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Brady/Quotes (Awakening)

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Event tile and Barracks event quotes

I worked out a little melody on the violin. "Noble pursuits," as Ma would say.
— Brady, when gaining experience from an event tile or in the Barracks.
I snuck in some practice. Now if I could just keep my weapon from flyin' outta my hand...
— Brady, when gaining weapon experience from an event tile.
Some bloke must'a lost this, yah? ...Suppose I'd better hang on to it.
— Brady, when finding an item in an event tile or in the Barracks.
What a day! I've been scatterin' foes with a single glance from my mean mug!
— Brady, when getting a surge in the Barracks.
I can't believe Mother used my staff as a laundry pole...
— Brady, when failing to get a reward in the Barracks.

Barracks greeting quotes

Oh, Robin. A little early for a break, isn't it?
— Brady, during the morning.
Ah, Robin. Looks like we're both taking a break.
— Brady, during the afternoon.
Oh, Robin... Looks like we're both taking a break.
— Brady, during the evening.
Robin, why are you here and not in your tent? It's late!
— Brady, at night.
It's your birthday, Robin? That's wonderful.
— Brady, on Robin's birthday.
Hello, Robin. ...Oof. I'm still sleepy. How about you?
— Brady, during the morning if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. What are you up to today?
— Brady, during the afternoon if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. Heh, where did the day go?
— Brady, during the evening if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. It's late. You should sleep.
— Brady, at night if married to Robin.
Happy birthday, Robin. Let's celebrate later.
— Brady, on Robin's birthday if married to Robin.
Hmm? Oh, Father. A little early for a break, isn't it?
— Brady, during the morning if Robin's son.
Taking a break in the middle of the day, Father? Are you bored?
— Brady, during the afternoon if Robin's son.
Hm? Oh, Father... Looks like we're both taking a break.
— Brady, during the evening if Robin's son.
Father, why are you here and not in your tent? It's late!
— Brady, at night if Robin's son.
Happy birthday, Father. I hope this marks another good year.
— Brady, on Robin's birthday if Robin's son.

Event tile and Barracks conversation quotes

General quotes

Why the big grin? You look like ya just saw me catch an axe in the face or somethin'.
— Brady, when asking a question about mood
Nope. I'm just glad to see ya ain't got no serious injuries.
— Brady, when answering a question about mood
Everyone gets so busy when we return to camp. How do ya pass the time?
— Brady, when asking a question about hobby
I'm usually practicin' with weapons. Don't get too close, though-my aim is rubbish.
— Brady, when answering a question about hobby
What are your dreams? People always laugh at me what when I talk about mine.
— Brady, when asking a question about dreams
I wanna be a violinist. I'm actually pretty good, I think. ...All right, go on. Laugh.
— Brady, when answering a question about dreams
Let's try takin' on the enemy as a team. I can put up a fight, too!
— Brady, when asking a question about fighting together
Sure thing. I ain't no brawler, but I can strike fear into any foe.
— Brady, when answering a question about fighting together

Quotes specifically with a lover

I love ya, <lover>. I swear I'll keep ya safe, no matter what.
— Brady, his "I love you" quote
I love ya, too. ...Dammit! I'm so moved, I can't even say nothin' clever.
— Brady, responding to his lover’s "I love you" quote
<Lover>, ya look lovelier than ever before. Other dames pale in comparison!
— Brady, his "You're beautiful" quote
That's nice of ya to say, considering most people find me terrifyin'. I'm a lucky man!
— Brady, responding to his lover’s "You're beautiful" quote
Don't do anything crazy out there, <lover>. I need ya, yeah?
— Brady, asking his lover not to leave him
I ain't going nowheres. Think I'd leave ya here to boo-hoo yourself silly?
— Brady, answering his lover when asked not to leave her
<Lover>, your satchel's packed to the brim today. Whatcha got in there?
— Brady, when offering his lover a gift
It's an armlet I bought for ya. Was gonna surprise ya, but I guess the jig is up...
— Brady, when his lover offers a gift

Quotes specifically with his father

Tell me about life before I came along, Pop.
— Brady, when asking a question about his father’s life before they met
I mostly practiced fightin' in the future. I never had your knack for warfare, see? Half the time, I'd wind up with an axe buried in my face or worse. Nasty stuff. But I wanted to learn how to hold my own and fight for the world ya tried to protect.
— Brady, when answering his father’s question about his life
Let me look at that injury from before, Pop. ...Yeesh, pretty nasty. You all right?
— Brady, asking his father if he is ill
Aw, don't ya go worryin' about me, Pop. You're the one with bags under your eyes!
— Brady, answering his father asking if he is ill
Need anything, Pop? I feel I needs to be a better son or somethin'.
— Brady, when offering his father a gift
Well, I dropped a staff in the ravine. Mind climbin' down to... Of course ya do.
— Brady, when his father offers a gift
We should have a duel sometime, Pop. I needs to build up my fightin’ muscles!
— Brady, when asking his father to train
You wanna fight your own son? You're on! Grab a staff and let's see who hits harder.
— Brady, when his father asks to train

Quotes specifically with Maribelle

Ma, what was life like for ya before I turned up?
— Brady, when asking a question about Maribelle’s life before they met
The you from the future smothered me, to be perfectly honest. You’d pack lunches for me, hold my hand while walkin’ up stairs... You were so busy doing the heavy lifting for me that I turned into a total wimp! Ya wouldn’t even let me fend for myself in the end. So next time, lemme protect YOU!
— Brady, when answering Maribelle’s question about her life
That was quite a spill, Mother. You taking up slapstick? ...Sorry, lemme heal ya.
— Brady, asking Maribelle if she is ill
Me? I'm alive and kickin'. You're the one what's always out of breath, old-timer!
— Brady, answering Maribelle asking if she is ill
Anything I can get for ya, Ma? I didn’t do much for ya in the future...
— Brady, when offering Maribelle a gift
A more hands-off ma would be nice. No more addin' frills to my shirt, capisce?
— Brady, when Maribelle offers a gift
I remember you bein’ good at violin, Ma. Wanna see who’s better?
— Brady, when asking Maribelle to train
A challenge? I dunno—especially if it’s one’a your tea-drinkin’ contests again.
— Brady, when Maribelle asks to train

Quotes specifically with a male Morgan child

Morgan, what were things like in your future. Do ya remember if I was alive?
— Brady, when asking a question about Morgan’s life in the future
I mostly just practiced with weapons - to hilarious effect, of course. Gimme a bow, and I'll fire IT instead of the arrow. I don't know an axe from an anchovy! I couldn't have added up to much in the future, but at least I didn't kill ya.
— Brady, when answering Morgan’s question about his life
Morgan, you seem awful quiet. Ya feeling all right? Should I get my staff?
— Brady, asking Morgan if he is ill
I've had people take jabs at how I dress, but that's the first jab at my complexion!
— Brady, answering Morgan asking if he is ill
Need anything, kid? Can't have ya bein' rough around the edges like your pop.
— Brady, when offering Morgan a gift
How 'bout the vulneraries I dropped in the ravine back there? ...No? Didn't think so.
— Brady, when Morgan offers a gift
Morgan, any son of mine must have a gift for the violin. Wanna see who's better?
— Brady, when asking Morgan to train
My fightin' style's nothing to look at—but if ya still wanna see it, you're on.
— Brady, when Morgan asks to train

Paired battle quotes

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Critical quotes

Get busy dyin'!
— Brady
I'd pray if I were you!
— Brady
Time to bring the pain!
— Brady
You ready to fly?!
— Brady

Level up quotes

Argh. Typical...
— Brady, when one or no stats grow in a Level Up.
Wow, I actually kinda improved.
— Brady, when two or three stats grow in a Level Up.
Am I dreamin' here?
— Brady, when four or five stats grow in a Level Up.
Hah! Bring it on!
— Brady, when six or more stats grow in a Level Up.
Wow. Never thought I'd see the day...
— Brady, when his stats are mostly capped and one or no stats grow in a Level Up.

Class Change quote

Heh, stand back, world. I'm a whole new man!
— Brady, when changing class.

Shop quotes

Got anything that'll make me automatically stronger?
— Brady, when buying items at a shop.
Hey, be my guest. Sell whatever you want.
— Brady, when selling items at a shop.
Wish they could instantly upgrade me, too!
— Brady, when forging weapons at a shop.

Death/retreat quotes

Heh... A...burden till the very end...
— Brady's death quote before recruitment in Paralogue 7
Have to...keep going... Ylisse...
— Brady, as an NPC in The Future Past 2.
Ha... In the end...I'm just baggage... No anyone...
— Brady's death quote after recruitment in Classic Mode
Aw, crap, I'm just slowin' ya down... Gotta go...try and heal up...
— Brady's retreat quote after recruitment in Casual Mode

Battle quotes

Victory quotes

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Endgame: Grima quotes

Come on, bud! No givin' up now!
— Brady
I won't cry! [He'll/She'll] be back! I know it! And in the meantime, I'll write the finest song about [him/her] that ever was!
— Brady, if Robin sacrifices him/herself to kill Grima.
Well, heck. We actually did it. We saved the world!
— Brady, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima.
Don't worry, Robin. I'll get you through your worries. I'll get stronger and make you happy no matter what.
— Brady, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima, and if he is married to Robin.
I promise to f-fight, Dad. D-don't look at me l-like that! I ain't cryin'! *sniff*
— Brady, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima, and if he is Robin's son.

Against Raquesis in Lost Bloodlines 1

Brady: Lookin' for a fight, girlie?
Raquesis: Looking to win one. And maybe teach you some manners while I'm at it.

Against Raquesis in Lost Bloodlines 3

Brady: Hey, princess. Why don't ya go home instead of trying to play with warriors? The battlefield's a great place to chip a nail, yeah?
Raquesis: I'll nail your foul mouth closed!

Against Moulder in Smash Brethren 2

Brady: You want a piece of me, geezer? HUH?!
Moulder: Wh...What wretched manners! And you call yourself a PRIEST?!

Against Moulder in Smash Brethren 3

Moulder: So long as the gods grant me breath, I will not tolerate your foul language!
Brady: Oh yeah? Well, go kiss a wyvern talon, you long-winded bag of prayers!

Against Ares in Rogues & Redeemers 1

Brady: Look at this guy, struttin' around on his high horse. You wanna fight?
Ares: I'm no better than any man, but if it's a fight you want—
Brady: That's right! Let's go!

Against Ares in Rogues & Redeemers 2

Ares: Leave, boy, before I make you a scabbard for my sword.
Brady: Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try, punk!

Against Ares in Rogues & Redeemers 3

Brady: You, in the black armor... Guess who's about to destroy you.
Ares: You? I might die of laughter first.
Brady: Oh yeah? You have no idea what I can do. Especially when you're my ticket out of here!

DLC battle quotes

How dare you bozos yoink my savings! How am I going to buy tea leaves and violin strings or repair chess pieces?! I'll make ya pay for interferin' with my nonviolent pursuits!
— Brady, in The Golden Gaffe.
Care to explain why you're starin' at me all starry eyed, ya big mope? Just 'cause I look like a bad egg don't make me your friend. Now die, before we give people the wrong idea!
— Brady, in EXPonential Growth.
I saw the mess outside. All ruins and no people, yeah? What kinda hell has this world been through? Damn your eyes! I don't like how much this reminds me of home!
— Brady, in Infinite Regalia.
In the future, our wounded often turned to Risen just as we were tryin' to heal 'em. It really stinks havin' to kill the very people you've been fightin' to save... Ya just gotta remember these folk ain't turnin' back, no matter what.
— Brady, in Death's Embrace.
Hey! Quit pickin' on the merchant girls! Their poor sister's worried sick! If they kick the bucket here, she...she'll never even get to say good-bye...*sniff* N-no! This ain't gonna end all sad-like. Those girls are comin' home with us!
— Brady, in Five-Anna Firefight.
So what'd that thing say about me? That I'm nowhere near as strong as I look? That I update my dream journal every day? ...That milk gives me horrible gas? Aw, whatever. Go on and laugh it up. You can die with a smile!
— Brady, in Roster Rescue.
Think you're a tough guy, huh? I'll give you three seconds to apologize! ...Hey, don't play dumb with me! I saw you stompin' on that hermit crab! Next time try picking on someone your own size, you big bully!
— Brady, in Summer Scramble.
You idiots. Of all the places to attack, why pick a public hot spring?! What if an old-lady tourist got scared and fell and broke a hip or whatever? You think it's funny? We'll see how funny it is when I smash YOUR hips to bits!
— Brady, in Hot-Spring Scramble.