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== Cherche ==
== Cherche ==
=== C Support ===
'''Cherche:''' Oh, this one is cute! Er, then again, maybe not. Hmm, this one has some nice horns, but I think it's the wrong type for Minerva. Dear me, this is harder than I expected.
'''Avatar:''' Cherche? What are you up to?
'''Cherche:''' Ah, perfect timing, Avatar. I want to ask you something.
'''Avatar:''' What about?
'''Cherche:''' Among your friends, are there any particularly beautiful wyverns?
'''Avatar:''' ...Did you just ask if I have good-looking wyvern friends?
'''Cherche:''' Well, it was worth a shot. I'm looking for a partner for Minerva. I must have searched through dozens of portraits and letters of introduction. And yet, not a single one has been up to Minerva's very exacting standards.
'''Avatar:''' Minerva? That massive thing your ride into battle? I, er, didn't know that anyone offered match-making services for wyverns.
'''Cherche:''' No one does! That's what is making this so very difficult. I've been doing everything all on my own so far...
'''Avatar:''' Impressive. You're breaking new ground in wyvern relations.
'''Cherche:''' It's a giant leap for mankind and wyvernkind alike, I'll wager. ...Want to pitch in?
'''Avatar:''' Well, if you think I can help! Ha ha ha...ha? Wait... You were being serious?
'''Cherche:''' Did you hear that, Minerva? Avatar is going to help us!
(Minerva roars)
'''Cherche:''' Oh, look how happy you've made Minerva!
'''Avatar:''' That bloodcurdling sound was happiness?!
=== B Support =
'''Avatar:''' I've assembled an extensive dossier on prospective wyvern mates, Cherche. ...I can't believe I just said that.
'''Cherche:''' Oh, thank you! This is so exciting! Let's see what you have.
'''Avatar:''' Here you go.
'''Cherche:''' Ah, you've included oil portraits of all the wyverns! What a nice touch. ...No. ...Nope. ...Ugh, not a chance. ...No. ...Aaand, no. Um, Avatar? Did you know that these are all female wyverns?
'''Avatar:''' Er, right. Is that a problem?
'''Cherche:''' Minerva is a girl. ...Who likes boys.
'''Avatar:''' He is? ...I m-mean, she is?!
'''Cherche:''' Yes, SHE is! ...It's perfectly obvious if you just bother to look.
'''Avatar:''' (Why in blazes would I ever be looking at—)
'''Cherche:''' I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch that.
'''Avatar:''' J-just scolding myself for making such an obvious blunder! Ha ha! ...Ha. Well, I guess I'll be starting over then.
'''Cherche:''' You can probably tell just by looking at her, but Minerva is VERY picky. So do make sure that you bring her only the most handsome candidates.
'''Avatar:''' ...You do realize that I have no concept of what makes a wyvern handsome, right?
'''Cherche:''' The shape and length of his horns, the shine of his scales, and the length of his wings. Also consider overall musculature, roar volume, and fire-breath heat. ...Oh, and if he happens to be rich, so much the better.
'''Avatar:''' Oh, you have GOT to be joking!
=== A Support ===
'''Avatar:''' Cherche, I believe I've found the perfect wyvern for Minerva! Here, look at this... ...Well? What do you think? Not bad, eh?
'''Cherche:''' If this oil painting is accurate, he appears absolutely perfect! Look, Minerva! What do you think? Isn't he terribly handsome?
(Minerva roars)
'''Cherche:''' Oh, she definitely likes him.
'''Avatar:''' Thank heavens! I was just about at the end of my rope with all this wyvern business...
'''Cherche:''' Thank you, Avatar. We appreciate everything you've done for us. You are truly too kind.
'''Avatar:''' Well, if I do succeed, I imagine my name will go down in the history books.
'''Cherche:''' As the first-ever chaperone for a wyvern blind date? Oh yes. I wager you'll be famous for centuries.
'''Avatar:''' ...Wait. I'M not going to be there when they meet! That's absurd! I've never even matched up people, let alone giant reptiles!
'''Cherche:''' Oh, you're a quick study. I'm sure it will all go swimmingly.
'''Avatar:''' I'm not!
'''Cherche:''' If it makes you feel better, I'll be there as well. I'm very familiar with the nitty-gritty of wyvern romance.
'''Avatar:''' No, knowing you are familiar with wyvern romance does NOT make me feel better! Besides, why don't you just take over from here and enjoy all the glory? I mean, I'm just blundering around in the dark, and frankly—
(Minerva roars)
'''Cherche:''' Rage. ...She's concerned you might abandon the project.
'''Avatar:''' BRANDON THE REJECT?! WHO?!
'''Cherche:''' She seems sure that you are the key to all of this working.
'''Avatar:''' A BEE IS LURKING?! I CAN'T... WAIT, HOLD ON! *sniiiiiif* ...Oh, gods, that's better. My ears just popped. But look, I still have no idea what I'm actually doing... *Sigh* Aw, heck. I started this. I suppose I might as well see it through to the end.
'''Cherche:''' Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that! And so is Minerva. Aren't you, Minerva?
(Minerva roars)
'''Avatar:''' WAAAH GODS! NOT AGAIN!
=== S Support ===
'''Cherche:''' Oh, Avatar, I'm sorry Minerva's date didn't work out so well... Especially after you went to all that trouble. He was such a fine-looking wyvern, too— I truly though Minerva would take to him.
'''Avatar:''' I wasn't sure what I was in for, honestly, but I certainly didn't expect them to fight! They would have burned down the entire village if you hadn't intervened!
'''Cherche:''' They just needed a good scolding to get them to settle down.
'''Avatar:''' *Sigh* I suppose it's back to square one again then, eh?
'''Cherche:''' Actually, I'm starting to think Minerva is simply too old for marriage now. I suppose we'll both just be a couple of old maids until the ends of our days.
'''Avatar:''' Have you ever...looked for a husband?
'''Cherche:''' Oh, sure. But it never really worked out for one reason or another. Well, actually, it usually didn't work because of Minerva. She tends to scare people off. A couple men even asked me to leave her for them, but I couldn't do it. I guess a wife with a wyvern just isn't an enticing prospect...
'''Avatar:''' Then Minerva has my eternal gratitude.
'''Cherche:''' ...What do you mean?
'''Avatar:''' She chased away my rivals. Thanks to her, I get to be the one to give you this.
'''Cherche:''' A ring? And...engagement ring?
'''Avatar:''' Cherche, all of this matchmaking has made me think about my own prospects. And also it's made me think of you much I love you. I swear I will look after you and Minerva till the end of our days. ...Will you marry me?
'''Cherche:''' Why, Avatar! Th-this is so surprising! I accept! Oh, I gladly accept!
'''Avatar:''' I won't let you down, Cherche. You or Minerva. I promise!
'''Cherche:''' It's funny how this all started with me trying to find a mate for Minerva. And now she's still alone, but I managed to find a man of my own!
'''Avatar:''' I'd call that a happy twist of fate! Heh heh, no offense, Minerva. ...What, Minerva? What is that look? Wait, not the fire breath! I didn't mean it!
'''Cherche''' (Confession): '''It's funny, being close like this just feels...right. It's as if it was always meant to be.'''

== Henry ==
== Henry ==