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This page contains all data pertaining to Cordelia's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

C Support

Avatar: Ow! I used the last of the salve yesterday, but this cut still stings... What to do, what to do...

Cordelia: You're not out of salve. I restocked your medical supplies this morning.

Avatar: You did? Ah, that's great. Thank you, Cordelia. You never miss a detail, do you?

Cordelia: I just like to stay on top of things. By taking stock of everyone's equipment, I know when anything needs replacing.

Avatar: Wait, you keep track of EVERYONE'S equipment?! ...All in your head?

Cordelia: Of course. Imagine the chaos if our potions and equipment ran out at the same time.

Avatar: ...Gods. I can certainly see why everyone calls you a genius.

Cordelia: Do not call me that!

Avatar: Oh, I'm sorry... I meant no offense.

Cordelia: ...No, of course you didn't. Please forgive me. It's just superiors called me that from the moment I joined the knights. It was so very hard sometimes... Little Lady Genius, they called me. They teased and taunted me...

Avatar: Oh...

Cordelia: They mocked me, too... My appearance, and my javelin technique...

Avatar: Gracious! I had no idea members of the pegasus knights could be so spiteful... I assure you, when I called you a genius, I meant it only as a compliment.

Cordelia: I know. I'm just overly sensitive, that's all.

Avatar: Well, if you ever need to talk, just let me know.

Cordelia: Well, since you offered... What do you think of this javelin? I'm not sure about the balance, myself.

Avatar: Er, I meant if you ever need to talk about... Never mind.

B Support

Cordelia: Avatar! Look, I crafted a new javelin based on your feedback.

Avatar: You MADE one?

Cordelia: Er, yes?

Avatar: As in, you forged it yourself? You didn't assemble it...from a kit, or something?

Cordelia: No... I cut a sapling, fashioned a grip, and hammered the point in the forge. I suppose I could have waited around for the javelin fairy, but she's so unpredictable. Here, look. See the pattern on the shaft? It's my own design. ...Well? What do you think?

Avatar: I think that I wasn't expecting you to go and fashion a whole javelin from scratch! You really ARE a genius!

Cordelia: I beg your pardon?

Avatar: Oh, I... Sorry, I know you're sensitive about that word. I take it back. Anyway, I'm glad I was able to help. If there's else I can do...

Cordelia: Heh, Avatar, you are far too kind! Why, if I... N-no, wait. We can't be doing this. People will get the wrong idea!

Avatar: Doing what? What wrong idea?

Cordelia: If you're so kind to me all the time, people will start to think...we're friends.

Avatar: ...Oh. I thought you were going to say something else... Er, but why would that be so bad? We are friends...aren't we?

Cordelia: D-do you think so?! Truly?

Avatar: Of course. Why not?

Cordelia: Oh, I'm sorry. I guess... I guess I grew accustomed to not having any. I was the youngest recruit in the pegasus knights. All of my comrades were veterans. There was no one whom I could truly call my "friend."

Avatar: That' very sad.

Cordelia: Oh, well as I said, I grew accustomed to it. Besides, I did have my pegasus to talk to. Even if the chats were a bit one sided.

Avatar: Heh, I guess they would be...

A Support

Cordelia: Avatar! Guess what? I showed my new javelin to everyone in camp. They were all so complimentary! Thank you again for the help.

Avatar: Don't thank me! You're the one who went out and learned smithery. I'm just glad it all worked out. If only those pegasus knights could see you now!

Cordelia: Heh, perhaps they are looking on from the afterlife.

Avatar: Er, the afterlife?

Cordelia: Yes, if you believe in such things. ...You do know the story, don't you? How my fellow knights gave their lives so I could escape and warn your party?

Avatar: Gracious, no! I mean, I knew that some of them... I just... I didn't think those were the same knights who... I'm sorry. I didn't fully understand until this moment.

Cordelia: That's all right. I suppose how I put things is partly to blame.

Avatar: So despite all the teasing, they loved you enough in the end to die for you?

Cordelia: I was surprised, too! It turns out they'd pretty much decided I was the future. The insults and so forth were just the usual hazing of the new recruit. *Sniff* My only regret is... I wish we'd had more time to...get to know each other. I only much they loved those last, awful moments...

Avatar: Cordelia...

Cordelia: *Sniff* R-right, then. Enough self-pity. I don't want to try your patience. ...But I must say, it does feel good to get this off my chest.

Avatar: I understand now why you don't like to be called a genius.

Cordelia: You do?

Avatar: Remember how upset you got the first time I called you that? I thought it reminded you of a sarcastic insult, but in fact it was the opposite. When your comrades sacrificed themselves for you, you realized that they meant it.

Cordelia: You're rather clever yourself, working all that out on your own.

Avatar: Not clever, no. Just blessed with the kind of insight close friends share. Because I AM a close friend now, and I'll always be here for you.

Cordelia: *Sniff* Oh, Avatar. ...Th-thank you.

S Support

Avatar: Cordelia, what are you doing?

Cordelia: I'm going to see how far I can throw my homemade javelin!

Avatar: From the top of this cliff?! You'll never see it again!

Cordelia: That's the idea. Seeing it only reminds me of my fallen comrades. If I'm ever going to be the knight they hoped I'd be, I have to let go of the past.

Avatar: ...I daresay you're right.

Cordelia: So, here goes. ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEE!

Avatar: Whoa, what a throw! That javelin sailed like the wind! You really are a geniu— Er, you are skilled at many things.

Cordelia: Oh, it's all right. I'm not going to get upset about that word anymore. And I promise not to collapse weeping into your arms ever again!

Avatar: Oh, er... Right. Ha ha! I'd forgotten about that...

Cordelia: Avatar, are you blushing? Don't tell me you've fallen for me!

Avatar: Er, actually...

Cordelia: Hee hee, just a joke.

Avatar: I know, but... Um... You were right.

Cordelia: ...Ah, I get it! Trying to get me back? Ha ha. Good one, Avatar!

Avatar: No...I'm not joking. In fact I've never been more serious. And to prove

Cordelia: Oh, heavens. It's... It's a ring.

Avatar: Will you marry me, Cordelia?

Cordelia: Why, Avatar... The thing is... Yes! Oh yes, with all that I am! I accept with all my heart!

Avatar: Truly?! Th-that's wonderful! Oh, Cordelia, you've made me so happy!

Cordelia: Not half as happy as you've made me!

Cordelia (Confession): Thank you. I thought nothing could warm my heart again. I shall love you above...all others...for the rest of my days.

Avatar (F)

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Morgan (F)

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