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Lost Bloodlines 3/Script

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.


Old Hubba: Oho! You're back again! What impeccable timing.
Chrom: I don't like the sound of that…
Old Hubba: No, it's good news! All the Einherjar you defeated have gathered in one place. After you defeat them this time, I can finally seal them back into their cards!
Chrom: Wait...that actually IS good news.
Old Hubba: It is, isn't it! ...There's just one tiny little catch... I, uh... Well, I sort of...forgot to get you allies. So both armies will be after you. Welp, good luck then!
Chrom: *Sigh* I knew there had to be something...


Ced: King Marth, enemy reinforcements have arrived in the northeast and southeast.
King Marth: How did we not see them approach?
Ced: They didn't approach, sire. Not exactly. It seems they were summoned from another world…
King Marth: Damn... Will this land never know peace?
Ced: We are ready for them. Our forces in the southeast castle and on the eastern plain will crush them.
King Marth: Good. Commence the attack. We cannot stand idly be whilst they summon even more of their kind. (camera pans to the southeast)
Finn: Lord Leif! Enemy soldiers to the north!
Leif: The otherworldy force we were warned about, no doubt. I hear they are strong. Still, they are no match for the famed heroes we count among our allies. My father, Lords Seliph and Sigurd…even King Marth himself.
Finn: Don't be too humble to name yourself, my lord. But aye, our victory is assured. (camera pans to the center-south)
Chrom: Looks like we'll have our hands full here.
Robin: I liked them better when they were on our side…
Chrom: Victory here will win peace for this Outrealm, at least. It will be difficult, but we must prevail.
Robin: Unfortunately, the enemy armies are thinking the same thing. ...Both of them.
Chrom: I like it no better than you, but we've no other choice. Let's finish this!

(turn 1 enemy phase)

Leif: Lord Sigurd, King Marth's forces are taking the offensive.
Sigurd: He means to trap the enemy between us.
Leif: There is no time to lose!
Sigurd: Aye, but this is no typical foe we face. We must cling fast to caution… (camera pans to the north)
Caeda: Lady Deirdre! The force that appeared up ahead is hostile. I'm certain of it!
Deirdre: Then they have come at last. Will the bloodshed never end?
Caeda: You mustn't waver now, my lady. Let us be the strength behind your conviction. Peace will come, in its time. Today, we must defeat the enemy before us.
Deirdre: You are right. Thank you, Lady Caeda. I will trust in your strength. (camera pans to the east)
Seliph: It was the enemy's choice to invade, and it is our duty to defend the land. These should be simple facts, but...

(upon visiting the northern village)

Maiden: Gods! Where did all these soldiers come from? Things used to be so peaceful! Are you with them? Are ya?! WELL, HERE! FINE THEN! Take this, and then take yer scuffle somewhere else!

(upon visiting the center village)

Villager: So, uh, just between friends—do ye think ye'll win? 'Cause see, I bet me life's savings in gold on ya, so, er... Well, how about I tip the scales a bit? Take this and CRUSH them brutes!

Other text

Enemy battle-entry lines

These lines are the normal battle-entry lines. For the special conversations invoked between special characters, see Lost Bloodlines 3/Conversations.

Leif: This is our world, not yours!
Nanna: Please return from whence you came. The fighting will only get worse.
Sigurd: I cannot fail. I have too much to protect!
King Marth: Return to the world in which you belong!
Ethlyn: I will stand strong as long as my brother and the others need me!
Quan: We will yield before no hardship!
Eyvel: In the name of the Fiana Freeblades, I will erase you from this land!
Jamke: Go home! You've no errand here!
Finn: Our conviction will not be broken. You have no future here!
Ogma: You do know this won't be easy?
Lewyn: Scurry home to your world before you find out who you are up against.
Catria: Away with you, visitor! Return to your own world!
Arden: However noble you think your purpose, it won't stop you from losing.
Dagdar: Won't listen to reason, eh? Guess I'll have to use my loud voice.
Navarre: Come to fall upon my blade?
Arthur: You may think you have your reasons, but we will not yield this land!
Olwen: This is our land! Leave, now!
Athena: Ve respect your strength. But ve also have our pride as a varrior!
Etzel: Whoever you are, you'll have to forgive me for putting self-preservation first.
Caeda: For my Marth and all our comrades, I must succeed!
Fee: Start wars in your own world! We don't need more sadness here.
Salem: You're mad if you think we'll go down without a fight.
Saias: Why did you allow yourself to be summoned here? What profit is there for you?
Deirdre: I must cling to hope. Let this be the last day blood must be spilt…
Katarina: This fight could end right now it you left. But I can see you will not.
Minerva: If you stand before me, then you must wish to be tested!
Merric: By my magic shall your end come!
Pr. Marth: What do you hope to gain by fighting in a world not your own?
Ayra: I have a debt to repay!
Tiki: I have to win. I cannot bear being alone again…
Arvis: What sort of fool would stand against my magic?
Malice: Sorry, friend, but a sellsword's only as good as her sword.
Legion: Fights and more fights—todays, tomorrows, and every days! Uwee hee!
Hardin: You have come a long way just to meet your end.
Nyna: You have chosen with quarrel, not I.
Horace: I will not retreat. My traitor's life belongs to these—my comrades!
Raydrik: Worms! I wipe the likes of you from my boots.
Ulster: If you will not return to your world, then meet your end in mine!
Larcei: You look formidable. But I have no intention of losing!
Raquesis: If you insist on fighting, then fight with honor!
Mareeta: My mother's memory speaks through every stroke of my blade!
Ares: You think to walk away from this? Amusing.
Linde: All invaders of this land shall be punished by my magic!
Altena: I know not why you have come. I know only that you must fall.
Seliph: Will our struggles here truly save this land?
Julia: Stand aside!
Gharnef: You dare defy me? Heh heh. I shall enjoy toying with you.
Ced: Why have you come here, warrior? Ravage your own world!
Norne: Hopin' to go a round with me? I hope you like catchin' arrows.
Julius: You strangers fight well. But the time for games is over.

Enemy death quotes

Leif: I have failed... But I will come back...stronger...
Nanna: Why did you not use that help instead of to harm?
Sigurd: No...this cannot be where I fall...
King Marth: How could I fail... My just.
Ethlyn: As long as my defeat...brings my brother victory...
Quan: I fought as best I could. Finish it, my friends...
Eyvel: How could I lose? I should have...trained harder...
Jamke: I must away... I am not too proud to admit defeat...
Finn: Lord Leif, why are they doing this...?
Ogma: Nngh, damn! I can't stay here. Forgive me, Lady Caeda...
Lewyn: How could you withstand the wrath of Forseti?! I must escape...quickly...
Catria: Rrgh, can't... Prince Marth...still needs me...
Arden: This blasted armor...slows me...rrgh...
Dagdar: Bested by the likes of you... Maybe it's time I retired...
Navarre: Impressive...
Arthur: Nngh... Next time...I hope we meet as allies...
Olwen: Was this right? Were we...right?
Athena: Ve are vanquished...
Etzel: I know when I'm bested... Time for a retreat...
Caeda: So...powerful... Should have...joined forces...
Fee: Was this sadness our doing, then? No... I cannot believe that...
Salem: Agh... Challenged the wrong foe...
Saias: ...Nngh! That look... You know something... Why we are all here...
Deirdre: It is perhaps it should be... Fight for peace...please...
Katarina: So strong... You remind me...of...ahh...
Minerva: Well...done...
Merric: Nngh... My magic, defeated? more...
Pr. Marth: You have prevailed... Something about you... I sense justice in your actions...
Ayra: I cannot stand saying it, strength pales to yours...
Tiki: Mar-Mar...I'm sorry...
Arvis: Valflame, defeated?! Th-that's impossible...
Malice: Agh! This will...damage my reputation...
Legion: Battles! More battleses! Uwee...hee...
Hardin: Rogue! I will make you pay...for defying me...
Nyna: My strength was not enough...
Horace: I gave my best, Princess Nyna... Do I have...your leave to...
Raydrik: So be it... The way yours...
Ulster: Your world breeds tough warriors...if they can withstand my sword...
Larcei: Rrgh... I nearly had you! I did...
Raquesis: I fought with all I had... I have no regrets...
Mareeta: time I...
Ares: You didn't...look that tough...
Linde: You win... I am bested...
Altena: That...piercing gaze... You almost have me believing...we are in the wrong...
Seliph: So this is how it ends... This is fate...
Julia: Press on, then...if your cause be true...
Gharnef: Heh heh... A momentary...setback...
Ced: The winds favor you... A gentle wind. Perhaps we have...misjudged you...
Norne: Ah... Tough, aren't ye? Should've...been on the same side...
Julius: I will return... Count on it...


Chrom: It's finally over, thank the gods. There were so damn many of them…
Frederick: It was no easy fight, milord. But then, what battle is?
Chrom: I hope we brought a measure of peace. The grasses here have seen enough red.
Frederick: I could not agree more.
Robin: Chrom, look what I found.
Chrom: Another card? Let's see... "Seliph, Scion of Light." Hmm... Seliph figured prominently in the Jugdrali sagas. Didn't he end the strife that plagued the continent for decades? It seems we've found a real treasure.

Seliph Recruitment Conversation

Seliph: I yield to your strength, <sir/my lady>. Never have I seen one person lead so great a force. My name is Seliph. Do you know who I am?

(Question: Have you heard of Seliph?)

(should the player answer Yes)
Seliph: It honors me that my name has carried to lands as far as yours. What do they say of me? Do I become a great king?

(should the player answer No)
Seliph: I was born on the continent of Jugdral—son of Duke Sigurd of Chalphy. I am descended from Baldur the Crusader and Saint Heim. I fight to avenge my late father, who fell in the Battle of Belhalla.

(after answering the previous question)
Seliph: On your hand...that is the Brand, yes? The mark is proof that you descend from dragons, our gods of yore. I, too, carry the Brand. The blood in my veins entitled me to wield the divine blade that led me to victory. But it also cursed me to a lifetime of tragedy... Namely, my father's death and a terrible war with my half-brother. So much blood spilt over blood... Tell me...Robin, was it? If you could cast away the Brand—free yourself from it—would you?

(Question: Would you cast away the Brand?)

(should the player answer Yes)
Seliph: You choose to live freely. I envy that. Oftentimes I wonder if I missed that chance somewhere along the way... But tell me more about yourself, Robin. If the Brand no longer bound you, what sort of life would you choose? What places would you visit?

(should the player answer No)
Seliph: Yes, I can certainly understand that. We're the same, then. I could never simply give up the Brand. Even while I curse it, I know that it has preserved me. I owe it much. And it is my mother and father's blood—a precious part of me. Thank you, Robin. I'm glad me could speak. I know your Brand will lead you to your destiny, as mine did with me. But from my experience, grand destinies bring with them grand conflicts. My blade is yours, if you would have it. I will help you win the struggles to come.

(should the player opt to recruit Seliph)

Seliph: As the gods will it.