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Latecomer's Sorrow/Script

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
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The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.


Just north of Pherae stands Castle Araphen. The armies of Lycia had gathered here to make preparations to strike back at Bern. However, when Roy and Guinivere are only a short distance from Castle Araphen, a messenger brings them shocking news they can scarcely believe.

Leading Bern's army is a trio of elite commanders known as the Wyvern Generals, named after the reptilian creatures native to Bern for their ferocity and cunning. Two of these three, Brunnya and Narcian, have attacked Castle Araphen, virtually decimating the Lycian Army while it was little prepared.

Morale of the group takes a blow, but Roy continues to Castle Araphen, both to see it for himself and, hopefully, find and aid any survivors...


(Inside Castle Araphen)

Brunnya: Your Majesty, we have captured the enemy commander.
Zephiel: Good. Bring him before me.

Hector: You... You're Zephiel, the king of Bern!! Black-hearted fiend...!
Zephiel: Ah, Lord Hector. You have my highest praise for lasting so long against two of my Wyvern Generals. I suppose Ostia's reputation as the most powerful house in Lycia is well-earned. The strongest of a bucket of worms is hardly a match for my boot, however. Your end is nigh. If you've any last words, I suggest you spit them out.
Hector: Just tell me... Why...?
Zephiel: What was that...?
Hector: Bern and Lycia... We were always on good terms with each other... Even when you took the throne, we always paid our respects to Bern...
Zephiel: Respect? Pah. Don't make me laugh. The whole continent shall be my domain. Only then can the world be liberated. I lack the time to concern myself with such trivial matters as "respect."
Hector: You mean to liberate... the world? What do you speak of...?
Zephiel: Pay it no heed. You won't live to see it anyway. You there! Take him away! Throw this dead man into the dungeon!
Soldier: Yes, Your Majesty!

Brunnya: Your Majesty, I will take my leave now. I must return to the plains of Sacae.
Zephiel: Yes, be on your way.
Brunnya: ...One matter before I leave, Your Majesty. If you will allow my opinion, I would not place so much trust in that... woman.
Zephiel: Do you speak of Idunn?
Brunnya: Yes, Your Majesty. The men call her the "Dark Priestess" and find her presence disturbing. I understand that she is a shaman of great power, but-
Zephiel: Brunnya, do you doubt my judgment?
Brunnya: Ah...! No, of course not, Your Majesty! I just think-
Zephiel: Your duty is not to think. Your duty is to follow orders. Is that clear?
Brunnya: ...Yes, Your Majesty. Your will shall be done.

(Brunnya leaves)

Zephiel: "Do you doubt my judgment?" Dear me, the words that come out of my mouth sometimes...

(Outside the castle)

Roy: Lord Hector still lives?!
Chad: Yeah, probably. I saw some of Bern's soldiers take him into the castle.
Roy: Chad, was it? Do you know the inside of Castle Araphen well?
Chad: I guess so. ...Wait, are you guys going to try to save Lord Hector? Sounds like a bad idea to me. Most of Bern's forces are gone, but there are still plenty of soldiers in the castle. Marching in would be suicide.
Roy: Perhaps. But you said most of their army is already gone. We can't afford to lose Lord Hector. If we have a chance, we must take it.
Chad: Really, now...? I'll come with you then. I can show you around the castle.
Roy: What? You don't have to do that. Please, just explain what the interior of the castle is like.
Chad: I've got a bone to pick with Bern. Please, let me go with you!
Roy: If you insist, we're happy to have you. I think your skills will be an asset.
Chad: Yeah, I can pick any locked doors or chests!

Guinivere: ...Lord Roy... I'm sorry for my brother... I didn't think the invasion would pick up so quickly...
Roy: Princess, you're not responsible for this. Please don't blame yourself. Besides, Lycia is still united. We just need Lord Hector to lead our army so we can fight! We must retake Castle Araphen for all of Lycia... and for Lilina...
Guinivere: ......
Roy: Let's move out!

(Chad joins Roy's forces, and the battle begins)

In battle

At the start of turn 2, player phase

(In the northwestern village)

Lugh: Thanks for taking the children under your care, Bishop.
Bishop: Of course. The St. Elimine Church will take good care of the orphans. And what will you do, Lugh?
Lugh: I'm going to stay here. I have some things to take care of.
Bishop: Is that so...? Please be safe.
Lugh: Yes, you too.

(A boy and a girl show up)

Lugh: Make sure you listen to what the priest says, OK?
Boy: You're not coming with us, Lugh?
Lugh: I'm going to wait for Chad. We'll catch up with you later...
Girl: Yay! Chad's coming too?
Lugh: Of course.
Boy: I want Raigh back too!
Lugh: Yes... If Raigh would come back we could all be together again.

(The bishop returns)

Bishop: Children, we must be off.
Boy: See you, Lugh.
Girl: Don't take too long.
Lugh: Yes, yes. Hurry along now...

(The children and the bishop leave the village)

Lugh: I'm sorry for lying... But I've chosen not to run away anymore.

(The bishop and the children exit the map through the northwest)

At the start of turn 4, enemy phase

(Inside Castle Araphen's throne room)

Zephiel: Narcian!

(Narcian shows up)

Zephiel: What is causing all that noise?
Narcian: What's left of the enemy are likely putting up one last fight.
Idunn: Shall I summon the dragons, Your Majesty?
Narcian: No need, my lady. We can handle them without so much as breaking a sweat.
Idunn: ......
Zephiel: Not now, Idunn. Send the dragons back to Bern as planned.
Idunn: Yes, Your Majesty. As you will.
Narcian: ......
Zephiel: I too must return to Bern. Narcian, I leave Lycia in your hands.
Narcian: ...What shall I do with the remnants of the Lycian Army?
Zephiel: Kill all who stand against you.
Narcian: ...What of women and children?
Zephiel: Was I unclear? Kill all who stand against you. Grind them to dust. Ensure no others dare dream of opposing us.
Narcian: Of course, Your Majesty. Hm hm hm...

(Idunn and Zephiel leave the throne room and exit the map through the east)

(Slater approaches Narcian)

Narcian: Hmph, what does His Majesty see in that Idunn anyway? Well, I think it's time I left as well. Slater, I entrust the castle to you.
Slater: Might I inquire where you're going, milord?
Narcian: A marquess who turned against Lycia has a special gift for me. He says it's a girl of Etrurian nobility... Hm hm hm...
Slater: Etrurian nobility? She must be quite a catch!
Narcian: Yes, the marquess tells me she's a beautiful thing.
Slater: You must be looking forward to it. Please be careful on your way there.
Narcian: You be careful too, Slater. Don't let these scattered remnants defeat you. Should you fail, I personally will order your public evisceration.
Slater: ...... Have mercy...!
Narcian: Ha ha ha ha...!

(Narcian leaves the throne room and exits the map through the east, while Slater takes his position on the throne inside the throne room)

Talk conversations

Chad and Lugh

(If Chad did not visit the northwestern village)

Lugh: Chad! You're OK!
Chad: Lugh?! What are you doing here?
Lugh: We were hiding here.
Chad: Oh... Where's everybody else? Are they all right?
Lugh: Yeah, the St. Elimine Church is going to watch over them.
Chad: And what about you?
Lugh: What?
Chad: Why are you still here?
Lugh: ...The same reason as you.
Chad: What?! Lugh, you're not thinking of...!
Lugh: I can use some magic! Remember I borrowed that fire tome from Poppa's room?
Chad: Lugh, you can't. You're incapable of harming others.
Lugh: But...
Chad: I'm going to avenge Poppa. You stay with the others, Lugh.
Lugh: I'm not going to hide anymore! I'm tired of everyone leaving me...! Poppa, you, and even Raigh... I want to fight to protect the people that I care for. I can't let others die for me my whole life!
Chad: Lugh... Fine. Once we finish Bern we can go back and see everyone again!
Lugh: Yeah!


The southeastern village

Middle-Aged Woman: You're what's left of the Lycian Army, aren't you? Here, take this and go quickly. We may be occupied by Bern, but we're still Lycians!


The northwestern village, if visited with someone other than Chad

Lugh: Excuse me! You're with the Lycian Army, right? Please, let me fight with you! I don't have any useful information, but I can use a bit of magic! I'm sure I can help you!

The northwestern village, if visited with Chad

Lugh: Chad! You're OK!
Chad: Lugh?! What are you doing here?
Lugh: We were hiding here.
Chad: Oh... Where's everybody else? Are they all right?
Lugh: Yeah, the St. Elimine Church is going to watch over them.
Chad: And what about you?
Lugh: What?
Chad: Why are you still here?
Lugh: ...The same reason as you.
Chad: What?! Lugh, you're not thinking of...!
Lugh: I can use some magic! Remember I borrowed that fire tome from Poppa's room?
Chad: Lugh, you can't. You're incapable of harming others.
Lugh: But...
Chad: I'm going to avenge Poppa. You stay with the others, Lugh.
Lugh: I'm not going to hide anymore! I'm tired of everyone leaving me...! Poppa, you, and even Raigh... I want to fight to protect the people that I care for. I can't let others die for me my whole life!
Chad: Lugh... Fine. Once we finish Bern we can go back and see everyone again!
Lugh: Yeah!

Battle quotes

Slater enters combat

Slater: I-I can't fail! If I do... ...What awaits me... is a fate worse than death...!!

Slater dies

Slater: General Narcian... Please... have mercy...!!


Merlinus: Lord Roy! We found Lord Hector in the dungeon!
Roy: You did?! Is he all right?
Merlinus: He's gravely wounded...

(A wounded, bloodied Hector appears)

Hector: Well met, Roy...
Roy: Lord Hector! That gaping wound...! We must get you help! Here, lean on my shoulder...
Hector: Don't worry yourself... I'm done for...
Roy: Lord Hector...
Hector: We were taken by surprise... We'd have never supposed that Bern had summoned dragons...!
Roy: Dragons?!
Hector: Yes... The same dragons that humans fought against in the Scouring...
Roy: The Scouring? I learned of that in my studies. Eons ago, dragon and human each had dominion of half of Elibe. The Scouring was a war for total control of the continent...
Hector: Very good, lad... The Eight Legends... defeated the dragons and led the humans to... victory...
Roy: How did Bern summon dragons...?
Hector: I... haven't the faintest... But... Bern was once the dragons' domain... Hartmut, one of the Eight Legends... was the founder of Bern... Perhaps... the reason... lies there...
Roy: Lord Hector!
Hector: Roy... Go to Ostia... You must... lead what remains of the Lycian Army... in my place...
Roy: Me...? But...
Hector: Fear not... in Ostia... is a weapon... that... can take down a dragon...
Roy: A weapon?
Hector: Lilina can tell you more... Please take care of her... She... may act strong... But she is still a child... Please... don't let... her... d...
Roy: ...I promise you, I won't.
Hector: ...Lilina... Let me... see you... just... once more... Hrk...!! ......
Roy: Lord Hector!