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Event tile and Barracks event quotes

I was just practicing a few dance moves. I hope no one was watching...
— Inigo, when gaining experience from an event tile or in the Barracks.
I snuck in some practice, if you know what I mean. ...What? No, FIGHTING practice.
— Inigo, when gaining weapon experience from an event tile.
What's this on the ground? ...Perhaps some lovely lass dropped it?
— Inigo, when finding an item in an event tile or in the Barracks.
Today is a fine day-I can smell it. Watch me sweep the ladies off their feet!
— Inigo, when getting a surge in the Barracks.
It's so dull here alone... I should see where the others have gotten off to.
— Inigo, when failing to get a reward in the Barracks.

Barracks greeting quotes

<Avatar>! Good morning! I was just taking a break myself.
— Inigo, during the morning.
Oh! <Avatar>. If you're free, care to go for a walk?
— Inigo, during the afternoon.
Oh! Good evening, <Avatar>. I was just about to relax.
— Inigo, during the evening.
<Avatar>, it's not safe to wander about after dark.
— Inigo, at night.
Have a very happy birthday, <Avatar>.
— Inigo, on the Avatar's birthday.
Hello, <Avatar>. You look sleepy. ...It suits you.
— Inigo, during the morning if married to Robin.
Hello, <Avatar>. Here to visit? It's nice to see your face.
— Inigo, during the afternoon if married to the Avatar.
Hello, <Avatar>. It's getting late, but how was your day?
— Inigo, during the evening if married to the Avatar.
Hello, <Avatar>. I was hoping to see you before tucking in.
— Inigo, at night if married to the Avatar.
Happy birthday, <Avatar>. Shall we celebrate together later?
— Inigo, on the Avatar's birthday if married to the Avatar.
Good morning, Father. Taking a little break?
— Inigo, during the morning if the Avatar's son.
Father, if you're free, would you care to go for a walk?
— Inigo, during the afternoon if the Avatar's son.
Good evening, Father. Care to join me? I was just about to relax.
— Inigo, during the evening if the Avatar's son.
Father, it's not safe to wander about after dark.
— Inigo, at night if the Avatar's son.
Happy birthday, Father. How old are you today?
— Inigo, on the Avatar's birthday if the Avatar's son.

Event tile and Barracks conversation quotes

General quotes

Why the silly grin? Don't tell me you saw me practicing my dances!
— Inigo, when asking men a question about mood
You wear a radiant smile today. Perhaps you were pondering having tea with me?
— Inigo, when asking women a question about mood
Sadly, no... I simply caught a glimpse of a lovely maiden.
— Inigo, when answering a man’s question about mood
Not at all! Do I really seem that happy? It flatters me you even noticed.
— Inigo, when answering a woman’s question about mood
What do you do when we have spare time between battles?
— Inigo, when asking men a question about hobby
I've always wondered how ladies like you spend their free time. Care to share?
— Inigo, when asking women a question about hobby
My little secret. But it's nothing worth mentioning.
— Inigo, when answering a man’s question about hobby
Join me for tea, and perhaps you'll learn how I fill my private time.
— Inigo, when answering a woman’s question about hobby
What do you dream about? People like us should share these things!
— Inigo, when asking a question about dreams
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, sweeping the ladies off their feet!
— Inigo, when answering a man’s question about dreams
I dream of being a danc... Uh, I mean, being a man worthy of your affection.
— Inigo, when answering a woman’s question about dreams
You know, you're fun to be around. Why don't we fight together in the next battle?
— Inigo, when asking men a question about fighting together
Why don't you and I fight together in the coming battle? Beauty inspires me.
— Inigo, when asking women a question about fighting together
I'll do my best. Together, we should be able to handle any foe!
— Inigo, when answering a man’s question about fighting together
Fight with you? I would be honored beyond words, my lady.
— Inigo, when answering a woman’s question about fighting together

Quotes specifically with a lover

I love being with you, <lover>. Today more than ever.
— Inigo, his "I love you" quote
But, that's my line! ...Geez, I can see why this works so well on the ladies.
— Inigo, responding to his lover’s "I love you" quote
You always have the sweetest expression, my love. And a heart to match, of course.
— Inigo, his "You're beautiful" quote
You're a lovely sight yourself. I'll have to be careful no one else tries to steal you!
— Inigo, responding to his lover’s "You're beautiful" quote
Can I hold you for a moment, my love? I dreamt that I lost you for good...
— Inigo, asking his lover not to leave him
Don't worry. I cannot bear the thought of you crying. Just stay happy.
— Inigo, answering his lover when asked not to leave her
What are you hiding there, <lover>? Can I help you with it?
— Inigo, when offering his lover a gift
Oh! This is a pendant I bought you. Turn around and I'll help you put it on.
— Inigo, when his lover offers a gift

Quotes specifically with his father

Father, how did you spend your time before we met?
— Inigo, when asking a question about his father’s life before they met
Hmm... When Mother was still alive, she talked about you a lot. About how brave and kind you were. You must have earned a lot of points! I was actually quite shocked at how aver... Er, never mind.
— Inigo, when answering his father’s question about his life
Father, did you recover from that spill by the pond? You’re lucky no one else saw.
— Inigo, asking his father if he is ill
Don't worry, Father. I'll be all right.
— Inigo, answering his father asking if he is ill
Father, is there anything you would like? I did so little for you in the future...
— Inigo, when offering his father a gift
Something that would help me with the ladies? Or gold! A large gold ingot!
— Inigo, when his father offers a gift
Father, could we train together? I want to see if I’ve gotten any stronger.
— Inigo, when asking his father to train
You and me? Well, all right. If I win, I can brag to the ladies!
— Inigo, when his father asks to train

Quotes specifically with Olivia

Mother, you certainly were beautiful when you were young. Tell me about your life!
— Inigo, when asking a question about Olivia’s life before they met
In the future? I used to pester you to dance for me. You were so shy about it, you would hide behind me like you were the child! Ha! But when it mattered, you always stood between me and danger. So when you turn your back on me now, I remember. ...And it saddens me.
— Inigo, when answering Olivia’s question about her life
Mother, did I catch you flirting with another man? Please don't erase my existence.
— Inigo, asking Olivia if she is ill
Don’t worry, Mother. I’m fine. I just tend to push myself in front of the fairer sex.
— Inigo, answering Olivia asking if she is ill
Mother, do you need anything? A gift, perhaps, to cheer you up?
— Inigo, when offering Olivia a gift
Thank you, but just a smile will suffice.
— Inigo, when Olivia offers a gift
Mother, you move so gracefully in battle. Will you teach me your secrets?
— Inigo, when asking Olivia to train
Well, of course. But you taught me all of my swordplay, so you have an unfair edge!
— Inigo, when Olivia asks to train

Quotes specifically with a male Morgan child

Morgan, do you remember if your future is different from mine?
— Inigo, when asking a question about Morgan’s life in the future
My days are... Er, they WERE mostly spent flirting with girls. Is that boring? I should be asking about YOUR life! Did you have a special lady to call your own? If you did, and she's here, and you happen to break let your father know.
— Inigo, when answering Morgan’s question about his life
You seem quiet today. Are you feeling ill?
— Inigo, asking Morgan if he is ill
I hope the ladies haven't noticed. That would certainly hurt my chances.
— Inigo, answering Morgan asking if he is ill
My son must be popular with the ladies. Need anything for your next date?
— Inigo, when offering Morgan a gift
You’re no burden to me! If anything, your laughter is uplifting.
— Inigo, when Morgan offers a gift
Say, why don't we have a contest to see who can get a date the fastest?
— Inigo, when asking Morgan to train
All right. But only if we compete for the heart of a lovely maiden!
— Inigo, when Morgan asks to train

Level up quotes

Please don't let any girls have seen that...
— Inigo, when one or fewer stats grow in a Level Up.
Ah, another solid step in the right direction.
— Inigo, when two or three stats grow in a Level Up.
All right! Luck is on my side tonight!
— Inigo, when four or five stats grow in a Level Up.
Please let all the girls have seen that...
— Inigo, when six or more stats grow in a Level Up.
I'd say that's strong enough. Bulk is...tacky.
— Inigo, when his stats are mostly capped and one or few stats grow in a Level Up.

Class change quotes

Oh, I look good in this. Popularity, here I come!
— Inigo, when changing class.

Shop quotes

There's so much I want... How will we decide?!
— Inigo, when buying items at a shop.
Imagine the shame if they refused to buy my things!
— Inigo, when selling items at a shop.
I want something that looks as good as it feels!
— Inigo, when forging weapons at a shop.

Death/retreat quotes

I fear I've for the flowers... I wish I could have seen you...just once...
— Inigo, if killed before recruitment in Paralogue 6.
Sorry... I don't think I can go on... Everyone...promise you'll keep...smiling...
— Inigo, as an NPC in The Future Past 2.
It's...the end of the road... Thank you...everyone...
— Inigo's death quote in Classic Mode.
This is more than...a flesh wound... Better get med tent...
— Inigo's retreat quote in Casual Mode.

Battle quotes

Paired battle quotes

A-one and a-two...
— Inigo
Careful now.
— Inigo
Count me in.
— Inigo
Here they come!
— Inigo
I have your back.
— Inigo
I've got you!
— Inigo
Let's dance!
— Inigo
Let's go!
— Inigo
Ready when you are.
— Inigo
— Inigo
This'll be quick.
— Inigo
Have another!
— Inigo, performing a Dual Strike
May I cut in?
— Inigo, performing a Dual Strike
Move those feet!
— Inigo, performing a Dual Strike
Well, hello there!
— Inigo, performing a Dual Strike
Not today!
— Inigo, performing a Dual Guard
You alright?
— Inigo, performing a Dual Guard

Critical quotes

I'm a man of passion!
— Inigo
It's been lovely.
— Inigo
No hard feelings.
— Inigo
This is your last dance!
— Inigo

Victory quotes

All safe now.
— Inigo, after defeating an enemy
Guess I win.
— Inigo, after defeating an enemy
Nothing personal.
— Inigo, after defeating an enemy
— Inigo, if his partner defeated the enemy
— Inigo, if his partner defeated the enemy
You work fast!
— Inigo, if his partner defeated the enemy

Endgame: Grima quotes

I can think of nothing worse than dying alone. ...No, seriously. I can't.
— Inigo
No tears today. I know [he'll/she'll] be back. I'll just have to wait, and...try to smile...
— Inigo, if the Avatar sacrifices him/herself to kill Grima.
Huzzah! Now I'll finally have more time for the ladies...
— Inigo, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima.
Hey, now, how about a smile for old Inigo, eh? You're beautiful when you smile. And I want to look upon it every day.
— Inigo, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima, and if he is married to the Avatar.
Smile, Father! Think of all the women left to woo in the world. Ha ha ha! I jest, I jest! ...But seriously. Do try to smile.
— Inigo, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima, and if he is the Avatar's son.

Against Larcei in Lost Bloodlines 1

Inigo: Come now. Can't we cease this battling and have a cup of tea? I see starlight in your eyes, not fire.
Larcei: You're the second man to try that line on me. The world must be rid of you, flatterer! Die!
Inigo: ...I'm quite certain I'm missing something here.

Against Larcei in Lost Bloodlines 3

Inigo: Lovely lady! Your eyes sparkle like... Ack! They sparkle because there are daggers in them! Have I offended?
Larcei: I've heard enough sweet nothings to last a lifetime, sir. One man is enough!
Inigo: Y-you could at least explain your backstory a bit!

Against L'Arachel in Smash Brethren 2

Inigo: My lovely lady. Shall we just leave this ugly fighting and have some tea?
L'Arachel: I'm afraid you're not my type. For tea, that is. You'll do just fine for the ugly fighting.

Against L'Arachel in Smash Brethren 3

Inigo: How I wish to get to know you, milady! Are we doomed to meet only in battle?
L'Arachel: Yes. That's the idea.
Inigo: *Sigh* The truth stings all the more from the lips of one so lovely.

Against Ursula in Rogues & Redeemers 1

Ursula: You look lonely. Shall I give you some attention?
Inigo: Oh!'m sorry, but aren't you just a bit old for me?
Ursula: ...I don't think you catch my meaning.

Against Ursula in Rogues & Redeemers 3

Inigo: Come closer, my dear.
Ursula: Why? Are you flirting with me?
Inigo: Actually, in this case, it's more of a threat.
Ursula: favorite kind of flirting.

DLC battle quotes

Er, would you mind giving back my wallet now? The notes in there are dance routines, and if the wrong eyes saw them, I may... N-never mind! I'll just kill you and take them myself!
— Inigo, in The Golden Gaffe.
Mummies here, mummies there...Why can't I gain experience from seducing lasses? It's so unfair. Aaaaargh! Why are you so close? And why are you puckering your LIPS?!
— Inigo, in EXPonential Growth.
Yours must have been a costly fight. Was the world better for it? ...Strange. When I look at you, I find myself thinking of my parents. Was it because they fought and died for the world as well?
— Inigo, in Infinite Regalia.
I wish I could be shocked at this, but the dead rose all the time in my future. Friends, neighbors—they all became Risen... And then they had to be taken down. I've done this so many times now, I barely feel anything at all...
— Inigo, in Death's Embrace.
I've fought in my share of deathtraps, but none as hot as this... Still...better I suffer the heat than one of these fair maidens gets burned. Hold still, ladies! Inigo is coming!
— Inigo, in Five-Anna Firefight. read my secrets? Did it have the one about...? Oh, gods, it did, didn't it? And that's just the tip of the iceberg... Any one of them could destroy me! If you were to tell anyone... No. No way. Those secrets die with you, fiend!
— Inigo, in Roster Rescue.
This blue ocean! This golden sand! Did such splendor even exist in my time? How could you troublemakers even think to taint this stunning scenery? For the beauty of sea and sky—er, and those bikini-clad ladies over there... I will stop you!
— Inigo, in Summer Scramble.
At least the Risen had the courtesy to show up before we got into the baths. Had they waited a bit longer, we'd have been stuck throwing buckets at them! ...You know, that actually sounds kind of fun. I'll have to give it a try...
— Inigo, in Hot-Spring Scramble.