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===C support===
===C Support===
'''Oboro''':  *siiiigh*<br>
'''Orochi''':  Oboro? What's gotten into you? <br>
'''Oboro''':  Yikes! Make some noise next time so I know you're coming, Orochi! <br>
'''Orochi''':  Sorry to startle you. But I wasn't really skulking around... You must have been pretty distracted not to notice me. <br>
'''Oboro''':  Oh. I guess I was. *sigh* <br>
'''Orochi''':  Where's the upbeat Oboro I remember? Do you need someone to tell your troubles to? <br>
'''Oboro''':  Eh, you'd just laugh. <br>
'''Orochi''':  Preposterous! I've never laughed at someone going through hard times. <br>
'''Oboro''':  Well...I don't know... <br>
'''Orochi''':  Seriously, don't worry about it. Tell me what's on your mind. <br>
'''Oboro''':  All right, here goes. I was passing by the weapon shop in town and saw a set of heavy, black armor. Seeing it reminded me of Nohr, which made me grimace. <br>
'''Orochi''':  Grimace? Is that what you call that horrible demon face you make? <br>
'''Oboro''':  Y-yeah...that's the one. And then, this little kid not far off saw me and burst into tears. Just thinking about it makes me sad! You should have seen his face... <br>
'''Orochi''':  Pfffft... Hahahaha! That's priceless! <br>
'''Oboro''':  Hey! You promised you wouldn't laugh! I knew I shouldn't have said anything. <br>
'''Orochi''':  Haha...oh, don't get so upset! I get a kick out of that face you make. It's very you. <br>
'''Oboro''':  Ugh, I hate it. It terrifies people. It's like a bad habit I just can't kick. <br>
'''Orochi''':  Hm... You know, maybe there is something I can do to help. <br>
'''Oboro''':  There is? Like what?! <br>
'''Orochi''':  Yeah, I know just what to do. Consider it my apology for laughing at you. <br>
'''Oboro''':  I think I'll take you up on that! <br>
'''Orochi''':  Haha, leave it to me!

===B support===
===B Support===
'''Orochi''':  Oboro! I've found a way to keep you from making that awful face! <br>
'''Oboro''':  You're kidding me. How? <br>
'''Orochi''':  Actually breaking you of the habit would be almost impossible, so... I thought we'd try covering it up. Ta-da! <br>
'''Oboro''':  What are these? A bunch of masks...? <br>
'''Orochi''':  Yep! Aren't they something? You can't scare any children if your face is hidden behind one of my masks! These are some of my best work. They're all beautiful—and look how cute this one is! Pick out any one you like! <br>
'''Oboro''':  Uh, sure... <br>
'''Orochi''':  What's wrong? You don't think it'll work? <br>
'''Oboro''':  No, it's just that the masks are...well... kind of weird. Like this one. Why are the eyebrows so thick? It looks angry. And I don't know what to make of the heavy rouge on this one's cheeks. <br>
'''Orochi''':  Wh...what are you getting at...? <br>
'''Oboro''':  This one's teeth are polished gold! I can't wear these! <br>
'''Orochi''':  I worked for three days and nights on these masks, and that's all you can say?! <br>
'''Oboro''':  That long? Wow. <br>
'''Orochi''':  At LEAST that long! I went without sleep, all to solve your problem. <br>
'''Oboro''':  Hahaha...! <br>
'''Orochi''':  Are you laughing at me?! <br>
'''Oboro''':  Sorry...I couldn't help it. I was picturing you fighting off sleep to paint these. <br>
'''Orochi''':  And how is that funny?! <br>
'''Oboro''':  I do appreciate it, though! Thank you. <br>
'''Orochi''':  There it is! That's the face! <br>
'''Oboro''':  Was I making it again just now?! <br>
'''Orochi''':  No, no! Last time, that kid saw you looking scary and demonic, so he cried. Next time that happens, just smile at the little guy! <br>
'''Oboro''':  You think it'll be that easy? <br>
'''Orochi''':  With an adorable smile like yours? It'll be easier than falling off a log! <br>
'''Oboro''':  Hmm, OK. I'll try it. Thanks for the advice, Orochi! <br>
'''Orochi''':  Anytime! But I did work hard on these masks... Be sure to try them too! <br>
'''Oboro''':  Uh, yeah. I'll do that.

===A support===
===A Support===
'''Oboro''':  Hey, Orochi! Guess what! <br>
'''Orochi''':  You found a four-leaf clover? <br>
'''Oboro''':  Even better! You had the right idea about my problem! <br>
'''Orochi''':  How so? <br>
'''Oboro''':  I bumped into that kid who I freaked out last time. I smiled at him...and he smiled back! <br>
'''Orochi''':  Way to go, Oboro! <br>
'''Oboro''':  We got to talking a little, and I ended up challenging him to a stare-off. I won, of course! <br>
'''Orochi''':  A stare-off, huh? Sounds like you've found a way to make that face work for you. <br>
'''Oboro''':  Yeah! I feel silly when I think about how anxious I was. The kid loved your masks, by the way. He was howling on the floor. <br>
'''Orochi''':  Th-those masks are fine art! It would be one thing for the kid to nod at them in respectful silence... But he laughed?! <br>
'''Oboro''':  They must have been more charming than you knew! Anyway, both your advice and your masks helped. I'm feeling much better now. <br>
'''Orochi''':  I still wish the masks had been better appreciated... But I'll settle for seeing you smile. <br>
'''Oboro''':  Thank you, Oboro. <br>
'''Orochi''':  You know, if you ever need more masks like those, I'd always be happy to— <br>
'''Oboro''':  I'll let you know!

===A+ support===
===A+ support===

Revision as of 03:24, 30 July 2017

This page contains all data pertaining to Oboro's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Oboro access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Oboro's Spear Fighter or Apothecary class trees
This support grants Oboro access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Oboro's Spear Fighter or Apothecary class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Corrin: Hmm, this is unusual. I've actually done everything on my list for today. Maybe I'll sit back and have a cup of tea before I turn in. There is that book I've been meaning to finish, too...
Oboro: Lord Corrin! What are you doing in here?
Corrin: Wh—Oboro?! Why are you up so late?
Oboro: I'm cleaning. Couldn't you tell by my mop and broom?
Corrin: In the dead of night, though?
Oboro: Afraid so. I have my duties and training to attend to during the day. So this is really the only chance I get. Now stop loafing around, Lord Corrin. You're in the way. Don't you leave that book there! Take it with you!
Corrin: much for a relaxing evening... I suppose the chores must be done, even if it is nearly midnight. Is there anything I can do to help you?
Oboro: ...
Corrin: Oboro...? Did you hear the question?
Oboro: Hm? Oh, uh, yeah.
Corrin: Really? You seemed anguished over something.
Oboro: F-forget it... Now shoo! I've still gotta sweep in here!
Corrin: I'm going, I'm going...

B Support

Corrin: Whew... What an exhausting day. And I still haven't had dinner yet. I wonder if there's anything in the kitchen I can take back to my room...
Oboro: ...
Corrin: Is there someone in here? AAAAH!
Oboro: ...
Corrin: Help! S-s-someone! It's a demon!
Oboro: Oh... Lord Corrin.
Corrin: Huh?'s only you. Whew. I must admit, it's a little creepy to see you in a dark room with only a single candle.
Oboro: S-sorry...
Corrin: everything OK? You were staring off into the woods for a moment.
Oboro: Yeah. Everything's fine.
Corrin: I'm not convinced. Your attention was wandering last time, too. Is something bothering you?
Oboro: Nothing that Lord Corrin should concern himself with.
Corrin: Don't worry about that. You shouldn't keep your troubles bottled up inside. I don't mind listening, at least.
Oboro: ...All right, since you insist. It's not a problem so much as a bad memory. When I was a kid, my parents ran a clothing shop in our village. We were out trading in Nohr when bandits attacked and killed them both. I hid in the wagon, and fortunately the bandits didn't notice me.
Corrin: I never knew...
Oboro: It all happened on a moonless night, just like this one. I can't help but remember when the sky gets black.
Corrin: Which explains why your face was so stormy. I'm sorry, Oboro. Here I am, notionally a Nohrian, asking you to open up to me. It was insensitive.
Oboro: N-not at all! You have nothing to feel guilty for, Lord Corrin. It's the bandits who are to blame. They're fiends in human shape...
Corrin: Oboro...
Oboro: Oh, um—sorry. I got kind of carried away there, I guess. I'll, myself out.
(Oboro leaves)
Corrin: That poor girl...

A Support

Oboro: Midnight cleaning time! Let's do this!
Corrin: More late-night cleaning, Oboro?
Oboro: Yes. Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I'd appreciate your help.
Corrin: A couple nights ago it was repairing weapons and armor. Last night, you took inventory of the whole storeroom.
Oboro: Well, better safe than sorry, they say. Come on, Lord Corrin, don't just stand there. Help or get out of the way!
Corrin: I know what you're doing, Oboro. You're staying busy to pretend that nothing bothers you during the night, aren't you?
Oboro: ...
Corrin: Is it because spending a quiet night alone reminds you of the night your parents died?
Oboro: D-don't be silly! There are all kinds of reasons a girl would spend every night doing chores.
Corrin: But I've noticed you tend to glance grimly out at the forest while you do these chores.
Oboro: Th-that's
Corrin: Sorry. I wasn't trying to overstep my boundaries. But you seem desperate somehow, and it makes my heart ache to see.
Oboro: Hrgh...
Corrin: You don't need to try so hard. It won't bring your parents back... You have your master, and me, and all the others here to help you.
Oboro: Haha... You saw right through me, Lord Corrin. No matter how hard I try not to be, I'm a mess. I put up a front so I don't fall apart, and I keep people away with my stare... But it was never going to work forever. I just can't do it.
Corrin: Oboro... No one cares if you're a mess! We all have problems. We'll all help you through yours.
Oboro: Lord Corrin...
Corrin: If you're scared to fight on the front lines, there's plenty to contribute in back. If you really want, you can just stay here and do the chores. Everyone knows you as a kind person who always looks out for her comrades. So let us look out for you. Come to us anytime you want.
Oboro: Lord Corrin... You think they'll help me if I ask?
Corrin: I know they will. An army is founded on people not having to struggle alone.
Oboro: ...I never saw it like that before. Thank much. I think I was shutting myself out for no reason. I feel a little better now.
Corrin: Good. You shouldn't hesitate to show your vulnerable side around your friends.
Oboro: Hahaha. What about my scary side?
Corrin: You mean that face you're always making? Maybe keep that to yourself...

S Support

Oboro: Um... Lord Corrin?
Corrin: Hi, Oboro. Doing some late-night chores?
Oboro: past hasn't bothered me as much lately. So no cleaning tonight.
Corrin: That's good. It shows you're growing.
Oboro: Well, I still make that scowl sometimes. I see a Nohrian and can't help myself.
Corrin: Hmm...well, just be aware that not everyone in Nohr is a villain. And I'm not saying that in self-defense.
Oboro: Yeah, I know.
Corrin: I think we should judge people by what's in their hearts, not where they're from. As Hoshidan royalty raised in Nohr, I hope to prove that to you.
Oboro: Mind proving that to me up close, Lord Corrin? It would be easier to see if I could stay at your side from now on...
Corrin: If that will help, then of course.
Oboro: ...
Corrin: Um...?
Oboro: You can be so thick sometimes, Lord Corrin. When I say "up close" and "by your side," I mean...
Corrin: Wait... Oboro, are you saying...
Oboro: You're just getting it now? I love you, Lord Corrin. You've always watched over me and helped me when I needed it. Now that I've put the traumas of my past behind me... I want to help you as you've helped me, Lord Corrin.
Corrin: Oboro...
Oboro: Or maybe you don't want someone as fussy and difficult as me...
Corrin: No, don't be silly! I love you too. I love the way you're always thinking about the best way to help other people. That's why I wanted to help you—to repay all the kindness you've shown!
Oboro: Lord Corrin...
Corrin: I promise to make this world a place you can feel safe at night—or any other time. Until I do, I hope you'll stay at my side and come to me for whatever you need.
Oboro: I'd be delighted to, Lord Corrin. And I'm great at taking care of people— you know that by now!
Corrin: Then I'll be at your side, counting on you as well.

(Confession scene)
Oboro: I hope someday I can love the world as much as you do. Please stay with me 'til then.

Corrin (F)

Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe14.png
Corrin (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Oboro access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Oboro's Spear Fighter or Apothecary class trees
This support grants Oboro access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Oboro's Spear Fighter or Apothecary class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C support

Corrin: Hmm, this is unusual. I've actually done everything on my list for today. Maybe I'll sit back and have a cup of tea before I turn in. There is that book I've been meaning to finish, too...

Oboro: Lady Corrin! What are you doing in here?

Corrin: Wh—Oboro?! Why are you up so late?

Oboro: I'm cleaning. Couldn't you tell by my mop and broom?

Corrin: In the dead of night, though?

Oboro: Afraid so. I have my duties and training to attend to during the day. So this is really the only chance I get. Now stop loafing around, Lady Corrin. You're in the way. Don't you leave that book there! Take it with you!

Corrin: much for a relaxing evening. I suppose the chores must be done, even if it is nearly midnight. Is there anything I can do to help you?

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Oboro...? Did you hear the question?

Oboro: Hm? Oh, uh, yeah.

Corrin: Really? You seemed anguished over something.

Oboro: F-forget it... Now shoo! I've still gotta sweep in here!

Corrin: I'm going, I'm going...

B support

Corrin: Whew... What an exhausting day. And I still haven't had dinner yet. I wonder if there's anything in the kitchen I can take back to my room...

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Is there someone in here? AAAAH!

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Help! S-s-someone! It's a demon!

Oboro: Oh... Lady Corrin.

Corrin Huh?'s only you. Whew. I must admit, it's a little creepy to see you in a dark room with only a single candle.

Oboro: S-sorry...

Corrin: everything OK? You were staring off into the woods for a moment.

Oboro: Yeah. Everything's fine.

Corrin: I'm not convinced. Your attention was wandering last time, too. Is something bothering you?

Oboro: Nothing lady Corrin should concern herself with.

Corrin: Don't worry about that. You shouldn't keep your troubles bottled up inside. I don't mind listening, at least.

Oboro: ...All right, since you insist. It's not a problem so much as a bad memory. When I was a kid, our parents ran a clothing shop in our village. We were out trading in Nohr when bandits attacked and killed them both. I hid in the wagon, and fortunately the bandits didn't notice me.

Corrin: I never knew...

Oboro: It all happened on a moonless night, just like this one. I can't help but remember when the sky gets black.

Corrin: Which explains why your face was so stormy. I'm sorry, Oboro. Here I am, notionally a Nohrian, asking you to open up to me. It was insensitive.

Oboro: N-not at all! You have nothing to feel guilty for, Lady Corrin. It's the bandits who are to blame. They're fiends in human shape...

Corrin: Oboro...

Oboro: Oh, um—sorry. I got kind of carried away there, I guess. I'll, uh... show myself out.

Corrin: That poor girl...

A support

Oboro: Midnight cleaning time! Let's do this!

Corrin: More late-night cleaning, Oboro?

Oboro: Yes. Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I'd appreciate your help.

Corrin: A couple nights ago it was repairing weapons and armor. Last night, you took inventory of the whole storeroom.

Oboro: Well, better safe than sorry, they say. Come on, Lady Corrin, don't just stand there. Help or get out of the way!

Corrin: I know what you're doing, Oboro. You're staying busy to pretend that nothing bothers you during the night, aren't you?

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Is it because spending a quiet night alone reminds you of the night your parents died?

Oboro: D-don't be silly! There are all kinds of reasons a girl would spend every night doing chores.

Corrin: But I've noticed you tend to glance grimly out at the forest while you do these chores.

Oboro: Th-that's

Corrin: Sorry. I wasn't trying to overstep my boundaries. But you seem desperate somehow, and it makes my heart ache to see.

Oboro: Hrgh...

Corrin: You don't need to try so hard. It won't bring your parents back... You have your master, and me, and all the others here to help you.

Oboro: Haha... You saw right through me, Lady Corrin. No matter how hard I try not to be, I'm a mess. I put up a front so I don't fall apart, and I keep people away with my stare... But it was never going to work forever. I just can't do it.

Corrin: Oboro.... No one cares if you're a mess! We all have problems We'll all help you through yours.

Oboro: Lady Corrin...

Corrin: If you're scared to fight on the front lines, there's plenty to contribute in back. If you really want, you can just stay here and do the chores. Everyone knows you as a kind person who always looks out for her comrades. So let us look out for you. Come to us anytime you want.

Oboro: Lady Corrin... You think they'll help me if I ask?

Corrin: I know they will. An army is founded on people not having to struggle alone.

Oboro: ...I never saw it like that before. Thank much. I think I was shutting myself out for no reason. I feel a little better now.

Corrin: Good. You shouldn't hesitate to show your vulnerable side around your friends.

Oboro: Hahaha. What about my scary side?

Corrin: You mean that face you're always making? Maybe keep that to yourself...


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait jakob fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15

C Support

Oboro: They say you've been volunteering for mop- up operations left and right. Is that true?
Jakob: Pardon? You're...Oboro, right?
Oboro: I didn't come here to introduce myself. Answer the question.
Jakob: You heard correctly, then.
Oboro: I had a bad feeling about you...and it looks like I was right.
Jakob: It's clear by your face that you don't care much for me.
Oboro: *shrug* People who willingly go on mop-up runs are scum, plain and simple. Getting your jollies by going after troops who've already been beaten is disgusting.
Jakob: I take no pleasure in it.
Oboro: Doesn't matter. You volunteered, which makes you just as bad. That's why I'm giving you the stink-eye.
Jakob: Think what you like. It has no bearing on me one way or the other.
Oboro: All right, then. Good talk.

B Support

Oboro: It's you...
Jakob: So you're going to make that face every time you see me, hmm?
Oboro: Probably.
Jakob: That's overreacting a little to my decision to volunteer for the mop-up operation, no? Out on the battlefield, you can't always pick and choose your allies.
Oboro: Sorry. I hate what I hate. There must be something you despise on that same gut level, right?
Jakob: I only have one standard of judgment. There are those who side with <Lord/Lady> Corrin, and everyone else.
Oboro: That's a simplistic way of looking at things.
Jakob: Maybe, but it's all that matters to me. <Lord/Lady> Corrin's enemies are my enemies. <His/Her> allies are my allies.
Oboro: Now explain to me what that has to do with mowing down helpless enemies?
Jakob: It has everything to do with it. It's impossible to truly know an enemy's mind just by looking at them. So long as they're armed, they present a threat to <Lord/Lady> Corrin. That's why I'm so ruthless in stamping them out, even when they're weak. I don't care if it's underhanded or if you're uncomfortable with it. It must be done.
Oboro: You care that much about <Lord/Lady> Corrin?
Jakob: Have a care, Oboro.
Oboro: Seriously? Why?
Jakob: I don't care about your opinion of me. But if you do anything, or fail to, that puts <Lord/Lady> Corrin at risk... I will consider you <his/her> enemy and crush you without hesitating.
Oboro: Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I'd never think of betraying <Lord/Lady> Corrin.
Jakob: Of course not. I just thought it would be good for us both to know where we stand.

A Support

Oboro: Jakob.
Jakob: You stopped baring your teeth at the sight of me. I'm honored.
Oboro: Yeah...I've gotten used to you by now.
Jakob: Despite my willingness to take on mop-up operations?
Oboro: Stop right there. It's not like I'm mad about that for no reason.
Jakob: Oh...?
Oboro: I'll never forget the sight of it...the moment those Nohrians killed my family. My parents weren't even fighting back, but the bandits cut them down in front of me.
Jakob: Right before your eyes? Were you on your own after that?
Oboro: Nah. After my parents died, I got passed off on some relatives at the castle. They were soldiers, and never had children, so they raised me like their own daughter. I figured I'd return the favor by training hard, and now here I am.
Jakob: I see...
Oboro: It was terrible, what happened, but... I've made my peace with it. I wouldn't have become a soldier if my parents weren't killed. But sometimes I get to thinking... What if the bandits raided some other caravan? Or if they'd left after looting the wagons, instead of wiping everyone out?
Jakob: And that's what comes to mind now when you think of mop-up operations, hmm? That's why you hate those who willingly perform these duties.
Oboro: Look, I know the enemy is the enemy, and sometimes you have to be merciless. But still...
Jakob: Nobody has a perfect heart.
Oboro: Come again?
Jakob: Hate all you like. You have better reasons than most.
Oboro: Jakob...
Jakob: If you take it too far, mind you, I'll put a stop to it. But so long as you're <Lord/Lady> Corrin's ally, you are my ally as well.
Oboro: Thanks...I think. I already considered you an ally anyway.
Jakob: That's your prerogative.

S Support

Jakob: I need a promise from you, Oboro.
Oboro: Hello to you too, Jakob. Is this how you start all your conversations?
Jakob: Just listen. It's important.
Oboro: So what do I need to promise?
Jakob: That you'll never betray <Lord/Lady> Corrin.
Oboro: Oh, come on...
Jakob: Promise me.
Oboro: Where is this coming from? Do you really think I'd betray <Lord/Lady> Corrin?
Jakob: No. If I did, this encounter would be going very differently.
Oboro: Then don't ask such silly questions! I'd never backstab <Lord/Lady> Corrin!
Jakob: You're right, of course. I just wanted to be absolutely sure.
Oboro: Is this a thing you're doing now? Going around and making everyone promise?
Jakob: No. I was only interested in your response. Because out of everyone here...I could never bring myself to fight you...
Oboro: What are you getting at?
Jakob: It seems that...I've fallen for you, Oboro.
Oboro: What?!
Jakob: I had hoped that one day we might be... married...
Oboro: Y-you want to marry me? This is the first I knew you were interested at all! What brought this on?
Jakob: I like to think that I'm a good judge of character. I'm confident I understand your charms better than anyone else.
Oboro: I...I'm flattered, but...
Jakob: And now that you've promised never to betray <Lord/Lady> Corrin... I can feel comfortable proposing to you.
Oboro: I...see...
Jakob: Please marry me, Oboro. I'd like to start a family of our own.
Oboro: A new family... That's the greatest thing anyone has ever suggested to me. I'll do it, Jakob. I'll marry you.
Jakob: I'll be counting the days to the ceremony.
Oboro: But I need a promise from you too first.
Jakob: Name it.
Oboro: You can't die. I won't be left alone again.
Jakob: Oh, my dear Oboro...I'd never do that to you. I promise to always stay by your side and ensure that your days are happy ones.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kaze fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Ninja (Master Ninja or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15

C Support

Oboro: Phew! All done!
Kaze: Hello, Oboro. What are you doing here in the pantry?
Oboro: Oh, hey, Kaze. I was revamping our shelving system. See? Much better.
Kaze: I must agree. We're lucky to have such a hard worker around.
Oboro: Aw, you're making too much of it. I just felt like a project!
Kaze: Hm? Did you see something move?
Oboro: Huh? I didn't see any— GAAAAAAH!
Kaze: Oboro?!
Oboro: S-s-s-something just scurried over my foot!
Kaze: Stay calm, Oboro. It was probably only a mouse.
Oboro: A...a mouse...??
Kaze: This is a pantry. I wouldn't be surprised to find a few in here.
Oboro: Good point.
Kaze: It is a problem, though. If we don't take steps, they'll get into the food.
Oboro: ...
Kaze: Oboro?
Oboro: Heh heh... We have to save the food, eh? Watch yourself, mousie! You'll rue the day you crossed me!
Kaze: You seem oddly enthusiastic about this.
Oboro: Oh, you're in this too, Kaze! It'll take two to outsmart that little rodent!
Kaze: Me?
Oboro: You're not abandoning the hunt so soon, are you? Let's work together and catch that mouse!
Kaze: Hmm. Our food supply is at stake... All right. I'll lend a hand.
Oboro: Excellent! Now come on—let's go talk mouse-catching strategy!

B Support

Oboro: I don't understand... Why isn't the stupid mouse falling for my traps?
Kaze: It's managed to snatch the cheese from every trap without setting them off. We're up against a very crafty mouse.
Oboro: Urrgh...that thing's making a fool of us! We have to do something!
Kaze: I agree. What we need is a good strategy... Ah! I have it.
Oboro: What's your plan?
Kaze: There's a ninja technique to infuse food with a paralyzing agent. If we modify the dosage for a mouse, it might be just the thing.
Oboro: Great idea! Let's try it right away!
Kaze: I have enough of the agent already, so all we need is a bit of food. Do you think it would eat one of these dumplings I made for lunch?
Oboro: If it tastes as good as it smells, I bet our nemesis will make a beeline for it.
Kaze: The secret is the dried bonito flakes I mixed in.
Oboro: Never mind the mouse, now I want some...
Kaze: What? Wait, you mustn't!
Oboro: I'm just kidding. You're always so serious about everything, Kaze. Lighten up!
Kaze: ...Now you're just being cruel.
Oboro: Heh, sorry. Show me how to make these dumplings for the mousetraps!
Kaze: Oh, right, it would be good for you to learn that. To the kitchen, then?
Oboro: Lead the way!

A Support

Oboro: Kaze! Guess what! I caught the mouse!
Kaze: Well done, Oboro.
Oboro: I didn't do much. You're the one who had the idea for those poison dumplings.
Kaze: Think nothing of it. Though if it earns me a visit for you to relay your thanks, that's a nice perk.
Oboro: Sh-shut up! You're embarrassing me. I bet the ladies eat up that smooth talk.
Kaze: What do you mean?
Oboro: Haha, were you really not even trying? I guess it's true what they say about you being naive.
Kaze: No one says that about me. You must be mistaken.
Oboro: Heh, not every rumor reaches the ears of the one it's about. But don't be upset. Better for women to love you than hate you, right?
Kaze: I suppose...
Oboro: Anyway, good thing the mouse problem is taken care of.
Kaze: Yes. Our food reserves are safe.
Oboro: Yeah. Though I hope the next time a mouse pops up, I can take care of it faster. This one put up quite a fight.
Kaze: Indeed. I've heard that pests learn to avoid traps after a while. These poison dumplings may not work the next time around... But I'll stand ready to help you eliminate any future pests, efficiently and accurately.
Oboro: Gosh... You really are serious about everything.

S Support

Oboro: Hey, Kaze. I whipped up some dumplings to thank you for your help. Do you want some?
Kaze: My help?
Oboro: Yeah. With getting rid of the mice. We couldn't eat the poisoned dumplings, so I made some that are safe to eat!
Kaze: I do remember your mouth watering when we were preparing the others.
Oboro: Hey! You make it sound like all I think about is food.
Kaze: But isn't that true?
Oboro: One more word, and I'm eating all these dumplings myself!
Kaze: I'll eat silently, then. Oh...! This is...magnificent!
Oboro: See, I told you.
Kaze: No, you don't understand. It's VERY good. But you didn't need to go to such lengths to thank me.
Oboro: Oh, it's fine! I just wanted a project. Besides, you get gifts from women all the time.
Kaze: I keep trying to decline, but none of them ever listen...
Oboro: So you're declining my gift too?
Kaze: No. I enjoy your gifts.
Oboro: Interesting... And by that do you have feelings for me?
Kaze: What do you mean?
Oboro: Every time I talk to you, I realize how kind and sincere you are, Kaze. You always help me with whatever I'm trying to do. Even when I poke fun at you, you take it in stride and give me a serious answer. And I was would make me happy to stay at your side forever.
Kaze: Oboro...
Oboro: I told you that these dumplings were a thank-you gift, but that was a lie. They were really just an excuse to spend some time with you. It would be nice not to need excuses anymore. Would you be interested in that?
Kaze: Oboro...thank you. I didn't realize how you felt about me until you said this. It might surprise you to know that I feel the same way.
Oboro: Really...?
Kaze: I was moved by the depth of your feelings. I'm only sorry that it took me so long to realize this...
Oboro: It's never too late, Kaze. We've got a lot of time ahead of us to be together!
Kaze: Hah! So are we officially a couple now? I hope you'll put up with your oaf of a boyfriend, then.
Oboro: Haha, you're hardly an oaf, Kaze. This is what I mean about you being so serious! But yes, we're a couple. And a very happy one, if you ask me!


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait silas fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Silas: Hmp! Ngh! Hrraaaah! Hmm?
Oboro: ...
Silas: Hi there, Oboro. Come to do some training?
Oboro: ...Sure.
Silas: I've heard the Hoshidan style of swordplay is unrivaled! I'd love to learn more of it. How about some friendly sparring to test our skills?
Oboro: ...Pass.
Silas: Whoa! That face really says it all. You really don't want to spar with me, huh?
Oboro: It's nothing personal. I hate all Nohrians equally. Just thinking of them gets my blood boiling... But maybe I'll relax a little if you turn out not to be so bad.
Silas: All right. I guess I can't fault you, what with the bad blood between our nations. But let's put that anger to use! We could still do some sparring.
Oboro: Not a good idea. As angry as I am, I'd probably kill you.
Silas: ...
Oboro: I'm gonna go do something else now. Bye.
(Oboro leaves)
Silas: That's strange... Well, I'm sure she has her reasons.

B Support

Silas: Oboro? I wanted to apologize for last time.
Oboro: Oh yeah?
Silas: I got curious after you left, so I did some digging. It's easy to see why you hate Nohrians so much... Nohrian bandits killed your parents, didn't they?
Oboro: ... Yeah. Right in front of me.
Silas: I'm sorry for touching a sore spot last time, then. I didn't know.
Oboro: That's OK. I'm not mad about it. I've fought alongside you long enough by now to know you're all right. I mean, look at me—I'm not making that face right now, am I?
Silas: Sure enough. Oboro...having lived in Nohr all my life, let me just say one thing on its behalf. Nohr has its share of heartless villains like the bandits who killed your parents. But there are good people living there too. Many Nohrians are decent folk, just like the people of Hoshido.
Oboro: I'm...sure they are.
Silas: I grant that it may be hard to accept on its own. I just wanted you to know.
Oboro: Yeah...fair enough. I'll try to remember. Thanks, Silas.

A Support

Oboro: Hey, Silas.
Silas: What's on your mind, Oboro?
Oboro: I wanted to ask you something. You know those bandits we cleared out a while ago? I noticed they were Nohrian, and they were preying on Hoshidan families.
Silas: What about it?
Oboro: Why did you save the Hoshidans? Were you trying to prove your loyalty, now that you're not with Nohr anymore?
Silas: No. I'd have done the same if it were Hoshidan bandits attacking Nohrian peasants.
Oboro: So, what's the deal?
Silas: It's a knight's duty to protect the innocent. Now, some might say protecting innocents from an enemy nation is going too far... But in my book, that's the mark of a true knight.
Oboro: Hmm... You know, you told me before that there are good people in Nohr. And you know what? You were right. You're living proof of it.
Silas: I'm glad I could help change your mind.
Oboro: I'll try harder not to make snap judgments about people like that. It's better to get to know people for who they are, not where they're from.
Silas: Wisely said, Oboro.

S Support

Silas: Thanks for coming, Oboro. Sorry for such short notice.
Oboro: If anyone should be apologizing here, it's me. I had you all wrong, Silas. I never imagined Nohr could have people as good as you in it.
Silas: It's water under the bridge. But I hope your belief in my goodness will make it easier to answer my question...
Oboro: What question?
Silas: Will you take this ring?
Oboro: Is this a...?
Silas: Yes, it's an engagement ring. Can you find it in your heart to truly love a Nohrian, as I love you?
Oboro: Silas...
Silas: I know the scars in your heart won't heal easily. But I want to be there to help. What do you think? Could you have any feelings for a man of Nohr?
Oboro: Ask me a hard one. I would love to accept this ring.
Silas: Really?
Oboro: But what about you? Are you sure you want to spend your life with me?
Silas: What kind of question is that? Of course!
Oboro: You wouldn't be embarrassed to have a wife who makes such awful faces? Like this...
Silas: Haha! Is that all that's worrying you? Love is strange. I used to find that face terrifying, but now I think it's beautiful.
Oboro: Haha...that's a good thing. Because you'll be seeing me make it a LOT.
Silas: I wouldn't have it any other way. Here's to many years of happiness.
Oboro: I look forward to seeing just how good a Nohrian can be!


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mozu fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

C Support

Oboro: Heheh... There you are, Mozu.
Mozu: O-Oboro? Where did you come from...
Oboro: I have this hobby where I put together outfits for people. Did you know that?
Mozu: Yeah, I knew...
Oboro: And you're my next project! Let me figure out a nice outfit for you, Mozu. You always wear such drab outfits, and I want to fix that!
Mozu: Whaaat? B-but...I like these clothes...
Oboro: It can't hurt to try a few things on, right? I promise you'll look adorable!
Mozu: Aw, a country girl like me? I doubt it...
Oboro: Psh, it doesn't matter where you're from. Any girl can look good with the right outfit! Don't worry. I'll teach you how to carry the look once I decide on one.
Mozu: I just know I'd be the laughingstock of the army if I put on fancy clothes. Those cute outfits and heavy makeup you like would look silly on me.
Oboro: That's ridiculous! You already look great in what you have on, Mozu.
Mozu: Flattery won't get you anywhere!
Oboro: ... Mozu, come on...aren't we friends?
Mozu: I-I guess we—waaait, no you don't! I'm not falling for your trap! You're trying to guilt me into letting you have your way!
Oboro: Of course I'm not! ...OK, maybe a little.
Mozu: I knew it! Just leave me alone!
(Mozu leaves)
Oboro: Oh, Mozu...this is gonna be tough. But I'm not giving up yet!

B Support

Oboro: Hey, Mozu! You see that?
Mozu: See what? What am I looking at?
Oboro: That soldier over there. Look at her closely.
Mozu: I supposed to know her? I don't think we've met before. She's real cute, though.
Oboro: Heh heh...
Mozu: What's going on here...? Wait a sec. Is that the girl who joined about the same time I did?
Oboro: Heehee! That's right!
Mozu: I-I'll be darned...I had no idea. She looks like a totally different person! I would never have guessed!
Oboro: Haha! That's my genius at work.
Mozu: You did all that? Dang. I'd heard you were good, but... I didn't know you could go that far!
Oboro: You'd be surprised what I can do. Want a personal demonstration?
Mozu: Uhh...umm...
Oboro: Come on. Don't you want to be introduced to the new Mozu?
Mozu: Well...
Oboro: I can make you the stunner you've always dreamed of being! That's the power of a good makeover.
Mozu: Hmm...maybe just for a little while...
Oboro: You'll be glad you did! Now then, right this way, please! I won't rest until you're looking gorgeous!
Mozu: Haha...ha... That's a figure of speech, right? We're not going to be up all night, are we? Oboro...?

A Support

Mozu: *sigh*
Oboro: Moooozuuuuu!
Mozu: Hm? Hey, Oboro.
Oboro: What in the world do you look so sad for? You're the talk of the camp! Everyone loves the new you! So why the grim face?
Mozu: I do appreciate all you did for me. That's the swankiest I've ever looked! Everyone said so. I felt almost like a princess...
Oboro: So what's the problem, then?
Mozu: Well...I only looked like that 'cause of you. Without the clothes and the makeup, I'm still a plain country girl. I noticed the last time I was getting in my nightclothes and glanced in the mirror. And I've been feeling low about it ever since. But thanks for making my dream come true. Even just for a little while...
Oboro: I'm sorry, Mozu. But you're totally wrong.
Mozu: Huh?
Oboro: Putting on makeup and some fancy clothes doesn't make you a new person. You're still the same old you no matter what you wear.
Mozu: I am?
Oboro: Yeah. Even a knockout Mozu is still Mozu. When people complimented you, they weren't praising the dress. They were praising you. So be more confident!
Mozu: You really think so?
Oboro: All a nice set of clothes ever does is bring out what someone already has inside. There's no magic outfit. I wouldn't dress two people the same way. They need different clothes to shine, which is what makes my job fun! So you can be proud, knowing all those people were really responding to you.
Mozu: So even with the pretty outfit you made... I was still me. That's a nice way of looking at it...
Oboro: And it's true to boot! So buck up. Or else all the beauty will drain out!
Mozu: Um, Oboro...I wanna learn how to make myself look nice. Once this war's over, can you teach me about fashion stuff?
Oboro: Can I ever! And I mean, why wait? I can give you pointers here and there whenever you want!
Mozu: That'd be swell! Thanks so much, Oboro!

A+ support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rinkah fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Oni Savage (Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal resistance.png Seal Resistance Oni Savage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 shove.png Shove Oni Savage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 death blow.png Death Blow Oni Chieftain, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 counter.png Counter Oni Chieftain, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 salvage blow.png Salvage Blow Blacksmith, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Blacksmith, starting from level 15

C Support

Oboro: OK, almost every table is clean except for...hers…
Rinkah: Oboro? Is that you? What's with the thousand-yard stare? Oh! Right! You're on cleanup duty after meals. Sorry, I'll get out of your way.
Oboro: Rinkah! Wait.
Rinkah: Wh-what's up?
Oboro: The way you eat...especially the mess you leave behind... It's a lot to clean up. Could you try to start eating more carefully?
Rinkah: Carefully? Like how?
Oboro: Like, don't spray the meat's juices all over the tablecloth! Or leave chunks of food on the floor!
Rinkah: Hmph. Maybe that's not how YOU eat. But the Flame Tribe always digs into their meals with both hands! We wolf our food down like actual wolves! Someone told me once I should use utensils when eating with you people... But I assumed they were joking.
Oboro: table manners are different where you come from? Well, be a messy eater if you want, but I'm the one who has to clean it up. So like it or not, I'm going to teach you the basics of eating with utensils.
Rinkah: What, you're serious? That's going too far...
Oboro: Then can you eat without making such an ungodly mess?
Rinkah: Impossible. It goes against everything I stand for.
Oboro: This isn't the Fire Tribe village, Rinkah! You're supposed to abide by the customs of the land, right? Don't worry—I'll teach you everything there is to know. You'll catch on quick.
(Oboro leaves)
Rinkah: Or you could just let me eat in peace...

B Support

Oboro: That's it. Don't hold it in your fist like it's a sword. You need to grip it between your fingers instead. That helps give you finer control.
Rinkah: Urg...
Oboro: Don't hold it so tight. Let it move in your hand along with your fingers.
Rinkah: I just...can't...get it...! Oops. It broke.
Oboro: Again?! This is the fifth time...
Rinkah: I keep telling you, this is a waste of time!
Oboro: Not at all! There's lots of reasons to stick with it. You can eat anything—even fish, I know you love fish—without leaving a mess!
Rinkah: Why would I not just bite into the fish? That way, I can spit out the bones later. Or heck, just eat them too!
Oboro: Yeah, see...that's a good way to guarantee a mess. But if you ate it clean, you'd get ALL the meat on those bones.
Rinkah: Hmm?
Oboro: You've been leaving prime meat behind! Your horrible table manners mean you're not getting all the fish on your plate. Doesn't it frustrate you to waste food?
Rinkah: I...I'm wasting food? Ugh, I guess you're right. I hate to admit it, but...
Oboro: There's still a plate of cooked fish left from tonight's dinner. Why don't you watch me to see how I do it?
Rinkah: S-sure…
Rinkah: Wow! How'd you do that?! There's nothing but bones and skin left! I've never seen anything so clean... It's like art, the way you eat!
Oboro: That's the kind of thing you can do with utensils. You get all the meat, while leaving the plate and tablecloth clean of bones.
Rinkah: You're really starting to sell me on this. Show me again!
Oboro: I would love to.

A Support

Rinkah: Check it out, Oboro! Nothing but skin and bones left! And see how there's not a single stain on the tablecloth?
Oboro: Way to go, Rinkah! I take it you've got the hang of using utensils?
Rinkah: Yep. And I have you to thank.
Oboro: Hey, I shouldn't take all the credit. You worked hard to learn.
Rinkah: You know, it's weird. Eating without wasting food is satisfying in a different way than stuffing yourself.
Oboro: *nod* Doing it that way shows your respect for the cook and the gifts of the land. That's what I think, at least.
Rinkah: So that's the Hoshidan philosophy, huh? Interesting. I'd like to understand your mind-set better and not be so closed off.
Oboro: That's the spirit! The better we get to know each other, the less distance there'll be between us.
Rinkah: Yeah. Hey, I should teach you how we eat in the Flame Tribe someday! Though it'll be too messy here. Maybe we can take a hunting trip to the mountains.
Oboro: I bet that would be fun. Thanks!
Rinkah: Wait'll you join in a traditional Flame Tribe feast! We sink our teeth into our kill and spray its juices in appreciation for its life.
Oboro: Hmm...I'll be sure to pack some old clothes for the occasion!
Rinkah: Smart thinking! You'll love it!

A+ support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait subaki fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Subaki: That's an unusually large crowd at the general store... Is something going on?
(Subaki leaves)
Oboro: Hello, one and all! Fresh off the wagon, we've got these pristine new tea sets! Highly desirable! Step right on up, and get a good look at the exquisite pattern!
(Oboro leaves)
Subaki: Is that...Oboro?
(Subaki leaves)
Oboro: Oh, very sorry, sir. But our stock of ink sticks has run dry. No, I don't doubt that your cousin bought one from us, but we're simply fresh out. But you might be interested in a jar of squid ink, which is every bit as good. Not only that, it's cheaper. So really, it's a better choice all around!
(Oboro leaves)
Subaki: Oboro's in her element here...
(Subaki leaves)
Oboro: Oh, my apologies, ma'am! I think you'll find that turning it upside down will solve all your problems. I'm sorry that wasn't clearer to begin with.
Subaki: She's even good at placating angry customers.
Oboro: What the—Subaki?
Subaki: Hi, Oboro. Don't think I didn't see you dealing with the shoppers. What are you doing playing merchant?
Oboro: Well...the store's owner fell ill suddenly and didn't have enough help to stay open. Once I heard about the problem, I decided to help out.
Subaki: That's a pity, but it's very kind of you to step in. I would go so far as to say your handling of the customers was perfect! Everything from pitching the wares to addressing complaints went smoothly. I'm surprised by your skill as a merchant!
Oboro: Well, I used to help my folks around the store when I was little.
Subaki: Did you now? How interesting.
Oboro: I hate to ask this, but can you do me a favor? I know I'm needed back at the army, but...
Subaki: Say no more! I'll dash back right away to cover for you.
Oboro: Thanks, Subaki!

B Support

Subaki: This store...this is where Oboro was filling in temporarily. I wonder if the owner's recovered.
(Subaki leaves)
Oboro: Welcome! Come right in and have a look around! We've got everything you need!
Subaki: Is that Oboro? Is she still here...?
Oboro: S...Subaki!
Subaki: Is the owner still sick? That poor man.
Oboro: Yeah, it's really a shame.
Subaki: Well, give him my regards. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.
Oboro: Subaki, I'm sorry. I know I should be spending more time with the army than this shop. And I know it's against regulations... But this is make-or-break for the owner. I can't just leave his business to dry up.
Subaki: It is frowned upon for members of the Hoshidan military to take side jobs, yes.
Oboro: You're right. I can't keep doing this on the sly. I'll go tell the lady of the house I quit.
Subaki: Oh, erm, well... I wouldn't mind staying mum a little bit longer, if it's really necessary.
Oboro: But I...but you...!
Subaki: How much longer do you think you'll need until the owner's up and around again?
Oboro: He's improved a lot. I don't think it'll take much longer.
Subaki: Then why not see it through to the end?
Oboro: Is that OK?
Subaki: I see nothing wrong with it. As long as I keep my mouth shut, who will know?
Oboro: Thank you so much, Subaki.
Subaki: Good luck minding the store!

A Support

Subaki: Oboro! If you're back here at your tent, is your stint as a merchant over?
Oboro: Yup, everything is OK now. The owner's hard at work again, just the way he likes it. They tried to give me a reward, but... That's not why I was helping them to begin with, so I turned it down.
Subaki: Very noble of you.
Oboro: Subaki, I'm really sorry for all you had to put up with while I was working. What you did for me meant a lot.
Subaki: No, no, don't give it a second thought.
Oboro: What made you cover for me, anyway? You're such a perfectionist that I didn't think you'd overlook me skirting the rules.
Subaki: You're right in that I'm always scrupulous when it comes to observing the rules. I was so anxious that someone would find out, I had second thoughts.
Oboro: Geez, really?
Subaki: But seeing you work the counter made me hold firm.
Oboro: It did...?
Subaki: You seemed to be enjoying yourself. Maybe you thought you were only doing the shop owner a favor... But I could tell you genuinely liked working there, and it seemed cruel to spoil that.
Oboro: You know, I think you're right. I didn't want to admit it, but I really was having fun.
Subaki: You have a gift for working one-on-one with people. That's a rare talent, and it would be a shame to stifle it in you.
Oboro: Well, at any rate, thanks again.
Subaki: Of course. And don't worry—this whole business will remain just between us.
Oboro: I won't say anything if you won't!

S Support

Oboro: Subaki, do you have a minute?
Subaki: By all means, Oboro.
Oboro: I wanted to thank you again for... Well, you know.
Subaki: You've thanked me quite enough. It was fun to see a side of you I never would have guessed at.
Oboro: No, wait, hear me out. That's...not all I wanted to say.
Subaki: Hmm?
Oboro: I didn't think you'd let me off the hook for skirting the rules. And yet... You were really understanding. I was so grateful, and after a while... That gratitude turned into something else.
Subaki: O-Oboro, are you saying...?
Oboro: You probably understand me better than anyone now. So I...I wanted to tell you... I love you.
Subaki: I'm honored that you would say so, Oboro. For my part, I must have felt attracted to you when you were working at the store. Maybe that's why I couldn't tear my eyes from you.
Oboro: Subaki...
Subaki: If it wasn't clear yet, I love you as well. I want to be a light in your life, encouraging you to fulfill your dreams. You'd like to open a clothing store, right?
Oboro: That was my plan.
Subaki: Then let me support you! All I want is to help you, Oboro. Let's make your dreams come true!


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait saizo fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Ninja (Master Ninja or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15

C Support

Oboro: Saizo! Stay right there, and don't move!
Saizo: What are you doing, Oboro? And do you have to be that close to do it?
Oboro: Hmm, yeeesss...I was afraid of this.
Saizo: A-afraid of what?
Oboro: Your outfit, your mask...everything you wear is so dowdy. You're a fashion disaster!
Saizo: ... I don't care about that. I'm a solder in a war, not a dandy about town.
Oboro: But even a soldier can look chic! I'm making you my personal project.
Saizo: Ninja care little for such things. In fact, these worn, old clothes are perfect for our work.
Oboro: Ah, or so you think! But I'm a tailor's daughter, and trust me: there's a way to look good doing anything! I'll put together a few outfits for you to try on. You'll see!
(Oboro leaves)
Saizo: Wait! I didn't agree to this! ...She's already left. Hmm, time to make myself scarce.

B Support

Oboro: Urgh... *pant* *wheeze* Saiiiizoooooo! You can't run forever!
(Oboro leaves)
Saizo: But I will, and I must! As long as you keep threatening me with those gaudy clothes!
(Saizo leaves)
Oboro: Oh, don't say that! Just try it on for size! You'll cut such a swank figure!
(Oboro leaves)
Saizo: I told you, ninja need no such things. How many times must I repeat myself?
(Saizo leaves)
Oboro: You're handsome under all that black, you know. You should glam yourself up some!
Saizo: *gasp* *cough* Is there nothing I can do to make you stop this?!
Oboro: *pant*... Heheheh... I've got an unstoppable passion for fashion, Saizo!
Saizo: These clothes you insist on will get me killed. A ninja must be stealthy. We spend our lives in the shadows. And we must dress the part. My clothes may be frayed in places, but that's how I like them.
Oboro: Huh, you're right. These threads are coming loose... That's going to make it harder to get them off you, but I'll manage!
Saizo: Get your hands off me! And give me back my clothes! S-stop everything you're doing!
Oboro: Now, what's the best accessory to go with this outfit...? Ah, of course! What it really needs is a bright scarf! Oh, and a hat! You'd look GREAT in a hat!
Saizo: This has gone far enough! Guards! I'm being attacked by a...clothes thief!

A Support

Oboro: Hmph...he couldn't get out of those clothes I picked out fast enough. And I had so many more for him to try! Like that really unique coat! He'd have looked so mature in it…
Saizo: Oboro.
Oboro: Hey, Saizo. You here to scold me some more?
Saizo: No. Actually...I, um...
Oboro: Well, spit it out! I'm really excited to hear again how austere and stoic ninja are!
Saizo: That's not why I came. After our last...encounter... I recalled that Lord Ryoma invited me to attend a royal ceremony in Hoshido.
Oboro: What, really? Nice! You must be proud!
Saizo: Yes. It is a rare privilege for a ninja. But my current mode of dress would dishonor my master at the event. I thought the clothes you provided me with would be more suitable. So, could suggest something to wear to the ceremony?
Oboro: No kidding? If you're serious, I wouldn't mind at all.
Saizo: Thank you. And...I'm sorry about last time.
Oboro: Don't be. It weirds me out a little to hear you apologize for anything.
Saizo: ...
Oboro: Oooh, it's just now hitting me how much fun this is going to be! I'll make you the belle of the ball! Come with me—we can try on some outfits!
Saizo: I suppose... But nothing too flashy, please.
Oboro: Heehee, gotcha!

S Support

Saizo: I'm not sure about this outfit. It's a bit tight in the sleeves. And I don't think this fabric pattern is very becoming of a ninja. ... Oboro. Are you listening?
Oboro: Hmm? Oh, s-sorry. I dozed off there for a second.
Saizo: Is something wrong? I've never known you not to get excited about costuming. Is this how you repay me for making time in my busy schedule?
Oboro: ... Question for you, Saizo. The only reason you let me dress you is for Lord Ryoma, right?
Saizo: Yes, that's accurate.
Oboro: You're always thinking about how you can serve him...
Saizo: Of course. I would die for my master.
Oboro: So he's more important than me? Is that what you're saying?
Saizo: It would stand to reason. ...I don't like that look you're giving me.
Oboro: All you talk about is Lord Ryoma this, and Lord Ryoma that! You never think about how I feel! It's like I'm not in the room!
Saizo: Why are you so upset? I'm wearing the clothes you asked me to.
Oboro: You still can't tell?! You haven't figured out why I wanted to dress you in fancy clothes? I'm in love with you, Saizo!
Saizo: Wh...WHAT?
Oboro: But you don't care about anyone except Lord Ryoma. I try to get you to spend time with me, and you always refuse... I bet you don't even know how cruel you're being!
Saizo: If I was cruel, I'm sorry. I can be blind to other people's feelings. But I thank you for helping me understand. Now that you've shared, I feel obligated to return the favor.
Oboro: How do you mean?
Saizo: I find you growing one me, little by little, as we spend time together. You know that it's impractical for me to wear these gaudy clothes every day. But if it means I can spend more time with you... I'll stand for as many fittings as you want.
Oboro: Saizo...I never thought I'd hear that from you...
Saizo: I'm glad you told me of your feelings. Thank you, Oboro. I look forward to many happy days spent together.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait orochi fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Diviner (Onmyoji or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C Support

Oboro: *siiiigh*
Orochi: Oboro? What's gotten into you?
Oboro: Yikes! Make some noise next time so I know you're coming, Orochi!
Orochi: Sorry to startle you. But I wasn't really skulking around... You must have been pretty distracted not to notice me.
Oboro: Oh. I guess I was. *sigh*
Orochi: Where's the upbeat Oboro I remember? Do you need someone to tell your troubles to?
Oboro: Eh, you'd just laugh.
Orochi: Preposterous! I've never laughed at someone going through hard times.
Oboro: Well...I don't know...
Orochi: Seriously, don't worry about it. Tell me what's on your mind.
Oboro: All right, here goes. I was passing by the weapon shop in town and saw a set of heavy, black armor. Seeing it reminded me of Nohr, which made me grimace.
Orochi: Grimace? Is that what you call that horrible demon face you make?
Oboro: Y-yeah...that's the one. And then, this little kid not far off saw me and burst into tears. Just thinking about it makes me sad! You should have seen his face...
Orochi: Pfffft... Hahahaha! That's priceless!
Oboro: Hey! You promised you wouldn't laugh! I knew I shouldn't have said anything.
Orochi: Haha...oh, don't get so upset! I get a kick out of that face you make. It's very you.
Oboro: Ugh, I hate it. It terrifies people. It's like a bad habit I just can't kick.
Orochi: Hm... You know, maybe there is something I can do to help.
Oboro: There is? Like what?!
Orochi: Yeah, I know just what to do. Consider it my apology for laughing at you.
Oboro: I think I'll take you up on that!
Orochi: Haha, leave it to me!

B Support

Orochi: Oboro! I've found a way to keep you from making that awful face!
Oboro: You're kidding me. How?
Orochi: Actually breaking you of the habit would be almost impossible, so... I thought we'd try covering it up. Ta-da!
Oboro: What are these? A bunch of masks...?
Orochi: Yep! Aren't they something? You can't scare any children if your face is hidden behind one of my masks! These are some of my best work. They're all beautiful—and look how cute this one is! Pick out any one you like!
Oboro: Uh, sure...
Orochi: What's wrong? You don't think it'll work?
Oboro: No, it's just that the masks are...well... kind of weird. Like this one. Why are the eyebrows so thick? It looks angry. And I don't know what to make of the heavy rouge on this one's cheeks.
Orochi: Wh...what are you getting at...?
Oboro: This one's teeth are polished gold! I can't wear these!
Orochi: I worked for three days and nights on these masks, and that's all you can say?!
Oboro: That long? Wow.
Orochi: At LEAST that long! I went without sleep, all to solve your problem.
Oboro: Hahaha...!
Orochi: Are you laughing at me?!
Oboro: Sorry...I couldn't help it. I was picturing you fighting off sleep to paint these.
Orochi: And how is that funny?!
Oboro: I do appreciate it, though! Thank you.
Orochi: There it is! That's the face!
Oboro: Was I making it again just now?!
Orochi: No, no! Last time, that kid saw you looking scary and demonic, so he cried. Next time that happens, just smile at the little guy!
Oboro: You think it'll be that easy?
Orochi: With an adorable smile like yours? It'll be easier than falling off a log!
Oboro: Hmm, OK. I'll try it. Thanks for the advice, Orochi!
Orochi: Anytime! But I did work hard on these masks... Be sure to try them too!
Oboro: Uh, yeah. I'll do that.

A Support

Oboro: Hey, Orochi! Guess what!
Orochi: You found a four-leaf clover?
Oboro: Even better! You had the right idea about my problem!
Orochi: How so?
Oboro: I bumped into that kid who I freaked out last time. I smiled at him...and he smiled back!
Orochi: Way to go, Oboro!
Oboro: We got to talking a little, and I ended up challenging him to a stare-off. I won, of course!
Orochi: A stare-off, huh? Sounds like you've found a way to make that face work for you.
Oboro: Yeah! I feel silly when I think about how anxious I was. The kid loved your masks, by the way. He was howling on the floor.
Orochi: Th-those masks are fine art! It would be one thing for the kid to nod at them in respectful silence... But he laughed?!
Oboro: They must have been more charming than you knew! Anyway, both your advice and your masks helped. I'm feeling much better now.
Orochi: I still wish the masks had been better appreciated... But I'll settle for seeing you smile.
Oboro: Thank you, Oboro.
Orochi: You know, if you ever need more masks like those, I'd always be happy to—
Oboro: I'll let you know!

A+ support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait azama fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Shrine Maiden (Onmyoji or Priestess)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Shrine Maiden, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Shrine Maiden, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Priestess, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Priestess, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hayato fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Onmyoji or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hinata fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait takumi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kaden fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ryoma fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait benny fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Knight (Great Knight or General)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait niles fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Outlaw (Bow Knight or Adventurer)
Click here to find Oboro's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe14.png
Corrin (F)
Support information: Small portrait beruka fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via her own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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A+ support

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Kana (F)

Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana f fe14.png
Kana (F)
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Kana (F)'s mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

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B support

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A support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Dwyer's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.

Oboro: Wow, how thoughtful. Thank you, Dwyer. Mmm, delicious. Gee, you sure do know how to brew one mean cup of java.

Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you like it.

Oboro: Yeah, it's top notch. You might be even better than your father at making coffee.

Dwyer: Wow. Better than Father? That's very high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get angry.

Oboro: You really think so? I don't know that he'd be upset, necessarily. He might get jealous though. Like, insufferably jealous.

Dwyer: Ahhh… That actually sounds much worse.

Oboro: Ahaha, right? Yeah, he is a bit competitive. If he heard me say that, he'd probably have me trying brew after brew of his coffee. At least until he made a cup better than you.

Dwyer: Ha. That does sound like Father. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.

Oboro: Thanks, Dwyer.

B support

Dwyer: Hmm.

Oboro: Is something on your mind, Dwyer?

Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular…

Oboro: Ha. That's cute. You really think you can stand there and lie to your mother?

Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.

Oboro: So, what's wrong? Maybe I can give you some advice if you talk to me.

Dwyer: It's just… I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.

Oboro: Why do you think that?

Dwyer: Mother, you know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.

Oboro: Oh, Dwyer.

Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler.

Oboro: You can't do that.

Dwyer: Huh?

Oboro: You belong here, Son.

Dwyer: Why?

Oboro: Because you're so kind.

Dwyer: No, I'm not.

Oboro: No need to blush. It's true—you are. Just a moment ago, you were trying your best to keep me from worrying.

Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.

Oboro: You're wrong, Dwyer. Kindness is one of the things needed most during a fight. There wouldn't be any teamwork if everyone was fending for themselves. I'd wager that you'd think of others even if you were in danger. Right? Some people might not realize it, but that's incredibly important.

Dwyer: … Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.

Oboro: That's the spirit. Do your best. I'll always be hee to watch over you.

A support

Oboro: What was I thinking…

Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?

Oboro: N-nothing. Maybe I'm just tired. That's it.

Dwyer: You know, sons can always see through their mothers lies.

Oboro: Heh. All right.

Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.

Oboro: That's very sweet. Thank you.

Dwyer: So? What's up?

Oboro: I was just thinking. I realized that I'm an awful mother.

Dwyer: That's not even a little true. Don't say that.

Oboro: I basically told you to run out into battle.

Dwyer: Ah, you mean when I was worried the other day?

Oboro: Yes, exactly. First an foremost, a mother should always be trying to keep her child free from harm. But I told you to fight. To put yourself in great danger. That's not something any mother should say.

Dwyer: That's not true at all.

Oboro: Hmm?

Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay.

Oboro: That's fair.

Dwyer: More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and received your advice… Well, your words moved me. I would have put my friends in real danger if we hadn't spoken before.

Oboro: Oh, Dwyer.

Dwyer: So please, don't worry. You're absolutely not a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever hope for.

Oboro: Hee. Stop, you're gonna make me blush.

Dwyer: Now, how about I make you a hot cup of coffee to help you relax.

Oboro: Thank you. I'm very lucky to have such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait sophie fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Sophie's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

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B support

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A support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait midori fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Midori's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

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A support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shiro fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Shiro's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

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B support

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A support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kiragi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Kiragi's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait asugi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Asugi's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait selkie fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Selkie's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

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Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hisame fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Hisame's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mitama fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Mitama's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait caeldori fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Caeldori's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rhajat fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Rhajat's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ignatius fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Oboro is Ignatius's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait oboro fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nina fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Oboro is Nina's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

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A support

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Growth rates for class trees available via support

Hoshido classes

Samurai Swordmaster Master of Arms Oni Savage Oni Chieftain Blacksmith Diviner Onmyoji

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Samurai 40% 50% 20% 55% 60% 55% 40% 40%

Shrine Maiden Priestess Sky Knight Falcon Knight Kinshi Knight Archer Sniper Ninja Master Ninja

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Shrine Maiden 30% 45% 30% 50% 55% 55% 40% 50%

Nohrian classes

Cavalier Paladin Great Knight Knight General Fighter Berserker Mercenary Hero Bow Knight

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Cavalier 40% 55% 20% 50% 50% 55% 50% 35%

Outlaw Adventurer Wyvern Rider Wyvern Lord Malig Knight Dark Mage Sorcerer Dark Knight Troubadour Strategist Maid

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Outlaw 30% 50% 25% 50% 60% 40% 40% 50%