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Machine Dominion/Script

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Part 1: Princess ex Machina


???: ...
???: Hngh! Guhh… Wh-where... What is this place?!
???: ...
???: Who goes there?! Show yourself! Where am I?! ...ANSWER ME!
???: Hm. Another failure. I truly thought I had it figured out this time...
???: You... What are you talking about? Who are you?
???: Oh well. Nothing to be done abou tit, I suppose. Shame for my work to go to waste, but...a mistake is a mistake.
???: Wh-what are— Stay back, you!
???: Ah... It even turns its blade on me. No better than the others. reason to waste time.
???: Grah! ...Curse you! Hah!
???: Oh! And it escaped... Ah well. Death lies just as surely out there as it does here.
(the screen flashes black)
???: ...Guh! Hufhh... Whew... I? Devastation in all directions, as far as the eye can see. What could cause such ruin? What war could be so terri— Ngah! Rrgh... My head...

(scene change to the map screen)

Alfonse: Blast!
Sharena: Alfonse! Is everything all right?!
Alfonse: Things are fine for the moment, but... where is Kiran?!
Sharena: Here, safe and sound. Now...who's our enemy here? And how did they suddenly get so close to Askr?
Alfonse: I don't know yet... Our scouts said it was like the enemy just appeared on our borders...
Sharena: What? How could a whole company of troops appear from nowhere as if by magic?
Alfonse: ...As if by magic... No... Surely it's not possible...
Sharena: Do you have any idea, Alfonse?
Anna: Wait—there! That's their commander! If we can take out the officer, that should resolve the situation for now. Let's go!
Reginn: ... Prince Alfonse of Askr... And that would make you the summoner Kiran. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Reginn, the sister of Fáfnir, King of Niðavellir.
Alfonse: Niðavellir. Just as I thought.
Reginn: My purpose here is twofold. I am to occupy this kingdom and secure the summoner for Niðavellir.
Sharena: You what? Wh-what do you want with Kiran?!
Reginn: I don't need to explain myself to you. If you do not meet my demands, I will just have to make you!


Reginn: Guh... You're pretty strong. I'll retreat, for now!

(scene change off of the map screen)

Sharena: They're gone. We're safe now. So, Alfonse... This Niðavellir... It's the home of the dvergar, isn't it? Is it that Niðavellir?
Alfonse: So it would seem. The same dvergar who have unlocked the secrets of magic—the secrets of seiðjárn. With such power at their disposal, it is likely the dvergar could approach our borders completely undetected.
Sharena: ...Ced's Yarn? What is that?
Anna: ...Seiðjárn. A systematic study and application of magic. Only Niðavellir has had any success with its use. ...I let my guard down. I was aware of reports noting suspicious activity in Niðavellir of late. Regardless, we must not hold back. Not until they retreat completely.
Sharena: Then we have to defeat the princess don't we? Reginn, I mean. She looks no older than I am... That doesn't make this any easier.
Alfonse: Tell me, did you notice her hesitate at all, Kiran?
Sharena: Oh! Maybe we can persuade her to retreat somehow!
Alfonse: We shouldn't rule out the possibility yet. I was wondering if Princess Reginn was holding back... It may have been a momentary lapse on her part. In any case, let's keep our eyes open. And we know who she's targeting, so we know who to protect. No need to worry, Kiran.

Part 2: King of Desolation


Anna: Decades ago a coup d'état toppled the kingdom of Niðavellir, and the country fell to ruin. Until recently, they would have been completely unable to muster a force large enough to invade a country. Not long ago, a soldier seized the throne by force. His name is Fáfnir, and he is now their king.
Sharena: He must be incredibly strong...
Alfonse: To accomplish such a feat, he surely commands a strength beyond anything known to us. The people of Niðavellir hoped for a righteous king, and they welcomed Fáfnir's rule. The fact that he was not dvergr royalty didn't matter to the people.
Anna: But the righteousness they thought they saw in him didn't last long... As quickly as he'd taken the throne, he became a tyrant, subjugating his people and invading other countries.
Sharena: And now his forces have finally arrived in Askr... Could power possibly corrupt a good heart so quickly? I hope it's not so simple... That would be too sad.

Part 3: Insight and Inroads


Anna: Attention! Dvergr troops have appeared on the northern border!
Sharena: They're in the north this time?! How can we ever know where they'll show up if they can appear anywhere? That'll make strategizing tricky, even for Kiran.
Alfonse: They are formidable indeed. Every other country they've invaded has fallen, one by one. That is the power granted to them by their mastery of seiðjárn.
Sharena: They've already conquered so many others? Alfonse, this all gives me a bad feeling, down to my bones...
Alfonse: We mustn't lose hope, Sharena. As long as we don't give up, we have a chance. Plus...
Sharena: Plus...what?
Alfonse: We may be able to get some insight when we next meet Princess Reginn. Call it a feeling in my bones. I can tell we're on the same page, Kiran. I'm glad. Together, there is no obstacle too great for us to overcome! And that is more than a feeling in the bones—I know it in my heart of hearts. Now, lead on!

Part 5: Royal Family


Reginn: I will not lose again. Not this time! I claim both the summoner and this country in the name of Niðavellir!
Alfonse: Wait! Princess Reginn, are you sure this is what you want?
Reginn: What sort of question is that? O-of course it is!
Alfonse: You lack conviction. I can tell. I would rather not fight a meaningless battle against someone with no will to fight. So, please, would you—
Reginn: Ugh... Shut up, shut up, shut UP! Even if it means I die here and now, I will prove myself worthy of my... my king! Oppose me at your own peril. I have no intention of taking prisoners!


Reginn: I...lost?

(scene change off of the map screen)

Reginn: Uwaaauuughh! Brother! Please forgive me! I was too weak... I couldn't... It was too much for me...
Sharena: She seems different from how she was a moment ago... Is this the same Princess Reginn?
Alfonse: Princess Reginn. You held back. That is why you lost... But why? If there's anything you can tell us, please do. We will gladly listen.
Reginn: P-Prince Alfonse... Why are— Are you worried about me? Up until a moment ago, I was your enemy. I said I would kill you. The people of Askr are truly kind, aren't you? Kinder than I ever could have imagined. ...
Anna: Princess Reginn, can you tell us anything? Anything at all?
Reginn: ...All right. That's it. I've made up my mind! I'm coming with you—to help you fight! My brother, King Fáfnir, he's— Y-you have to stop him!