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< Ricken
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This page contains all data pertaining to Ricken's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

C Support

Ricken: Hrmmm...

Avatar: Still writing a reply to that letter? You've been staring at a blank page for an hour. Was it bad news? Nothing serious, I hope.

Ricken: No, just an average letter from my parents. "Hope you're well," and all that.

Avatar: Then why are you so strapped for a reply?

Ricken: It's...tricky. I just don't know what to say.

Avatar: There're plenty of things you could write about! Especially after that last battle. Tell them about how you dodged one brush with death after the next! Impress them!

Ricken: Are you insane?! The object is to make them worry about me LESS!

Avatar: Oh. Right. Well, why not tell the about that fight against the Risen? Talk about how you tore them limb from limb and flung the pieces to the winds!

Ricken: But I did no such thing! Besides, that would have them worried about me in a whole other way... See the problem? I can't LIE, but if I write about how things really are, they'll worry. And if I write about how much I miss them, that only makes things worse...

Avatar: How about just a few words to let them know you're all right?

Ricken: ...I don't know. Maybe I'll just hold off until I do something that makes them proud.

Avatar: Well, if they could've heard you just now, they already would be.

B Support

Ricken: Hmm...

Avatar: Still haven't written a reply to your parents, have you?

Ricken: Yep. Stuck again. I can't think of the right words to say.

Avatar: You could always just head back.

Ricken: Head back where? Home?

Avatar: Why not? Stop by for a quick visit. Spend some time with your family. I'm not saying to drop everything and go tomorrow, but once things settle down.

Ricken: ...No. I can't go back yet.

Avatar: Why not?

Ricken: I don't know how much you know about me, but I come from an old, respected house. And lately, my family home—and name—has fallen into serious disrepair. So this war is about more than saving the world, at least for me. It's about restoring my family name. And I can't go home until I've done it.

Avatar: That's a lot to put on yourself, Ricken. Your parents are lucky to have you. Hard to imagine such a model son running around dismembering Risen and flinging—

Ricken: Stop with the dismembering already! What kind of monster do you think I am?

Avatar: Ha ha, I'm just teasing. Seriously, though, if you won't visit, you should write. Sparing your parents from worry is part of being a good son, after all.

Ricken: Yeah, I know you're right... Okay, I'll keep it real basic. "Dear Mom and Dad, I hope you're well."

Avatar: "Today I saved the life of my beloved, and the field ran red with the blood of my foes!"

Ricken: "Today I saved the..." ARRRGH! Will you NOT do that?!

Avatar: I'm helping.

Ricken: YOU ARE NOT!

A Support

Ricken: Hey, Avatar. Would you mind sending this out with other deliveries?

Avatar: Letter to the family, eh? So did you finally figure out what to write?

Ricken: I just wrote the truth: that I miss them and hope to see them again soon.

Avatar: No tales of glory? No brave words? ...No dismemberment?

Ricken: Hah! Not this time. I guess restoring the family name will have to wait a bit longer. I simply wrote that I've come a long way, but there's still more to be done. Not the greatest news in the world, but better than silence, I guess.

Avatar: But it IS great news! I'm sure it'll put their minds at ease.

Ricken: By telling them how weak I still am?

Avatar: No, by telling them you know your limits and you're working to overcome them. That's a very mature way of thinking. I'm sure they'll be proud.

Ricken: Heh heh! You really think so?

Avatar: I guarantee it! You did great, Ricken. Now get over here!

Ricken: EWWW! Leggo! No noogies! Stop treating me like a kid! Didn't you JUST finish saying how mature I was?!

Avatar: Ha ha! Sorry, it's just that hat and those cute wittle cheeks just begging to be pinc—

Ricken: Come one, knock it off!

Avatar (F)

C Support

Ricken: Hrmmm...

Avatar: Still writing a reply to that letter? You've been staring at a blank page for an hour. Was it bad news? Nothing serious, I hope.

Ricken: No, just an average letter from my parents. "Hope you're well," and all that.

Avatar: Then why are you so strapped for a reply?

Ricken: It's... tricky. I just don't know what to say.

Avatar: There's plenty of things you could write about! Especially after that last battle! Tell them how you dodged one brush with death after the next! Impress them!

Ricken: Are you insane?! The object is to make them worry about me LESS!

Avatar: Oh. Right. Well, why not tell them about that fight against the Risen? Talk about how you tore them limb from limb and flung the pieces to the winds!

Ricken: But I did no such thing! Besides, that would have them worried about me in a whole other way... See the problem? I can't LIE, but if I write about how things really are, they'll worry. And if I write about how much I miss them, that only makes it worse...

Avatar: How about just a few words to let them know you're all right?

Ricken: ...I don't know. Maybe I'll just hold off until I do something that makes them proud.

Avatar: Well, if they could've heard you just now, they already would be.

B Support

Ricken: Hmm...

Avatar: Still haven't written a reply to your parents, have you?

Ricken: Yep. Stuck again. I can't think of the right words to say.

Avatar: You could always just head back.

Ricken: Head back where? Home?

Avatar: Why not? Stop by for a quick visit. Spend some time with your family. I'm not saying to drop everything and go tomorrow, but once things settle down.

Ricken: ...No. I can't go back yet.

Avatar: Why not?

Ricken: I don't know how much you know about me, but I come from an old, respected house. And lately, my family home-and name-has fallen into serious disrepair. So this war is about more than saving the world, at least for me. It's about restoring my family name. And I can't go home until I've done it.

Avatar: That's a lot to put on yourself, Ricken. Your parents are lucky to have you. Hard to imagine such a model son running around dismembering Risen and flinging-

Ricken: Stop with the dismembering already! What kind of monster do you think I am?

Avatar: Ha ha, I'm just teasing. Seriously, though, if you won't visit, you should write. Sparing your parents from worry is part of being a good son, after all.

Ricken: Yeah, I know you're right... Okay, I'll keep it real basic. "Dear Mom and Dad, I hope you're well."

Avatar: "Today I saved the life of my beloved, and the field ran red with the blood of my foes!"

Ricken: 'Today I saved the..." ARRRGH! Will you NOT do that?!

Avatar: I'm helping.

Ricken: YOU ARE NOT!

A Support

Ricken: Hey, Avatar. Would you mind sending this out with the other deliveries?

Avatar: Letter to the family, eh? So did you finally figure out what to write?

Ricken: I just wrote the truth: that I miss them and hope to see them again soon.

Avatar: No tales of glory? No brave words? ...No dismemberment?

Ricken: Hah! Not this time. I guess restoring the family name will have to wait a bit longer. I simply wrote that I've come a long way, but there's still more to be done. Not the greatest news in the world, but better than silence, I guess.

Avatar: But it IS great news! I'm sure it'll put their minds at ease.

Ricken: By telling them how weak I still am?

Avatar: No, by telling them you know your limits and you're working to overcome them. That's a very mature way of thinking. I'm sure they'll be proud.

Ricken: Heh heh! you really think so?

Avatar: I guarantee it! You did great, Ricken. Now get over here!

Ricken: EWWW! Leggo! No noogies! Stop treating me like a kid! Didn't you JUST finish saying how mature I was?!

Avatar: Ha ha! Sorry, it's just that hat and those cute wittle cheeks just begging to be pinc-

Ricken: Come on, knock it off!

S Support

Ricken: Hey, Avatar. Thanks again for your help with that letter home. I kinda got you something by the way of thanks, so... here.

Avatar: Aw, how sweet! A letter for me! Whoa, this is one heavy envelope... What'd you put in here?

Ricken: Open it and you'll see.

Avatar: Rrrrr... Graaagh... Gods above, how much glue did you use here? Got it! ...Oh, look at that shiny stone. Ricken, it's beautiful.

Ricken: It's a precious stone found only on the slopes of the Ghoul's Teeth.

Avatar: Gods, Ricken! You went to that fearsome place all alone? It's crags are filled with bandits and wild beasts of every stripe! Were you hurt? Don't lie to me now!

Ricken: Would you PLEASE stop treating me like a child?!

Avatar: ...Oh... right. I'm sorry.

Ricken: I'm not a boy, Avatar. I'm a grown man. And I need you to believe me when I say that.

Avatar: But why, Ricken? Why is it so important what I think?

Ricken: Because... I'm in love with you. I don't want to be your kid or little brother-I want to be your husband. So if I put that stone on a ring and offered it to you, would you accept it?

Avatar: ...Oh, Ricken. I know you're not a child anymore... I know because I've watched you grow into a remarkable young man. Just as I've watched you grow in my heart... So, yes, Ricken. Yes. Nothing would make me happier than to become your wife.

Ricken: R-really! Do you mean it?!

Avatar: But no more taking ridiculous risks! I'll not have my husband cracking his head open just to prove a point. You hear me, young man?

Ricken: Of course, I... HEY!

Ricken (Confession): I'd throw my arms around you and never let go... Just wait for me to get a little taller... Okay?


C Support

Ricken: Hrmm...

Lissa: Uh-oh. You sound barfy, Ricken. Want me to run and get my staff?

Ricken: I'm all right. I just don't feel like I've been fighting at 100 percent lately.

Lissa: Aw, don't worry. Everybody has an off day. You wanna practice for a little bit?

Ricken: Practice how?

Lissa: You know? Spar with me! Maybe it'll get you past your little block.

Ricken: Oh, uh... No, thanks. It won't help.

Lissa: Oh, what? WHAT?! Do you think I can't spar with you? Is that it? I may not be my brother, but I can kick serious butt when the mood-

Ricken: NO! I said it won't help!

Lissa: ...Whoa.

Ricken: They're trying to kill us out there, Lissa. Kill. Us. And the only thing we can do is kill them first. ...We have to take the lives of people. My hands are shaking just talking about it. It's just so... terrible.

Lissa: I'm sorry, Ricken. I didn't mean to make light of everything.

Ricken: No, I know. I shouldn't have yelled. Sorry, Lissa.

Lissa: I had no idea things were eating away at you like this...

Ricken: .....

B Support

Ricken: What re you doing, Lissa?

Lissa: Combat training.

Ricken: ...What?

Lissa: I fight too, you know!

Ricken: Is this because of what I said before? You really don't have to do this.

Lissa: Yes, Ricken. I do. I can't expect other people to protect me all the time. We're at war. Unexpected things happen. I need to be ready to do what is necessary.

Ricken: But, Lissa, that's my job. Protecting you, I mean. Being on the front lines means being in danger, and... I don't want to see you get hurt.

Lissa: You think I don't feel the same about you? About Chrom? About everyone?

Ricken: No, but-

Lissa: You don't get to bear this alone, Ricken! It's totally unfair.

Ricken: Lissa, I only... You're right. I'm sorry. We're all in this together, no matter what.

A Support

Lissa: Heya, Ricken. Are you reading again? You're gonna go blind at this rate!

Ricken: I've got a lot to learn if I hope to be of use to Chrom in the future.

Lissa: But you're useful now!

Ricken: I'm talking about the far future. I'm hoping to someday be his royal advisor. He's my hero, you know? I want to be close to him and be someone he can rely on.

Lissa: Hee hee! Yeah, you want to be close, all right! When you first joined, you followed him around like a baby duckling! So what is it about my brother that draws you to him? And don't say his rugged good looks, or I'll slug you.

Ricken: When I was young, the other kids used to terrorize me. One time, it got pretty bad... But Chrom jumped in and stopped it. I wasn't used to people being nice to me, so I figured there had to be a catch. Like maybe he was just showing off because he knew he could take the other kids?

Lissa: MY brother? Showing off? Hah! No, he would have done the same thing no matter who was bullying you.

Ricken: I found that out for myself when he saved me a second time. The kids chased me into the woods, but then a pack of wolves showed up. There must have been 20 of them... Chrom showed up just in time and ran them all off!

Lissa: Whoa. Guess I can see why he's your hero.

Ricken: That's not even the best part. He'd fought another wolf pack just to reach us! After the other pack ran off, he could barely stand. That reminder he was human, too, made everything else all the more impressive. I rememeber wishing I were that brave. I still do, I guess...

Lissa: I think you're plenty brave, Ricken. And I'm sure you'll be someone's hero someday!

Ricken: Thanks, Lissa. But for now, the best way for me to get there is to hit the books!

S Support

Ricken: Are you all right, Lissa? Any injuries from that last battle?

Lissa: Nope! I'm fit as a fiddle. ...Sweet of you to ask, though.

Ricken: Sure...

Lissa: You know, I think you're just as much of a hero as my brother. You've saved my neck more times than I can count, and I can count pretty high.

Ricken: Of course! You're Chrom's little sister. I'll keep you safe no matter what.

Lissa: ...Oh. Right.

Ricken: Er, I mean... Oh, that didn't come out right. Yes, you're his little sister. But you're also so much more... When you said you wouldn't let me bear the weight of fighting alone, I... It felt like a weight lifted off me. ...That's why I want to protect you.

Lissa: Aw, that's so sweet. I'm glad I could help.

Ricken: I've actually been thinking about this a lot and... See, I was wondering if... Well, here.

Lissa: A ring?

Ricken: It's a signet ring passed down within my family. I'd like you to maybe... wear it? 'Cause I'm thinking then I could keep protecting you! ...You know? Forever?

Lissa: Hee hee! Now you want to stay close to Chrom AND me!

Ricken: N-no! It's not like that! I mean, yeah, I like him, but I LOVE you!

Lissa: Ricken. I was teasing!

Ricken: ...So is that a yes?

Lissa: Yes!


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Morgan (M)

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