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Yen'fay/Quotes (Awakening)

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Event tile and Barracks event quotes

...These are the times that try a man's soul, sure as any forge's flames.
— Yen'fay, when gaining experience from an event tile or in the Barracks.
...I have trained more, though one can never train enough.
— Yen'fay, when gaining weapon experience from an event tile.
...An item?
— Yen'fay, when finding an item in an event tile or in the Barracks.
The day has proven to favor me. My blade sings songs I feared forgotten.
— Yen'fay, when getting a surge in the Barracks.
I wonder...what were my last thoughts as I left this world...
— Yen'fay, when failing to get a reward in the Barracks.

Barracks greeting quotes

Good morrow, Robin. Back from your rounds?
— Yen'fay, during the morning.
Doing your rounds, Robin?
— Yen'fay, during the afternoon.
Evening, Robin. Finishing up your rounds?
— Yen'fay, during the evening.
Well met, Robin. It comforts me to know you are looking after us.
— Yen'fay, at night.
It's your birthday today, Robin? May it be a happy one.
— Yen'fay, on Robin's birthday.
Well met, Robin. 'Tis a fine morning.
— Yen'fay, during the morning if married to Robin.
Well met, Robin. Have you made plans for the day?
— Yen'fay, during the afternoon if married to Robin.
Well met, Robin. The night is upon us.
— Yen'fay, during the evening if married to Robin.
Well met, Robin. May your sleep be free of trouble.
— Yen'fay, at night if married to Robin.
A very happy birthday to you, Robin.
— Yen'fay, on Robin's birthday if married to Robin.

Event tile and Barracks conversation quotes

General quotes

'Tis good to see you in high spirits, friend. Have you been trusted with a secret?
— Yen'fay, when asking a question about mood
Nay. But today's meditation has cleared my mind of all negative thoughts.
— Yen'fay, when answering a question about mood
The quiet after battle dulls the wits. How do you keep your mind clear?
— Yen'fay, when asking a question about hobby
I train lest I overthink my troubles...but I ought help out more with army affairs.
— Yen'fay, when answering a question about hobby
Dreams give us purpose and the power to do the impossible. What are yours?
— Yen'fay, when asking a question about dreams
I dream of rebuilding Chon'sin in whatever role I can. This time she shall know no war.
— Yen'fay, when answering a question about dreams
The opposition has grown stronger. We ought join our might in the days to come.
— Yen'fay, when asking a question about fighting together
Aye, 'twould delight me to offer what aid I can.
— Yen'fay, when answering a question about fighting together

Quotes specifically with Say’ri

That is a lovely smile you wear, Say'ri. Does it please you to fight alongside me again?
— Yen'fay, when asking Say’ri a question about mood
Joining this army has lifted the burden from my heart. ...As has my reunion with you.
— Yen'fay, when answering Say’ri’s question about mood
The quiet after battle dulls the wits. How do you keep your mind clear, Say'ri?
— Yen'fay, when asking Say’ri a question about hobby
I fear I am too often left alone with my thoughts. I ought help out more instead.
— Yen'fay, when answering Say’ri’s question about hobby
I dream of rebuilding Chon'sin in whatever role I can. As do you, no doubt.
— Yen'fay, when answering Say’ri’s question about dreams
Say'ri, fight with me in the coming battle! We will triumph over our foes together.
— Yen'fay, when asking Say’ri a question about fighting together
Naught would please me more. If only we could have done it sooner...
— Yen'fay, when answering Say’ri’s question about fighting together

Quotes specifically with a female Avatar lover

I love you, Robin. I must say it for fear this be my final chance.
— Yen'fay, his "I love you" quote
I love you as well. I will protect you whatever the cost.
— Yen'fay, responding to Robin’s "I love you" quote
You are lovely, Robin, and let no other man who looks upon you question it.
— Yen'fay, his "You're beautiful" quote
If you see me that way, then I am fortunate, for you are the lovely one to behold.
— Yen'fay, responding to Robin’s "You're beautiful" quote
Robin, you are my sun. Swear to me that you shall never set.
— Yen'fay, asking Robin not to leave him
I would never give you cause to grieve. Do not mistake me for the Yen'fay of this world.
— Yen'fay, answering Robin when asked not to leave her
Robin, something is poking out of your satchel. Might I see it?
— Yen'fay, when offering Robin a gift
Tis a special vulnerary capable of healing any wound. I was saving it for you...
— Yen'fay, when Robin offers a gift

Quotes specifically with a male Morgan child

Morgan, since I am to be your father, could you tell me more of the future?
— Yen'fay, when asking a question about Morgan’s life in the future
Hmm... I will speak more of my past when the time is right. I still need time to sort through the choices and the mistakes I have made. ...Easy now. You did not offend. You simply remind me that I must do better.
— Yen'fay, when answering Morgan’s question about his life
How fare ye, Morgan? You must not push yourself hard on the battlefield.
— Yen'fay, asking Morgan if he is ill
Peace, child. I will be alright.
— Yen'fay, answering Morgan asking if he is ill
Morgan, allow me to provide for you. Name any object that you desire.
— Yen'fay, when offering Morgan a gift
Nay, you are no burden to me. You are my precious son.
— Yen'fay, when Morgan offers a gift
Morgan, prithee practice with your father. Do you have the makings of a swordsman?
— Yen'fay, when asking Morgan to train
Aye, a sound suggestion. I was beginning to get a bit rusty.
— Yen'fay, when Morgan asks to train

Paired battle quotes

A challenger.
— Yen'fay
Clear your mind.
— Yen'fay
Have faith.
— Yen'fay
I am by your side
— Yen'fay
Test your limits.
— Yen'fay
Trust in me.
— Yen'fay
Victory is close.
— Yen'fay
We are stronger.
— Yen'fay
We fight together.
— Yen'fay
We will not falter.
— Yen'fay
En garde!
— Yen'fay, performing a dual strike
I have you now.
— Yen'fay, performing a dual strike
Now me!
— Yen'fay, performing a dual strike
One more!
— Yen'fay, performing a dual strike
You are weak!
— Yen'fay, performing a dual strike
— Yen'fay, performing a dual guard
You are safe.
— Yen'fay, performing a dual guard

Critical quotes

And now, we clash!
— Yen'fay
— Yen'fay
Here comes judgment!
— Yen'fay
Your time is short!
— Yen'fay

Level Up quotes

Alas, I have made scant progress...
— Yen'fay, when one or no stats grow in a Level Up.
This blade feels all the keener now.
— Yen'fay, when two or three stats grow in a Level Up.
Potential hides where we least expect it.
— Yen'fay, when four or five stats grow in a Level Up.
I fight on for you, Say'ri.
— Yen'fay, when six or more stats grow in a Level Up.
So even a dead man can surpass the living...
— Yen'fay, when his stats are mostly capped and one or no stats grow in a Level Up.

Class Change quote

What trickery is this?
— Yen'fay, when changing class.

Shop quotes

I need nothing fancy. Any old items will do.
— Yen'fay, when buying items at a shop.
Aye, help yourself. These are naught but objects.
— Yen'fay, when selling items at a shop.
Mercy, Robin. My weapon could use work.
— Yen'fay, when forging weapons at a shop.

Death/retreat quotes

Well fought... She will... be... safe... I can die... in peace...
— Yen'fay, as the boss of Chapter 18.
I have...nothing left to regret...
— Yen'fay, if killed before recruitment in paralogue 21.
Regrets? I have none. In this world...I am already dead.
— Yen'fay's death quote after recruitment in Classic Mode.
Ungh... C-can't shrug this wound off... Have to retreat... heal up...
— Yen'fay's retreat quote in Casual Mode.

Battle quotes

As the boss of Chapter 18

Yen'fay: I am Yen'fay of Chon'sin. That is all you need know before you die.

Against Chrom in Chapter 18

Chrom: General Yen'fay.
Yen'fay: Aye, that is my name. What would you have of me, Ylissean?
Chrom: I would ask why a famed swordmaster would sell his honour to Walhart.
Yen'fay: ...That is not your concern.
Chrom: ...Are you truly your sister's brother? She is a principled woman. Even knowing Walhart's strength, she has fought on valiantly. Are you so deluded as to genuinely consider her your enemy? Or are you simply afraid of your master?
Yen'fay: Afraid...? Yes, fear plays it's part, that I cannot deny.
Chrom: ...You admit it, then? You are craven!
Yen'fay: I did not say it was fear for my life. That my reasons exist is not cause to explain them all to strangers.
Chrom: If there's honour left in you, say it now. You could still join us...
Yen'fay: The bones have been thrown, lad. All that remains is to see where they fall.
Chrom: So be it.

If defeated by Chrom

Yen'fay: Hrrgh! Nngh...
Chrom: Whatever your reasons for joining them, there must have been another answer...
Yen'fay: Some quandaries in this world... have... no... proper answer...

Against Say'ri in Chapter 18

Say'ri: Brother. I won't ask you why... We are well beyond that point now. I will speak it plain: I cannot forgive you, and neither can I let you live.
Yen'fay: I've asked you for nothing, Sister, least of all your forgiveness.
Say'ri: But you will have my justice, like it or no! You, who stood by in silence while everyone around you suffered! While villages were razed and fields burned, you watched but said nothing... When Father and Mother were murdered — you said nothing! Nothing, before you ran to the arms of the one man responsible for all of it! Your silence was deafening. Maddening. Even now...have you nothing to say?!
Yen'fay: ...
Say'ri: Damn you, Yen'fay! Then I will make your sword answer for you! Draw your blade, and let it sing your final words!

If defeated by Say'ri

Yen'fay: Say'ri... You have grown... so strong...
Say'ri: ...Do... do you mock me? I have seen your best swordplay... that was not it. You went easy on me... but why?
Yen'fay: What I could not tell you in life... I say with my death...
Say'ri: But, Yen'fay...
Yen'fay: You have found... strong comrades... I no longer need fear for you... ...I die... in peace...
Say'ri: Yen'fay, wait! What do you mean? Why?! Don't leave me with more silence - not this time! Yen'fay!

Victory quotes

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Endgame: Grima quotes

...... ...Robin!
— Yen'fay
...Robin. 'Twas a life lived grandly. ...... But was it lived to its end? I trow you are yet meant for more...
— Yen'fay, if Robin sacrifices him/herself to kill Grima.
Say'ri, your strength has led this world back to light.
— Yen'fay, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima.
I know how it feels to believe one's life is worth sacrificing. But was it not you who taught me the error of that thinking?
— Yen'fay, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima, and if he is married to Robin.

Against Horace in Lost Bloodlines 2

Horace: Surrender now! You will receive no mercy while you still hold a weapon.
Yen'fay: Nay, sir. While far from perfect, I am no craven. Strike me down if you can!

Against Horace in Lost Bloodlines 3

Horace: I will not retreat. My traitor's life belongs to these—my comrades!
Yen'fay: Well spoken, sir. If only I did not feel the same...

Against Zephiel in Smash Brethren 2

Zephiel: Are you mad? Challenging me is tantamount to suicide.
Yen'fay: ...Alas, death is one thing I do not fear. I will earn this second chance of mine through battle. By defeating you!

Against Zephiel in Smash Brethren 3

Yen'fay: I was a ghost of a man when my comrades found me... But by striking down their foes, I can atone for my errors!
Zephiel: Atone? Aren't you a sad sight. A strong man does not lament the past. He makes the future!

Against Alm in Rogues & Redeemers 2

Alm: I won't yield this land to you. I don't care what it costs me!
Yen'fay: Then let us hope your determination can stop steel, boy.

Against Alm in Rogues & Redeemers 3

Yen'fay: Yield, Sir.
Alm: You'll have to kill me first. This is our land, not yours!
Yen'fay: Then let us see if your heart of fire can prevail over my heart of stone.

DLC battle quotes

What was stolen can be returned. Were that stolen life worked the same... But I prattle on. My name is Yen'fay of Chon'sin, and I will be the end of you.
— Yen'fay, in The Golden Gaffe.
So, you are the dogs responsible. No crime is graver then eating another man's lettuce. Aye, may the weight of your crimes crush you in your dying breath.
— Yen'fay, in EXPonential Growth.
Wherefore do you continue this fight? Will you press on, undying and unremembered, so long as fate bids it? Yes, 'tis a sad fate, the one we share. But for you, I shall end it.
— Yen'fay, in Infinite Regalia.
'Tis a dark fate indeed to end one's existence as something less than human... I haven't the power to restore your humanity, but I can at least grant you rest. Please, Say'ri, guide these poor souls to the eternal peace you have found.
— Yen'fay, in Death's Embrace.
According to Say'ri, the Yen'fay of her time met his death in a place like this. How did it feel to fall in this dreadful heat? What final thoughts crossed his mind? Perhaps fighting here now will bring me closer to the answers I seek...
— Yen'fay, in Five-Anna Firefight.
A man believed dead seemingly walks the earth still... Needless to say, knowledge such as this should remain hidden for all time. Lest the roster fall into the wrong hands, I must put an end to you here and now...
— Yen'fay, in Roster Rescue.
You stand before the mighty Yen'fay and yet you do not withdraw? Either you're skilled enough to be confident or too green to realize you're outmatched. Looking at you, I suspect it's the latter...but I shall have my answer soon enough!
— Yen'fay, in Summer Scramble.
Ah, volcanic hot springs... 'Tis truly one of nature's greatest gifts. Prized both in the present and the past, and likely just as beloved in the future... Perhaps I shall indulge in a bath myself. But first, there is work to be done...
— Yen'fay, in Hot-Spring Scramble.