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'''Severa:''' Don't play dumb with me. I'm here with an answer to your little question.
'''Severa:''' Don't play dumb with me. I'm here with an answer to your little question.

'''Avatar:''' Ah, how best to pursue enemies fleeing into mountainous terrain? Excellent! And what is you solution?
'''Avatar:''' Ah, how best to pursue enemies fleeing into mountainous terrain? Excellent! And what is your solution?

'''Severa:''' You let the main force rest, but send a small strike force of your best fighters. That way, you minimize risk while also having the best chance of killing the foe. What do you think about that?
'''Severa:''' You let the main force rest, but send a small strike force of your best fighters. That way, you minimize risk while also having the best chance of killing the foe. What do you think about that?

Revision as of 04:51, 27 October 2014

This page contains all data pertaining to the male Avatar's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.


C Support

Avatar: Can I ask you something, Chrom?

Chrom: Uh-oh. Should I be nervous?

Avatar: When you found me collapsed and without memory, why did you take me in?

Chrom: Well... Because you were collapsed and without memory?

Avatar: That's it? Pity was your reason?

Chrom: Isn't that enough?

Avatar: Did you never stop to consider if it was some kind of trap?

Chrom: Heh, that's what I have Frederick for.

Avatar: But why didn't—

Chrom: Avatar, if I see someone hurt or in need, I'm going to help them. That's just who I am, and there's no changing it. Or would you rather I'd left you there, face down in the muck?

Avatar: No, of course not. I'm thankful for what you did, I truly am. But it scares me all the same. Chivalry and longevity don't often go hand in hand.

Chrom: Ha! I wish I had a gold coin for every time I got this lecture.

Avatar: I can only offer advice, I'm afraid. You really should be more careful in the future.

Chrom: I'm sorry, but no. If it happened again today, I'd do the same exact thing...

Avatar: But-

Chrom: Peace, Avatar. I have heard your counsel, and I know you mean well. But as I said, this is who I am. I can't change that, nor would I want to.

Avatar: I... I understand. If that is your decision, then so be it. Just do try and be careful, Chrom. For my peace of mind, if not your own?

Chrom: I will. I promise.

B Support

Avatar: Chrom! Are you all right?!

Chrom: Er, yes, I'm fine. ...What's got you so excited?

Avatar: I heard you were attacked behind the mess tent!

Chrom: Pfft! Some local thug approached with a dagger, but he bolted when I drew iron. It was dark... The poor fellow probably thought he was mugging a merchant! Ha!

Avatar: You challenged him alone?!

Chrom: Well, I wouldn't say "challenged", exactly. More like "shooed away". Can't very well just leave that sort around the camp now, can we?

Avatar: By the gods, Chrom! Please, I beg you, do not take any more of these foolish risks.

Chrom: Hah! You do realise we're at war, right? Just walking onto the battlefield is a risk.

Avatar: I don't fear anyone besting you head-on; I fear you being stabbed in the back! Many of our enemies do not share your sense of honour.

Chrom: Do you really think some random cutpurse would get the better of me?

Avatar: Shall I list every hero who said that before being poisoned, sniped, or snared?

Chrom: Well, I don't think a list is necess-

Avatar: You're our COMMANDER, Chrom... Battlefield victories mean nothing if an army loses its leader. You are no longer simply your own man. You stand for all of us.

Chrom: Enough... You have a point. You're right... as you always are. I will be more careful. Thank you, Avatar.

A Support

Avatar: I hear you've been going on patrol with a couple of the men.

Chrom: Only to patrol the immediate area.

Avatar: ...You know what I'm going to say, don't you?

Chrom: That it's too risky, and I need to be more careful. Yes, thank you, mother.

Avatar: But if you know this, then why-

Chrom: Look. I understand enemies could be lying in wait to try and kill me... But there could also be others who need my help! There's a war going on, and people are suffering. I can't ignore them. I won't.

Avatar: So why not send your men to search for these hapless innocents?!

Chrom: Because.

Avatar: Becauuuse...?

Chrom: Because... of you. If I hadn't been there - if Frederick alone had found you - would we have ever met?

Avatar: ...Probably not.

Chrom: You see? And it's not just you, Avatar. It's everyone like you. I know going out there exposes me to danger, and I haven't always been careful. But it's a risk I'm willing to take in order to connect with the people. To forge bonds.

Avatar: Bonds? Between who?

Chrom: You and me. Me and the others. The villagers we've met, the world we've seen... Such bonds are the true strength of this army. Without them, we're lost. Others may disagree, but that's one benefit of leadership: I make the final call.

Avatar: It's hard to argue when you use me as your example. But at least let me come with you.

Chrom: So you can watch my back?

Avatar: That's part of it, yes. But I also want to be there when you find the next me, face down in a field. I want to help you make this army stronger. I want to help you forge new bonds.


C Support

Lissa: Avatar? Where aaare yooou?

Avatar: ...Zzz...

Lissa: There you are! I was just... Oh! (You're sleeping...?)

Avatar: Snnrk! Zzzzzzz...

Lissa: (You must really be wiped out. Not that I blame you, getting wrapped up in all this.) (Hee hee! Looks like it's time to quiiietly...geeently...hold your nose!)

Avatar: Nh...gnnkh...nnrrrgh...! BWARGH! Wha—?! Risen! Wolves! Risen riding wolves! They're...all... Wait a moment...

Lissa: Hee hee hee hee hee! AAAAH ha ha ha ha! "BWARGH"?! Oh gods, that was HILARIOUS! Heeeee hee hee hee hee!

Avatar: Lissa, gods bless it... I was fast asleep!

Lissa: And dreaming of Risen and wolves, apparently? Tee hee hee! I'm sorry, I tried to resist—I really did. But it was just to perfect!

Avatar: Who does such things? Is that really how your parents raised you?!

Lissa: ...I...I don't know... I never really knew my parents...

Avatar: Oh... Oh, right. That was... Er...

Lissa: Oh, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean anything by it. And actually, there's something else that I should be apologizing for...

Avatar: Whatever it is, I'm sure I can forget it if you can forgive my heartless comment...

Lissa: Really? That's great! Oh, I was SO sure you were going to be SO angry... See, I was kinda doodling a pic of you in your big, new book of battle strategies... ...Aaand then I kinda spilled the ink and kinda...ruined the book, kinda...completely. Ireallyreallyreallydidn'tmeanto!

Avatar: WHAT?! But that was a rare text! I had just started to... ...Er, *ahem* I mean... It's... It's fine. Accidents...happen.

Lissa: Oooh pheeew!

B Support

Avatar: Phew! I am beat...

Lissa: All tuckered out, Avatar? How about a quick, refreshing shoulder rub?

Avatar: ...What are you plotting now?

Lissa: Oh, please. One little joke, one little time and you get all paranoid. This isn't about pranking anybody. I figure I owe you...

Avatar: How do you figure?

Lissa: Because you've taken a huge weight off my brother's shoulders, silly! You know what Chrom's like. He never asks for help, even when he needs it. But he trusts you, Avatar. Enough to rely on you. He's not the type to come out and say it, but I know he's grateful.

Avatar: You...think so?

Lissa: I know so! Nobody knows my big brother like me.

Avatar: Well, that is nice to hear...

Lissa: So, what do you say? Free massage? Going once... Gooooooing twiiice...

Avatar: Okay, I accept! I accept! ...Thanks, Lissa.

Lissa: Okay then... Urgh! Geez, your muscles are just one big knot back here...

Avatar: ...Aaaaaah, yes, right there... Oooh, that feels amazing...

Lissa: How about...this?

Avatar: WhaAAAAGH! Cold! Cold and slimy and coooooold! AUGH! IT MOVED! WHAT DID YOU DO, LISSA? WHAT IN BLAZES WAS THAT?!

Lissa: Teee hee hee hee! Oh, relax. It's just a frog. You were so perfectly calm, tee hee. I couldn't resist! It had to be done!

Avatar: I'm pretty sure it did NOT! And weren't you just saying yesterday that frogs make you "all pukey"?

Lissa: I'm willing to put up with a lot for the sake of comedy.

Avatar: Well, that makes one of us!

A Support

Lissa: Hey there, Avatar.

Avatar: Get away from me, she-devil!

Lissa: Aw, don't go getting your hackles up! I'm not here to prank you.

Avatar: Ha! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...don't talk to me again.

Lissa: Hee hee! Aw, come on! ...Wait, are you really mad?

Avatar: Of course I'm mad! You dumped a toad down my collar.

Lissa: I'm pretty sure that was a frog...

Avatar: I'm pretty sure I don't care!

Lissa: Okay, okay! I'm sorry, Avatar! I'm super-duper 100 percent sorry. And I won't do it anymore, so please be my friend again. Okay?

Avatar: ...You're really sorry?

Lissa: Terribly!

Avatar: And you SWEAR you won't do it again?

Lissa: Princess's honor!

Avatar: ...Well...all right. In that case I suppose I can forgive you... Let's just shake hands and put this silliness behind us.

Lissa: Thanks, Avatar! You're the bes... AAAAAUGH! Wh-what is that, in your hand?! Is it a sna... A sn-n-n...

Avatar: A snake? Oh, no, Lissa. I'm pretty sure this is a worm. ...Gotcha!

Lissa: Gya! I thought my heart was going to jump out of my throat! You're terrible, Avatar! AND a total hypocrite!

Avatar: Uh huh... Why don't you show me what's in YOUR hand, then.

Lissa: O-oh! What? ...This? Hee he... Why, how did this frog get here?

Avatar: ...Sorry, you were saying something about hypocrites?

Lissa: Aw, it's no fun if you see it coming!

Avatar: I'd have to be blind not to at this point.

Lissa: Oooooo! Next time I'm gonna prank you good!

Avatar: And next time I'll seriously stop talking to you.

Lissa: What?! Oh...fiiiine! Fine! I guess I'll stop. For real this time. *Sigh* Guess I still have a long way to go...

Avatar: Till you grow up?

Lissa: No, to the pond! ...I've got about a dozen frogs to put back.

Avatar: *Groooaaan*

S Support

Lissa: *Sigh* I thought "dying of boredom" was just an expression...

Avatar: All those pranks, and you're still bored?

Lissa: Oh, hi, Avatar. Yeah, it's not that much fun messing with the others... Their reactions are all quiet and stale and...blaaah. I mean, they just stare, or sigh, or walk away shaking their head... Nobody else does that rubbery thing with their face that you do.

Avatar: I do a rubbery thing with my face?

Lissa: But don't worry! You're safe. A promise is a promise, after all. I'm not thrilled about it, but I don't want you to hate me. more pranks.

Avatar: ...... *Sigh* All right, Lissa. I give you permission to prank me again. I won't hate you for it, I promise.

Lissa: Wait, really?!

Avatar: BUT! On one condition... You have to open this box first.

Lissa: Ha! No way, mister! I know this trick! A bunch of snakes or bugs or guts or whatever is gonna pop out!

Avatar: ...Perhaps. It's up to you. I'm not forcing you.

Lissa: Hmm... I'm scared, but... Gya, that thing with your face, I miss it SO much! Okay then. Here goes... YAAAAAH!

Avatar: ......

Lissa: A...ring? Wait, Avatar, what's going on?

Avatar: I...I love you, Lissa. I love your loyalty, I love your candor, I love your spirit... Gods bless me, I think I even love your pranks! So...what do you say? Will you be my wife?

Lissa: *Sniff*

Avatar: Are you crying?! Don't cry! I'm sorry! You can say no; it won't hurt my feelings!

Lissa: No, stupid! I'm happy! I just... I've loved you for so long!

Avatar: What?! Really? ...Since when?

Lissa: Yes, really! And since the very beginning! ...I only pranked you to get your attention. Chrom gets to be close to you all the time, when you meet, or when you talk strategy... But I didn't have anything like that...

Avatar: Lissa, you could have talked to me about anything, anytime... I can't believe I never noticed...

Lissa: Me either... But now we've got all the time in the world to spend together! Oooo! Plus I opened the box, so I get to prank you again, right?!

Avatar: ...I thought the pranks were just to get my attention. And if we're getting married, I'd say you got my attention. Sooo...

Lissa: You think I'm going to marry that face and never make it do that crazy rubbery thing?! You're nuts!

Avatar: What?! Hey! I'm not sure I... Ah, well. If that's what it takes to make you happy...then so be it. Just go easy. We won't have all the time in the world together if I die of a heart attack.

Lissa: Heh ha, okay, I promise, Avatar. Wow, what a day... You must be tired out from all the excitement! about a quick shoulder rub from your new wife-to-be, hmm?

Lissa (Confession): Oh my gosh, this ring is huge! Oh, we're gonna have such a great life together!


C Support

Frederick: Your grip, stance, and breathing are wrong. Focus, Avatar. ...Again!

Avatar: Ready!

Frederick: That's enough for today. Your form has improved considerably. The pace of your progress is remarkable.

Avatar: *Huff, huff* Th-thanks... I feel like...I've got the basics *huff* down now... But... S-so tired... *huff* I think I'm dying...

Frederick: Ha! You're exaggerating! Or at least I pray so. Otherwise you might as well die here—you won't last long on the battlefield.

Avatar: I suppose...but I'm exhausted nonetheless... But you... You've hardly broken a sweat?

Frederick: I should certainly hope not. If a little training winded me, I would be in no shape to serve Chrom.

Avatar: Well, I'm impressed. You must train hard to build such endurance.

Frederick: Well, I awaken before dawn each day to build the campfires... Then, whenever we march, I scout the trail ahead, removing rocks and such... Wouldn't do to have someone turn an ankle mid-campaign, now would it?

Avatar: (So that's why... I always thought it was just a fixation with pebble collecting...)

Frederick: Beg pardon, did you say something?

Avatar: Er, nothing important! But I owe you for this training session, so let me help you with tomorrow's fire. It'll be a snap with my magic. Find a tree, hit it with a lightning bolt, and presto!

Frederick: ...Instant forest fire.

Avatar: Oh! Well, yes, I suppose that...could happen... In any case, I do still owe you a favor. Whatever you like—name it and it's yours. You needn't decide today, of course. Think it over for the next time we meet.

Frederick: I am unaccustomed to asking favors, but if you insist, I shall find something.

B Support

Frederick: Hello, Avatar. I've thought about your previous offer.

Avatar: The favor? Oh, good! What'll it be? Just say the word.

Frederick: I recall seeing you eat bear with great relish shortly after we first met. I should like you to teach me this skill. ...Eating bear, that is.

Avatar: I remember that night! Lissa was in a froth. Said it smelled like...old boots, was it? Wait, so you didn't eat any, either?

Frederick: I fear I've rarely been able to choke down wild game, and bear least of all. But as the war grows harsher, I can no longer afford to be picky. There may come a day when bear is the only food available to us. Best I train to overcome my aversion now, when our situation is not so dire.

Avatar: True, and even the finest knight isn't much use on an empty stomach... All right, then, you're on. Let's get you eating some bear!

Frederick: Yes, I will train till I can consume anything, without concern for taste or decorum. Like an animal, or a savage... Or like you, Avatar.

Avatar: ......

Frederick: Er, Avatar? ...Did I say something wrong?

Avatar: Um, no, nothing. Don't worry about it. So, Frederick. You don't have a problem with more common meats, you you?

Frederick: Beef and pork are fine. I also enjoy a good chicken on occasion.

Avatar: Then let's start simple. Take a bite of this jerky.

Frederick: I shall tear into it with gusto! *munch, munch* BLEAGH! G-gamey! S-so gamey! What... *cough* What IS this?!

Avatar: It's bear. Leftovers from the same bear we ate that night, in fact! I saved some.

Frederick: Eeeaaaaagh! Healer! I need a healer!

Avatar: Animal or savage, indeed. How rude of him... Guess he wasn't joking about his aversion to bear, though...

A Support

Avatar: Hey there, Fredericson! I've got some new cured meat for you to try...

Frederick: I'll thank you not to refer to me by that ridiculous name. ...And I'm not so gullible as to fall for your bear-jerky trick twice.

Avatar: Oh? I thought you were serious about getting over this, Frederick. Look, I'm not a monster. I prepared a whole series of meats in order of gaminess. We can take it slow.

Frederick: ...Well, I suppose I did ask for this.

Avatar: All right then. We'll start with chicken, then pork, then beef.

Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...Hmm, excellent so far.

Avatar: Next is mutton. It starts to get a little tricky here.

Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...This is...manageable.

Avatar: You're doing great! Okay, this one's venison.

Frederick: *Munch, munch*

Avatar: ...By which I mean bear.

Frederick: PFFFFFFFT! Augh! By the gods! I'm d-dying! Dying! Ah... It's s-so dark... T-tell Chrom that...

Avatar: Oh, stop exaggerating! Otherwise you might as well die here—you won't last long on the battle...field? Whoa. I just had intense déjà vu.

Frederick: I said the same to you, once upon a training session. And I was right. If I succumb to this, I can't well protect everyone on the front lines... My body is ready, Avatar! The next sample, if you please!

Avatar: You talked yourself back into it? Impressive. And perhaps a little disturbing... Ah, well. Whatever works. Let's finish this, Frederick! Open wide!


C Support

Avatar: So if the cavaliers spread out in a fan…And the pegasus knights sweep in from the flank...

Virion: Goodness, I can practically see smoke rising from your head. Whatever could have you working at such a fevered tilt?

Avatar: I'm practicing strategies and scenarios on this game board. After a hundred forced marches, these pieces are still ready for more. It saves me from running everyone ragged with training exercises.

Virion: ...How very clever. You even carved little enemy forces for them to fight. I'm impressed. And that doesn't happen often... with other people, I mean.

Avatar: Well, as long as I control friend and foe alike, it's not as effective as I'd prefer. After all, I can't plan for the unexpected when I know all the moves ahead of time.

Virion: Then permit me to be your opponent. I shall stroke with the nobility of the lion and defend with the grace of the swan!

Avatar: Because swans are... good defenders? Er, never mind. I accept. So then. We'll take turns moving units until one of us claims the other's commander. Agreed?

Virion: Agreed and agreed again! Oh, what fun! ...Begin, please. By all means.

(Time passes)

Avatar: Hold! I need to retract my last move.

Virion: Ha ha! Were that all enemy generals so generous! But alas, this is war. ...Checkmate, my good man.

Avatar: ...Blast! I hate to admit it, but I am well and truly beaten.

Virion: Oh ho! I told you I was both a lion and a swan, did I not?

Avatar: More like a chicken and the far end of a horse! I'm no noble lord, but your strategy wasn't exactly what I'd call honorable.

Virion: Heavens! Aren't we plainspoken.

Avatar: Still, I appreciate the practice. Thank you, Virion.

Virion: If you wish me to unleash my dishonorable strategies again, you have but ask.

B Support

Avatar: Ho, Virion! Care for a rematch? I have a method to defeat you this time for certain!

Virion: Oh? How thrilling! I do so love a challenge. Though I recall you saying something similar before the last 20 attempts... One moment. You're not, by any chance, losing on purpose, are you, sir? I see now! This was all a ruse to spend more time with your noble Virion! Charming, I suppose, but I fear my heart has room only for the fairer sex.

Avatar: And my heart has no room for a grown man in a bib.

Virion: B-bib?! Now see here, you uncouth barbarian! This is a CRAVAT! This is the very height of fashion among sartorially minded nobility.

Avatar: ...Sounds fancy. Your move?

Virion: Gya! I can forgive ignorance, but sarcasm is another matter! You've made a mockery of the delicate art of hollow flattery! I demand satisfaction on the field of battle, sir. Have at you!

Avatar: Do your worst!

(Time passes)

Avatar: Blast and blast again! Why can't I beat you?!

Virion: It seems my cravat is vindicated.

Avatar: I'll not speak to your fashion sense, but you have a real knack for strategy, Virion. Perhaps you should be giving the orders instead of me.

Virion: Inadvisable, my dear lad. I fear we'd never last the war. Spare a second glance at the board and tell me: Who has more soldiers left alive?

Avatar: Ah...

Virion: I won, yes, but at what cost? Half the moves I make in this game could never be used in a real battle. My own men would have my head on a pike before the enemy even reached me. No, this army needs a tactician who loathes the sacrifice of even a single man. It needs you, Avatar.

Avatar: Virion? That was almost... kind. Perhaps even sensible. Are you feeling well? You're starting to sound like a normal person.

Virion: I am ever the definition of sensibility. And "normal" is just another word for "common," thank you very much! Still, I'm confident you'll come to share my uniquely elegant sensibilities with time. Why, people shall think us twins!

Avatar: I'd sooner you put an arrow through my head...

A Support

Avatar: *Sigh* I lose. ...Again.

Virion: It was your gambit with the wyvern rider seven moves back that doomed you.

Avatar: ...Ah, I see. Because that left my vanguard's flank exposed. You really are excellent at this, Virion. I just can't compete.

Virion: Nonsense! Why, you're winning almost one match in three as of late. The pace of your progress is frankly somewhat frightening.

Avatar: Any strides I've made have been due to your patience. Thank you for working with me. I've really come to look forward to our matches. The sad part is, unless I manage to best you at least once, I have trouble sleeping!

Virion: Do not fell ashamed. You're not the first to be vexed by my tactical prowess! But I am happy to be of service, even if it is as your personal jousting dummy. If our matches help ease the burden you carry, then it is my honor to continue them.

Avatar: ...And I am burdened, Virion. Sometimes I feel as if I could drown on dry land. The army relies on me to plan their every move and tactic. I lack the experience for such responsibility. It's enough to make a man flee in terror.

Virion: And yet here you remain, when a lesser soul might have turned craven and ran. Such actions have earned you the respect of us all, you must know that? And regardless of this game, your skill on a true battlefield approaches genius. I am content to place my life in your hands, and that says a very great deal.

Avatar: I don't know what to say... Thank you, Virion. I'll do my best to remain worthy of your trust.

Virion: And I shall strive to aid you in all things, my friend.


C Support

Sully: Ah, crap. Come on, Sully, get your damn act together...

Avatar: Sully? What are you mumbling about? ...And why are you holding your side? Is everything alright?

Sully: I'm fine! It's nothing! ...Leave me alone!

Avatar: You look anything but fine, Sully. You're not hurt, are you?

Sully: No, I... All right, I put on weight and my muscle mass is down. You believe that? We're fighting a war and I'm getting a gut.

Avatar: What? Are you sure? You look great to me—same as ever.

Sully: Then you aren't looking hard enough.

Avatar: Well, this is a side of you I've never seen.

Sully: The hell you talking about?

Avatar: Well, I just...didn't think you were the kind of person to worry about her figure.

Sully: Gods, but you are a blooming ninny. This isn't about LOOKS! I said my muscle mass had dropped! And that's going to affect my combat, which could get my arse KILLED!

Avatar: Eeeep! I mean, um, yes! Of course! I get it! ...P-please don't hurt me...

Sully: Hurt you? Why in the hell would I do that?

Avatar: *Ahem* Well, if you ARE worried about weight redistribution, you could try this.

Sully: *Sniff* Gods, it smells like horse slop! What is it, some kind of jerky?

Avatar: It's a rare form of dried seaweed, actually. I bought it back in town. The shopkeeper said it contained "insane quantities of fiber." Then he just kept saying "insane" and cackled while doing a little dance... Quite an odd fellow, really.

Sully: Hmm... Sounds risky.

Avatar: Well, I know how brave you are...

Sully: Is that a dare? Fine then! I'll try it!

Avatar: Great! To tell the truth, I've put on a few pounds myself lately... I've been meaning to try the seaweed but was to scar—er, busy! Too busy.

Sully: HA! Too much pie—that's your problem! All right then, Avatar. Let's see who can get in shape faster!

B Support

Sully: Nnngh... Yearrrgh...

Avatar: S-Sully? Oh, gods, Sully, what's wrong?! You look like a corpse! So worn out and thin! ...And your skin—it's GREEN! Have you been poisoned? What have you eaten lately?!

Sully: J-just the...dried gave me... Ate the...whole bag... last night... Oooooo... Unnngh...

Avatar: Wait...did you say...the WHOLE BAG?

Sully: Is...that bad?

Avatar: Sully, you're supposed to tear off a tiny piece and rehydrate it with water first. The chunk I gave you was a month's supply. If you ate the whole thing... Oh, dear heavens. Your poor bowels!

Sully: Kill... this...

Avatar: Sully, I am so, so sorry! I should have explained in more detail!

Sully: Grr... My own...d-damn fault, taking...shortcuts... But I won't...make that mistake again... Gonna start training... Rebuild muscles... Soon as I'm better...

Avatar: You must let me help you somehow. I just feel so awful about this.

Sully: Well... I don't know... Maybe... Oh g-gods... Here it comes again... HPPPMF!

Avatar: ...Yikes, that did not sound good...

A Support

Sully: Hah! Yaaah!

Avatar: Looking good, Sully! Feeling better, I take it? And just LOOK at those muscles! I'd say your training's paid off.

Sully: I'm getting there. Still got a bit of flab right here though.

Avatar: Where? Here?

Sully: Hey! Hands off the merchandise!

Avatar: Um, Sully? That's not fat. That's loose skin.

Sully: Huh?

Avatar: I knew something was weird when you told me you were worried about getting flabby. You train harder than anyone I know.

Sully: Skin, huh?

Avatar: It's probably a result of the seaweed. You lost a lot of weight during your trial, and the muscle is still filling in. Give it another week of combat and eating right, and it'll disappear soon enough.

Sully: Huh. I guess that makes sense.

Avatar: Trust me. You're in perfect shape. I should know—I've been training with you all week!

Sully: Huh. ...Well, all right then.

Avatar: I guess that means you win our contest. My belly hasn't shrunk an inch.

Sully: Well, just don't go trying any of that damn seaweed! Har har har!

Avatar: Er...he he, n-no, that would be a foolish thing to— HuuuRRRRRRGH?! ...Uh-oh.

Sully: Oh, don't tell me... You ate the seaweed?

Avatar: Y-you kept getting...skinnier... I h-had to...catch up...

Sully: You idiot! You saw what that stuff did to me!

Avatar: N-no, you're... Urk! You're right... S-s-so right... Gotta go! *GURRRF*

Sully: Yikes, that did not sound good...

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Sully: Feeling better, Avatar?

Avatar: I think the storm has passed, thank goodness. Plus all the training's starting to finally pay off! My muscles are hard as rocks! Just look at them! Rrrrrr...

Sully: ...Whoa, that IS impressive. Hey, and check out my skin! It's all back to normal! See? Feel it!

Avatar: Er...

Sully: ...What?

Avatar: N-no, I just... L-last time I touched you, you threatened to take my hands off.

Sully: Yeah, well... Maybe I don't mind quite so much now.

Avatar: No...? In that case, maybe it's time I gave you this...

Sully: ...A ring? Are you... Are you proposing to me?

Avatar: I love you, Sully! I can't think about anything else! When we started out, I just saw you as this intimidating stranger... But the more we trained, the more I saw what an amazing person you really are.

Sully: ...I see.

Avatar: So, wh-what do you say?

Sully: ...I guess I've been thinking about you a lot as well, Avatar. Heh, even as I was cursing your name for that damn weight-loss seaweed... Of course, you showing off those muscles didn't hurt either, heh heh... What I want to say is...I feel the same way. So yes. I accept.

Avatar: YES! Oh, I'm so happy! I can finally quit all these workouts... What do you say, shall we have a few pies to celebrate?


Sully (Confession): I...I love you, you bastard. There, I said it. Now, don't ask me again!


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Avatar: ...Vaike? What are you up to out here?

Vaike: Eh? Me? Up to? Nothin'! Har har! Yessir, just a whooole lot of nothin'. Oh, lookie there! Pretty flowers! I sure do love me a pretty flower, don't you? Yep! Love 'em. All of 'em! ...Say what's your favorite flower, Avatar?

Avatar: ...Okay, now I KNOW you're up to something.

Vaike: Har har! Nope, not me! Just lookin' at all them pretty flowers is all. Nice, ain't they?

Avatar: Liar. You're trying to see who's bathing in the spring over there.

Vaike: S-spring? There's a spring? Why, I had NO idea!

Avatar: Don't play dumb with me, Vaike! Now stop leering and get back to camp.

Vaike: Aw, come on now! You're a man! You know how it is! Don't you ever—

Avatar: No. I don't. ...Thank the gods.

Vaike: Right little goody two-shoes, ain't ya? Interrupting my fun just when... Oh, fine. Guess I'm done lookin' at the flowers. But don't think you can keep me— Huh? What's that?

Avatar: That's Sully's horse isn't it? Gods, but it's a fierce-looking brute. Do you see how it's glaring at us? It's almost as if it thinks...


Avatar: B-but I didn't do anything! Gyaaaaaa!

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Vaike: Har! It's the Vaike's luck day! Sully's horse is dozin' away, and that meddling little—

Avatar: Meddling little...what?

Vaike: Blast! You again? Er, I mean... Oh, look! A four-leaf clover! Lucky me!

Avatar: For that lie to work, you actually need to have a four-leaf clover. You were spying on bathing women again, weren't you?! Don't deny it!

Vaike: I DO deny it! ...Besides, what are YOU doing skulkin' around the bushes?

Avatar: I was collecting elderberries. For tea. Not that it's any concern of yours! Now keep your voice down! You might wake up Sully's devil steed.

Vaike: What do you care if it wakes? I'm the one he's got it in for.

Avatar: Not anymore, thanks to you! Ever since that time I caught you snooping, the beast has made me its sworn enemy. if I get within half a league, it's after me like a hound from hell!

Vaike: Har har! So the beast has the evil eye for Lord Goody Two-Shoes himself? There's a word for that... What is it... Tip of my tongue... Oh, I know! ...IRONIC! HAR HAR!

Avatar: Frankly, being tarred with the same brush as you is punishment enough. In any case, neither of us want to be here if that horse wakes up. Come on, let's get back to camp.

Vaike: ...Curses, I truly though today was going to the Vaike's lucky... Wait. That evil horse—it's gone!

Avatar: V-Vaike... D-don't turn around... It's right...behind you...



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Avatar: Hey, Vaike. Why the long face?

Vaike: ...Oh. Hello, Avatar. So, uh...I've been thinkin'. The Vaike's caused ya a lot of grief. I feel bad about it.

Avatar: It's not like you to be so introspective. Why does it worry me...

Vaike: Well, I was having a bath—you know, down by the spring—and well... These ladies appeared outta nowhere and started pointin' and laughin' a poor Teach! I was stark naked, with my clothes hung up on the far side of the creek! I reckon the were gettin' revenge for those times I...accidentally spied on 'em.

Avatar: Huh.

Vaike: And that blasted horse was there, grinnin' like a rabid crocodile! It was humiliatin'!

Avatar: Well, that does sound unpleasant. Even if you only have yourself to blame. One might even call it... Oh what's the word? Ah, yes: ironic! In any case, can we please assume that you've finally learned your lesson?

Vaike: Yeah, now that I know what it's like to be the victim, the Vaike's spyin' days are over.

Avatar: Good. I think when you look back on this later, you'll be glad it happened.but, come. No use moping about what's done. The Shepherds need their Teach. They need his passion and his willingness to take on anything or anyone, damn the odds!

Vaike: Har har. Now that's the truth! ...You're all right, Avatar. A good friend through and through.

Avatar: You...consider me a friend?

Vaike: Darn right! You're in the Vaike circle of trust. Not many folk earn that privilege! ...But now that we're friends and all, that means we can ask each other favors.

Avatar: Favors? Well, I suppose if there's something—

Vaike: I've given up spying, but I owe those girls a good scare! No one makes a mockery of Teach and gets away with it! So put your thinkin' cap on and brew up come kinda revenge scheme, okay? Maybe some way to dump puddin' on their heads or somethin'.

Avatar: Pudding, Vaike? Honestly?


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Avatar: Now, what would he want more than anything? Hmm... Maybe a sword? Wait, what am I thinking? He already owns the most treasured sword of all...

Stahl: Heya, Avatar! You thinking up a birthday present from old man Chrom?

Avatar: He's hardly "old," Stahl... But yes, I am. And to be honest, I'm at a bit of a loss for ideas.

Stahl: Ha! Isn't that a pickle!

Avatar: Buying for royalty would be hard enough, but we're in the middle of a war. It'd have to be small, to transport easily with the caravan, and nothing excessive.

Stahl: Yeah, cheap is good. Chrom's never been much for gold and glitter, anyway. I was actually thinking of brewing up a special concoction for him.

Avatar: You mean like a potion or tonic? I didn't know you dabbled in such!

Stahl: My father is an apothecary, and he taught me the trade.

Avatar: Homemade gifts are always the best! Would that I possessed any such talents...

Stahl: Er, say. My ingredients are quite costly and difficult to find in the wild...

Avatar: Perhaps I could help gather them?

Stahl: Yes, exactly! Then the present could be from the both of us.

Avatar: Perfect! We can solve both our problems in one fell swoop.

Stahl Then it's a deal!

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Avatar: Chrom loved the gift, Stahl! Thanks so much for letting me chip in.

Stahl: Not at all—I should be thanking YOU. I doubt I could have ever afforded everything without your fat purse!

Avatar: Oh, come now. Don't think I'll fall for that old trick... You helped me and just made it seem like I was helping you. I don't know how you do it, but I'm grateful nonetheless!

Stahl: Heh. I guess I've always been good at reading people. Even when I was young, I could tell what folks wanted before they even said it. It's not much of a secret ability, but it's the only one I've got!

Avatar: On the contrary, I think being sensitive to others is a precious skill indeed.

Stahl: I don't know if I'm sensitive, exactly. I just find it easy to read people. You'd be amazed how much you can read from a face, if you know what to look for.

Avatar: And you can always read these thoughts?

Stahl Absolutely!

Avatar: Stahl, that's a remarkable talent! Truly.

Stahl: Ha! Not at all! It's just the coping mechanism of an overly dull man.

Avatar: Reading thoughts from faces or gestures? That's every bit as impressive as magic. I bet you're always one step ahead of your rivals, on the battlefield and off.

Stahl: Hmm... I guess it has saved my skin a time or two.

Avatar: Like how you read my mind when I was wondering what to get Chrom...

Stahl: Er, actually, that time, I just overheard you talking to yourself.

Avatar: Was I? Oh! Ah ha ha...

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Stahl: *Sigh*

Avatar: What's wrong,, Stahl? You sound a bit down.

Stahl: Well, I apparently need to practice, then! It was supposed to be a sigh of relief. Some friends were in a bit of a row, but I managed to calm the waters.

Avatar: You're always doing things like that, aren't you? Helping others with their problems. Most of us are too busy looking after ourselves, but you always find the time.

Stahl: Well, in a way it was for my own sake. Troubled folks make me uncomfortable. When I see friends fighting, my first instinct is to intervene and restore the peace.

Avatar: Ha! And now you're acting humble and deflecting praise from yourself.

Stahl: Er, sorry. Is that annoying?

Avatar: Not annoying, no. But you should stand up for yourself from time to time, too. For example, you could start by telling people that today is your birthday.

Stahl: Huh? You knew?

Avatar: I found out, yes, but not from you! Friends should be able to tell each other that much. War may be raging around us, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun sometimes.

Stahl: I suppose...

Avatar: You spend so much time looking after other people that someone has to look after you. And I've decided that someone is going to be me! So, here. Have a couple of fried fig cakes in honor of your birthday.

Stahl: Aw, my favorite! Thanks, Avatar. You're a true friend.


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Miriel: ...How discomposing.

Avatar: That looked like a pretty bad spill, Miriel. Are you hurt?

Miriel: A minor contusion. Benign.

Avatar: Everything you were carrying went flying. I see your herbs, some papers, a... What is this? A book? A journal?

Miriel: Unhand that, sir!

Avatar: Sorry! Sorry. I didn't realize it was so important.

Miriel: Important? Hmm... ......

Avatar: Miriel?

Miriel: I suppose it does bear some import, yes. It's a lodestar, of sorts. One that points the way to the truth.

Avatar: Wow. Who wrote it? A famous mage or something?

Miriel: Not famous at all, no. The author was my mother.

Avatar: Ah, that explains the rough binding. Er, no offense intended. Still, that's amazing. Was your mother a mage as well? Or perhaps a scientist?

Miriel: What is the impetus for your inquiry?

Avatar: Impetus for my... You mean, why do I ask? Er, I don't know. ...I'm curious? Wouldn't most people be?

Miriel: An autonomic reaction to conversational stimulus. I see... ......

Avatar: Um, did I say something strange?

Miriel: Curious, perhaps. Meriting closer study, certainly. Spontaneous reactive curiosity. Fascinating. But what is the underlying mechanism?

Avatar: ...I really think you're reading too much into this.

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Avatar: Oh, blast! My item pouch is gone. I must have dropped it somewhere...

Miriel: Is this the object in question?

Avatar: Ah, yes! My thanks, Miriel. I keep it tied to my belt, but it's always falling off for some reason.

Miriel: Such actions are indicative of a pervasive downward force exerted on the object. My mother's book contained a passage espousing a similar theory...

Avatar: So, um, can I have my pouch back now?

Miriel: ...Ah, yes. Here is the passage in question: "On all objects there acts a force which pulls them ever groundward." "Though invisible and without apparent cause, it exists nonetheless." "I posit that is is by this principle we remain rooted to the ground." ...Most intriguing!

Avatar: ...Miriel? ...Hello?

Miriel: ...Yet birds fly unencumbered by this force. The sun and stars and clouds do not fall. What explains these exceptions?

Avatar: Miriel? ...Miiiriel? ...MIRIEL!

Miriel: Wah!

Avatar: S-sorry! ...Didn't mean to startle you.

Miriel: My respiratory functions ceased for a moment. This is very disruptive. Please do not scatter my thoughts further.

Avatar: Er, sorry...

Miriel: I require a period of quiet solitude to marshal my thoughts. Farewell.

Avatar: Wait! My...pouch...

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Miriel: So, given these conditions, a body with a mass of X falls at a rate of Y...

Avatar: Um... What are you doing with my item pouch, Miriel?

Miriel: Experimenting in an attempt to establish a unified theory of falling. Whether thrown, catapulted, or dropped from great heights, it falls to the ground. The results have been consistent across hundreds of trials.

Avatar: H-hey! I had a lot of fragile things in the pouch! Potions and baubles and... *Sigh* ...You know what? Keep it.

Miriel: Thank you.

Avatar: Sometimes I wish you'd show have as much interest in people as you do in science.

Miriel: Well, I am interested in certain people. You, for example.

Avatar: Me? Why me?

Miriel: You have a virtuosic proficiency in strategy, despite your amnesia. It is truly fascinating. From this, we can extrapolate two possible hypotheses. One: talent is wholly independent from memory and experience. Two: memories and experience related to the use of one's talents cannot be lost.

Avatar: Miriel? Are you still talking to me?

Miriel: I am now, yes.

Avatar: Er, you're not going to tell me not to disrupt your thoughts again?

Miriel: I can if you wish it.

Avatar: N-no, thanks. I'm just happy to know I wasn't a bother, I guess.

Miriel: That would be difficult. You are the focus of intense interest on my part.

Avatar: O-kay. I just don't like to think that I'm bothering a friend. That's all.

Miriel: I was unaware that our interactions had acquired the label of friendship.

Avatar: Why not? I think it must have happened somewhere along the way, right? ...No?

Miriel: Fascinating...

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Miriel: Might I have a moment, Avatar? The pouch you donated to my research the other day contained...this.

Avatar: Ah!

Miriel: Judging from the toroid shape and material properties, it is some manner of ring. Quite beautifully crafted, if naive in design. Is this your handiwork?

Avatar: Oh, no. I bought it in town a ways back. It was too pretty to pass up. I figured if I ever found someone to marry, I could...give it to them.

Miriel: Ah. My apologies, then, for not returning it to you sooner.

Avatar: Er... Actually, how about... How about you keep it?

Miriel: Are you certain? ...But you claimed it a ring you would give your future wife?

Avatar: Yeah, that's... That's kind of my point, actually.

Miriel: I see. The ring is for your wife, yet you give the ring to me. Ergo, I would be your wife.

Avatar: Well, that's one way to think of it, sure... But yes, that's the idea.

Miriel: How interesting. No concrete boundary demarcates the entrance to friendship... Yet the spousal relationship is strictly codified with explicit cues and rituals! ...Very well. From this moment on, the transitive property holds that I am yours.

Avatar: You do have a choice in the matter, you know?

Miriel: I'm well aware of this. Call it spontaneous reactive affection. Or an autonomic reply to emotional stimuli. Or perhaps it's an invisible, inexorable force that draws me to you. Whatever the causation, I suspect I've fallen for you. ...Ah! This calls for a new unified theory!

Avatar: Heh, well we've got the rest of our lives to figure it out. (...And the rest of my life to try and understand what the heck you're saying.)

Miriel: Yes! Let us begin the experimentation immediately.

Miriel (Confession): What rapture! To have an astute significant other with whom to scrutinize this world's illimitable mysteries.


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Avatar: The others claim it's a ghost, but I refuse to put stock in such things.

Kellam: Claim what is a ghost?

Avatar: WAAAAAAAAAAH! ...Oh! It's you, Kellam! You surprised me.

Kellam: Sorry. You looked a little worried... I just wanted to see if you were all right.

Avatar: Well, there IS something troubling me... The men are reporting strange incidents—baffling phenomena that defy explanation.

Kellam: Goodness! Like what?

Avatar: Well, for example, whenever a group of us gather, drinks materialize on the table. Also, there's always one more cup than people present. But everyone denies that they brought the cup or served the drinks! It's most peculiar. So peculiar, in fact, that some are claiming it to be the work of spirits...

Kellam: It's not a ghost.

Avatar: Oh, of course it's not. I just don't know what it could possibly—

Kellam: It's me. I serve the drinks.

Avatar: You? ...But wait. Why would you bring one cup to many?

Kellam: That's my cup. I guess it's just that no one ever...notices me...

Avatar: What?! That's almost as absurd as the ghost theory!

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Avatar: La de dah de dum... ♪ Shanty Pete danced on a barrel of rum... ♪ Oh, hullo?! Where did this drink come from? ...Kellam, are you there?

Kellam: Right here. ...In front of you.

Avatar: Ah, yes, of course—now I see you. Thank you for the drink!

Kellam: I didn't want to interrupt while you were humming there. Sorry...

Avatar: Not at all! I was just taken aback when the cup seemed to appear by my elbow...

Kellam: Um, yes. Sorry...again...

Avatar: You know, Kellam, if you want people to notice you more, you should speak up.

Kellam: Oh, I'm not looking to be noticed. Not especially, anyway.

Avatar: Well, if that's your plan, I have to say you are succeeding brilliantly.

Kellam: Plus whenever I do speak, people start screaming about hearing voices. At least, that's what happened at dinner last night...

Avatar: Heh, so that WAS you... Half the camp refused to come out of their tents for fear of the "ghost"!

Kellam: Sorry!

Avatar: Stop being sorry! It's their own fault for being such superstitious hens.

Kellam: Yes, but I understand now why people react so strangely whenever I do them favors. Next time I bring tea for everyone, I'll be sure to shout out what I'm doing. And I'll try to stop standing sideways... Or in shadows. Or behind barrels...

Avatar: Splendid idea, Kellam! That's the spirit! We'll get you noticed yet.

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Kellam: Eh? A slice of crowberry pie? What's this doing here?

Avatar: It's for you, Kellam.

Kellam: Avatar! Y-you saw me!

Avatar: The trick is to squint and look sideways. I've been working on it here and there. Anyway, you're always so helpful to everyone else, I wanted to return the favor.

Kellam: ...Thanks

Avatar: Not at all. It's the least I can do.

Kellam: Gosh, you really are good to me, Avatar. I know I said I don't do it for thanks, but it IS nice to hear...especially from you. ...Well, guess I'll be going now.

Avatar: What in the... How did he DO that?! He just vanished!

Kellam: Er, I'm right over here. Straightening up these axes.

Avatar: ...Oh, right. Of course. I knew that. It's just that you gave this enigmatic smile, turned to the left, and then...disappeared! Almost as if you'd achieved enlightenment and transcended this mortal plane!

Kellam: ...That's some imagination you have.

Avatar: Ha ha. Yes, well...perhaps I've read a few too many morality plays as of late. In any case, forget the axes for now—everyone is waiting to see you.

Kellam: Me? ...But why?

Avatar: They all want to apologize for making such a fuss about the supposed hauntings.

Kellam: ...Oh, um, I don't know. That sounds like an awful lot of attention...

Avatar: Sometimes, Kellam, we all have to stand up and be noticed.

Kellam: All right. But if I'm feeling shy, I might have to transcend to a higher plane again.

Avatar: Ah-HA! I KNEW IT!

Kellam: That was a joke! A joke? ...Ha ha ha? ...Avatar? Why are you backing away from me like that?


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Avatar: That's a lot of books you've got there, Sumia. Are you going to read all of them?

Sumia: Oh, hello, Avatar! Yes, this IS a lot of books, isn't it? Someone threw them out of a wagon, so I figured I'd give them a good home.

Avatar: What a good idea! I always find it relaxing to do a little light reading in the evening.

Sumia: Oh, you can borrow some if you want? I certainly can't read them all at once.

Avatar: You don't mind?

Sumia: Of course not! Here, which one looks good?

Avatar: I'm not sure. What do you recommend?

Sumia: Let's see... Ooh, this one looks like a real page-turner! "Shanty Pete and the Haunted Pirates"!

Avatar: Er, thank you, but I don't like to read scary stories before bed.

Sumia: Oh, of course. Well, what about... "A Simpleton's Guide to Pegasus Care"?

Avatar: I'm not really that into animal nonfiction...

Sumia: Well, maybe third time's the charm. Let's see now... Oh, this looks great! "Wyvern Wars: Terror at High Noon"!

Avatar: ...Do you perhaps have anything a bit more...literary?

Sumia: ...Oh, pegasus poop! I'm USELESS at this! Useless, useless, useless! Just pick him out a book, Sumia! It's so easy, Sumia! But noooooo! I'm too...darn...USELESS! *Sniff* Waaaaaaaaah!

Avatar: Oh, goodness! Please don't cry! I didn't mean to imply... A-actually, did you say "Wyvern Wars"? I've always wanted to read that one! I mean, it has terror at high noon and everything, right? You, uh, can't beat that...

Sumia: *Sniff* R-really? You want that one? Oh, I'm so happy... I hope you like it!

Avatar: (Pretty sure I have to at this point...)

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Avatar: Here's that book I borrowed, Sumia. It was actually pretty interesting. The encounter at high noon was epic! I stayed up far too late reading it.

Sumia: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I'll bump it up to the top of my pile.

Avatar: So, what are you reading now?

Sumia: "Ribald Tales of the Faith War."

Avatar: I've never heard of it. Is it a novel?

Sumia: Yes. It's roughly based on historical events, but all the characters are made up. And there's lots of... Well, ribald parts. But I suppose that's obvious.

Avatar: You don't say?

Sumia: Do you like novels, Avatar? Or are you more of a nonfiction type?

Avatar: Novels are good. Although I suppose I read a little bit of everything.

Sumia: Oh, I just LOVE a good novel! I get so caught up in them I sometimes forget my own sad little life. I can pretend to be a knight in shiny armor! ...Or maybe an evil mage. Bwa ha ha!

Avatar: I know what you mean. I always feel a bit sad when a good story comes to an end.

Sumia: Oh, I know. Then it's back to reality for Sumia! Back to sad, sad reality... Er, but then I think about the next story and get excited all over again!

Avatar: So then? What are you planning to read next?

Sumia: "Mad Tales of a Bloodthirsty Falcon Knight"! ...Volume one. Of thirty-seven.

Avatar: Oh. Well, that's certainly thing...

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Sumia: Hold, Avatar! Do you think me insane?!

Avatar: Well, I didn't...

Sumia: For I see that which others cannot! Demons and devils lurk in shadows dark!

Avatar: A-are you feeling all right, Sumia? Perhaps I should summon a healer...

Sumia: ...What? Hee hee! Oh, no, I'm fine! See, I'm reading a new book. I was just pretending to be the heroine. Her name is Madame Shambles, and she sees what others cannot in shadows dark! Anyway, I've been saying her lines to try and get inside her head and be more like her. ...Do you think that's weird?

Avatar: Yes, it's actually very weird.

Sumia: Oh, pegasus dung! I was worried it might be. But see, I thought if I could act like her, I'd maybe become less of a clod.

Avatar: You don't need to pretend to be someone else, Sumia. You're perfect as you are! ...Well, maybe not perfect. But pretty good. Anyway, if you did end up changing, we'd lose the Sumia we know and love.

Sumia: R-really? Gosh, I never figured anyone would give two hoots. But if YOU'D miss me, Avatar...

Avatar: Of course I would!

Sumia: Well, all right then! My next book will be about a girl who's clumsy and plain like me!

Avatar: Er, I think you're missing the point of—

Sumia: Ooo, wait! Look at this one! "The Princess Who Fell Down the Stairs"! It's PERFECT!

Avatar: Yes... Yes, I suppose it is.

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Avatar: ...Sumia? I can't help but notice that you aren't carrying a book.

Sumia: I'm done with books! No more make-believe for me! At least, not until I gain more confidence in who I am.

Avatar: Oh? What brought this on?

Sumia: I realized I was using those stories to run away from myself. Every time I messed up, I'd read a book and pretend I was someone else. Well, that's just not healthy! ...Plus I was running out of books. Anyway, I decided it was time to stop before I became totally helpless.

Avatar: You're not hopeless, Sumia.

Sumia: Oh, posh! It's nice of you to say so for my sake, but you can be honest with me.

Avatar: I am being honest, Sumia. I've been thinking of you ever since we started sharing books. In truth I...I think about you all the time. And I've grown incredibly fond of you.

Sumia: Um, are YOU pretending to be a character now? Because I can't believe that—

Avatar: I bought a ring! ...For you, I mean. I'm a simple man with little in the way of wealth or land or social opportunity. And I certainly can't make you a princess like the heroines in your stories. But I can promise to love you more each day that we are together. Sumia, will you marry me?

Avatar: Oh, Avatar... I don't need to be a princess! I don't need anything else if I have you! I accept! I accept with all my heart!

Avatar: Oh, Sumia, I'm so happy! It's like we're in a storybook of our very own.

Sumia: And we'll live happily ever after!

Sumia (Confession): It's so nice to feel special for once, to love someone more than anything in the world and have them love me back.


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Lon'qu: ... *Ahem* ...I cannot focus with you leering at me.

Avatar: Oh! Sorry, Lon'qu. I just got caught up with watching you practice. Your style is a perfect blend of accuracy, power, and speed. They really know what they're doing up in Regna Ferox.

Lon'qu: Strength is everything there. Weakness is weeded out and eliminated.

Avatar: Would you mind teaching me a few moves?

Lon'qu: ...I am no teacher. Besides, you are of Ylisse. The knights of your people have their own style. You would be better served learning from Frederick.

Avatar: Oh, I already am. But with the two styles being so different, why not learn what both can offer? It's possible a mix of the two would be stronger than either one alone.

Lon'qu: A naive thought. ...But not impossible. Very well. Draw your sword.

Avatar: Wait, we're jumping right into sparring?

Lon'qu: I told you, I am no teacher. You will have to learn for yourself. Come! Show me how a man of Ylisse fights! You will not be he only one to learn here.

Avatar: So be it!

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Lon'qu: Here for another round?

Avatar: Thank you, but no. I'm still recovering from the last one... I'll say this—I'm glad we're not at war with Ferox!

Lon'qu: And I'm far from her strongest. I am...inexperienced, yet. Raw.

Avatar: I find that hard to believe. You're a beast! But I guess you got where you are now by being though on yourself.

Lon'qu: No. Just truthful. If you saw what I have seen... If you saw him fight, you would know how far I have to go.

Avatar: You mean Khan Basilio?

Lon'qu: His command of his weapon lends it a weight. A...depth. I may as well be swinging a feather by comparison. Knowing his power, I would not dare call myself strong.

Avatar: But he's given you something to strive for. I'm envious, really.

Lon'qu: If you would grow stronger, find a paragon of your own to pursue. Meanwhile, if you wish to spar, you need only ask.

Avatar: I will, thanks.

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Lon'qu: ......

Avatar: Did you need something, Lon'qu?

Lon'qu: It's been to long since we fought. I feared you were neglecting your training, but... Is this mountain of books all treatises on warcraft?

Avatar: Yes. I have to balance training my sword arm along with honing my tactician's eye. We're a small force up against a big army. We need to fight smart to survive.

Lon'qu: ...You are a strange one. Strategist or soldier—most men make their choice and don't look back.

Avatar: Then I choose to be the first man to pick both. I want to keep my friends safe. And the townspeople and everyone else, too. So when my sword won't reach, I'll protect them with my tactics.

Lon'qu: You once said you envied me because you had no one to serve as your goal. Perhaps that's what because you aim for heights no man has yet achieved.

Avatar: Is what I said really so revolutionary?

Lon'qu: What you propose is a tremendous undertaking. ...But a worthy one. I suspect there is much I can learn from you yet.


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Ricken: Hrmmm...

Avatar: Still writing a reply to that letter? You've been staring at a blank page for an hour. Was it bad news? Nothing serious, I hope.

Ricken: No, just an average letter from my parents. "Hope you're well," and all that.

Avatar: Then why are you so strapped for a reply?

Ricken: It's...tricky. I just don't know what to say.

Avatar: There're plenty of things you could write about! Especially after that last battle. Tell them about how you dodged one brush with death after the next! Impress them!

Ricken: Are you insane?! The object is to make them worry about me LESS!

Avatar: Oh. Right. Well, why not tell the about that fight against the Risen? Talk about how you tore them limb from limb and flung the pieces to the winds!

Ricken: But I did no such thing! Besides, that would have them worried about me in a whole other way... See the problem? I can't LIE, but if I write about how things really are, they'll worry. And if I write about how much I miss them, that only makes things worse...

Avatar: How about just a few words to let them know you're all right?

Ricken: ...I don't know. Maybe I'll just hold off until I do something that makes them proud.

Avatar: Well, if they could've heard you just now, they already would be.

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Ricken: Hmm...

Avatar: Still haven't written a reply to your parents, have you?

Ricken: Yep. Stuck again. I can't think of the right words to say.

Avatar: You could always just head back.

Ricken: Head back where? Home?

Avatar: Why not? Stop by for a quick visit. Spend some time with your family. I'm not saying to drop everything and go tomorrow, but once things settle down.

Ricken: ...No. I can't go back yet.

Avatar: Why not?

Ricken: I don't know how much you know about me, but I come from an old, respected house. And lately, my family home—and name—has fallen into serious disrepair. So this war is about more than saving the world, at least for me. It's about restoring my family name. And I can't go home until I've done it.

Avatar: That's a lot to put on yourself, Ricken. Your parents are lucky to have you. Hard to imagine such a model son running around dismembering Risen and flinging—

Ricken: Stop with the dismembering already! What kind of monster do you think I am?

Avatar: Ha ha, I'm just teasing. Seriously, though, if you won't visit, you should write. Sparing your parents from worry is part of being a good son, after all.

Ricken: Yeah, I know you're right... Okay, I'll keep it real basic. "Dear Mom and Dad, I hope you're well."

Avatar: "Today I saved the life of my beloved, and the field ran red with the blood of my foes!"

Ricken: "Today I saved the..." ARRRGH! Will you NOT do that?!

Avatar: I'm helping.

Ricken: YOU ARE NOT!

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Ricken: Hey, Avatar. Would you mind sending this out with other deliveries?

Avatar: Letter to the family, eh? So did you finally figure out what to write?

Ricken: I just wrote the truth: that I miss them and hope to see them again soon.

Avatar: No tales of glory? No brave words? ...No dismemberment?

Ricken: Hah! Not this time. I guess restoring the family name will have to wait a bit longer. I simply wrote that I've come a long way, but there's still more to be done. Not the greatest news in the world, but better than silence, I guess.

Avatar: But it IS great news! I'm sure it'll put their minds at ease.

Ricken: By telling them how weak I still am?

Avatar: No, by telling them you know your limits and you're working to overcome them. That's a very mature way of thinking. I'm sure they'll be proud.

Ricken: Heh heh! You really think so?

Avatar: I guarantee it! You did great, Ricken. Now get over here!

Ricken: EWWW! Leggo! No noogies! Stop treating me like a kid! Didn't you JUST finish saying how mature I was?!

Avatar: Ha ha! Sorry, it's just that hat and those cute wittle cheeks just begging to be pinc—

Ricken: Come one, knock it off!


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Avatar: Crepuscule... Crepuscule... What did that mean again?

Maribelle: Are you studying, Avatar?

Avatar: Oh, hello, Maribelle. Just reading up a bit.

Maribelle: Reading up, how lovely. I hadn't realized the lowborn read at all!

Avatar: Did you just drop by to look down your nose at me, or was there something else?

Maribelle: A noble's nose engages in no such activities! I was sincerely impressed. If my turn of phrase offended, I apologize. Forgive me?

Avatar: Er, all right. I take it back. But was there something you needed?

Maribelle: Yes. I had hoped to learn more about you.

Avatar: Me? Why me? I'm not that interesting, you know.

Maribelle: Can you fault me for being curious about an amnesiac with a genius for strategy? You've also earned quite a bit of trust from my dear friend Lissa. It's only natural that I'd want to learn more about the stranger in our midst. I suppose you might simply say that I hoped we could become...friends. Unless you object, of course.

Avatar: No, I don't object, per se. But...weren't we already friends?

Maribelle: Oh, I'm pleased to hear you say that, Avatar!

Avatar: Heh! You really can be sweet sometimes, Maribelle. Well then, ask away. If I know the answer, I'm happy to tell it.

Maribelle: Oh, lovely! That's very kind. Well, then... Tell me about the quaint customs of the unwashed masses from whence you come? I'm especially interested in this "slang" of which you brutes seem so fond...

Avatar: ...I take back what I said, and then I take back the take-back before that.

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Maribelle: A question about the material we covered yesterday, Avatar.

Avatar: Ah, you mean about my lessons on the language of the great unwashed?

Maribelle: Precisely, yes. I immediately set about to practice what you'd taught me, but... Well, everyone I spoke to looked askance, or avoided eye contact altogether. Others still contorted with glee, as if they were stifling laughter.

Avatar: Wait, you used that slang? Out loud? In public?

Maribelle: If you hope to communicate with a person, you must first speak their language, no? And the quickest way to internalize new knowledge is to put it into practice!

Avatar: Yeeees, both of those are technically true. But, Maribelle, when we talked, I... Look. The examples I taught you are reserved for intimate friends.

Maribelle: What?! You knew this and didn't tell me? Did you hope to ruin me? Wait... So when I told Chrom he was "a right sweet bit'a fruit"...? You mean to tell me that was inappropriate?

Avatar: I'm sorry! It was all in good fun! I never though you'd actually—

Maribelle: One moment. If you taught me this slang, then you must consider us intimate friends?

Avatar: Uh...

Maribelle: I'm afraid I had no idea! I'm flattered, Avatar, truly. In that case, I ought have begun my practice with you. Forgive me.

Avatar: No, that's... I don't...

Maribelle: Awright then, pet? Everythin' luvverly jubberly, ain't it? 'Ave a bit'a rabbit?

Avatar: MARIBELLE! Stop! Please! I can literally hear everything you stand for screaming and dying in agony! Look, I'll clear things up with everyone. Okay? I'll take the blame. Just please, please, PLEASE promise you'll never talk like that again.

Maribelle: Well, I suppose if it's that important to you...

Avatar: Thank you.

Maribelle: Hey, no skin off my arse, is it? I'll shut me north and south!

Avatar: ...Wait a minute. I didn't teach you that. Damnation! Who has done this to you, Maribelle? Who?!

Maribelle: Hm-hm! I'm afraid THAT is my little secret...

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Avatar: Er, Maribelle? I have an idea... Why don't we skip the slang lesson today? Instead, maybe you could teach me about the aristocratic life?

Maribelle: Any chance to educate my social inferiors is a chance I will take. Now then! What would you like to know?

Avatar: Well, you hear people talk about a noble bearing, yes? What is that exactly?

Maribelle: Well, I suppose it begins with learning to stand properly.

Avatar: Am I not really standing now? Because it feels like I'm standing.

Maribelle: You have the posture of a damp noodle! The resolute promise of a soufflé! A noble stands...thusly. The spine forms a straight line. Pretend an invisible thread pulls your head ever skyward. ...Go on, give it a try.

Avatar: Let's see. Straight spine... Invisible thread... Like this?

Maribelle: Why are you jutting your chin out?

Avatar: It happens naturally when I force my head up.

Maribelle: A pauper's instinct! Cast it away!

Avatar: Is this better?

Maribelle: Your shoulders are raised. Lower them and hold your chest high.

Avatar: So like...this?

Maribelle: Yes! Just so! There, now. That wasn't so hard, was it? I say, you're quite the apt pupil, Avatar. With enough practice, you could become a gentleman fit for the highest court! Well, I may exaggerate. Perhaps one of the more middling courts.

Avatar: You think? Wow, I never—

Maribelle: Then it's settled! I shall make it my personal mission to shape you into a man of high society. I'll instruct you until you're fit to walk with kings! ...Or at least a baron or two.

Avatar: Er, you don't really have to—

Maribelle: Bup-bup-bup! Nothing is less noble than leaving a task half done! You needn't be shy. We're intimate friends, after all.

Avatar: Wait... This is revenge for the slang incident, isn't it?

Maribelle: Less talking, more walking! ...ARISTOCRATIC walking, please! Then we will work on ballroom dance and how to properly wield a fork!

Avatar: Heeeeelp meeeeeee!

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Maribelle: Well, shall we conclude today's etiquette lesson here, then? You've been very patient, Avatar. Go on and rest up for tomorrow.

Avatar: Actually, Maribelle? I was hoping you could teach me one more thing...

Maribelle: Quite the eager student today, aren't we? Very well, what shall we cover?

Avatar: How to give a present to a lady. ...Specifically a ring.

Maribelle: What? ...Since when is there a lady in your life, Avatar?

Avatar: For a while now, actually.

Maribelle: But... *ahem* not a word of it to your dear friend Maribelle?! For shame! Name the strumpet! I'll see that she is... Er... *Ahem* I mean...that's fine. You are entitled to your privacy. But I'm afraid even I can't teach the proper etiquette in this case. For such matters, it's best to set protocol aside and show your feelings honestly.

Avatar: Oh, good. Come here, then.

Maribelle: ...I beg your pardon?!

Avatar: You hand. Give it here.

Maribelle: Wh-what are you... Be gentle!

Avatar: Aaand, there! ...It looks good on you.

Maribelle: ...A gold band? Forgive me, but what is this, precisely?

Avatar: A proposal.

Maribelle: As in marriage?! So then, the lady you were to give it to is...

Avatar: Wearing it. Thanks to the etiquette lessons, I've been spending every day with you.

Maribelle: Well, apparently it hasn't been enough—your proposal was most ungainly! But it was also...wonderful. Oh, Avatar, you've made me so very happy.

Avatar: Then your answer is yes?

Maribelle: Of course! I have the rest of our lives to shape you into my perfect gentleman.

Maribelle (Confession): My lord, you saw to the very core of my heart. And may the gods help you if you break it.


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Avatar: Er, Panne?

Panne: What?

Avatar: Would you tell me more about the taguel? I barely know anything about them, and I thought... I mean, if you don't mind...

Panne: I do not.

Avatar: Wait, really?

Panne: No, I do not mind. Why do you doubt me?

Avatar: I don't know, I guess I just didn't imagine you saying yes so easily. I was all ready to argue my case. You kind of took the wind out of my sails.

Panne: Is it I who frighten you so, man-spawn? Or the fact that I am taguel?

Avatar: N-no, neither! Nothing like that. It's just... I thought you might not take kindly to me asking about your people. I know it was humans who killed them, after all.

Panne: Humans like you, yes. But not you. You do not bear the blame for what was done, so do not bear the guilt. Guilt creates distance. If you would learn of my people, cast it aside.

Avatar: All right.

Panne: Mmm. At last you are calm. Your heart has slowed.

Avatar: You can hear my heartbeat?

Panne: Lesson one—taguel have strong ears. A heart's beat always betrays its owner.

Avatar: Heh. Remind me never to play cards against you... Oh, I have a meeting, but I would love to know more... Can we talk again soon?

Panne: Of course. It is nice to find someone who is curious about my people.

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Avatar: So, do all shape-shifters turn into rabbits, Panne?

Panne: No. There were others, far from here. Tribes of cat-wearers and bird-wearers.

Avatar: Whoa, I would have loved to see that... I bet they were so cuddly and cute! Er...sorry. I probably shouldn't call a race of proud warriors "cute."

Panne: They were not cute. At least, not like the rabbit-wearers are cute. But then, what is? Nothing.

Avatar: Heh heh, r-right. So, did you ever meet these other tribes yourself?

Panne: Long ago. How they fare now, I do not know. Perhaps they shared the same bloody fate as my own people...

Avatar: I... I didn't mean to...

Panne: I am sorry. There is no call for you to share in my gloom. So, another question?

Avatar: Oh... Um, well, what do you like to eat?

Panne: Taguel eat many things.

Avatar: No, I mean you, specifically. I'm on kitchen duty tonight—I'll cook whatever you want. It was my being nosy that made you sad, right? Let me cheer you back up!

Panne: You are...oddly kind.

Avatar: So, let me guess... Carrot stew?

Panne: ...How did you know?

Avatar: Ha ha, sorry! I know, just because you're a rabbit doesn't mean you... Wait, I was right?

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Panne: *Sniff* Ah! Is that your famous carrot stew I smell? I hope you don't mind if I sneak a taste before dinner?

Avatar: No, Panne, wait! That's not for—

Panne: *Sluuuurp*

Avatar: ... Oh dear. I'm SO sorry, Panne, but I messed up the recipe on that batch. Everybody said it Well, actually they said it tasted like last month's dishwater, but...

Panne: It seems perfectly fine to me.

Avatar: ...You've got to be joking.

Panne: Taguel never joke about food. Nothing seems off here. It tastes exactly like every other time you have made it.

Avatar: It does?! You mean, ALL the stews tasted like this to you? And you ate them? Taguel taste buds must not work like ours. ...Or at all.

Panne: Would you mind if I had a bowl?

Avatar: Hey, take the whole pot if you want! No one else will touch the stuff.

Panne: Many thanks. You really are too kind, Avatar.

Avatar: Soup-er happy to hear you say that, Panne!

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Panne: Mmm. That was excellent. Delicious as always, Avatar.

Avatar: Not a widely held opinion, but thanks.

Panne: That suits me just fine. I get your food all to myself. More warmth for me.

Avatar: I suppose it is warm, at least... Not a very high bar, is it?

Panne: No. Not that warmth. I mean it warms my heart. I had forgotten what that felt like. I was alone for so long...

Avatar: ......

Panne: ...Heh. I am being gloomy again. Forget I said anything.

Avatar: Panne, I... Here.

Panne: Wait, this is...?

Avatar: It's a ring, Panne. I want you to marry me.

Panne: ...Marry?

Avatar: Oh, well... Marriage is when two people promise to stay with each other for life. You mean so much to me. It tears me up to think of you being alone... You've had too much of that already. ...Let me be your family.

Panne: You would do that?

Avatar: If you'll let me, yes.

Panne: And I would never be alone again?

Avatar: Not for as long as I lived.

Panne: And will you cook for me every day?

Avatar: If you want, sure.

Panne: ...I knew you were kind, Avatar. But this... I'm happier than I believed possible! This is better than the first time I tried your carrot stew!

Avatar: Well I should HOPE I'm better than that!

Panne (Confession): To think that I might love a human... What a strange world this is.


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Avatar: Gaius, I am SO sorry about earlier! I had no idea you were in the bath...

Gaius: Aw, no worries. At least I hadn't taken off my smallclothes yet, eh?

Avatar: Yes, but...I still may have seen more than you intended.

Gaius: WHAT?! You saw THAT?! Gods, how embarrassing... It's just...uh...some poison oak I got into the other day, I swe—

Avatar: I'm talking about the tattoo on your arm. It's the one they use to mark convicted criminals, isn't it?

Gaius: Oh, that? Yeah, I got caught once doing a favor for a mate. Paid the price. But, uh, I'd appreciate it if you kept that little nugget under your hat, Bubbles.

Avatar: ...Did you just call me Bubbles? Er, but don't worry. I won't tell any—

Gaius: You'll tell everyone, you say? So it's to be blackmail, is it? Fine then. I can understand an opportunity to line your pockets. You can have my potion of dinner tonight, okay? Will that slake your greed for now?!

Avatar: Er, one helping of bear is already more than enough, thanks. Also, I'm not blackma—

Gaius: You drive a hard bargain, Bubbles! Very well. Take this custard pie!

Avatar: ...No, thank you. I'm not—

Gaius: If you are looking for ransom, I can assure you I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of honey cakes...

Avatar: Look, I don't want any treats from you, all right?! I'll keep your blasted secret!

Gaius: Whoa, easy there, Bubbles! Here, maybe a little sweet wine will put you in a better mood...

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Avatar: Gaius? I didn't know you ran a market stall...

Gaius: Oh, sure. I like to get out, meet the common folk, sell the odd trinket... Speaking of which, see anything you fancy? I've got silk smallclothes from exotic ports, genuine leather belts, top-quality figs...

Avatar: Do you have any books? Strategy books, specifically? I've been hoping to expand my tactical knowledge to better serve the Shepherds. However, I can't find a single volume in these parts. It really is most strange...

Gaius: Strategy books, is it? Wait right there, Bubbles!

Avatar: Huh? Where'd he go? ...Oh, you're back! That was fast.

Gaius: Take a gander at this lot, and tell me if any of 'em tickle your fancy!

Avatar: By the... Gaius, this crate is FULL of books! Did you buy every tome in the market?!

Gaius: Sort of. Here, they're yours. Every last one, my gift to you! But that makes us even about the whole "wink-wink" thing!

Avatar: Gods, but you are pigheaded. For the last time, Gaius, I am NOT blackmailing you! Now please, return these books. I can't take them in good conscience.

Gaius: Oh, I see! Books aren't good enough? Still holding out for something better?!

Avatar: Sometimes I wonder why I even try... Hey, that's a handsome cloak. Looks warm, too.

Gaius: You like that cloak? I can buy it for you!


Gaius: Guess not!

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Gaius: Here, Bubbles. I got you something.

Avatar: Is this...a belt? With stones inlaid? Er, thank you, Gaius, but—

Gaius: Yep. Just a plaaaaaain old belt that's worth a big sack of gold down at the market.

Avatar: Then I must refuse. I can't accept such an extravagant gift.

Gaius: All right, maybe I stretched the truth, just a little... It'd be worth a sack of gold IF they paid for sentimental value, see? ...'Cause I made it myself.

Avatar: YOU made this? But, it's magnificent!

Gaius: Pleased you like it, Bubbles. Makes all the effort worthwhile.

Avatar: But why did you—

Gaius: Oh, no particular reason! None at all! good turn and all that.

Avatar: You're trying to bribe me again, aren't you?! I've already told you a hundred times, I'll keep your secret! I gave you my word, and that should be the end of it!

Gaius: Look, I trust you. Honest and truly. It's just than in my business, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Guy who says he'll do something for nothing? Well, he's the first one wanting payback down the line!

Avatar: ...Oh, very well. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. I have something important to tell you.

Gaius: Important?

Avatar: It's a secret. A very embarrassing one. You see... *whisper, whisper*

Gaius: BWAAA HA HA HA! And the cow...?! Oh, you did NOT do that!

Avatar: Ah, but I did. And now you are the only one who knows. So in return for you keeping it safe, I promise to safeguard YOUR secret. Do we have a deal?

Gaius: ...Heh, I see what you did there. And...I appreciate it. All right. Deal. ...But you have to keep the belt! It's not a bribe, now. More like a... I don't know... A thank-you gift.

Avatar: In that case, I accept.


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Avatar: Ow! I used the last of the salve yesterday, but this cut still stings... What to do, what to do...

Cordelia: You're not out of salve. I restocked your medical supplies this morning.

Avatar: You did? Ah, that's great. Thank you, Cordelia. You never miss a detail, do you?

Cordelia: I just like to stay on top of things. By taking stock of everyone's equipment, I know when anything needs replacing.

Avatar: Wait, you keep track of EVERYONE'S equipment?! ...All in your head?

Cordelia: Of course. Imagine the chaos if our potions and equipment ran out at the same time.

Avatar: ...Gods. I can certainly see why everyone calls you a genius.

Cordelia: Do not call me that!

Avatar: Oh, I'm sorry... I meant no offense.

Cordelia: ...No, of course you didn't. Please forgive me. It's just superiors called me that from the moment I joined the knights. It was so very hard sometimes... Little Lady Genius, they called me. They teased and taunted me...

Avatar: Oh...

Cordelia: They mocked me, too... My appearance, and my javelin technique...

Avatar: Gracious! I had no idea members of the pegasus knights could be so spiteful... I assure you, when I called you a genius, I meant it only as a compliment.

Cordelia: I know. I'm just overly sensitive, that's all.

Avatar: Well, if you ever need to talk, just let me know.

Cordelia: Well, since you offered... What do you think of this javelin? I'm not sure about the balance, myself.

Avatar: Er, I meant if you ever need to talk about... Never mind.

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Cordelia: Avatar! Look, I crafted a new javelin based on your feedback.

Avatar: You MADE one?

Cordelia: Er, yes?

Avatar: As in, you forged it yourself? You didn't assemble it...from a kit, or something?

Cordelia: No... I cut a sapling, fashioned a grip, and hammered the point in the forge. I suppose I could have waited around for the javelin fairy, but she's so unpredictable. Here, look. See the pattern on the shaft? It's my own design. ...Well? What do you think?

Avatar: I think that I wasn't expecting you to go and fashion a whole javelin from scratch! You really ARE a genius!

Cordelia: I beg your pardon?

Avatar: Oh, I... Sorry, I know you're sensitive about that word. I take it back. Anyway, I'm glad I was able to help. If there's else I can do...

Cordelia: Heh, Avatar, you are far too kind! Why, if I... N-no, wait. We can't be doing this. People will get the wrong idea!

Avatar: Doing what? What wrong idea?

Cordelia: If you're so kind to me all the time, people will start to think...we're friends.

Avatar: ...Oh. I thought you were going to say something else... Er, but why would that be so bad? We are friends...aren't we?

Cordelia: D-do you think so?! Truly?

Avatar: Of course. Why not?

Cordelia: Oh, I'm sorry. I guess... I guess I grew accustomed to not having any. I was the youngest recruit in the pegasus knights. All of my comrades were veterans. There was no one whom I could truly call my "friend."

Avatar: That' very sad.

Cordelia: Oh, well as I said, I grew accustomed to it. Besides, I did have my pegasus to talk to. Even if the chats were a bit one sided.

Avatar: Heh, I guess they would be...

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Cordelia: Avatar! Guess what? I showed my new javelin to everyone in camp. They were all so complimentary! Thank you again for the help.

Avatar: Don't thank me! You're the one who went out and learned smithery. I'm just glad it all worked out. If only those pegasus knights could see you now!

Cordelia: Heh, perhaps they are looking on from the afterlife.

Avatar: Er, the afterlife?

Cordelia: Yes, if you believe in such things. ...You do know the story, don't you? How my fellow knights gave their lives so I could escape and warn your party?

Avatar: Gracious, no! I mean, I knew that some of them... I just... I didn't think those were the same knights who... I'm sorry. I didn't fully understand until this moment.

Cordelia: That's all right. I suppose how I put things is partly to blame.

Avatar: So despite all the teasing, they loved you enough in the end to die for you?

Cordelia: I was surprised, too! It turns out they'd pretty much decided I was the future. The insults and so forth were just the usual hazing of the new recruit. *Sniff* My only regret is... I wish we'd had more time to...get to know each other. I only much they loved those last, awful moments...

Avatar: Cordelia...

Cordelia: *Sniff* R-right, then. Enough self-pity. I don't want to try your patience. ...But I must say, it does feel good to get this off my chest.

Avatar: I understand now why you don't like to be called a genius.

Cordelia: You do?

Avatar: Remember how upset you got the first time I called you that? I thought it reminded you of a sarcastic insult, but in fact it was the opposite. When your comrades sacrificed themselves for you, you realized that they meant it.

Cordelia: You're rather clever yourself, working all that out on your own.

Avatar: Not clever, no. Just blessed with the kind of insight close friends share. Because I AM a close friend now, and I'll always be here for you.

Cordelia: *Sniff* Oh, Avatar. ...Th-thank you.

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Avatar: Cordelia, what are you doing?

Cordelia: I'm going to see how far I can throw my homemade javelin!

Avatar: From the top of this cliff?! You'll never see it again!

Cordelia: That's the idea. Seeing it only reminds me of my fallen comrades. If I'm ever going to be the knight they hoped I'd be, I have to let go of the past.

Avatar: ...I daresay you're right.

Cordelia: So, here goes. ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEE!

Avatar: Whoa, what a throw! That javelin sailed like the wind! You really are a geniu— Er, you are skilled at many things.

Cordelia: Oh, it's all right. I'm not going to get upset about that word anymore. And I promise not to collapse weeping into your arms ever again!

Avatar: Oh, er... Right. Ha ha! I'd forgotten about that...

Cordelia: Avatar, are you blushing? Don't tell me you've fallen for me!

Avatar: Er, actually...

Cordelia: Hee hee, just a joke.

Avatar: I know, but... Um... You were right.

Cordelia: ...Ah, I get it! Trying to get me back? Ha ha. Good one, Avatar!

Avatar: No...I'm not joking. In fact I've never been more serious. And to prove

Cordelia: Oh, heavens. It's... It's a ring.

Avatar: Will you marry me, Cordelia?

Cordelia: Why, Avatar... The thing is... Yes! Oh yes, with all that I am! I accept with all my heart!

Avatar: Truly?! Th-that's wonderful! Oh, Cordelia, you've made me so happy!

Cordelia: Not half as happy as you've made me!

Cordelia (Confession): Thank you. I thought nothing could warm my heart again. I shall love you above...all others...for the rest of my days.


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Gregor: Here, Avatar. You will drink this, yes?

Avatar: Hmm? What is it?

Gregor: Is special medicine Gregor drinks on hard journey! Tastes like bottom of old well, but is very good for you.

Avatar: I don't need medicine, Gregor. I feel fine.

Gregor: You have no hurting throat? No hacking up of lung?

Avatar: Well, now that you mention it, my throat has been a little sore...

Gregor: In battle, Gregor hear you breathe. Is raspy like old dying donkey.

Avatar: You must have a terrific sense of hearing to notice that over the din of combat.

Gregor: For sellsword like Gregor, health very important. Soldier must be strong, yes?

Avatar: I daresay you're right. I don't pay as much attention to my health as I should. What kind of precautions do you take to avoid becoming ill?

Gregor: Gregor have three rules: gargle, wash hands, and take temperature!

Avatar: Oh. That sounds easy enough. Any other tricks?

Gregor: Gregor may have one more thing, but is very secret. Only men can do. You are man too, yes? Maybe Gregor share with you...

Avatar: This sounds interesting.

Gregor: You sleep in same bed as Gregor! Then we share body heat!

Avatar: I beg your pardon?

Gregor: Body becomes very cold at night, yes? This keeps muscles limber!

Avatar: An extra blanket will do just fine, thank you.

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Avatar: Say, Gregor? I wanted to thank you for that medicine you gave me. I was feeling great after taking it...but I think it gave me strange dreams.

Gregor: Is Gregor maybe in these dreams?

Avatar: Er...

Gregor: Ho ho ho! Is true! You dream of sharing bed with Gregor!

Avatar: We weren't in a bed! We were flying through the air... Then we landed...on the sun, I think. And I rested my head on your knee... Gods, it was horrible...

Gregor: Do not be feeling special. Gregor have that effect on many people.

Avatar: Since the, I haven't slept in days! Days! Look at my eyes! They're bloodshot!

Gregor: Sometimes Gregor have this effect... Usually on the women, but—

Avatar: It's not funny! It is most definitely not funny! I have ch-chills up my back even as we speak...

Gregor: Chills? Hmm... Here, Avatar. Let Gregor look in eyes.

Avatar: No! Stay away from me!

Gregor: You are strange person. Now make with the hushing!

Avatar: ......

Gregor: Bloodshot eyes... Chills on spine... Strange dream... You had insect bite not long ago, yes?

Avatar: Er, yes, actually. A great big millipede bit me on the ankle the other day, but...

Gregor: Oy, is so terrible! You suffer dangerous infection carried by large bug! We must render treatment with no delay. Gregor fear your life is at stake.

Avatar: R-really? It's that serious?

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Gregor: Ah, Avatar. How is recovery?

Avatar: Good, thanks to you. The healers said if you hadn't caught the infection when you did, I'd have died. I owe you my life, Gregor.

Gregor: Oh ho ho! Sometimes batty old man knows thing or two, yes? You are clever young lad, but old man like Gregor can be teaching you many things. You listen to elders, and one day you might be smart like Gregor.

Avatar: Heh, yes, I'll certainly pay closer attention from now on.

Gregor: That is water running under bridge. But...

Avatar: What? Is something still troubling you?

Gregor: You still have nightmare dream? Where you fly and put head on Gregor's knee?

Avatar: Not anymore, thank the gods.

Gregor: Is good. ...Because Gregor has to charge performance fee for appearing in dream.

Avatar: A performance fee? For a dream?! That's ridiculous!

Gregor: But if you say no more dream, then is okay. We call first one rehearsal. Gregor give steep discount. Now, you look after health so you see no more bad dreams, yes? If you get weak again, you can rest head on knee, no charge.

Avatar: I assure you, I will be watching my health very carefully.

Gregor: You sound very with the motivation! Gregor believes you!


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Avatar: Yeowch!

Nowi: Argh! Sorry, Avatar! Are you all right?

Avatar: You mean, apart from this lump on my head? What is this you threw at me?

Nowi: That shiny rock that happens to be my most treasured possession. It took AGES to find.

Avatar: If it's so precious, why are you tossing it around?

Nowi: I was trying to hit that big snake! Did you see it? It slithered away real fast.

Avatar: ...So you're hunting game? With a rock?

Nowi: Exactly! I almost got him, too. ...Oh, look! There it is again! See?

Avatar: Here, let me try.

Nowi: You think you can hit it?

Avatar: Casting magic or hurling stones, it's all about focus and control. And you have to lead you target... Like...THIS!

Nowi: Oh, WOWZERS! Nailed it right in the head! That was great!

Avatar: Well, I have my moments.

Nowi: How did you do it?! You've got to show me!

Avatar: All right. First of all, you want to grip the stone like this...

Nowi: Okay...

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Nowi: Hey, Avatar! Look what I got!

Avatar: My, that's a big snake! Did you it catch yourself?

Nowi: Yep! But only because of your rock-throwing lessons. Oh, and to thank you for all the help, I want you to have this...

Avatar: But...this is your shiny rock. Your most treasured possession?

Nowi: Oh, I'm not THAT fond of it. Besides, I'll just find another one.

Avatar: Well, that's...very generous of you. Thank you, Nowi.

Nowi: Say, Avatar. You're a good teacher. Is there anything else you can show me?

Avatar: Well, how about trying you hand at field cooking? You know, campfire cuisine? Frederick has just started teaching me the basics, so I'm not very good yet, but...

Nowi: That's perfect! We'll practice together and be gourmet chefs before you know it!

Avatar: With that kind of enthusiasm, we just might, heh heh...

Avatar: ...Well, it looks...edible? At least?

Nowi: At LEAST? I think it smells totally scrumptious!

Avatar: The proof is in the flavor. Which, I don't know... Looks like it could fall anywhere between mud and toenails...

Nowi: Avatar, what ARE you mumbling about? Let's hurry up and eat already!

Avatar: Er, right. H-here goes nothing. *Munch, munch*

Nowi: *Chomp, chomp* Hee hee! See? It's DELICIOUS! It came out just right!

Avatar: It did, didn't it? Thank goodness Frederick is such a good teacher.

Nowi: No, YOU'RE a good student! I wish I could remember things as well as you. I've lived a thousand years, and what can I do? Nothing, that's what.

Avatar: Don't say that. You've got time to learn all kinds of things. And of course I'll help, if you like.

Nowi: Aw, thanks, Avatar.

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Avatar: So you split the blade of grass, cup it in your hands like so, and blow... FfffffvvvVVVVVVWWWEEEEEE!

Nowi: Wow! It's just like a flute!

Avatar: Here, why don't you try?

Nowi: Er, okay. Here I go... Pfffth... Thfffptht... Aw, that didn't sound like anything! Maybe I'm not puffing hard enough? If I turned into a dragon, I could blow—

Avatar: Er, probably not a good idea. We don't want to start a wildfire.

Nowi: *Sigh* Yeah, I guess not.

Avatar: Look, I'll help you practice until you've got it. Sound good?

Nowi: I guess. Though I still think if I just transformed...

Avatar: Let's just try it my way, okay?

Nowi: Hey look, Avatar! There's another giant snake!

Avatar: So there is. And it's quite a bit bigger than the last one you caught... ...Er, Nowi? What are you doing?

Nowi: I'm gonna show you how well I've learned to throw! Ready? Here goes! HIYAAA!

Avatar: Well done, Nowi! You hit him right between the eyes! That must be the biggest snake I've ever seen taken down by a single rock.

Nowi: Pretty impressive, huh?

Avatar: The Shepherds will eat well tonight! ...If we can haul that thing back to camp.

Nowi: I can do it! Even a snake that size is no problem for a mighty dragon. Now I just have to transform and... Oh, no! Where's my dragonstone?!

Avatar: Er, you didn't just use it to knock out that snake, did you?

Nowi: Oh, gosh. I think I did! *Sniff* Wh-what am I going to do?! I can't ever turn into a dragon again, and no one will get to eat snaaaaaake! WAAAAAAAAAH!

Avatar: Easy, Nowi, easy. It's all right. We just have to search a little. I promise I won't leave until we've found it. All right?

Nowi: Gosh, you'd do that for me? Avatar, you're the best!

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Nowi: Thanks for your help the other day, Avatar.

Avatar: You mean searching for the dragonstone? Not at all. I'm just glad we found it. Listen, Nowi. I actually wanted to talk to you about something else...

Nowi: Sure! What is it?

Avatar: The shiny rock that you gave me—was it really precious to you?

Nowi: Oh, yes. Very much so. But it's yours now. I AM looking for a new one, but I haven't found anything yet.

Avatar: Yes, right. That's what I though. ...Here, I want you to have this.

Nowi: Wow, it's SO shiny and pretty! isn't a normal rock, is it?

Avatar: No, it isn't. Not anymore. That was the stone you gave me... But I've made it into a ring.

Nowi: Er, Avatar?

Avatar: Yes, Nowi?

Nowi: I know what kind of ring this is. You want us to promise each other to stay together forever.

Avatar: Oh, so you DO know that custom? Good. I was afraid I'd have to explain.

Nowi: Come on, Avatar, I'm not a total dummy!

Avatar: Heh. Right, sorry. I forget sometimes how long you've spent with us humans. But if you know about this ring...then you also know what it means to accept it.

Nowi: I do! And I DO! In every sense of the words, I do, Avatar! I've wanted to be with you for ever so long—I thought you'd never ask!

Avatar: Then my only regret is not doing so earlier. Oh, Nowi, we'll be so happy together!

Nowi: Oh, I know we will, Avatar! I know we will!

Nowi (Confession): Oh, I'm so happy! I've always wanted a husband! Think of all the wonderful centuries—uh, years we'll have!


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Libra: ......

Avatar: Oh, hello, Libra. What are you up to?

Libra: I'm drawing a picture.

Avatar: Whoa, that's very good! Great shading, exquisite detail, and through it all, an air of melancholy... It's very like you.

Libra: Melancholy? Truly?

Avatar: I don't mean that in a bad way! Actually, you should probably just ignore me... I know very little when it comes to fine art.

Libra: Well, to be honest, I don't know much about it either.

Avatar: Really? But you're so talented!

Libra: I've been told my pictures are technically proficient, but lack artistic soul.

Avatar: Poppycock! I mean look at this sketch—it's BURSTING with soul! I bet whoever told you that was simply jealous of your talent.

Libra: Well, I appreciate the sentiment. Here, you can have this if you like it so much.

Avatar: Are you sure? You didn't draw it on commission or anything?

Libra: I don't ever do drawings on request. ...No exceptions.

Avatar: Well, if it's not meant for anyone else, then yes, I'll gladly accept. Thank you.

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Avatar: Tsk! I just can't get this color right.

Libra: Er, Avatar? You have paint on your cheek. ...And your chin. ...AND behind your ear.

Avatar: Oh, er, so I do. Whoops!

Libra: Are you trying your hand at painting?

Avatar: Yes! Seeing your drawings has inspired me to take up the palette myself... But, I fear I'm wasting my time. Just look at this muddy slop! Clearly when the gods distributed artistic talent, I was in the outhouse.

Libra: The gods would have waited for you, I'm sure. But let's take a look... Oh...dear. Er, it's a portrait of Lissa, is that right? You picked an odd color for her face... And the left eye is rather...oblong. Still, a fine first effort! We can't expect to be perfect straightaway.

Avatar: ...It's a pegasus. And it's NOT my first try. It's my 100th.

Libra: Oh. ...Oh, dear.

Avatar: You don't have to say anything. I can see it in your face—I should just give up.

Libra: N-no, I wouldn't go that far!

Avatar: I would. Still, this little experiment helps me realize just how talented YOU are. I look at that picture you gave me every day, you know?

Libra: Not EVERY day, surely?

Avatar: Each night before I sleep! It fills me with a wonderful sense of peace. I'm always worried it'll get damaged when we march, so I pack it very carefully.

Libra: You're the first person who's ever valued one of my works so highly. And though pride would be a sin, I'm...pleased that you treasure it so.

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Avatar: *Sigh*

Libra: What's wrong, Avatar? You seem most upset.

Avatar: I am, Libra. I am... That wonderful drawing you gave me was torn to shreds. It's ruined completely.

Libra: During the last battle, I assume? When we were suddenly forced to break camp?

Avatar: Yes, exactly. I had no time to pack it away properly, and so... Oh, I miss it already...

Libra: Don't get upset, Avatar. I can draw you another one.

Avatar: But you said you never draw pictures by request. Remember?

Libra: For you, I will be delighted to make an exception!

Avatar: Really? Oh, thank you! What will it be?!

Libra: Well, I haven't thought about it. What kind of picture would you like?

Avatar: How about a self-portrait?

Libra: Er, you want to hang a picture of me on your tent wall? The picture you look at every night before sleeping?

Avatar: Why not? You are one of my closest friends, after all. Is that a problem?

Libra: Well, it's just that the last time I did a self-portrait, everyone though it was a woman. Even after I specifically tried to play up my more manly features...

Avatar: That...must have been embarrassing.

Libra: Well, not that it matters. It's hardly my fault if people can't see the blindingly obvious, is it?

Avatar: Er, right. So, no self-portraits... How about a portrait of me, then? It can be a keepsake for when I get old, to remind me I was once young and handsome!

Libra: A most challenging request, but I will pray that Naga guide my hand!

Avatar: Er, someone less understanding could take that the wrong way, you know...


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Tharja: ......

Avatar: Tharja? ...Are you following me?

Tharja: ...Maybe.

Avatar: Maybe?! I've seen you hiding behind tents and wagons all week!

Tharja: So you finally love.

Avatar: Sorry, what?

Tharja: Oh yes. I realized it the first moment we locked eyes. "He isn't like the others," I thought. "He's the one I've been seeking!"

Avatar: Riiiiiight. Well, um, thank you? ...I guess?

Tharja: That's why I've been watching your every...single...move. Yesterday you read two books and part of a third. You snacked on an apple. And last night, you turned over 12 times in your sleep. ...Well below your average.

Avatar: You've been watching me sleep?!

Tharja: I thought you'd be grateful.

Avatar: No, I think "disturbed" is more the word. You mean to tell me you've been following me every single day since we met?

Tharja: ...Yes.

Avatar: I suddenly feel very ill.

Tharja: Don't worry. I'll take care of you. ...Veeery good care.

Avatar: Coming from a normal friend, I'd probably be happy to hear that. But somehow when you say it, it's not quite so comforting...

Tharja: Is that what you want, Avatar? Someone..."normal"?

Avatar: Well, I...suppose? That's to say—

Tharja: All I needed to hear.

Avatar: Wait, Tharja! Stay! ...Where I can see you! Oh gods, this will not end well...

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Tharja: Why good day, Avatar! How fare you? Enjoying this weather?

Avatar: ...Tharja? What are you doing?

Tharja: What, me? Ho ho! Whatever do you mean? Just a normal greeting on a typical day. ...Why? Are you concerned for my welfare, good sir?

Avatar: Um, well... I suppose, in a way.

Tharja: You ARE?! Why, how sweeeeeet!

Avatar: Actually, I'm more concerned about whatever you're planning for me.

Tharja: Of course I have a plan for you, silly-billy! Now close your eyes, and get ready for... A slice of liver-and-eel pie! That's your favorite, correct? Oh, I do so adore baking...

Avatar: ...Are you SURE you're alright, Tharja? You didn't eat anything strange, did you? Miscast a hex? Hit your head on a rock?

Tharja: Oh ho ho, goodness me! Such an imagination you have, good sir. I'm sure I wouldn't know anything about anything strange, much less eat it! Just a typical day for a typical girl here.

Avatar: This is about our conversation from before, isn't it?

Tharja: Don't be silly. Now have some pie!

Avatar: Look, I don't want—MMPH! *Munch, munch, munch* ...Actually, that's delicious.

Tharja: Oh, huzzah! I've been working on the recipe every day after normal practice!

Avatar: "Normal practice"...? You mean you've been practicing being normal?

Tharja: Indeed! And it worked! I'm perfectly normal now! Ho ho! My yes, so typically normally plain.

Avatar: Do you realize that your "typical normal" is actually very, very unusual?

Tharja: Oh my, huzzah? Goodness, I simply must...something?

Avatar: Tharja, I'm sorry about what I said before. You shouldn't have listened to me. I liked you better the way you were, so can you go back to being the old Tharja?

Tharja: Gracious, I... I have been practicing so diligently as of late, I'm not sure I can stop!

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Tharja: (...Heh heh heh!)

Avatar: I'm glad Tharja's acting like her old self again. A-although... I feel... Urk! Ch-chills up spine... G-goose bumps... C-can't stop sh-sh-shivers...

Tharja: Avatar? ...You all right? Avatar, you're shaking like a leaf! And your forehead's on fire! Okay, Tharja, think. We need cold water and a spell to bring down the fever...

Avatar: Nnnrgh...

Tharja: Hello.

Avatar: Huh? Wh-what happened? Why am I lying here?

Tharja: You lost consciousness and collapsed. It was because of the fever.

Avatar: Yes, I-I've been feeling unwell for a while. Probably been working too hard.

Tharja: I thought you might accuse me of putting a curse on you...

Avatar: I'd never assume that! What kind of monster would curse their friend...

Tharja: ...Oh. Right. That would be crazy! Heh heh.

Avatar: Anyway, thank you so much for taking care of me.

Tharja: Didn't you once say you wouldn't want me taking care of you?

Avatar: Clearly, I was mistaken.

Tharja: You're just saying that because I helped you out.

Avatar: No, it's true! In fact, I wonder if you wouldn't mind...staying... *Yaaaaaawn* Just...just for a while...

Tharja: Aw, how sweet. He's sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!

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Avatar: Tharja?

Tharja: Yes?

Avatar: Don't you think it's time you stopped standing right behind me?

Tharja: Why?

Avatar: Because I can't see your face.

Tharja: Why would you want to?

Avatar: Fine. I'll just turn around. That's better. ...Now that I think about it, this is the first time we've stood like this... So close...face-to-face...

Tharja: Perhaps.

Avatar: I rather like it. Maybe we should do it more often... Maybe we could stand together...forever.

Tharja: ...Forever?

Avatar: ...Forever.

Tharja: Wait, what are you giving... Avatar, is this a ring?

Avatar: I love you, Tharja. I want to be with you, forever.

Tharja: N-no! I can't! Not like this!

Avatar: Oh.

Tharja: ...There. Now try it again.

Avatar: Um, well, I guess if this make you more comfortable... In truth, I'm getting used to it myself...

Tharja: Good. Heh heh...

Tharja (Confession): I can't believe you made me love you! 'Course if you back out, I'll murder you in your sleep.


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Olivia: 248... 249... 250! Phew, that's all of 'em! ...Still a long way to go, though.

Avatar: What are you doing, Olivia?


Avatar: Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you.

Olivia: Oh. It's okay, Avatar. I just didn't see you there.

Avatar: Um, so if you don't mind me asking, what's in the bag there?

Olivia: Hm? Bag? What bag? Ooooooh, THIS bag! Er, it's nothing really. Just a few coins...

Avatar: Keeping a secret stash, are you?

Olivia: It's money I've been saving out of my wages, I'll have you know! Sheesh. "Secret stash" indeed. You make it sound so sinister.

Avatar: I'm sorry. I certainly didn't mean to imply anything untoward. I'm just impressed is all. It takes real dedication to save on a soldier's pay.

Olivia: Oh! Thank you, Avatar. Such praise means quite a lot coming from you...

Avatar: It does? Huh. I've never though of myself as anything spec—

Olivia: Aaaaaaaaanyway, I've got to run. I'm on mess duty tonight. You know what they say, right? A hungry Shepherd is a big jerk!

Avatar: Is that what they say? I had no idea. ...Ah! Olivia, wait! You dropped your secret stash!

Olivia: Will you PLEASE stop calling it that?! You make it sound like I stole it or something. People will get suspicious!

Avatar: Well, whatever you want to call it, you're losing it as we speak! Look at all the coins rolling down the hill!

Olivia: ARRRGH! Why do coins have to be so darn round!

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Avatar: So, Olivia. How goes the saving?

Olivia: Pah-fectly whell, my good mahn! Now be a dear and fetch me some cav-iah?

Avatar: Um, are you all right?

Olivia: Of course! I found a book that teaches how to talk like a noble, so I'm practicing.

Avatar: Oh. I thought maybe a bee had stung your tongue...

Olivia: I did NOT sound like that! ...Or did I? Oh, gods, I DID! This stupid book is useless. Do you realize I've been talking like that all day? Gods, how embarrassing!

Avatar: Oh, it wasn't as bad as all that. Just unexpected is all. I'm sure if you keep practicing you'll get that hang of it.

Olivia: You really think so?!

Avatar: Er...sure. But listen, I wanted to ask something: What are you saving up for?

Olivia: You mean my big bag of loot? ...I want to build a theater.

Avatar: A theater? You mean, with a stage and stands and seats and everything?

Olivia: YES! And fly lofts and trapdoors and a huge proscenium arch! A place where people from all walks of life can experience the wonder of dance.

Avatar: When you say dance, are you referring to YOUR dancing?

Olivia: Well...kinda, yeah. Why? Does that sound egotistical? Because I—

Avatar: Wonderful! I'll be first in line when it opens!

Olivia: Why, thank you, Avatar. How kind of you!

Avatar: But building a theater is quite an undertaking. It'd cost a fair bit of coin.

Olivia: I know, I know. I suppose it's all a bit of a pipe dream...

Avatar: Say, I have an idea. Why don't we join forces and construct it ourselves?

Olivia: Oh, gosh, no! I don't even know which way to point a hammer.

Avatar: Well, I might not look it, but I know a thing or two about carpentry. Come on, it'll be fun!

Olivia: Okaaay, really think we can pull this off ourselves?

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Avatar: ...Phew! Finished at last!

Olivia: We did it. I still find it hard to believe, but we actually did it.

Avatar: What do you think? Do you like it?

Olivia: It''s even more beautiful than I imagined! *sniff*

Avatar: Good! It's nice to know all that work wasn't in vain.

Olivia: ...There's just that one teeeeeeny-tiny issue with the size.

Avatar: ...Ah.

Olivia: It's going to be difficult to dance in a theater that fits in the palm of my hand. ...Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Avatar: Yes, but the perfect venue for a flea circus!

Olivia: I don't want a flea circus!

Avatar: Heh, I know. In any case, as small as it is, it's still a theater that WE built. Now that we know how it's done, it should be a simple matter to scale everything up.

Olivia: You think so?

Avatar: Absolutely! Always have I plan, I say.

Olivia: Well, if you think so, then I believe it! Besides, working with you is so much fun, it hardly feels like work at all. So, only...what? A few more decades? And we'll build a fabulous, human-size theater! ...Hmm. You sure it wouldn't just be easier to save up my money?

Avatar: Now, now! You promised not to talk about that again, remember?

Olivia: Oh, right. Sorry. Well, I have a new, special dance I made to celebrate our new performance space! Would you... Um, would you like to see it? I mean, if you're busy, that's fine...

Avatar: I can always make the time to watch one of your dances!

Olivia: Hee hee! Okay. I might be a bit rusty, but I'll do my best. I've been saving this for when the new theater was ready...

Avatar: Ah, this IS fun, isn't it? The only thing better than having a dream, is making it come true with a friend!

Olivia: Thanks, Avatar. I couldn't do it without you.

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Olivia: *Siiiiiigh*

Avatar: What's the matter, Olivia? That's your third sigh in as many minutes.

Olivia: I've had a lot of expenses recently... I haven't saved so much as a copper. As this rate, I'll be a wizened old granny by the time my theater is built. I think it's about time I gave up on this silly dream...

Avatar: You can't! You've already rehearsed your opening-night performance!

Olivia: I'm sorry to let you down, Avatar. I appreciate all the help. Really, I do.

Avatar: Oh no, you aren't getting rid of me that easily! If we work together, we can make this dream come true.

Olivia: I don't know... Maybe it's all too much... I don't want our friendship to suffer over my silly little theater.

Avatar: ...What if we weren't friends?

Olivia: What?! But...

Avatar: What I mean is...what if we pursued your husband and wife?

Olivia: Avatar?!

Avatar: Olivia, what I want to say is...I love you. ...Will you marry me?

Olivia: Oh! You even brought a ring and... *sniff* Oh, Avatar. I don't care if I get that theater or not... So long as I'm with you.

Avatar: But I care! Now put that ring on and grab a hammer!

Olivia: Hee hee! Maybe we can use the theater for our reception.

Avatar: Heh ha, what a great idea! We'll have cake, and music, and dancing into the night!

Olivia: Oh! And those little bears that balance on wheels! Let's get them, too! Guess I better start saving again!

Olivia (Confession): I've been in love with you forever... I only wish I had the courage to tell you sooner!


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Cherche: Oh, this one is cute! Er, then again, maybe not. Hmm, this one has some nice horns, but I think it's the wrong type for Minerva. Dear me, this is harder than I expected.

Avatar: Cherche? What are you up to?

Cherche: Ah, perfect timing, Avatar. I want to ask you something.

Avatar: What about?

Cherche: Among your friends, are there any particularly beautiful wyverns?

Avatar: ...Did you just ask if I have good-looking wyvern friends?

Cherche: Well, it was worth a shot. I'm looking for a partner for Minerva. I must have searched through dozens of portraits and letters of introduction. And yet, not a single one has been up to Minerva's very exacting standards.

Avatar: Minerva? That massive thing your ride into battle? I, er, didn't know that anyone offered match-making services for wyverns.

Cherche: No one does! That's what is making this so very difficult. I've been doing everything all on my own so far...

Avatar: Impressive. You're breaking new ground in wyvern relations.

Cherche: It's a giant leap for mankind and wyvernkind alike, I'll wager. ...Want to pitch in?

Avatar: Well, if you think I can help! Ha ha ha...ha? Wait... You were being serious?

Cherche: Did you hear that, Minerva? Avatar is going to help us!

(Minerva roars)

Cherche: Oh, look how happy you've made Minerva!

Avatar: That bloodcurdling sound was happiness?!

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Avatar: I've assembled an extensive dossier on prospective wyvern mates, Cherche. ...I can't believe I just said that.

Cherche: Oh, thank you! This is so exciting! Let's see what you have.

Avatar: Here you go.

Cherche: Ah, you've included oil portraits of all the wyverns! What a nice touch. ...No. ...Nope. ...Ugh, not a chance. ...No. ...Aaand, no. Um, Avatar? Did you know that these are all female wyverns?

Avatar: Er, right. Is that a problem?

Cherche: Minerva is a girl. ...Who likes boys.

Avatar: He is? ...I m-mean, she is?!

Cherche: Yes, SHE is! ...It's perfectly obvious if you just bother to look.

Avatar: (Why in blazes would I ever be looking at—)

Cherche: I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch that.

Avatar: J-just scolding myself for making such an obvious blunder! Ha ha! ...Ha. Well, I guess I'll be starting over then.

Cherche: You can probably tell just by looking at her, but Minerva is VERY picky. So do make sure that you bring her only the most handsome candidates.

Avatar: ...You do realize that I have no concept of what makes a wyvern handsome, right?

Cherche: The shape and length of his horns, the shine of his scales, and the length of his wings. Also consider overall musculature, roar volume, and fire-breath heat. ...Oh, and if he happens to be rich, so much the better.

Avatar: Oh, you have GOT to be joking!

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Avatar: Cherche, I believe I've found the perfect wyvern for Minerva! Here, look at this... ...Well? What do you think? Not bad, eh?

Cherche: If this oil painting is accurate, he appears absolutely perfect! Look, Minerva! What do you think? Isn't he terribly handsome?

(Minerva roars)

Cherche: Oh, she definitely likes him.

Avatar: Thank heavens! I was just about at the end of my rope with all this wyvern business...

Cherche: Thank you, Avatar. We appreciate everything you've done for us. You are truly too kind.

Avatar: Well, if I do succeed, I imagine my name will go down in the history books.

Cherche: As the first-ever chaperone for a wyvern blind date? Oh yes. I wager you'll be famous for centuries.

Avatar: ...Wait. I'M not going to be there when they meet! That's absurd! I've never even matched up people, let alone giant reptiles!

Cherche: Oh, you're a quick study. I'm sure it will all go swimmingly.

Avatar: I'm not!

Cherche: If it makes you feel better, I'll be there as well. I'm very familiar with the nitty-gritty of wyvern romance.

Avatar: No, knowing you are familiar with wyvern romance does NOT make me feel better! Besides, why don't you just take over from here and enjoy all the glory? I mean, I'm just blundering around in the dark, and frankly—

(Minerva roars)


Cherche: Rage. ...She's concerned you might abandon the project.


Cherche: She seems sure that you are the key to all of this working.

Avatar: A BEE IS LURKING?! I CAN'T... WAIT, HOLD ON! *sniiiiiif* ...Oh, gods, that's better. My ears just popped. But look, I still have no idea what I'm actually doing... *Sigh* Aw, heck. I started this. I suppose I might as well see it through to the end.

Cherche: Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that! And so is Minerva. Aren't you, Minerva?

(Minerva roars)


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Cherche: Oh, Avatar, I'm sorry Minerva's date didn't work out so well... Especially after you went to all that trouble. He was such a fine-looking wyvern, too— I truly though Minerva would take to him.

Avatar: I wasn't sure what I was in for, honestly, but I certainly didn't expect them to fight! They would have burned down the entire village if you hadn't intervened!

Cherche: They just needed a good scolding to get them to settle down.

Avatar: *Sigh* I suppose it's back to square one again then, eh?

Cherche: Actually, I'm starting to think Minerva is simply too old for marriage now. I suppose we'll both just be a couple of old maids until the ends of our days.

Avatar: Have you ever...looked for a husband?

Cherche: Oh, sure. But it never really worked out for one reason or another. Well, actually, it usually didn't work because of Minerva. She tends to scare people off. A couple men even asked me to leave her for them, but I couldn't do it. I guess a wife with a wyvern just isn't an enticing prospect...

Avatar: Then Minerva has my eternal gratitude.

Cherche: ...What do you mean?

Avatar: She chased away my rivals. Thanks to her, I get to be the one to give you this.

Cherche: A ring? And...engagement ring?

Avatar: Cherche, all of this matchmaking has made me think about my own prospects. And also it's made me think of you much I love you. I swear I will look after you and Minerva till the end of our days. ...Will you marry me?

Cherche: Why, Avatar! Th-this is so surprising! I accept! Oh, I gladly accept!

Avatar: I won't let you down, Cherche. You or Minerva. I promise!

Cherche: It's funny how this all started with me trying to find a mate for Minerva. And now she's still alone, but I managed to find a man of my own!

Avatar: I'd call that a happy twist of fate! Heh heh, no offense, Minerva. ...What, Minerva? What is that look? Wait, not the fire breath! I didn't mean it!

Cherche (Confession): It's funny, being close like this just feels...right. It's as if it was always meant to be.


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Henry: ......

Avatar: Henry? What are you doing? ...Why are you all hunched over? Are you unwell? Is you stomach... Oh, gods, are you hurt?! Somebody, HELP! Henry's been—

Henry: Hey-o, Avatar! What's all the ruckus?

Avatar: Wait, you're...okay? You were all crouched down and quiet... I thought you were wracked with pain.

Henry: Nya ha ha! Nope! I'm completely fine!

Avatar: Ah, well, that's a relief... But, then, what were you doing?

Henry: Guess I was having way too much fun playing with this to notice you come in...

Avatar: What is it, some kind of—AAAAAAAAH!

Henry: Don't worry, it's perfectly safe! *poke, poke* See? Dead as a doornail.

Avatar: An arm?! A disembodied Risen arm?! Ew... Did you bring it back from the battlefield?

Henry: Yep. I was interested in seeing what makes them tick. I thought I'd perform a little dissection and get some "inside" information. Hey, why don't you examine it with me? Maybe we can discover some new weakness!

Avatar: Ugh! D-don't wave that thing in my face! I don't want it anywhere near me.

Henry: Suit yourself! Now where did I put that finger...?

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Henry: Lah-di-da, do-di-do, ♪ fee-fi-fo-fum, bom bom bom... ♪

Avatar: Henry, what are you drawing in the soil? A magic sigil? So you mind me asking what it's for? I must say it looks rather sinister...

Henry: Aw, Avatar, you worry too much. It isn't sinister at all! Not one bit! I'm just going to use it to summon an army of Risen.

Avatar: Wh-what?!

Henry: If I get it to work, we can have them all fight on our behalf! Then we can sip tea for the rest of the war and collect the accolades once it's over.

Avatar: Well I understand the idea in theory. It could reduce casualties on our side... But there is one slight problem... Have you given any thought to how you'll control these soulless warriors?

Henry: Oh, they can't be controlled. You just let them loose to attack anything that moves. But we'll be safe so long as I draw the sigils far enough away from camp.

Avatar: WE might be safe, but won't they turn on local villages, wreaking death and mayhem?

Henry: Yeah, probably. Would be surprising if they didn't, actually. Still, we'd win the battle.

Avatar: Unacceptable. We cannot sacrifice innocent lives for the sake of victory.

Henry: See, now you're just not thinking logically. We've killed countless people in this war— what's a few more souls on the ledger?

Avatar: Those deaths were necessary. We had to kill our foes or be killed ourselves. But killing the enemy isn't the same as sacrificing innocents for victory.

Henry: Seems like an arbitrary line to me... But all right. You're the tactician! No more unholy summoning sigils.

Avatar: Good.

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Avatar: Henry, I wanted to congratulate you on that last battle.

Henry: Oh?

Avatar: Yes. Especially when those risen appeared out of nowhere. You placed the village at your back, even though it was tactically disadvantageous. By holding the line, you saved the lives of countless civilians.

Henry: Yeah, well, you said we shouldn't sacrifice innocents to win a battle.

Avatar: I know what I said, but I was surprised you'd taken it to heart.

Henry: Heh, I just do what I'm told.

Avatar: I didn't realize you were do obedient and...conscientious.

Henry: Heck, I always obey orders! Well, except for stupid ones like "don't fight the enemy." If someone tried to tell me that, I'd cut 'em in half and feed them to the crows!

Avatar: I...see... Well! We wouldn't want that happening to me, eh? Ha ha! ...Ha.

Henry: Hey, you're looking a little pale and sweaty there. Everything okay?

Avatar: Oh, n-never mind that! I have another task for you. Would you help me organize my library of strategy books? I've accumulated so many recently, I just can't keep track of them.

Henry: You got it!


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Avatar: Phew! I think that's enough work for one day.

Lucina: Good evening, Avatar. I wonder if I might have a word?

Avatar: Hello, Lucina. What can I do for you?

Lucina: There's something important I want to talk to you about. ...And only to you.

Avatar: That sounds a bit ominous...

Lucina: Specifically, it's about the future events of my own terrible time. I've told my tale before, but I want you, more than anyone, to understand its import.

Avatar: I see. Please, continue.

Lucina: In the future, almost no corner of our world is safe for humans. Risen prowl the land as masters of all. The people cower in terror, helpless.

Avatar: It sounds like a nightmare come true. I can scarce imagine it...

Lucina: It is a hell on earth. That is why, we cannot — we MUST not — lose this war. Do you see that? You must ensure that Chrom and this brave army avert catastrophe.

Avatar: I will do everything in my power, Lucina. I swear it. I will never stop fighting for you, and Chrom, and all the people of the world.

Lucina: ...That is what I wanted to hear. Thank you, Avatar.

Avatar: ...

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Lucina: ...

Avatar: Lucina? What are you doing out here all alone?

Lucina: Ah, Avatar. I was just thinking about the future again. My future, I mean. I wonder how everyone is managing now. Do they still live, or...?

Avatar: I can scarce imagine what horrors you experienced in such a hard, cruel world. A future that was lost... That we could not save... Tell me, are there others like you there? People who fight against the Risen?

Lucina: Of course. Remnants of armies from the old dynasts survived here and there. We gathered in the last safe corner of the land and united to fight against the tide. But we knew that one day even that final refuge would be overrun...

Avatar: Then the future of humanity depends on what we do in the here and now.

Lucina: Yes, and my father is the key. Without him, that future WILL come to pass. Our struggle there can only postpone the inevitable, not alter it. When I fight for my father, no matter how terrible the foe, or how powerful... I know that I have no choice. I simply cannot lose.

Avatar: You are burdened by the knowledge that you must conquer fate itself. I'm sure it is a terrible weight to bear, but you must remember something...

Lucina: What is that?

Avatar: You don't have to do it alone. You have friends ready to aid you against whatever you face. And your father has an entire army ready to fight and die for him. ...And you also have me, for whatever that may be worth.

Lucina: It is worth a great deal, Avatar.

Avatar: Perhaps I can never truly understand where you come from and the world you lived in. But I do know that we can help you.

Lucina: Th-thank you, Avatar. Your words give me strength.

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Avatar: Hello, Lucina.

Lucina: Hello, Avatar. Were you looking for me?

Avatar: Yes, actually. I wanted to ask you something about the future.

Lucina: What do you want to know?

Avatar: In your future, Chrom is dead, correct?

Lucina: ...Yes. He was betrayed by his closest friend, or so the story goes. That is why I placed myself here in his army — because I trust no one close to him.

Avatar: You've made it your mission to save him - and indeed, nothing is more important. But it must be a hard thing to suspect and distrust every ally.

Lucina: ...

Avatar: Lucina, you're very important to me, and I can't stand to see you neglect yourself.

Lucina: Avatar... I...

Avatar: You have to look after yourself, as well as your father. I mean, what would happen to him if you were to collapse under the strain?

Lucina: I... can handle it.

Avatar: Perhaps. Just... Will you promise me to take better care of yourself?

Lucina: For you... yes.

Avatar: Ah... a relief to hear.

Lucina: And a relief for me that you care, Avatar. Thank you.

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I love you. And no matter what the future holds, I'm going to cherish every moment.

Avatar: Hello, Lucina.

Lucina: Avatar? Fancy meeting you here.

Avatar: Actually, I followed you. I, er... wanted to give you these.

Lucina: Oh, Avatar! Did you pick flowers for me? They're absolutely beautiful, and they smell heavenly!

Avatar: ...I'm glad you like them.

Lucina: We have no flowers in my world. The whole land is barren. ...But enough of that. Tell me, Avatar, what are we celebrating?

Avatar: Nothing, really. I just thought you could use some cheer.

Lucina: You really shouldn't worry about me so...

Avatar: It's no trouble... I... You're a dear friend, and I want to do anything I can to help.

Lucina: ...

Avatar: ... ...Actually, I'm not being entirely honest. You ARE dear to me, of course, and the daughter of a true friend. But...

Lucina: But...?

Avatar: But you are more than that. Much more! I didn't pick that bouquet to cheer you up. I did it because... Because I'm in love with you.

Lucina: What?

Avatar: Lucina, I've fallen helplessly in love with you! I tried not to, but I couldn't help it!

Lucina: Oh, Avatar...

Avatar: We've been through so much, and I know many trials still await us... But no matter what happened or is yet to come, my feelings cannot change! I love you, Lucina. With all my heart.

Lucina: I... I'm so glad you told me all this. ...Because you are in my heart as well.

Avatar: Truly? Oh, those must be the sweetest words I've ever heard! Lucina, I promise you, no matter what: I will be here for you and Chrom. Whatever road you choose to follow, I shall follow it at your side.

Lucina: And we won't rest until we reach the end! Together!

Lucina (Confession): I love you, and no matter what the future holds, I'm going to cherish every moment.


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Avatar: I have a question for you, Say'ri.

Say'ri: Then I shall strive to answer it.

Avatar: It's about your armor. I've never seen anything like it. Where did you get it?

Say'ri: This? It's a common enough sight in Chon'sin. All warriors wear a variation.

Avatar: The shape is unusual, but clever in its design. The plating looks tough as well.

Say'ri: Hardened lacquer. It keeps the armor light while providing excellent defense. It's quite rare to see heavy armor where I come from. And we wield a curved, single-edged blade in both hands, so we do not carry shields.

Avatar: That's a far cry from what I'm used to... Are there any more important differences?

Say'ri: Aye, a world's worth, sir! You'd find much of Chon'sin culture curious. Food, dress...most everything.

Avatar: I'd love to hear more sometime. ...If you don't mind, that is.

Say'ri: Of course. I would be honored. Talk of my homeland keeps it close to my heart.

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Avatar: Are you free, Say'ri? I was hoping to hear more about Chon'sin culture.

Say'ri: Aye, I am always free for such a thing! Where shall I begin?

Avatar: Well, how is the food different between here and there?

Say'ri: Rice is our mainstay. 'Twas only recently that first I tasted bread or cheese.

Avatar: Interesting.

Say'ri: Raw fish is also a Chon'sin delicacy.

Avatar: ...Raw? Is it any good?

Say'ri: Quite so, provided the fish is fresh. If not...well, it can be an ugly sight indeed.

Avatar: Seems our foods are as different as our weapons and armor. It must have been difficult to grow accustomed to life in the camp.

Say'ri: I find you cuisine quite palatable, in truth. Though I do miss the tastes of home.

Avatar: I'd love to try it myself someday.

Say'ri: Aye! If ever the opportunity arises, it would be my honor to treat you.

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Avatar: Hello, Say'ri.

Say'ri: ......

Avatar: (Did she not hear me? Or is she distracted by something? Oh, I say! She's painting! ...Huh, she's actually quite skilled.) Ho there, Say'ri!

Say'ri: Wha—?!

Avatar: Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you.

Say'ri: Oh, Avatar! Fie, but you gave me quite the start... I should be the one apologizing for shouting as I did. Er, I was just... That is... Please don't concern yourself with this.

Avatar: What, with the painting? Whyever not? It's breathtaking... You're really talented. There's no reason to hide it, is there?

Say'ri: I suppose not. ...And less still, if you've already seen it.

Avatar: What a lovely tree... But why are the leaves that color?

Say'ri: 'Tis a tree called the cherry. The pink you call out are its blossoms, not its leaves.

Avatar: Interesting. I've never seen one like it.

Say'ri: It's unique to Chon'sin and blooms but briefly once a year.

Avatar: It must be quite a sight.

Say'ri: It is a dearly-beloved symbol of my people. The river near my childhood home was lined with these trees. When in full bloom, 'twas a spectacle fit to steal one's breath away. I think of it often, of late...

Avatar: ...Say'ri?

Say'ri: Ah, apologies! I lost myself in nostalgia, it seems. I don't know what came over me.

Avatar: Not at all. I enjoy listening to your stories.

Say'ri: Saying so is the greatest reward you could offer. My thanks.

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Say'ri: ......

Avatar: You're awfully quiet, Say'ri. Is everything all right?

Say'ri: Ah, Avatar. Apologies. My head swims with memories of Chon'sin as of late.

Avatar: It wasn't my asking questions that brought this on, was it? If so, that was certainly never my intention.

Say'ri: No, no. It's quite all right. Better than all right, in fact... Because in looking to the past, I've found my way forward...

Avatar: Oh?

Say'ri: I realize that I'm not sad anymore. Even far from Chon'sin, I feel as I belong here. I've found someone whose breast is home, you see, and my place is at his side.

Avatar: You...have? Er, I mean, that's...great. I'm happy...for you...

Say'ri: Ha! See how your face falls at the news... But fear not: that someone is you.

Avatar: ...What?

Say'ri: I'll never be far from home as long as I'm with you, Avatar. Please...stay with me.

Avatar: Oh, Say'ri! I want to spend the rest of my life with you, too!

Say'ri: I...I would be honored.

Avatar: And I'd still love to see Chon'sin once the war is over. I want to see that place that could produce someone as amazing as you.

Say'ri: Then I will show you.

Avatar: It's a promise. You can bring your new home to your old one.

Say'ri: Perhaps under the cherry trees, we can be joined. Together, as one...

Say'ri (Confession): To think my greatest joy would be found within this chaos.... Your heart and mine shall be bound forever.


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Avatar: Ah, Basilio. Hello.

Basilio: Greetings, Avatar. What can I do for you?

Avatar: I wanted to ask you something about your days as the reigning khan. Is it true you used to leave the castle and strike out on journeys?

Basilio: Aye, that I did, when the mood took me! Why, do you think it foolhardy for a ruler to venture outside his castle walls?

Avatar: Of course I do! Even if your post was only temporary, you were lord of the realm. What if you were to run into trouble?

Basilio: IF? Bwa ha ha! Oh, my boy! Khan Regnant Basilio ALWAYS ran into trouble! And he always made it home in one piece.

Avatar: You can't be serious!

Basilio: Well, I'm sure as hell not making it up for YOUR benefit!

Avatar: No, of course not. It's just that... Well, I'm flabbergasted, truth be told.

Basilio: Pah, it wasn't any momentous event. I often went roamin' by myself, in fact.

Avatar: Alone?! Without even the kingsguard?! What fools allowed you to take such risks?! If I'd been on your council, I would never have permitted you to wander off like that!

Basilio: That's exactly what my counselors said. ...So I never told 'em I was going! Ha!

Avatar: You left without an escort AND without telling the council where you were going?!

Basilio: It wasn't easy, mind. I had to pull a few tricks.

Avatar: Tricks?

Basilio: Yep. Come here, lean in close... *whisper, whisper*

Avatar: No! Really?! With THAT? You're pulling my leg!

Basilio: Keep your voice down, fool!

Avatar: Oh, right. Sorry. But...

Basilio: A man can solve most any problem, so long as he's willing to think around corners. Remember that, Avatar, when you get lost in your maps and dusty old books! BWAAA HA HA!

Avatar: ...Was that a joke? I don't get it?

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Avatar: Basilio?

Basilio: Oh-ho! Avatar strikes again! What can I do for you?

Avatar: I was thinking about your clandestine adventures when something struck me... How did you pay for all the costs? You'd have inns, provisions, horses...

Basilio: Easy! I'd hire myself out as a sellsword or join a traveling theater troupe.

Avatar: ...The reigning khan was consorting onstage with ACTORS?!

Basilio: Would've been hell to pay if I were caught, but looking back now, it just seems funny! Remind me to tell you about a little mishap with a cat and a sandbag! Bwaaa ha ha!

Avatar: Yes, I'm sure it was a laugh riot.

Basilio: Gods, but I miss my travelin' days. I grew so bored sitting in that drafty castle... Sometimes, a man needs spice in his life! A mug in his hand, a lady on his arm... Sure wouldn't kill you to let your hair down occasionally, Avatar!

Avatar: I am the tactician for an entire army. I don't have time for solo adventures.

Basilio: No, I suppose not. Especially with this blasted war dragging on.

Avatar: Exactly. I'm glad you appreciate–

Basilio: So what about a woman? You've got time for that, surely?

Avatar: Good heavens!

Basilio: Heh heh. Come now, boy! Don't tell me it hasn't crossed your mind. There're some fine ladies in this army, no? Surely one or two of them tickle your fancy.

Avatar: Well, I... That is to say... We are not having this conversation! I have vital matters of strategy to ponder.

Basilio: Don't get testy with me now, boy! Especially not when I'm about to share my fail-proof tip for meeting ladies...

Avatar: ...I really should get back.

Basilio: Hush now, and lean in close! It's all about... *whisper, whisper*

Avatar: N-no! Really?! That actually works?!

Basilio: Ha ha ha! Well, I'll leave the rest to you and your imagination. Good luck!

Avatar: It truly frightens me to think that man once led an entire nation.

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Basilio: Ahoy there, Avatar!

Avatar: Ah, Basilio.

Basilio: I bet you haven't pulled your nose out of those tactical plans since we last spoke.

Avatar: Yes, Well, I'm afraid I haven't had much time for jollying around.

Basilio: Pah. You're wound up so tight it's a wonder your arse doesn't explode! Still, you're in good company, I suppose. Chrom and his gang are busy just the same.

Avatar: Indeed. When this war is over, I think We're all going to take time to unwind.

Basilio: You might be an old man by then! Nay, boy, you need to have fun while you're still YOUNG! It isn't about amusing yourself. It's about making friends! Forging ties!

Avatar: Yes, I...I suppose you have a point.

Basilio: If you don't take time to chat with friends, you forget how to be persuasive. Now you tell me–what use is a tactician who can't convince soldiers to obey him?

Avatar: ...You certainly make a strong case. Very well. I will try to be more...sociable.

Basilio: You're missing my point, you thick-skulled ninny! It's not about TRYING anything! You just need to make time for your friends and have some fun! that's all.

Avatar: Er, do you have any suggestions? Specifics would be useful...

Basilio: One or two, one or two. Here, lean in close... *whisper, whisper*

Avatar: WHAT?! You must be joking, sir! I... I couldn't do THAT! NEVER!

Basilio: Sure you could! you just need to lay the groundwork properly.

Avatar: How so?

Basilio: Come on, you're the master tactician! What do you do before a fight? Marshal your men, prepare your weapons, match strengths to weaknesses, and strike!

Avatar: I don't quite see the connection...

Basilio: BWA HA HA! By the gods, youth is wasted on the young! Just think about it, fool!

Avatar: But, I still don't understand how I'm supposed to have fun if... He is a baffling man. A bold warrior, but a baffling man... *Sigh* In any case, where's my map for the next battle? Ah... So, if we deploy here...


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Flavia: Ah. Avatar, isn't it? I want a word with you.

Avatar: Oh, Khan Flavia. What can I do for you?

Flavia: I just wanted to say that I am very much an admirer of yours. You are quick witted, bold, and decisive... Everything a superior tactician should be.

Avatar: I'm honored by the compliment, but I only—

Flavia: Please dispense with the humility. I find it terrible dull and, in your case, ill fitting. You are a great talent, and it's only through your efforts that still I draw breath.

Avatar: It was nothing. Truly.

Flavia: Let me speak plainly: the post of chief tactician in the kingdom of Regna Ferox is currently vacant. I want you to fill it.

Avatar: Khan Flavia?

Flavia: Of course, I am talking about after the war. You must see Chrom through to victory.

Avatar: Milady, I...I don't know what to say. Might I have some time to think on it?

Flavia: Yes, of course. You mull it over, then return to me when you are ready to accept.

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Avatar: Hmmm... But then, if they hit us here, our flank would be exposed. Unless...

Flavia: Avatar, is that you?

Avatar: Oh, Khan Flavia.

Flavia: What are you doing out here? Everyone else is resting. Ah, yes, yes, yes.

Avatar: Er, yes what?

Flavia: Not only are you skilled, smart, and brave, but also hardworking and diligent! We simply MUST have you.

Avatar: I'm sorry?

Flavia: Come, come, Avatar. Have you forgotten our talk?

Avatar: Is this about the tactician position?

Flavia: I don't mind waiting until after the war, but I'm anxious to know your intentions.

Avatar: I'm honored by the offer, but I just don't have time to consider the proposal.

Flavia: Too busy serving Chrom, I suppose.

Avatar: He's placed a great deal of trust in me, and I couldn't bear to let him down.

Flavia: I'm going to have my work cut out prying the two of you apart! I can see how strong the bonds are between you—such deep trust is rare. But you must think about your future. This war will end one day... And when it does, you need to decide what's best for you. ...Not Chrom.

Avatar: Er, I suppose so...

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Flavia: Avatar, may I have a word?

Avatar: Ah, Khan Flavia. Is this about the tactician position? As I explained before, I don't have much time to think about it, what with—

Flavia: No, it's not that. Actually, I've been doing some thinking of my own...

Avatar: Oh?

Flavia: As a tactician, your judgement is supreme. Frankly, I've never seen your equal. But I have started to notice that perhaps your powers are not...all of your own. What I mean is, you seem only able to do what you do when you fight with Chrom.

Avatar: Huh?

Flavia: I've been watching the two of you very closely these past few weeks. The bonds of trust are so strong between you—it's as if you feed off each other. ...It's quite remarkable.

Avatar: It is true that when we fight together, I feel more confident and clearheaded.

Flavia: You never had any intention of accepting my offer to join Ferox, did you?

Avatar: It's not that at all! I swear I was going to give it serious consideration! It's just—

Flavia: Oh, it's all right. I don't mind, truly. In any case, I've decided to stop pestering you about the position. After all, we're due for a long run of peace, wouldn't you say? Perhaps my kingdom won't even NEED a tactician! Ha!

Avatar: Heh, I pray that day comes...

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Avatar: Khan Flavia?

Flavia: What is it?

Avatar: I wanted to talk about the position, as Ferox's tactician...

Flavia: Oh? I thought we decided that we won't be needing your services.

Avatar: Well, it's just's true what you said, about how Chrom and I work together. And it made me realize that I need to give myself a new challenge.

Flavia: How do you mean?

Avatar: If I stay with Chrom, I'll never learn how to be a tactician in my own right. So I think that when this war is over, I'm going to strike out on my own. If I don't do it then, I never will.

Flavia: So you will consider my offer?

Avatar: If it is still available, yes.

Flavia: ......

Avatar: Khan Flavia? Did you hear me? I said that—

Flavia: I'm most grateful, but I must confess... I have not been completely honest with you.

Avatar: What do you mean?

Flavia: At first, I did want you to come to Regna Ferox as my tactician. But then, almost without knowing it, I found myself wanting you for different reasons. In short, I wanted you as my...companion.

Avatar: Wh-what are you saying?

Flavia: It shames me to admit it, and I'm sorry for misleading you... Of course, I will understand if you want nothing to do with me...

Avatar: Heh, you won't get rid of me that easy...

Flavia: Hmm?

Avatar: You promised me a job, Flavia.

Flavia: Are you mocking my affections? ...I've killed men for far less, tactician.

Avatar: I wish to serve you for the rest of my life—as tactician AND husband!

Flavia: You... I... Are you certain about this, Avatar?

Avatar: I've never been more certain about anything in my life.

Flavia: Oh, this is wonderful, Avatar! The whole kingdom will rejoice! And I, most of all!

Avatar: Heh, I think you mean "we" most of all. Today I'm the luckiest man in all the realm.

Flavia: Right! Then let's hurry up and get this blasted war over with already, eh?

Flavia (Confession): In the name of Regna Ferox, I'll tear the whole world down if you but ask it of me. That's a Khan's promise.


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Donnel: Nah, still no good. The hook's too big. Maybe if I... Naw, that ain't it either!

Avatar: Donnel? What are you trying to do?

Donnel: This dang fishin' hook I'm makin' just don't wanna work for me. See here? Way it is now, the fish'll just slip right off soon as it starts fightin'.

Avatar: Ah, yes. It needs a barb on the inside. Here, may I? ...There we go.

Donnel: Wow, thanks! I owe ya one, Avatar. How'd ya know so much about fishin' hooks anyhow?

Avatar: Oh, just something I read about at one time or another.

Donnel: Shoulda guessed. You always got yer nose in one dusty book or another. I just wish there was some way I could return the favor.Say, you know anythin' 'bout buildin' snares? I'm actually a pretty good trapper.

Avatar: Not much, I'm afraid. Perhaps you'd teach me some basic traps sometime?

Donnel: Darn tootin' I will! We can start with a box trap. Ain't nothin' to it.

Avatar: Sure, sounds great!

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Avatar: Hey, Donny! You remember that box trap you helped me make? Well, I caught a boar! Just look at the size of this thing!

Donnel: It's near as big as this fish I caught thanks to yer tricky hook!

Avatar: Goodness, I think we're going to have leftovers tonight.

Donnel: Heck, if we smoke that boar'a yours, we'll be set for a month.

Avatar: Boar jerky? My mouth's watering just thinking about it... Oh, and speaking of, I was working on ways to improve that trap. I think I've got a better trigger figured out. You should come by and take a look.

Donnel: Swell! I got a new hook wanted to show ya, anyhow.

Avatar: Ha ha, listen to us! We're obsessed.

Donnel: Heh, ain't that truth? We ain't even on larder duty!

Avatar: We should be, the way we're stockpiling provisions.

Donnel: I wager the others'd think we're a right pair of greedyguts, way we'd goin'.

Avatar: I know! Ah ha ha!

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Avatar: Do you cook, Donny?

Donnel: Sure—if I ain't got a choice. You?

Avatar: I've only poisoned myself twice!

Donnel: You say that like yer proud! But ain't much use to all this meat if we can't do nothin' with it.

Avatar: Do you want to have a go? At cooking it, I mean? I'll bet if the two of us put our heads together we could come up with something.

Donnel: No harm in tryin'.

Avatar: Gah! The fish! You're burning it!

Donnel: And yer stew is boilin' over!

Avatar: HOOOOOOT! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Donnel: You all right?!

Avatar: Ow... Y-yes, I think so. It's just a little burn.

Donnel: You gotta cool that, quick! Take this... Aw, horse apples! We're outta water! I'll go draw some. Don't move!

Donnel: I got the water! Stick yer hand in there!

Avatar: Ahhhhhhhhh...

Donnel: I reckon there WAS harm in us tryin' to cook.

Avatar: Still, I'd say it was worth it. At least I got to learn something about you.

Donnel: And what's that?

Avatar: You've got a cool head in a crisis. You were quick on your feet and kept it together. Thanks again for the water.

Donnel: Shucks. Ain't nothin' nobody else wouldn'ta done...

Avatar: Don't be so modest. You certainly... *sniff* *sniiiiiiff* Er, Donny? Is something burning?

Donnel: The fish! The fish is still on the goldurn fire!

Avatar: I think the harm is starting to outweigh the benefit now. Let's just throw some dirt over these cookfires and slink away. Er, and perhaps we'll not mention this to anyone else, eh?


C Support

Anna: Tee hee hee!

Avatar: Ha! Someone's cheerful today.

Anna: EEEEEEEEK! Oh! Sorry! I didn't notice you there, Avatar.

Avatar: No, I'M sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that. I was just wondering what you were laughing about?

Anna: Well, I just sold some inventory at three times the price I paid for it!

Avatar: That's great! ...So long as I wasn't one of the suckers who fell for it?

Anna: Hey, if you don't know the game, you shouldn't make the deal! But don't worry. It wasn't you. ...Ah, there's nothing like the feeling of when the coins hit your hand.

Avatar: If you say so.

Anna: Oh, I do! I tell ya, the path to happiness is paved with gold!

Avatar: ...But there are some things money can't buy. Important things.

Anna: Pffft. That's a load of bull plop! And even if it was true, money makes you care less about having those things.

Avatar: I don't know...

Anna: I love money! Money, money, money! Clink clink clink go the coins!

Avatar: ......

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Avatar: Hello, Anna.

Anna: Oh! Hello, Avatar!

Avatar: I've been thinking about our last talk... I must say, I'm a bit concerned. You do know there are some things money can't buy, right?

Anna: Well, everyone says that, but it's not really true. Money can buy loyalty. It can buy safety. ...Power. ...Strength. Even love is for sale, if the price is right.

Avatar: You can't possibly believe that!

Anna: Believe it? Heck, I've SEEN it! I can't tell you how many men I've had to turn away. Besides, even the noblest soul considers finances when looking for a partner. No one wants to marry a broke joker, no matter how sweet he might be.

Avatar: I don't... Hmm...

Anna: Or say there was a girl you were completely in love with. What would you do? Take her to nice restaurants.... Buy her expensive gifts... That's money at work right there... And there's nothing wrong with it!

Avatar: I suppose your argument has some merit, though it still seems extreme. And even if try, isn't it kind of... I don't know. Sad?

Anna: Look, I'd love to live in a rainbow-sprinkle world where money didn't matter, too. But it's important to be realistic about things, even when reality isn't pretty.

Avatar: I guess that's fair...

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Anna: Rragh! What gives today?!

Avatar: Something wrong, Anna?

Anna: Yes, something's wrong! I didn't make a single sale all day! And my merch is top notch, too. The world's gone topsy-turvy!

Avatar: Sorry to hear it.

Anna: Times like this, a girl needs a shoulder to cry on.

Avatar: Perhaps you could rent one?

Anna: Oh, ha ha. Very funny... Look, I may be pragmatic, but I'm stll human. I need companionship, too.

Avatar: ...Really?

Anna: YES! Do you really have to ask? Sheesh, why can't you just listen like you always do?

Avatar: Maybe I'm holding out for more money.

Anna: Now just a... Come on! Stop it already!

Avatar: Hah! Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But after all you said before, I had to razz you a little. I'm happy to listen, free of charge.

Anna: Good! Now wipe that smirk off your face. And get comfortable. This may take a while.

Avatar: Sure, I'll just start a tab...

Anna: *Sigh* ...You just don't give up, do you?

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Avatar: Hello, Anna. I brought you something.

Anna: Ooh! A present? For me?!

Avatar: It's not much, but...

Anna: Aw, it's a necklace! That is SO SWEET! But, um... Why?

Avatar: Well, it's your birthday, isn't it?

Anna: Is it? ...Wait, it is! I completely forgot! I'm suprised you even knew.

Avatar: I wouldn't let a good friend's birthday slip past unnoticed.

Anna: I'm a...good friend?

Avatar: Of course you are.

Anna: Um... Gosh, you really ARE sweet.

Avatar: Thanks.

Anna: ......

Avatar: Something wrong?

Anna: No, I'm just...realizing something. People say "it's the thought that counts"...and it's actually true.

Avatar: You realized that because of my gift?

Anna: I did. And you know what, Avatar? You're right. Some things money can't buy. ...... I love you!

Avatar: Wh-what?! What's this, all of a sudden?

Anna: What can I say? I'm a whimsical girl. So you wanna get married now or what?!

Avatar: Okay, that's REALLY sudden!

Anna: I TOLD you I was whimsical! Better decide quick, before my whimsy takes me in a new direction.

Avatar: Looks like I'm feeling whimsical myself. Let's do it! Let's get married! Just don't ask me to help out with the business. I'm terrible with money.

Anna: It's a deal! Now let's go find a ring and talk the owner down to half price...

Anna (Confession): Keep this up and someday I may love you more than money! Haha... No, seriously.


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Owain: ...I leap into the center of the enemy formation, blade drawn, and spin! I'm no longer a man, but a whirling dervish of death and steel!

Avatar: ...What are you doing, Owain?

Owain: Oh, greetings, Avatar. I'm chronicling the saga of Owain Dark, Avenger of Righteous Justice. It's a tale of blood and honor and me being generally amazing.

Avatar: Owain Dark?

Owain: A title bestowed upon me byt the masses, born of equal parts fear and love! What began as rumor soon became legend, and my name spread throughout the world!

Avatar: Do people actually call you that? I mean, real people? Who exist?

Owain: ...Not yet. But they will!

Avatar: Well, it's good to dream big, I suppose.

Owain: Any man can dream. But only a legend can become a myth!

Avatar: Only a legend can become... You know what? Good for you. Whatever floats your boat, I say. But as a tactician, I'd advise against jumping into a pack of enemies.


Avatar: Gah?!

Owain: I spy a pack ten men strong and charge into the fray! One swipe, and two fall! I lock swords with the third... CHING! His guts spill forth upon the earth! As the fifth falls, the sixth flees, driven mad. A cut and a slash and three more are done! "I bear you no ill will," I cry as I slay. "Rest in peace! Or rest in PIECES!" As the dust settles, only two men yet stand. My showdown with the evil general begins!

Avatar: There's an evil general?

Owain: My sword flashes out, a flickering blur of cold blue steel. Ka-thwack! Schwing! "Ha ha ha! I'm impressed, General. No one has blocked that before." The general wobbles on unsteady feet and then drops to his knees in shame. "Mercy, Owain Dark! Have mercy on me! For I cannot abide another mighty blow!"

Avatar: (It's like watching some kind of bizarre one-man theater performance...)

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Owain: Time to weave another brilliant tapestry of tactics for use in my future battles. Today, I run the gauntlet through the very heart of enemy territory: Castle Doom! Which means it's guaranteed to end with a dramatic rooftop showdown. All right. Here we go... I take the vanguard, sprinting toward the castle gates a step ahead of my allies!

Avatar: Hello, Owain. Are you...visualizing future combat scenarios again?

Owain: I am indeed, my inquisitive friend. And in this week's thrilling episode, I conquer Castle Doom!

Avatar: (Single-handedly, no doubt...)

Owain: What was that, Avatar?

Avatar: Nothing! Nothing at all.

Owain: Then let the carnage begin! The mission is simple: take the wicked lord of Castle Doom...alive! For he is the only one who knows the location of the orphan hostages!

Avatar: Wait, why would anyone hold orphans hostage? Who would pay the rans—

Owain: But at the lord's side stands a stunning female knight of legendary skill. I don't have the luxury of a cautious fight. If we dance, the cowardly lord will flee! I trust my allies to guard the exits, and the rooftop duel commences!

Avatar: Wait, when did you get on the roof?

Owain: I lock eyes with a woman whose sword has toppled dynasties! Our blades meet, and in that instant we each understand the mettle of the other. She smiles then, a slender thing, as a single tear works down her cheek. "At last," she whispers, "a worthy foe."

Avatar: ...Yes? And then?! Don't stop when it's actually getting good!

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Owain: Ahoy hoy, Avatar!

Avatar: Oh, hello, Owain.

Owain: Any interest in hearing the next episode in the ongoing saga of Owain Dark?

Avatar: Um...I don't know. I was going over these plans for our next bat—

Owain: Right then! This time we finish it, for once and for good! It's time to wrest peace from the clutches of evil!

Avatar: —tle. Okay, then. Never mind. I guess we'll all just be killed.

Owain: You say something?

Avatar: Nothing important.

Owain: Right, then. Where were we? Ooh, yes! We left off at the big showdown between me and the legendary knight! Okay, so I beat her.

Avatar: ...That's it? You beat her...? Isn't that a bit, I don't know...anticlimactic?

Owain: She was good. No, great! But even she was no match for the fearsome Owain Dark! AND YET! Our tortured hero now finds himself in a shocking crisis!

Avatar: Here we go, that's more like it...

Owain: It seems the cowardly lord of Castle Doom is even stronger than his shapely knight! My allies drop their weapons and flee for their lives, leaving me as the only hope! We circle each other for what seems like an eternity, the begin a clash for the ages! He raises his blade and brings it down with earth-shattering force! SCHWOO! But I leap to the side with feline grace, and his sword finds only air! He changes his grip and slashes upward, but is speared by my blinding thrust!

Avatar: ...Oh. That wasn't so tough, was it?

Owain: Y-yeah, well, I read his intent by watching his right shoulder and leading foot. The speed of my thrust came from shifting my weight to the back leg.

Avatar: ...Huh. I'm surprised you put that much thought into the details.

Owain: You wound me, sir! The Saga of Owain Dark has always been a simulated training exercise. Every prudent warrior envisions possible scenarios and crafts tactics to best them.

Avatar: So this is just your way of practicing sword forms?

Owain: ...Something like that, I guess. Except that my method is a lot more entertaining.

Avatar: I suppose people learn more quickly with a training style that suits them. I owe you an apology, Owain. I thought this was but egotistical fluff. You've shown me that there are as many ways to train as there are to fight.

Owain: I'm glad you finally ken the true genius of Owain Dark, mortal!

Avatar: You may make a legend after all, my friend. I look forward to watching your progress.

Owain: Owain Dark never disappoints. Just be sure to come back next time for the next thrilling installment!

Owain (as parent and child)

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Owain: A foul sense hangs in the air... My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what's this? Blood...raging! ...A different sort of blood rage than usual!

Avatar: Owain? Is everything all right?

Owain: STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!

Avatar: Why? Did you catch something? Do you think you're contagious?

Owain: The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!

Avatar: ...Er, I'm confused. Are you under someone else's control? Did someone curse you?

Owain: Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!

Avatar: All right, Son, just stay where you are—I'll get your mother!

Owain: Wait, MOTHER?! Er... Heh... That's not... strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me! (Avatar leaves) Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father? ...ACK! Did he actually go get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...

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Owain: Um... You're not still upset, are you?

Avatar: Of course I'm upset! You started moaning and shouting out of the blue! Your mother and I were terrified! *Sigh* Look, I AM relieved you're all right. But what was that about, anyway? Some kind of scripted stage acting?

Owain: I don't script anything! I'll have you know, it's entirely improve— Er... I mean, it's authentic! I'm the chosen scion of warrior heroes across tide and time!

Avatar: And you're not ashamed to spout those lines? ...That makes one of us.

Owain: Ashamed? Ha! Far from it! Though I suppose I can't blame you for not understanding my bleeding-edge aesthetic. After all, you are the product of an earlier, simpler time...

Avatar: Well, a future were everyone talks like you sounds a bit— OWAIN, GET DOWN!

Owain: What?!

Avatar: ...Grah!

Owain: Your shoulder! Father, you're hit!

Avatar: Nngh... Archers... in the trees... They fired on you... But I'd never let them hurt my son... We're outnumbered... We have to get out of here! Now GO!

Owain: R-right!

Avatar: We lost them... We should be safe here.

Owain: Gods, not again...

Avatar: Hmm?

Owain: Why?! Why did you take that arrow for me?! You could've died! This is how it happens, you know! This is exactly... Er...

Avatar: This is how what happens?

Owain: *Sob* Oh, Father... *sniff*

Avatar: Owain? Owain, are you crying? What's wrong?

Owain: I... *sigh* No, nothing. Nothing is wrong. It was... just more improv, all right? Just forget I said anything. More importantly, we need to get that shoulder looked at. I'll go get Mother.

Avatar: A-all right. I'll be here.

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Owain: Father, how's the shoulder?

Avatar: Fine, thank you. Nearly healed. It wasn't much of a wound to begin with, fortunately.

Owain: Good. I don't know what I'd do if...if I got you killed again.

Avatar: Ah, so that's what this is about... I die protecting you in the future?

Owain: It was a Risen attack... You saved me but were gravely wounded in the process... We were separated in the chaos of the battle... I never saw you again.

Avatar: Well, if I did die protecting you, then at least I died with no regrets.

Owain: So yes, that's why when I saw you took a hit for me, I...I lost control. All those feelings of guilt and shame returned. I just couldn't stand it.

Avatar: I'm sorry to have dredged up those painful memories, Owain. But more than that, I'm sorry I left you all by yourself in the future...

Owain: Father, no! You never left me! I never felt alone— not once! You and mother were always with me because you were WITHIN me! I'm the scion of a heroine who gave me life and a hero who gave his life to save mine.

Avatar: Wait. So all this talk about having the blood of heroes in you... You were talking about your mother and me? Owain, that's so— ...Wait a second. Why does OUR blood rage and boil at the drop of a hat? Lissa and I really don't seem the type to have such unruly fluids...

Owain: Well, yes, the part about my blood raging may have been for...dramatic effect.

Avatar: ...Wait, WHAT?

Owain: But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!

Avatar: ...Thank you, Owain. But you're more than just my legacy. You've done plenty in your own right. Your mother and I are so proud of everything you've become...

Owain: Aw, thanks! But... Hnngh... This sensation... B-blood...boiling once again... The fiery pride in your bosom has sparked the tinder of my soul and set me ablaze!

Avatar: Heh. Well, it's good to hear you're back to your old self, at least...


Inigo (as parent and child)


Brady (as parent and child)


Kjelle (as parent and child)


Cynthia (as parent and child)


C support

Severa: Hold it right there, Avatar!

Avatar: Severa? Is something wrong?

Severa: Well, duh! Yes, something is wrong! What was that nonsense at the war council just now?!

Avatar: What, with the battle scenario simulations?

Severa: On the last one, you said we should let the enemy retreat. Are you daft? Anyone with half a brain would know to pursue and finish off the enemy! Gawds!

Avatar: I considered pursuit, but it seemed too risky. Factoring in everyone's exhaustion from the first round, it seemed safest to stay put. Chasing a bear into its den can be asking for trouble, especially after a long fight.

Severa: Unless you actually want to SLAY the bear, in which case it's exactly what you do!

Avatar: I think it really depends on the circumstances... In that scenario, we would've been chasing them into rugged, mountainous terrain.

Severa: So?!

Avatar: So they can't travel at speed through those mountains. It's just not possible. That leaves us plenty of time to finish them off once we're back at full strength. Besides, if a storm hit while we were marching, we'd be devastated. Mountains are fickle things. I thought it best to play it safe in that case.

Severa: You just think you've got ALL the answers, don't you? You sure have gotten a big head since Chrom made you our tactician...

Avatar: Hey, I hardly think that's fair...

Severa: Oh, so you DON'T think you're the smartest one here? How humble of you!

Avatar: All right, then. Let's say you were the tactician in the same situation. What would you do, Severa? How would you direct the Shepherds to pursue the enemy.

Severa: HA! Don't think you can trick me with your...trickery!

Avatar: It's not a trick. I'm honestly curious. If you have a solid plan, then great. I don't want to let them retreat any more than you do, after all. Take a while to think on it, and let me know. Right now, I need to meet with Chrom.

Severa: Oooh! The big man has a big meeting! ...Gawds, he thinks he's so clever.

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Severa: Ha! Found you!

Avatar: Did you need something, Severa?

Severa: Don't play dumb with me. I'm here with an answer to your little question.

Avatar: Ah, how best to pursue enemies fleeing into mountainous terrain? Excellent! And what is your solution?

Severa: You let the main force rest, but send a small strike force of your best fighters. That way, you minimize risk while also having the best chance of killing the foe. What do you think about that?

Avatar: It sounds reasonable enough... But what if their retreat was just a ruse, and they littered the mountains with traps?

Severa: H-hey! You didn't say anything about traps!

Avatar: Without knowing anything about the path ahead, sending anyone is a risk.

Severa: Yeah and so that's why you send your best men and minimize casualties.

Avatar: Not good enough.

Severa: Not good enough?!

Avatar: Chrom and I aren't trying for fewer casualties, Severa. We're trying for none. Anytime we lose a fighter, the operation is a failure-no matter the end result. Your plan is a compromise we're just not willing to take.

Severa: Oh. My. Gawds. Are you serious?! You think you can win a war with pretty ideals and zero casualties? Wake up! You think the war fairy is gonna come flying over and sprinkle victory dust everywhere? ...This isn't about the plan at all, is it? You're just making fun of ME! Well, I'm so sorry if I'm not as smart as my mother!

Avatar: Er, I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying, Severa.

Severa: Well I think you're being a big, fat tactical jerk!

Avatar: Well, that could have gone better. But a least now I see what this is about.

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Avatar: Oh. Hello, Severa.

Severa: ...Hey.

Avatar: I should apologize. For before. I... I shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss your plan. I know you spent time on it.

Severa: No, I'm sorry. I was immature and angry. ... I didn't mean it when I called you fat.

Avatar: Heh, I admit, I did check myself on the scales afterwards.

Severa: Um, so, I thought more about the scenario, and I think I've got an answer.

Avatar: I'm all ears.

Severa: What if we sent a scout group by air? Like pegasus knights or whatever. They map out the area, nail down the enemy's position, and sniff out any traps. THEN we send a ground force to taske out the enemy.

Avatar: ...That is a nuanced, well-considered plan. I'm quite impressed!

Severa: Right? The aerial units just avoid archers, and the ground troops aren't going in blind. It's the perfect scheme!

Avatar: It's a B+ plan, with an A+ for effort!

Severa: ...... B PLUS?!

Avatar: It's a great idea, Severa, but the scenario we ran at thet meeting lacked air support. In this hypothetical situation, there ARE no pegasus knights or... whatever to send. That's why we decided not to pursue the enemy in the first place.

Severa: Y-you can't do this! You can't keep making up new rules all the time!

Avatar: Heh, sorry, Severa. Really I am. I thought that was clear from the start.

Severa: Now I feel like a total idiot for wasting all that time thinking about it!

Avatar: Oh, I wouldn't call it a waste. Considering a problem from different angles often leads to useful discoveries. In fact, your answers have given me ideas for new strategies down the line.

Severa: Yeah, my WRONG answers! Bah, I'm done talking about this!

Avatar: Hey, I'm sorry! Don't be mad, Severa! ...Come back!

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Severa: Hey, Avatar?

Avatar: Yes?

Severa: ...How come you don't avoid me like everyone else does?

Avatar: Wait, do people do that to you?

Severa: Not always... But whenever I contradict someone or start to get angry, they usually stop listening. I think most people think I'm...difficult.

Avatar: Well, for what it's worth, I don't think so. You're emotional, yes, and you say what's on your mind. Forcefully, usually... But that doesn't really bother me. In fact, I find it refreshing...

Severa: Refreshing?!

Avatar: Sure! I mean, look at me. I'm pretty dull when you get rid right down to it. And even when you say something unkind, there's still a bit of... Hmm, how to say it... If I read between the lines of what you say, there's usually some good in there.

Severa: So...can you read between the lines of what I'm saying now?

Avatar: I'm afraid I may need a little more to go on.

Severa: Ugh, you can be SO dim sometimes!

Avatar: ...Am I missing something obvious here?

Severa: I love you, Avatar! That obvious enough for you?! You're always so caring, and it makes me feel...special, I guess. You make me happy.

Avatar: Wow, Severa...

Severa: L-look, I'm sorry for being so snarky and competitive all the time. But maybe in the future we can be more of team?

Avatar: You mean a couple? I'd like that.

Severa: REALLY?! ...You would?

Avatar: ...Heh. I love you too, Severa. I love your passion and your drive. I love how you never hide what you're feeling, for better and for worse.

Severa: Well, this time I think it was definitely for the better.

Avatar: Heh, that much is obvious, even to a big, fat tactical jerk like me.

Severa (Confession): I...I love you... Hey, pay attention for once, and say something sweet, why don't cha!

Severa (as parent and child)


Gerome (as parent and child)

Morgan (F)

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Morgan: Oh, Father! Over here! Come with me a minute!

Avatar: What is it, Morgan?

Morgan: Oh, nothing. It's just... C'mon! I need to talk to you about something.

Avatar: Well, I'm afraid I'm a bit busy at the moment. Can we talk here?

Morgan: H-here? Er, that's not really... I can just wait, thanks.

Avatar: Are you sure it's nothing urgent?

Morgan: Um, no, it's... Ha ha! ...I'll be right back.

Morgan: ... Okay, all set! Now to lure Father into this pitfall trap...

Morgan: Phew, I'm back! Hey, let's take a walk, shall we? Right this way, Father!

Avatar: You're acting very strange, Morgan.

Morgan: (Allllmost... Just a couple more steps...)

Avatar: ...Huh? A pitfall? Now that's a classic!

Morgan: Dang! How did you know?! I was super careful in disguising it. It didn't look suspicious at all!

Avatar: True, your work on the pit is first class. But your odd behaviour made it obvious. Subterfuge and misdirection are half of any good trap, Morgan.

Morgan: Dang. I'll get you next time! By the way, as long as you're here, mind helping me fill this hole in? If someone fell in by accident, they could really hurt themselves.

Avatar: Wait, how deep did you make it?!

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Avatar: Hmm... Now where did I put it...?

Morgan: Looking for that treatise on tactics, Father? Blue cover? Fairly thick?

Avatar: Yes. How did you... Waaait a minute.

Morgan: Yup! I hid it! Think you can find it?

Avatar: Is that today's challenge, then?

Morgan: It's somewhere in camp - I'll tell you that. You have until sundown today! Though I could give you weeks, and you would never find my diabolical hiding-

Avatar: Found it.

Morgan: WHAT?!

Avatar: It's in that bag you're holding, isn't it?

Morgan: Hmph... Fine.

Avatar: Guess I win this round.

Morgan: How did you figure it out so fast?

Avatar: You know me well, Morgan. And that includes knowing how much that book means to me. I knew you'd never hide it anywhere it might be damaged or stolen. So it needed to be somewhere you could keep a close eye on it... yet still concealed.

Morgan: You read my entire thought process! ...And here I thought I was being so clever.

Avatar: All right, that settles today's challenge. Now come take a seat.

Morgan: Huh?

Avatar: Let's read that book together. You wanted to work on your strategic thinking, right?

Morgan: Right!

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Morgan: I'd draw your forces out to this line, then strike with an ambush team from the woods.

Avatar: Then I would move... here. Now you find yourself trapped in a pincer movement.

Morgan: Crud. You win again.

Avatar: At least it was just pieces on a board. In real life, that would've cost lives. A tactician is responsible for their army's survival, and a single mistake can be fatal. But you cannot allow the pressure of that responsibility to stymie you. Running scenarios like this will help prepare you for anything.

Morgan: Thank, Father. I'll give some of your strategy texts another read-through. But know this - one of these days, I WILL outmanoeuvre you!

Avatar: Okay, we'll see about that, kiddo. But you're welcome to try me anytime. I'm always happy to accept a challenge. All right then, we're done for today.

Morgan: Okay! See you tomorrow!

Avatar: ...Phew, that was a close one. I was one step shy of getting completely wiped out. I'd hoped for that to be an unattainable goal for a little longer, so she would push herself. In actuality, I'M the one who needs a push. Better dust off a few of these books myself.


Yarne (as parent and child)

C Support

Yarne: ...... ......

Avatar: Um, Yarne? Is there a reason you're staring at me like that?

Yarne: I'm trying to read your face and find out if you're cheating on Mother.

Avatar: Wh-what?! Cheating? I'd never do such a thing! I've been faithful to Panne since the day I proposed!

Yarne: Oh, all right then... IF you're telling the truth...

Avatar: Why would you think I was cheating?! ...Is someone spreading rumors?

Yarne: Nope. The idea just popped into my head the other day. You see, I got to thinking... What would happen to me if you suddenly decided Mother wasn't good enough?

Avatar: Huh?

Yarne: See, I'd been assuming that all I had to do was make sure you both stay alive. Eventually you'd have me, and poof! My existence would be guaranteed. But that would all change if you left Mother for another woman before I was born. The very instant you made the decision, I would just wink out of existence! The thought of it sends a chill down my spine. Brrrrrr...

Avatar: ...Huh. I guess I see your point.

Yarne: So I'm going to be keeping a VERY close eye on you to make sure you toe the line!

Avatar: Now hold on just a minute!

Yarne: Don't worry, I'll make an exception for temporary dalliances during battle. ...Just so long as the fraternizing STAYS on the battlefield! Anyway, I've got to be going. But remember: I'm watching you!

Avatar: Oh, for gods' sake...

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Yarne: Ah. Hello, Father.

Avatar: What's wrong, Yarne? You look as if your world is about to end.

Yarne: Thirteen yesterday, eight the day before. You know what I'm talking about?

Avatar: Um... The number of masterful blows I struck against our foes?

Yarne: NO! The number of times you spoke to a woman who WASN'T my mother! To think I actually believed you when you said you had no intention of cheating! You have no self-control at all, and I'm going to vanish as a result! I just know it!

Avatar: Yarne, calm down. I was just being polite. Pleasantries and tactics and such.

Yarne: It sounded like more than that to me! Remember, taguel have excellent hearing.

Avatar: *Sigh* Believe me, I know all about that... But you have to understand, I must talk to my fellow soldiers—men and women both. When you're in the thick of battle, it's vital to know who you're fighting with. I mean, what if someone said you couldn't talk to Lucina ever again?

Yarne: ...Well, I guess that would be a problem.

Avatar: I'm glad you understand. But I wish you would just trust me wen I say I would never cheat on your mother!

Yarne: Well, you say that now... And perhaps you even mean it now... But what about the future? How do I know you'll never change your mind? I mean, you once promised me that you'd return home...but you never did...

Avatar: ...Ah.

Yarne: ...Er, forget I said that. It doesn't matter. I won't spy on you anymore. But if you break another promise and cheat on Mother, I won't ever forgive you!

Avatar: ...Hmm. I think I understand now. In Yarne's future, I die and become the memory of a broken promise...

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Avatar: There you are, Yarne. I was looking for you.

Yarne: What do you want, Father? I told you I won't spy on you anymore.

Avatar: That's not why I wanted to see you. I...want to apologize. In the future, I promised to come back to you and...I didn't. I'm sorry.

Yarne: What does it matter if YOU apologize?! It wasn't YOU who abandoned me! It was a different you from a different time!

Avatar: Yes, I understand that. And I also know you're not my son. ...Not exactly, anyway.

Yarne: ......

Avatar: We're not just from different times, but from different versions of time. And yet I think of you as my family all the same. I hope to give you the things that the father in your future couldn't. ...That is what you want, isn't it?

Yarne: I...I guess it is, yes. I know it's not right, but I can't help but think of you as my father. That's why I get scared whenever you talk to other women. I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving Mother and being someone else's father. It would be like losing him all over again.

Avatar: Yarne, what if I made another promise? I swear by all I hold dear that I will survive and that I will never abandon your mother. I love you both more than anything else in this world. I would do anything for you.

Yarne: I...I don't know what to say. Except...thank you. Because this time, I believe you'll keep your promise.

Avatar: Good!

Yarne: Phew! Now maybe I can relax and stop worrying about vanishing from history... You're such a great father! Who's a good father? Yes, whooo's a good father?!

Avatar: I appreciate the sentiment, Yarne, but must you pet me like a dog while you say it?


Laurent (as parent and child)


Noire (as parent and child)


Nah (as parent and child)






