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== Nowi ==
== Nowi ==
=== C Support ===
'''Nowi:''' HIYAAA!
'''Avatar:''' Yeowch!
'''Nowi:''' Argh! Sorry, Avatar! Are you all right?
'''Avatar:''' You mean, apart from this lump on my head? What is this you threw at me?
'''Nowi:''' That shiny rock that happens to be my most treasured possession. It took AGES to find.
'''Avatar:''' If it's so precious, why are you tossing it around?
'''Nowi:''' I was trying to hit that big snake! Did you see it? It slithered away real fast.
'''Avatar:''' ...So you're hunting game? With a rock?
'''Nowi:''' Exactly! I almost got him, too. ...Oh, look! There it is again! See?
'''Avatar:''' Here, let me try.
'''Nowi:''' You think you can hit it?
'''Avatar:''' Casting magic or hurling stones, it's all about focus and control. And you have to lead you target... Like...THIS!
'''Nowi:''' Oh, WOWZERS! Nailed it right in the head! That was great!
'''Avatar:''' Well, I have my moments.
'''Nowi:''' How did you do it?! You've got to show me!
'''Avatar:''' All right. First of all, you want to grip the stone like this...
'''Nowi:''' Okay...
=== B Support ===
'''Nowi:''' Hey, Avatar! Look what I got!
'''Avatar:''' My, that's a big snake! Did you it catch yourself?
'''Nowi:''' Yep! But only because of your rock-throwing lessons. Oh, and to thank you for all the help, I want you to have this...
'''Avatar:''' But...this is your shiny rock. Your most treasured possession?
'''Nowi:''' Oh, I'm not THAT fond of it. Besides, I'll just find another one.
'''Avatar:''' Well, that's...very generous of you. Thank you, Nowi.
'''Nowi:''' Say, Avatar. You're a good teacher. Is there anything else you can show me?
'''Avatar:''' Well, how about trying you hand at field cooking? You know, campfire cuisine? Frederick has just started teaching me the basics, so I'm not very good yet, but...
'''Nowi:''' That's perfect! We'll practice together and be gourmet chefs before you know it!
'''Avatar:''' With that kind of enthusiasm, we just might, heh heh...
'''Avatar:''' ...Well, it looks...edible? At least?
'''Nowi:''' At LEAST? I think it smells totally scrumptious!
'''Avatar:''' The proof is in the flavor. Which, I don't know... Looks like it could fall anywhere between mud and toenails...
'''Nowi:''' Avatar, what ARE you mumbling about? Let's hurry up and eat already!
'''Avatar:''' Er, right. H-here goes nothing. *Munch, munch*
'''Nowi:''' *Chomp, chomp* Hee hee! See? It's DELICIOUS! It came out just right!
'''Avatar:''' It did, didn't it? Thank goodness Frederick is such a good teacher.
'''Nowi:''' No, YOU'RE a good student! I wish I could remember things as well as you. I've lived a thousand years, and what can I do? Nothing, that's what.
'''Avatar:''' Don't say that. You've got time to learn all kinds of things. And of course I'll help, if you like.
'''Nowi:''' Aw, thanks, Avatar.
=== A Support ===
'''Avatar:''' So you split the blade of grass, cup it in your hands like so, and blow... FfffffvvvVVVVVVWWWEEEEEE!
'''Nowi:''' Wow! It's just like a flute!
'''Avatar:''' Here, why don't you try?
'''Nowi:''' Er, okay. Here I go... Pfffth... Thfffptht... Aw, that didn't sound like anything! Maybe I'm not puffing hard enough? If I turned into a dragon, I could blow—
'''Avatar:''' Er, probably not a good idea. We don't want to start a wildfire.
'''Nowi:''' *Sigh* Yeah, I guess not.
'''Avatar:''' Look, I'll help you practice until you've got it. Sound good?
'''Nowi:''' I guess. Though I still think if I just transformed...
'''Avatar:''' Let's just try it my way, okay?
'''Nowi:''' Hey look, Avatar! There's another giant snake!
'''Avatar:''' So there is. And it's quite a bit bigger than the last one you caught... ...Er, Nowi? What are you doing?
'''Nowi:''' I'm gonna show you how well I've learned to throw! Ready? Here goes! HIYAAA!
'''Avatar:''' Well done, Nowi! You hit him right between the eyes! That must be the biggest snake I've ever seen taken down by a single rock.
'''Nowi:''' Pretty impressive, huh?
'''Avatar:''' The Shepherds will eat well tonight! ...If we can haul that thing back to camp.
'''Nowi:''' I can do it! Even a snake that size is no problem for a mighty dragon. Now I just have to transform and... Oh, no! Where's my dragonstone?!
'''Avatar:''' Er, you didn't just use it to knock out that snake, did you?
'''Nowi:''' Oh, gosh. I think I did! *Sniff* Wh-what am I going to do?! I can't ever turn into a dragon again, and no one will get to eat snaaaaaake! WAAAAAAAAAH!
'''Avatar:''' Easy, Nowi, easy. It's all right. We just have to search a little. I promise I won't leave until we've found it. All right?
'''Nowi:''' Gosh, you'd do that for me? Avatar, you're the best!
=== S Support ===
'''Nowi:''' Thanks for your help the other day, Avatar.
'''Avatar:''' You mean searching for the dragonstone? Not at all. I'm just glad we found it. Listen, Nowi. I actually wanted to talk to you about something else...
'''Nowi:''' Sure! What is it?
'''Avatar:''' The shiny rock that you gave me—was it really precious to you?
'''Nowi:''' Oh, yes. Very much so. But it's yours now. I AM looking for a new one, but I haven't found anything yet.
'''Avatar:''' Yes, right. That's what I though. ...Here, I want you to have this.
'''Nowi:''' Wow, it's SO shiny and pretty! isn't a normal rock, is it?
'''Avatar:''' No, it isn't. Not anymore. That was the stone you gave me... But I've made it into a ring.
'''Nowi:''' Er, Avatar?
'''Avatar:''' Yes, Nowi?
'''Nowi:''' I know what kind of ring this is. You want us to promise each other to stay together forever.
'''Avatar:''' Oh, so you DO know that custom? Good. I was afraid I'd have to explain.
'''Nowi:''' Come on, Avatar, I'm not a total dummy!
'''Avatar:''' Heh. Right, sorry. I forget sometimes how long you've spent with us humans. But if you know about this ring...then you also know what it means to accept it.
'''Nowi:''' I do! And I DO! In every sense of the words, I do, Avatar! I've wanted to be with you for ever so long—I thought you'd never ask!
'''Avatar:''' Then my only regret is not doing so earlier. Oh, Nowi, we'll be so happy together!
'''Nowi:''' Oh, I know we will, Avatar! I know we will!
'''Nowi''' (Confession): '''Oh, I'm so happy! I've always wanted a husband! Think of all the wonderful centuries—uh, years we'll have!'''

== Libra ==
== Libra ==