Hm, not mine. Try someone else.
— Incorrect lost item

Advice box

Part I questions

If you feel overwhelmed by teaching, just ask me for help. I predict that guiding these imps through their teenage years will be IMPortant for Fódlan's future. Ha! Get it?
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
I'll let you know if I have any concerns. I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll be fine. I don't get it.
Flayn is an interesting young lady, but keep your distance. Seteth's quite protective, and you wouldn't want to fan the flames of his wrath—or should I say, fan the Flayns!
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
A hedge between keeps friendship green. You need to work on your puns. I would never do that.

Part II questions

I hope to improve my riding skills before our next battle. Any suggestions for where to begin? I want people to see me on horseback and say, "He reins supreme!"
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
Start by befriending the horse you'll be riding. I'm choosing to ignore your puns. You're out of time. The next battle awaits us.
No joke—I've lost the book where I write all my puns. I can't ink of anywhere I word have left it! Quill you help me recover it?
Liked response Disliked response Disliked response
You're probably just not searching in the write places. I'm sure you'll come across it eventually. We're probably all better off without it.


What's wrong, Professor? Need me for something? I'm preoccupied with an important mission for the knights. If you do need my help, let's talk later.
— Ask to recruit, requirements unmet
Oh, Professor. Anything I can help you with? I will do whatever I can to serve you!
— Ask to recruit, requirements met
I would appreciate your help. Thanks, but no.
Excellent! Leave it to me. No matter how small the task is... I vowed to Jeralt I would help you! Oh! Are you sure? Hm. You don't need to stand on ceremony with me, Professor. Well, when you do need a hand, let me know.



Still got it!
— Perfect
Always more to learn!
— Great
Let's do that again sometime.
— Great
Are you sure that was wrong?
— Bad
Oh, you're just flattering me.
— Praised
Thank you, Professor. You're too kind...
— Consoled
Hm. Next time, I'm sure.
— Critiqued

Group tasks


Alois uses his polite quotes with only Seteth.[1]
Let's take a crack at it!
— Starting any task as the first speaker with no support with the partner (casual)
Let's show 'em who's boss!
— Starting any task as the first speaker with no support with the partner (polite)
I'll give it my all.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (casual)
Let's give it our all, shall we?
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (polite)
This'll be a piece of cake!
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (casual)
This'll be a breeze, huh?
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (polite)
Ready to hop to it!
— Starting any task as the second speaker with no support with the partner
We shouldn't have any trouble.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (casual)
Should be nothing to worry about.
— Starting any task as the first speaker with C or C+ support with the partner (polite)
Let's show 'em what we're made of!
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (casual)
Time to prove ourselves!
— Starting any task as the first speaker with B or higher support with the partner (polite)
Bernadetta: I get to be with Alois? Yes! I feel so much better!
Alois: If you need help leaving your room, I'll be happy to drag you out of there!
Bernadetta: What?! You're supposed to be on my side!

— Stable duty or sky watch with Alois


We'll have to do better next time.
— Good
Not too shabby, if you ask me!
— Perfect
Bernadetta: Did I do all right? I tried my best.
Alois: Yes, we did a fine job. Always room for improvement though.

— Good result with Alois
Alois: We did it! All thanks to Bernadetta's hard work.
Bernadetta: Yes! With you here, Alois, I can take on anything!

— Perfect result with Alois


I have to ask...
— Asking a question
Of course! That makes sense.
— Liked response to a question
I see.
— Neutral response to a question
Hm. That's an interesting answer.
— Disliked response to a question

Part I question

As a member of the knights, I sometimes travel by ship for my missions. But I have a bit of a weak stomach... What can I do to tamp down my sea sickness?
Neutral response Liked response Disliked response
Make sure to get lots of exercise before your next voyage. Medicine and magic should help. Have a drink. It'll make you less nauseous.

Part II question

The anniversary of Jeralt's death is coming up. I'd like to put something on his grave, so that he knows we're all thinking of him. What item would make him happiest?
Liked response Disliked response Neutral response
The best bottle of booze you can find. Some flowers. A delicious fish.

Class change

I did it!
— Passing a class certification
I failed! There's always next time...
— Failing a class certification

Part I

I hope my captain would approve.
— Class change
A new challenge to tackle.
— Class change
This could be interesting.
— Class change

Part II

I hope my captain would approve.
— Class change
I will harness this new power.
— Class change
I will prove myself.
— Class change

Level up

Haa, more! Ahem. Good.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Still room to improve.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Growing stronger suits me.
— Increasing 3 or more stats
Ugh, that's an embarrassment.
— Increasing 2 or fewer stats
Didn't know I had it in me.
— Level cap

Skill level increase

Seems my practice has paid off.
I'll make good use of this power.
I've really gotten the hang of this.
Haha! What a pleasure!
— S+ rank/class mastery
Who knew I could do something like this?
— Budding talent

Battle voice clips

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Now you'll learn!
Here I go!
You earned this!


  1. Alois - Personal Information,, Retrieved: March 20, 2022