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===C Support===
'''Ricken''':  Gregor! Heeeeey, Gregor!<br>
'''Gregor''':  Is no need for bellowing like crazy person. Gregor is old, but ears still hearing fine.<br>
'''Ricken''':  So, okay. I need you to tell me everything you remember about the last battle. I was way at the back behind the fighters, so I couldn't see anything at the front line.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Hmm... Why you want to know? Ricken is writing history of battles?<br>
'''Ricken''':  Exactly!<br>
'''Gregor''':  Gregor not minding to answer questions, but why do you do this thing?<br>
'''Ricken''':  If we keep detailed records, we can learn from them and do better the next time.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Is serious boy, here! Gregor like that. Okay, Gregor helps. In last battle, Gregor fought on front line. At his side was—<br>
'''Ricken''':  Er, actually, you can skip the stuff you did. I don't need that. I just need to know about Chrom. This history's about him and me.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Ho ho! Ricken has hero worship for big manly Chrom, eh?<br>
'''Ricken''':  Hero worship? Ha! All Chrom does is treat me like a child. My plan is to keep a detailed record of all the stuff the two of us do in battle. Then he'll have no choice but to recognize me as a full-blown Shepherd soldier. Anyway! Can we get back to my questions?<br>
'''Gregor''':  Gregor wishes he were Chrom so he, too, have party of fawning flunkies...
===B Support===
'''Ricken''':  Hey, Gregor! I've got another question!<br>
'''Gregor''':  Again, Gregor has sensitive ears. Screaming like wild beast is not needed. Now let Gregor guess—you want to know how Chrom did in fight today, yes? Gregor expected more questions, so he watches Chrom with eye like hawk. Go on then, make with the asking.<br>
'''Ricken''':  Actually, I don't want to ask about Chrom. I want to ask about you!<br>
'''Gregor''':  Oy? Why this, now?<br>
'''Ricken''':  Because I was behind you when you were fighting in the thick of the action. You were totally amazing! I've never seen anyone fight like that before.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Oh ho! You must never pay attention to Gregor on battlefield before, yes?<br>
'''Ricken''':  Yeah, I figured you were too old to be interesting.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Ah, yes. Gregor is enjoying brutal honesty of small children...<br>
'''Ricken''':  Hey, I'm not a child, I'm a grown man! Anyway, in the last battle, I watched almost everything you did. I mean, I didn't want to at first, but you were so quick and strong. I didn't think those moves were possible for such an old man.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Gregor will take compliment. Even if you are not wanting to look at "old man" in beginning.<br>
'''Ricken''':  Aw, come on, I didn't mean to say it quite like that.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Is okay. Gregor is having very thick skins. So, what about questions?<br>
'''Ricken''':  Oh, right. Okay, so first of all...
===A Support===
'''Gregor''':  Greetings, little Ricken.<br>
'''Ricken''':  Hey, Gregor. Hang on one second, okay? I'm just finishing up the latest chapter.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Still writing your history of battles? Gregor is thinking you had given up by now.<br>
'''Ricken''':  I haven't missed a single one since I started keeping records! Someday I'll become Chrom's right-hand man, and I'm going to need this book.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Gregor is not knowing you are having such great ambitions. To be speaking of which, lately you not asking Gregor many questions about battle.<br>
'''Ricken''':  Yeah, sorry. Did you miss me?<br>
'''Gregor''':  Ho! Gregor misses you like fly stuck in tent buzzing round and round.<br>
'''Ricken''':  Hee hee! I guess I was kind of a pest earlier, huh? But the more I wrote, the better I got at seeing what went on at the front lines.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Gregor hopes you provide good support instead of just watching battle.<br>
'''Ricken''':  Oh, sheesh, of course I was still doing my job! I mean, if I didn't, I'd never get to be Chrom's right-hand man.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Yes. More time you spend in battle, more become better at seeing whole situation. But is so unusual one so young is acquiring such veteran skill. You have great talent.<br>
'''Ricken''':  Aw, thanks, Gregor. So hey, do you want to read my history? There's an awful lot of stuff in there about you.<br>
'''Gregor''':  Ho ho! If Gregor is star, book will sell like cakes on fire!


Revision as of 05:28, 18 February 2017

This page contains all data pertaining to Gregor's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

Small portrait gregor fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Gregor: Here, Avatar. You will drink this, yes?

Avatar: Hmm? What is it?

Gregor: Is special medicine Gregor drinks on hard journey! Tastes like bottom of old well, but is very good for you.

Avatar: I don't need medicine, Gregor. I feel fine.

Gregor: You have no hurting throat? No hacking up of lung?

Avatar: Well, now that you mention it, my throat has been a little sore...

Gregor: In battle, Gregor hear you breathe. Is raspy like old dying donkey.

Avatar: You must have a terrific sense of hearing to notice that over the din of combat.

Gregor: For sellsword like Gregor, health very important. Soldier must be strong, yes?

Avatar: I daresay you're right. I don't pay as much attention to my health as I should. What kind of precautions do you take to avoid becoming ill?

Gregor: Gregor have three rules: gargle, wash hands, and take temperature!

Avatar: Oh. That sounds easy enough. Any other tricks?

Gregor: Gregor may have one more thing, but is very secret. Only men can do. You are man too, yes? Maybe Gregor share with you...

Avatar: This sounds interesting.

Gregor: You sleep in same bed as Gregor! Then we share body heat!

Avatar: I beg your pardon?

Gregor: Body becomes very cold at night, yes? This keeps muscles limber!

Avatar: An extra blanket will do just fine, thank you.

B Support

Avatar: Say, Gregor? I wanted to thank you for that medicine you gave me. I was feeling great after taking it...but I think it gave me strange dreams.

Gregor: Is Gregor maybe in these dreams?

Avatar: Er...

Gregor: Ho ho ho! Is true! You dream of sharing bed with Gregor!

Avatar: We weren't in a bed! We were flying through the air... Then we landed...on the sun, I think. And I rested my head on your knee... Gods, it was horrible...

Gregor: Do not be feeling special. Gregor have that effect on many people.

Avatar: Since the, I haven't slept in days! Days! Look at my eyes! They're bloodshot!

Gregor: Sometimes Gregor have this effect... Usually on the women, but—

Avatar: It's not funny! It is most definitely not funny! I have ch-chills up my back even as we speak...

Gregor: Chills? Hmm... Here, Avatar. Let Gregor look in eyes.

Avatar: No! Stay away from me!

Gregor: You are strange person. Now make with the hushing!

Avatar: ......

Gregor: Bloodshot eyes... Chills on spine... Strange dream... You had insect bite not long ago, yes?

Avatar: Er, yes, actually. A great big millipede bit me on the ankle the other day, but...

Gregor: Oy, is so terrible! You suffer dangerous infection carried by large bug! We must render treatment with no delay. Gregor fear your life is at stake.

Avatar: R-really? It's that serious?

A Support

Gregor: Ah, Avatar. How is recovery?

Avatar: Good, thanks to you. The healers said if you hadn't caught the infection when you did, I'd have died. I owe you my life, Gregor.

Gregor: Oh ho ho! Sometimes batty old man knows thing or two, yes? You are clever young lad, but old man like Gregor can be teaching you many things. You listen to elders, and one day you might be smart like Gregor.

Avatar: Heh, yes, I'll certainly pay closer attention from now on.

Gregor: That is water running under bridge. But...

Avatar: What? Is something still troubling you?

Gregor: You still have nightmare dream? Where you fly and put head on Gregor's knee?

Avatar: Not anymore, thank the gods.

Gregor: Is good. ...Because Gregor has to charge performance fee for appearing in dream.

Avatar: A performance fee? For a dream?! That's ridiculous!

Gregor: But if you say no more dream, then is okay. We call first one rehearsal. Gregor give steep discount. Now, you look after health so you see no more bad dreams, yes? If you get weak again, you can rest head on knee, no charge.

Avatar: I assure you, I will be watching my health very carefully.

Gregor: You sound very with the motivation! Gregor believes you!

Avatar (F)

Small portrait gregor fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe13.png
Robin (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Gregor: Here, Avatar. You will drink this, yes?

Avatar: Hmm? What is it?

Gregor: Is special medicine Gregor drinks on hard journey! Tastes like bottom of old well, but is very good for you.

Avatar: I don't need medicine, Gregor, I feel fine.

Gregor: You have no hurting throat? No hacking up of lung?

Avatar: Well, now that you mention it, my throat has been a little sore...

Gregor: In battle, Gregor hear you breathe. Is raspy like old dying donkey.

Avatar: You must have a terrific sense of hearing to notice that over the din of combat.

Gregor: For a sellsword like Gregor, health very important. Soldier must be strong, yes?

Avatar: I daresay you're right. I don't pay as much attention to my health as I should. What kind of precautions do you take to avoid becoming ill?

Gregor: Gregor have three rules: gargle, wash hands, and take temperature!

Avatar: Oh. That sounds easy enough. Any other tricks?

Gregor: Gregor may have one more thing, but is very secret.

Avatar: Ah. Well, I wouldn't want you to reveal anything you're-

Gregor: You sleep in same bed as Gregor! Then we share body heat!

Avatar: -not comfortable with... I beg your pardon?

Gregor: Body becomes very cold at night, yes? This keeps muscles limber!

Avatar: An extra blanket will do just fine, thank you.

B Support

Avatar: Say, Gregor? I wanted to thank you for that medicine you gave me. I was feeling great after taking it...but I think it gave me strange dreams.

Gregor: Is Gregor maybe in these dreams?

Avatar: Er...

Gregor: Ho ho ho! Is true! You dream of sharing bed with Gregor!

Avatar: We weren't in a bed! We were flying through the air... Then we landed... on the sun, I think. And I rested my head on your knee... Gods, it was horrible...

Gregor: Do not be feeling special. Gregor have that effect on many people.

Avatar: Since then, I haven't slept in days! Days! Look at my eyes! They're bloodshot!

Gregor: Some of greatest romances in history start with dreams like this.

Avatar: It's not funny! It is most definitely not funny! I have ch-chills up my back even as we speak...

Gregor: Chills? Hmm... Here, Avatar. Let Gregor look in eyes.

Avatar: No! Stay away from me!

Gregor: You are strange person. Now make with the hushing!

Avatar: .....

Gregor: Bloodshot eyes...Chills on spine....Strange dream... You had insect bite not long ago, yes?

Avatar: Er, yes, actually. A great big millipede bit me on the ankle the other day, but...

Gregor: Oy, is so terrible! You suffer dangerous infection carried by large bug! We must render treatment with no delay. Gregor fear your life is at stake.

Avatar: R-really? It's that serious?

A Support

Gregor: Ah, Avatar. How is recovery?

Avatar: Good, thanks to you. The healers said if you hadn't caught the infection when you did, I'd have died. I owe you my life, Gregor.

Gregor: Oh ho ho! Sometimes batty old man knows thing or two, yes? You are clever young lass, but old man like Gregor can be teaching you many things. You listen to elders, and one day you might be smart like Gregor.

Avatar: Heh, yes. I'll certainly pay closer attention from now on.

Gregor: This is water running under bridge. But...

Avatar: What? Is something troubling you?

Gregor: You still have nightmare dream? Where you fly and put head on Gregor's knee?

Avatar: Not anymore, thank the gods.

Gregor: Is good. ...Because Gregor has to charge performance fee for appearing in dream.

Avatar: A performance fee? For a dream?! That's ridiculous!

Gregor: But if you say no more dream, then is okay. We call first one rehearsal. Gregor give steep discount. Now, you look after health so you see no more bad dreams, yes? If you get weak again, you can rest head on knee, no charge.

Avatar: I assure you, I will be watching my health very carefully.

Gregor: You sound very with the motivation! Gregor believes you!

S Support

Gregor: Oy, what is with long face like horsey? You have nightmare of Gregor again?

Avatar: Actually, I haven't dreamed about you for a while, unfortunately.

Gregor: Well, is good news, yes? Why no making with the skipping of joy? ...Wait! You say "unfortunately." You miss dream starring old Gregor?

Avatar: Oh gods, did I say that out loud?!

Gregor: Uh-oh. Now you red like ripe tomato! So you DO miss nighttime Gregor visit!

Avatar: Well...yes, as a matter of fact. You haunt my dreams when I don't want it, but when I start to actually LIKE you? Poof! You disappear completely!

Gregor: Is true. Gregor is rude dream stalker. In penance, Gregor offer small trinket.

Avatar: Trinket? But Gregor, this is...

Gregor: Is magic ring that allow Gregor to stay in dreams as long as you want. Only big condition-when you accept, spell can never be broken. What you say? Are you prepared for life with Handsome Gregor?

Avatar: This...Is this a marriage proposal? Are you serious?

Gregor: No need ask question when you are knowing of answer. Handsome Gregor never joke about affairs of heart!

Avatar: Gregor, I know this is hard for you, but I need you to speak as clearly as possible. Are you proposing?

Gregor: If you no need ring, is fine... Just throw in junk pile along with Gregor's broken heart!

Avatar: N-no! I do want it! I gladly accept! With all my heart!

Gregor: Then Gregor be with you in dream and in the real life, every day!

Gregor (Confession): Now you listen. Gregor promised to bring his beloved many happiness for as long as they both keep on living.


Small portrait gregor fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lissa fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support


Gregor: Oy! What is matter?!

Lissa: Ohmigosh! Look at that huge bug!

Gregor: Is just oversized millipede, yes? No cause to be panicking. You shriek like sun is plummeting into earth-make Gregor choke on tea!

Lissa: Oh gods, look at it. Urgh... Plus it might be poisonous!

Gregor: Very well. Gregor take bug outside for sake of delicate princess.

Lissa: H-hey! I am not delicate! ...But thanks.

Gregor: You are brave girl, yes? Face many enemies on the field of battle? Gregor not understand why you lose wits when small insect appears in tent.

Lissa: I know, I know. It's just a thing, all right? I can't stand bugs.

Gregor: Hmmm. Is just small insects? Or do you fear and hate other things?

Lissa: Hmm... Well, I don't like snakes, obviously. Or frogs or newts. Any amphibian, really. Spicy food makes me break out in a rash, but I'm not scared of it, per se. But yeah, I guess that's about it. Er, except for the dark. ...Long nails kind of creep me out, too. Especially if they're all dirty? Oh, and lemons! Don't even get me going on lemon. But the worst are ghosts! Oh, they are just absolutely terrible... ...Yeah, so I guess that's everything. Oh, wait! Certain kinds of sausage-

Gregor: Oy, Gregor is sorry he even ask!

Lissa: It's weird. I can fight and all that stuff, but when it comes to other things... *Sigh* You must think I'm kinda pathetic.

Gregor: No, no. Everyone have fears, yes? You just have few more than usual.

Lissa: You think so?

Gregor: And besides, in Gregor's opinion, is charming in strange way.

Lissa: Aw, thanks, Gregor.

B Support

Lissa: So where are we going, Gregor? You know I'm afraid of heights, right? Oh, and bandits. ...And the dark.

Gregor: There may be some dark involved, but is all worth it in end.

Lissa: Um... okay. But if you try anything weird, I'll scream for my brother!

Gregor: Gregor not buffoon! Gregor never put sister of valued employer in danger.

Lissa: Well, that's good. But seriously, where are you taking me?

Gregor: Shhh! Can you hear from deep below ground? Sound of groans and moans?

Lissa: Ohmigosh, are those... GHOSTS?! EEEEEEEEEK!

Gregor: Quiet!

Lissa: ...Eep.

Gregor: Do not scream in loud panicky voice. Is going to get us in big trouble.

Lissa: Wh-why are you making me do this?!

Gregor: If you summon courage and overcome greatest fear, other fears go away.

Lissa: So you want to frighten me out of my wits in some haunted hellhole? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!

Gregor: ...Er, no. Is just idea Gregor read in book. Sorry. You do not tell Chrom, yes?

Lissa: He'd probably be pretty mad, huh?

Gregor: Please, do not tell! Gregor need job! Gregor is intending no harm to Lissa.

Lissa: Oh, it's fine, Gregor. I'm not telling Chrom. ...Besides, it was actually kind of exciting! Hee hee!

Gregor: Thank you. Gregor is having many debts, yes? If he loses steady income-oy!

A Support

Lissa: Nnnn... nnnn... ngggg... Just... close... fingers... and... Gaaaaaah!

Gregor: Oy, again with the yelling...

Lissa: I did it, Gregor! Look! I actually managed to pick up one of those horrid millipedes!

Gregor: Yes, yes, Gregor is seeing. No need to be waving so close to his face.

Lissa: Can you believe it? I am so amazing. This is the first bug I've touched! Ever!

Gregor: Good! You start with little insect, and from here overcome bugger fears. Even longest and hardest journey begins with small baby steps, yes?

Lissa: You think I can do it? You think I can overcome all my fears?

Gregor: Gregor have no doubt! Soon you will be afraid of nothing. Not even ghost!

Lissa: Gosh!

Gregor: You write down all things you fear, yes? Make very big list. Then, whenever you conquer fear, you can be ticking off from list.

Lissa: That's... an excellent idea!

Gregor: Yes, Gregor is having many good ideas. And now he prepares special supper for you.

Lissa: Oh?

Gregor: Yes, we celebrate day that Lissa conquests first fear! Come now. Eat while is very hot.

Lissa: Wait, you have it ready and waiting? But how did you know I'd succeed? Don't tell me you just had faith...

Gregor: Gregor always have faith. Besides, if you fail, he just eat special meal all by himself.

Lissa: Oh, heh hah! Well, thank you, Gregor. This is very thoughtful!

Gregor: Now, make with the eating!

S Support

Lissa: Gregor, I need your help. Can you please look at this?

Gregor: Eh? Is massive stack of paper? Is hundred of pages long!

Lissa: I know, right? It's my list of things that I'm afraid of.

Gregor: ...Oy.

Lissa: See, I knew you'd react like that! The list is too big, isn't it?

Gregor: Is... bigger than Gregor is expecting, true...

Lissa: I don't know. I feel like giving up.

Gregor: Yes. You give up!

Lissa: H-hey! You're supposed to encourage me.

Gregor: Gregor is doing that exactly! But in slightly different way, yes? Lissa is never getting through list alone. But Gregor can help if he is around. Around... all the time, yes? Always by your side?

Lissa: Er...

Gregor: That way is more efiicient! Otherwise, you are neve finishing list.

Lissa: But won't it be super boring if you follow me around everywhere?

Gregor: No! Is greatest honor and pleasure. In fact, Gregor is thinking long about this. Is why Gregor buying you very large ring.

Lissa: Goodness! That really is a large ring!

Gregor: If Gregor is husband, he can be helping Lissa with fears more easily.

Lissa: Hey, yeah! But you'd have to promise to deal with the big bugs, all right? ...Oh, and any lemons we encounter? I mean that literally and figuratively!

Gregor: Gregor makes solemn oath.

Lissa: Then I accept! ...I gotta tell you. I was not looking forward to working through that list alone!

Gregor: Today, Gregor is luckiest man in world!

Lissa: Oh, Gregor. I'm so happy! This all feels like a dream!

Gregor: Gregor, too. Maybe more happy than Lissa, even! So! We start with a's on list, yes? Wait... Lissa is afraid of ant?!


Small portrait gregor fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait sully fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Sully: Hey, Gregor.
Gregor: Is sad times when youngsters address elders without proper title! Sully should be calling Gregor "sir"! He is old, yes? Is only polite.
Sully: Whatever. Listen, I hear you have a fighting style that's fearsomely effective. That true?
Gregor: Many brave men will testify to Gregor's skill with blade. Is too bad all are being dead! Ho ho ho! Oh, Gregor love that joke.
Sully: Great. Then what say you and I have a duel?
Gregor: Mmm... What you pay Gregor?
Sully: You want to be paid for fencing practice? We're allies, you old coot. You should be helping me for free!
Gregor: Gregor is sellsword who swings swell sword! Dinner must get on table somehow, no?
Sully: I'll put you on the table, old man! ...... Never mind. Fine. But if I pay you, I get to set some conditions.
Gregor: Conditions?
Sully: You say you're a top fighter, but how do I really know that? You might curl into a ball at the first sign of trouble, and then I'm out good coin! So here's the deal: I only pay if you manage to teach me something new.
Gregor: Beautiful lady is driving for hard bargain. She is craving coin-back guarantee! But Gregor accepts, so long as he sets condition of his own... Loser must obey one request from winner! Even if humiliating! We have deal, yes? Or are you like the cat who is scared?
Sully: Deal. I'm tired of men like you underestimating women like me!
Gregor: Oy, but you are wrong... Gregor underestimate no one. Especially not muscle-bound lady with great chip on shoulder.
Sully: Then this should be interesting.

B Support

Sully: Hello, Gregor.
Gregor: ......
Sully: Oh, for the love of... Hello, "Sir Gregor."
Gregor: Oh, hello, Sully. Gregor not seeing you there.
Sully: I want another duel with you. A serious one. No holds barred! I've been training hard since our last skirmish, and I think I'm ready.
Gregor: Training hard? Is sounding like bad news for Gregor!
Sully: We spent so much time arguing over terms the other day that I lost the damn fight. Then you were supposed to come up with a humiliating punishment, but you didn't. Just making me call you "sir" isn't enough motivation. I need more! So come on! Get off your butt and duel me for your very honor!
Gregor: Oy, we are having place to ourselves, yes? Why speak of fighting and honor? Gregor thinks this is good time to whisper sweet nothings into ears. But, if talking with swords is better, okay. Kiss of steel is also sweet sound to Gregor. But when you lose, Gregor make you do very, very, very humiliating something.
Sully: Let's go!

A Support

Sully: Gregor.
Gregor: Oy, Sullykins.
Sully: Stop calling me that.
Gregor: Ho ho! You no like name Sullykins? But name suits you. Very ladylike.
Sully: There's nothing ladylike about it, you flea-ridden old goat!
Gregor: You wound Gregor. When comrades fight together, they give pet name, yes? Is sign of friendship and respect, yes? "Hail, Sullykins, brave and faithful ally!" Come, Gregor and Sullykins are friends. No need to make with the blushings.
Sully: I'm not...blushing.
Gregor: But newfangled name is not only reason Sullykins is embarrassed! You know real reason, yes? Sully secretly in love with Gregor!
Sully: You say that again, and I'll shove my sword so—
Gregor: Ho ho ho! Gregor likes woman with steam-filled head! Maybe he teases you more.
Sully: And maybe I'll turn you into a doormat!
Gregor: Oy, Sullykins. You draw your sword and challenge Gregor to do battle?
Sully: You have insulted me and my honor for the last damn time!
Gregor: And if Sully loses? Then what?
Sully: Then that life and honor are yours to do with as you will.
Gregor: Gregor accepts terms from Sullykins! Is ready when she is...

S Support

Sully: Gregor? I wanted to ask you something about our duel last week.
Gregor: If you want to dispute results, Gregor have nothing to say.
Sully: No. I accept that you're better. ...For now, at least. But I can't accept the punishment you gave me for losing. I lost a duel fair and true, yet you refuse to claim the damn prize. Now name your terms so we can be done with this and I can sleep at night!
Gregor: Gregor is no longer interested in competition with woman like you.
Sully: What the hell does that mean?!
Gregor: Gregor fights with you many times. Gregor wins many times. Is enough.
Sully: I already admitted you won! So if you're gonna refuse just because I'm a woman—
Gregor: Is not because you are woman. Is because you are Sully.
Sully: Oh, so now what does THAT mean?!
Gregor: Gregor cannot fight woman who he is loving so madly. So instead of beating you with sword, he buys you lovely gift instead.
Sully: ...Is that a ring?
Gregor: Gregor is wanting to marry you, yes?
Sully: I don't understand. ...Why me?
Gregor: Because you are fine woman. Strong and brave and proud! Gregor is long time admiring Sullykins from afar.
Sully: ......
Gregor: Gregor knows he is old man with many scars and fattened belly. So is okay if you say no. But do not be saying so because of duels! That, Gregor's poor heart could not take.
Sully: I wouldn't say no because of that. ...And actually, I wouldn't say no at all.
Gregor: Wait... Gregor is confused. Is meaning Sully says yes?
Sully: I've learned a lot from you, Gregor. About fencing and swordsmanship, sure. But also honor and respect. I think we could make a pretty damn fine team if we married.
Gregor: Oh, words of joyfulness! Gregor will do his happy dance!


Small portrait gregor fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait miriel fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Gregor: Miriel! You want sit down with Gregor? Enjoy tasty cup of elderberry tea?
Miriel: I am curious as to why you are constantly inviting females to consume tea.
Gregor: Gregor is man, yes? He enjoys company of lovely maidens. What more is to tell?
Miriel: Would you say women possess some attractive force which draws you to them?
Gregor: Oy, yes. Miriel is very attractive! That is why Gregor offers tea.
Miriel: That's not what I meant, but I suppose it's the best I'll get from a layperson. So then, what aspects make a woman attractive? Can you define them? I would very much like to quantify this phenomenon if at all possible.
Gregor: You are using many large words. Gregor is...very confused.
Miriel: It's simple: there must be rules governing attractive force and how it operates. If you are able to define the parameters, it should be possible to re-create them.
Gregor: But every man is liking different thing, yes? Gregor speak for no one but Gregor.
Miriel: Ah. So you claim it is impossible to arrive at a universal definition of attraction? But that would imply that there are contradictions in human nature.
Gregor: Gregor is surprised brain does not ooze out of Miriel's ears.
Miriel: Such a thing is highly improbable. At any rate, my life is devoted to meticulous research and rigorous scientific study.
Gregor: Is sounding like barrel of monkey laughs.
Miriel: Now, I believe you were offering me tea? Elderberry was it?
Gregor: A-actually, Gregor suddenly busy! Urgent chore at...somewhere else!
Miriel: Ah. Well, next time, perhaps.

B Support

Gregor: Hmm... Interesting. Gregor never thinks of that...
Miriel: ......
Gregor: Ho ho! That makes you think.
Miriel: Am I no longer interesting to you? As a female companion, I mean?
Gregor: Porridge and pierogi! Why are you sneaking up on Gregor?!
Miriel: The other day, you told me that a man such as yourself is drawn to attractive women. I was conducting an experiment to ascertain the existence of consistent rules. However, if I no longer possess such a quality, then the control group is flawed.
Gregor: Gregor still thinks Miriel have lure like deadly siren! But, today, Gregor is being engrossed in very fascinating book. Gregor is embarrassed. Ignoring presence of beautiful woman is very shameful.
Miriel: And what is this folio that was able to engage your attention so thoroughly?
Gregor: Gregor finds it lying on ground at edge of camp. Is very, very fascinating. Gregor is not knowing of these rules and laws governing natural phenomenon. But this book makes it fascinating subject. Time flies by for Gregor!
Miriel: Ah. I have been looking for that book, actually. It belongs to me. My late mother wrote it.
Gregor: Oy! Ten thousand apologies to you from the tongue of Gregor, dear lady! Gregor did not intend to steal precious book from dead mother.
Miriel: Quite all right. You couldn't have known.
Gregor: No, is big problem! Gregor scribble many notes in margins of pages...
Miriel: My mother would be pleased that you found her work so fascinating. And as for me, I'm just grateful that you found it. I thought it lost forever.

A Support

Miriel: Er, Gregor? May I have a word? Do you recall writing notes in the margin of the treatise my mother wrote?
Gregor: You are upset because Gregor scribble nonsense things in book, yes?
Miriel: No, not at all. It's just that some of your comments were most...curious. I was hoping you might have time to edify me on a couple of them. As a simple matter of scientific discourse only. Peer to peer, as it were.
Gregor: Er, Gregor is confused. Did his comments not make sense?
Miriel: Perhaps in this situation a concrete example would be helpful. See, here you deleted the phrase "that which helps establish the theory"...and replaced it with a single word: "experience."
Gregor: Oh, yes, Gregor remembers that. Er, Miriel is not liking this edit?
Miriel: No, on the contrary. I've been pondering this passage for some time in the belief it could be improved. But you have struck upon the missing link and dramatically improved the work, entire. I did not suspect you were in possession of such scholastic ability.
Gregor: Oh ho! Is true. Gregor never go to class. Gregor is graduate from school of life!
Miriel: I am unfamiliar with this institution. Are they accredited?
Gregor: You want to know secret of life study? ...Do nothing. Is exactly what Gregor does.
Miriel: I'm afraid I do not properly understand...
Gregor: Gregor does nothing special. Gregor learns by watching life. Knowledge is natural. Like bird learning to fly or cat coughing up ball of fur.
Miriel: How utterly fascinating...
Gregor: Most people run like chicken with no head. Always thinking of next urgent task. But if you go slow and watch everything, you can be smart like Gregor!
Miriel: Well, then. Food for thought. Thank you very much, Gregor.
Gregor: Come back anytime! Gregor always ready to share knowledge with peers!

S Support

Gregor: Ah, Miriel. You have nose stuck in book again?
Miriel: I've been thinking a great deal about our discussion the other day. I find it difficult to approbate the idea that one can learn without active study. Examining phenomena, research, postulating proofs—surely these things matter!
Gregor: Gregor not saying books and sciencey things not important... Gregor just thinking there other ways of learning, yes?
Miriel: No, I'm sorry. The idea just seems wholly without merit.
Gregor: Hmm. Okay, Gregor makes example. How is scientist defining love?
Miriel: Love?
Gregor: Yes, you know? When two people are liking each other and want to make with the—
Miriel: I am aware of the concept, Gregor, thank you. And as to your query, I would start by confirming observable behavior. For example, the culturally determined rituals in which persons in love engage.
Gregor: Like the holding of hands, yes? Or the making of adorable kissing faces? ...Or the giving of presents? Like this?
Miriel: ...Ah, a ring. Yes, this is a concrete example of the ritual to which I referred. The male of the species presents this as an indication of his desire to marry. This would indeed constitute evidence of the existence of love.
Gregor: Tell Gregor: can scientist Miriel explain what she is feeling right now?
Miriel: Well, I have an elevated pulse, sweaty hands, and a nervous energy about me. I cannot, however, explain the reason for these sudden...thrilling phenomena. Tsk! This will not do! I must remain dispassionate and analyze the facts.
Gregor: You see? This is being exactly Gregor's point. You do not allow experience to teach you. Everything analyzed like math problem. You must be silencing giant brain and listening to heart instead, yes? Many new experiences and discoveries is coming from heart!
Miriel: I have never considered such a plan. But perhaps if I follow your advice, I will find a new world waiting to be discovered.
Gregor: Listen to Gregor. Human heart is too wonderful to be understanding by stuffy theory. You must crawl inside and live there like small burrowing land mammal. Take Gregor's hand. Gregor can show how. We go on wonderful journey, together!
Miriel: Is this possible? Dare I throw aside logic and embrace the wiles of emotion? Very well, Gregor. I will accompany you on this journey of the heart!
Gregor: Ha ha! ...Gregor assume that mean yes?


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Support information: Small portrait lon'qu fe13.png
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C Support

Lon'qu: ......
Gregor: Oy, Lon'qu. Why are you having furrowed brow and narrow eyes? Gregor is ally and friend, not foe.
Lon'qu: I know all about you, Gregor. Basilio told me. He says you are the only sellsword to ever match him in single combat.
Gregor: Oy, that is from distant past. Gregor barely remember those times.
Lon'qu: I have also heard that you were once a candidate to become khan of Regna Ferox.
Gregor: Ho ho! You send Gregor on trip to memory street. He was forgetting about that!
Lon'qu: So, the stories are true? In that case, I challenge you to a duel!
Gregor: Do not wave sword in Gregor's face. Edge is seeming very sharp.
Lon'qu: I wish to fight using real weapons. A true duel for true stakes!
Gregor: You forget Gregor is sellsword and professional. Gregor is not unsheathing sword unless someone is paying him much gold.
Lon'qu: Craven... Have you no pride? Or do you fear the wrath of Lon'qu?
Gregor: Gregor is fearing no man. But he also does not fight without clink of coin. Besides, you waste your time, yes? A fight with me will not make you strong.
Lon'qu: ......
Gregor: Enough. Gregor and Lon'qu are comrade-in-arms, yes? No more talk of fighting.
Lon'qu: Damn him...

B Support

Lon'qu: Here, Gregor. Catch.
Gregor: Oh? Is little bag of coins. You give Gregor pocket money?
Lon'qu: You said a sellsword never fights unless it's for money, right? Well, there's your money. Now I order you to fight me for true.
Gregor: Oy, you know how to persuade Gregor. Jingly coins is like music in his ears. But please, tell Gregor why you are wanting to fight him so badly. You are thinking is first stage in defeating Basilio, yes?
Lon'qu: When I paid your fee, I don't remember asking you to prattle on like a hen.
Gregor: Oy, this one is being a strict paymaster. Okay, we fight. But first, conditions! We are being comrades in same army, so no fighting "until death." "Until death" makes many people very sad. Especially ladies.
Lon'qu: We will stop when one of us yields or overwhelming victory is assured.
Gregor: Agreed. Now, when we are beginning?
Lon'qu: No time like the present…
Gregor: Ho! ...Okay. Gregor win.
Lon'qu: What?
Gregor: Oh? You do not notice? Look at chest. See? Gregor's sword is already poised to thrust.

Lon'qu: H-how did you—

Gregor: Ah, yes. Gregor sees chink in armor. Here, at throat.
Lon'qu: Mngh!
Gregor: Don't move. If sneezing even tiny bit, sword goes into neck. Very messy. This counts as "overwhelming victory assurance," yes?
Lon'qu: Damn you... You only won through trickery!
Gregor: Is no trick. Is speed! Is also why Basilio so much stronger than Lon'qu.
Lon'qu: Curse you…
Gregor: Lon'qu is young fool now, but Gregor sees much potential. You will learn.

A Support

Lon'qu: Gregor…
Gregor: Lon'qu wants another duel, yes?
Lon'qu: No. I came to apologize. I concede that you beat me fairly in our duel. You are right. I am both young and a fool. I need more battle experience. It's the only way I will gain the wisdom required to anticipate your sly moves.
Gregor: Ho ho! Of course, and knowing is half of battle! You are needing those things, yes? But also you are needing to learn how to handle sword.
Lon'qu: Are you implying—
Gregor: Do not make Gregor repeat self. You need spend time with Gregor so he can be teaching sword skills.
Lon'qu: I thought sellswords only fight for money.
Gregor: Gregor say that once. But in recent days, he is starting to change thinking. Gregor is feeling loyalty to Shepherds, and wants to helping in all ways.
Lon'qu: Then I demand you teach me everything you know!
Gregor: You have angry passion of young man. But Gregor is liking that! You remind him of young Gregor when he was being very hotheaded! Let us make with the training, then. Gregor whip you into shape!


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Support information: Small portrait ricken fe13.png
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C Support

Ricken: Gregor! Heeeeey, Gregor!
Gregor: Is no need for bellowing like crazy person. Gregor is old, but ears still hearing fine.
Ricken: So, okay. I need you to tell me everything you remember about the last battle. I was way at the back behind the fighters, so I couldn't see anything at the front line.
Gregor: Hmm... Why you want to know? Ricken is writing history of battles?
Ricken: Exactly!
Gregor: Gregor not minding to answer questions, but why do you do this thing?
Ricken: If we keep detailed records, we can learn from them and do better the next time.
Gregor: Is serious boy, here! Gregor like that. Okay, Gregor helps. In last battle, Gregor fought on front line. At his side was—
Ricken: Er, actually, you can skip the stuff you did. I don't need that. I just need to know about Chrom. This history's about him and me.
Gregor: Ho ho! Ricken has hero worship for big manly Chrom, eh?
Ricken: Hero worship? Ha! All Chrom does is treat me like a child. My plan is to keep a detailed record of all the stuff the two of us do in battle. Then he'll have no choice but to recognize me as a full-blown Shepherd soldier. Anyway! Can we get back to my questions?
Gregor: Gregor wishes he were Chrom so he, too, have party of fawning flunkies...

B Support

Ricken: Hey, Gregor! I've got another question!
Gregor: Again, Gregor has sensitive ears. Screaming like wild beast is not needed. Now let Gregor guess—you want to know how Chrom did in fight today, yes? Gregor expected more questions, so he watches Chrom with eye like hawk. Go on then, make with the asking.
Ricken: Actually, I don't want to ask about Chrom. I want to ask about you!
Gregor: Oy? Why this, now?
Ricken: Because I was behind you when you were fighting in the thick of the action. You were totally amazing! I've never seen anyone fight like that before.
Gregor: Oh ho! You must never pay attention to Gregor on battlefield before, yes?
Ricken: Yeah, I figured you were too old to be interesting.
Gregor: Ah, yes. Gregor is enjoying brutal honesty of small children...
Ricken: Hey, I'm not a child, I'm a grown man! Anyway, in the last battle, I watched almost everything you did. I mean, I didn't want to at first, but you were so quick and strong. I didn't think those moves were possible for such an old man.
Gregor: Gregor will take compliment. Even if you are not wanting to look at "old man" in beginning.
Ricken: Aw, come on, I didn't mean to say it quite like that.
Gregor: Is okay. Gregor is having very thick skins. So, what about questions?
Ricken: Oh, right. Okay, so first of all...

A Support

Gregor: Greetings, little Ricken.
Ricken: Hey, Gregor. Hang on one second, okay? I'm just finishing up the latest chapter.
Gregor: Still writing your history of battles? Gregor is thinking you had given up by now.
Ricken: I haven't missed a single one since I started keeping records! Someday I'll become Chrom's right-hand man, and I'm going to need this book.
Gregor: Gregor is not knowing you are having such great ambitions. To be speaking of which, lately you not asking Gregor many questions about battle.
Ricken: Yeah, sorry. Did you miss me?
Gregor: Ho! Gregor misses you like fly stuck in tent buzzing round and round.
Ricken: Hee hee! I guess I was kind of a pest earlier, huh? But the more I wrote, the better I got at seeing what went on at the front lines.
Gregor: Gregor hopes you provide good support instead of just watching battle.
Ricken: Oh, sheesh, of course I was still doing my job! I mean, if I didn't, I'd never get to be Chrom's right-hand man.
Gregor: Yes. More time you spend in battle, more become better at seeing whole situation. But is so unusual one so young is acquiring such veteran skill. You have great talent.
Ricken: Aw, thanks, Gregor. So hey, do you want to read my history? There's an awful lot of stuff in there about you.
Gregor: Ho ho! If Gregor is star, book will sell like cakes on fire!


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