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Caeldori/Supports: Difference between revisions

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===C support===
===C Support===
'''Caeldori''':  Heeee-yah! Hah! Hyah! Pchew! Pchoo pchoo pchoo! Blamm-o! Nyoom! Kshaw! <br>
'''Subaki''':  I have to say, I'm quite impressed. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  F-Father?! What are you doing here? <br>
'''Subaki''':  Oh, nothing. Just observing. Your form is flawless, even when there's no one around. You could have stepped out of an Arms Scroll, I swear. Or even a painting. I can see it now: your naginata set athwart beams of evening sunlight— <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Stop! I get it. I have much to work on. There's no need to mock me like this! <br>
'''Subaki''':  I'm not mocking you. I'm serious. Your skill is astounding. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  You're only saying that because I'm your daughter. <br>
'''Subaki''':  Oh, so I'm just being a doting father, eh? Well, I guess it can't be helped, with a daughter as perfect and adorable as you! <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Oh, knock it off! <br>
'''Subaki''':  All right, all right, fine. Haha. Well then, on with it. Don't stop training on my account.  I can't wait to see more of that gorgeous naginata work. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  It's a little hard to concentrate when you keep saying things like that. <br>
'''Subaki''':  There it is again! You know, you keep saying that, but you never miss a step. You might be the most frightening warrior in the world, you know that? I look forward to seeing how far you'll go. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  (HE'S looking forward to seeing MY skills?) (Ugh. I can't mess up now.) Here we go! Hyah! Wah! Yahhh! SEIYAAA! Take...that... evil! And that! And that! <br>
'''Subaki''':  Flawless. Heh. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I should be worried...

===B support===
===B Support===
'''Caeldori''':  Hello, Father. <br>
'''Subaki''':  Caeldori! What do you need? <br>
'''Caeldori''':  I was wondering if you would be my sparring partner. <br>
'''Subaki''':  Sparring partner? Are you sure? <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Yes. I want to learn to fight as flawlessly as you. <br>
'''Subaki''':  High praise, coming from one such as you! I'm honored, my child. Very well. I'll teach you all that I know. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Really? Thank you so much, Father! <br>
'''Subaki''':  Heh. Let's get started, then, shall we? <br>
'''Caeldori''':  All right! Prepare yourself! <br>
''(fade to black)''<br>
'''Caeldori''':  *huff* *puff* How...did <br>
'''Subaki''':  Honestly? I think you were the very image of perfection. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Really?! <br>
'''Subaki''':  Really. I don't think there's a person alive who could match your movements. And you seem to have developed your own style of fighting. It's interesting. Yes, you were elegant and impressive, as always, Caeldori. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  "As always"? You mean I haven't improved since the last time you saw me training? <br>
'''Subaki''':  W-well, yes, but that's to be expected! It hasn't been that long since then... <br>
'''Caeldori''':  So you were just complimenting me like you always do. Regardless of my actual merit. <br>
'''Subaki''':  Well, when you say it like that, it sounds terrible! But...yes. But only because I think your fighting style has always been perfect! Honest! Even when you were just beginning! <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Ugh... So now I'm only as good as I was when I was a beginner? I guess I can't even trust my own father for an honest opinion. Oh well. I'd better just keep training. HIIII-YAH!

===A support===
===A Support===
'''Caeldori''':  *huff* *puff* Ogre toes! I'm still not improving! <br>
'''Subaki''':  You're working even harder than usual, Caeldori. What's up? <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Hello, Father. Nothing is up. Since I can't train with you, I've decided to just train twice as hard on my own. <br>
'''Subaki''':  Hey, come on, now. Don't say that! Of course you can train with me. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  No. You're too gentle on me. You never give me honest feedback. Even when my thrusts are weak, or my balance is off, or I step too wide. Even if I were to fall on my backside, you'd probably just say I did it gracefully. But if you always do that, then I'll never perfect my technique. <br>
'''Subaki''':  ...Caeldori, why are you so obsessed with being perfect? <br>
'''Caeldori''':  What? <br>
'''Subaki''':  Answer me. What is it that's driving you? <br>
'''Caeldori''':  I—er... It's you, Father. I want to be a fighter you can be proud of. <br>
'''Subaki''':  Well, if that's the case, don't sweat it. I am already proud of you. And your fighting skills truly are remarkable. I'm not just saying that. I think whatever idiosyncrasies and flaws you might have only add to your power. There's value in having a unique style. You can surprise your enemies, for one thing. Well, as long as there aren't any amateur mistakes. Those will get you killed. But you're no amateur, Caeldori. I promise. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  But I— <br>
'''Subaki''':  You shouldn't be so concerned with perfection. It's a dream. A myth. You're fine just the way you are. More than fine. You are an outstanding young woman. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Father... <br>
'''Subaki''':  Don't get me wrong. You shouldn't stop training so hard on my account. But you shouldn't continue to do it simply to impress me—or anyone else. If you try to be perfect for everyone else, it will destroy you inside. That's not something I want for you. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  ...Do you find it difficult to appear perfect sometimes, Father? <br>
'''Subaki''':  Haha! Very perceptive of you. I suppose it might get trying from time to time, sure. <br>
'''Caeldori''':  Well, whatever the case may be, know you don't have to put up a front around me. You're my father. My esteem for you will not diminish so easily. <br>
'''Subaki''':  Caeldori... Thank you. But don't worry about me too much. Just take care of yourself, OK? <br>
'''Caeldori''':  I see... Very well, then. Thank you, Father. Well, let's call it a day. Would you like to get something to eat with me? I know of a particularly good place in a town not far from here. <br>
'''Subaki''':  That sounds great. Let's go!

